Index for category D - DOS kernel
Table of Contents by Order
210D - INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DISK RESET
2123 - INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET FILE SIZE FOR FCB
212A - INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET SYSTEM DATE
212B - INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET SYSTEM DATE
212C - INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET SYSTEM TIME
212D - INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET SYSTEM TIME
212E--DL00 - INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET VERIFY FLAG
2130 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET DOS VERSION
213303 - INT 21 - DOS 3.4/4.0 - GET CURRENT CPSW STATE
213304 - INT 21 - DOS 3.4/4.0 - SET CPSW STATE
213305 - INT 21 - DOS 4.0+ - GET BOOT DRIVE
213307 - INT 21 - Windows95 - SET/CLEAR DOS_FLAG
2136 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET FREE DISK SPACE
2137 - INT 21 - DOS 2.x and 3.3+ only - "AVAILDEV" - SPECIFY \DEV\ PREFIX USE
213E - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CLOSE" - CLOSE FILE
2141 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "UNLINK" - DELETE FILE
214300 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET FILE ATTRIBUTES
214301 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CHMOD" - SET FILE ATTRIBUTES
214406 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - IOCTL - GET INPUT STATUS
214407 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - IOCTL - GET OUTPUT STATUS
2148 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY
2149 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - FREE MEMORY
2152 - INT 21 U - DOS 2+ internal - "SYSVARS" - GET LIST OF LISTS
2154 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET VERIFY FLAG
2155 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ internal - CREATE CHILD PSP
2156 - INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "RENAME" - RENAME FILE
215704 - INT 21 - DOS 4.x only - SET EXTENDED ATTRIBUTES
215704 - INT 21 - MS-DOS 7/Windows95 - GET LAST ACCESS DATE AND TIME
215705 - INT 21 - MS-DOS 7/Windows95 - SET LAST ACCESS DATE AND TIME
215706 - INT 21 - MS-DOS 7/Windows95 - GET CREATION DATE AND TIME
215707 - INT 21 - MS-DOS 7/Windows95 - SET CREATION DATE AND TIME
2159--BX0001 - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - GET HARD ERROR INFORMATION
215B - INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - CREATE NEW FILE
215C - INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - "FLOCK" - RECORD LOCKING
215D00 - INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ internal - SERVER FUNCTION CALL
215D02 - INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ internal - SHARE.EXE - CLOSE FILE BY NAME
215D05 - INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ internal - SHARE.EXE - GET OPEN FILE LIST ENTRY
215D07 - INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ network - GET REDIRECTED PRINTER MODE
215D08 - INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ network - SET REDIRECTED PRINTER MODE
215D0B - INT 21 OU - DOS 4.x only - internal - GET DOS SWAPPABLE DATA AREAS
215E00 - INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET MACHINE NAME
215E01CH00 - INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET MACHINE NAME
215E04 - INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET PRINTER MODE
215E05 - INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET PRINTER MODE
215F00 - INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET REDIRECTION MODE
215F01 - INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET REDIRECTION MODE
215F02 - INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET REDIRECTION LIST ENTRY
215F03 - INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - REDIRECT DEVICE
215F04 - INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - CANCEL REDIRECTION
215F07 - INT 21 - DOS 5+ - ENABLE DRIVE
215F08 - INT 21 - DOS 5+ - DISABLE DRIVE
216300 - INT 21 - DOS 2.25 only - GET LEAD BYTE TABLE ADDRESS
216301 - INT 21 - DOS 2.25, DOS 3.2+ - SET KOREAN (HANGEUL) INPUT MODE
216302 - INT 21 - DOS 2.25, DOS 3.2+ - GET KOREAN (HANGEUL) INPUT MODE
2164 - INT 21 - DOS 3.2+ internal - SET DEVICE DRIVER LOOKAHEAD FLAG
2167 - INT 21 - DOS 3.3+ - SET HANDLE COUNT
2168 - INT 21 - DOS 3.3+ - "FFLUSH" - COMMIT FILE
2169 - INT 21 U - DOS 4.0+ internal - GET/SET DISK SERIAL NUMBER
216A - INT 21 U - DOS 4.0+ - COMMIT FILE
216B - INT 21 U - DOS 4.0 internal - IFS IOCTL
216B - INT 21 U - DOS 5+ - NULL FUNCTION
2171 - INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME FUNCTIONS
21710D - INT 21 - Windows95 - RESET DRIVE
217139 - INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - MAKE DIRECTORY
217141 - INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - DELETE FILE
217156 - INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - RENAME FILE
217160CL01 - INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - GET SHORT (8.3) FILENAME FOR FILE
2171A1 - INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - "FindClose" - TERMINATE DIRECTORY SEARCH
2171A2 - INT 21 U - Windows95 - internal - LONG FILENAME - FIND NEXT MATCHING FILE
2171A3 - INT 21 U - Windows95 - internal
2171A4 - INT 21 U - Windows95 - internal
2171A5 - INT 21 U - Windows95 - internal
2171AABH00 - INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - CREATE SUBST
2171AABH02 - INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - QUERY SUBST
2172 - INT 21 - Windows95 beta - LFN-FindClose
217302 - INT 21 - Windows95 - FAT32 - "Get_ExtDPB" - GET EXTENDED DPB
217303 - INT 21 - Windows95 - FAT32 - GET EXTENDED FREE SPACE ON DRIVE
217304 - INT 21 - Windows95 - FAT32 - Set DPB TO USE FOR FORMATTING
2181 - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "FREEZE" - STOP A PROCESS
2182 - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "RESUME" - RESTART A PROCESS
218400 - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "CREATMEM" - CREATE A SHARED MEMORY AREA
218402 - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "RELEASEMEM" - FREE SHARED MEMORY AREA
2185 - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
2187 - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "GETPID" - GET PROCESS IDENTIFIER
2188 - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
2189 - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - SLEEP
218B - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
218C - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - SET SIGNAL HANDLER
218D - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - SEND SIGNAL
218E00BH00 - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "SETPRI" - GET/SET PROCESS PRIORITY
218F - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
2190 - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
2191 - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
2192 - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
2193 - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "PIPE" - CREATE A NEW PIPE
2194 - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
2195 - INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - HARD ERROR PROCESSING
2196 - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
2197 - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
2198 - INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ???
2199 - INT 21 u - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "PBLOCK" - BLOCK A PROCESS
219A - INT 21 u - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "PRUN" - UNBLOCK A PROCESS
21F8 - INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - SET OEM INT 21 HANDLER
21F9 - INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION
21FA - INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION
21FB - INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION
21FC - INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION
21FD - INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION
21FE - INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION
21FF - INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION
25 - INT 25 - DOS 1+ - ABSOLUTE DISK READ (except partitions > 32M)
25----CXFFFF - INT 25 - DOS 3.31+ - ABSOLUTE DISK READ (32M-2047M hard-disk partition)
26 - INT 26 - DOS 1+ - ABSOLUTE DISK WRITE (except partitions > 32M)
26----CXFFFF - INT 26 - DOS 3.31+ - ABSOLUTE DISK WRITE (32M-2047M hard-disk partition)
2B - INT 2B - IBM ROM-DOS v4.0 - ???
2F1200 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - INSTALLATION CHECK
2F1201 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - CLOSE CURRENT FILE
2F1202 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET INTERRUPT ADDRESS
2F1203 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET DOS DATA SEGMENT
2F1204 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - NORMALIZE PATH SEPARATOR
2F1206 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - INVOKE CRITICAL ERROR
2F1209 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - FLUSH AND FREE DISK BUFFER
2F120D - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET DATE AND TIME
2F1211 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - NORMALIZE ASCIZ FILENAME
2F1212 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET LENGTH OF ASCIZ STRING
2F1213 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - UPPERCASE CHARACTER
2F1214 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - COMPARE FAR POINTERS
2F1215 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - FLUSH BUFFER
2F1218 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET CALLER'S REGISTERS
2F1219 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SET DRIVE???
2F121A - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET FILE'S DRIVE
2F121B - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SET YEAR/LENGTH OF FEBRUARY
2F121C - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - CHECKSUM MEMORY
2F121D - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SUM MEMORY
2F121E - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - COMPARE FILENAMES
2F1220 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET JOB FILE TABLE ENTRY
2F1221 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - CANONICALIZE FILE NAME
2F1222 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SET EXTENDED ERROR INFO
2F1223 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - CHECK IF CHARACTER DEVICE
2F1224 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SHARING RETRY DELAY
2F1225 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET LENGTH OF ASCIZ STRING
2F1226 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - OPEN FILE
2F1227 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - CLOSE FILE
2F1228BP4200 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - MOVE FILE POINTER
2F1229 - INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - READ FROM FILE
2F122A - INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - SET FASTOPEN ENTRY POINT
2F122B - INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - IOCTL
2F122C - INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - GET DEVICE CHAIN
2F122D - INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - GET EXTENDED ERROR CODE
2F1400 - INT 2F - European MS-DOS 4.0 POPUP - "CheckPu" - INSTALLATION CHECK
2F1401 - INT 2F - European MS-DOS 4.0 POPUP - "PostPu" - OPEN/CLOSE POPUP SCREEN
2F1402 - INT 2F - European MS-DOS 4.0 POPUP - "SavePu" - SAVE POPUP SCREEN
2F1403 - INT 2F - European MS-DOS 4.0 POPUP - "RestorePu" - RESTORE SCREEN
2F1607BX0015 - INT 2F C - MS Windows - "DOSMGR" VIRTUAL DEVICE API
2F160E - INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - BOOT LOGO SUPPORT???
2F160F - INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - GET/SET ??? HANDLER
2F1611 - INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - GET SHELL PARAMETERS
2F1612 - INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - GET ???
2F1690 - INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - GET/SET ???
2F4601 - INT 2F CU - MS Windows WINOLDAP - SWITCHING ???
2F4602 - INT 2F CU - MS Windows WINOLDAP - SWITCHING ???
2F4A16 - INT 2F U - Windows95 - OPEN BOOT LOG
2F4A17 - INT 2F U - Windows95 - WRITE TO BOOT LOG
2F4A18 - INT 2F U - Windows95 - CLOSE BOOT LOG
2F4A21 - INT 2F U - Windows95 - ???
2F4A31 - INT 2F U - Windows95 - ???
2F4A32 - INT 2F U - Windows95 - PATCH ???
2F4A33 - INT 2F - Windows95 - CHECK MS-DOS VERSION 7
30 - INT 30 - (NOT A VECTOR!) - DOS 1+ - FAR JMP instruction for CP/M-style calls
31 - INT 31 - overwritten by CP/M jump instruction in INT 30
INT 20 - DOS 1+ - TERMINATE PROGRAM CS = PSP segment Return: never Notes: (see INT 21/AH=00h) this function sets the program's return code (ERRORLEVEL) to 00h SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=00h,INT 21/AH=4ChTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - TERMINATE PROGRAM AH = 00h CS = PSP segment Notes: Microsoft recommends using INT 21/AH=4Ch for DOS 2+ this function sets the program's return code (ERRORLEVEL) to 00h execution continues at the address stored in INT 22 after DOS performs whatever cleanup it needs to do (restoring the INT 22,INT 23,INT 24 vectors from the PSP assumed to be located at offset 0000h in the segment indicated by the stack copy of CS, etc.) if the PSP is its own parent, the process's memory is not freed; if INT 22 additionally points into the terminating program, the process is effectively NOT terminated not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=26h,AH=31h,AH=4Ch,INT 20,INT 22Top
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - READ CHARACTER FROM STANDARD INPUT, WITH ECHO AH = 01h Return: AL = character read Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 executed if read ^P toggles the DOS-internal echo-to-printer flag ^Z is not interpreted, thus not causing an EOF if input is redirected character is echoed to standard output standard input is always the keyboard and standard output the screen under DOS 1.x, but they may be redirected under DOS 2+ SeeAlso: AH=06h,AH=07h,AH=08h,AH=0AhTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE CHARACTER TO STANDARD OUTPUT AH = 02h DL = character to write Return: AL = last character output (despite the official docs which state nothing is returned) (at least DOS 2.1-7.0) Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 executed if pressed standard output is always the screen under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ the last character output will be the character in DL unless DL=09h on entry, in which case AL=20h as tabs are expanded to blanks if standard output is redirected to a file, no error checks (write- protected, full media, etc.) are performed SeeAlso: AH=06h,AH=09hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - READ CHARACTER FROM STDAUX AH = 03h Return: AL = character read Notes: keyboard checked for ^C/^Break, and INT 23 executed if detected STDAUX is usually the first serial port SeeAlso: AH=04h,INT 14/AH=02h,INT E0/CL=03hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE CHARACTER TO STDAUX AH = 04h DL = character to write Notes: keyboard checked for ^C/^Break, and INT 23 executed if detected STDAUX is usually the first serial port if STDAUX is busy, this function will wait until it becomes free SeeAlso: AH=03h,INT 14/AH=01h,INT E0/CL=04hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE CHARACTER TO PRINTER AH = 05h DL = character to print Notes: keyboard checked for ^C/^Break, and INT 23 executed if detected STDPRN is usually the first parallel port, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ if the printer is busy, this function will wait SeeAlso: INT 17/AH=00hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DIRECT CONSOLE OUTPUT AH = 06h DL = character (except FFh) Return: AL = character output (despite official docs which state nothing is returned) (at least DOS 2.1-7.0) Notes: does not check ^C/^Break writes to standard output, which is always the screen under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ SeeAlso: AH=02h,AH=09hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DIRECT CONSOLE INPUT AH = 06h DL = FFh Return: ZF set if no character available AL = 00h ZF clear if character available AL = character read Notes: ^C/^Break are NOT checked if the returned character is 00h, the user pressed a key with an extended keycode, which will be returned by the next call of this function this function reads from standard input, which is always the keyboard under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ although the return of AL=00h when no characters are available is not documented, some programs rely on this behavior SeeAlso: AH=0BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DIRECT CHARACTER INPUT, WITHOUT ECHO AH = 07h Return: AL = character read from standard input Notes: does not check ^C/^Break standard input is always the keyboard under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ if the interim console flag is set (see AX=6301h), partially-formed double-byte characters may be returned SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=06h,AH=08h,AH=0AhTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - CHARACTER INPUT WITHOUT ECHO AH = 08h Return: AL = character read from standard input Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 executed if detected standard input is always the keyboard under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ if the interim console flag is set (see AX=6301h), partially-formed double-byte characters may be returned SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=06h,AH=07h,AH=0Ah,AH=64h"DOS 3.2+"Top
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE STRING TO STANDARD OUTPUT AH = 09h DS:DX -> '$'-terminated string Return: AL = 24h (the '$' terminating the string, despite official docs which state that nothing is returned) (at least DOS 2.1-7.0 and NWDOS) Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 is called if either pressed standard output is always the screen under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=02h,AH=06h"OUTPUT"Top
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - BUFFERED INPUT AH = 0Ah DS:DX -> buffer (see #01344) Return: buffer filled with user input Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 is called if either detected reads from standard input, which may be redirected under DOS 2+ if the maximum buffer size (see #01344) is set to 00h, this call returns immediately without reading any input SeeAlso: AH=0Ch,INT 2F/AX=4810h Format of DOS input buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01344) 00h BYTE maximum characters buffer can hold 01h BYTE (call) number of chars from last input which may be recalled (ret) number of characters actually read, excluding CR 02h N BYTEs actual characters read, including the final carriage returnTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET STDIN STATUS AH = 0Bh Return: AL = status 00h if no character available FFh if character is available Notes: ^C/^Break are checked, and INT 23 is called if either pressed standard input is always the keyboard under DOS 1.x, but may be redirected under DOS 2+ if the interim console flag is set (see AX=6301h), this function returns AL=FFh if a partially-formed double-byte character is available SeeAlso: AH=06h"INPUT",AX=4406hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - FLUSH BUFFER AND READ STANDARD INPUT AH = 0Ch AL = STDIN input function to execute after flushing buffer other registers as appropriate for the input function Return: as appropriate for the specified input function Note: if AL is not one of 01h,06h,07h,08h, or 0Ah, the buffer is flushed but no input is attempted SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=06h"INPUT",AH=07h,AH=08h,AH=0AhTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DISK RESET AH = 0Dh Return: (DOS 6 only) CF clear (earlier versions preserve CF) Notes: This function writes all modified disk buffers to disk, but does not update the directory information (that is only done when files are closed or a SYNC call is issued) SeeAlso: AX=5D01h,AX=710Dh,INT 13/AH=00h,INT 2F/AX=1120hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SELECT DEFAULT DRIVE AH = 0Eh DL = new default drive (00h = A:, 01h = B:, etc) Return: AL = number of potentially valid drive letters Notes: under Novell NetWare, the return value is always 32, the number of drives that NetWare supports under DOS 3.0+, the return value is the greatest of 5, the value of LASTDRIVE= in CONFIG.SYS, and the number of drives actually present on a DOS 1.x/2.x single-floppy system, AL returns 2 since the floppy may be accessed as either A: or B: otherwise, the return value is the highest drive actually present DOS 1.x supports a maximum of 16 drives, 2.x a maximum of 63 drives, and 3+ a maximum of 26 drives under Novell DOS 7, this function returns the correct LASTDRIVE value even when the undocumented LASTDRIVE=27..32 directive was used in CONFIG.SYS "parse FCB" (see AH=29h) can be used to determine whether a drive letter is valid SeeAlso: AH=19h,AH=3Bh,AH=DBhTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - OPEN FILE USING FCB AH = 0Fh DS:DX -> unopened File Control Block (see #01345,#01346) Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh file not found or access denied Notes: (DOS 3.1+) file opened for read/write in compatibility mode an unopened FCB has the drive, filename, and extension fields filled in and all other bytes cleared not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender DR DOS checks password attached with AX=4303h (FAT32 drive) this function will only succeed for creating a volume label; FAT32 does not support FCBs for file I/O BUG: APPEND for DOS 3.3+ corrupts DX if the file is not found SeeAlso: AH=10h,AH=16h,AH=3Dh,AX=4303h Format of File Control Block: Offset Size Description (Table 01345) 00h BYTE drive number (0 = default, 1 = A, etc) FFh is not allowed (signals extended FCB, see #01346) 01h 8 BYTEs blank-padded file name 09h 3 BYTEs blank-padded file extension 0Ch WORD current block number 0Eh WORD logical record size 10h DWORD file size 14h WORD date of last write (see #01666 at AX=5700h) 16h WORD time of last write (see #01665 at AX=5700h) (DOS 1.1+) 18h 8 BYTEs reserved (see #01347,#01348,#01349,#01350,#01351) 20h BYTE record within current block 21h DWORD random access record number (if record size is > 64 bytes, high byte is omitted) SeeAlso: #01346 Format of Extended File Control Block (XFCB): Offset Size Description (Table 01346) 00h BYTE FFh signature for extended FCB 01h 5 BYTEs reserved 06h BYTE file attribute if extended FCB 07h 36 BYTEs standard FCB (all offsets are shifted by seven bytes) SeeAlso: #01246 Format of FCB reserved field for DOS 1.0: Offset Size Description (Table 01347) 16h WORD location in directory (if high byte = FFh, low byte is device ID) 18h WORD number of first cluster in file 1Ah WORD current absolute cluster number on disk 1Ch WORD current relative cluster number within file (0 = first cluster of file, 1 = second cluster, etc.) 1Eh BYTE dirty flag (00h = not dirty) 1Fh BYTE unused Format of FCB reserved field for DOS 1.10-1.25: Offset Size Description (Table 01348) 18h BYTE bit 7: set if logical device bit 6: not dirty bits 5-0: disk number or logical device ID 19h WORD starting cluster number on disk 1Bh WORD current absolute cluster number on disk 1Dh WORD current relative cluster number within file 1Fh BYTE unused Format of FCB reserved field for DOS 2.x: Offset Size Description (Table 01349) 18h BYTE bit 7: set if logical device bit 6: set if open??? bits 5-0: ??? 19h WORD starting cluster number on disk 1Bh WORD ??? 1Dh BYTE ??? 1Eh BYTE ??? 1Fh BYTE ??? Format of FCB reserved field for DOS 3.x: Offset Size Description (Table 01350) 18h BYTE number of system file table entry for file 19h BYTE attributes bits 7,6: 00 = SHARE.EXE not loaded, disk file 01 = SHARE.EXE not loaded, character device 10 = SHARE.EXE loaded, remote file 11 = SHARE.EXE loaded, local file or device bits 5-0: low six bits of device attribute word ---SHARE.EXE loaded, local file--- 1Ah WORD starting cluster of file on disk 1Ch WORD (DOS 3.x) offset within SHARE of sharing record (see #01637 at AH=52h) 1Eh BYTE file attribute 1Fh BYTE ??? ---SHARE.EXE loaded, remote file--- 1Ah WORD number of sector containing directory entry (see #01352) 1Ch WORD relative cluster within file of last cluster accessed 1Eh BYTE absolute cluster number of last cluster accessed 1Fh BYTE ??? ---SHARE.EXE not loaded--- 1Ah BYTE (low byte of device attribute word AND 0Ch) OR open mode 1Bh WORD starting cluster of file 1Dh WORD number of sector containing directory entry (see #01352) 1Fh BYTE number of directory entry within sector Note: if FCB opened on character device, DWORD at 1Ah is set to the address of the device driver header, then the BYTE at 1Ah is overwritten. SeeAlso: #01646 Format of FCB reserved field for DOS 5.0: Offset Size Description (Table 01351) 18h BYTE number of system file table entry for file 19h BYTE attributes bits 7,6: 00 = SHARE.EXE not loaded, disk file 01 = SHARE.EXE not loaded, character device 10 = SHARE.EXE loaded, remote file 11 = SHARE.EXE loaded, local file or device bits 5-0: low six bits of device attribute word ---SHARE.EXE loaded, local file--- 1Ah WORD starting cluster of file on disk 1Ch WORD unique sequence number of sharing record 1Eh BYTE file attributes 1Fh BYTE unused??? ---SHARE.EXE loaded, remote file--- 1Ah WORD network handle 1Ch DWORD network ID ---SHARE not loaded, local device--- 1Ah DWORD pointer to device driver header (see #01646) 1Eh 2 BYTEs unused??? ---SHARE not loaded, local file--- 1Ah BYTE extra info bit 7: read-only attribute from SFT bit 6: archive attribute from SFT bits 5-0: high bits of sector number 1Bh WORD starting cluster of file 1Dh WORD low word of sector number containing directory entry (see #01352) 1Fh BYTE number of directory entry within sectorTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - CLOSE FILE USING FCB AH = 10h DS:DX -> File Control Block (see #01345) Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh failed Notes: a successful close forces all disk buffers used by the file to be written and the directory entry to be updated not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=16h,AH=3EhTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - FIND FIRST MATCHING FILE USING FCB AH = 11h DS:DX -> unopened FCB (see #01345), may contain '?' wildcards Return: AL = status 00h successful [DTA] unopened FCB for first matching file FFh no matching filename, or bad FCB Notes: the type of the returned FCB depends on whether the input FCB was a normal or an extended FCB the data returned in the DTA (disk transfer area) is actually the drive number (or extended FCB header and drive number) followed by the file's directory entry (see #01352); this format happens to be compatible with an unopened FCB for extended FCBs with search attribute 08h, the volume label (if any) will be returned even if the current directory is not the root dir. DOS 3.0+ also allows the '*' wildcard the search FCB at DS:DX must not be modified if AH=12h will be used to continue searching; DOS 3.3 has set the following parts of the FCB: 0Ch BYTE ??? 0Dh WORD directory entry number of matching file 0Fh WORD cluster number of current directory 11h 4 BYTEs ??? 15h BYTE drive number (1=A:) this function is used by many copy protection schemes to obtain the starting cluster of a file BUG: under Windows95, if a .EXE program ("MZ" header) rather than a true .COM calls this function from a DOS box, the ten bytes of the directory entry from 0Ch to 15h may be filled with zeros rather than the additional file times SeeAlso: AH=12h,AH=1Ah,AH=4Eh,INT 2F/AX=111Bh Format of DOS directory entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01352) 00h 8 BYTEs blank-padded filename first character is set to E5h for deleted files (05h for pending delete files under Novell DOS / OpenDOS) 08h 3 BYTEs blank-padded file extension 0Bh BYTE attributes 0Ch 10 BYTEs (MS-DOS 1.0-6.22) reserved (DR DOS) used to store file password / owner (see #01354) (see also INT 21/AX=4302h) (Novell DOS 7) DELWATCH data (see #01354) (MS-DOS 7/Windows95) additional file times (see #01353) 16h WORD time of creation or last update (see #01665 at AX=5700h) 18h WORD date of creation or last update (see #01666 at AX=5700h) 1Ah WORD starting cluster number (see also AX=440Dh/CX=0871h) (may not be set in INT 21/AH=11h return data for FAT32 drives) 1Ch DWORD file size SeeAlso: #01355,#02628,#02629 Format of MS-DOS 7/Windows95 additional file times: Offset Size Description (Table 01353) 00h BYTE reserved 01h BYTE 10-millisecond units past creation time below 02h WORD file creation time 04h WORD file creation date 06h WORD last-access date 08h WORD (FAT32) high word of starting cluster number Note: this data is stored beginning at offset 0Ch in a standard directory entry SeeAlso: #01352 Format of DR DOS 6/Novell DOS 7 additional file information: Offset Size Description (Table 01354) 0Ch BYTE reserved (00h) (DOSPLUS v1.2) user-defined attributes for CP/M compatibility (bit 7 = F1,...,bit 4 = F4, bits 3-0 reserved (0)) 0Dh BYTE first character of original filename for deleted file 0Eh WORD encrypted file/directory password 10h WORD reserved (00h) (Novell DOS 7 DELWATCH) original file time cleared when file is undeleted or purged 12h WORD (DR DOS 6) file owner ID (Novell DOS 7 DELWATCH) original file date cleared when file is undeleted or purged 14h WORD single/multiuser file/directory access rights (see AX=4302h) ---deleted files--- 16h WORD (Novell DOS 7 DELWATCH) time of deletion 18h WORD (Novell DOS 7 DELWATCH) date of deletion Note: offsets are within the full directory entry SeeAlso: #01352 Format of MS-DOS 7/Windows95 long-filename directory entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01355) 00h BYTE LFN record sequence and flags bits 5-0: sequence number bit 6: set if last long-filename record for file bit 7: set if file deleted 01h 10 BYTEs long filename, first part 0Bh BYTE 0Fh (otherwise impossible file attribute, used as signature) 0Ch BYTE reserved??? (00h) 0Dh BYTE checksum for short filename 0Eh 12 BYTEs long filename, second part 1Ah WORD first cluster number (always 0000h for LFN records) 1Ch 4 BYTEs long filename, third part Notes: long-filename entries are always stored in the directory just prior to the short-name entry for a file multiple LFN records are used if the long filename does not fit into a single record the short-filename checksum byte is computed by adding up the eleven bytes of the short filename, rotating the intermediate sum right one bit before adding the next character the long filename is encoded as 16-bit Unicode characters; for most filenames, this appears in the directory as the ASCII character followed by 00h SeeAlso: #01352,INT 21/AX=5704h,INT 21/AH=71hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - FIND NEXT MATCHING FILE USING FCB AH = 12h DS:DX -> unopened FCB (see #01345) Return: AL = status 00h successful Disk Transfer Area filled with unopened FCB FFh no more matching filenames Note: (see AH=11h) assumes that successful FindFirst executed on search FCB before call SeeAlso: AH=1Ah,AH=4Fh,INT 2F/AX=111ChTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - DELETE FILE USING FCB AH = 13h DS:DX -> unopened FCB (see #01345), filename filled with template for deletion ('?' wildcards allowed) Return: AL = status 00h one or more files successfully deleted FFh no matching files or all were read-only or locked Notes: DOS 1.25+ deletes everything in the current directory (including subdirectories) and sets the first byte of the name to 00h (entry never used) instead of E5h if called on an extended FCB with filename '???????????' and bits 0-4 of the attribute set (bits 1 and 2 for DOS 1.x). This may have originally been an optimization to minimize directory searching after a mass deletion (DOS 1.25+ stop the directory search upon encountering a never-used entry), but can corrupt the filesystem under DOS 2+ because subdirectories are removed without deleting the files they contain. currently-open files should not be deleted MS-DOS allows deletion of read-only files with an extended FCB, whereas Novell NetWare, DR DOS 6, and Novell DOS 7/OpenDOS 7.01 do not this function generates a trap "D" under OS/2 v4.x (Warp4) when called on an HPFS partition with a wildcard in the filename; it operates correctly on FAT partitions and when called without wildcards SeeAlso: AH=41h,INT 2F/AX=1113hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SEQUENTIAL READ FROM FCB FILE AH = 14h DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h end of file (no data) 02h segment wrap in DTA 03h end of file, partial record read Disk Tranfer Area filled with record read from file Notes: reads a record of the size specified in the FCB beginning at the current file position, then updates the current block and current record fields in the FCB if a partial record was read, it is zero-padded to the full size not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=15h,AH=1Ah,AH=3Fh"DOS",INT 2F/AX=1108hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SEQUENTIAL WRITE TO FCB FILE AH = 15h DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Disk Tranfer Area contains record to be written Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h disk full 02h segment wrap in DTA Notes: writes a record of the size specified in the FCB beginning at the current file position, then updates the current block and current record fields in the FCB if less than a full sector is written, the data is placed in a DOS buffer to be written out at a later time not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=14h,AH=1Ah,AH=40h,INT 2F/AX=1109hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - CREATE OR TRUNCATE FILE USING FCB AH = 16h DS:DX -> unopened FCB (see #01345), wildcards not allowed Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh directory full or file exists and is read-only or locked Notes: if file already exists, it is truncated to zero length if an extended FCB is used, the file is given the attribute in the FCB; this is how to create a volume label in the disk's root dir not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender (FAT32 drive) this function will only succeed for creating a volume label; FAT32 does not support FCBs for file I/O SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=10h,AH=3ChTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - RENAME FILE USING FCB AH = 17h DS:DX -> modified FCB (see also #01345) the old filename ('?' wildcards OK) is in the standard location while the new filename ('?' wildcards OK, no drive) is stored in the 11 bytes beginning at offset 11h Return: AL = status 00h successfully renamed FFh no matching files,file is read-only, or new name already exists Notes: subdirectories may be renamed using an extended FCB with the appropriate attribute, as may volume labels DR DOS checks password attached with AX=4303h before permitting rename SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=13h,AX=4303h,AH=56h,INT 2F/AX=1111hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - NULL FUNCTION FOR CP/M COMPATIBILITY AH = 18h Return: AL = 00h Note: corresponds to the CP/M BDOS function "get bit map of logged drives", which is meaningless under MS-DOS SeeAlso: AH=1Dh,AH=1Eh,AH=20h,AX=4459h,INT 60/DI=0513hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET CURRENT DEFAULT DRIVE AH = 19h Return: AL = drive (00h = A:, 01h = B:, etc) Note: Novell NetWare uses the fact that DOS 2.x COMMAND.COM issues this call from a particular location every time it starts a command to determine when to issue an automatic EOJ SeeAlso: AH=0Eh,AH=47h,AH=BBhTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET DISK TRANSFER AREA ADDRESS AH = 1Ah DS:DX -> Disk Transfer Area (DTA) Notes: the DTA is set to PSP:0080h when a program is started under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=11h,AH=12h,AH=2Fh,AH=4Eh,AH=4FhTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET ALLOCATION INFORMATION FOR DEFAULT DRIVE AH = 1Bh Return: AL = sectors per cluster (allocation unit) CX = bytes per sector DX = total number of clusters DS:BX -> media ID byte (see #01356) Notes: under DOS 1.x, DS:BX points at an actual copy of the FAT; later versions return a pointer to a copy of the FAT's ID byte this function may not be properly supported on CD-ROMs and other installable file systems (use AX=4402h"CD-ROM" for CD-ROMs instead) BUG: DOS 7.10 (Win95B/Win98) reportedly returns incorrect values in AL and DX for FAT12/FAT16 drives, even though it manages correct results for FAT32 drives (DOS windows are not affected, only real-mode DOS) SeeAlso: AH=1Ch,AH=36h (Table 01356) Values for media ID byte: FFh floppy, double-sided, 8 sectors per track (320K) FEh floppy, single-sided, 8 sectors per track (160K) FDh floppy, double-sided, 9 sectors per track (360K) FCh floppy, single-sided, 9 sectors per track (180K) FAh HP 200LX D: ROM disk, 16 sectors per track (995K) HP 200LX E: (Stacker host drive ???) F9h floppy, double-sided, 15 sectors per track (1.2M) floppy, double-sided, 9 sectors per track (720K,3.5") F8h hard disk F0h other media (e.g. floppy, double-sized, 18 sectors per track -- 1.44M,3.5")Top
