Index for category l - shells/command interpreters,
Table of Contents by Order
212B00CX5643 - INT 21 - The Volkov Commander - GET POINTER TO LEFT PANEL DATA STRUCTURE
212B01CX5643 - INT 21 - The Volkov Commander - GET POINTER TO RIGHT PANEL DATA STRUCTURE
212B02CX5643 - INT 21 - The Volkov Commander - GET POINTER TO GLOBAL VARIABLES
212B--CX5643 - INT 21 - Volkov Commander - INSTALLATION CHECK
2E----BXE22E - INT 2E - 4DOS v2.x-3.03 SHELL2E.COM - UNINSTALL
2F1903 - INT 2F U - DOS 4.x only SHELLB.COM - COMMAND.COM interface
2F1904 - INT 2F U - DOS 4.x only SHELLB.COM - SHELLB transient to TSR interface
2F9902 - INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II - SET 'TRUE' EXIT CODE OF DN.PRG
2F9904 - INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II v1.49 - SET ???
2F9905 - INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II v1.49 - GET ???
2F9906 - INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II v1.49 - GET ???
2FD44D - INT 2F - 4DOS.COM v2.1+ - API
2FE44D - INT 2F - NDOS - API
500002 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - PLOT TEXT
500003 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - WRITE FILE
500004 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - READ FILE
500005 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - PROMPT YES/NO
500006 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - ALERT USER
500007 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - DO LINE
500008 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - DO MENU
500009 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - MESSAGE ON
50000A - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - MESSAGE OFF
50000B - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - CHANGE ATTRIBUTE
50000C - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - DO REQUEST
50000D - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - EDIT LINE
50000E - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - PLOT CHARACTER
50000F - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - EMPTY WINDOW
500010 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - TRACE MENU
500011 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - MOVE MEMORY
500012 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - COMPARE MEMORY
500013 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - GET KEY
500014 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - SCROLL WINDOW
500015 - INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - GET MEMORY HANDLE
INT 21 - The Volkov Commander - GET POINTER TO LEFT PANEL DATA STRUCTURE AX = 2B00h CX = 5643h ('VC') DX = 4F4Dh ('OM') Return: AL = 0 ES:BX -> left panel data structure Program: Volcov Commander is a shell for MS-DOS by Vsevolod V. Volkov SeeAlso: AX=2B01h/CX=5643h,AX=2B02h/CX=5643hTop
INT 21 - The Volkov Commander - GET POINTER TO RIGHT PANEL DATA STRUCTURE AX = 2B01h CX = 5643h ('VC') DX = 4F4Dh ('OM') Return: AL = 0 ES:BX -> right panel data structure SeeAlso: AX=2B00h/CX=5643h,AX=2B02h/CX=5643hTop
INT 21 - The Volkov Commander - GET POINTER TO GLOBAL VARIABLES AX = 2B02h CX = 5643h ('VC') DX = 4F4Dh ('OM') Return: AL = 0 ES:BX -> global variables SeeAlso: AX=2B00h/CX=5643h,AX=2B01h/CX=5643hTop
INT 21 - Volkov Commander - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 2Bh CX = 5643h ('VC') DX = 4F4Dh ('OM') AL = function number 00h get left window data address 01h get right window data address 02h get address of general variables Return: AL = 00h if Volkov Commander installed AH = version code (27h for v4.00.039) ES:BX -> requested data Program: Volkov Commander is a Norton Commander-like DOS shellTop
