Index for category f - file manipulation
Table of Contents by Order
2F1040 - INT 2F U - DOS 4 only SHARE internal - ???
2F1080 - INT 2F U - DOS 4 only SHARE internal - TURN ON FILE SHARING CHECKS
2F1081 - INT 2F U - DOS 4 only SHARE internal - TURN OFF FILE SHARING CHECKS
2FAB00 - INT 2F - Btrieve Multi-User - INSTALLATION CHECK
2FAB01 - INT 2F - Btrieve Multi-User - EXECUTE Btrieve OPERATION
2FAB02 - INT 2F - Btrieve Multi-User - GET NEW PROCESS ID
2FB701 - INT 2F U - APPEND v3.21 only - GET APPEND PATH
2FB703 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.3, DOS 5.0 APPEND - HOOK INT 21
2FC000 - INT 2F - FN32 32 character filename utilities - INSTALLATION CHECK
2FFB - INT 2F U - Conner Backup Exec AUTORES - API
7B - INT 7B - Btrieve API (single user)
7F0200 - INT 7F - Btrieve Multi-User - GIVE UP TIME???
INT 21 - WILDUNIX.COM internal - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 4Eh DS:DX = 0000h:0000h Return: AH = 99h if installed Program: WILDUNIX.COM is a resident Unix-style wildcard expander by Steve Hosgood and Terry BarnabyTop
INT 2F - SHARE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 1000h Return: AL = status 00h not installed, OK to install 01h not installed, not OK to install FFh installed Notes: supported by OS/2 v1.3+ compatibility box, which always returns AL=FFh if DOS 4.01 SHARE was automatically loaded, file sharing is in an inactive state (due to the undocumented /NC flag used by the autoload code) until this call is made DR DOS 5.0 SHARE 1.00 only checks for AH=10h and in this case does not chain to a previous handler, DR DOS 6.0 SHARE 1.02+ properly chains for any values other than AX=1000h and the private FDOS hook AX=1001h. However, under DR PalmDOS and Novell DOS 7+, the SHARE 2.00+ only tests for the AX=1000h install check, since it no longer uses AX=1001h to hook into the system. DOS 5+ chains to the previous handler if AL <> 00h on entry Windows Enhanced mode hooks this call and reports that SHARE is installed even when it is not BUGS: values of AL other than 00h put DOS 3.x SHARE into an infinite loop (08E9: OR AL,AL 08EB: JNZ 08EB) <- the buggy instruction (DOS 3.3) values of AL other than described here put PC-DOS 4.00 into the same loop (the buggy instructions are the same) SeeAlso: AX=1080h,INT 21/AH=52h,INT 21/AX=4457h/DX=FFFFhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 4 only SHARE internal - ??? AX = 1040h ??? Return: AL = FFh??? SeeAlso: AX=1000hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 4 only SHARE internal - TURN ON FILE SHARING CHECKS AX = 1080h Return: AL = status F0h successful FFh checking was already on Note: DOS 4.x SHARE has dual functions: FCB support for large (>32M) media and file sharing checks. The undocumented commandline flag /NC can be used to disable the sharing code. SeeAlso: AX=1000h,AX=1081hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 4 only SHARE internal - TURN OFF FILE SHARING CHECKS AX = 1081h Return: AL = status F0h successful FFh checking was already off Note: (see AX=1080h) SeeAlso: AX=1000h,AX=1080hTop
INT 2F - Btrieve Multi-User - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AB00h Return: AL = 4Dh if installed SeeAlso: AX=AB01h,AX=AB02h,INT 7B"Btrieve"Top
INT 2F - Btrieve Multi-User - EXECUTE Btrieve OPERATION AX = AB01h BX = process ID DS:DX -> 38-byte parameter record (see #03840 at INT 7B"Btrieve") Return: AL = status 00h OK other retry after calling INT 7F/AX=0200h SeeAlso: AX=AB00h"Btrieve",AX=AB02h"Btrieve",INT 7B"Btrieve",INT 7F/AX=0200hTop
INT 2F - Btrieve Multi-User - GET NEW PROCESS ID AX = AB02h Return: AL = 00h successful BX = process ID AL > 00h failed, retry after calling INT 7F/AX=0200h SeeAlso: AX=AB00h,AX=AB01h,INT 7B"Btrieve",INT 7F/AX=0200hTop
INT 2F - APPEND - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = B700h Return: AL = status 00h not installed FFh installed Note: MS-DOS 3.30 APPEND refuses to install itself when run inside TopView or a TopView-compatible environment SeeAlso: AX=B702hTop