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET ALLOCATION INFORMATION FOR SPECIFIC DRIVE AH = 1Ch DL = drive (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) Return: AL = sectors per cluster (allocation unit), or FFh if invalid drive CX = bytes per sector DX = total number of clusters DS:BX -> media ID byte (see #01356) Notes: under DOS 1.x, DS:BX points at an actual copy of the FAT; later versions return a pointer to a copy of the FAT's ID byte on a DBLSPACE drive, the total number of clusters is based on the estimated compression ratio this function may not be properly supported on CD-ROMs and other installable file systems (use AX=4402h"CD-ROM" for CD-ROMs instead) BUG: DOS 7.10 (Win95B/Win98) reportedly returns incorrect values in AL and DX for FAT12/FAT16 drives, even though it manages correct results for FAT32 drives (DOS windows are not affected, only real-mode DOS) SeeAlso: AH=1Bh,AH=36hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - NULL FUNCTION FOR CP/M COMPATIBILITY AH = 1Dh Return: AL = 00h Note: corresponds to the CP/M BDOS function "get bit map of read-only drives", which is meaningless under MS-DOS SeeAlso: AH=18h,AH=1Eh,AH=20h,AX=4459hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - NULL FUNCTION FOR CP/M COMPATIBILITY AH = 1Eh Return: AL = 00h Note: corresponds to the CP/M BDOS function "set file attributes" which was meaningless under MS-DOS 1.x SeeAlso: AH=18h,AH=1Dh,AH=20hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET DRIVE PARAMETER BLOCK FOR DEFAULT DRIVE AH = 1Fh Return: AL = status 00h successful DS:BX -> Drive Parameter Block (DPB) (see #01357 for DOS 1.x, AH=32h for DOS 2+) FFh invalid drive Note: this call was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0; however, only the DOS 4.0+ version of the DPB has been documented SeeAlso: AH=32h,AX=7302h Format of DOS 1.1 and MS-DOS 1.25 drive parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 01357) 00h BYTE sequential device ID 01h BYTE logical drive number (0=A:) 02h WORD bytes per sector 04h BYTE highest sector number within a cluster 05h BYTE shift count to convert clusters into sectors 06h WORD starting sector number of first FAT 08h BYTE number of copies of FAT 09h WORD number of directory entries 0Bh WORD number of first data sector 0Dh WORD highest cluster number (number of data clusters + 1) 0Fh BYTE sectors per FAT 10h WORD starting sector of directory 12h WORD address of allocation table Note: the DOS 1.0 table is the same except that the first and last fields are missing; see INT 21/AH=32h for the DOS 2+ version SeeAlso: #01395,#04039Top
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - NULL FUNCTION FOR CP/M COMPATIBILITY AH = 20h Return: AL = 00h Note: corresponds to the CP/M BDOS function "get/set default user (sublibrary) number", which is meaningless under MS-DOS SeeAlso: AH=18h,AH=1Dh,AH=1Eh,AX=4459hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - READ RANDOM RECORD FROM FCB FILE AH = 21h DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h end of file, no data read 02h segment wrap in DTA, no data read 03h end of file, partial record read Disk Tranfer Area filled with record read from file Notes: the record is read from the current file position as specified by the random record and record size fields of the FCB the file position is not updated after reading the record if a partial record is read, it is zero-padded to the full size not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=14h,AH=22h,AH=27h,AH=3Fh"DOS"Top
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - WRITE RANDOM RECORD TO FCB FILE AH = 22h DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Disk Transfer Area contains record to be written Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h disk full 02h segment wrap in DTA Notes: the record is written to the current file position as specified by the random record and record size fields of the FCB the file position is not updated after writing the record if the record is located beyond the end of the file, the file is extended but the intervening data remains uninitialized if the record only partially fills a disk sector, it is copied to a DOS disk buffer to be written out to disk at a later time not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=15h,AH=21h,AH=28h,AH=40hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET FILE SIZE FOR FCB AH = 23h DS:DX -> unopened FCB (see #01345), wildcards not allowed Return: AL = status 00h successful (matching file found) FCB random record field filled with size in records, rounded up to next full record FFh failed (no matching file found) Notes: not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender MS-DOS returns nonsense if the FCB record number field is set to a very large positive number, and status FFh if negative; DR DOS returns the correct file size in both cases BUG: APPEND for DOS 3.3+ corrupts DX if the file is not found SeeAlso: AH=42hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET RANDOM RECORD NUMBER FOR FCB AH = 24h DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Notes: computes the random record number corresponding to the current record number and record size, then stores the result in the FCB normally used when switching from sequential to random access not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=21h,AH=27h,AH=42hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET INTERRUPT VECTOR AH = 25h AL = interrupt number DS:DX -> new interrupt handler Notes: this function is preferred over direct modification of the interrupt vector table some DOS extenders place an API on this function, as it is not directly meaningful in protected mode under DR DOS 5.0-6.0, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time; however, under Novell DOS 7.0 - DR-DOS 7.02, this function was not reentrant. Since 1998/05/29, DR-DOS 7.03 no longer uses any internal stacks and tests for this function much earlier, to allow a minimal stack usage of just two words in addition to the IRET frame, allowing it to be called from INT 21h functions, specificially device drivers. This fixes the MCS SMB client Novell NetWare (except the new DOS Requester) monitors the offset of any INT 24 set, and if equal to the value at startup, substitutes its own handler to allow handling of network errors; this introduces the potential bug that any program whose INT 24 handler offset happens to be the same as COMMAND.COM's will not have its INT 24 handler installed SeeAlso: AX=2501h,AH=35hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - CREATE NEW PROGRAM SEGMENT PREFIX AH = 26h DX = segment at which to create PSP (see #01378) Return: AL destroyed Notes: new PSP is updated with memory size information; INTs 22h, 23h, 24h taken from interrupt vector table; the parent PSP field is set to 0 (DOS 2+) DOS assumes that the caller's CS is the segment of the PSP to copy BUG: DR DOS 6.0 original releases 05/1991 & 08/1991 had a problem where the segment from which the PSP was copied was incorrect so that the PSP was not filled correctly and did not contain the command tail. The DR DOS 6.0 BDOS patch "PAT312" English (1992/01/07, XDIR /C: A0C6h) and later "full" rebuilds fix this problem (see INT 21/AX=4452h). SeeAlso: AH=4Bh,AH=50h,AH=51h,AH=55h,AH=62h,AH=67h Format of Program Segment Prefix (PSP): Offset Size Description (Table 01378) 00h 2 BYTEs INT 20 instruction for CP/M CALL 0 program termination the CDh 20h here is often used as a signature for a valid PSP 02h WORD segment of first byte beyond memory allocated to program 04h BYTE (DOS) unused filler (OS/2) count of fake DOS version returns 05h BYTE CP/M CALL 5 service request (FAR CALL to absolute 000C0h) BUG: (DOS 2+ DEBUG) PSPs created by DEBUG point at 000BEh 06h WORD CP/M compatibility--size of first segment for .COM files 08h 2 BYTEs remainder of FAR JMP at 05h 0Ah DWORD stored INT 22 termination address 0Eh DWORD stored INT 23 control-Break handler address 12h DWORD DOS 1.1+ stored INT 24 critical error handler address 16h WORD segment of parent PSP 18h 20 BYTEs DOS 2+ Job File Table, one byte per file handle, FFh = closed 2Ch WORD DOS 2+ segment of environment for process (see #01379) 2Eh DWORD DOS 2+ process's SS:SP on entry to last INT 21 call 32h WORD DOS 3+ number of entries in JFT (default 20) 34h DWORD DOS 3+ pointer to JFT (default PSP:0018h) 38h DWORD DOS 3+ pointer to previous PSP (default FFFFFFFFh in 3.x) used by SHARE in DOS 3.3 3Ch BYTE DOS 4+ (DBCS) interim console flag (see AX=6301h) Novell DOS 7 DBCS interim flag as set with AX=6301h (possibly also used by Far East MS-DOS 3.2-3.3) 3Dh BYTE (APPEND) TrueName flag (see INT 2F/AX=B711h) 3Eh BYTE (Novell NetWare) flag: next byte initialized if CEh (OS/2) capabilities flag 3Fh BYTE (Novell NetWare) Novell task number if previous byte is CEh 40h 2 BYTEs DOS 5+ version to return on INT 21/AH=30h 42h WORD (MSWindows3) selector of next PSP (PDB) in linked list Windows keeps a linked list of Windows programs only 44h WORD (MSWindows3) "PDB_Partition" 46h WORD (MSWindows3) "PDB_NextPDB" 48h BYTE (MSWindows3) bit 0 set if non-Windows application (WINOLDAP) 49h BYTE unused by DOS versions <= 6.00 4Ch WORD (MSWindows3) "PDB_EntryStack" 4Eh 2 BYTEs unused by DOS versions <= 6.00 50h 3 BYTEs DOS 2+ service request (INT 21/RETF instructions) 53h 2 BYTEs unused in DOS versions <= 6.00 55h 7 BYTEs unused in DOS versions <= 6.00; can be used to make first FCB into an extended FCB 5Ch 16 BYTEs first default FCB, filled in from first commandline argument overwrites second FCB if opened 6Ch 16 BYTEs second default FCB, filled in from second commandline argument overwrites beginning of commandline if opened 7Ch 4 BYTEs unused 80h 128 BYTEs commandline / default DTA command tail is BYTE for length of tail, N BYTEs for the tail, followed by a BYTE containing 0Dh Notes: in DOS v3+, the limit on simultaneously open files may be increased by allocating memory for a new open file table, filling it with FFh, copying the first 20 bytes from the default table, and adjusting the pointer and count at 34h and 32h. However, DOS will only copy the first 20 file handles into a child PSP (including the one created on EXEC). in an OS/2 DOS box, values of D0h-FEh in the open file table indicate device drivers network redirectors based on the original MS-Net implementation use values of 80h-FEh in the open file table to indicate remote files; Novell NetWare also uses values from FEh down to 80h or one more than FILES= (whichever is greater) to indicate remote files (except on OS/2, where is uses CFh down to 80h) MS-DOS 5.00 incorrectly fills the FCB fields when loading a program high; the first FCB is empty and the second contains the first parameter some DOS extenders place protected-mode values in various PSP fields such as the "parent" field, which can confuse PSP walkers. Always check either for the CDh 20h signature or that the suspected PSP is at the beginning of a memory block which owns itself (the preceding paragraph should be a valid MCB with "owner" the same as the suspected PSP). Novell NetWare updates the fields at offsets 3Eh and 3Fh without checking that a legal PSP segment is current; see AH=50h for further discussion for 4DOS and Windows95, the command tail may be more than 126 characters; in that case, the length byte will be set to 7Fh (with an 0Dh in the 127th position at offset FFh), and the first 126 characters will be stored in the PSP, with the entire command line in the environment variable CMDLINE; under at least some versions of 4DOS, the byte at offset FFh is *not* set to 0Dh, so there is no terminating carriage return in the PSP's command tail. BUG: When shelling out from the Borland Pascal 7.00 IDE, overly-long command lines will not be delimited by a 0Dh character, and the length byte is set to 80h! A workaround is to always patch in a 0Dh at the last position of the command line buffer before scanning the command line. Format of environment block: Offset Size Description (Table 01379) 00h N BYTEs first environment variable, ASCIZ string of form "var=value" N BYTEs second environment variable, ASCIZ string ... N BYTEs last environment variable, ASCIZ string of form "var=value" BYTE 00h ---DOS 3.0+ --- WORD number of strings following environment (normally 1) N BYTEs ASCIZ full pathname of program owning this environment other strings may followTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - RANDOM BLOCK READ FROM FCB FILE AH = 27h CX = number of records to read DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Return: AL = status 00h successful, all records read 01h end of file, no data read 02h segment wrap in DTA, no data read 03h end of file, partial read Disk Transfer Area filled with records read from file CX = number of records read (return AL = 00h or 03h) Notes: read begins at current file position as specified in FCB; the file position is updated after reading not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=21h,AH=28h,AH=3Fh"DOS"Top
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - RANDOM BLOCK WRITE TO FCB FILE AH = 28h CX = number of records to write DS:DX -> opened FCB (see #01345) Disk Transfer Area contains records to be written Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h disk full or file read-only 02h segment wrap in DTA CX = number of records written Notes: write begins at current file position as specified in FCB; the file position is updated after writing if CX = 0000h on entry, no data is written; instead the file size is adjusted to be the same as the file position specified by the random record and record size fields of the FCB if the data to be written is less than a disk sector, it is copied into a DOS disk buffer, to be written out to disk at a later time not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender SeeAlso: AH=22h,AH=27h,AH=40h,AH=59h/BX=0000hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - PARSE FILENAME INTO FCB AH = 29h AL = parsing options (see #01380) DS:SI -> filename string (both '*' and '?' wildcards OK) ES:DI -> buffer for unopened FCB Return: AL = result code 00h successful parse, no wildcards encountered 01h successful parse, wildcards present FFh failed (invalid drive specifier) DS:SI -> first unparsed character ES:DI buffer filled with unopened FCB (see #01345) Notes: asterisks in the name are expanded to question marks in the FCB all processing stops when a filename terminator is encountered cannot be used with filespecs which include a path (DOS 2+) Novell NetWare monitors the result code since an 'invalid drive' may signal an attempt to reconnect a network drive; if there are no connections to the specified drive, NetWare attempts to build a connection and map the drive to the SYS:LOGIN directory SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=16h,AH=26h Bitfields for parsing options: Bit(s) Description (Table 01380) 0 skip leading separators 1 use existing drive number in FCB if no drive is specified, instead of setting field to zero 2 use existing filename in FCB if no base name is specified, instead of filling field with blanks 3 use existing extension in FCB if no extension is specified, instead of filling field with blanks 4-7 reserved (0)Top
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET SYSTEM DATE AH = 2Ah Return: CX = year (1980-2099) DH = month DL = day ---DOS 1.10+--- AL = day of week (00h=Sunday) SeeAlso: AH=2Bh"DOS",AH=2Ch,AH=E7h"Novell",INT 1A/AH=04h,INT 2F/AX=120DhTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET SYSTEM DATE AH = 2Bh CX = year (1980-2099) DH = month (1-12) DL = day (1-31) Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh invalid date, system date unchanged Note: DOS 3.3+ also sets CMOS clock; due to the limitations of the CLOCK$ driver interface, the CMOS time is also updated to the current DOS time (which is the BIOS time-of-day clock with the default CLOCK$ driver) SeeAlso: AH=2Ah,AH=2Dh,INT 1A/AH=05hTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - GET SYSTEM TIME AH = 2Ch Return: CH = hour CL = minute DH = second DL = 1/100 seconds Note: on most systems, the resolution of the system clock is about 5/100sec, so returned times generally do not increment by 1 on some systems, DL may always return 00h SeeAlso: AH=2Ah,AH=2Dh,AH=E7h"Novell",INT 1A/AH=00h,INT 1A/AH=02h,INT 1A/AH=FEh SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=120DhTop
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET SYSTEM TIME AH = 2Dh CH = hour CL = minute DH = second DL = 1/100 seconds Return: AL = result 00h successful FFh invalid time, system time unchanged Note: DOS 3.3+ also sets CMOS clock; due to the limitations of the CLOCK$ driver interface, the CMOS date is also updated to the current DOS date SeeAlso: AH=2Bh"DOS",AH=2Ch,INT 1A/AH=01h,INT 1A/AH=03h,INT 1A/AH=FFh"AT&T"Top
INT 21 - DOS 1+ - SET VERIFY FLAG AH = 2Eh DL = 00h (DOS 1.x/2.x only) AL = new state of verify flag 00h off 01h on Notes: default state at system boot is OFF when ON, all disk writes are verified provided the device driver supports read-after-write verification SeeAlso: AH=54hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET DISK TRANSFER AREA ADDRESS AH = 2Fh Return: ES:BX -> current DTA Note: under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in ES:EBX SeeAlso: AH=1AhTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET DOS VERSION AH = 30h ---DOS 5+ --- AL = what to return in BH 00h OEM number (see #01394) 01h version flag Return: AL = major version number (00h if DOS 1.x) AH = minor version number BL:CX = 24-bit user serial number (most versions do not use this) ---if DOS <5 or AL=00h--- BH = MS-DOS OEM number (see #01394) ---if DOS 5+ and AL=01h--- BH = version flag bit 3: DOS is in ROM other: reserved (0) Notes: the OS/2 v1.x Compatibility Box returns major version 0Ah (10) the OS/2 v2.x Compatibility Box returns major version 14h (20) OS/2 Warp 3.0 Virtual DOS Machines report v20.30; Warp 4 VDMs report v20.40. the Windows NT DOS box returns version 5.00, subject to SETVER DOS 4.01 and 4.02 identify themselves as version 4.00; use INT 21/AH=87h to distinguish between the original European MS-DOS 4.0 and the later PC-DOS 4.0x and MS-DOS 4.0x IBM DOS 6.1 reports its version as 6.00; use the OEM number to distinguish between MS-DOS 6.00 and IBM DOS 6.1 (there was never an IBM DOS 6.0) IBM's PC DOS 7 and Y2K updates report themselves as IBM 7.0 to be distinguished from the MS-DOS 7.0 portion of Windows 95. MS-DOS 6.21 reports its version as 6.20; version 6.22 returns the correct value Windows95 returns version 7.00 (the underlying MS-DOS), as did the "Chicago" beta (reported in _Microsoft_Systems_Journal_,August 1994); Windows95 OSR2 and OSR2.5 (OPK3) return MS version 7.10 DR DOS 5.0 and 6.0 report version 3.31; Novell DOS 7 reports IBM v6.00, which some software displays as IBM DOS v6.10 (because of the version mismatch in true IBM DOS, as mentioned above). The Novell DOS 7 SETVER.EXE has an undocumented option /G x.y which sets the "global" DOS version returned by this function for all executables not given a specific version number in SETVER to major version x and minor version y. Heiko Goeman's Advanced WinDOS 2.10/2.11/2.21 returns "IBM" DOS 5.00 (subject to SETVER) and serial number 0. All versions of CCI Multiuser DOS up to "CCI Multiuser DOS 7.22 Gold" as of 1997-02-10 report DOS 3.31. DR DOS 3.31, 3.32, 3.33, 3.34, 3.35, 3.40, 3.41, 5.0, 6.0 and DR PalmDOS/NetWare PalmDOS 1.0 report version 3.31; DR DOS "Panther" BETA 1 and "StarTrek" report as 5.0. Novell DOS 7, OpenDOS 7.01, DR-OpenDOS 7.02, DR-DOS 7.02, DR-DOS 7.03 all report themselves as IBM 6.00, which some software displays as IBM DOS 6.10 (because of the version mismatch in true IBM DOS, as mentioned above). Use INT 21/AX=4452h to distinguish the DR-DOS family from PC DOS. The Novell DOS 7 and OpenDOS 7.01 SETVER.EXE has an undocumented option /G x.y which sets the "global" DOS version returned by this function for all executables not given a specific version number in SETVER to major version x >= 5 and minor version y = 0..254, y = 255 is used to disable the BDOS version check at INT 21/AX=4452h. A slightly modified option has been documented for DR-OpenDOS 7.02+: in /X mode it now allows for x >= 1, while y >= 100 requires /X mode, and y >= 128 is used to control advanced version control means now (see below). DR-DOS 7.02+ IBMDOS.COM (since 1998-01-10) now recognizes optional paths to filenames stored in the SETVER list. Previously such entries were never found. This allows for a three staged model for SETVERed versions: highest priority = entry with path is matching. middle priority = entry without path is matching. lowest priority = use global version (SETVER /G). The DR-DOS 7.02+ SETVER 1.01+ (1998-01-12) has also been enhanced to allow DOS *and* BDOS version faking (see INT 21/AX=4452h): In /X mode, setting a sub-version of y = 128..255 will be reported as 0..127 DOS sub-version, sub-versions of y = 100..127 will instead be used to report this value as BDOS version (64h..7Fh) via INT 21/AX=4452h, and the DOS revision stored in PCM_HEADER in the IBMDOS.COM file will be used to report the DOS sub-version (usually this holds 0, but it can be patched to other values, see INT 21/AX=4452h !!!). Note, that DR-DOS SHARE 2.05+ (1998-01-05) has relaxed version checking, and will install on any DOS revision 0..127, as long as run on a DR-DOS 72h+ kernel (formerly it was bound to a revision byte of 0 only). Under Novell DOS 7+, the SETVERing also affects the version number WORD stored at offset +40h in each program's PSP (see #01378). This holds true even for special sub-versions of 100..255 (see INT 21/AX=4452h). generic MS-DOS 3.30, Compaq MS-DOS 3.31, and others identify themselves as PC-DOS by returning OEM number 00h the version returned under DOS 4.0x may be modified by entries in the special program list (see #01662 at AH=52h); the version returned under DOS 5+ may be modified by SETVER--use AX=3306h to get the true version number SeeAlso: AX=3000h/BX=3000h,AX=3306h,AX=4452h,AH=87h,INT 15/AX=4900h SeeAlso: AH=20h"S/DOS",INT 2F/AX=122Fh,INT 2F/AX=4010h,INT 2F/AX=4A33h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=E002h (Table 01394) Values for DOS OEM number: 00h * IBM - (Novell DOS, Caldera OpenDOS, DR-OpenDOS, and DR-DOS 7.02+ report IBM as their OEM) 01h * Compaq 02h * MS Packaged Product 04h * AT&T 05h * ZDS (Zenith Electronics, Zenith Electronics) Note: Zenith DOS 3.30 supports >32MB hard disks; this OEM ID can be used to detect that support 06h * Hewlett-Packard 07h * Zenith Data Systems (ZDS, Groupe Bull), for DOS 5.0+ 08h * Tandon 09h * AST (AST Europe Ltd.) 0Ah * Asem 0Bh * Hantarex 0Ch * SystemsLine 0Dh * Packard-Bell 0Eh * Intercomp 0Fh * Unibit 10h * Unidata 16h * DEC 17h * Olivetti DOS 23h * Olivetti (may have been a typo, since 23 = 17h) 28h * Texas Instruments 29h * Toshiba 33h - Novell (Windows/386 device IDs only) 34h * MS Multimedia Systems (Windows/386 device IDs only) 35h * MS Multimedia Systems (Windows/386 device IDs only) 4Dh * Hewlett-Packard (HP) 5Eh - RxDOS (Api Software & Mike Podanoffsky) 66h - PhysTechSoft (PTS-DOS) probably Paragon Technology Systems Corporation PTS-DOS as well 99h - General Software's Embedded DOS CDh - Paragon Technology Systems Corporation ("Source DOS" S/DOS 1.0+) (see also INT 21/AH=20h"S/DOS") EDh - reserved for future OpenDOS/DR-DOS based projects EEh DR DOS EFh Novell DOS Note: released versions of Novell DOS 7 use OEM ID 00h instead FDh FreeDOS FFh * Microsoft, Phoenix (listed as "undefined" by Microsoft) Notes: '*' indicates an OEM release of MS-DOS, while '-' indicates an OEM number used by a non-Microsoft DOS known OEM releases of MS-DOS: AT&T DOS 3.10 (uses DOS 2.x cluster sizes and FAT structures) Commodore DOS 3 Compaq DOS 3.31 (>32MB partitions similar to MS-DOS 4+) Computerland DOS 3.10 (mix of DOS 2.x and 3.x disk mechanisms) Eagle MS-DOS 1.25 (DOS 1.x with some hard disk support and built-in ANSI.SYS functionality) Epson Equity III DOS 3.10 (different clustering) Leading Edge NEC DOS 3.3 Olivetti DOS 2.11 Phoenix DOS 3.3, 4.01 Sanyo DOS 3.2 Tandy Toshiba DOS Unisys Wyse MS-DOS 3 Zenith DOS 2.x (uses Zenith disk mechanism, extra drives at G:) Zenith DOS 3.x (can be configured for Zenith or MS-DOS mechanism) Zenith DOS 3.3 PLUS (>32MB partitions similar to MS-DOS 4+)Top
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - TERMINATE AND STAY RESIDENT AH = 31h AL = return code DX = number of paragraphs to keep resident Return: never Notes: the value in DX only affects the memory block containing the PSP; additional memory allocated via AH=48h is not affected the minimum number of paragraphs which will remain resident is 11h for DOS 2.x and 06h for DOS 3.0+ most TSRs can save some memory by releasing their environment block before terminating (see #01378 at AH=26h,AH=49h) any open files remain open, so one should close any files which will not be used before going resident; to access a file which is left open from the TSR, one must switch PSP segments first (see AH=50h) SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=4Ch,AH=4Dh,INT 20,INT 22,INT 27Top
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET DOS DRIVE PARAMETER BLOCK FOR SPECIFIC DRIVE AH = 32h DL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) Return: AL = status 00h successful DS:BX -> Drive Parameter Block (DPB) (see #01395) for specified drive FFh invalid or network drive Notes: the OS/2 compatibility box supports the DOS 3.3 version of this call except for the DWORD at offset 12h this call updates the DPB by reading the disk; the DPB may be accessed via the DOS list of lists (see #01627 at AH=52h) if disk access is not desirable. undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0; only the DOS 4.0+ version of the DPB has been documented, however supported by DR DOS 3.41+; DR DOS 3.41-6.0 return the same data as MS-DOS 3.31 IBM ROM-DOS v4.0 also reports invalid/network (AL=FFh) on the ROM drive SeeAlso: AH=1Fh,AH=52h,AX=7302h Format of DOS Drive Parameter Block: Offset Size Description (Table 01395) 00h BYTE drive number (00h = A:, 01h = B:, etc) 01h BYTE unit number within device driver 02h WORD bytes per sector 04h BYTE highest sector number within a cluster 05h BYTE shift count to convert clusters into sectors 06h WORD number of reserved sectors at beginning of drive 08h BYTE number of FATs 09h WORD number of root directory entries 0Bh WORD number of first sector containing user data 0Dh WORD highest cluster number (number of data clusters + 1) 16-bit FAT if greater than 0FF6h, else 12-bit FAT 0Fh BYTE number of sectors per FAT 10h WORD sector number of first directory sector 12h DWORD address of device driver header (see #01646) 16h BYTE media ID byte (see #01356) 17h BYTE 00h if disk accessed, FFh if not 18h DWORD pointer to next DPB ---DOS 2.x--- 1Ch WORD cluster containing start of current directory, 0000h=root, FFFFh = unknown 1Eh 64 BYTEs ASCIZ pathname of current directory for drive ---DOS 3.x--- 1Ch WORD cluster at which to start search for free space when writing 1Eh WORD number of free clusters on drive, FFFFh = unknown ---DOS 4.0-6.0--- 0Fh WORD number of sectors per FAT 11h WORD sector number of first directory sector 13h DWORD address of device driver header (see #01646) 17h BYTE media ID byte (see #01356) 18h BYTE 00h if disk accessed, FFh if not 19h DWORD pointer to next DPB 1Dh WORD cluster at which to start search for free space when writing, usually the last cluster allocated 1Fh WORD number of free clusters on drive, FFFFh = unknown SeeAlso: #01357,#01663,#01787 at AX=7302h,#04039 at INT E0/CL=71hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - EXTENDED BREAK CHECKING AH = 33h AL = subfunction 00h get current extended break state Return: DL = current state, 00h = off, 01h = on 01h set state of extended ^C/^Break checking DL = new state 00h off, check only on character I/O functions 01h on, check on all DOS functions Return: (Novell DOS 7) DL = old state of extended Break checks Note: under DOS 3.1+ and DR DOS, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time SeeAlso: AX=3302hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.x+ internal - GET AND SET EXTENDED CONTROL-BREAK CHECKING STATE AX = 3302h DL = new state (00h for OFF, 01h for ON) Return: DL = old state of extended BREAK checking Notes: this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time; one possible use is modifying Control-Break checking from within an interrupt handler or TSR not supported by DR DOS through version 6.0 (error code 01h); newly-supported by Novell DOS 7 SeeAlso: AH=33hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.4/4.0 - GET CURRENT CPSW STATE AX = 3303h Return: DL = current CPSW Notes: this function and AX=3304h were intended to support a proposed code-page switching flag (using the WORD at offset 0Ch in the DOS directory entry for codepage information); however, this function has always been a NOP in public releases of DOS and OS/2. See _DOS_Internals_ Chapter 2 for more information. the released MS-DOS 4.00 IO.SYS has an undocumented CONFIG.SYS directive named CPSW= and that beside others the MS-DOS 4.00 ATTRIB supported a number of undocumented special parameters for "predefined" Extended Attributes (EAs) e.g. ATTRIB filename [(CODEPAGE|CP)[=new_value]]. this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time. It is directly dispatched from the INT 21h entry point with interrupts disabled. SeeAlso: AX=3304hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.4/4.0 - SET CPSW STATE AX = 3304h DL = new CPSW state Return: nothing Notes: this function and AX=3303h were intended to support a proposed code-page switching flag (using the WORD at offset 0Ch in the DOS directory entry for codepage information); however, this function has always been a NOP in public releases of DOS and OS/2. See _DOS_Internals_ Chapter 2 for more information. the released MS-DOS 4.00 IO.SYS has an undocumented CONFIG.SYS directive named CPSW= and that beside others the MS-DOS 4.00 ATTRIB supported a number of undocumented special parameters for "predefined" Extended Attributes (EAs) e.g. ATTRIB filename [(CODEPAGE|CP)[=new_value]]. this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time. It is directly dispatched from the INT 21h entry point with interrupts disabled. SeeAlso: AX=3303h,AH=11h,AX=5702hTop
INT 21 - DOS 4.0+ - GET BOOT DRIVE AX = 3305h Return: DL = boot drive (1=A:,...) Notes: This function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time. It is directly dispatched from the INT 21h entry point with interrupts disabled. NEC 9800-series PCs always call the boot drive A: and assign the other drive letters sequentially to the other drives in the system this call is supported by OS/2 Warp 3.0, but not earlier versions of OS/2; it is also supported by Novell DOS 7Top