INT 2E U - DOS 2+ - PASS COMMAND TO COMMAND INTERPRETER FOR EXECUTION DS:SI -> commandline to execute (see #02585) Return: all registers except CS:IP destroyed AX = status (4DOS v4.0) 0000h successful FFFFh error before processing command (not enough memory, etc) other error number returned by command Notes: this call allows execution of arbitrary commands (including COMMAND.COM internal commands) without loading another copy of COMMAND.COM if COMMAND.COM is the user's command interpreter, the primary copy executes the command; this allows the master environment to be modified by issuing a "SET" command, but changes in the master environment will not become effective until all programs descended from the primary COMMAND.COM terminate since COMMAND.COM processes the string as if typed from the keyboard, the transient portion needs to be present, and the calling program must ensure that sufficient memory to load the transient portion can be allocated by DOS if necessary results are unpredictable if invoked by a program run from a batch file because this call is not reentrant and COMMAND.COM uses the same internal variables when processing a batch file hooked but ignored by 4DOS v3.0 COMMAND.COM replacement unless SHELL2E has been loaded the MS-DOS 5 Programmer's Reference calls this "Reload Transient" Format of DOS commandline: Offset Size Description (Table 02585) 00h BYTE length of command string, not counting trailing CR 01h var command string N BYTE 0Dh (CR)Top
INT 2E - 4DOS v2.x-3.03 SHELL2E.COM - UNINSTALL BX = E22Eh DS:SI -> zero byte Return: if successful, SHELL2E terminates itself with INT 21/AH=4ChTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ CRITICAL ERROR HANDLER - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 0500h Return: AL = status 00h not installed, OK to install 01h not installed, can't install FFh installed BX destroyed (MSCDEX v2.21-2.25) CF clear (MSCDEX v2.21-2.25) Desc: determine whether a critical error message override is installed Note: this set of functions allows a user program to partially or completely override the default critical error handler's message in COMMAND.COM SeeAlso: AH=05h,INT 24Top
INT 2F CU - DOS 3.0+ CRITICAL ERROR HANDLER - EXPAND ERROR INTO STRING AH = 05h ---DOS 3.x--- AL = extended error code (not zero) ---DOS 4.0+ --- AL = error type 01h DOS extended error code 02h parameter error BX = error code Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI -> ASCIZ error message (read-only) AL = completion state 00h message requires completion with device name, drive, etc. 01h message is complete as returned CF set if error code can't be converted to string AX,DI,ES destroyed other flags corrupted Notes: called at start of COMMAND.COM's default critical error handler if installed by a user program, allowing partial or complete overriding of the default error messages subfunction 02h is called by many DOS 4 external programs DR DOS's COMMAND.COM appends additional info ("0 files copied") to the returned string SeeAlso: AX=0500h,AX=122Eh,INT 24Top
INT 2F U - DOS 4.x only SHELLB.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 1900h Return: AL = status 00h not installed FFh installedTop
INT 2F U - DOS 4.x only SHELLB.COM - SHELLC.EXE INTERFACE AX = 1901h BL = SHELLC type 00h transient 01h resident DS:DX -> far call entry point for resident SHELLC.EXE Return: ES:DI -> SHELLC.EXE workspace within SHELLB.COM Note: SHELLB.COM and SHELLC.EXE are parts of the DOS 4.x shellTop
INT 2F U - DOS 4.x only SHELLB.COM - COMMAND.COM INTERFACE AX = 1902h ES:DI -> ASCIZ full filename of current batch file, with at least the final filename element uppercased DS:DX -> buffer for results Return: AL = 00h failed, either (a) final filename element quoted at ES:DI does not match identity of shell batch file quoted as parameter of most recent call of SHELLB command, or (b) no more Program Start Commands available. AL= FFh success, then: memory at DS:[DX+1] onwards filled as: DX+1: BYTE count of bytes of PSC DX+2: N BYTEs Program Start Command text BYTE 0Dh terminator Desc: COMMAND.COM executes the result of this call in preference to reading a command from a batch file. Thus the batch file does not advance in execution for so long as SHELLB provides PSCs from its workspace. Note: The PSCs are planted in SHELLB workspace by SHELLC, the user menu interface. The final PSC of a sequence is finished with a GOTO COMMON, which causes a loop back in the batch file which called SHELLC so as to execute SHELLC again. The check on batch file name permits PSCs to CALL nested batch files while PSCs are still stacked up for subsequent execution.Top
