Index for category H - hardware
Table of Contents by Order
02 - INT 02 C - external hardware - NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT
0A - INT 0A C - IRQ2 - Tandy 1000-series HARD DISK
0D - INT 0D C - IRQ5 - FIXED DISK (PC,XT), LPT2 (AT), reserved (PS/2)
0D - INT 0D C - IRQ5 - Tandy 1000 60 Hz RAM REFRESH
50 - INT 50 - IRQ0 relocated by DESQview
50 - INT 50 - IRQ0 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program
50 - INT 50 - IRQ0 relocated by OS/2 v1.x
51 - INT 51 - IRQ1 relocated by DESQview
51 - INT 51 - IRQ1 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program
51 - INT 51 - IRQ1 relocated by OS/2 v1.x
52 - INT 52 - IRQ2 relocated by DESQview
52 - INT 52 - IRQ2 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x
53 - INT 53 - IRQ3 relocated by DESQview
53 - INT 53 - IRQ3 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x
54 - INT 54 - IRQ4 relocated by DESQview
54 - INT 54 - IRQ4 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x
55 - INT 55 - IRQ5 relocated by DESQview
55 - INT 55 - IRQ5 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x
56 - INT 56 - IRQ6 relocated by DESQview
56 - INT 56 - IRQ6 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x
57 - INT 57 - IRQ7 relocated by DESQview
57 - INT 57 - IRQ7 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x
58 - INT 58 - IRQ8 relocated by DESQview 2.26+
58 - INT 58 - IRQ0 relocated by DoubleDOS
59 - INT 59 - IRQ9 relocated by DESQview 2.26+
59 - INT 59 - IRQ1 relocated by DoubleDOS
5A - INT 5A - IRQ10 relocated by DESQview 2.26+
5A - INT 5A - IRQ2 relocated by DoubleDOS
5B - INT 5B - IRQ11 relocated by DESQview 2.26+
5B - INT 5B - IRQ3 relocated by DoubleDOS
5C - INT 5C - IRQ12 relocated by DESQview 2.26+
5C - INT 5C - IRQ4 relocated by DoubleDOS
5D - INT 5D - IRQ13 relocated by DESQview 2.26+
5D - INT 5D - IRQ5 relocated by DoubleDOS
5E - INT 5E - IRQ14 relocated by DESQview 2.26+
5E - INT 5E - IRQ6 relocated by DoubleDOS
5F - INT 5F - IRQ15 relocated by DESQview 2.26+
5F - INT 5F - IRQ7 relocated by DoubleDOS
72 - INT 72 C - IRQ10 - RESERVED
73 - INT 73 C - IRQ11 - RESERVED
77 - INT 77 C - IRQ15 - RESERVED (AT,PS)
77 - INT 77 C - IRQ15 - POWER CONSERVATION (Compaq SLT/286)
D8 - INT D8 - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ0
D9 - INT D9 - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ1
DA - INT DA - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ2
DB - INT DB - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ3
DC - INT DC - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ4
DD - INT DD - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ5
DE - INT DE - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ6
DF - INT DF - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ7
INT 02 C - external hardware - NON-MASKABLE INTERRUPT Desc: generated by the CPU when the input to the NMI pin is asserted Notes: return address points to start of interrupted instruction on 80286+ on the 80286+, further NMIs are disabled until the next IRET instruction, but one additional NMI is remembered by the hardware and will be serviced after the IRET instruction reenables NMIs maskable interrupts may interrupt the NMI handler if interrupts are enabled although the Intel documentation states that this interrupt is typically used for power-failure procedures, it has many other uses on IBM-compatible machines: Memory parity error: all except Jr, CONV, and some machines without memory parity Breakout switch on hardware debuggers Coprocessor interrupt: all except Jr and CONV Keyboard interrupt: Jr, CONV I/O channel check: CONV, PS50+ Disk-controller power-on request: CONV System suspend: CONV Real-time clock: CONV System watch-dog timer, time-out interrupt: PS50+ DMA timer time-out interrupt: PS50+ Low battery: HP 95LX Module pulled: HP 95LXTop