INT 21 - DOS 5+ - GET TRUE VERSION NUMBER AX = 3306h Return: BL = major version BH = minor version DL = revision (bits 2-0, all others 0) DH = version flags bit 3: DOS is in ROM bit 4: DOS is in HMA AL = FFh if true DOS version < 5.0 Notes: this function always returns the true version number, unlike AH=30h, whose return value may be changed with SETVER because of the conflict from the CBIS redirector (see next entry), programs should check whether BH is less than 100 (64h) and BL is at least 5 before accepting the returned BX as the true version number; however, even this is not entirely reliable when that redirector is loaded Under MS-DOS/PC DOS, DR DOS, PTS-DOS, S/DOS this function does not use any of the DOS internal stacks and thus is fully reentrant OS/2 v2.1 will return BX=0A14h (version 20.10) Windows 95 and Windows 95 SP1 return version 7.00; Windows 95 OSR2 and OPK3 (OSR2.5) return version MS 7.10. the Windows NT DOS box returns BX=3205h (version 5.50) Novell DOS 7 returns IBM v6.00, which some software displays as IBM DOS v6.10 (because of the version mismatch in true IBM DOS mentioned for INT 21/AH=30h); versions through Update 15 all return revision code 00h Windows95 and Windows95 SP1 return version 7.00; Windows95 OSR2 returns version 7.10 Heiko Goeman's Advanced WinDOS 2.10/2.11/2.21 returns DOS 5.00, revision 0. Novell DOS 7, OpenDOS 7.01, DR-OpenDOS 7.02, DR-DOS 7.02, DR-DOS 7.03 all return IBM 6.00, which some software displays as IBM DOS 6.10 (because of the version mismatch in true IBM DOS mentioned for INT 21/AH=30h); versions through Novell DOS 7 Update 15.2 (01/1996) all return revision code 00h. The DOS revision is stored in bits 7-0 of the "patch_version" field in the PCM_HEADER structure in the IBMDOS.COM file (see also INT 21/AX=4452h !!!). The version flags (DH) are stored in bits 15-8 of "patch_version", but is updated at runtime to reflect the actual status. "patch_version" is also reported as DX in INT 21/AX=4452h. Unlike MS-DOS, under Novell DOS 7+ IBMDOS.COM will also allow to SETVER the returned "true" DOS version same as with INT 21/AX=3000h and INT 21/AX=3001h. DR-DOS 7.02+ IBMDOS.COM (since 1998-01-10) now recognizes optional paths to filenames stored in the SETVER list. Previously such entries were never found. This enables a three staged model of SETVERed versions: highest priority = entry with path is matching. middle priority = entry without path is matching. lowest priority = use global version (SETVER /G). The DR-DOS 7.02+ SETVER 1.01+ (1998-01-12) has also been enhanced to allow BDOS and DOS version faking (see INT 21/AX=4452h). In /X mode, a set sub-version of y = 128..255 will be reported as 0..127 DOS sub-version, sub-versions of y = 100..127 will be used to report this value as BDOS version (64h..7Fh) with INT 21/AX=4452h instead while bits 6-0 of the DOS revision stored in PCM_HEADER in the IBMDOS.COM file will be used to report the BH DOS sub-version 0..127 (usually this holds 0, but it can be patched to other values). DR-DOS SHARE 2.05 (1998-01-05) has relaxed version checking now, and will install on any DOS revision 0..127 (formerly it was bound to DOS revision 0 only), as long as run on a DR-DOS 72h or 73h BDOS kernel. Hence, if there will be changes in the SHARE implementation without changing the BDOS version, DR-DOS SHARE 2.05 can still be stopped from installing by changing the DOS revision in PCM_HEADER to something in the range 128..255. Under Novell DOS 7+, the version SETVERing also affects the version number WORD stored at offset +40h in each program's PSP (see Table xxxx at INT 21/AH=26h). This holds true even for special sub-versions of 100..255 (see INT 21/AX=4452h). S/DOS 1.0 (1995) returns a DOS revision of 9, while its own PTS OEM revision still defaults to 0 (see also INT 21/AH=20h"S/DOS"). BUG: DR DOS 5.0 and 6.0 return CF set/AX=0001h for INT 21/AH=33h subfunctions other than 00h-02h and 05h, while MS-DOS returns AL=FFh for invalid subfunctions SeeAlso: AH=30h,INT 2F/AX=122Fh,INT 2F/AX=E000h"SETDRVER"Top
INT 21 - Windows95 - SET/CLEAR DOS_FLAG AX = 3307h DL = subfunction 00h clear bit 5 of "DOS_FLAG" 01h set bit 5 of "DOS_FLAG" Return: ???Top
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET ADDRESS OF INDOS FLAG AH = 34h Return: ES:BX -> one-byte InDOS flag Notes: this function executes on the DOS stack, and thus cannot be called while another DOS function is already executing; you should use this function once at the beginning of the program and store the returned pointer rather than calling it when requiring DOS access the value of InDOS is incremented whenever an INT 21 function begins and decremented whenever one completes during an INT 28 call, it is safe to call some INT 21 functions even though InDOS may be 01h instead of zero InDOS alone is not sufficient for determining when it is safe to enter DOS, as the critical error handling decrements InDOS and increments the critical error flag for the duration of the critical error. Thus, it is possible for InDOS to be zero even if DOS is busy. SMARTDRV 4.0 sets the InDOS flag while flushing its buffers to disk, then zeros it on completion the critical error flag is the byte immediately following InDOS in DOS 2.x, and the byte BEFORE the InDOS flag in DOS 3.0+ and DR DOS 3.41+ (except COMPAQ DOS 3.0, where the critical error flag is located 1AAh bytes BEFORE the critical section flag) for DOS 3.1+, an undocumented call exists to get the address of the critical error flag (see AX=5D06h) this function was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0. SeeAlso: AX=5D06h,AX=5D0Bh,INT 15/AX=DE1Fh,INT 28Top
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR AH = 35h AL = interrupt number Return: ES:BX -> current interrupt handler Note: under DR DOS 5.0+, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time SeeAlso: AH=25h,AX=2503hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET FREE DISK SPACE AH = 36h DL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) Return: AX = FFFFh if invalid drive else AX = sectors per cluster BX = number of free clusters CX = bytes per sector DX = total clusters on drive Notes: free space on drive in bytes is AX * BX * CX total space on drive in bytes is AX * CX * DX "lost clusters" are considered to be in use according to Dave Williams' MS-DOS reference, the value in DX is incorrect for non-default drives after ASSIGN is run this function does not return proper results on CD-ROMs; use AX=4402h"CD-ROM" instead (FAT32 drive) the reported total and free space are limited to 2G-32K should they exceed that value SeeAlso: AH=1Bh,AH=1Ch,AX=4402h"CD-ROM",AX=7303hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "SWITCHAR" - GET SWITCH CHARACTER AX = 3700h Return: AL = status 00h successful DL = current switch character FFh unsupported subfunction Desc: Determine the character which is used to introduce command switches. This setting is ignored by MS-DOS commands in version 4.0 and higher, but is honored by many third-party programs and by Novell DOS 7 external commands BUG: Novell DOS 7's COMMAND.COM (prior to Update 15) fails to honor the SwitChar setting for internal commands even though COMMAND.COM honors it in its own command tail (i.e. COMMAND /?); even in Update 15, internal commands fail to honor SwitChar for the /? help option Notes: documented in some OEM versions of some releases of DOS supported by OS/2 compatibility box always returns AL=00h/DL=2Fh for MS-DOS 5+ and DR DOS 3.41-6.0 Novell DOS 7 COMMAND.COM indicates switch characters other than '/' by changing the first backslash (and only the first one) in the path it prints for PROMPT $p with a forward slash SeeAlso: AX=3701hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "SWITCHAR" - SET SWITCH CHARACTER AX = 3701h DL = new switch character Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh unsupported subfunction Notes: documented in some OEM versions of some releases of DOS; DOS 2.x had a SWITCHAR=c setting in CONFIG.SYS supported by OS/2 compatibility box and Novell DOS 7 ignored by MS-DOS 5+ and DR DOS 3.41-6.0; DR DOS 6.0 and Novell DOS 7 leave AX unchanged SeeAlso: AX=3700hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2.x and 3.3+ only - "AVAILDEV" - SPECIFY \DEV\ PREFIX USE AH = 37h AL = subfunction 02h get availdev flag Return: DL = 00h \DEV\ must precede character device names = nonzero \DEV\ is optional 03h set availdev flag DL = new state 00h \DEV\ is mandatory nonzero \DEV\ is optional Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh unsupported subfunction Notes: all versions of DOS from 2.00 allow \DEV\ to be prepended to device names without generating an error even if the directory \DEV does not actually exist (other paths generate an error if they do not exist); DOS 2.x has an AVAILDEV= option in CONFIG.SYS to make \DEV mandatory although MS-DOS 3.3+, DR DOS 3.41+, and Novell DOS 7 accept these calls, they have no effect, and AL=02h always returns DL=FFh (except for Novell DOS 7, which leaves AX unchanged for both subfunctions)Top
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET COUNTRY-SPECIFIC INFORMATION AH = 38h --DOS 2.x-- AL = 00h get current-country info DS:DX -> buffer for returned info (see #01398,#01399) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (02h) CF clear if successful AX = country code (MS-DOS 2.11 only) buffer at DS:DX filled --DOS 3.0+-- AL = 00h for current country AL = 01h thru 0FEh for specific country with code <255 (see #01400) AL = 0FFh for specific country with code >= 255 BX = 16-bit country code (see #01400) DS:DX -> buffer for returned info (see #01399) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (02h) CF clear if successful AX = country code (Novell NWDOS v7.0) BX = country code DS:DX buffer filled Note: this function is not supported by the Borland DPMI host, but no error is returned; as a workaround, one should allocate a buffer in conventional memory with INT 31/AX=0100h and simulate an INT 21 with INT 31/AX=0300h SeeAlso: AH=65h,INT 10/AX=5001h,INT 2F/AX=1404h Format of DOS 2.00-2.10 country info: Offset Size Description (Table 01398) 00h WORD date format 0 = USA mm dd yy 1 = Europe dd mm yy 2 = Japan yy mm dd 02h BYTE currency symbol 03h BYTE 00h 04h BYTE thousands separator char 05h BYTE 00h 06h BYTE decimal separator char 07h BYTE 00h 08h 24 BYTEs reserved Format of DOS 2.11+ country info: Offset Size Description (Table 01399) 00h WORD date format (see #01398) 02h 5 BYTEs ASCIZ currency symbol string 07h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ thousands separator 09h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ decimal separator 0Bh 2 BYTEs ASCIZ date separator 0Dh 2 BYTEs ASCIZ time separator 0Fh BYTE currency format bit 2 = set if currency symbol replaces decimal point bit 1 = number of spaces between value and currency symbol bit 0 = 0 if currency symbol precedes value 1 if currency symbol follows value 10h BYTE number of digits after decimal in currency 11h BYTE time format bit 0 = 0 if 12-hour clock 1 if 24-hour clock 12h DWORD address of case map routine (FAR CALL, AL = character to map to upper case [>= 80h]) 16h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ data-list separator 18h 10 BYTEs reserved (Table 01400) Values for country code: 001h (1) United States 002h (2) Canadian-French 003h (3) Latin America 004h (4) Canada (English) 007h (7) Russia 014h (20) Egypt 01Bh (27) South Africa 01Eh (30) Greece 01Fh (31) Netherlands 020h (32) Belgium 021h (33) France 022h (34) Spain 023h (35) Bulgaria??? 024h (36) Hungary (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) 026h (38) Yugoslavia (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) -- obsolete 027h (39) Italy / San Marino / Vatican City 028h (40) Romania 029h (41) Switzerland / Liechtenstein 02Ah (42) Czechoslovakia / Tjekia / Slovakia (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) 02Bh (43) Austria (DR DOS 5.0) 02Ch (44) United Kingdom 02Dh (45) Denmark 02Eh (46) Sweden 02Fh (47) Norway 030h (48) Poland (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) 031h (49) Germany 033h (51) Peru 034h (52) Mexico 035h (53) Cuba 036h (54) Argentina 037h (55) Brazil (not supported by DR DOS 5.0) 038h (56) Chile 039h (57) Columbia 03Ah (58) Venezuela 03Ch (60) Malaysia 03Dh (61) International English / Australia 03Eh (62) Indonesia / East Timor 03Fh (63) Philippines 040h (64) New Zealand 041h (65) Singapore 042h (66) Thailand (or Taiwan???) 051h (81) Japan (DR DOS 5.0, MS-DOS 5.0+) 052h (82) South Korea (DR DOS 5.0) 054h (84) Vietnam 056h (86) China (MS-DOS 5.0+) 058h (88) Taiwan (MS-DOS 5.0+) 05Ah (90) Turkey (MS-DOS 5.0+) 05Bh (91) India 05Ch (92) Pakistan 05Dh (93) Afghanistan 05Eh (94) Sri Lanka 062h (98) Iran 063h (99) Asia (English) 066h (102) ??? (Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0) 070h (112) Belarus 0C8h (200) Thailand (PC DOS 6.1+) (reported as 01h due to a bug in PC DOS COUNTRY.SYS) 0D4h (212) Morocco 0D5h (213) Algeria 0D8h (216) Tunisia 0DAh (218) Libya 0DCh (220) Gambia 0DDh (221) Senegal 0DEh (222) Maruitania 0DFh (223) Mali 0E0h (224) African Guinea 0E1h (225) Ivory Coast 0E2h (226) Burkina Faso 0E3h (227) Niger 0E4h (228) Togo 0E5h (229) Benin 0E6h (230) Mauritius 0E7h (231) Liberia 0E8h (232) Sierra Leone 0E9h (233) Ghana 0EAh (234) Nigeria 0EBh (235) Chad 0ECh (236) Centra African Republic 0EDh (237) Cameroon 0EEh (238) Cape Verde Islands 0EFh (239) Sao Tome and Principe 0F0h (240) Equatorial Guinea 0F1h (241) Gabon 0F2h (242) Congo 0F3h (243) Zaire 0F4h (244) Angola 0F5h (245) Guinea-Bissau 0F6h (246) Diego Garcia 0F7h (247) Ascension Isle 0F8h (248) Seychelles 0F9h (249) Sudan 0FAh (250) Rwhanda 0FBh (251) Ethiopia 0FCh (252) Somalia 0FDh (253) Djibouti 0FEh (254) Kenya 0FFh (255) Tanzania 100h (256) Uganda 101h (257) Burundi 103h (259) Mozambique 104h (260) Zambia 105h (261) Madagascar 106h (262) Reunion Island 107h (263) Zimbabwe 108h (264) Namibia 109h (265) Malawi 10Ah (266) Lesotho 10Bh (267) Botswana 10Ch (268) Swaziland 10Dh (269) Comoros 10Eh (270) Mayotte 122h (290) St. Helena 129h (297) Aruba 12Ah (298) Faroe Islands 12Bh (299) Greenland 15Eh (350) Gibraltar 15Fh (351) Portugal 160h (352) Luxembourg 161h (353) Ireland 162h (354) Iceland 163h (355) Albania 164h (356) Malta 165h (357) Cyprus 166h (358) Finland 167h (359) Bulgaria 172h (370) Lithuania (reported as 372 due to a bug in MS-DOS COUNTRY.SYS) 173h (371) Latvia (reported as 372 due to a bug in MS-DOS COUNTRY.SYS) 174h (372) Estonia 175h (373) Moldova 177h (375) ??? (MS-DOS 7.10 / Windows98) 17Ch (380) Ukraine 17Dh (381) Serbia / Montenegro 180h (384) Croatia 181h (385) Croatia (PC DOS 7+) 182h (386) Slovenia 183h (387) Bosnia-Herzegovina (Latin) 184h (388) Bosnia-Herzegovina (Cyrillic) (PC DOS 7+) (reported as 381 due to a bug in PC DOS COUNTRY.SYS) 185h (389) FYR Macedonia 1A5h (421) Czech Republic / Tjekia (PC DOS 7+) 1A6h (422) Slovakia (reported as 421 due to a bug in COUNTRY.SYS) 1F4h (500) Falkland Islands 1F5h (501) Belize 1F6h (502) Guatemala 1F7h (503) El Salvador 1F8h (504) Honduras 1F9h (505) Nicraragua 1FAh (506) Costa Rica 1FBh (507) Panama 1FCh (508) St. Pierre and Miquelon 1FDh (509) Haiti 24Eh (590) Guadeloupe 24Fh (591) Bolivia 250h (592) Guyana 251h (593) Ecuador 252h (594) rench Guiana 253h (595) Paraguay 254h (596) Martinique / French Antilles 255h (597) Suriname 256h (598) Uruguay 257h (599) Netherland Antilles 29Ah (666) Russia??? (PTS-DOS 6.51 KEYB) 29Bh (667) Poland??? (PTS-DOS 6.51 KEYB) 29Ch (668) Poland??? (Slavic???) (PTS-DOS 6.51 KEYB) 29Eh (670) Saipan / N. Mariana Island 29Fh (671) Guam 2A0h (672) Norfolk Island (Australia) / Christmas Island/Cocos Islands / Antartica 2A1h (673) Brunei Darussalam 2A2h (674) Nauru 2A3h (675) Papua New Guinea 2A4h (676) Tonga Islands 2A5h (677) Solomon Islands 2A6h (678) Vanuatu 2A7h (679) Fiji 2A8h (680) Palau 2A9h (681) Wallis & Futuna 2AAh (682) Cook Islands 2ABh (683) Niue 2ACh (684) American Samoa 2ADh (685) Western Samoa 2AEh (686) Kiribati 2AFh (687) New Caledonia 2B0h (688) Tuvalu 2B1h (689) French Polynesia 2B2h (690) Tokealu 2B3h (691) Micronesia 2B4h (692) Marshall Islands 2C7h (711) ??? (currency = EA$, code pages 437,737,850,852,855,857) 311h (785) Arabic (Middle East/Saudi Arabia/etc.) 324h (804) Ukraine 329h (809) Antigua and Barbuda / Anguilla / Bahamas / Barbados / Bermuda British Virgin Islands / Cayman Islands / Dominica Dominican Republic / Grenada / Jamaica / Montserra St. Kitts and Nevis / St. Lucia / St. Vincent and Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago / Turks and Caicos 352h (850) North Korea 354h (852) Hong Kong 355h (853) Macao 357h (855) Cambodia 358h (856) Laos 370h (880) Bangladesh 376h (886) Taiwan (MS-DOS 6.22+) 3C0h (960) Maldives 3C1h (961) Lebanon 3C2h (962) Jordan 3C3h (963) Syria / Syrian Arab Republic 3C4h (964) Iraq 3C5h (965) Kuwait 3C6h (966) Saudi Arabia 3C7h (967) Yemen 3C8h (968) Oman 3C9h (969) Yemen??? (Arabic MS-DOS 5.0) 3CBh (971) United Arab Emirates 3CCh (972) Israel (Hebrew) (DR DOS 5.0,MS-DOS 5.0+) 3CDh (973) Bahrain 3CEh (974) Qatar 3CFh (975) Bhutan 3D0h (976) Mongolia 3D1h (977) Nepal 3E3h (995) Myanmar (Burma) (10xxx) reserved for ISO 28601/ISO 8601 or derivative national stds (11xxx) reserved for Euro currency support (12xxx) reserved for ISO 28601 + Euro currency (1xxxx) not yet defined (20xxx) reserved for ISO 28601/ISO 8601 or derivative national stds (21xxx) reserved for Euro currency support (22xxx) reserved for ISO 28601 + Euro currency (2xxxx) not yet defined (30xxx) reserved for user-definable country codes (31xxx) reserved for OEM-defined country codes (32000+) reserved for future expansion Note: not all country codes are supported by all versions of DOSTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - SET COUNTRY CODE AH = 38h DX = FFFFh AL = 01h thru FEh for specific country with code <255 AL = FFh for specific country with code >= 255 BX = 16-bit country code (see #01400) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Note: not supported by OS/2 SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1403hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "MKDIR" - CREATE SUBDIRECTORY AH = 39h DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: all directories in the given path except the last must exist fails if the parent directory is the root and is full DOS 2.x-3.3 allow the creation of a directory sufficiently deep that it is not possible to make that directory the current directory because the path would exceed 64 characters under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=3Ah,AH=3Bh,AH=6Dh,AX=7139h,AH=E2h/SF=0Ah,AX=43FFh/BP=5053h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1103h,INT 60/DI=0511hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "RMDIR" - REMOVE SUBDIRECTORY AH = 3Ah DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname of directory to be removed Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (03h,05h,06h,10h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: directory must be empty (contain only '.' and '..' entries) under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=39h,AH=3Bh,AX=713Ah,AH=E2h/SF=0Bh,INT 2F/AX=1101h,INT 60/DI=0512hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CHDIR" - SET CURRENT DIRECTORY AH = 3Bh DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname to become current directory (max 64 bytes) Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (03h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if new directory name includes a drive letter, the default drive is not changed, only the current directory on that drive changing the current directory also changes the directory in which FCB file calls operate under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=47h,AX=713Bh,INT 2F/AX=1105hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CREAT" - CREATE OR TRUNCATE FILE AH = 3Ch CX = file attributes (see #01401) DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful AX = file handle CF set on error AX = error code (03h,04h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if a file with the given name exists, it is truncated to zero length under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX DR DOS checks the system password or explicitly supplied password at the end of the filename against the reserved field in the directory entry before allowing access SeeAlso: AH=16h,AH=3Dh,AH=5Ah,AH=5Bh,AH=93h,INT 2F/AX=1117h Bitfields for file attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 01401) 0 read-only 1 hidden 2 system 3 volume label (ignored) 4 reserved, must be zero (directory) 5 archive bit 7 if set, file is shareable under Novell NetWareTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "OPEN" - OPEN EXISTING FILE AH = 3Dh AL = access and sharing modes (see #01402) DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename CL = attribute mask of files to look for (server call only) Return: CF clear if successful AX = file handle CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,03h,04h,05h,0Ch,56h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: file pointer is set to start of file if SHARE or a network is loaded, the file open may fail if the file is already open, depending on the combination of sharing modes (see #01403,#01404) file handles which are inherited from a parent also inherit sharing and access restrictions files may be opened even if given the hidden or system attributes under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX DR DOS checks the system password or explicitly supplied password at the end of the filename (following a semicolon) against the reserved field in the directory entry before allowing access sharing modes are only effective on local drives if SHARE is loaded BUG: Novell DOS 7 SHARE v1.00 would refuse file access in the cases in #01403 marked with [1] (read-only open of a read-only file which had previously been opened in compatibility mode); this was fixed in SHARE v1.01 of 09/29/94 SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=3Ch,AX=4301h,AX=5D00h,INT 2F/AX=1116h,INT 2F/AX=1226h Bitfields for access and sharing modes: Bit(s) Description (Table 01402) 2-0 access mode 000 read only 001 write only 010 read/write 011 (DOS 5+ internal) passed to redirector on EXEC to allow case-sensitive filenames 3 reserved (0) 6-4 sharing mode (DOS 3.0+) (see #01403) 000 compatibility mode 001 "DENYALL" prohibit both read and write access by others 010 "DENYWRITE" prohibit write access by others 011 "DENYREAD" prohibit read access by others 100 "DENYNONE" allow full access by others 111 network FCB (only available during server call) 7 inheritance if set, file is private to current process and will not be inherited by child processes SeeAlso: #01782,#01403 (Table 01403) Values of DOS 2-6.22 file sharing behavior: | Second and subsequent Opens First |Compat Deny Deny Deny Deny Open | All Write Read None |R W RW R W RW R W RW R W RW R W RW - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Compat R |Y Y Y N N N 1 N N N N N 1 N N W |Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N RW|Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N - - - - -| Deny R |C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N All W |C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N RW|C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N - - - - -| Deny R |2 C C N N N Y N N N N N Y N N Write W |C C C N N N N N N Y N N Y N N RW|C C C N N N N N N N N N Y N N - - - - -| Deny R |C C C N N N N Y N N N N N Y N Read W |C C C N N N N N N N Y N N Y N RW|C C C N N N N N N N N N N Y N - - - - -| Deny R |2 C C N N N Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y None W |C C C N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y RW|C C C N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Legend: Y = open succeeds, N = open fails with error code 05h C = open fails, INT 24 generated 1 = open succeeds if file read-only, else fails with error code 2 = open succeeds if file read-only, else fails with INT 24 SeeAlso: #01636,#01404 (Table 01404) Values for DOS 7.x file sharing behavior: | Second and subsequent Opens First |Compat Deny Deny Deny Deny Open | All Write Read None |R W RW A R W RW A R W RW A R W RW A R W RW A - - - - -| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Compat R |Y Y Y Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N Y Y N N Y W |Y Y Y C N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y RW|Y Y Y C N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y NA|Y C C Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N Y Y N N Y - - - - -| Deny R |C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N All W |C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N RW|C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NA|C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - - - - -| Deny R |Y C C Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N Y Y N N Y Write W |C C C C N N N N N N N N Y N N Y Y N N Y RW|C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y N N Y NA|Y C C Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N Y Y N N Y - - - - -| Deny R |C C C C N N N N N Y N N N N N N N Y N N Read W |C C C C N N N N N N N N N Y N N N Y N N RW|C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N NA|Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y - - - - -| Deny R |Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y None W |C C C C N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y RW|C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y NA|Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Legend: R -> reading, W -> writing, RW -> both reading & writing, A/NA -> reading without access time update Y = open succeeds, N = open fails with error code 05h C = open fails, INT 24 generated SeeAlso: #01403,#01636Top
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CLOSE" - CLOSE FILE AH = 3Eh BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if the file was written to, any pending disk writes are performed, the time and date stamps are set to the current time, and the directory entry is updated recent versions of DOS preserve AH because some versions of Multiplan had a bug which depended on AH being preserved SeeAlso: AH=10h,AH=3Ch,AH=3Dh,INT 2F/AX=1106h,INT 2F/AX=1227hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "READ" - READ FROM FILE OR DEVICE AH = 3Fh BX = file handle CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer for data Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read (0 if at EOF before call) CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: data is read beginning at current file position, and the file position is updated after a successful read the returned AX may be smaller than the request in CX if a partial read occurred if reading from CON, read stops at first CR under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX BUG: Novell NETX.EXE v3.26 and 3.31 do not set CF if the read fails due to a record lock (see AH=5Ch), though it does return AX=0005h; this has been documented by Novell SeeAlso: AH=27h,AH=40h,AH=93h,INT 2F/AX=1108h,INT 2F/AX=1229hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "WRITE" - WRITE TO FILE OR DEVICE AH = 40h BX = file handle CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> data to write Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually written CF set on error AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if CX is zero, no data is written, and the file is truncated or extended to the current position data is written beginning at the current file position, and the file position is updated after a successful write for FAT32 drives, the file must have been opened with AX=6C00h with the "extended size" flag in order to expand the file beyond 2GB; otherwise the write will fail with error code 0005h (access denied) the usual cause for AX < CX on return is a full disk BUG: a write of zero bytes will appear to succeed when it actually failed if the write is extending the file and there is not enough disk space for the expanded file (DOS 5.0-6.0); one should therefore check whether the file was in fact extended by seeking to 0 bytes from the end of the file (INT 21/AX=4202h/CX=0000h/DX=0000h) under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=28h,AH=3Fh"DOS",AH=93h,INT 2F/AX=1109hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "UNLINK" - DELETE FILE AH = 41h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename (no wildcards, but see notes) CL = attribute mask for deletion (server call only, see notes) Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed (DOS 3.3) AL seems to be drive of deleted file CF set on error AX = error code (02h,03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: (DOS 3.1+) wildcards are allowed if invoked via AX=5D00h, in which case the filespec must be canonical (as returned by AH=60h), and only files matching the attribute mask in CL are deleted DR DOS 5.0-6.0 returns error code 03h if invoked via AX=5D00h; DR DOS 3.41 crashes if called via AX=5D00h with wildcards DOS does not erase the file's data; it merely becomes inaccessible because the FAT chain for the file is cleared deleting a file which is currently open may lead to filesystem corruption. Unless SHARE is loaded, DOS does not close the handles referencing the deleted file, thus allowing writes to a nonexistant file. under DR DOS and DR Multiuser DOS, this function will fail if the file is currently open under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the pointer is in DS:EDX BUG: DR DOS 3.41 crashes if called via AX=5D00h SeeAlso: AH=13h,AX=4301h,AX=4380h,AX=5D00h,AH=60h,AX=7141h,AX=F244h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1113hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "LSEEK" - SET CURRENT FILE POSITION AH = 42h AL = origin of move 00h start of file 01h current file position 02h end of file BX = file handle CX:DX = (signed) offset from origin of new file position Return: CF clear if successful DX:AX = new file position in bytes from start of file CF set on error AX = error code (01h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: for origins 01h and 02h, the pointer may be positioned before the start of the file; no error is returned in that case (except under Windows NT), but subsequent attempts at I/O will produce errors if the new position is beyond the current end of file, the file will be extended by the next write (see AH=40h); for FAT32 drives, the file must have been opened with AX=6C00h with the "extended size" flag in order to expand the file beyond 2GB BUG: using this method to grow a file from zero bytes to a very large size can corrupt the FAT in some versions of DOS; the file should first be grown from zero to one byte and then to the desired large size SeeAlso: AH=24h,INT 2F/AX=1228hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET FILE ATTRIBUTES AX = 4300h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful CX = file attributes (see #01420) AX = CX (DR DOS 5.0) CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the filename pointer is in DS:EDX under DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0, attempts to change the subdirectory bit are simply ignored without an error BUG: Windows for Workgroups returns error code 05h (access denied) instead of error code 02h (file not found) when attempting to get the attributes of a nonexistent file. This causes open() with O_CREAT and fopen() with the "w" mode to fail in Borland C++. SeeAlso: AX=4301h,AX=4310h,AX=7143h,AH=B6h,INT 2F/AX=110Fh,INT 60/DI=0517hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CHMOD" - SET FILE ATTRIBUTES AX = 4301h CX = new file attributes (see #01420) DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: will not change volume label or directory attribute bits, but will change the other attribute bits of a directory (the directory bit must be cleared to successfully change the other attributes of a directory, but the directory will not be changed to a normal file as a result) MS-DOS 4.01 reportedly closes the file if it is currently open for security reasons, the Novell NetWare execute-only bit can never be cleared; the file must be deleted and recreated under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the filename pointer is in DS:EDX DOS 5.0 SHARE will close the file if it is currently open in sharing- compatibility mode, otherwise a sharing violation critical error is generated if the file is currently open DR DOS 3.41/5.0 will silently ignore attempts to change the 'directory' attribute bit SeeAlso: AX=4300h,AX=4311h,AX=7143h,INT 2F/AX=110Eh Bitfields for file attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 01420) 7 shareable (Novell NetWare) 7 pending deleted files (Novell DOS, OpenDOS) 6 unused 5 archive 4 directory 3 volume label execute-only (Novell NetWare) 2 system 1 hidden 0 read-onlyTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7 - GET COMPRESSED FILE SIZE AX = 4302h DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname for file or directory Return: CF clear if successful ??? = compressed size of file/directory in bytes CF set on error AX = error code Note: on volumes which do not support compression, the returned size is the actual file size rounded up to the next cluster boundary SeeAlso: AH=71h,AH=72hTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.20 (Win98) - EXTENDED-LENGTH FILENAME OPERATIONS AX = 43FFh BP = 5053h ('PS') CL = function 39h "mkdir" create directory DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname 56h rename file DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename of existing file (no wildcards) ES:DI -> ASCIZ new filename (no wildcards) Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (03h,05h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: these functions are equivalent to INT 21/AH=39h and INT 21/AH=56h, but with a maximum path length of 128 characters instead of 67; unlike INT 21/AX=71xxh, these functions are available under bare DOS and not just in a Windows DOS box SeeAlso: AH=39h,AH=56h,AX=7139h,AX=7156hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - IOCTL - GET DEVICE INFORMATION AX = 4400h BX = handle Return: CF clear if successful DX = device information word (see #01423) AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: value in DH corresponds to high byte of device driver's attribute word if handle refers to a character device Novell NetWare reportedly does not return a drive number in bits 5-0 for a disk file this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AX=4401h,INT 2F/AX=122Bh Bitfields for device information word: Bit(s) Description (Table 01423) character device 14 device driver can process IOCTL requests (see AX=4402h"DOS 2+") 13 output until busy supported 11 driver supports OPEN/CLOSE calls 8 ??? (set by MS-DOS 6.2x KEYB) 7 set (indicates device) 6 EOF on input 5 raw (binary) mode 4 device is special (uses INT 29) 3 clock device 2 NUL device 1 standard output 0 standard input disk file 15 file is remote (DOS 3.0+) 14 don't set file date/time on closing (DOS 3.0+) 11 media not removable 8 (DOS 4 only) generate INT 24 if no disk space on write or read past end of file 7 clear (indicates file) 6 file has not been written 5-0 drive number (0 = A:) SeeAlso: INT 29Top
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - IOCTL - SET DEVICE INFORMATION AX = 4401h BX = handle (must refer to character device) DX = device information word (see #01423) (DH must be zero for DOS version prior to 6.x) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AX=4400h,INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - IOCTL - READ FROM CHARACTER DEVICE CONTROL CHANNEL AX = 4402h BX = file handle referencing character device CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: format of data is driver-specific (also see separate entries below for some specific cases) this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AX=4400h,AX=4403h"DOS",AX=4404h"DOS",INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 U - MS-DOS 7.0+ - CONFIG$ device - GET CONFIGURATION INFORMATION AX = 4402h BX = file handle for character device "CONFIG$" CX = number of bytes to read (at least 5) DS:DX -> buffer for ??? data (see #01444) Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=4403h"CONFIG$" Format of MS-DOS 7.0 CONFIG$ ??? data: Offset Size Description (Table 01444) 00h WORD ??? (0000h) 02h WORD ??? (0000h or value read from IO.SYS segment 70h) 04h BYTE ??? (value read from IO.SYS segment 70h)Top