INT 2F U - DOS 4.x only SHELLB.COM - COMMAND.COM interface AX = 1903h ES:DI -> ASCIZ batch file name as for AX=1902h Return: AL = status FFh quoted batch file name matches last SHELLB parameter 00h it does notTop
INT 2F U - DOS 4.x only SHELLB.COM - SHELLB transient to TSR interface AX = 1904h Return: ES:DI -> name of current shell batch file: WORD number of bytes of name following BYTEs (8 max) uppercase name of shell batch fileTop
INT 2F U - DOS 5+ - COMMAND.COM INTERFACE AX = 5500h Return: AX = 0000h if an instance of COMMAND.COM is already running DS:SI -> entry point table Notes: used to access the shareable portion of COMMAND.COM, which may have been moved into the HMA; only the primary COMMAND.COM retains this portion procedures called from a dispatcher in COMMAND's resident portion; most assume that the segment address of the resident portion is on the stack and are thus not of general use DR PalmDOS up to DR-DOS 7.03 COMMAND.COM do not support this call. When loading the default command processor (no SHELL= directive in CONFIG.SYS), MS-DOS 6.0-6.22 IO.SYS & PC DOS 6.1-2000 IBMBIO.COM check a signature (see #04099) in the COMMAND.COM file image to test if it is actually their own shell and has the correct version, before they will launch it. If the signature is not found, the message "Invalid COMMAND.COM" will be displayed. This test seems to have vanished with MS-DOS 7+, as it uses an .EXE style file format. In addition to this, the MS-DOS/PC DOS COMMAND.COM checks the version of the underlaying OS to see if it is their own. Hence, the PC DOS 6.1 (and by SETVER version faking also the PC DOS 7 and 2000) COMMAND.COM also run on Novell DOS 7 - DR DOS 7.03, which all identify themselves as DOS API level 6.0 and IBM OEM (not yet tested as primary shell). PC DOS 5.0 COMMAND.COM should run on DR PalmDOS (untested). The MS-DOS 7+ COMMAND.COM seems to no longer perform this kind of version check any more, which can cause a serious deadlock situation on a multi-boot system with DR-DOS installed, when the MS-DOS 7+ COMMAND.COM is placed in C:\. When IBMBIO.COM attempts to load the MS-DOS 7+ COMMAND.COM as a primary shell under DR-OpenDOS 7.02 to DR-DOS 7.03 no error message will be displayed by COMMAND.COM, but the machine will just hang. To defuse this situation, DR-DOS 7.02+ IBMBIO.COM was changed to still scan for a SHELL= directive in [D]CONFIG.SYS even in F5-mode. For maximum safety, the MS-DOS 7 COMMAND.COM should be moved from C:\ to C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\ and a DCONFIG.SYS file should be created containing for example SHELL=C:\DRDOS\COMMAND.COM instead. If a MS-DOS CONFIG.SYS file exists, it should contain a SHELL=C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\COMMAND.COM directive. (If no shell can be found at all, DR-DOS IBMBIO.COM would display a prompt to enter the proper path to COMMAND.COM). The DR-OpenDOS 7.02+ COMMAND.COM is designed to also run on 3rd party operating systems like MS-DOS/PC DOS 3.31+, Windows 9x, and in DOS boxes of OS/2, Windows NT and 2000, and will for example also take advantage of long filenames. SeeAlso: AX=5501h Format of Microsoft COMMAND.COM file image signature: Offset Size Description (Table 04100) 00h 3 BYTEs E9h xxh xxh (JMP instruction) 03h BYTE version bits 7-4: major version bits 3-0: minor version code ( 60h for MS-DOS 6.0 and PC-DOS 6.1; 64h for MS-DOS 6.20, Japanese MS-DOS 6.2, Hangeul MS-DOS 6.2; 66h for MS-DOS 6.22, PRC (Chinese) MS-DOS 6.22; 70h for PC DOS 7, PC DOS 7 Y2K edition ) Notes: Since DR DOS 6.0+, MS-DOS 7.0+, PTS-DOS, S/DOS, 4DOS/NDOS use an .EXE style shell file format, this signature is not met by any release of these shells. DR DOS 3.31-5.0 used a different jump (E8h) at offset 00h. Older releases of MS-DOS/PC DOS all had a jump (E9h) at offset 00h, but other values at offset 03h. For reference here is a list of the values for some of these older shells: 00h for PC DOS 1.10, Olivetti DOS 2.11, MS-DOS 5.0, Russian MS-DOS 5.0 1Eh for MS-DOS 4.01 BAh for PC DOS 3.10, 3.20, MS-DOS 3.30Top