INT 08 C - IRQ0 - SYSTEM TIMER Desc: generated 18.2 times per second by channel 0 of the 8254 system timer, this interrupt is used to keep the time-of-day clock updated Notes: programs which need to be invoked regularly should use INT 1C unless they need to reprogram the timer while still keeping the time-of-day clock running at the proper rate default handler is at F000h:FEA5h in IBM PC and 100%-compatible BIOSes may be masked by setting bit 0 on I/O port 21h SeeAlso: INT 1C,INT 4A"SYSTEM",INT 50"DESQview",INT 58"DoubleDOS",INT 70"IRQ8" SeeAlso: INT 78"GO32",INT D8"Screen Thief",MEM 0040h:0040h,MEM 0040h:006ChTop
INT 09 C - IRQ1 - KEYBOARD DATA READY Desc: this interrupt is generated when data is received from the keyboard. This is normally a scan code (from either a keypress *or* a key release), but may also be an ACK or NAK of a command on AT-class keyboards. Notes: this IRQ may be masked by setting bit 1 on I/O port 21h if the BIOS supports an enhanced (101/102-key) keyboard, it calls INT 15/AH=4Fh after reading the scan code (see #00006) from the keyboard and before further processing; all further processing uses the scan code returned from INT 15/AH=4Fh the default interrupt handler is at F000h:E987h in 100%-compatible BIOSes the interrupt handler performs the following actions for certain special keystrokes: Ctrl-Break clear keyboard buffer, place word 0000h in buffer, invoke INT 1B, and set flag at 0040h:0071h SysReq invoke INT 15/AH=85h (SysReq is often labeled SysRq) Ctrl-Numlock place system in a tight wait loop until next INT 09 Ctrl-Alt-Del jump to BIOS startup code (either F000h:FFF0h or the destination of the jump at that address) Shift-PrtSc invoke INT 05 Ctrl-Alt-Plus (HP Vectra) enable keyclick Ctrl-Alt-Plus (many clones) set clock speed to high Ctrl-Alt-Minus (HP Vectra) reduce keyclick volume Ctrl-Alt-Minus (many clones) set clock speed to low Ctrl-Alt-SysReq (HP Vectra) generate hard reset Ctrl-Alt-S (many clones) run BIOS setup program Ctrl-Alt-Esc (many clones) run BIOS setup program Ctrl-Alt-Ins (many clones) run BIOS setup program Ctrl-Alt-LeftShift-GrayMinus (some clones) turn off system cache Ctrl-Alt-LeftShift-GrayPlus (some clones) turn on system cache DR DOS hooks this interrupt to control the cursor shape (underscore/ half block) for overwrite/insert mode DR Multiuser DOS hooks this interrupt for cursor shape control and to control whether Ctrl-Alt-Del reboots the current session or the entire system SeeAlso: INT 05"PRINT SCREEN",INT 0B"HP 95LX",INT 15/AH=4Fh,INT 15/AH=85h SeeAlso: INT 16/AH=00h,INT 16/AH=10h,INT 1B,INT 2F/AX=A901h,INT 4A/AH=00h"TI" SeeAlso: INT 51"DESQview",INT 59"DoubleDOS",INT 79"GO32" (Table 00006) Values for keyboard make/break (scan) code: 01h Esc 31h N 02h 1 ! 32h M 03h 2 @ 33h , < 63h F16 04h 3 # 34h . > 64h F17 05h 4 $ 35h / ? 65h F18 06h 5 % 36h Right Shift 66h F19 07h 6 ^ 37h Grey* 67h F20 08h 7 & 38h Alt 68h F21 (Fn) [*] 09h 8 * 39h SpaceBar 69h F22 0Ah 9 ( 3Ah CapsLock 6Ah F23 0Bh 0 ) 3Bh F1 6Bh F24 0Ch - _ 3Ch F2 6Ch -- 0Dh = + 3Dh F3 6Dh EraseEOF 0Eh Backspace 3Eh F4 0Fh Tab 3Fh F5 6Fh Copy/Play 10h Q 40h F6 11h W 41h F7 12h E 42h F8 72h CrSel 13h R 43h F9 73h <delta> [*] 14h T 44h F10 74h ExSel 15h Y 45h NumLock 75h -- 16h U 46h ScrollLock 76h Clear 17h I 47h Home 77h [Note2] Joyst But1 18h O 48h UpArrow 78h [Note2] Joyst But2 19h P 49h PgUp 79h [Note2] Joyst Right 1Ah [ { 4Ah Grey- 7Ah [Note2] Joyst Left 1Bh ] } 4Bh LeftArrow 7Bh [Note2] Joyst Up 1Ch Enter 4Ch Keypad 5 7Ch [Note2] Joyst Down 1Dh Ctrl 4Dh RightArrow 7Dh [Note2] right mouse 1Eh A 4Eh Grey+ 7Eh [Note2] left mouse 1Fh S 4Fh End 20h D 50h DownArrow 21h F 51h PgDn 22h G 52h Ins 23h H 53h Del 24h J 54h SysReq ---non-key codes--- 25h K 55h [Note1] F11 00h kbd buffer full 26h L 56h left \| (102-key) 27h ; : 57h F11 AAh self-test complete 28h ' " 58h F12 E0h prefix code 29h ` ~ 59h [Note1] F15 E1h prefix code 2Ah Left Shift 5Ah PA1 EEh ECHO 2Bh \ | 5Bh F13 (LWin) F0h prefix code (key break) 2Ch Z 5Ch F14 (RWin) FAh ACK 2Dh X 5Dh F15 (Menu) FCh diag failure (MF-kbd) 2Eh C FDh diag failure (AT-kbd) 2Fh