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - IOCTL - WRITE TO CHARACTER DEVICE CONTROL CHANNEL AX = 4403h BX = file handle referencing character device CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> data to write Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually written CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: format of data is driver-specific (also see separate entries below for some specific cases) if the file handle refers to "4DOSSTAK", the 4DOS (v2.x-3.03) KEYSTACK.SYS driver will push the specified characters on the keyboard stack; similarly for "NDOSSTAK", the NDOS KEYSTACK.SYS driver will push the characters onto the keyboard stack this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AX=4400h,AX=4402h"DOS 2+",AX=4405h"DOS",INT 2F/AX=122Bh SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=D44Dh,INT 2F/AX=D44FhTop
INT 21 U - MS-DOS 7.0+ - CONFIG$ device - SET??? CONFIGURATION INFORMATION AX = 4403h BX = file handle for character device "CONFIG$" CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> buffer containing ??? Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually written CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: IOCTL Output to CONFIG$ is only available while IO.SYS is booting the system; once CONFIG.SYS has been processed, this call always succeeds, ignoring any input SeeAlso: AX=4403h"CONFIG$"Top
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - IOCTL - READ FROM BLOCK DEVICE CONTROL CHANNEL AX = 4404h BL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc.) CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually read CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: format of data is driver-specific this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AX=4402h"DOS 2+",AX=4405h"DOS",INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - IOCTL - WRITE TO BLOCK DEVICE CONTROL CHANNEL AX = 4405h BL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> data to write Return: CF clear if successful AX = number of bytes actually written CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: format of data is driver-specific this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AX=4403h"DOS",AX=4404h"DOS",INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - IOCTL - GET INPUT STATUS AX = 4406h BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful AL = input status 00h not ready (device) or at EOF (file) FFh ready AH may be destroyed (refer to note) CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: files may not register as being at EOF if positioned there by AH=42h under DOS 5.0, on a successful return, AH contains either the next character which will be read or 1Ah if at EOF; under a Windows95 DOS box, AH seems to be either unchanged or 00h this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus BUG: the CLOCK$ device under DR DOS 3.41 always indicates 'Ready'; this was corrected in v5.0 SeeAlso: AX=4407h,INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - IOCTL - GET OUTPUT STATUS AX = 4407h BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful AL = input status 00h not ready FFh ready CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: for DOS 2+, files are always ready for output, even if the disk is full or no media is in the drive this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AX=4406h,INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - IOCTL - CHECK IF BLOCK DEVICE REMOVABLE AX = 4408h BL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) Return: CF clear if successful AX = media type (0000h removable, 0001h fixed) CF set on error AX = error code (01h,0Fh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: in addition to the normal operation, if Stacker is installed, this call also sets the volume number at offset 58h in the Stacker device driver (except under DR DOS 3.41-5.0, which do not pass through this call to the driver; use AX=440Eh instead) (see AX=4404h"Stacker",AX=440Eh,INT 25/AX=CDCDh) this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AX=4400h,AX=4404h"Stacker",AX=4409h,INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ - IOCTL - CHECK IF BLOCK DEVICE REMOTE AX = 4409h BL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) Return: CF clear if successful DX = device attribute word bit 15: drive is SUBSTituted bit 13: (DR DOS 3.41/5.0 local drives only) always set media ID needed bit 12: drive is remote bit 9: direct I/O not allowed CF set on error AX = error code (01h,0Fh,15h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: on local drives, DX bits not listed above are the attribute word from the device driver header (see #01646 at AH=52h); for remote drives, the other bits appear to be undefined for MS-DOS versions prior to 5.0 (they are all cleared in DOS 5+) checking whether DX=0800h on return appears to be a fairly reliable method for detecting Microsoft's RAMDRIVE, though not for other ramdisks (there appears to be no simple yet foolproof method for detecting ramdisks, although the presence of only a single copy of the FAT and only a single head on non-removable devices is a fairly good indicator); for Windows95, RAMDRIVE returns DX=4800h for non-existent remote drives, this function sometimes returns AX=0015h (drive not ready) instead of AX=000Fh (invalid drive) on the first call; a subsequent call will return the correct error code this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AX=4400h,AX=4408h,AX=440Ah,INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ - IOCTL - CHECK IF HANDLE IS REMOTE AX = 440Ah BX = handle Return: CF clear if successful DX = attribute word (as stored in SFT) bit 15: set if remote bit 14: date/time not set on close CF set on error AX = error code (01h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: if file is remote, Novell Advanced NetWare 2.0 returns the number of the file server on which the handle is located in CX DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 clear all bits of DX except bit 15; Novell DOS 7 fully supports this function this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AX=4400h,AX=4409h,AH=52h,INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ - IOCTL - SET SHARING RETRY COUNT AX = 440Bh CX = pause between retries (default 1) DX = number of retries (default 3) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: delay is dependent on processor speed (value in CX specifies number of 64K-iteration empty loops to execute) if DX=0000h on entry, the retry count is left unchanged this function was not supported by Digital Research's DOS Plus SeeAlso: AH=52h,INT 2F/AX=1224h,INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.2+ - IOCTL - GENERIC CHARACTER DEVICE REQUEST AX = 440Ch BX = device handle CH = category code (see #01545) CL = function number (see #01546) DS:DX -> parameter block (see #01547,#01548,#01549,#01550,#01551,#01552) SI = parameter to pass to driver (European MS-DOS 4.0, OS/2 comp box) DI = parameter to pass to driver (European MS-DOS 4.0, OS/2 comp box) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful DS:DX -> iteration count if CL=65h SI = returned value (European MS-DOS 4.0, OS/2 comp box) DI = returned value (European MS-DOS 4.0, OS/2 comp box) Note: DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 return error code 16h on CL=45h,65h if the device does not support a retry counter SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",INT 2F/AX=0802h,INT 2F/AX=122Bh,INT 2F/AX=14FFh SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1A01h (Table 01545) Values for IOCTL category code: 00h unknown (DOS 3.3+) 01h COMn: (DOS 3.3+) 02h reserved for terminal control 03h CON (DOS 3.3+) 04h reserved for keyboard control 05h LPTn: 07h mouse control (European MS-DOS 4.0) 08h reserved for disk control -- same as for block devices (see INT 21/AX=440Dh) 9Eh Media Access Control driver (STARLITE) 00h-7Fh reserved for Microsoft 80h-FFh reserved for OEM/user-defined SeeAlso: #01558 (Table 01546) Values for generic character IOCTL function: 00h MAC driver Bind (STARLITE) (see #01547) 40h DOS 3??? only: was reserved for set screen mode (see #04116) 45h set iteration (retry) count (see #01548) 4Ah select code page (see #01549) 4Ch start code-page preparation (see #01550) 4Dh end code-page preparation (see #01551) 5Fh set display information (DOS 4.0+) (see #01552) 60h DOS 3??? only: was reserved for get screen mode (see #04116) 65h get iteration (retry) count 6Ah query selected code page (see #01549) 6Bh query codepage prepare list (DOS 4.0+) (see #01553) 7Fh get display information (DOS 4.0+) (see #01552) Note: bit assignments for function code: bit 7: set to ignore if unsupported, clear to return error bit 6: set if passed to driver, clear if intercepted by DOS bit 5: set if queries data from device, clear if sends command (by convention, if a function both queries and sends data, bit 5 should be clear) bits 4-0: subfunction Format of parameter block for function 00h: Offset Size Description (Table 01547) 00h 8 BYTEs ASCIZ signature "STARMAC" 08h WORD version 0Ah WORD flags bit 0: media requires connect or listen request before use bit 1: network is a LAN (broadcast/multicast supported) bit 2: point-to-point network 0Ch WORD handle for use with MAC driver's private interface (filled in by MAC driver) 0Eh WORD context 10h WORD approximate speed in KB/sec (filled in by MAC driver) 12h WORD approximate cost in cents per hour (filled in by MAC driver) 14h WORD maximum packet size in bytes (filled in by MAC driver) 16h WORD addressing format (filled in by MAC driver) 0000h general addressing 0001h Ethernet addressing 0002h Token Ring addressing 0003h Token Bus addressing 18h DWORD Send entry point (filled in by MAC driver) 1Ch DWORD RegisterEventHandler entry point (filled in by MAC driver) 20h DWORD SetPacketFilter entry point (filled in by MAC driver) 24h DWORD UnBind entry point (filled in by MAC driver) Format of parameter block for DOS 3??? screen mode functions 40h and 60h: Offset Size Description (Table 04116) 00h WORD length of folowing data (0009h) 02h BYTE mode type 03h WORD number of colors 05h WORD width 07h WORD height Note: these functions appear never to have been released to the public SeeAlso: #01546 Format of parameter block for function 45h: Offset Size Description (Table 01548) 00h WORD number of times output is attempted before driver assumes device is busy Format of parameter block for functions 4Ah and 6Ah: Offset Size Description (Table 01549) 00h WORD length of data 02h WORD code page ID (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6602h) 04h 2N BYTEs DCBS (double byte character set) lead byte range start/end for each of N ranges (DOS 4.0) WORD 0000h end of data (DOS 4.0) Format of parameter block for function 4Ch: Offset Size Description (Table 01550) 00h WORD flags DISPLAY.SYS = 0000h PRINTER.SYS bit 0 clear to prepare downloaded font, set to prepare cartridge selection 02h WORD length of remainder of parameter block 04h WORD number of code pages following 06h N WORDs code page 1,...,N Format of parameter block for function 4Dh: Offset Size Description (Table 01551) 00h WORD length of data 02h WORD code page ID (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6602h) Format of parameter block for functions 5Fh and 7Fh: Offset Size Description (Table 01552) 00h BYTE level (0 for DOS 4.x-6.0) 01h BYTE reserved (0) 02h WORD length of following data (14) 04h WORD control flags bit 0 set for blink, clear for intensity bits 1-15 reserved 06h BYTE mode type (1=text, 2=graphics) 07h BYTE reserved (0) 08h WORD colors 0000h = monochrome else N bits per pixel 0Ah WORD pixel columns 0Ch WORD pixel rows 0Eh WORD character columns 10h WORD character rows Format of parameter block for function 6Bh: Offset Size Description (Table 01553) 00h WORD length of following data 02h WORD number of hardware code pages 04h N WORDs hardware code pages 1,...,N WORD number of prepared code pages N WORDs prepared code pages 1,...,NTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.2+ - IOCTL - GENERIC BLOCK DEVICE REQUEST AX = 440Dh BL = drive number (00h=default,01h=A:,etc) CH = category code (see #01558) CL = minor code (function) (see #01559) DS:DX -> (DOS) parameter block (see #01560,#01562,#01563,#01564,#01565) SI:DI -> (OS/2 comp box) parameter block (see #01566,#01568,#01569,#01572) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,etc.) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful DS:DX -> data block if CL=60h or CL=61h Notes: DOS 4.01 seems to ignore the high byte of the number of directory entries in the BPB for diskettes. functions 46h and 66h undocumented in DOS 4.x, documented for DOS 5+ the DUBLDISK.SYS v2.6 driver only supports minor codes 60h and 67h DR DOS 3.41-6.0 only support minor codes 40h-42h and 60h-62h; all other minor codes return error code 16h some PCMCIA calls reportedly appear to be dangerous for MS-DOS versions prior to 5.0 minor code 60h normally produces no I/O except with AutoMount=1 for DBLSPACE/DRVSPACE SeeAlso: AX=440Ch,AX=440Dh/CX=084Ah,AX=440Dh/CX=0871h,AH=69h,INT 2F/AX=0802h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=122Bh (Table 01558) Values for block device IOCTL category code: 08h disk drive 48h FAT32 disk drive 00h-7Fh reserved for Microsoft 80h-FFh reserved for OEM/user-defined (Table 01559) Values for generic block IOCTL minor code: 00h (OS/2) \ used to lock/unlock a drive 01h (OS/2) / 40h set device parameters (see #01560) 41h write logical device track (see #01562) 42h format and verify logical device track (see #01563) 46h (DOS 4.0+) set volume serial number (see #01565,AH=69h) 47h (DOS 4.0+) set access flag (see #01566) 48h (Enh. Disk Drive Spec) set media lock state (see #01567,INT 13/AH=45h) 49h (Enh. Disk Drive Spec) eject media in drive (see INT 13/AH=49h) no parameter block required 4Ah (MS-DOS 7.0) lock logical volume (see AX=440Dh/CX=084Ah) 4Bh (MS-DOS 7.0) lock physical volume (see AX=440Dh/CX=084Bh) 50h (PCMCIA) attribute memory write 51h (PCMCIA) common memory write 52h (PCMCIA) force media change (DOS 5+ ???) (see #01568) 53h (PCMCIA) erase drive 54h (PCMCIA) erase media 56h (PCMCIA) set erase status callback 57h (PCMCIA) append Card Information Structure (CIS) tuple 58h (PCMCIA) erase CIS tuples 60h get device parameters (see #01560) 61h read logical device track (see #01562) 62h verify logical device track (see #01564) 66h (DOS 4.0+) get volume serial number (see #01565,AH=69h) 67h (DOS 4.0+) get access flag (see #01566) 68h (DOS 5.0+) sense media type (see #01569) 6Ah (MS-DOS 7.0) unlock logical volume (see AX=440Dh/CX=086Ah) no parameter block required 6Bh (MS-DOS 7.0) unlock physical volume (see AX=440Dh/CX=086Bh) no parameter block required 6Ch (MS-DOS 7.0) get lock flag (see AX=440Dh/CX=086Ch) no parameter block required 6Dh (MS-DOS 7.0) enumerate open files (see AX=440Dh/CX=086Dh) 6Eh (MS-DOS 7.0) find swap file (see AX=440Dh/CX=086Eh) 6Fh (MS-DOS 7.0) get drive map information (see #01570) 70h (PCMCIA) attribute memory read 70h (MS-DOS 7.0) get current lock state (see AX=440Dh/CX=0870h) no parameter block required 71h (MS-DOS 7.0) get first cluster (see AX=440Dh/CX=0871h) 73h (PCMCIA) get memory media information (DOS 5+ ???) (see #01572) 76h (PCMCIA) get erase status callback 77h (PCMCIA) get first Card Information Structure (CIS) tuple 78h (PCMCIA) get next CIS tuple 7Fh (PCMCIA) get ??? information (see #01573,#01574) Format of parameter block for functions 40h, 60h: Offset Size Description (Table 01560) 00h BYTE special functions bit 0 set if function to use current BPB, clear if Device BIOS Parameter Block field contains new default BPB bit 1 set if function to use track layout fields only must be clear if CL=60h bit 2 set if all sectors in track same size (should be set) bits 3-7 reserved (MS-DOS, Novell DOS 7) bit 5: skip head settling time (WinDOS 2.11) bit 6: format access flag (WinDOS 2.11) 01h BYTE device type (see #01561) 02h WORD device attributes bit 0 set if nonremovable medium bit 1 set if door lock ("changeline") supported bits 2-15 reserved 04h WORD number of cylinders 06h BYTE media type for 1.2M drive 00h 1.2M disk (default) 01h 320K/360K disk F8h for DUBLDISK.SYS v2.6 expanded drives always 00h for other drive types 07h 31 BYTEs device BPB (see #01663 at AH=53h), bytes after BPB offset 1Eh omitted; final six bytes only transferred on function 40h with BYTE 00h bit 0 set for MS-DOS 5.0 ---function 40h only--- 26h WORD number of sectors per track (start of track layout field) (maximum 63) 28h N word pairs: number,size of each sector in track ---category code 48h (FAT32), function 40h--- 07h 53 BYTEs extended BPB (see #01664) 3Ch 32 BYTEs reserved 5Ch WORD number of track table entries 5Eh 2N WORDs sector table (word pairs: number/size of each sector in track) ---category code 48h (FAT32), function 60h--- 07h 53 BYTEs extended BPB (see #01664) 3Ch 32 BYTEs reserved (Table 01561) Values for device type: 00h 320K/360K 5.25-inch floppy disk 01h 1.2M 5.25-inch floppy disk 02h 720K floppy disk 03h single-density 8-inch disk 04h double-density 8-inch disk 05h fixed disk 06h tape drive 07h (DOS 3.3+) other type of block device, normally 1.44M floppy 08h read/write optical disk 09h (DOS 5+) 2.88M 3.5-inch floppy FFh (some DOS 5 betas) 2.88M 3.5-inch floppy Format of parameter block for functions 41h, 61h: Offset Size Description (Table 01562) 00h BYTE special functions (reserved, must be zero) 01h WORD number of disk head 03h WORD number of disk cylinder 05h WORD number of first sector to read/write 07h WORD number of sectors 09h DWORD transfer address Note: under Windows95, a volume must be locked (see AX=440Dh/CX=084Bh) in order to perform direct accesses such as track reads and writes with this IOCTL function Format of parameter block for function 42h: Offset Size Description (Table 01563) 00h BYTE reserved, must be zero (DOS <3.2) bit 0=0: format/verify track 1: format status call (DOS 3.2+), don't actually format bit 1: format multiple tracks, require additional WORD (hard disks only) bits 2-7 reserved, must be zero value on return (DOS 3.3+): 00h specified tracks, sectors/track supported by BIOS 01h function not supported by BIOS 02h specified tracks, sectors/track not allowed for drive 03h no disk in drive 01h WORD number of disk head 03h WORD number of disk cylinder ---BYTE 00h bit 1 set--- 05h WORD number of tracks to format Format of parameter block for function 62h: Offset Size Description (Table 01564) 00h BYTE reserved, must be zero (DOS <3.2) bit 0=0: verify single track 1: verify multiple tracks bits 1-7 reserved, must be zero value on return (DOS 3.3+): 00h specified tracks, sectors/track supported by BIOS 01h function not supported by BIOS 02h specified tracks, sectors/track not allowed for drive 03h no disk in drive 01h WORD number of disk head 03h WORD number of disk cylinder 05h WORD number of tracks to verify (equivalent to 255 or fewer sectors) Format of parameter block for functions 46h, 66h: Offset Size Description (Table 01565) 00h WORD (call) info level (should be 0000h) 02h DWORD disk serial number (binary) 06h 11 BYTEs volume label or "NO NAME " 11h 8 BYTEs filesystem type "FAT12 " or "FAT16 " (generally CL=66h only, but MS-DOS 5.0 will write the given filesystem type to the disk) Note: under MS-DOS 7.0 or a Windows95 DOS box, the volume label field can return as all blanks even when a volume label has been set (the Win95 installation seems to blank the volume label field in the partition boot sector; once LABEL has been run, the volume label is reported correctly) SeeAlso: AH=69h Format of parameter block for functions 47h, 67h: Offset Size Description (Table 01566) 00h BYTE special-function field (must be zero) 01h BYTE disk-access flag, nonzero if access allowed by driver Format of parameter block for function 48h: Offset Size Description (Table 01567) 00h BYTE (call) locking operation 00h lock media in drive 01h unlock media 02h get locking status 01h BYTE (ret) drive's lock status (number of pending locks on drive) Note: also supported by MS-DOS 7.0+ Format of parameter block for function 52h: 00h BYTE (call) unused??? (Table 01568) (ret) 00h if flash/ATA drive but no card inserted unchanged otherwise Notes: the absense of a flash card should be tested by checking the DOS error code rather than the returned byte the parameter byte is cleared to 00h erroneously by the Award PCDISK.EXE v1.02c PCMCIA/ATA driver if no ATA card is inserted (bug corrected in PCDISK.EXE v1.02h and later) not supported by the SystemSoft ATADRV.EXE and the Phoenix PCMATA.SYS PCMCIA/ATA drivers Format of parameter block for function 68h: Offset Size Description (Table 01569) 00h BYTE 01h for default media type, 00h for any other media type (see also INT 13/AH=20h"Compaq") 01h BYTE 02h for 720K, 07h for 1.44M, 09h for 2.88M Format of parameter block for function 6Fh: Offset Size Description (Table 01570) 00h BYTE (call) length of this buffer (in bytes) 01h BYTE (ret) number of bytes in parameter block actually used 02h BYTE (ret) drive flags (see #01571) 03h BYTE (ret) physical drive number 00h-7Fh floppy 80h-FEh hard FFh no physical drive 04h DWORD (ret) bitmap of logical drives associated with physical drive bit 0 = drive A:, etc. 08h QWORD (ret) relative block address of partition start Bitfields for Get Drive Map Information drive flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01571) 0 protected-mode driver for logical drive 1 protected-mode driver in use for physical drive corresponding to the logical drive 2 drive available only in protected mode 3 protected-mode drive supports media ejection 4 drive issues media insertion and removal notifications SeeAlso: #01570 Format of parameter block for function 73h: Offset Size Description (Table 01572) 00h BYTE ??? 00h ATA card inserted ??? 80h ATA card not inserted ??? 01h BYTE length of parameter block ??? apparently always 40h 02h BYTE ??? 00h ATA card not inserted ??? 0Dh ATA card inserted ??? 03h 2 BYTEs ??? (apparently always 00h) 05h BYTE drive number (0=first) ??? 06h BYTE total number of drives ??? 07h BYTE ??? 00h ATA card not inserted ??? 01h ATA card inserted ??? 08h 17 BYTEs ??? 19h BYTE ??? 00h ATA card not inserted ??? 01h ATA card inserted ??? 1Ah BYTE ??? (apparently always 01h) 1Bh BYTE ??? 00h ATA card not inserted ??? 01h ATA card inserted ??? 1Ch 2 BYTEs ??? (apparently always 0015h) 1Eh 2 BYTEs ??? 20h 2 BYTEs ??? (apparently always 0110h) 22h 15 BYTEs ??? 31h 2 BYTEs ??? (apparently always 7000h) 33h 11 BYTEs driver signature "AWARD PDISK" for Award PCDISK.EXE PCMCIA/ATA driver "MS-BIOS " for HP 200LX generic ATA driver 3Eh 2 BYTEs ??? Notes: parameter structure possibly depends on driver this function is not supported by the SystemSoft ATADRV.EXE and the Phoenix PCMATA.SYS PCMCIA/ATA drivers Format of parameter block for function 7Fh for SystemSoft ATADRV.EXE: Offset Size Description (Table 01573) 00h DWORD -> unknown location within driver Note: function supported by the SystemSoft ATADRV.EXE PCMCIA/ATA driver but not by the Award PCDISK.EXE PCMCIA/ATA driver SeeAlso: #01574 Format of parameter block for function 7Fh for Phoenix PCMATA.SYS: Offset Size Description (Table 01574) 00h 8 BYTEs ??? Note: this function supported by the Phoenix PCMATA.SYS PCMCIA/ATA driver but not by the Award PCDISK.EXE PCMCIA/ATA driver SeeAlso: #01573Top
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.0+ - GENERIC IOCTL - LOCK LOGICAL VOLUME AX = 440Dh CX = 084Ah / 484Ah (category code 08h for FAT12/16, 48h for FAT32; minor code 4Ah) BL = drive number (01h=A:,02h=B:,etc) BH = lock level (00h-04h) DX = drive permissions (see #01575) for Level 1 lock or second Level 0 lock when formatting Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,etc.) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Notes: the logical volume must be locked before direct disk accesses are permitted by Windows95/98 the commandline LOCK issues a level 4 lock Windows98 only permits lock levels 0 and 4 BUG: Windows98 will return an error (invalid function) if the specified drive number is zero or more than 32, but only allocated 26 bytes for recording locks, so BL=1Bh..20h will trash internal data structures SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Dh/CX=084Bh,AX=440Dh/CX=086Ah SeeAlso: AX=440Dh/CX=086Ch Bitfields for drive permissions: Bit(s) Description (Table 01575) 0 allow writes 1 disallow new file mappings 2 volume locked for formattingTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.0+ - GENERIC IOCTL - LOCK PHYSICAL VOLUME AX = 440Dh CX = 084Bh / 484Bh (category code 08h for FAT12/16, 48h for FAT32; minor code 4Bh) BH = logical drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc.) BL = lock level (00h-03h) DX = drive permissions (see #01575) for Level 1 lock or second Level 0 lock when formatting Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,etc.) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Desc: lock all logical volumes on the same physical volume as the indicated drive Note: the physical volume must be locked before direct disk writes via INT 13 are permitted by Windows95 SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Dh/CX=084Ah,AX=440Dh/CX=086Bh SeeAlso: AX=440Dh/CX=086ChTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.0+ - GENERIC IOCTL - UNLOCK LOGICAL VOLUME AX = 440Dh CX = 086Ah / 486Ah (category code 08h for FAT12/16, 48h for FAT32; minor code 6Ah) BL = drive number (00h=default,01h=A:,etc) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,etc.) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Note: the logical volume must be locked before direct disk accesses via INT 13 are permitted by Windows95 BUG: Windows98 will return an error (invalid function) if the specified drive number is zero or more than 32, but only allocated 26 bytes for recording locks, so BL=1Bh..20h will trash internal data structures SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Dh/CX=084Ah,AX=440Dh/CX=086BhTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.0+ - GENERIC IOCTL - UNLOCK PHYSICAL VOLUME AX = 440Dh CX = 086Bh / 486Bh (category code 08h for FAT12/16, 48h for FAT32; minor code 6Bh) BH = logical drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc.) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,etc.) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Desc: lock all logical volumes on the same physical volume as the indicated drive SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Dh/CX=084Bh,AX=440Dh/CX=086AhTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.0+ - GENERIC IOCTL - GET LOCK FLAG STATE AX = 440Dh CX = 086Ch / 486Ch (category code 08h for FAT12/16, 48h for FAT32; minor code 6Ch) BL = drive number (00h=default,01h=A:,etc) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,etc.) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AX = access flag (see #01576) SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Dh/CX=084Ah,AX=440Dh/CX=084Bh SeeAlso: AX=440Dh/CX=0870h (Table 01576) Values for drive access flag: 0000h no writes/file mappings since last call 0001h write operation has occurred since last call 0002h file mapping has occurred since last call Note: function 6Ch resets the access flag every time it is calledTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.0+ - GENERIC IOCTL - ENUMERATE OPEN FILES AX = 440Dh CX = 086Dh / 486Dh (category code 08h for FAT12/16, 48h for FAT32; minor code 6Dh) BL = drive number (00h=default,01h=A:,etc) DS:DX -> buffer for ASCIZ pathname SI = file index (0000h to number of open files-1) DI = enumeration type (0000h all files, 0001h unmovable files) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,12h,etc.) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) 0012h if file index is out of range CF clear if successful AX = file open mode (BX from AX=6C00h or AX=716Ch) CX = file type (see #01577) SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Dh/CX=084Ah,AX=440Dh/CX=086Ch SeeAlso: AX=440Dh/CX=086Eh,AX=6C00h,AX=716Ch (Table 01577) Values for file type: 0000h normal file 0001h memory-mapped file (unmovable) 0002h unmovable file 0004h swap fileTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.0+ - GENERIC IOCTL - FIND SWAP FILE AX = 440Dh CX = 086Eh / 486Eh (category code 08h for FAT12/16, 48h for FAT32; minor code 6Eh) BL = drive number (00h=default,01h=A:,etc) DS:DX -> buffer for ASCIZ pathname SI = file index DI = enumeration type Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,etc.) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AX = pager type 0001h no pager 0002h paging through MS-DOS 0003h protected-mode pager CX:BX = swap file size in 4K pages SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Dh/CX=086DhTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.0+ - GENERIC IOCTL - GET CURRENT LOCK STATE AX = 440Dh CX = 0870h / 4870h (category code 08h for FAT12/16, 48h for FAT32; minor code 70h) BL = drive number (00h=default,01h=A:,etc) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,etc.) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AX = current lock level (0-3) or FFFFh if not locked CX = lock permissions if AX<>FFFFh (see #01575) SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Dh/CX=086ChTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7.0+ - GENERIC IOCTL - GET FIRST CLUSTER AX = 440Dh CX = 0871h / 4871h (category code 08h for FAT12/16, 48h for FAT32; minor code 71h) BX = filename character set (see #01578) DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname for file or directory Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,etc.) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful DX:AX = first cluster number Note: this function finds any file or directory regardless of attributes, except that it will not find volume labels SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Dh/CX=086Ch,#01352 (Table 01578) Values for character set: 00h Windows ANSI 01h current OEM character set 02h UnicodeTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.2+ - IOCTL - GET LOGICAL DRIVE MAP AX = 440Eh BL = drive number (00h=default,01h=A:,etc) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,0Fh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AL = 00h block device has only one logical drive assigned 1..26 the last letter used to reference the drive (1=A:,etc) Notes: DR DOS 3.41-5.0 DRIVER.SYS does not support drive mapping and thus always returns AL=00h; Windows NT 4.0 also always returns AL=00h in addition to the normal operation, if Stacker is installed, this call also sets the volume number at offset 58h in the Stacker device driver (DR DOS 3.41-5.0 only; use AX=4408h otherwise) (see AX=4404h"Stacker",INT 25/AX=CDCDh) SeeAlso: AX=4408h,AX=440Fh,INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.2+ - IOCTL - SET LOGICAL DRIVE MAP AX = 440Fh BL = physical drive number (00h=default,01h=A:,etc)) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (01h,0Fh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful drive now responds to next logical drive number Notes: maps logical drives to physical drives, similar to DOS's treatment of a single physical floppy drive as both A: and B: DR DOS 3.41-5.0 DRIVER.SYS does not support drive mapping and thus always returns an error on this function SeeAlso: AX=440Eh,INT 2F/AX=122BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 5+ - IOCTL - QUERY GENERIC IOCTL CAPABILITY (HANDLE) AX = 4410h BX = handle for device CH = category code (see #01545) CL = function code (see #01546) Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0000h specified IOCTL function is supported CF set on error AL = 01h IOCTL capability not available Note: a program which wishes to use Generic IOCTL calls beyond those in the standard DOS 3.2 set may use this call first to see whether a particular call is supported SeeAlso: AX=440Ch,AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=4411hTop