INT 2F U - DOS 5+ - ROM COMMAND.COM INTERFACE AX = 5501h Return: ??? Note: used to determine whether the caller is the first instance of ROM COMMAND.COM SeeAlso: AX=5500hTop
INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 9900h Return: BX = 444Eh ('DN') if installed AX = number of DOS Navigator executions CL = child process exit code DX = version number (see #02965) Notes: old versions of DOS Navigator II always returned AH=1, while newer ones return AH=0 and store AL in the DN.FLG file Program: DOS Navigator is a multi-window shell for MS-DOS by RIT S.R.L. DOS Navigator(TM) is a registered trademark of RIT S.R.L. SeeAlso: AX=9901h,AX=9902h,AX=9903h,AX=9904h,AX=9905h,AX=9906h (Table 02965) Values for DOS Navigator II version code: 2100h version 1.35 2138h version 1.38 2141h version 1.41 2150h version 1.50Top
INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II - RETURN POINTER TO COMMAND LINE AX = 9901h Return: ES:BX -> command line (terminated with 0Dh) AX = ES SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9902h,AX=9903hTop
INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II - SET 'TRUE' EXIT CODE OF DN.PRG AX = 9902h CL = exit code Return: AX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9901h,AX=9903hTop
INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II - SPECIFY HOW TO EXECUTE COMMANDS AX = 9903h CL = 1 to use INT 2E CL <> 1 to use INT 21/AH=4Bh SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9901h,AX=9902hTop
INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II v1.49 - SET ??? AX = 9904h CX:DX = new value for ??? SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9905h,AX=9906hTop
INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II v1.49 - GET ??? AX = 9905h Return: CX:DX = current value of ??? (set by AX=9904h) SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9904h,AX=9906hTop
INT 2F U - DOS Navigator II v1.49 - GET ??? AX = 9906h DX = new value for ??? (bit 15 must be set, otherwise not changed) Return: CX = previous value for ??? SeeAlso: AX=9900h,AX=9904h,AX=9905hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - INSTALLABLE COMMAND - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AE00h DX = magic value FFFFh CH = FFh CL = length of command line tail (4DOS v4.0) DS:BX -> command line buffer (see #02977) DS:SI -> command name buffer (see #02978) DI = 0000h (4DOS v4.0) Return: AL = FFh if this command is a TSR extension to COMMAND.COM AL = 00h if the command should be executed as usual Notes: This call provides a mechanism for TSRs to install permanent extensions to the command repertoire of COMMAND.COM. It appears that COMMAND.COM makes this call before executing the current command line, and does not execute it itself if the return is FFh. APPEND hooks this call, to allow subsequent APPEND commands to execute without re-running APPEND SeeAlso: AX=AE01h Format of COMMAND.COM command line buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02977) 00h BYTE max length of command line, as in INT 21/AH=0Ah 01h BYTE count of bytes to follow, excluding terminating 0Dh N BYTEs command line text, terminated by 0Dh Format of command name buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 02978) 00h BYTE length of command name 01h N BYTEs uppercased command name (blank-padded to 11 chars by 4DOS v4)Top
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - INSTALLABLE COMMAND - EXECUTE AX = AE01h DX = magic value FFFFh CH = 00h CL = length of command name (4DOS v4.0) DS:BX -> command line buffer (see #02977) DS:SI -> command name buffer (see #02978) Return: DS:SI buffer updated if length byte is nonzero, the following bytes contain the uppercase internal command to execute and the command line buffer contains the command's parameters (the first DS:[SI] bytes are ignored) Notes: this call requests execution of the command which a previous call to AX=AE00h indicated was resident APPEND hooks this call BUG: Novell DOS 7.0's COMMAND.COM (prior to Update 12) will attempt to run a disk program with the indicated name even if the returned length byte is zero, because the register used to flag this case is clobbered without first checking it. The workaround is to set the command name buffer to "REM" followed by enough blanks to pad out the original command's length, which will also work with MS-DOS 6. (from SeeAlso: AX=AE00hTop