V FEh RESEND 30h B FFh kbd error/buffer full Notes: scan codes 56h-E1h are only available on the extended (101/102-key) keyboard and Host Connected (122-key) keyboard; scan codes 5Bh-5Dh are only available on the 122-key keyboard and the Microsoft Natural Keyboard; scan codes 5Eh-76h are only available on the 122-key keyboard in the default configuration, break codes are the make scan codes with the high bit set; make codes 60h,61h,70h, etc. are not available because the corresponding break codes conflict with prefix codes (code 2Ah is available because the self-test result code AAh is only sent on keyboard initialization). An alternate keyboard configuration can be enabled on AT and later systems with enhanced keyboards, in which break codes are the same as make codes, but prefixed with an F0h scan code prefix code E0h indicates that the following make/break code is for a "gray" duplicate to a key which existed on the original PC keyboard; prefix code E1h indicates that the following make code has no corresponding break code (currently only the Pause key generates no break code) the Microsoft Natural Keyboard sends make codes 5Bh, 5Ch, and 5Dh (all with an E0h prefix) for the Left Windows, Right Windows, and Menu keys on the bottom row the European "Cherry G81-3000 SAx/04" keyboard contains contacts for four additional keys, which can be made available by a user modification; the three new keys located directly below the cursor pad's Delete, End, and PgDn keys send make codes 66h-68h (F19-F21); the fourth new key, named <delta>, sends make code 73h the SysReq key is often labeled SysRq the "Accord" ergonomic keyboard with optional touchpad (no other identification visible on keyboard or in owner's booklet) has an additional key above the Grey- key marked with a left-pointing triangle and labeled "Fn" in the owner's booklet which returns scan codes E0h 68h on make and E0h E8h on break the "Preh Commander AT" keyboard with additional F11-F22 keys treats F11-F20 as Shift-F1..Shift-F10 and F21/F22 as Ctrl-F1/Ctrl-F2; the Eagle PC-2 keyboard with F11-F24 keys treated those additional keys in the same way [Note1] the "Cherry G80-0777" keyboard has additional F11-F15 keys which generate make codes 55h-59h; some other extended keyboards generate codes 55h and 56h for F11 and F12, which cannot be managed by standard DOS keyboard drivers [Note2] the Schneider/Amstrad PC1512 PC keyboards contain extra keys, a mouse, and a digital joystick, which are handled like extra keys. The joystick's motion scancodes are converted into standard arrow keys by the BIOS, and the joystick and mouse button scan codes are converted to FFFFh codes in the BIOS keyboard buffer (see CMOS 15h"AMSTRAD"). In addition to the keys listed in the table above, there are Del-> (delete forward) 70h Enter 74h SeeAlso: #00602 at INT 16/AX=6F07h,#03214 at INT 4A/AH=05hTop
INT 0A C - IRQ2 - LPT2 (PC), VERTICAL RETRACE INTERRUPT (EGA,VGA) Notes: the TOPS and PCnet adapters use this interrupt request line by default DOS 3.2 revectors IRQ2 to a stack-switching routine; DOS 3.3+ does so unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS 3.3+ use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ on ATs and above, the physical data line for IRQ2 is labeled IRQ9 and connects to the slave 8259. The BIOS redirects the interrupt for IRQ9 back here. under DESQview, only the INT 15h vector and BASIC segment address (the word at 0000h:0510h) may be assumed to be valid for the handler's process many VGA boards do not implement the vertical retrace interrupt, including the IBM VGA Adapter where the traces are either cut or removed SeeAlso: INT 52"DESQview",INT 5A"DoubleDOS",INT 71,INT 7A"GO32"Top