INT 2F U - APPEND v3.21 only - GET APPEND PATH AX = B701h Return: ES:DI -> active APPEND path Notes: the only version of APPEND known to support this call is the APPEND shipped with Microtek MS-DOS 3.21; MS-DOS 3.30-6.00 APPEND displays "Incorrect APPEND Version" and aborts the caller use AX=B704h first, and only call this function if that one is not supported SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B704hTop
INT 2F - APPEND - GET VERSION AX = B702h Return: AX = FFFFh if not DOS 4.0 APPEND (also if DOS 5.0 APPEND) AL = major version number AH = minor version number, otherwise SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B710hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3, DOS 5.0 APPEND - HOOK INT 21 AX = B703h ES:DI -> INT 21 handler APPEND should chain to Return: ES:DI -> APPEND's INT 21 handler Note: each invocation of this function toggles a flag which APPEND uses to determine whether to chain to the user handler or the original INT 21 SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B706hTop
INT 2F - DOS 3.3+ APPEND - GET APPEND PATH AX = B704h Return: ES:DI -> active APPEND path (128 bytes max) Note: some versions of append do not support this call, and return ES unchanged; in this case, you should call AX=B701h to get the APPEND path SeeAlso: AX=B701hTop
INT 2F - DOS 4.0+ APPEND - GET APPEND FUNCTION STATE AX = B706h Return: BX = APPEND state (see #02980) SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B707h Bitfields for APPEND state: Bit(s) Description (Table 02980) 0 set if APPEND enabled 1-11 reserved 12 (DOS 5.0) set if APPEND applies directory search even if a drive has been specified 13 set if /PATH flag active 14 set if /E flag active (environment var APPEND exists) 15 set if /X flag activeTop
INT 2F - DOS 4.0+ APPEND - SET APPEND FUNCTION STATE AX = B707h BX = APPEND state bits (see #02980) SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B706hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ APPEND - GET VERSION INFO AX = B710h Return: AX = current APPEND state (see #02980) BX = ??? (0000h in MS-DOS 3.30 and 5.00) CX = ??? (0000h in MS-DOS 3.30 and 5.00) DL = major version DH = minor version SeeAlso: AX=B700h,AX=B702hTop
INT 2F - DOS 4.0+ APPEND - SET RETURN FOUND NAME STATE AX = B711h Note: if the next INT 21h call (and ONLY the next) is function 3Dh, 43h, or 6Ch (also 4B03h and 4Eh if /X active), the fully qualified filename is written over top of the filename passed to the INT 21h call. The application must provide a sufficiently large buffer. This state is reset after the next INT 21h call processed by APPEND. APPEND uses the byte at offset 3Dh in the PSP (see #01378 at INT 21/AH=26h) to store the flag telling it to overwrite the filename BUG: DOS 4.0 APPEND reportedly overwrites DS:DX instead of DS:SI for INT 21/AH=6Ch SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=26h,INT 21/AH=4EhTop
INT 2F - FN32 32 character filename utilities - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AL = FFh if installed ES:DI -> signature string "FN32 32CHAR TSR" Program: FN32 is a TSR which supports 32 character filenames under PC/MS-DOS Note: the TSR intercepts INT 21 calls and performs filename substitution by managing dictionary files in each directory which contains long filenamesTop
INT 2F - CTDEMN - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = E77Eh BX = 0000h CX = 4F4Dh ('OM') DX = 5453h ('TS') Return: AX = 7EE7h if installed BX = resident code segment CX = 6F6Dh ('om') DX = 7473h ('ts') Program: CTDEMN is a file daemon TSR by Simultan AGTop
INT 2F U - Conner Backup Exec AUTORES - API AH = FBh BL = function number (00h-07h) ??? Return: ??? Program: AUTORES is a resident program launcher for unattended backupsTop