INT 21 - DOS 5+ - IOCTL - QUERY GENERIC IOCTL CAPABILITY (DRIVE) AX = 4411h BL = drive number CH = category code (see #01558) CL = function code (see #01559) Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0000h specified IOCTL function is supported CF set on error AL = 01h IOCTL capability not available Note: a program which wishes to use Generic IOCTL calls beyond those in the standard DOS 3.2 set may use this call first to see whether a particular call is supported SeeAlso: AX=440Ch,AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=4410hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "DUP" - DUPLICATE FILE HANDLE AH = 45h BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful AX = new handle CF set on error AX = error code (04h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: moving file pointer for either handle will also move it for the other, because both will refer to the same system file table for DOS versions prior to 3.3, file writes may be forced to disk by duplicating the file handle and closing the duplicate SeeAlso: AH=3Dh,AH=46hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "DUP2", "FORCEDUP" - FORCE DUPLICATE FILE HANDLE AH = 46h BX = file handle CX = file handle to become duplicate of first handle Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (04h,06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: closes file with handle CX if it is still open DOS 3.30 hangs if BX=CX on entry moving file pointer for either handle will also move it for the other, because both will refer to the same system file table SeeAlso: AH=3Dh,AH=45hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CWD" - GET CURRENT DIRECTORY AH = 47h DL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc) DS:SI -> 64-byte buffer for ASCIZ pathname Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0100h (undocumented) CF set on error AX = error code (0Fh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: the returned path does not include a drive or the initial backslash many Microsoft products for Windows rely on AX being 0100h on success under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the buffer pointer is in DS:ESI SeeAlso: AH=19h,AH=3Bh,AH=71h,INT 15/AX=DE25hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY AH = 48h BX = number of paragraphs to allocate Return: CF clear if successful AX = segment of allocated block CF set on error AX = error code (07h,08h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) BX = size of largest available block Notes: DOS 2.1-6.0 coalesces free blocks while scanning for a block to allocate .COM programs are initially allocated the largest available memory block, and should free some memory with AH=49h before attempting any allocations under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, EBX contains a protected-mode near pointer to the allocated block on a successful return SeeAlso: AH=49h,AH=4Ah,AH=58h,AH=83hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - FREE MEMORY AH = 49h ES = segment of block to free Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (07h,09h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: apparently never returns an error 07h, despite official docs; DOS 2.1+ code contains only an error 09h exit DOS 2.1-6.0 does not coalesce adjacent free blocks when a block is freed, only when a block is allocated or resized the code for this function is identical in DOS 2.1-6.0 except for calls to start/end a critical section in DOS 3.0+ SeeAlso: AH=48h,AH=4AhTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - RESIZE MEMORY BLOCK AH = 4Ah BX = new size in paragraphs ES = segment of block to resize Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (07h,08h,09h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) BX = maximum paragraphs available for specified memory block Notes: under DOS 2.1-6.0, if there is insufficient memory to expand the block as much as requested, the block will be made as large as possible DOS 2.1-6.0 coalesces any free blocks immediately following the block to be resized SeeAlso: AH=48h,AH=49h,AH=83hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "EXEC" - LOAD AND/OR EXECUTE PROGRAM AH = 4Bh AL = type of load 00h load and execute 01h load but do not execute 03h load overlay (see #01591) 04h load and execute in background (European MS-DOS 4.0 only) "Exec & Go" (see also AH=80h) DS:DX -> ASCIZ program name (must include extension) ES:BX -> parameter block (see #01590,#01591,#01592) CX = mode (subfunction 04h only) 0000h child placed in zombie mode after termination 0001h child's return code discarded on termination Return: CF clear if successful BX,DX destroyed if subfunction 01h, process ID set to new program's PSP; get with INT 21/AH=62h CF set on error AX = error code (01h,02h,05h,08h,0Ah,0Bh) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: DOS 2.x destroys all registers, including SS:SP under ROM-based DOS, if no disk path characters (colons or slashes) are included in the program name, the name is searched for in the ROM module headers (see #01595) before searching on disk for functions 00h and 01h, the calling process must ensure that there is enough unallocated memory available; if necessary, by releasing memory with AH=49h or AH=4Ah for function 01h, the AX value to be passed to the child program is put on top of the child's stack for function 03h, DOS assumes that the overlay is being loaded into memory allocated by the caller function 01h was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0 some versions (such as DR DOS 6.0) check the parameters and parameter block and return an error if an invalid value (such as an offset of FFFFh) is found background programs under European MS-DOS 4.0 must use the new executable format this function ignores the filename extension, instead checking the first two bytes of the file to determine whether there is a valid .EXE header (see #01594); if not, the file is assumed to be in .COM format. If present, the file may be in any of several formats which are extensions of the original .EXE format (see #01593) .COM-format executables begin running with the following register values: AL = 00h if first FCB has valid drive letter, FFh if not AH = 00h if second FCB has valid drive letter, FFh if not CS,DS,ES,SS = PSP segment SP = offset of last word available in first 64K segment (note: AX is always 0000h under DESQview) old-format executables begin running with the following register values: AL = 00h if first FCB has valid drive letter, FFh if not AH = 00h if second FCB has valid drive letter, FFh if not DS,ES = PSP segment SS:SP as defined in .EXE header (note: AX is always 0000h under DESQview) new executables begin running with the following register values AX = environment segment BX = offset of command tail in environment segment CX = size of automatic data segment (0000h = 64K) ES,BP = 0000h DS = automatic data segment SS:SP = initial stack the command tail corresponds to an old executable's PSP:0081h and following, except that the 0Dh is turned into a NUL (00h); new format executables have no PSP under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, only function 00h is supported and the pointers are passed in DS:EDX and ES:EBX DR DOS 6 always loads .EXE-format programs with no fixups and .COM-format programs starting with 9Ch 55h (PUSHF/PUSH BP) above the 64K mark to avoid the EXEPACK bug, by extending the memory block containing the program's environment; this code is disabled if the name of the parent program as stored in the MCB is 'WIN'. DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 check for a valid filename before testing the subfunction number, so the otherwise invalid subfunction 02h will only return error code 01h if the given filename actually exists; otherwise, errors 02h, 03h, or 05h are returned BUGS: DOS 2.00 assumes that DS points at the current program's PSP Load Overlay (subfunction 03h) loads up to 512 bytes too many if the file contains additional data after the actual overlay Load but Do Not Execute (subfunction 01h) is reported to corrupt the top word of the caller's stack if the loaded module terminates with INT 21/AH=4Ch in some versions of MS-DOS, including v5.00. SeeAlso: AX=4B05h,AH=4Ch,AH=4Dh,AH=64h/BX=0025h,AH=8Ah,INT 2E,INT 60/DI=0604h Format of EXEC parameter block for AL=00h,01h,04h: Offset Size Description (Table 01590) 00h WORD segment of environment to copy for child process (copy caller's environment if 0000h) 02h DWORD pointer to command tail to be copied into child's PSP 06h DWORD pointer to first FCB to be copied into child's PSP 0Ah DWORD pointer to second FCB to be copied into child's PSP 0Eh DWORD (AL=01h) will hold subprogram's initial SS:SP on return 12h DWORD (AL=01h) will hold entry point (CS:IP) on return SeeAlso: #01591,#01592 Format of EXEC parameter block for AL=03h: Offset Size Description (Table 01591) 00h WORD segment at which to load overlay 02h WORD relocation factor to apply to overlay if in .EXE format SeeAlso: #01590,#01592 Format of EXEC parameter block for FlashTek X-32: Offset Size Description (Table 01592) 00h PWORD 48-bit far pointer to environment string 06h PWORD 48-bit far pointer to command tail string SeeAlso: #01590,#01591 (Table 01593) Values for the executable types understood by various environments: MZ old-style DOS executable (see #01594) ZM used by some very early DOS linkers, and still supported as an alternate to the MZ signature by MS-DOS, PC DOS, PTS-DOS, and S/DOS NE Windows or OS/2 1.x segmented ("new") executable (see #01596) LE Windows virtual device driver (VxD) linear executable (see #01609) LX variant of LE used in OS/2 2.x (see #01609) W3 Windows WIN386.EXE file; a collection of LE files W4 Windows95 VMM32.VXD file PE Win32 (Windows NT and Win32s) portable executable based on Unix COFF DL HP 100LX/200LX system manager compliant executable (.EXM) MP old PharLap .EXP (see #01619) P2 PharLap 286 .EXP (see #01620) P3 PharLap 386 .EXP (see #01620) Format of .EXE file header: Offset Size Description (Table 01594) 00h 2 BYTEs .EXE signature, either "MZ" or "ZM" (5A4Dh or 4D5Ah) (see also #01593) 02h WORD number of bytes in last 512-byte page of executable 04h WORD total number of 512-byte pages in executable (includes any partial last page) 06h WORD number of relocation entries 08h WORD header size in paragraphs 0Ah WORD minimum paragraphs of memory required to allocate in addition to executable's size 0Ch WORD maximum paragraphs to allocate in addition to executable's size 0Eh WORD initial SS relative to start of executable 10h WORD initial SP 12h WORD checksum (one's complement of sum of all words in executable) 14h DWORD initial CS:IP relative to start of executable 18h WORD offset within header of relocation table 40h or greater for new-format (NE,LE,LX,W3,PE,etc.) executable 1Ah WORD overlay number (normally 0000h = main program) ---new executable--- 1Ch 4 BYTEs ??? 20h WORD behavior bits 22h 26 BYTEs reserved for additional behavior info 3Ch DWORD offset of new executable (NE,LE,etc) header within disk file, or 00000000h if plain MZ executable ---Borland TLINK--- 1Ch 2 BYTEs ??? (apparently always 01h 00h) 1Eh BYTE signature FBh 1Fh BYTE TLINK version (major in high nybble, minor in low nybble) 20h 2 BYTEs ??? (v2.0 apparently always 72h 6Ah, v3.0+ seems always 6Ah 72h) ---ARJ self-extracting archive--- 1Ch 4 BYTEs signature "RJSX" (older versions, new signature is "aRJsfX" in the first 1000 bytes of the file) ---LZEXE 0.90 compressed executable--- 1Ch 4 BYTEs signature "LZ09" ---LZEXE 0.91 compressed executable--- 1Ch 4 BYTEs signature "LZ91" ---PKLITE compressed executable--- 1Ch BYTE minor version number 1Dh BYTE bits 0-3: major version bit 4: extra compression bit 5: huge (multi-segment) file 1Eh 6 BYTEs signature "PKLITE" (followed by copyright message) ---LHarc 1.x self-extracting archive--- 1Ch 4 BYTEs unused??? 20h 3 BYTEs jump to start of extraction code 23h 2 BYTEs ??? 25h 12 BYTEs signature "LHarc's SFX " ---LHA 2.x self-extracting archive--- 1Ch 8 BYTEs ??? 24h 10 BYTEs signature "LHa's SFX " (v2.10) or "LHA's SFX " (v2.13) ---TopSpeed C 3.0 CRUNCH compressed file--- 1Ch DWORD 018A0001h 20h WORD 1565h ---PKARCK 3.5 self-extracting archive--- 1Ch DWORD 00020001h 20h WORD 0700h ---BSA (Soviet archiver) self-extracting archive--- 1Ch WORD 000Fh 1Eh BYTE A7h ---LARC self-extracting archive--- 1Ch 4 BYTEs ??? 20h 11 BYTEs "SFX by LARC " ---LH self-extracting archive--- 1Ch 8 BYTEs ??? 24h 8 BYTEs "LH's SFX " ---RAR self-extracting archive--- 1Ch 4 BYTEs signature "RSFX" ---other linkers--- 1Ch var optional information --- N N DWORDs relocation items each is the segment:offset from start of load image at which to add the actual load segment to the indicated WORD Notes: if the word at offset 02h is 4, it should be treated as 00h, since pre-1.10 versions of the MS linker set it that way if both minimum and maximum allocation (offset 0Ah/0Ch) are zero, the program is loaded as high in memory as possible (DOS only checks the maximum allocation, however) the maximum allocation is set to FFFFh by default additional data may be contained in the file beyond the end of the load image described by the .EXE header; this data may be overlays, the actual executable for newer-format executables, or debugging information (see #01600,#01624) relocations entries need not be in any particular order, although they are typically stored in order from beginning to end of the load image SeeAlso: #01596 Format of ROM Module Header: Offset Size Description (Table 01595) 00h 2 BYTEs ROM signature 55h, AAh 02h BYTE size of ROM in 512-byte blocks 03h 3 BYTEs POST initialization entry point (near JMP instruction) 06h ROM Program Name List [array] Offset Size Description 00h BYTE length of ROM program's name (00h if end of name list) 01h N BYTEs program name N+1 3 BYTEs program entry point (near JMP instruction) Format of new executable header: Offset Size Description (Table 01596) 00h 2 BYTEs "NE" (4Eh 45h) signature 02h 2 BYTEs linker version (major, then minor) 04h WORD offset from start of this header to entry table (see #01603) 06h WORD length of entry table in bytes 08h DWORD file load CRC (0 in Borland's TPW) 0Ch BYTE program flags (see #01597) 0Dh BYTE application flags (see #01598) 0Eh WORD auto data segment index 10h WORD initial local heap size 12h WORD initial stack size (added to data seg, 0000h if SS <> DS) 14h DWORD program entry point (CS:IP), "CS" is index into segment table 18h DWORD initial stack pointer (SS:SP), "SS" is segment index if SS=automatic data segment and SP=0000h, the stack pointer is set to the top of the automatic data segment, just below the local heap 1Ch WORD segment count 1Eh WORD module reference count 20h WORD length of nonresident names table in bytes 22h WORD offset from start of this header to segment table (see #01601) 24h WORD offset from start of this header to resource table 26h WORD offset from start of this header to resident names table 28h WORD offset from start of this header to module reference table 2Ah WORD offset from start of this header to imported names table (array of counted strings, terminated with a string of length 00h) 2Ch DWORD offset from start of file to nonresident names table 30h WORD count of moveable entry point listed in entry table 32h WORD file alignment size shift count 0 is equivalent to 9 (default 512-byte pages) 34h WORD number of resource table entries 36h BYTE target operating system 00h unknown 01h OS/2 02h Windows 03h European MS-DOS 4.x 04h Windows 386 05h BOSS (Borland Operating System Services) 81h PharLap 286|DOS-Extender, OS/2 82h PharLap 286|DOS-Extender, Windows 37h BYTE other EXE flags (see #01599) 38h WORD offset to return thunks or start of gangload area 3Ah WORD offset to segment reference thunks or length of gangload area 3Ch WORD minimum code swap area size 3Eh 2 BYTEs expected Windows version (minor version first) Note: this header is documented in detail in the Windows 3.1 SDK Programmer's Reference, Vol 4. SeeAlso: #01594 Bitfields for new executable program flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01597) 0-1 DGROUP type 0 = none 1 = single shared 2 = multiple (unshared) 3 = (null) 2 global initialization 3 protected mode only 4 8086 instructions 5 80286 instructions 6 80386 instructions 7 80x87 instructions Bitfields for new executable application flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01598) 0-2 application type 001 full screen (not aware of Windows/P.M. API) 010 compatible with Windows/P.M. API 011 uses Windows/P.M. API 3 is a Family Application (OS/2) 5 0=executable, 1=errors in image 6 non-conforming program (valid stack is not maintained) 7 DLL or driver rather than application (SS:SP info invalid, CS:IP points at FAR init routine called with AX=module handle which returns AX=0000h on failure, AX nonzero on successful initialization) Bitfields for other new .EXE flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01599) 0 supports long filenames 1 2.X protected mode 2 2.X proportional font 3 gangload area Format of Codeview trailer (at end of executable): Offset Size Description (Table 01600) 00h WORD signature 4E42h ('NB') 02h WORD Microsoft debug info version number 04h DWORD Codeview header offset SeeAlso: #01624 Format of new executable segment table record: Offset Size Description (Table 01601) 00h WORD offset in file (shift left by alignment shift to get byte offs) 02h WORD length of image in file (0000h = 64K) 04h WORD segment attributes (see #01602) 06h WORD number of bytes to allocate for segment (0000h = 64K) Note: the first segment table entry is entry number 1 SeeAlso: #01604 Bitfields for segment attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 01602) 0 data segment rather than code segment 1 unused??? 2 real mode 3 iterated 4 movable 5 sharable 6 preloaded rather than demand-loaded 7 execute-only (code) or read-only (data) 8 relocations (directly following code for this segment) 9 debug info present 10,11 80286 DPL bits 12 discardable 13-15 discard priority Format of new executable entry table item (list): Offset Size Description (Table 01603) 00h BYTE number of entry points (00h if end of entry table list) 01h BYTE segment number (00h if end of entry table list) 02h 3N BYTEs entry records Offset Size Description 00h BYTE flags bit 0: exported bit 1: single data bits 2-7: unused??? 01h WORD offset within segment Format of new executable relocation data (immediately follows segment image): Offset Size Description (Table 01604) 00h WORD number of relocation items 02h 8N BYTEs relocation items Offset Size Description 00h BYTE relocation type 00h LOBYTE 02h BASE 03h PTR 05h OFFS 0Bh PTR48 0Dh OFFS32 01h BYTE flags bit 2: additive 02h WORD offset within segment 04h WORD target address segment 06h WORD target address offset SeeAlso: #01601,#01605 Format of new executable resource data: Offset Size Description (Table 01605) 00h WORD alignment shift count for resource data 02h N RECORDs resources Format of resource record: Offset Size Description 00h WORD type ID 0000h if end of resource records >= 8000h if integer type else offset from start of resource table to type string 02h WORD number of resources of this type 04h DWORD reserved for runtime use 08h N Resources (see #01606) Note: resource type and name strings are stored immediately following the resource table, and are not null-terminated SeeAlso: #01606 Format of new executable resource entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01606) 00h WORD offset in alignment units from start of file to contents of the resource data 02h WORD length of resource image in bytes 04h WORD flags bit 4: moveable bit 5: shareable bit 6: preloaded 06h WORD resource ID >= 8000h if integer resource else offset from start of resource table to resource string 08h DWORD reserved for runtime use Notes: resource type and name strings are stored immediately following the resource table, and are not null-terminated strings are counted strings, with a string of length 0 indicating the end of the resource table SeeAlso: #01605,#01607 Format of new executable module reference table [one bundle of entries]: Offset Size Description (Table 01607) 00h BYTE number of records in this bundle (00h if end of table) 01h BYTE segment indicator 00h unused FFh movable segment, segment number is in entry else segment number of fixed segment 02h N RECORDs Format of segment record Offset Size Description 00h BYTE flags bit 0: entry is exported bit 1: entry uses global (shared) data bits 7-3: number of parameter words ---fixed segment--- 01h WORD offset ---moveable segment--- 01h 2 BYTEs INT 3F instruction (CDh 3Fh) 03h BYTE segment number 05h WORD offset Note: table entries are numbered starting from 1 SeeAlso: #01608 Format of new executable resident/nonresident name table entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01608) 00h BYTE length of string (00h if end of table) 01h N BYTEs ASCII text of string N+1 WORD ordinal number (index into entry table) Notes: the first string in the resident name table is the module name; the first entry in the nonresident name table is the module description the strings are case-sensitive; if the executable was linked with /IGNORECASE, all strings are in uppercase SeeAlso: #01607 Format of Linear Executable (enhanced mode executable) header: Offset Size Description (Table 01609) 00h 2 BYTEs "LE" (4Ch 45h) signature (Windows) "LX" (4Ch 58h) signature (OS/2) 02h BYTE byte order (00h = little-endian, nonzero = big-endian) 03h BYTE word order (00h = little-endian, nonzero = big-endian) 04h DWORD executable format level 08h WORD CPU type (see also INT 15/AH=C9h) 01h Intel 80286 or upwardly compatible 02h Intel 80386 or upwardly compatible 03h Intel 80486 or upwardly compatible 04h Intel Pentium (80586) or upwardly compatible 20h Intel i860 (N10) or compatible 21h Intel "N11" or compatible 40h MIPS Mark I (R2000, R3000) or compatible 41h MIPS Mark II (R6000) or compatible 42h MIPS Mark III (R4000) or compatible 0Ah WORD target operating system 01h OS/2 02h Windows 03h European DOS 4.0 04h Windows 386 0Ch DWORD module version 10h DWORD module type (see #01610) 14h DWORD number of memory pages 18h Initial CS:EIP DWORD object number DWORD offset 20h Initial SS:ESP DWORD object number DWORD offset 28h DWORD memory page size 2Ch DWORD (Windows LE) bytes on last page (OS/2 LX) page offset shift count 30h DWORD fixup section size 34h DWORD fixup section checksum 38h DWORD loader section size 3Ch DWORD loader section checksum 40h DWORD offset of object table (see #01611) 44h DWORD object table entries 48h DWORD object page map table offset (see #01613) 4Ch DWORD object iterate data map offset 50h DWORD resource table offset 54h DWORD resource table entries 58h DWORD resident names table offset (see #01614) 5Ch DWORD entry table offset (see #01615,#01616) 60h DWORD module directives table offset 64h DWORD Module Directives entries 68h DWORD Fixup page table offset 6Ch DWORD Fixup record table offset (see #01618) 70h DWORD imported modules name table offset 74h DWORD imported modules count 78h DWORD imported procedures name table offset 7Ch DWORD per-page checksum table offset 80h DWORD data pages offset 84h DWORD preload page count 88h DWORD non-resident names table offset 8Ch DWORD non-resident names table length 90h DWORD non-resident names checksum 94h DWORD automatic data object 98h DWORD debug information offset 9Ch DWORD debug information length A0h DWORD preload instance pages number A4h DWORD demand instance pages number A8h DWORD extra heap allocation ACh 12 BYTEs reserved B8h DWORD offset of VERSIONINFO resource (MS-Windows VxD only) BCh DWORD pointer to ??? (dynamically-loadable VxDs only???) C0h WORD device ID (MS-Windows VxD only) C2h WORD DDK version (MS-Windows VxD only) Note: used by EMM386.EXE, QEMM, and Windows 3.0 Enhanced Mode drivers Bitfields for Linear Executable module type: Bit(s) Description (Table 01610) 2 initialization (only for DLLs) 0 = global, 1 = per-process 4 no internal fixups in executable image 5 no external fixups in executable image 8-10 API compatibility 0 = unknown 1 = incompatible with PM windowing \ 2 = compatible with PM windowing > (only for 3 = uses PM windowing API / programs) 13 module not loadable (only for programs) 15-17 module type 000 program 001 library (DLL) 011 protected memory library module 100 physical device driver 110 virtual device driver 30 per-process library termination (requires valid CS:EIP, can't be set for .EXE) Format of object table entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01611) 00h DWORD virtual size in bytes 04h DWORD relocation base address 08h DWORD object flags (see #01612) 0Ch DWORD page map index 10h DWORD page map entries (see #01613) 14h 4 BYTEs reserved??? (apparently always zeros) Bitfields for object flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01612) 0 readable 1 writable 2 executable 3 resource 4 discardable 5 shared 6 preloaded 7 invalid 8-9 type 00 normal 01 zero-filled 10 resident 11 resident and contiguous 10 resident and long-lockable 11 reserved 12 16:16 alias required 13 "BIG" (Huge: 32-bit) 14 conforming 15 "OBJECT_I/O_PRIVILEGE_LEVEL" 16-31 reserved Format of object page map table entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01613) 00h BYTE ??? (usually 00h) 01h WORD (big-endian) index to fixup table 0000h if no relocation info 03h BYTE type (00h hard copy in file, 03h some relocation needed) Format of resident names table entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01614) 00h BYTE length of name 01h N BYTEs name N+1 3 BYTEs ??? Format of LE linear executable entry table: Offset Size Description (Table 01615) 00h BYTE number of entries in table 01h 10 BYTEs per entry Offset Size Description 00h BYTE bit flags bit 0: non-empty bundle bit 1: 32-bit entry 01h WORD object number 03h BYTE entry type flags bit 0: exported bit 1: uses single data rather than instance bit 2: reserved bits 3-7: number of stack parameters 04h DWORD offset of entry point 08h 2 BYTEs ??? Note: empty bundles (bit flags at 00h = 00h) are used to skip unused indices, and do not contain the remaining nine bytes Format of LX linear executable entry table [array]: Offset Size Description (Table 01616) 00h BYTE number of bundles following (00h = end of entry table) 01h BYTE bundle type 00h empty 01h 16-bit entry 02h 286 callgate entry 03h 32-bit entry 04h forwarder entry bit 7 set if additional parameter typing information is present ---bundle type 00h--- no additional fields ---bundle type 01h--- 02h WORD object number 04h BYTE entry flags bit 0: exported bits 7-3: number of stack parameters 05h WORD offset of entry point in object (shifted by page size shift) ---bundle type 02h--- 02h WORD object number 04h BYTE entry flags bit 0: exported bits 7-3: number of stack parameters 05h WORD offset of entry point in object 07h WORD reserved for callgate selector (used by loader) ---bundle type 03h--- 02h WORD object number 04h BYTE entry flags bit 0: exported bits 7-3: number of stack parameters 05h DWORD offset of entry point in object ---bundle type 04h--- 02h WORD reserved 04h BYTE forwarder flags bit 0: import by ordinal bits 7-1 reserved 05h WORD module ordinal (forwarder's index into Import Module Name table) 07h DWORD procedure name offset or import ordinal number Note: all fields after the first two bytes are repeated N times Bitfields for linear executable fixup type: Bit(s) Description (Table 01617) 7 ordinal is BYTE rather than WORD 6 16-rather than 8-object number/module ordinal 5 addition with DWORD rather than WORD 4 relocation info has size with new two bytes at end 3 reserved (0) 2 set if add to destination, clear to replace destination 1-0 type 00 internal fixup 01 external fixup, imported by ordinal 10 external fixup, imported by name 11 internal fixup via entry table Format of linear executable fixup record: Offset Size Description (Table 01618) 00h BYTE type bits 7-4: modifier (0001 single, 0011 multiple) bits 3-0: type 0000 byte offset 0010 word segment 0011 16-bit far pointer (DWORD) 0101 16-bit offset 0110 32-bit far pointer (PWORD) 0111 32-bit offset 1000 near call or jump, WORD/DWORD based on seg attrib 01h BYTE linear executable fixup type (see #01617) ---if single type--- 02h WORD offset within page 04h relocation information ---internal fixup--- BYTE object number ---external,ordinal--- BYTE one-based module number in Import Module table BYTE/WORD ordinal number WORD/DWORD value to add (only present if modifier bit 4 set) ---external,name--- BYTE one-based module number in Import Module table WORD offset in Import Procedure names WORD/DWORD value to add (only present if modifier bit 4 set) ---if multiple type--- 02h BYTE number of items 03h var relocation info as for "single" type (above) N WORDs offsets of items to relocate Format of old Phar Lap .EXP file header: Offset Size Description (Table 01619) 00h 2 BYTEs "MP" (4Dh 50h) signature 02h WORD remainder of image size / page size (page size = 512h) 04h WORD size of image in pages 06h WORD number of relocation items 08h WORD header size in paragraphs 0Ah WORD minimum number of extra 4K pages to be allocated at the end of program, when it is loaded 0Ch WORD maximum number of extra 4K pages to be allocated at the end of program, when it is loaded 0Eh DWORD initial ESP 12h WORD word checksum of file 14h DWORD initial EIP 18h WORD offset of first relocation item 1Ah WORD overlay number 1Ch WORD ??? (wants to be 1) SeeAlso: #01620 Format of new Phar Lap .EXP file header: Offset Size Description (Table 01620) 00h 2 BYTEs signature ("P2" for 286 .EXP executable, "P3" for 386 .EXP) 02h WORD level (01h flat-model file, 02h multisegmented file) 04h WORD header size 06h DWORD file size in bytes 0Ah WORD checksum 0Ch DWORD offset of run-time parameters within file (see #01622) 10h DWORD size of run-time parameters in bytes 14h DWORD offset of relocation table within file 18h DWORD size of relocation table in bytes 1Ch DWORD offset of segment information table within file (see #01621) 20h DWORD size of segment information table in bytes 24h WORD size of segment information table entry in bytes 26h DWORD offset of load image within file 2Ah DWORD size of load image on disk 2Eh DWORD offset of symbol table within file or 00000000h 32h DWORD size of symbol table in bytes 36h DWORD offset of GDT within load image 3Ah DWORD size of GDT in bytes 3Eh DWORD offset of LDT within load image 42h DWORD size of LDT in bytes 46h DWORD offset of IDT within load image 4Ah DWORD size of IDT in bytes 4Eh DWORD offset of TSS within load image 52h DWORD size of TSS in bytes 56h DWORD minimum number of extra bytes to be allocated at end of program (level 1 executables only) 5Ah DWORD maximum number of extra bytes to be allocated at end of program (level 1 executables only) 5Eh DWORD base load offset (level 1 executables only) 62h DWORD initial ESP 66h WORD initial SS 68h DWORD initial EIP 6Ch WORD initial CS 6Eh WORD initial LDT 70h WORD initial TSS 72h WORD flags bit 0: load image is packed bit 1: 32-bit checksum is present bits 4-2: type of relocation table 74h DWORD memory requirements for load image 78h DWORD 32-bit checksum (optional) 7Ch DWORD size of stack segment in bytes 80h 256 BYTEs reserved (0) SeeAlso: #01619,#01623 Format of Phar Lap segment information table entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01621) 00h WORD selector number 02h WORD flags 04h DWORD base offset of selector 08h DWORD minimum number of extra bytes to be allocated to the segment Format of 386|DOS-Extender run-time parameters: Offset Size Description (Table 01622) 00h 2 BYTEs signature "DX" (44h 58h) 02h WORD minimum number of real-mode params to leave free at run time 04h WORD maximum number of real-mode params to leave free at run time 06h WORD minimum interrupt buffer size in KB 08h WORD maximum interrupt buffer size in KB 0Ah WORD number of interrupt stacks 0Ch WORD size in KB of each interrupt stack 0Eh DWORD offset of byte past end of real-mode code and data 12h WORD size in KB of call buffers 14h WORD flags bit 0: file is virtual memory manager bit 1: file is a debugger 16h WORD unprivileged flag (if nonzero, executes at ring 1, 2, or 3) 18h 104 BYTEs reserved (0) Format of Phar Lap repeat block header: Offset Size Description (Table 01623) 00h WORD byte count 02h BYTE repeat string length Format of Borland debugging information header (following load image): Offset Size Description (Table 01624) 00h WORD signature 52FBh 02h WORD version ID 04h DWORD size of name pool in bytes 08h WORD number of names in name pool 0Ah WORD number of type entries 0Ch WORD number of structure members 0Eh WORD number of symbols 10h WORD number of global symbols 12h WORD number of modules 14h WORD number of locals (optional) 16h WORD number of scopes in table 18h WORD number of line-number entries 1Ah WORD number of include files 1Ch WORD number of segment records 1Eh WORD number of segment/file correlations 20h DWORD size of load image after removing uninitialized data and debug information 24h DWORD debugger hook; pointer into debugged program whose meaning depends on program flags 28h BYTE program flags bit 0: case-sensitive link bit 1: pascal overlay program 29h WORD no longer used 2Bh WORD size of data pool in bytes 2Dh BYTE padding 2Eh WORD size of following header extension (currently 00h, 10h, or 20h) 30h WORD number of classes 32h WORD number of parents 34h WORD number of global classes (currently unused) 36h WORD number of overloads (currently unused) 38h WORD number of scope classes 3Ah WORD number of module classes 3Ch WORD number of coverage offsets 3Eh DWORD offset relative to symbol base of name pool 42h WORD number of browser information records 44h WORD number of optimized symbol records 46h WORD debugging flags 48h 8 BYTEs padding Note: additional information on the Borland debugging info may be found in Borland's Open Architecture Handbook SeeAlso: #01600Top