INT 0A C - IRQ2 - Tandy 1000-series HARD DISK Notes: this interrupt may be masked by setting bit 2 on I/O port 21h the Tandy 1000, 1000A, and 1000HD use IRQ2 for the hard disk; the 1000EX, HX, RLX, RLX-HD, RLX-B, RLX-HD-B use IRQ5 instead; the 1000RL, RL-HD, SL, SL/2, TL, TL/2, and TL/3 are jumper-selectable for either IRQ2 or IRQ5 (default IRQ5); the 1000SX and TX are DIP-switch selectable for IRQ2 or IRQ5 (default IRQ2); the RSX and RSX-HD use IRQ14. Tandy systems which use IRQ2 for the hard disk interrupt use IRQ5 for vertical retrace. SeeAlso: INT 52"DESQview",INT 5A"DoubleDOS",INT 71Top
INT 0A - IRQ2 - ROLAND MPU MIDI INTERFACE Note: newer Roland cards and MIDI interfaces by other manufacturers use a jumper-selectable IRQ, but software and hardware generally defaults to IRQ2 SeeAlso: INT 52"DESQview",INT 5A"DoubleDOS",INT 71,INT 7A"GO32"Top
INT 0B C - IRQ3 - SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS (COM2) Desc: automatically asserted by the UART when COM2 needs attention, if the UART has been programmed to generate interrupts Notes: the TOPS and PCnet adapters use this interrupt request line as an alternate on PS/2s, COM2 through COM8 share this interrupt; on many PC's, COM4 shares this interrupt may be masked by setting bit 3 on I/O port 21h DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ3 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ SeeAlso: INT 0C"COM1",INT 53"DESQview",INT 5B"DoubleDOS",INT 7B"GO32"Top
INT 0C C - IRQ4 - SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS (COM1) Desc: automatically asserted by the UART when COM1 needs attention, if the UART has been programmed to generate interrupts BUG: this vector is modified but not restored by Direct Access v4.0, and may be left dangling by other programs written with the same version of compiled BASIC Notes: on many PC's, COM3 shares this interrupt may be masked by setting bit 4 on I/O port 21h DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ4 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ SeeAlso: INT 0B"COM2",INT 54"DESQview",INT 5C"DoubleDOS",INT 7C"GO32"Top
INT 0D C - IRQ5 - FIXED DISK (PC,XT), LPT2 (AT), reserved (PS/2) Notes: under DESQview, only the INT 15h vector and BASIC segment address (the word at 0000h:0510h) may be assumed to be valid for the handler's process DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ5 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ the Tandy 1000, 1000A, and 1000HD use IRQ2 for the hard disk; the 1000EX, HX, RLX, RLX-HD, RLX-B, RLX-HD-B use IRQ5 instead; the 1000RL, RL-HD, SL, SL/2, TL, TL/2, and TL/3 are jumper-selectable for either IRQ2 or IRQ5 (default IRQ5); the 1000SX and TX are DIP-switch selectable for IRQ2 or IRQ5 (default IRQ2); the RSX and RSX-HD use IRQ14. Tandy systems which use IRQ2 for the hard disk interrupt use IRQ5 for vertical retrace. may be masked by setting bit 5 on I/O port 21h SeeAlso: INT 0E"IRQ6",INT 0F"IRQ7",INT 55"DESQview",INT 5D"DoubleDOS" SeeAlso: INT 7D"GO32"Top
INT 0D C - IRQ5 - Tandy 1000 60 Hz RAM REFRESH Desc: used to ensure that the dynamic RAM retains its contents in earlier 1000-series models; later models use normal DMA for RAM refresh (some early models have no DMA unless it is added via an expansion card) SeeAlso: INT 55Top
INT 0E C - IRQ6 - DISKETTE CONTROLLER Desc: this interrupt is generated by the floppy disk controller on completion of an operation Notes: default handler is at F000h:EF57h in IBM PC and 100%-compatible BIOSes may be masked by setting bit 6 on I/O port 21h DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ6 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ SeeAlso: INT 0D"IRQ5",INT 56"DESQview",INT 5E"DoubleDOS",INT 7E"GO32"Top
INT 0F C - IRQ7 - PARALLEL PRINTER Desc: this interrupt is generated by the LPT1 printer adapter when the printer becomes ready Notes: most printer adapters do not reliably generate this interrupt the 8259 interrupt controller generates an interrupt corresponding to IRQ7 when an error condition occurs SeeAlso: INT 0D"IRQ5",INT 57"DESQview",INT 5F"DoubleDOS",INT 7F"GO32" SeeAlso: MEM 0040h:006BhTop