INT 2F - 4DOS.COM v2.1+ - API AX = D44Dh BH = function 00h installation check Return: AX = 44DDh BL = major version number BH = minor version number CX = PSP segment address for current invocation DL = 4DOS shell number (0 for the first (root) shell, updated each time a new copy is loaded) 01h (internal, v2.1-3.03) terminate current copy of 4DOS Return: nothing (internal, v4.0+) ??? Return: AX = 44DDh ES:BX -> data area (see #03086) 02h ??? DX = ??? Note: v5.52 signals "unrecoverable error" and then terminates with INT 21/AH=4Ch or enters a deliberate infinite loop if ??? ---v2.1-3.03 only--- 03h EXEC program CX:DX -> EXEC record (see #03087) FEh deallocate shell number (passed through to root shell) ??? FFh allocate shell number (passed through to root shell) ---v5.52--- 03h get ??? BL = ??? (00h/01h) Return: DX = current value of ??? 04h set ??? BL = ??? (00h/01h) DX = new value for ??? Note: a bug in v3.00 will crash the system if unrecognized value in BH SeeAlso: AX=D44Eh,AX=D44Fh/BX=0000h,AX=E44Dh,INT 21/AX=4403h"DOS" SeeAlso: INT 14/AX=7000h Index: installation check;4DOS|installation check;NDOS Format of 4DOS v4.0 data area: Offset Size Description (Table 03086) 00h 2 BYTEs ??? 06h WORD XMS handle for swapping ??? SeeAlso: #03087 Format of 4DOS EXEC v2.1-v3.03 record: Offset Size Description (Table 03087) 00h WORD offset of ASCIZ program name in same segment as EXEC record 02h WORD offset of DOS commandline in same segment as EXEC record 04h WORD segment of environment for child process (see INT 21/AH=26h) SeeAlso: #03086Top
INT 2F C - 4DOS v3.0+ - AWAITING USER INPUT AX = D44Eh ---4DOS v3.01+--- BX = condition 0000h 4DOS is ready to display prompt 0001h 4DOS has displayed the prompt, about to accept user input Return: the handler must preserve SI, DI, BP, SP, DS, ES, and SS Note: v3.00 only makes the call corresponding to BX=0001h, does not set BX SeeAlso: AX=D44DhTop
INT 2F - NDOS - API AX = E44Dh Program: NDOS is a version of 4DOS licensed to Symantec for inclusion in the Norton Utilities Note: as NDOS is a licensed version of 4DOS v3.03, the API is identical to that for 4DOS, except that AH=E4h instead of D4h and the installation check returns AX=44EEh instead of AX=44DDh SeeAlso: AX=D44Dh,AX=E44EhTop
INT 2F C - NDOS - AWAITING USER INPUT AX = E44Eh BX = condition 0000h NDOS is ready to display prompt 0001h NDOS has displayed the prompt, about to accept user input Return: handler must preserve SI, DI, BP, SP, DS, ES, and SS SeeAlso: AX=E44DhTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - PLOT TEXT AX = 0002h ES:BX -> text string DH,DL = row,column of upper left corner DI = window handle Return: AX = status 0000h successful (text fits in window) FFFFh error Program: The PC Thuis Organizer Shell was written by John Vanderaart and published in the June/July 1990 issue of PC Thuis Power magazineTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - WRITE FILE AX = 0003h ES:BX -> data to be written CX = number of bytes to write DS:SI -> filename Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh error SeeAlso: AX=0004h"Shell"Top
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - READ FILE AX = 0004h ES:BX -> buffer for data CX = number of bytes to read or 0000h for entire file DL = file type 01h setting shell 02h setting sterm 03h INT21 file DS:SI -> filename Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh error Note: file type numbers are maintained by John Vanderaart; if a new file type is needed, a type number should be requested from him through the magazine: PC Thuis BV Spaarne 55 2011 CE HAARLEM The Netherlands SeeAlso: AX=0003h"Shell"Top