INT 21 - DOS 5+ - SET EXECUTION STATE AX = 4B05h DS:DX -> execution state structure (see #01625) Return: CF clear if successful AX = 0000h CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: used by programs which intercept AX=4B00h to prepare new programs for execution (including setting the DOS version number). No DOS, BIOS or other software interrupt may be called after return from this call before commencement of the child process. If DOS is running in the HMA, A20 is turned off on return from this call. SeeAlso: AH=4Bh Format of execution state structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01625) 00h WORD reserved (00h) 02h WORD type flags bit 0: program is an .EXE bit 1: program is an overlay 04h DWORD pointer to ASCIZ name of program file 08h WORD PSP segment of new program 0Ah DWORD starting CS:IP of new program 0Eh DWORD program size including PSPTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "EXIT" - TERMINATE WITH RETURN CODE AH = 4Ch AL = return code Return: never returns Notes: unless the process is its own parent (see #01378 [offset 16h] at AH=26h), all open files are closed and all memory belonging to the process is freed all network file locks should be removed before calling this function SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=26h,AH=4Bh,AH=4Dh,INT 15/AH=12h/BH=02h,INT 20,INT 22 SeeAlso: INT 60/DI=0601hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET RETURN CODE (ERRORLEVEL) AH = 4Dh Return: AH = termination type 00h normal (INT 20,INT 21/AH=00h, or INT 21/AH=4Ch) 01h control-C abort 02h critical error abort 03h terminate and stay resident (INT 21/AH=31h or INT 27) AL = return code CF clear Notes: the word in which DOS stores the return code is cleared after being read by this function, so the return code can only be retrieved once COMMAND.COM stores the return code of the last external command it executed as ERRORLEVEL this call should not be used if the child was started with AX=4B04h; use AH=8Ah instead the following sequence will close a Virtual DOS Machine under OS/2 2.0 through OS/2 Merlin (but may change in the future): MOV AH,4Dh INT 21h HLT DB 02h,0FDh This sequence is the only way to close a specific VDM which was booted from floppy or a disk image. SeeAlso: AH=4Bh,AH=4Ch,AH=8AhTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "FINDFIRST" - FIND FIRST MATCHING FILE AH = 4Eh AL = special flag for use by APPEND (refer to note below) CX = file attribute mask (see #01420 at AX=4301h) (bits 0 and 5 ignored) 0088h (Novell DOS 7) find first deleted file DS:DX -> ASCIZ file specification (may include path and wildcards) Return: CF clear if successful Disk Transfer Area filled with FindFirst data block (see #01626) CF set on error AX = error code (02h,03h,12h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: for search attributes other than 08h, all files with at MOST the specified combination of hidden, system, and directory attributes will be returned. Under DOS 2.x, searching for attribute 08h (volume label) will also return normal files, while under DOS 3.0+ only the volume label (if any) will be returned. this call also returns successfully if given the name of a character device without wildcards. DOS 2.x returns attribute 00h, size 0, and the current date and time. DOS 3.0+ returns attribute 40h and the current date and time. immediately after an INT 2F/AX=B711h (APPEND return found name), the name at DS:DX will be overwritten; if AL=00h on entry, the actual found pathname will be stored, otherwise, the actual found path will be prepended to the original filespec without a path. under LANtastic, this call may be used to obtain a list of a server's shared resources by searching for "\\SERVER\*.*"; a list of printer resources may be obtained by searching for "\\SERVER\@*.*" under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the filespec pointer is in DS:EDX BUGS: under DOS 3.x and 4.x, the second and subsequent calls to this function with a character device name (no wildcards) and search attributes which include the volume-label bit (08h) will fail unless there is an intervening DOS call which implicitly or explicity performs a directory search without the volume-label bit. Such implicit searches are performed by CREATE (AH=3Ch), OPEN (AH=3Dh), UNLINK (AH=41h), and RENAME (AH=56h) DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 return the Directory attribute for the volume label SeeAlso: AH=11h,AH=4Fh,AX=4301h,AX=714Eh,AX=71A1h,AX=F257h/SF=02h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=111Bh,INT 2F/AX=B711h Format of FindFirst data block: Offset Size Description (Table 01626) ---PC-DOS 3.10, PC-DOS 4.01, MS-DOS 3.2/3.3/5.0--- 00h BYTE drive letter (bits 0-6), remote if bit 7 set 01h 11 BYTEs search template 0Ch BYTE search attributes ---DOS 2.x (and some DOS 3.x???)--- 00h BYTE search attributes 01h BYTE drive letter 02h 11 BYTEs search template ---WILDUNIX.COM--- 00h 12 BYTEs 15-character wildcard search pattern and drive letter (packed) 0Ch BYTE search attributes ---DOS 2.x and most 3.x--- 0Dh WORD entry count within directory 0Fh DWORD pointer to DTA??? 13h WORD cluster number of start of parent directory ---PC-DOS 4.01, MS-DOS 3.2/3.3/5.0--- 0Dh WORD entry count within directory 0Fh WORD cluster number of start of parent directory 11h 4 BYTEs reserved ---OS/2 MVDM--- 00h WORD "OS2_BMP_handle" 02h WORD "OS2_LastEnt" 04h DWORD "OS2_Checksum" 08h BYTE "OS2_usi_flag" 09h DWORD used by DOS emulator for second pass for volume-label searches 0Dh WORD (ret) "DOS_LastEnt" entry count within directory 0Fh BYTE OS/2 Processed-FindFirst flag 00h FindFirst processed by DOS 42h FindFirst processed by OS/2 10h 5 BYTEs reserved for future use ---all versions, documented fields--- 15h BYTE attribute of file found 16h WORD file time (see #01665 at AX=5700h) 18h WORD file date (see #01666 at AX=5700h) 1Ah DWORD file size 1Eh 13 BYTEs ASCIZ filename+extensionTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "FINDNEXT" - FIND NEXT MATCHING FILE AH = 4Fh Disk Transfer Area contains data block from previous FindFirst or FindNext call Return: CF clear if successful Disk Transfer Area updated CF set on error AX = error code (12h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: under Novell DOS 7, if the FindFirst call (AH=4Eh) had CX=0088h, then the next matching deleted file will be returned since the entire state of a FindFirst/FindNext sequence is contained in the data block in the DTA, other disk operations such as renaming, moving, deleting, or creating files can cause inaccurate directory searches, such as finding the same file twice BUG: DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 return the Directory attribute for the volume label SeeAlso: AH=12h,AH=4Eh,AX=714Fh,AX=71A1hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ internal - SET CURRENT PROCESS ID (SET PSP ADDRESS) AH = 50h BX = segment of PSP for new process Notes: DOS uses the current PSP address to determine which processes own files and memory; it corresponds to process identifiers used by other OSs under DOS 2.x, this function cannot be invoked inside an INT 28h handler without setting the Critical Error flag under MS-DOS 3.0+ and DR DOS 3.41+, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time, even during another INT 21h call some Microsoft applications such as Quick C 2.51 use segments of 0000h and FFFFh and direct access to the SDA (see #01687 at AX=5D06h) to test whether they are running under MS-DOS rather than a compatible OS; although one should only call this function with valid PSP addresses, any program hooking it should be prepared to handle invalid addresses this function is supported by the OS/2 compatibility box this call was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0 SeeAlso: AH=26h,AH=51h,AH=62hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ internal - GET CURRENT PROCESS ID (GET PSP ADDRESS) AH = 51h Return: BX = segment of PSP for current process Notes: DOS uses the current PSP address to determine which processes own files and memory; it corresponds to process identifiers used by other OSs under DOS 2.x, this function cannot be invoked inside an INT 28h handler without setting the Critical Error flag under DOS 3.0+, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time, even during another INT 21h call supported by OS/2 compatibility box identical to the documented AH=62h this call was undocumented prior to the release of DOS 5.0 SeeAlso: AH=26h,AH=50h,AH=62hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 2+ internal - "SYSVARS" - GET LIST OF LISTS AH = 52h Return: ES:BX -> DOS list of lists (see #01627) Notes: partially supported by OS/2 v1.1 compatibility box (however, most pointers are FFFFh:FFFFh, LASTDRIVE is FFh, and the NUL header "next" pointer is FFFFh:FFFFh). partially supported by the Windows NT DOS box; contains only a rudimentary Current Directory Structure (see #01645) on return, ES points at the DOS data segment (see also INT 2F/AX=1203h) Quarterdeck's suggested check for the use of its DOSDATA.SYS or DOS-UP.SYS is to test whether the list-of-lists segment is greater than the segment of the first memory block; a better check for DOS-UP.SYS is INT 21/AX=2B01h/CX=444Dh because not all DOS workalikes support all fields in the List of Lists, applications should ensure that pointers are neither 0000h:0000h nor FFFFh:FFFFh before using them Windows for Workgroups 3.11 network and Windows95 set the path to the local drive and directory even for network drives; in that case the UNC form \\SERVER\SHARE can be obtained with INT 21/AX=5F02h or INT 21/AX=5F46h. LapLink RemoteAccess does the same even for INT 21/AX=5F02h Windows95 GUI no longer returns the true path for a SUBSTed drive, but MS-DOS 7.00 does; use INT 21/AH=60h to obtain the true name SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1203h Format of List of Lists: Offset Size Description (Table 01627) -24 WORD (DOS 3.1+) contents of CX from INT 21/AX=5E01h -22 WORD (DOS ???+) LRU counter for FCB caching -20 WORD (DOS ???+) LRU counter for FCB opens -18 DWORD (DOS ???+) address of OEM function handler (see INT 21/AH=F8h) FFFFh:FFFFh if not installed or not available -14 WORD (DOS ???+) offset in DOS CS of code to return from INT 21 call -12 WORD (DOS 3.1+) sharing retry count (see AX=440Bh) -10 WORD (DOS 3.1+) sharing retry delay (see AX=440Bh) -8 DWORD (DOS 3.0+) pointer to current disk buffer -4 WORD (DOS 3.0+) pointer in DOS data segment of unread CON input when CON is read via a handle, DOS reads an entire line, and returns the requested portion, buffering the rest for the next read. 0000h indicates no unread input -2 WORD segment of first memory control block (see #01628) 00h DWORD pointer to first Drive Parameter Block (see #01395 at AH=32h) 04h DWORD -> first System File Table (see #01639,#01640,#01641,#01642) 08h DWORD pointer to active CLOCK$ device's header (most recently loaded driver with CLOCK bit set) 0Ch DWORD pointer to active CON device's header (most recently loaded driver with STDIN bit set) ---DOS 2.x--- 10h BYTE number of logical drives in system 11h WORD maximum bytes/block of any block device 13h DWORD pointer to first disk buffer (see #01649,#01650) 17h 18 BYTEs actual NUL device driver header (not a pointer!) NUL is always the first device on DOS's linked list of device drivers. (see #01646) ---DOS 3.0--- 10h BYTE number of block devices 11h WORD maximum bytes/block of any block device 13h DWORD pointer to first disk buffer (see #01650,#01652) 17h DWORD pointer to array of current directory structures (see #01643) 1Bh BYTE value of LASTDRIVE command in CONFIG.SYS (default 5) 1Ch DWORD pointer to STRING= workspace area 20h WORD size of STRING area (the x in STRING=x from CONFIG.SYS) 22h DWORD pointer to FCB table 26h WORD the y in FCBS=x,y from CONFIG.SYS 28h 18 BYTEs actual NUL device driver header (not a pointer!) NUL is always the first device on DOS's linked list of device drivers. (see #01646) ---DOS 3.1-3.3--- 10h WORD maximum bytes per sector of any block device 12h DWORD pointer to first disk buffer in buffer chain (see #01650) 16h DWORD pointer to array of current directory structures (see #01643) 1Ah DWORD pointer to system FCB tables (see #01640,#01641,#01642) 1Eh WORD number of protected FCBs (the y in the CONFIG.SYS FCBS=x,y) 20h BYTE number of block devices installed 21h BYTE number of available drive letters (largest of 5, installed block devices, and CONFIG.SYS LASTDRIVE=). Also size of current directory structure array. 22h 18 BYTEs actual NUL device driver header (not a pointer!) NUL is always the first device on DOS's linked list of device drivers. (see #01646) 34h BYTE number of JOIN'ed drives ---DOS 4.x--- 10h WORD maximum bytes per sector of any block device 12h DWORD pointer to disk buffer info record (see #01652,#01653) Note: although the initialization code in IO.SYS uses this pointer, MSDOS.SYS does not, instead using the hardcoded address of the info record 16h DWORD pointer to array of current directory structures (see #01643,#01644) 1Ah DWORD pointer to system FCB tables (see #01640,#01641,#01642) 1Eh WORD number of protected FCBs (the y in the CONFIG.SYS FCBS=x,y) (always 00h for DOS 5.0) 20h BYTE number of block devices installed 21h BYTE number of available drive letters; also size of current directory structure array. For DOS 4.0-6.0: largest of 5, installed block devices, and CONFIG.SYS LASTDRIVE= For DOS 7.x (Windows9X), set to 32 if no LASTDRIVE= or LASTDRIVEHIGH=, else set to larger of installed block devices and LASTDRIVE(HIGH)= 22h 18 BYTEs actual NUL device driver header (not a pointer!) NUL is always the first device on DOS's linked list of device drivers. (see #01646) 34h BYTE number of JOIN'ed drives 35h WORD pointer within IBMDOS code segment to list of special program names (see #01662) (always 0000h for DOS 5.0) 37h DWORD pointer to FAR routine for resident IFS utility functions (see #01658) may be called by any IFS driver which does not wish to service functions 20h or 24h-28h itself 3Bh DWORD pointer to chain of IFS (installable file system) drivers 3Fh WORD the x in BUFFERS x,y (rounded up to multiple of 30 if in EMS) 41h WORD number of lookahead buffers (the y in BUFFERS x,y) 43h BYTE boot drive (1=A:) 44h BYTE flag: 01h to use DWORD moves (80386+), 00h otherwise 45h WORD extended memory size in KB ---DOS 5.0-6.0--- 10h 39 BYTEs as for DOS 4.x (above) 37h DWORD pointer to SETVER program list or 0000h:0000h 3Bh WORD (DOS=HIGH) offset in DOS CS of function to fix A20 control when executing special .COM format 3Dh WORD PSP of most-recently EXECed program if DOS in HMA, 0000h if low used for maintaining count of INT 21 calls which disable A20 on return 3Fh 8 BYTEs as for DOS 4.x (above) ---Windows NT DOS Box--- 10h 6 BYTEs ??? 16h DWORD pointer to array of current directory structures (see #01645) 1Ah 6 BYTEs ??? 20h BYTE number of block devices installed 21h BYTE number of local drive letters (= installed block devices) Also size of current directory structure array. 22h 18 BYTEs actual NUL device driver header (not a pointer!) NUL is always the first device on DOS's linked list of device drivers. (see #01646) ---DOS 7.x--- 10h 55 BYTEs as for DOS 5.0-6.0 (above) 47h 25 BYTEs ??? 60h BYTE "DOS_FLAG" (see also INT 26) Format of DOS memory control block: Offset Size Description (Table 01628) 00h BYTE block type: 5Ah if last block in chain, otherwise 4Dh 01h WORD PSP segment of owner or special flag value (see #01629) 03h WORD size of memory block in paragraphs 05h 3 BYTEs unused by MS-DOS (386MAX) if locked-out block, region start/prev region end ---DOS 2.x,3.x--- 08h 8 BYTEs unused ---DOS 4.0+ --- 08h 8 BYTEs ASCII program name if PSP memory block or DR DOS UMB, else garbage null-terminated if less than 8 characters Notes: the next MCB is at segment (current + size + 1) under DOS 3.1+, the first memory block is the DOS data segment, containing installable drivers, buffers, etc. Under DOS 4.0+ it is divided into subsegments, each with its own memory control block (see #01633), the first of which is at offset 0000h. for DOS 5+, blocks owned by DOS may have either "SC" or "SD" in bytes 08h and 09h. "SC" is system code or locked-out inter-UMB memory, "SD" is system data, device drivers, etc. Some versions of DR DOS use only seven characters of the program name, placing a NUL in the eighth byte. SeeAlso: #01630,#01632,#01633 (Table 01629) Values for special flag PSP segments: 0000h free 0006h DR DOS XMS UMB 0007h DR DOS excluded upper memory ("hole") 0008h belongs to DOS FFF7h 386MAX v6.01+ ??? FFFAh 386MAX UMB control block (see #01477 at AX=4402h"386MAX") FFFDh 386MAX locked-out memory FFFEh 386MAX UMB (normally immediately follows its control block) FFFFh 386MAX v6.01+ device driver Format of MS-DOS 5+ UMB control block: Offset Size Description (Table 01630) 00h BYTE type: 5Ah if last block in chain, 4Dh otherwise 01h WORD first available paragraph in UMB if control block at start of UMB, 000Ah if control block at end of UMB 03h WORD length in paragraphs of following UMB or locked-out region 05h 3 BYTEs unused 08h 8 BYTEs block type name: "UMB" if start block, "SM" if end block in UMB SeeAlso: #01628,#01631 Format of MS-DOS 7.0 HMA memory control block: Offset Size Description (Table 01631) 00h WORD signature "MS" (4Dh 53h) 02h WORD usage flag??? 0000h free else ??? 04h WORD size of memory block in bytes (not counting MCB) 06h WORD offset of next memory block in HMA or 0000h 08h 8 BYTEs unused (0) SeeAlso: #01628,#01630,#01632 Format of STARLITE (General Software's Embedded DOS) memory control block: Offset Size Description (Table 01632) 00h BYTE block type: 5Ah if last block in chain, otherwise 4Dh 01h WORD PSP segment of owner, 0000h if free, 0008h if belongs to DOS 03h WORD size of memory block in paragraphs 05h BYTE unused 06h WORD segment address of next memory control block (0000h if last) 08h WORD segment address of previous memory control block or 0000h 0Ah 6 BYTEs reserved Format of DOS 4.0+ data segment subsegment control blocks: Offset Size Description (Table 01633) 00h BYTE subsegment type (blocks typically appear in this order) "D" device driver "E" device driver appendage "I" IFS (Installable File System) driver (MS-DOS 7) high-loaded drive data table array (see #02603) "F" FILES= control block storage area (for FILES>5) "X" FCBS= control block storage area, if present "C" BUFFERS EMS workspace area (if BUFFERS /X option used) "B" BUFFERS= storage area "L" LASTDRIVE= current directory structure array storage area "S" STACKS= code and data area, if present (see #01634,#01635) "T" INSTALL= transient code 01h WORD paragraph of subsegment start (usually the next paragraph) 03h WORD size of subsegment in paragraphs 05h 3 BYTEs unused 08h 8 BYTEs for types "D" and "I", base name of file from which the driver was loaded (unused for other types) Format of data at start of STACKS code segment (if present): Offset Size Description (Table 01634) 00h WORD ??? 02h WORD number of stacks (the x in STACKS=x,y) 04h WORD size of stack control block array (should be 8*x) 06h WORD size of each stack (the y in STACKS=x,y) 08h DWORD pointer to STACKS data segment 0Ch WORD offset in STACKS data segment of stack control block array 0Eh WORD offset in STACKS data segment of last element of that array 10h WORD offset in STACKS data segment of the entry in that array for the next stack to be allocated (initially same as value in 0Eh and works its way down in steps of 8 to the value in 0Ch as hardware interrupts pre-empt each other) Note: the STACKS code segment data may, if present, be located as follows: DOS 3.2: The code segment data is at a paragraph boundary fairly early in the IBMBIO segment (seen at 0070:0190h) DOS 3.3: The code segment is at a paragraph boundary in the DOS data segment, which may be determined by inspecting the segment pointers of the vectors for those of interrupts 02h, 08h-0Eh, 70h, 72-77h which have not been redirected by device drivers or TSRs. DOS 4.0+ Identified by sub-segment control block type "S" within the DOS data segment. SeeAlso: #01636,INT B4"STACKMAN" Format of array elements in STACKS data segment: Offset Size Description (Table 01635) 00h BYTE status: 00h=free, 01h=in use, 03h=corrupted by overflow of higher stack. 01h BYTE not used 02h WORD previous SP 04h WORD previous SS 06h WORD ptr to word at top of stack (new value for SP). The word at the top of the stack is preset to point back to this control block. Format of SHARE.EXE hooks (DOS 3.1-6.00): Offset Size Description (Table 01636) (offsets from first system file table--pointed at by ListOfLists+04h) -3Ch DWORD pointer to FAR routine for ??? Note: not called by MS-DOS 3.3, set to 0000h:0000h by SHARE 3.3+ -38h DWORD pointer to FAR routine called on opening file on call, internal DOS location points at filename (see #01687 at AX=5D06h) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = DOS error code (24h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: SHARE directly accesses DOS-internal data to get name of file just opened -34h DWORD pointer to FAR routine called on closing file ES:DI -> system file table Note: does something to every Record Lock Record for file -30h DWORD pointer to FAR routine to close all files for given computer (called by AX=5D03h) -2Ch DWORD pointer to FAR routine to close all files for given process (called by AX=5D04h) -28h DWORD pointer to FAR routine to close file by name (called by AX=5D02h) DS:SI -> DOS parameter list (see #01686 at AX=5D00h) DPL's DS:DX -> name of file to close Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = DOS error code (03h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) -24h DWORD pointer to FAR routine to lock region of file call with BX = file handle ---DOS 3.x--- CX:DX = starting offset SI:AX = size ---DOS 4.0+ --- DS:DX -> lock range DWORD start offset DWORD size in bytes Return: CF set on error AL = DOS error code (21h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Note: not called if file is marked as remote -20h DWORD pointer to FAR routine to unlock region of file call with BX = file handle ---DOS 3.x--- CX:DX = starting offset SI:AX = size ---DOS 4.0+ --- DS:DX -> lock range DWORD start offset DWORD size in bytes Return: CF set on error AL = DOS error code (21h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Note: not called if file is marked as remote -1Ch DWORD pointer to FAR routine to check if file region is locked call with ES:DI -> system file table entry for file CX = length of region from current position in file Return: CF set if any portion of region locked AX = 0021h -18h DWORD pointer to FAR routine to get open file list entry (called by AX=5D05h) call with DS:SI -> DOS parameter list (see #01686 at AX=5D00h) DPL's BX = index of sharing record DPL's CX = index of SFT in SFT chain of sharing rec Return: CF set on error or not loaded AX = DOS error code (12h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) CF clear if successful ES:DI -> filename CX = number of locks owned by specified SFT BX = network machine number DX destroyed -14h DWORD pointer to FAR routine for updating FCB from SFT??? call with DS:SI -> unopened FCB ES:DI -> system file table entry Return: BL = C0h??? Note: copies following fields from SFT to FCB: starting cluster of file 0Bh 1Ah sharing record offset 33h 1Ch file attribute 04h 1Eh -10h DWORD pointer to FAR routine to get first cluster of FCB file ??? call with ES:DI -> system file table entry DS:SI -> FCB Return: CF set if SFT closed or sharing record offsets mismatched CF clear if successful BX = starting cluster number from FCB -0Ch DWORD pointer to FAR routine to close file if duplicate for process DS:SI -> system file table Return: AX = number of handle in JFT which already uses SFT Note: called during open/create of a file Note: if SFT was opened with inheritance enabled and sharing mode 111, does something to all other SFTs owned by same process which have the same file open mode and sharing record -08h DWORD pointer to FAR routine for closing file Note: closes various handles referring to file most-recently opened -04h DWORD pointer to FAR routine to update directory info in related SFT entries call with ES:DI -> system file table entry for file (see #01641) AX = subfunction (apply to each related SFT) 00h: update time stamp (offset 0Dh) and date stamp (offset 0Fh) 01h: update file size (offset 11h) and starting cluster (offset 0Bh). Sets last-accessed cluster fields to start of file if file never accessed 02h: as function 01h, but last-accessed fields always changed 03h: do both functions 00h and 02h Note: follows ptr at offset 2Bh in system file table entries Note: NOP if opened with no-inherit or via FCB Notes: most of the above hooks (except -04h, -14h, -18h, and -3Ch) assume either that SS=DOS DS or SS=DS=DOS DS and directly access DOS-internal data sharing hooks are not supported by DR DOS 5-6; they appear to be supported by Novell DOS 7, with a segment of 0000h indicating the DOS data segment SeeAlso: #01637,#01638 Format of sharing record: Offset Size Description (Table 01637) 00h BYTE flag 00h free block 01h allocated block FFh end marker 01h WORD size of block 03h BYTE checksum of pathname (including NUL) if sum of ASCII values is N, checksum is (N/256 + N%256) 04h WORD offset in SHARE's DS of first Record Lock Record (see #01638) 06h DWORD pointer to start of system file table chain for file 0Ah WORD unique sequence number 0Ch var ASCIZ full pathname Note: not supported by DR DOS SHARE 1.1 and 2.0; will reportedly be supported by Novell DOS 7 SeeAlso: #01636,#01638 Format of SHARE.EXE Record Lock Record: Offset Size Description (Table 01638) 00h WORD offset in SHARE's DS of next lock table in list or 0000h 02h DWORD offset in file of start of locked region 06h DWORD offset in file of end of locked region 0Ah DWORD pointer to System File Table entry for this file 0Eh WORD PSP segment of lock's owner ---DOS 5+ --- 10h WORD lock type: (00h lock all, 01h lock writes only) SeeAlso: #01636,#01637,#01639,#01642 Format of DOS 2.x system file tables: Offset Size Description (Table 01639) 00h DWORD pointer to next file table (offset FFFFh if last) 04h WORD number of files in this table 06h 28h bytes per file Offset Size Description 00h BYTE number of file handles referring to this file 01h BYTE file open mode (see #01402 at AH=3Dh) 02h BYTE file attribute 03h BYTE drive (0 = character device, 1 = A, 2 = B, etc) 04h 11 BYTEs filename in FCB format (no path,no period,blank-padded) 0Fh WORD ??? 11h WORD ??? 13h DWORD file size??? 17h WORD file date in packed format (see #01666 at AX=5700h) 19h WORD file time in packed format (see #01665 at AX=5700h) 1Bh BYTE device attribute (see #01423 at AX=4400h) ---character device--- 1Ch DWORD pointer to device driver ---block device--- 1Ch WORD starting cluster of file 1Eh WORD relative cluster in file of last cluster accessed ------ 20h WORD absolute cluster number of current cluster 22h WORD ??? 24h DWORD current file position??? SeeAlso: #01640,#01641,#01642 Format of DOS 3.0 system file tables and FCB tables: Offset Size Description (Table 01640) 00h DWORD pointer to next file table (offset FFFFh if last) 04h WORD number of files in this table 06h 38h bytes per file Offset Size Description 00h-1Eh as for DOS 3.1+ (see #01641) 1Fh WORD byte offset of directory entry within sector 21h 11 BYTEs filename in FCB format (no path/period, blank-padded) 2Ch DWORD (SHARE.EXE) pointer to previous SFT sharing same file 30h WORD (SHARE.EXE) network machine number which opened file (Windows Enhanced mode DOSMGR uses the virtual machine ID as the machine number; see INT 2F/AX=1683h) 32h WORD PSP segment of file's owner (first three entries for AUX/CON/PRN contain segment of IO.SYS startup code) 34h WORD (SHARE.EXE) offset in SHARE code seg of share record 36h WORD ??? apparently always 0000h SeeAlso: #01639,#01641,#01642 Format of DOS 3.1-3.3x, DR DOS 5.0-6.0 system file tables and FCB tables: Offset Size Description (Table 01641) 00h DWORD pointer to next file table (offset FFFFh if last) 04h WORD number of files in this table 06h 35h bytes per file Offset Size Description 00h WORD number of file handles referring to this file 02h WORD file open mode (see AX=6C00h, #01402 at AH=3Dh) bit 15 set if this file opened via FCB 04h BYTE file attribute (see #01420 at AX=4301h) 05h WORD device info word (see #01423 at AX=4400h) bit 15 set if remote file bit 14 set means do not set file date/time on closing bit 12 set means don't inherit on EXEC bits 5-0 drive number for disk files 07h DWORD pointer to device driver header if character device else pointer to DOS Drive Parameter Block (see #01395 at AH=32h) 0Bh WORD starting cluster of file 0Dh WORD file time in packed format (see #01665 at AX=5700h) not used for character devices in DR DOS 0Fh WORD file date in packed format (see #01666 at AX=5700h) not used for character devices in DR DOS 11h DWORD file size ---system file table--- 15h DWORD current offset in file (may be larger than size of file; INT 21/AH=42h does not check new position) ---FCB table--- 15h WORD counter for last I/O to FCB 17h WORD counter for last open of FCB (these are separate to determine the times of the latest I/O and open) --- 19h WORD relative cluster within file of last cluster accessed 1Bh WORD absolute cluster number of last cluster accessed 0000h if file never read or written??? 1Dh WORD number of sector containing directory entry (see #01352) 1Fh BYTE number of dir entry within sector (byte offset/32) 20h 11 BYTEs filename in FCB format (no path/period, blank-padded) 2Bh DWORD (SHARE.EXE) pointer to previous SFT sharing same file 2Fh WORD (SHARE.EXE) network machine number which opened file (Windows Enhanced mode DOSMGR uses the virtual machine ID as the machine number; see INT 2F/AX=1683h) 31h WORD PSP segment of file's owner (see #01378 at AH=26h) (first three entries for AUX/CON/PRN contain segment of IO.SYS startup code) 33h WORD offset within SHARE.EXE code segment of sharing record (see #01637) 0000h = none SeeAlso: #01639,#01640,#01642 Format of DOS 4.0-6.0 system file tables and FCB tables: Offset Size Description (Table 01642) 00h DWORD pointer to next file table (offset FFFFh if last) 04h WORD number of files in this table 06h 3Bh bytes per file Offset Size Description 00h WORD number of file handles referring to this file FFFFh if in use but not referenced 02h WORD file open mode (see AX=6C00h,#01402 at AH=3Dh) bit 15 set if this file opened via FCB 04h BYTE file attribute (see #01420 at AX=4301h) 05h WORD device info word (see also #01423 at AX=4400h) bit 15 set if remote file bit 14 set means do not set file date/time on closing bit 13 set if named pipe bit 12 set if no inherit bit 11 set if network spooler bit 7 set if device, clear if file (only if local) bits 6-0 as for AX=4400h 07h DWORD pointer to device driver header if character device else pointer to DOS Drive Parameter Block (see #01395 at AH=32h) or REDIR data 0Bh WORD starting cluster of file (local files only) not set for FAT32-capable versions of Windows95 (since they allow 32-bit cluster numbers) 0Dh WORD file time in packed format (see #01665) 0Fh WORD file date in packed format (see #01666) 11h DWORD file size 15h DWORD current offset in file (SFT) LRU counters (FCB table, two WORDs) ---local file--- 19h WORD relative cluster within file of last cluster accessed 1Bh DWORD number of sector containing directory entry 1Fh BYTE number of dir entry within sector (byte offset/32) ---network redirector--- 19h DWORD pointer to REDIRIFS record 1Dh 3 BYTEs ??? ------ 20h 11 BYTEs filename in FCB format (no path/period, blank-padded) 2Bh DWORD (SHARE.EXE) pointer to previous SFT sharing same file 2Fh WORD (SHARE.EXE) network machine number which opened file (Windows Enhanced mode DOSMGR uses the virtual machine ID as the machine number; see INT 2F/AX=1683h) 31h WORD PSP segment of file's owner (see #01378 at AH=26h) (first three entries for AUX/CON/PRN contain segment of IO.SYS startup code) 33h WORD offset within SHARE.EXE code segment of sharing record (see #01595) 0000h = none 35h WORD (local) absolute cluster number of last clustr accessed (redirector) ??? 37h DWORD pointer to IFS driver for file, 0000000h if native DOS Note: the OS/2 2.0 DOS Boot Session does not properly fill in the filename field due to incomplete support for SFTs; the OS/2 2.0 DOS Window does not appear to support SFTs at all SeeAlso: #01639,#01640,#01641 Format of current directory structure (CDS) (array, LASTDRIVE entries): Offset Size Description (Table 01643) 00h 67 BYTEs ASCIZ path in form X:\PATH (local) or UNC form \\SERVER\PATH (network, see notes below) 43h WORD drive attributes (also see note below) (see also AX=5F07h) bit 15: uses network redirector \ invalid if 00, installable bit 14: physical drive / file system if 11 bit 13: JOIN'ed \ path above is true path that would be bit 12: SUBST'ed / needed if not under SUBST or JOIN bit 11: removable media (WinNT4.0) bit 10: hard disk??? (WinNT4.0) bit 7: remote drive hidden from redirector's assign-list and exempt from network connection make/break commands; set for CD-ROM drives by MSCDEX (not supported by CORELCDX) 45h DWORD pointer to Drive Parameter Block for drive (see #01395 at AH=32h) ---local drives--- 49h WORD starting cluster of current directory 0000h = root, FFFFh = never accessed 4Bh WORD ??? seems to be FFFFh always 4Dh WORD ??? seems to be FFFFh always ---network drives--- 49h DWORD pointer to redirector or REDIRIFS record, or FFFFh:FFFFh (DOS 4 only) available for use by IFS driver 4Dh WORD stored user data from INT 21/AX=5F03h ------ 4Fh WORD offset in current directory path of backslash corresponding to root directory for drive this value specifies how many characters to hide from the "CHDIR" and "GETDIR" calls; normally set to 2 to hide the drive letter and colon, SUBST, JOIN, and networks change it so that only the appropriate portion of the true path is visible to the user ---DOS 4.0+ --- 51h BYTE (DOS 4 only, remote drives) device type 04h network drive 52h DWORD pointer to IFS driver (DOS 4) or redirector block (DOS 5+) for this drive, 00000000h if native DOS 56h WORD available for use by IFS driver Notes: the path for invalid drives is normally set to X:\, but may be empty after JOIN x: /D in DR DOS 5.0 or NET USE x: /D in older LAN versions normally, only one of bits 13&12 may be set together with bit 14, but DR DOS 5.0 uses other combinations for bits 15-12: 0111 JOIN, 0001 SUBST, 0101 ASSIGN (see #01644) Windows for Workgroups 3.11 network sets the path to the local drive and directory even for network drives; in that case the UNC form \\SERVER\SHARE can be obtained with INT 21/AX=5F02h or INT 21/AX=5F46h. LapLink RemoteAccess does the same even for INT 21/AX=5F02h Window NT 4.0 always uses X:\PATH, even for substituted drives (i.e. the CDS will *not* contain the original path prior to SUBST) SoftWindows on the Macintosh PowerPC sets \\E for the host drive SeeAlso: #01644,INT 21/AX=71AAh/BL=00h Format of DR DOS 5.0-6.0 current directory structure entry (array): Offset Size Description (Table 01644) 00h 67 BYTEs ASCIZ pathname of actual root directory for this logical drive 43h WORD drive attributes 1000h SUBSTed drive 3000h??? JOINed drive 4000h physical drive 5000h ASSIGNed drive 7000h JOINed drive 8000h network drive 45h BYTE physical drive number (0=A:) if this logical drive is valid 46h BYTE ??? apparently flags for JOIN and ASSIGN 47h WORD cluster number of start of parent directory (0000h = root) 49h WORD entry number of current directory in parent directory 4Bh WORD cluster number of start of current directory 4Dh WORD used for media change detection (details not available) 4Fh WORD cluster number of SUBST/JOIN "root" directory 0000h if physical root directory SeeAlso: #01643 Format of Windows NT Current Directory Structure (CDS) (array): Offset Size Description (Table 01645) 00h 67 BYTEs ASCIZ path in form X:\ (does not show either current directory or network path) 43h 4 BYTEs ??? Note: the WinNT CDS contains only as many entries as there are local drives, not LASTDRIVE entries. Format of DOS device driver header: Offset Size Description (Table 01646) 00h DWORD pointer to next driver, offset=FFFFh if last driver 04h WORD device attributes (see #01647,#01648) 06h WORD device strategy entry point call with ES:BX -> request header (see #02597 at INT 2F/AX=0802h) 08h WORD device interrupt entry point ---character device--- 0Ah 8 BYTEs blank-padded character device name ---block device--- 0Ah BYTE number of subunits (drives) supported by driver 0Bh 7 BYTEs normally unused; sometimes contains signature to indicate specific drivers: "$PCMATA" PCMCIA driver PCMATA.SYS (see AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+") "AHADDVR" Adaptec SCSI disk driver ASPIDISK.SYS "DBLSPAC" MS DoubleSpace or DriveSpace "DSKREET" NortonUtils v5+ Diskreet (see INT 2F/AX=FE00h) "GFS " LapLink III device driver DD.BIN "SIDExxx" PCMCIA driver ATADRV.EXE (see AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+") "STAC-CD" Stacker/Stacker Anywhere (see AX=4404h"Stacker") ---DoubleSpace/DriveSpace--- 12h 2 BYTEs signature ",." (2Ch 2Eh) 14h var preloading API entry point ---CD-ROM--- 12h WORD reserved, must be 0000h appears to be another device chain 14h BYTE drive letter, 01h=A:, etc. (must initially be 00h; this byte is set by MSCDEX when it loads) 15h BYTE number of units 16h 6 BYTEs signature 'MSCDnn' where 'nn' is version (currently '00') (this field does not exist in most drivers) SeeAlso: #02550 at INT 25/AX=CDCDh,#02845 at INT 2F/AX=5600h Bitfields for device attributes (character device): Bit(s) Description (Table 01647) 15 set (indicates character device) 14 IOCTL supported (see AH=44h) 13 (DOS 3.0+) output until busy supported 12 reserved 11 (DOS 3.0+) OPEN/CLOSE/RemMedia calls supported 10-8 reserved 7 (DOS 5.0+) Generic IOCTL check call supported (driver command 19h) (see AX=4410h,AX=4411h) 6 (DOS 3.2+) Generic IOCTL call supported (driver command 13h) (see AX=440Ch,AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+") 5 reserved 4 device is special (use INT 29 "fast console output") 3 device is CLOCK$ (all reads/writes use transfer record described below) 2 device is NUL 1 device is standard output 0 device is standard input Note: for European MS-DOS 4.0, bit 11 also indicates that bits 8-6 contain a version code (000 = DOS 3.0,3.1; 001 = DOS 3.2; 010 = European DOS 4.0) SeeAlso: #01648,#01646 Bitfields for device attributes (block device): Bit(s) Description (Table 01648) 15 clear (indicates block device) 14 IOCTL supported 13 non-IBM format 12 network device (device is remote) 11 (DOS 3.0+) OPEN/CLOSE/RemMedia calls supported 10 reserved 9 direct I/O not allowed??? (set by DOS 3.3 DRIVER.SYS for "new" drives) 8 ??? set by DOS 3.3 DRIVER.SYS for "new" drives 7 (DOS 5.0+) Generic IOCTL check call supported (driver command 19h) (see AX=4410h,AX=4411h) 6 (DOS 3.2+) Generic IOCTL call supported (driver command 13h) implies support for commands 17h and 18h (see AX=440Ch,AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+",AX=440Eh,AX=440Fh) 5-2 reserved 1 driver supports 32-bit sector addressing (DOS 3.31+) 0 reserved Note: for European MS-DOS 4.0, bit 11 also indicates that bits 8-6 contain a version code (000 = DOS 3.0,3.1; 001 = DOS 3.2; 010 = European DOS 4.0) SeeAlso: #01647,#01646 Format of DOS 2.x disk buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01649) 00h DWORD pointer to next disk buffer, offset = FFFFh if last least-recently used buffer is first in chain 04h BYTE drive (0=A, 1=B, etc), FFh if not in use 05h 3 BYTEs unused??? (seems always to be 00h 00h 01h) 08h WORD logical sector number 0Ah BYTE number of copies to write (1 for non-FAT sectors) 0Bh BYTE sector offset between copies if multiple copies to be written 0Ch DWORD pointer to DOS Drive Parameter Block (see #01395 at AH=32h) 10h buffered data SeeAlso: #01650,#01652,#01653,#01655 Format of DOS 3.x disk buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01650) 00h DWORD pointer to next disk buffer, offset = FFFFh if last least-recently used buffer is first in chain 04h BYTE drive (0=A,1=B, etc), FFh if not in use 05h BYTE buffer flags (see #01651) 06h WORD logical sector number 08h BYTE number of copies to write (1 for non-FAT sectors) 09h BYTE sector offset between copies if multiple copies to be written 0Ah DWORD pointer to DOS Drive Parameter Block (see #01395 at AH=32h) 0Eh WORD unused??? (almost always 0) 10h buffered data SeeAlso: #01649,#01652,#01653,#01655 Bitfields for DOS 3.x disk buffer flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01651) 7 ??? 