INT 50 - IRQ0 relocated by DESQview Range: INT 50 to INT F8, selected automatically Notes: this is the default location for older versions; DESQview v2.26+ searches for unused ranges of interrupts and uses the lowest available range in its list for relocating these IRQs and the next lowest for relocating IRQ8-IRQ15 a range of eight interrupts starting at a multiple of 8 is considered available if all vectors are identical and it has not been excluded with an /XB:nn commandline switch the list of ranges for v2.26 is 50h,58h,68h,78h,F8h (if < two of these are available, F8h and then 50h are used anyway) the list of ranges for v2.31+ is 68h,78h,88h-B8h,F8h (if < two of these are available, F8h and then F0h are used anyway) SeeAlso: INT 08"IRQ0",INT 51"DESQview",INT 54"DESQview",INT 58"DESQview" SeeAlso: INT D8"Screen Thief"Top
INT 50 - IRQ0 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program SeeAlso: INT 51"IBM 3278"Top
INT 50 - IRQ0 relocated by OS/2 v1.x SeeAlso: INT 51"OS/2"Top
INT 51 - IRQ1 relocated by DESQview Range: INT 51 to INT F9, selected automatically Note: this is the default location for older versions; see INT 50"DESQview" for details of interrupt relocation SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 54"DESQview",INT 58"DESQview"Top
INT 51 - IRQ1 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program SeeAlso: INT 50"IBM 3278",INT 54"IBM 3278"Top
INT 51 - IRQ1 relocated by OS/2 v1.x SeeAlso: INT 50"OS/2",INT 54"OS/2"Top
INT 52 - IRQ2 relocated by DESQview Range: INT 52 to INT FA, selected automatically Note: this is the default location for older versions; see INT 50"DESQview" for details of interrupt relocation SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 54"DESQview",INT 58"DESQview"Top
INT 52 - IRQ2 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x SeeAlso: INT 50"IBM 3278",INT 51"OS/2"Top
INT 53 - IRQ3 relocated by DESQview Range: INT 53 to INT FB, selected automatically Note: this is the default location for older versions; see INT 50"DESQview" for details of interrupt relocation SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 54"DESQview",INT 58"DESQview"Top
INT 53 - IRQ3 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x SeeAlso: INT 50"IBM 3278",INT 51"OS/2"Top
INT 54 - IRQ4 relocated by DESQview Range: INT 54 to INT FC, selected automatically Note: this is the default location for older versions; see INT 50"DESQview" for details of interrupt relocation SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 58"DESQview"Top
INT 54 - IRQ4 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x SeeAlso: INT 51"IBM 3278",INT 51"OS/2"Top
INT 55 - IRQ5 relocated by DESQview Range: INT 55 to INT FD, selected automatically Note: this is the default location for older versions; see INT 50"DESQview" for details of interrupt relocation SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 58"DESQview"Top
INT 55 - IRQ5 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x SeeAlso: INT 51"IBM 3278",INT 51"OS/2"Top
INT 56 - IRQ6 relocated by DESQview Range: INT 56 to INT FE, selected automatically Note: this is the default location for older versions; see INT 50"DESQview" for details of interrupt relocation SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 58"DESQview"Top
INT 56 - IRQ6 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x SeeAlso: INT 51"IBM 3278",INT 51"OS/2"Top
INT 57 - IRQ7 relocated by DESQview Range: INT 57 to INT FF, selected automatically Note: this is the default location for older versions; see INT 50"DESQview" for details of interrupt relocation SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 58"DESQview"Top
INT 57 - IRQ7 relocated by IBM 3278 emulation control program, OS/2 v1.x SeeAlso: INT 51"IBM 3278",INT 51"OS/2"Top
INT 58 - IRQ8 relocated by DESQview 2.26+ Range: INT 58 to INT F8, selected automatically Note: this is the default, but other INTs may be used (see INT 50"DESQview") SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 59"DESQview",INT 70Top