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - PROMPT YES/NO AX = 0005h ES:BX -> prompt string (ES:0000h if no prompt) Return: AX = key pressed 0000h "J" (Dutch "Ja" = "Yes") FFFFh "N" (Dutch "Nee" = "No") Program: The PC Thuis Organizer Shell was written by John Vanderaart and published in the June/July 1990 issue of PC Thuis Power magazine SeeAlso: AX=0008h"PC Thuis"Top
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - ALERT USER AX = 0006h ES:BX -> stringTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - DO LINE AX = 0007h ES:BX -> text string CX = string length in bytes (0000h if NUL-terminated) DL = FFh to center string, else flush left DH = upper left row DI = window handle Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh error Program: The PC Thuis Organizer Shell was written by John Vanderaart and published in the June/July 1990 issue of PC Thuis Power magazine SeeAlso: AX=0008hTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - DO MENU AX = 0008h ES:BX -> menu structure Return: AL = index 1 or FFh if not selected AH = index 2 or FFh if not selected BL = index 3 or FFh if not selected BH = index 4 or FFh if not selected SeeAlso: AX=0005h"PC Thuis",AX=0007h,AX=000ChTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - MESSAGE ON AX = 0009h ES:BX -> message string SeeAlso: AX=000AhTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - MESSAGE OFF AX = 000Ah SeeAlso: AX=0009hTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - CHANGE ATTRIBUTE AX = 000Bh BL = new attribute CH,CL = row,column of upper left corner DH,DL = row,column of lower right corner DI = window handleTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - DO REQUEST AX = 000Ch ES:BX -> request structure Return: AX = status 0000h confirmed FFFFh denied SeeAlso: AX=0008hTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - EDIT LINE AX = 000Dh ES:BX -> text string CL = length CH = input type (see #03243) DH,DL = row,column of upper left corner DI = window handle Return: AX = result code Program: The PC Thuis Organizer Shell was written by John Vanderaart and published in the June/July 1990 issue of PC Thuis Power magazine Bitfields for input type: Bit(s) Description (Table 03243) 0 force uppercase 1 integer 2 no spaces allowed 3 no cursor keysTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - PLOT CHARACTER AX = 000Eh BL = character BH = attribute DH,DL = row,column at which to plot DI = window handle Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh errrorTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - EMPTY WINDOW AX = 000Fh BL = character BH = attribute DI = window handleTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - TRACE MENU AX = 0010h ES:BX -> first menu structure CL = hotkey to look up Return: AL = index 1 or FFh if not selected AH = index 2 or FFh if not selected BL = index 3 or FFh if not selected BH = index 4 or FFh if not selected Index: hotkeys;PC Thuis Organizer ShellTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - MOVE MEMORY AX = 0011h DS:SI -> source ES:DI -> destination CX = number of bytes to move (0000h = until NUL string terminator???) SeeAlso: AX=0012hTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - COMPARE MEMORY AX = 0012h DS:SI -> source ES:DI -> destination CX = number of bytes to compare (0000h=until NUL string terminator???) Return: AX = status 0000h same FFFFh different SeeAlso: AX=0011hTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - GET KEY AX = 0013h CH = type flags bit 0: force uppercase bit 1: integer bit 2: no spaces Return: AX = keystrokeTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - SCROLL WINDOW AX = 0014h BL = direction 06h up 07h down BH = attribute DI = window handle SeeAlso: INT 10/AH=06h,INT 10/AH=07hTop
INT 50 - PC Thuis Organizer Shell - GET MEMORY HANDLE AX = 0015h BL = handle size 00h 65536 bytes (64K) 01h 65535 bytes (64K-1) 02h 32768 bytes (32K) 03h 32767 bytes (32K-1) Return: AX = segment Program: The PC Thuis Organizer Shell was written by John Vanderaart and published in the June/July 1990 issue of PC Thuis Power magazine SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=48hTop