6 buffer dirty 5 buffer has been referenced 4 ??? 3 sector in data area 2 sector in a directory, either root or subdirectory 1 sector in FAT 0 boot sector??? (guess) SeeAlso: #01656 Format of DOS 4.00 (pre UR 25066) disk buffer info: Offset Size Description (Table 01652) 00h DWORD pointer to array of disk buffer hash chain heads (see #01654) 04h WORD number of disk buffer hash chains (referred to as NDBCH below) 06h DWORD pointer to lookahead buffer, zero if not present 0Ah WORD number of lookahead sectors, else zero (the y in BUFFERS=x,y) 0Ch BYTE 00h if buffers in EMS (/X), FFh if not 0Dh WORD EMS handle for buffers, zero if not in EMS 0Fh WORD EMS physical page number used for buffers (usually 255) 11h WORD ??? seems always to be 0001h 13h WORD segment of EMS physical page frame 15h WORD ??? seems always to be zero 17h 4 WORDs EMS partial page mapping information??? SeeAlso: #01649,#01650,#01653,#01657 Format of DOS 4.01 (from UR 25066 Corrctive Services Disk on) disk buffer info: Offset Size Description (Table 01653) 00h DWORD pointer to array of disk buffer hash chain heads (see #01654) 04h WORD number of disk buffer hash chains (referred to as NDBCH below) 06h DWORD pointer to lookahead buffer, zero if not present 0Ah WORD number of lookahead sectors, else zero (the y in BUFFERS=x,y) 0Ch BYTE 01h, possibly to distinguish from pre-UR 25066 format 0Dh WORD ??? EMS segment for BUFFERS (only with /XD) 0Fh WORD ??? EMS physical page number of EMS seg above (only with /XD) 11h WORD ??? EMS segment for ??? (only with /XD) 13h WORD ??? EMS physical page number of above (only with /XD) 15h BYTE ??? number of EMS page frames present (only with /XD) 16h WORD segment of one-sector workspace buffer allocated in main memory if BUFFERS/XS or /XD options in effect, possibly to avoid DMA into EMS 18h WORD EMS handle for buffers, zero if not in EMS 1Ah WORD EMS physical page number used for buffers (usually 255) 1Ch WORD ??? appears always to be 0001h 1Eh WORD segment of EMS physical page frame 20h WORD ??? appears always to be zero 22h BYTE 00h if /XS, 01h if /XD, FFh if BUFFERS not in EMS SeeAlso: #01649,#01650,#01652,#01657 Format of DOS 4.x disk buffer hash chain head (array, one entry per chain): Offset Size Description (Table 01654) 00h WORD EMS logical page number in which chain is resident, -1 if not in EMS 02h DWORD pointer to least recently used buffer header. All buffers on this chain are in the same segment. 06h BYTE number of dirty buffers on this chain 07h BYTE reserved (00h) Notes: buffered disk sectors are assigned to chain N where N is the sector's address modulo NDBCH, 0 <= N <= NDBCH-1 each chain resides completely within one EMS page this structure is in main memory even if buffers are in EMS Format of DOS 4.0-6.0 disk buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01655) 00h WORD forward ptr, offset only, to next least recently used buffer 02h WORD backward pointer, offset only 04h BYTE drive (0=A,1=B, etc) if bit 7 clear SFT index if bit 7 set FFh if not in use 05h BYTE buffer flags (see #01656) 06h DWORD logical sector number (local buffers only) 0Ah BYTE number of copies to write for FAT sectors, same as number of FATs for data and directory sectors, usually 1 0Bh WORD offset in sectors between copies to write for FAT sectors 0Dh DWORD pointer to DOS Drive Parameter Block (see #01395 at AH=32h) 11h WORD size of data in buffer if remote buffer (see also #01656) 13h BYTE reserved (padding) 14h buffered data Note: for DOS 4.x, all buffered sectors which have the same hash value (computed as the sum of high and low words of the logical sector number divided by the number of disk buffer chains) are on the same doubly-linked circular chain; for DOS 5+, only a single circular chain exists. the links consist of offset addresses only, the segment being the same for all buffers in the chain. SeeAlso: #01649,#01650,#01652 Bitfields for DOS 4.0-6.0 disk buffer flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01656) 7 remote buffer 6 buffer dirty 5 buffer has been referenced (reserved in DOS 5+) 4 search data buffer (only valid if remote buffer) 3 sector in data area 2 sector in a directory, either root or subdirectory 1 sector in FAT 0 reserved SeeAlso: #01651 Format of DOS 5.0-6.0 disk buffer info: Offset Size Description (Table 01657) 00h DWORD pointer to least-recently-used buffer header (may be in HMA) (see #01655) 04h WORD number of dirty disk buffers 06h DWORD pointer to lookahead buffer, zero if not present 0Ah WORD number of lookahead sectors, else zero (the y in BUFFERS=x,y) 0Ch BYTE buffer location 00h base memory, no workspace buffer 01h HMA, workspace buffer in base memory 0Dh DWORD pointer to one-segment workspace buffer in base memory 11h 3 BYTEs unused 14h WORD ??? 16h BYTE flag: INT 24 fail while making an I/O status call 17h BYTE temp storage for user memory allocation strategy during EXEC 18h BYTE counter: number of INT 21 calls for which A20 is off 19h BYTE bit flags bit 0: ??? bit 1: SWITCHES=/W specified in CONFIG.SYS (don't load WINA20.SYS when MS Windows 3.0 starts) bit 2: in EXEC state (INT 21/AX=4B05h) 1Ah WORD offset of unpack code start (used only during INT 21/AX=4B05h) 1Ch BYTE bit 0 set iff UMB MCB chain linked to normal MCB chain 1Dh WORD minimum paragraphs of memory required by program being EXECed 1Fh WORD segment of first MCB in upper memory blocks or FFFFh if DOS memory chain in base 640K only (first UMB MCB usually at 9FFFh, locking out video memory with a DOS-owned memory block) the MCB this word points at contains a valid link into high memory even if it is marked with a 'Z' indicating the last memory block 21h WORD paragraph from which to start scanning during memory allocation SeeAlso: #01652,#01653 (Table 01658) Call IFS utility function entry point with: AH = 20h miscellaneous functions AL = 00h get date Return: CX = year DH = month DL = day AL = 01h get process ID and computer ID Return: BX = current PSP segment DX = active network machine number AL = 05h get file system info ES:DI -> 16-byte info buffer Return: buffer filled Offset Size Description 00h 2 BYTEs unused 02h WORD number of SFTs (actually counts only the first two file table arrays) 04h WORD number of FCB table entries 06h WORD number of proctected FCBs 08h 6 BYTEs unused 0Eh WORD largest sector size supported AL = 06h get machine name ES:DI -> 18-byte buffer for name Return: buffer filled with name starting at offset 02h AL = 08h get sharing retry count Return: BX = sharing retry count AL = other Return: CF set AH = 21h get redirection state BH = type (03h disk, 04h printer) Return: BH = state (00h off, 01h on) AH = 22h ??? some sort of time calculation AL = 00h ??? nonzero ??? AH = 23h ??? some sort of time calculation AH = 24h compare filenames DS:SI -> first ASCIZ filename ES:DI -> second ASCIZ filename Return: ZF set if files are same ignoring case and / vs \ AH = 25h normalize filename DS:SI -> ASCIZ filename ES:DI -> buffer for result Return: filename uppercased, forward slashes changed to backslashes AH = 26h get DOS stack Return: DS:SI -> top of stack CX = size of stack in bytes AH = 27h increment InDOS flag AH = 28h decrement InDOS flag Note: IFS drivers which do not wish to implement functions 20h or 24h-28h may pass them on to the default handler pointed at by [LoL+37h] SeeAlso: #01659,#01660 Format of IFS driver list: Offset Size Description (Table 01659) 00h DWORD pointer to next driver header 04h 8 BYTEs IFS driver name (blank padded), as used by FILESYS command 0Ch 4 BYTEs ??? 10h DWORD pointer to IFS utility function entry point (see #01658) call with ES:BX -> IFS request (see #01660) 14h WORD offset in header's segment of driver entry point ??? SeeAlso: #01658,#01660 Format of IFS request block: Offset Size Description (Table 01660) 00h WORD total size in bytes of request 02h BYTE class of request 02h ??? 03h redirection 04h ??? 05h file access 06h convert error code to string 07h ??? 03h WORD returned DOS error code 05h BYTE IFS driver exit status 00h success 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h ??? 04h ??? FFh internal failure 06h 16 BYTEs ??? ---request class 02h--- 16h BYTE function code 04h ??? 17h BYTE unused??? 18h DWORD pointer to ??? 1Ch DWORD pointer to ??? 20h 2 BYTEs ??? ---request class 03h--- 16h BYTE function code 17h BYTE ??? 18h DWORD pointer to ??? 1Ch DWORD pointer to ??? 22h WORD returned ??? 24h WORD returned ??? 26h WORD returned ??? 28h BYTE returned ??? 29h BYTE unused??? ---request class 04h--- 16h DWORD pointer to ??? 1Ah DWORD pointer to ??? ---request class 05h--- 16h BYTE function code 01h flush disk buffers 02h get disk space 03h MKDIR 04h RMDIR 05h CHDIR 06h delete file 07h rename file 08h search directory 09h file open/create 0Ah LSEEK 0Bh read from file 0Ch write to file 0Dh lock region of file 0Eh commit/close file 0Fh get/set file attributes 10h printer control 11h ??? 12h process termination 13h ??? ---class 05h function 01h--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h 4 BYTEs ??? 26h BYTE ??? 27h BYTE ??? ---class 05h function 02h--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h 4 BYTEs ??? 26h WORD returned total clusters 28h WORD returned sectors per cluster 2Ah WORD returned bytes per sector 2Ch WORD returned available clusters 2Eh BYTE returned ??? 2Fh BYTE ??? ---class 05h functions 03h,04h,05h--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h 4 BYTEs ??? 26h DWORD pointer to directory name ---class 05h function 06h--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h 4 BYTEs ??? 26h WORD attribute mask 28h DWORD pointer to filename ---class 05h function 07h--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h 4 BYTEs ??? 26h WORD attribute mask 28h DWORD pointer to source filespec 2Ch DWORD pointer to destination filespec ---class 05h function 08h--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h 4 BYTEs ??? 26h BYTE 00h FINDFIRST 01h FINDNEXT 28h DWORD pointer to FindFirst search data + 01h if FINDNEXT 2Ch WORD search attribute if FINDFIRST 2Eh DWORD pointer to filespec if FINDFIRST ---class 05h function 09h--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h DWORD pointer to IFS open file structure (see #01661) 26h WORD ??? \ together, specify open vs. create, whether or 28h WORD ??? / not to truncate 2Ah 4 BYTEs ??? 2Eh DWORD pointer to filename 32h 4 BYTEs ??? 36h WORD file attributes on call returned ??? 38h WORD returned ??? ---class 05h function 0Ah--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h DWORD pointer to IFS open file structure (see #01661) 26h BYTE seek type (02h = from end) 28h DWORD offset on call returned new absolute position ---class 05h functions 0Bh,0Ch--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h DWORD pointer to IFS open file structure (see #01661) 28h WORD number of bytes to transfer returned bytes actually transferred 2Ah DWORD transfer address ---class 05h function 0Dh--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h DWORD pointer to IFS open file structure (see #01661) 26h BYTE file handle??? 27h BYTE unused??? 28h WORD ??? 2Ah WORD ??? 2Ch WORD ??? 2Eh WORD ??? ---class 05h function 0Eh--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h DWORD pointer to IFS open file structure (see #01661) 26h BYTE 00h commit file 01h close file 27h BYTE unused??? ---class 05h function 0Fh--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h 4 BYTEs ??? 26h BYTE 02h GET attributes 03h PUT attributes 27h BYTE unused??? 28h 12 BYTEs ??? 34h WORD search attributes??? 36h DWORD pointer to filename 3Ah WORD (GET) returned ??? 3Ch WORD (GET) returned ??? 3Eh WORD (GET) returned ??? 40h WORD (GET) returned ??? 42h WORD (PUT) new attributes (GET) returned attributes ---class 05h function 10h--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h DWORD pointer to IFS open file structure (see #01661) 26h WORD ??? 28h DWORD pointer to ??? 2Ch WORD ??? 2Eh BYTE ??? 2Fh BYTE subfunction 01h get printer setup 03h ??? 04h ??? 05h ??? 06h ??? 07h ??? 21h set printer setup ---class 05h function 11h--- 17h 7 BYTEs ??? 1Eh DWORD pointer to ??? 22h DWORD pointer to IFS open file structure (see #01661) 26h BYTE subfunction 27h BYTE unused??? 28h WORD ??? 2Ah WORD ??? 2Ch WORD ??? 2Eh BYTE ??? 2Fh BYTE ??? ---class 05h function 12h--- 17h 15 BYTEs unused??? 26h WORD PSP segment 28h BYTE type of process termination 29h BYTE unused??? ---class 05h function 13h--- 17h 15 BYTEs unused??? 26h WORD PSP segment ---request class 06h--- 16h DWORD returned pointer to string corresponding to error code at 03h 1Ah BYTE returned ??? 1Bh BYTE unused ---request class 07h--- 16h DWORD pointer to IFS open file structure (see #01661) 1Ah BYTE ??? 1Bh BYTE unused??? SeeAlso: #01659,#01658,#01661 Format of IFS open file structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01661) 00h WORD ??? 02h WORD device info word 04h WORD file open mode 06h WORD ??? 08h WORD file attributes 0Ah WORD owner's network machine number 0Ch WORD owner's PSP segment 0Eh DWORD file size 12h DWORD current offset in file 16h WORD file time 18h WORD file date 1Ah 11 BYTEs filename in FCB format 25h WORD ??? 27h WORD hash value of SFT address (low word of linear address + segment&F000h) 29h 3 WORDs network info from SFT 2Fh WORD ??? Format of one item in DOS 4.0+ list of special program names: Offset Size Description (Table 01662) 00h BYTE length of name (00h = end of list) 01h N BYTEs name in format name.ext N 2 BYTEs DOS version to return for program (major,minor) (see AH=30h,INT 2F/AX=122Fh) ---DOS 4 only--- N+2 BYTE number of times to return fake version number (FFh = always) Note: if the name of the executable for the program making the DOS "get version" call matches one of the names in this list, DOS returns the specified version rather than the true version numberTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ internal - TRANSLATE BIOS PARAMETER BLOCK TO DRIVE PARAM BLOCK AH = 53h DS:SI -> BIOS Parameter Block (see #01663) ES:BP -> buffer for Drive Parameter Block (see #01395 at AH=32h) DBP drive byte must be set to valid drive (Windows95-OSR2) ---Windows95--- CX = signature 4558h ('EX') for FAT32 extended BPB/DPB (see #01664) DX = signature 4152h ('AR') for FAT32 extended BPB/DPB Return: ES:BP buffer filled Notes: for DOS 3.0+, the cluster at which to start searching is set to 0000h and the number of free clusters is set to FFFFh (unknown) if the number of sectors per cluster is set to zero, MS-DOS will hang at startup because it computes the internally-used shift count by shifting this value right until the carry flag is set; since this will never happen when the field is zero, MS-DOS hangs not supported by Windows NT 3.1 Format of BIOS Parameter Block: Offset Size Description (Table 01663) 00h WORD number of bytes per sector 02h BYTE number of sectors per cluster 03h WORD number of reserved sectors at start of disk 05h BYTE number of FATs 06h WORD number of entries in root directory 08h WORD total number of sectors for DOS 4.0+, set to zero if partition >32M, then set DWORD at 15h to actual number of sectors 0Ah BYTE media ID byte (see #01356) 0Bh WORD number of sectors per FAT ---DOS 2.13--- 0Dh WORD number of sectors per track 0Fh WORD number of heads 11h WORD number of hidden sectors ---DOS 3.0+ --- 0Dh WORD number of sectors per track 0Fh WORD number of heads 11h DWORD number of hidden sectors 15h 11 BYTEs reserved ---DOS 4.0+ --- 15h DWORD total number of sectors if word at 08h contains zero 19h 6 BYTEs ??? 1Fh WORD number of cylinders 21h BYTE device type 22h WORD device attributes (removable or not, etc) ---DR DOS 5+ --- 15h DWORD total number of sectors if word at 08h contains zero 19h 6 BYTEs reserved ---European MS-DOS 4.00--- 15h DWORD total number of sectors if word at 08h contains zero (however, this DOS does not actually implement >32M partitions) SeeAlso: #01395,#01664 Format of Extended BIOS Parameter Block: Offset Size Description (Table 01664) 00h 25 BYTEs same as standard DOS 4-6 BPB (see #01663) 19h DWORD sectors per FAT if WORD at 0Bh is 0000h 1Dh WORD extended flags bit 7: do not mirror active FAT to inactive FATs bits 6-4: reserved (0) bits 3-0: the 0-based FAT number of the active FAT (if mirroring disabled) 1Fh WORD file system version (high byte=major, low byte=minor) 0000h = Win95-OSR2 21h DWORD starting cluster number of root directory 25h WORD file system information sector number (see also #01788) FFFFh if none 27h WORD sector number of backup boot sector (FFFFh if none) 29h 6 WORDs reserved SeeAlso: #01560,#01787Top
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET VERIFY FLAG AH = 54h Return: AL = verify flag 00h off 01h on (all disk writes verified after writing) SeeAlso: AH=2EhTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ internal - CREATE CHILD PSP AH = 55h DX = segment at which to create new PSP SI = (DOS 3.0+) value to place in memory size field at DX:[0002h] Return: AL destroyed Notes: creates a "child" PSP rather than making an exact copy of the current PSP; the new PSP's parent pointer is set to the current PSP and the reference count for each inherited file is incremented (DOS 2.0+) sets current PSP to DX (DOS 3.0+) marks "no inherit" file handles as closed in child PSP this function is implemented using the same code as AH=26h, so unlike other DOS 2+ functions, it does not return status in CF, instead returning status in AL as DOS 1.x functions do (but it never puts an explicit return value in AL) SeeAlso: AH=26h,AH=50hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "RENAME" - RENAME FILE AH = 56h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename of existing file (no wildcards, but see below) ES:DI -> ASCIZ new filename (no wildcards) CL = attribute mask (server call only, see below) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (02h,03h,05h,11h) (see #01680) Notes: allows move between directories on same logical volume this function does not set the archive attribute (see #01420 at AX=4301h), which results in incremental backups not backing up the file under its new name open files should not be renamed (DOS 2.x only) this function renames file by creating a new directory entry with the new name, then marking the old entry deleted (DOS 3.0+) allows renaming of directories (DOS 3.1+) wildcards are allowed if invoked via AX=5D00h, in which case error 12h (no more files) is returned on success, and both source and destination specs must be canonical (as returned by AH=60h). Wildcards in the destination are replaced by the corresponding char of each source file being renamed. Under DOS 3.x, the call will fail if the destination wildcard is *.* or equivalent; under DR DOS 5.0, the call will fail with error code 03h if any wildcards are used. When invoked via AX=5D00h, only those files matching the attribute mask in CL are renamed. under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the old-name pointer is in DS:EDX and the new-name pointer is in ES:EDI (DS must equal ES) BUG: (DR DOS 3.41) when invoked via AX=5D00h, this function will generate a new directory entry with the new name (including any wildcards) which can only be removed with a sector editor SeeAlso: AH=17h,AX=4301h,AX=43FFh/BP=5053h,AX=5D00h,AH=60h,AX=7156h SeeAlso: AX=F257h/SF=04hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - GET FILE'S LAST-WRITTEN DATE AND TIME AX = 5700h BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful CX = file's time (see #01665) DX = file's date (see #01666) CF set on error AX = error code (01h,06h) (see #01680) Note: under DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0, this function returns 0 (no date/time) for character devices; MS-DOS returns date and time of opening SeeAlso: AX=5701h,AX=5704h"Windows95" Bitfields for file time: Bit(s) Description (Table 01665) 15-11 hours (0-23) 10-5 minutes 4-0 seconds/2 Bitfields for file date: Bit(s) Description (Table 01666) 15-9 year - 1980 8-5 month 4-0 dayTop
INT 21 - DOS 2+ - SET FILE'S LAST-WRITTEN DATE AND TIME AX = 5701h BX = file handle CX = new time (see #01665) DX = new date (see #01666) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h,06h) (see #01680) SeeAlso: AX=5700h,AX=5705h"Windows95",AX=5707h"Windows95"Top
INT 21 - DOS 4.x only - GET EXTENDED ATTRIBUTES FOR FILE AX = 5702h BX = file handle CX = size of result buffer or 0000h DS:SI -> EAP list (see #01667) ES:DI -> buffer for returned EAV list (see #01670) Return: CF clear if successful CX = size of returned data CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) Desc: get the current value of one or more extended attributes Notes: if CX=0000h on entry, ES:DI is ignored and no data is actually returned, only the amount of data which is available the default DOS 4 behavior is to return a single word of 0000h (no structures) in the result buffer if CX>=0002h on entry; this functionality was apparently never released to the public SeeAlso: AX=5703h,AX=5704h,AH=6Eh,INT 2F/AX=112Dh Format of EAP (extended attribute properties) list: Offset Size Description (Table 01667) 00h WORD number of EAP structures following 02h var array of EAP structures (see #01668) SeeAlso: #01670 Format of EAP (extended attribute property) structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01668) 00h BYTE attribute type 01h boolean (either 00h or 01h) 02h number (BYTE, WORD, or DWORD) 03h string 04h date stamp 05h time stamp 01h WORD EAP flags (see #01669) 03h BYTE size of reference string (name) 04h N BYTEs reference string Bitfields for EAP flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01669) 12 unchangeable 13 ignore 14 unchangeable 15 used by COMMAND.COM for code page, but not understood by ATTRIB Format of EAV (extended attribute value) list: Offset Size Description (Table 01670) 00h WORD number of EAV structures following 02h var array of Extended Attribute Value structures (see #01671) SeeAlso: #01667 Format of Extended Attribute Value structures: Offset Size Description (Table 01671) 00h 4 BYTEs ??? 04h BYTE size of reference string 05h WORD size of value 07h var reference string var valueTop
INT 21 - DOS 4.x only - GET EXTENDED ATTRIBUTE PROPERTIES AX = 5703h BX = file handle CX = size of result buffer or 0000h ES:DI -> result buffer Return: CF clear if successful CX = size of returned data CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) ES:DI -> zero word (DOS 4.0) if CX >= 2 on entry Desc: get a list of the extended attributes which are defined for the specified file Notes: if CX=0000h on entry, ES:DI is ignored and no data is actually returned, only the amount of data which is available the default DOS 4 behavior is to return a trivial EAP list consisting of the single word 0000h (no EAP structures) if CX>=0002h on entry; this functionality was apparently never released to the public SeeAlso: AX=5702h,AX=5704h,AH=6Eh,INT 2F/AX=112DhTop
INT 21 - DOS 4.x only - SET EXTENDED ATTRIBUTES AX = 5704h BX = file handle ES:DI -> EAV list (see #01670) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) Note: the default DOS 4 behavior is to do nothing and return successfully; this functionality was apparently never released to the public SeeAlso: AX=5702h,AX=5703h,INT 2F/AX=112DhTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7/Windows95 - GET LAST ACCESS DATE AND TIME AX = 5704h BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful DX = last access date (see #01666) CX = last access time (currently always 0000h) CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5701h,AX=5705h,AX=5706hTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7/Windows95 - SET LAST ACCESS DATE AND TIME AX = 5705h BX = file handle CX = new last-access time (currently not supported, must be 0000h) DX = new last-access date (see #01666) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5700h,AX=5704h"Windows95",AX=5707hTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7/Windows95 - GET CREATION DATE AND TIME AX = 5706h BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful CX = creation time (see #01665) DX = creation date (see #01666) SI = number of 10-millisecond units past time in CX (0-199) CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5701h,AX=5704h"Windows95",AX=5707hTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7/Windows95 - SET CREATION DATE AND TIME AX = 5707h BX = file handle CX = new creation time (see #01665) DX = new creation date (see #01666) SI = new creation time: 10-millisecond units past time in CX (0-199) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code SeeAlso: AX=5700h,AX=5705h,AX=5706hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2.11+ - GET OR SET MEMORY ALLOCATION STRATEGY AH = 58h AL = subfunction 00h get allocation strategy Return: AX = current strategy (see #01679) 01h set allocation strategy BL = new allocation strategy (see #01679) BH = 00h (DOS 5+) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680) Notes: the Set subfunction accepts any value in BL for DOS 3.x and 4.x; 2 or greater means last fit the Get subfunction returns the last value set setting an allocation strategy involving high memory does not automatically link in the UMB memory chain; this must be done explicitly with AX=5803h in order to actually allocate high memory a program which changes the allocation strategy should restore it before terminating Toshiba MS-DOS v2.11 supports subfunctions 00h and 01h, as does the TI Professional MS-DOS v2.13 DR DOS 3.41 reportedly reverses subfunctions 00h and 01h SeeAlso: AH=48h,AH=49h,AH=4Ah,INT 2F/AX=4310h"XMS",INT 67/AH=3Fh (Table 01679) Values for DOS memory allocation strategy: 00h low memory first fit 01h low memory best fit 02h low memory last fit ---DOS 5+ --- 40h high memory first fit 41h high memory best fit 42h high memory last fit 80h first fit, try high then low memory 81h best fit, try high then low memory 82h last fit, try high then low memoryTop
INT 21 - DOS 5+ - GET OR SET UMB LINK STATE AH = 58h AL = subfunction 02h get UMB link state Return: AL = current link state 00h UMBs not part of DOS memory chain 01h UMBs in DOS memory chain 03h set UMB link state BX = new link state 0000h remove UMBs from DOS memory chain 0001h add UMBs to DOS memory chain Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680) Notes: a program which changes the UMB link state should restore it before terminating UMBs will only be available if CONFIG.SYS contains the line DOS=UMB, the UMBs have been linked into the memory chain with AX=5803h, and the allocation strategy has been set to include high memory with AX=5801h SeeAlso: #01687,#02766 at INT 2F/AX=4310hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - GET EXTENDED ERROR INFORMATION AH = 59h BX = 0000h Return: AX = extended error code (see #01680) BH = error class (see #01682) BL = recommended action (see #01683) CH = error locus (see #01684) ES:DI may be pointer (see #01681, #01680) CL, DX, SI, BP, and DS destroyed Notes: functions available under DOS 2.x map the true DOS 3.0+ error code into one supported under DOS 2.x you should call this function to retrieve the true error code when an FCB or DOS 2.x call returns an error under DR DOS 5.0, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time SeeAlso: AH=59h/BX=0001h,AX=5D0Ah,INT 2F/AX=122Dh,INT 24 (Table 01680) Values for DOS extended error code: ---DOS 2.0+ --- 00h (0) no error 01h (1) function number invalid 02h (2) file not found 03h (3) path not found 04h (4) too many open files (no handles available) 05h (5) access denied 06h (6) invalid handle 07h (7) memory control block destroyed 08h (8) insufficient memory 09h (9) memory block address invalid 0Ah (10) environment invalid (usually >32K in length) 0Bh (11) format invalid 0Ch (12) access code invalid 0Dh (13) data invalid 0Eh (14) reserved 0Eh (14) (PTS-DOS 6.51+, S/DOS 1.0+) fixup overflow 0Fh (15) invalid drive 10h (16) attempted to remove current directory 11h (17) not same device 12h (18) no more files ---DOS 3.0+ (INT 24 errors)--- 13h (19) disk write-protected 14h (20) unknown unit 15h (21) drive not ready 16h (22) unknown command 17h (23) data error (CRC) 18h (24) bad request structure length 19h (25) seek error 1Ah (26) unknown media type (non-DOS disk) 1Bh (27) sector not found 1Ch (28) printer out of paper 1Dh (29) write fault 1Eh (30) read fault 1Fh (31) general failure 20h (32) sharing violation 21h (33) lock violation 22h (34) disk change invalid (ES:DI -> media ID structure)(see #01681) 23h (35) FCB unavailable 23h (35) (PTS-DOS 6.51+, S/DOS 1.0+) bad FAT 24h (36) sharing buffer overflow 25h (37) (DOS 4.0+) code page mismatch 26h (38) (DOS 4.0+) cannot complete file operation (EOF / out of input) 27h (39) (DOS 4.0+) insufficient disk space 28h-31h reserved ---OEM network errors (INT 24)--- 32h (50) network request not supported 33h (51) remote computer not listening 34h (52) duplicate name on network 35h (53) network name not found 36h (54) network busy 37h (55) network device no longer exists 38h (56) network BIOS command limit exceeded 39h (57) network adapter hardware error 3Ah (58) incorrect response from network 3Bh (59) unexpected network error 3Ch (60) incompatible remote adapter 3Dh (61) print queue full 3Eh (62) queue not full 3Fh (63) not enough space to print file 40h (64) network name was deleted 41h (65) network: Access denied (DOS 3.0+ [maybe 3.3+???]) codepage switching not possible (see also INT 21/AX=6602h,INT 2F/AX=AD42h) 42h (66) network device type incorrect 43h (67) network name not found 44h (68) network name limit exceeded 45h (69) network BIOS session limit exceeded 46h (70) temporarily paused 47h (71) network request not accepted 48h (72) network print/disk redirection paused 49h (73) network software not installed (LANtastic) invalid network version 4Ah (74) unexpected adapter close (LANtastic) account expired 4Bh (75) (LANtastic) password expired 4Ch (76) (LANtastic) login attempt invalid at this time 4Dh (77) (LANtastic v3+) disk limit exceeded on network node 4Eh (78) (LANtastic v3+) not logged in to network node 4Fh (79) reserved ---end of errors reportable via INT 24--- 50h (80) file exists 51h (81) (undoc) duplicated FCB 52h (82) cannot make directory 53h (83) fail on INT 24h ---network-related errors (non-INT 24)--- 54h (84) (DOS 3.3+) too many redirections / out of structures 55h (85) (DOS 3.3+) duplicate redirection / already assigned 56h (86) (DOS 3.3+) invalid password 57h (87) (DOS 3.3+) invalid parameter 58h (88) (DOS 3.3+) network write fault 59h (89) (DOS 4.0+) function not supported on network / no process slots available 5Ah (90) (DOS 4.0+) required system component not installed / not frozen 5Bh (91) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) timer server table overflowed 5Ch (92) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) duplicate in timer service table 5Dh (93) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) no items to work on 5Fh (95) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) interrupted / invalid system call 64h (100) (MSCDEX) unknown error 64h (100) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) open semaphore limit exceeded 65h (101) (MSCDEX) not ready 65h (101) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) exclusive semaphore is already owned 66h (102) (MSCDEX) EMS memory no longer valid 66h (102) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) semaphore was set when close attempted 67h (103) (MSCDEX) not High Sierra or ISO-9660 format 67h (103) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) too many exclusive semaphore requests 68h (104) (MSCDEX) door open 68h (104) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) operation invalid from interrupt handler 69h (105) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) semaphore owner died 6Ah (106) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) semaphore limit exceeded 6Bh (107) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) insert drive B: disk into A: / disk changed 6Ch (108) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) drive locked by another process 6Dh (109) (DOS 4.0+,NetWare4) broken pipe 6Eh (110) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) pipe open/create failed 6Fh (111) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) pipe buffer overflowed 70h (112) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) disk full 71h (113) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) no more search handles 72h (114) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid target handle for dup2 73h (115) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) bad user virtual address / protection violation 74h (116) (DOS 5.0+) VIOKBD request 74h (116) (NetWare4) error on console I/O 75h (117) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) unknown category code for IOCTL 76h (118) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid value for verify flag 77h (119) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) level four driver