INT 58 - IRQ0 relocated by DoubleDOS SeeAlso: INT 08Top
INT 59 - IRQ9 relocated by DESQview 2.26+ Range: INT 59 to INT F9, selected automatically Note: this is the default, but other INTs may be used (see INT 50"DESQview") SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 58"DESQview",INT 5A"DESQview",INT 71Top
INT 59 - IRQ1 relocated by DoubleDOS SeeAlso: INT 09Top
INT 5A - IRQ10 relocated by DESQview 2.26+ Range: INT 5A to INT FA, selected automatically Note: this is the default, but other INTs may be used (see INT 50"DESQview") SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 59"DESQview",INT 5B"DESQview",INT 72Top
INT 5A - IRQ2 relocated by DoubleDOS SeeAlso: INT 0A"IRQ2"Top
INT 5B - IRQ11 relocated by DESQview 2.26+ Range: INT 5B to INT FB, selected automatically Note: this is the default, but other INTs may be used (see INT 50"DESQview") SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 5A"DESQview",INT 5C"DESQview",INT 73Top
INT 5B - IRQ3 relocated by DoubleDOS SeeAlso: INT 0BTop
INT 5C - IRQ12 relocated by DESQview 2.26+ Range: INT 5C to INT FC, selected automatically Note: this is the default, but other INTs may be used (see INT 50"DESQview") SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 5B"DESQview",INT 5D"DESQview",INT 74Top
INT 5C - IRQ4 relocated by DoubleDOS SeeAlso: INT 0CTop
INT 5D - IRQ13 relocated by DESQview 2.26+ Range: INT 5D to INT FD, selected automatically Note: this is the default, but other INTs may be used (see INT 50"DESQview") SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 5C"DESQview",INT 5E"DESQview",INT 75Top
INT 5D - IRQ5 relocated by DoubleDOS SeeAlso: INT 0D"IRQ5",INT 5C"DoubleDOS"Top
INT 5E - IRQ14 relocated by DESQview 2.26+ Range: INT 5E to INT FE, selected automatically Note: this is the default, but other INTs may be used (see INT 50"DESQview") SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 5D"DESQview",INT 5F"DESQview",INT 76Top
INT 5E - IRQ6 relocated by DoubleDOS SeeAlso: INT 0E,INT 5D"DoubleDOS"Top
INT 5F - IRQ15 relocated by DESQview 2.26+ Range: INT 5F to INT FF, selected automatically Note: this is the default, but other INTs may be used (see INT 50"DESQview") SeeAlso: INT 50"DESQview",INT 5E"DESQview",INT 77Top
INT 5F - IRQ7 relocated by DoubleDOS SeeAlso: INT 0F,INT 5E"DoubleDOS"Top
INT 70 C - IRQ8 - CMOS REAL-TIME CLOCK Desc: this interrupt is called when the real-time clock chip generates an alarm or periodic interrupt, among others (see CMOS 0Bh). The periodic interrupt by default occurs 1024 times per second. Notes: many BIOSes turn off the periodic interrupt in the INT 70h handler unless in an event wait (see INT 15/AH=83h,INT 15/AH=86h). may be masked by setting bit 0 on I/O port A1h SeeAlso: INT 08,INT 0F"HP 95LX",INT 15/AH=01h"Amstrad",INT 15/AH=83h SeeAlso: INT 15/AH=86h,INT 1A/AH=02h,INT 58"DESQview",MEM FEE00320h SeeAlso: MEM 0040h:006BhTop
INT 71 C - IRQ9 - REDIRECTED TO INT 0A BY BIOS Notes: may be masked by setting bit 1 on I/O port A1h the default BIOS handler invokes INT 0A for compatibility, since the pin for IRQ2 on the PC expansion bus became the pin for IRQ9 on the AT expansion bus. under DESQview, only the INT 15h vector and BASIC segment address (the word at 0000h:0510h) may be assumed to be valid for the handler's process SeeAlso: INT 0A"IRQ2",INT 59"IRQ9",MEM 0040h:006BhTop
INT 72 C - IRQ10 - RESERVED Notes: may be masked by setting bit 2 on I/O port A1h DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ10 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ SeeAlso: INT 5A"IRQ10",MEM 0040h:006BhTop
INT 73 C - IRQ11 - RESERVED Notes: may be masked by setting bit 3 on I/O port A1h DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ11 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ SeeAlso: INT 5B"IRQ11",MEM 0040h:006BhTop