INT 7B - Btrieve API (single user) DS:DX -> 38-byte parameter record (see #03840) Return: return code field set Note: Btrieve sets low byte of vector to 33h; this serves as the installation check SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=AB01h,INT 7F/AX=0200h Format of Btrieve parameter record: Offset Size Description (Table 03840) 00h DWORD pointer to data buffer 04h WORD data buffer length 06h DWORD pointer to 90-byte record containing positioning info (should be same for all calls for same file) 0Ah DWORD pointer to 38-byte FCB info buffer (should be same for all calls for same file) 0Eh WORD function code (see #03841) 10h DWORD pointer to file name/key buffer 14h BYTE key length 15h BYTE key number 16h DWORD pointer to status code (see #03842) 1Ah WORD interface code (version specific) 6176h version 5.10 (Table 03841) Values for function code: 00h open 01h close 02h insert 03h update 04h delete 05h get_equal 06h get_next 07h get_prev 08h get_greater 09h get_gr_eql 0Ah get_less 0Bh get_less_eq 0Ch get_first 0Dh get_last 0Eh create 0Fh stat 10h extend 11h set_dir: set directory information 12h get_dir: get directory information 13h begin_trans 14h end_trans 15h abort_trans 16h get_pos: get record position number 17h get_direct: get data by sending record position 18h step_next 19h stop 1Ah version 1Bh unlock 1Ch reset 1Dh set owner 1Eh clear owner 1Fh create supplemental index 20h drop supplemental index 21h step first 22h step last 23h step previous 24h get next extended: get multiple records using a filter 25h get previous extended: get multiple records using a filter 26h step next extended: get multiple records using a filter 27h step previous extended: get multiple records using a filter 28h insert extended: insert one or more records 31h ??? Notes: add 50 (32h) to any "get" operation to just return the key data add 100 (64h) for a single-record wait lock (automatically released on next get) add 200 (C8h) for a single-record nowait lock (nowait lock returns error 54h or 55h if record already locked) add 300 (12Ch) for a multiple-record wait lock (not released until unlock called) add 400 (190h) for a multiple-record nowait lock (nowait lock returns error 54h or 55h if record already locked) (Table 03842) Values for Btrieve status code: 00h successful 01h invalid operation 02h I/O error 03h file not open 04h key value not found 05h duplicate key value 06h invalid key number 07h different key number 08h invalid positioning 09h end of file 0Ah modifiable key value error 0Bh invalid file name 0Ch file not found 0Dh extended file error 0Eh pre-image open error 0Fh pre-image I/O error 10h expansion error 11h close error 12h disk full 13h unrecoverable error 14h record manager inactive 15h key buffer too short 16h data buffer length overrun 17h position block length 18h page size error 19h create I/O error 1Ah number of keys 1Bh invalid key position 1Ch invalid record length 1Dh invalid key length 1Eh not a Btrieve file 1Fh file already extended 20h extended I/O error 22h invalid extension name 23h directory error 24h transaction error 25h transaction is active 26h transaction control file I/O error 27h end/abort transaction error 28h transaction max files 29h operation not allowed 2Ah incomplete accelerated access 2Bh invalid record address 2Ch null key path 2Dh inconsistent key flags 2Eh access to file denied 2Fh maximum open files 30h invalid alternate sequence definition 31h key type error 32h owner already set 33h invalid owner 34h error writing cache 35h invalid interface 36h variable page error 37h autoincrement error 38h incomplete index 39h expanded memory error 3Ah compression buffer too short 3Bh file already exists 3Ch reject count reached 3Dh work space too small 3Eh incorrect descriptor 3Fh invalid extended insert 40h filter limit reached 41h incorrect field offset 4Ah automatic transaction abort 4Dh Btrieve engine busy or resource locked by another user 4Eh deadlock detected 50h conflict 51h lock error 52h lost position 53h read outside transaction 54h record in use 55h file in use 56h file table full 57h handle table full 58h incompatible open mode 5Ah redirected device table full 5Bh server error 5Ch transaction table full 5Dh incompatible lock type 5Eh permission error 5Fh session no longer valid 60h communications environment error 61h data message too small 62h internal transaction errorTop
INT 7F - Btrieve Multi-User - GIVE UP TIME??? AX = 0200h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=AB01h,INT 2F/AX=AB02h,INT 7B"Btrieve"Top