INT 74 C - IRQ12 - POINTING DEVICE (PS) Notes: may be masked by setting bit 4 on I/O port A1h DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ12 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ under DESQview, only the INT 15h vector and BASIC segment address (the word at 0000h:0510h) may be assumed to be valid for the handler's process SeeAlso: INT 33/AX=0000h,INT 33/AX=0024h,INT 5C"NetBIOS",MEM 0040h:006BhTop
INT 75 C - IRQ13 - MATH COPROCESSOR EXCEPTION (AT and up) Desc: redirected to INT 02 by the BIOS, for compatibility with the PC Notes: may be masked by setting bit 5 on I/O port A1h not all clones wire the coprocessor to generate this IRQ; some systems generate an NMI (see INT 02) or assert the -ERROR pin on the CPU (see INT 10"COPROCESSOR") under DESQview, only the INT 15h vector and BASIC segment address (the word at 0000h:0510h) may be assumed to be valid for the handler's process SeeAlso: INT 10"COPROCESSOR",INT 5D"IRQ13",MEM 0040h:006BhTop
INT 76 C - IRQ14 - HARD DISK CONTROLLER OPERATION COMPLETE (AT and later) Notes: may be masked by setting bit 6 on I/O port A1h DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ14 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ on the PS/2, this interrupt is designed to be shared with other devices that produce an operation-complete interrupt, though the only current user is the hard disk SeeAlso: INT 0E"IRQ6",INT 15/AH=91h,INT 5E"IRQ14",MEM 0040h:006BhTop
INT 77 C - IRQ15 - RESERVED (AT,PS) Notes: may be masked by setting bit 7 on I/O port A1h DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ15 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ SeeAlso: INT 5F"IRQ15",MEM 0040h:006BhTop
INT 77 C - IRQ15 - SECONDARY IDE CONTROLLER - OPERATION COMPLETE Notes: may be masked by setting bit 7 on I/O port A1h DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ15 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0 has been set in CONFIG.SYS. MS/PC-DOS use the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ SeeAlso: INT 5F"IRQ15",MEM 0040h:006BhTop
INT 77 C - IRQ15 - POWER CONSERVATION (Compaq SLT/286) Note: may be masked by setting bit 7 on I/O port A1h SeeAlso: INT 15/AX=4600h,INT 5F"IRQ15"Top
INT D8 - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ0 Range: INT 78h to INT E0h, selected by commandline switch Note: Screen Thief relocates IRQs 0 through 7 to INT D8 to INT DF by default, but may be directed via a commandline switch to use any range starting at a multiple of 8 between 78h and E0h SeeAlso: INT 08"IRQ0",INT 2D/AL=10h"Screen Thief",INT 50"DESQview" SeeAlso: INT D9"Screen Thief"Top
INT D9 - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ1 Range: INT 79h to INT E1h, selected by commandline switch Note: (see INT D8"Screen Thief") SeeAlso: INT 09"IRQ1",INT D8"Screen Thief",INT DA"Screen Thief"Top
INT DA - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ2 Range: INT 7Ah to INT E2h, selected by commandline switch Note: (see INT D8"Screen Thief") SeeAlso: INT 0A"IRQ2",INT D9"Screen Thief",INT DB"Screen Thief"Top
INT DB - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ3 Range: INT 7Bh to INT E3h, selected by commandline switch Note: (see INT D8"Screen Thief") SeeAlso: INT 0B"IRQ3",INT DA"Screen Thief",INT DC"Screen Thief"Top
INT DC - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ4 Range: INT 7Ch to INT E4h, selected by commandline switch Note: (see INT D8"Screen Thief") SeeAlso: INT 0C"IRQ4",INT DB"Screen Thief",INT DD"Screen Thief"Top
INT DD - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ5 Range: INT 7Dh to INT E5h, selected by commandline switch Note: (see INT D8"Screen Thief") SeeAlso: INT 0D"IRQ5",INT DC"Screen Thief",INT DE"Screen Thief"Top
INT DE - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ6 Range: INT 7Eh to INT E6h, selected by commandline switch Note: (see INT D8"Screen Thief") SeeAlso: INT 0E"IRQ6",INT DD"Screen Thief",INT DF"Screen Thief"Top
INT DF - Screen Thief v1.00 - RELOCATED IRQ7 Range: INT 7Fh to INT E7h, selected by commandline switch Note: (see INT D8"Screen Thief") SeeAlso: INT 0F"IRQ7",INT DE"Screen Thief"Top