not found by DOS IOCTL 78h (120) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid / unimplemented function number 79h (121) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) semaphore timeout 7Ah (122) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) buffer too small to hold return data 7Bh (123) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid character or bad file-system name 7Ch (124) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) unimplemented information level 7Dh (125) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) no volume label found 7Eh (126) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) module handle not found 7Fh (127) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) procedure address not found 80h (128) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) CWait found no children 81h (129) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) CWait children still running 82h (130) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid operation for direct disk-access handle 83h (131) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) attempted seek to negative offset 84h (132) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) attempted to seek on device or pipe ---JOIN/SUBST errors--- 85h (133) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) drive already has JOINed drives 86h (134) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) drive is already JOINed 87h (135) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) drive is already SUBSTed 88h (136) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not delete drive which is not JOINed 89h (137) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not delete drive which is not SUBSTed 8Ah (138) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not JOIN to a JOINed drive 8Bh (139) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not SUBST to a SUBSTed drive 8Ch (140) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not JOIN to a SUBSTed drive 8Dh (141) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not SUBST to a JOINed drive 8Eh (142) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) drive is busy 8Fh (143) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can not JOIN/SUBST to same drive 90h (144) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) directory must not be root directory 91h (145) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) can only JOIN to empty directory 92h (146) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) path is already in use for SUBST 93h (147) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) path is already in use for JOIN 94h (148) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) path is in use by another process 95h (149) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) directory previously SUBSTituted 96h (150) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) system trace error 97h (151) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid event count for DosMuxSemWait 98h (152) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) too many waiting on mutex 99h (153) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid list format 9Ah (154) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) volume label too large 9Bh (155) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) unable to create another TCB 9Ch (156) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) signal refused 9Dh (157) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) segment discarded 9Eh (158) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) segment not locked 9Fh (159) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid thread-ID address ----- A0h (160) (DOS 5.0+) bad arguments A0h (160) (NetWare4) bad environment pointer A1h (161) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid pathname passed to EXEC A2h (162) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) signal already pending A3h (163) (DOS 5.0+) uncertain media A3h (163) (NetWare4) ERROR_124 mapping A4h (164) (DOS 5.0+) maximum number of threads reached A4h (164) (NetWare4) no more process slots A5h (165) (NetWare4) ERROR_124 mapping B0h (176) (MS-DOS 7.0) volume is not locked B1h (177) (MS-DOS 7.0) volume is locked in drive B2h (178) (MS-DOS 7.0) volume is not removable B4h (180) (MS-DOS 7.0) lock count has been exceeded B4h (180) (NetWare4) invalid segment number B5h (181) (MS-DOS 7.0) a valid eject request failed B5h (181) (DOS 5.0-6.0,NetWare4) invalid call gate B6h (182) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid ordinal B7h (183) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) shared segment already exists B8h (184) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) no child process to wait for B9h (185) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) NoWait specified and child still running BAh (186) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid flag number BBh (187) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) semaphore does not exist BCh (188) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid starting code segment BDh (189) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid stack segment BEh (190) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid module type (DLL can not be used as application) BFh (191) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid EXE signature C0h (192) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) EXE marked invalid C1h (193) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) bad EXE format (e.g. DOS-mode program) C2h (194) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) iterated data exceeds 64K C3h (195) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid minimum allocation size C4h (196) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) dynamic link from invalid Ring C5h (197) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) IOPL not enabled C6h (198) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) invalid segment descriptor privilege level C7h (199) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) automatic data segment exceeds 64K C8h (200) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) Ring2 segment must be moveable C9h (201) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) relocation chain exceeds segment limit CAh (202) (DOS 5.0+,NetWare4) infinite loop in relocation chain CBh (203) (NetWare4) environment variable not found CCh (204) (NetWare4) not current country CDh (205) (NetWare4) no signal sent CEh (206) (NetWare4) file name not 8.3 CFh (207) (NetWare4) Ring2 stack in use D0h (208) (NetWare4) meta expansion is too long D1h (209) (NetWare4) invalid signal number D2h (210) (NetWare4) inactive thread D3h (211) (NetWare4) file system information not available D4h (212) (NetWare4) locked error D5h (213) (NetWare4) attempted to execute non-family API call in DOS mode D6h (214) (NetWare4) too many modules D7h (215) (NetWare4) nesting not allowed E6h (230) (NetWare4) non-existent pipe, or bad operation E7h (231) (NetWare4) pipe is busy E8h (232) (NetWare4) no data available for nonblocking read E9h (233) (NetWare4) pipe disconnected by server EAh (234) (NetWare4) more data available FFh (255) (NetWare4) invalid drive Note: there is a report that some Microsoft documentation shifts all DOS error codes in the range BCh (188) through CAh (202) up by one compared to what is listed here; that is probably a documentation error SeeAlso: #01682,#01683,#01684,#01961 Format of media ID structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01681) 00h 12 BYTEs ASCIZ volume label of required disk 0Ch DWORD serial number (DOS 4.0+) SeeAlso: #01680 (Table 01682) Values for DOS Error Class: 01h (1) out of resource (storage space or I/O channels) 02h (2) temporary situation (file or record lock) 03h (3) authorization / permission problem (denied access) 04h (4) internal system error (system software bug) 05h (5) hardware failure 06h (6) system failure (configuration file missing or incorrect) 07h (7) application program error 08h (8) not found 09h (9) bad format 0Ah (10) locked 0Bh (11) media error 0Ch (12) already exists / collision with existing item 0Dh (13) unknown / other 0Eh (14) (undoc) cannot 0Fh (15) (undoc) time SeeAlso: #01680,#01683,#01684 (Table 01683) Values for DOS Suggested Action: 01h retry 02h delayed retry (after pause) 03h prompt user to reenter input 04h abort after cleanup 05h immediate abort ("panic") 06h ignore 07h retry after user intervention SeeAlso: #01680,#01682,#01684 (Table 01684) Values for DOS Error Locus: 01h unknown or not appropriate 02h block device (disk error) 03h network related 04h serial device (timeout) 04h (PTS-DOS 6.51+ & S/DOS 1.0+) character device 05h memory related SeeAlso: #01680,#01682,#01683Top
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - GET HARD ERROR INFORMATION AH = 59h BX = 0001h Return: ES:DI -> hard error information packet (see #01685) for most recent hard (critical) error SeeAlso: AH=59h/BX=0000h,AH=95h,INT 24 Format of European MS-DOS 4.0 hard error information packet: Offset Size Description (Table 01685) 00h WORD contents of AX at system entry 02h WORD Process ID which encountered error 04h WORD contents of AX at time of error 06h BYTE error type 00h physical I/O error 01h disk change request 02h file sharing violation 03h FCB problem 04h file locking violation 05h bad FAT 06h network detected error 07h BYTE INT 24 error code 08h WORD extended error code (see #01680) 0Ah DWORD pointer to associated deviceTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - CREATE TEMPORARY FILE AH = 5Ah CX = file attribute (see #01420 at AX=4301h) DS:DX -> ASCIZ path ending with a '\' + 13 zero bytes to receive the generated filename Return: CF clear if successful AX = file handle opened for read/write in compatibility mode DS:DX pathname extended with generated name for temporary file CF set on error AX = error code (03h,04h,05h) (see #01680) Desc: creates a file with a unique name which must be explicitly deleted Notes: under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the path pointer is in DS:EDX MS-DOS 3.0-4.0 and DR DOS 3.4-5.0 generate the filename as a sequence of hex digits based on the current date and time; MS-DOS 6+, DR DOS 6, and Novell DOS 7 use letters A-P in place of hex digits MS-DOS 5.0 and DR DOS 3.41/5.0 will insert a missing trailing backslash before appending the generated filename, but due to this, an empty string results in a file in the root directory BUGS: COMPAQ DOS 3.31 hangs if the pathname is at XXXXh:0000h; it apparently wraps around to the end of the segment MS-DOS 5.00 revisions A and B and PC-DOS 5.00 revision A reportedly hang the system if the specified path is the root directory and the root directory is full (no free directory entries) Mark Incley <> reports that this function hangs in MS-DOS 6.2x if the name includes two consecutive path separators (e.g. C:\\ ) SeeAlso: AH=3Ch,AH=5BhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - CREATE NEW FILE AH = 5Bh CX = file attribute (see #01420 at AX=4301h) DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear if successful AX = file handle opened for read/write in compatibility mode CF set on error AX = error code (03h,04h,05h,50h) (see #01680) Notes: unlike AH=3Ch, this function will fail if the specified file exists rather than truncating it; this permits its use in creating semaphore files because it is an atomic "test and set" operation under the FlashTek X-32 DOS extender, the filename pointer is in DS:EDX SeeAlso: AH=3Ch,AH=5AhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - "FLOCK" - RECORD LOCKING AH = 5Ch AL = subfunction 00h lock region of file 01h unlock region of file BX = file handle CX:DX = start offset of region within file SI:DI = length of region in bytes Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h,06h,21h,24h) (see #01680) Notes: error returned unless SHARE or network installed an unlock call must specify the same region as some prior lock call locked regions become entirely inaccessible to other processes duplicate handles created with AH=45h or AH=46h inherit locks, but handles inherited by child processes (see AH=4Bh) do not under DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0, if a process opens a file without the no- inherit flag and then starts a child, any locks set by the parent are ignored, and the child will only get an error if it tries to lock an area previously locked by the parent process. Under Novell DOS 7, this function is fully supported as in MS-DOS. SeeAlso: AX=440Bh,AH=BCh,AH=BEh,INT 2F/AX=110Ah,INT 2F/AX=110BhTop
INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ internal - SERVER FUNCTION CALL AX = 5D00h DS:DX -> DOS parameter list (see #01686) DPL contains all register values for a call to INT 21h Return: as appropriate for function being called Notes: does not check AH. Out of range values will crash the system executes using specified computer ID and process ID sharing delay loops skipped a special sharing mode is enabled to handle FCBs opened across network wildcards are enabled for DELETE (AH=41h) and RENAME (AH=56h) under MS-DOS; under DR DOS 3.41, wildcards corrupt the filesystem; and under DR DOS 5.0-6.0, the call returns error code 03h due to improper support for the server function call (refer to BUGS: section below) an extra file attribute parameter is enabled for OPEN (AH=3Dh), DELETE (AH=41h), and RENAME (AH=56h) functions which take filenames require canonical names (as returned by AH=60h); this is apparently to prevent multi-hop file forwarding BUGS: the OS/2 2.0 DOS Boot Session incorrectly maps DOS drive letters, seemingly ignoring HPFS drives DR DOS 5.0-6.0 merely recursively call INT 21 after loading the registers from the DPL, leading to problems for peer-to-peer networks SeeAlso: AH=3Dh,AH=41h,AH=56h,AH=60h Format of DOS parameter list: Offset Size Description (Table 01686) 00h WORD AX 02h WORD BX 04h WORD CX 06h WORD DX 08h WORD SI 0Ah WORD DI 0Ch WORD DS 0Eh WORD ES 10h WORD reserved (0) 12h WORD computer ID (0 = current system) 14h WORD process ID (PSP segment on specified computer) Note: under Windows Enhanced mode, the computer ID is normally the virtual machine ID (see INT 2F/AX=1683h), though this can reportedly be changed by setting UniqueDOSPSP= in SYSTEM.INITop
INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ internal - COMMIT ALL FILES FOR SPECIFIED COMPUTER/PROCESS AX = 5D01h DS:DX -> DOS parameter list (see #01686), only computer ID and process ID fields used Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) CF clear if successful Notes: flushes buffers and updates directory entries for each file which has been written to; if remote file, calls INT 2F/AX=1107h the computer ID and process ID are stored but ignored under DOS 3.3 not supported by DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0; returns error code 01h. Fully supported by Novell DOS 7 SeeAlso: AH=0Dh,AH=68h,INT 2F/AX=1107hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ internal - SHARE.EXE - CLOSE FILE BY NAME AX = 5D02h DS:DX -> DOS parameter list (see #01686), only fields DX, DS, computer ID, and process ID used DPL's DS:DX -> ASCIZ name of file to close Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) CF clear if successful Notes: error unless SHARE is loaded (calls [SysFileTable-28h]) (see #01636 at AH=52h) name must be canonical fully-qualified, such as returned by AH=60h not supported by DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0; returns error code 01h not supported by Novell DOS 7, although in Update 15 it is reported to no longer return an error code SeeAlso: AX=5D03h,AX=5D04h,AH=3Eh,AH=60hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ internal - SHARE.EXE - CLOSE ALL FILES FOR GIVEN COMPUTER AX = 5D03h DS:DX -> DOS parameter list (see #01686), only computer ID used Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) CF clear if successful Notes: error unless SHARE is loaded (calls [SysFileTable-30h]) (see #01636 at AH=52h) not supported by DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0; returns error code 01h not supported by Novell DOS 7 (at least through Update 4; may be supported in Update 15) SeeAlso: AX=5D02h,AX=5D04hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ internal - SHARE.EXE - CLOSE ALL FILES FOR GIVEN PROCESS AX = 5D04h DS:DX -> DOS parameter list (see #01686), only computer ID and process ID fields used Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) CF clear if successful Notes: error unless SHARE is loaded (calls [SysFileTable-2Ch]) (see #01636 at AH=52h) not supported by DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0; returns error code 01h not supported by Novell DOS 7 SeeAlso: AX=5D02h,AX=5D03h,INT 2F/AX=111DhTop
INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ internal - SHARE.EXE - GET OPEN FILE LIST ENTRY AX = 5D05h DS:DX -> DOS parameter list (see #01686) DPL's BX = index of sharing record (see #01637 at AH=52h) DPL's CX = index of SFT in sharing record's SFT list Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI -> ASCIZ filename BX = network machine number of SFT's owner CX = number of locks held by SFT's owner CF set if either index out of range AX = 0012h (no more files) Notes: error unless SHARE is loaded (calls [SysFileTable-18h]) (see #01636 at AH=52h) names are always canonical fully-qualified, such as returned by AH=60h not supported by DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 and Novell DOS 7, but does not return an error, instead destroying AX SeeAlso: AH=5Ch,AH=60hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET ADDRESS OF DOS SWAPPABLE DATA AREA AX = 5D06h Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) CF clear if successful DS:SI -> nonreentrant data area (includes all three DOS stacks) (critical error flag is first byte) (see #01687) CX = size in bytes of area which must be swapped while in DOS DX = size in bytes of area which must always be swapped Notes: the Critical Error flag is used in conjunction with the InDOS flag (see AH=34h) to determine when it is safe to enter DOS from a TSR setting CritErr flag allows use of functions 50h/51h from INT 28h under DOS 2.x by forcing use of correct stack swapping the data area allows reentering DOS unless DOS is in a critical section delimited by INT 2A/AH=80h and INT 2A/AH=81h,82h under DOS 4.0, AX=5D0Bh should be used instead of this function SHARE and other DOS utilities consult the byte at offset 04h in the DOS data segment (see INT 2F/AX=1203h) to determine the SDA format in use: 00h = DOS 3.x, 01h = DOS 4.0-6.0, other = error. DR DOS 3.41+ supports this function, but the SDA format beyond the first 18h bytes is completely different from MS-DOS BUG: calling this function with certain values in DX crashes Novell DOS 7.0 prior to Update 14 SeeAlso: AX=5D0Bh,INT 2A/AH=80h,INT 2A/AH=81h,INT 2A/AH=82h Format of DOS 3.10-3.30 Swappable Data Area: Offset Size Description (Table 01687) -34 BYTE (DOS 3.10+) printer echo flag (00h off, FFh active) -31 BYTE (DOS 3.30) current switch character -30 BYTE current memory allocation strategy (see AH=58h) -28 BYTE (DOS 3.30) incremented on each INT 21/AX=5E01h call -27 16 BYTEs (DOS 3.30) machine name set by INT 21/AX=5E01h -11 5 WORDs zero-terminated list of offsets which need to be patched to enable critical-section calls (see INT 2A/AH=80h) -1 BYTE unused padding ---start of actual SDA--- 00h BYTE critical error flag ("ErrorMode") 01h BYTE InDOS flag (count of active INT 21 calls) 02h BYTE drive on which current critical error occurred, or FFh (DR DOS sets to drive number during INT 24, 00h otherwise) 03h BYTE locus of last error 04h WORD extended error code of last error 06h BYTE suggested action for last error 07h BYTE class of last error 08h DWORD ES:DI pointer for last error 0Ch DWORD current DTA (Disk Transfer Address) note: may point into SDA during the DOS EXEC function (see AH=4Bh), so programs which swap the SDA must be prepared to move the DTA to a private buffer if they might be invoked during an EXEC 10h WORD current PSP 12h WORD stores SP across an INT 23 14h WORD return code from last process termination (zerod after reading with AH=4Dh) 16h BYTE current drive 17h BYTE extended break flag ---remainder need only be swapped if in DOS--- 18h WORD value of AX on call to INT 21 1Ah WORD PSP segment for sharing/network 1Ch WORD network machine number for sharing/network (0000h = us) 1Eh WORD first usable memory block found when allocating memory 20h WORD best usable memory block found when allocating memory 22h WORD last usable memory block found when allocating memory 24h WORD memory size in paragraphs (used only during initialization) 26h WORD last entry checked during directory search 28h BYTE flag: INT 24 returned Fail 29h BYTE flags: allowable INT 24 actions (passed to INT 24 in AH) 2Ah BYTE directory flag (00h directory, 01h file) 2Bh BYTE flag: FFh if Ctrl-Break termination, 00h otherwise 2Ch BYTE flag: allow embedded blanks in FCB 2Dh BYTE padding (unused) 2Eh BYTE day of month 2Fh BYTE month 30h WORD year - 1980 32h WORD number of days since 01jan1980 34h BYTE day of week (0 = Sunday) 35h BYTE flag: console swapped during read from device 36h BYTE flag: safe to call INT 28 if nonzero 37h BYTE flag: if nonzero, INT 24 Abort turned into INT 24 Fail (set only during process termination) 38h 26 BYTEs device driver request header (see #02597 at INT 2F/AX=0802h) 52h DWORD pointer to device driver entry point (used in calling driver) 56h 22 BYTEs device driver request header for I/O calls 6Ch 14 BYTEs device driver request header for disk status check 7Ah DWORD pointer to device I/O buffer??? 7Eh WORD ??? 80h WORD ??? 82h BYTE type of PSP copy (00h=simple for INT 21/AH=26h, FFh=make child) 83h BYTE padding (unused) 84h 3 BYTEs 24-bit user number (see AH=30h) 87h BYTE OEM number (see #01394 at AH=30h) 88h WORD offset to error code conversion table for INT 25/INT 26 8Ah 6 BYTEs CLOCK$ transfer record (see #01688) 90h BYTE device I/O buffer for single-byte I/O functions 91h BYTE padding??? (unused) 92h 128 BYTEs buffer for filename 112h 128 BYTEs buffer for filename 192h 21 BYTEs findfirst/findnext search data block (see #01626 at AH=4Eh) 1A7h 32 BYTEs directory entry for found file (see #01352 at AH=11h) 1C7h 81 BYTEs copy of current directory structure for drive being accessed 218h 11 BYTEs FCB-format filename for device name comparison 223h BYTE terminating NUL for above filename 224h 11 BYTEs wildcard destination specification for rename (FCB format) 22Fh BYTE terminating NUL for above spec 230h BYTE ??? 231h WORD destination file/directory starting sector 233h 5 BYTEs ??? 238h BYTE extended FCB file attribute 239h BYTE type of FCB (00h regular, FFh extended) 23Ah BYTE directory search attributes 23Bh BYTE file open/access mode 23Ch BYTE file found/delete flag bit 0: file found bit 4: file deleted 23Dh BYTE flag: device name found on rename, or file not found 23Eh BYTE splice flag (file name and directory name together) 23Fh BYTE flag indicating how DOS function was invoked (00h = direct INT 20/INT 21, FFh = server call AX=5D00h) 240h BYTE sector position within cluster 241h BYTE flag: translate sector/cluster (00h no, 01h yes) 242h BYTE flag: 00h if read, 01h if write 243h BYTE current working drive number 244h BYTE cluster factor 245h BYTE flag: cluster split mode 246h BYTE line edit (AH=0Ah) insert mode flag (nonzero = on) 247h BYTE canonicalized filename referred to existing file/dir if FFh 248h BYTE volume ID flag 249h BYTE type of process termination (00h-03h) (see AH=4Dh) 24Ah BYTE file create flag (00h = no, search only) 24Bh BYTE value with which to replace first byte of deleted file's name (normally E5h, but 00h as described under INT 21/AH=13h) 24Ch DWORD pointer to Drive Parameter Block for critical error invocation temp: used during process termination 250h DWORD pointer to stack frame containing user registers on INT 21 254h WORD stores SP across INT 24 256h DWORD pointer to DOS Drive Parameter Block for ??? 25Ah WORD saving partial cluster number 25Ch WORD temp: sector of work current cluster 25Eh WORD high part of cluster number (only low byte referenced) 260h WORD ??? temp 262h BYTE Media ID byte returned by AH=1Bh,1Ch 263h BYTE padding (unused) 264h DWORD pointer to device header when filename is character device 268h DWORD pointer to current SFT 26Ch DWORD pointer to current directory structure for drive being accessed 270h DWORD pointer to caller's FCB 274h WORD number of SFT to which file being opened will refer 276h WORD temporary storage for file handle 278h DWORD pointer to a JFT entry in process handle table (see #01378 at AH=26h) 27Ch WORD offset in DOS DS of first filename argument 27Eh WORD offset in DOS DS of second filename argument 280h WORD offset of last component in pathname or FFFFh 282h WORD offset of transfer address to add 284h WORD last relative cluster within file being accessed 286h WORD temp: absolute cluster number being accessed 288h WORD directory sector number 28Ah WORD ??? current cluster number 28Ch WORD current relative sector number within file 28Eh WORD current sector number 290h WORD current byte offset within sector 292h DWORD current offset in file 296h DWORD temp: file byte count 29Ah WORD temp: file byte count 29Ch WORD free file cluster entry 29Eh WORD last file cluster entry 2A0h WORD next file cluster number 2A2h DWORD number of bytes appended to file 2A6h DWORD pointer to current work disk buffer 2AAh DWORD pointer to working SFT 2AEh WORD used by INT 21 dispatcher to store caller's BX 2B0h WORD used by INT 21 dispatcher to store caller's DS 2B2h WORD temporary storage while saving/restoring caller's registers 2B4h DWORD pointer to prev call frame (offset 250h) if INT 21 reentered also switched to for duration of INT 24 2B8h 21 BYTEs FindFirst search data for source file(s) of a rename operation (see #01626 at AH=4Eh) 2CDh 32 BYTEs directory entry for file being renamed (see #01352 at AH=11h) 2EDh 331 BYTEs critical error stack 403h 35 BYTEs scratch SFT 438h 384 BYTEs disk stack (functions greater than 0Ch, INT 25,INT 26) 5B8h 384 BYTEs character I/O stack (functions 01h through 0Ch) ---DOS 3.2,3.3x only--- 738h BYTE device driver lookahead flag (usually printer) (see AH=64h"DOS 3.2+") 739h BYTE volume change flag 73Ah BYTE flag: virtual open 73Bh BYTE ??? Note: the only fields which remain valid BETWEEN calls to INT 21h are those in the initial "swap-always" portion of the SDA SeeAlso: #01690 Format of CLOCK$ transfer record: Offset Size Description (Table 01688) 00h WORD number of days since 1-Jan-1980 02h BYTE minutes 03h BYTE hours 04h BYTE hundredths of second 05h BYTE secondsTop
INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ network - GET REDIRECTED PRINTER MODE AX = 5D07h Return: DL = mode 00h redirected output is combined 01h redirected output in separate print jobs Note: MS-DOS and DR DOS 3.41/5.0 simply push AX on the stack and call INT 2F/AX=1125h SeeAlso: AX=5D08h,AX=5D09h,INT 2F/AX=1125hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ network - SET REDIRECTED PRINTER MODE AX = 5D08h DL = mode 00h redirected output is combined 01h redirected output placed in separate jobs, start new print job now Return: nothing Note: MS-DOS and DR DOS 3.41/5.0 simply push AX on the stack and call INT 2F/AX=1125h SeeAlso: AX=5D07h,AX=5D09h,INT 2F/AX=1125hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 3.1+ network - FLUSH REDIRECTED PRINTER OUTPUT AX = 5D09h Return: nothing Desc: forces redirected printer output to be printed, and starts a new print job Notes: MS-DOS and DR DOS 3.41/5.0 simply push AX on the stack and call INT 2F/AX=1125h this function is also supported by 10Net, which calls it Terminate All Spool Jobs, and does not flush if in "combine" mode SeeAlso: AX=5D07h,AX=5D08h,INT 2F/AX=1125hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ - SET EXTENDED ERROR INFORMATION AX = 5D0Ah DS:DX -> 11-word DOS parameter list (see #01686) Return: nothing. next call to AH=59h will return values from fields AX,BX,CX, DX,DI, and ES in corresponding registers Notes: documented for DOS 5+, but undocumented in earlier versions the MS-DOS Programmer's Reference incorrectly states that this call was introduced in DOS 4, and fails to mention that the ERROR structure passed to this function is a DOS parameter list. BUGS: DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 read the value for ES from the DS field of the DPL; fortunately, MS-DOS ignores the DS field, allowing a generic routine which sets both DS and ES fields to the same value Novell DOS 7 (through at least Update 4) does not save the pointer, which is always reported as 0000h:0000h by AH=59h; Update 15 fully supports this function SeeAlso: AH=59h/BX=0000hTop
INT 21 OU - DOS 4.x only - internal - GET DOS SWAPPABLE DATA AREAS AX = 5D0Bh Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) CF clear if successful DS:SI -> swappable data area list (see #01689) Notes: copying and restoring the swappable data areas allows DOS to be reentered unless it is in a critical section delimited by calls to INT 2A/AH=80h and INT 2A/AH=81h,82h SHARE and other DOS utilities consult the byte at offset 04h in the DOS data segment (see INT 2F/AX=1203h) to determine the SDA format in use: 00h = DOS 3.x, 01h = DOS 4.0-6.0, other = error. DOS 5+ use the SDA format listed below, but revert back to the DOS 3.x call for finding the SDA (see #01687); Novell DOS 7 does not support this function, either. SeeAlso: AX=5D06h,INT 2A/AH=80h,INT 2A/AH=81h,INT 2A/AH=82h,INT 2F/AX=1203h Format of DOS 4.x swappable data area list: Offset Size Description (Table 01689) 00h WORD count of data areas 02h N BYTEs "count" copies of data area record Offset Size Description 00h DWORD address 04h WORD length and type bit 15 set if swap always, clear if swap in DOS bits 14-0: length in bytes SeeAlso: #01690 Format of DOS 4.0-6.0 swappable data area: Offset Size Description (Table 01690) -34 BYTE printer echo flag (00h off, FFh active) -31 BYTE current switch character (ignored by DOS 5+) -30 BYTE current memory allocation strategy (see AH=58h) -28 BYTE incremented on each INT 21/AX=5E01h call -27 16 BYTEs machine name set by INT 21/AX=5E01h -11 5 WORDs zero-terminated list of offsets which need to be patched to enable critical-section calls (see INT 2A/AH=80h) (all offsets are 0D0Ch, but this list is still present for DOS 3.x compatibility) -1 BYTE unused padding Note: the above data is not actually part of the SDA, and is much more likely to change between DOS versions/OEMs than data in the SDA itself ---start of actual SDA--- 00h BYTE critical error flag ("ErrorMode") 01h BYTE InDOS flag (count of active INT 21 calls) 02h BYTE drive on which current critical error occurred or FFh (DR DOS 3.41/5.0 set this to 00h when no critical error) 03h BYTE locus of last error 04h WORD extended error code of last error 06h BYTE suggested action for last error 07h BYTE class of last error 08h DWORD ES:DI pointer for last error 0Ch DWORD current DTA (Disk Transfer Address) note: may point into SDA during the DOS EXEC function (see AH=4Bh), so programs which swap the SDA must be prepared to move the DTA to a private buffer if they might be invoked during an EXEC 10h WORD current PSP 12h WORD stores SP across an INT 23 14h WORD return code from last process termination (zerod after reading with AH=4Dh) 16h BYTE current drive 17h BYTE extended break flag 18h BYTE flag: code page switching 19h BYTE flag: copy of previous byte in case of INT 24 Abort ---remainder need only be swapped if in DOS--- 1Ah WORD value of AX on call to INT 21 Note: does not contain correct value on functions 00h-0Ch, 50h, 51h, 59h, or 62h 1Ch WORD PSP segment for sharing/network (0000h = local) 1Eh WORD network machine number for sharing/network (0000h = local) 20h WORD first usable memory block found when allocating memory 22h WORD best usable memory block found when allocating memory 24h WORD last usable memory block found when allocating memory 26h WORD memory size in paragraphs (used only during initialization) 28h WORD last entry checked during directory search 2Ah BYTE flag: nonzero if INT 24 Fail 2Bh BYTE flags: allowable INT 24 responses (passed to INT 24 in AH) 2Ch BYTE flag: do not set directory if nonzero 2Dh BYTE flag: program aborted by ^C 2Eh BYTE flag: allow embedded blanks in FCB may also allow use of "*" wildcard in FCBs 2Fh BYTE padding (unused) 30h BYTE day of month 31h BYTE month 32h WORD year - 1980 34h WORD number of days since 01jan1980 36h BYTE day of week (0 = Sunday) 37h BYTE flag: console swapped during read from device 38h BYTE flag: safe to call INT 28 if nonzero 39h BYTE flag: abort currently in progress, turn INT 24 Abort into Fail 3Ah 30 BYTEs device driver request header (see #02597 at INT 2F/AX=0802h) for device calls 58h DWORD pointer to device driver entry point (used in calling driver) 5Ch 22 BYTEs device driver request header for I/O calls 72h 14 BYTEs device driver request header for disk status check (also includes following eight bytes for some calls) 80h DWORD pointer to device I/O buffer 84h WORD part of request header at 72h 86h WORD part of request header at 72h (0) 88h BYTE type of PSP copy (00h=simple for INT 21/AH=26h, FFh=make child) 89h DWORD start offset of file region to lock/unlock 8Dh DWORD length of file region to lock/unlock 91h BYTE padding (unused) 92h 3 BYTEs 24-bit user number (see AH=30h) 95h BYTE OEM number (see #01394 at AH=30h) 96h 6 BYTEs CLOCK$ transfer record (see #01688 at AX=5D06h) 9Ch BYTE device I/O buffer for single-byte I/O functions 9Dh BYTE padding 9Eh 128 BYTEs buffer for filename 11Eh 128 BYTEs buffer for filename (rename destination name) 19Eh 21 BYTEs findfirst/findnext search data block (see #01626 at AH=4Eh) 1B3h 32 BYTEs directory entry for found file (see #01394 at AH=11h) 1D3h 88 BYTEs copy of current directory structure for drive being accessed 22Bh 11 BYTEs FCB-format filename for device name comparison 236h BYTE terminating NUL for above filename 237h 11 BYTEs wildcard destination specification for rename (FCB format) 242h BYTE terminating NUL for above filespec 243h BYTE padding??? 244h WORD destination starting sector (cluster???) 246h 5 BYTEs extra space to allow a directory entry to be stored starting at offset 22Bh 24Bh BYTE extended FCB file attributes 24Ch BYTE type of FCB (00h regular, FFh extended) 24Dh BYTE directory search attributes 24Eh BYTE file open/access mode 24Fh BYTE flag: nonzero if file was deleted 250h BYTE flag: device name found on rename, or file not found 251h BYTE flag: splice file name and directory name together 252h BYTE flag indicating how DOS function was invoked (00h = direct INT 20/INT 21, FFh = server call AX=5D00h) 253h BYTE sector position within cluster 254h BYTE flag: translating sector/cluster 255h BYTE flag: 00h if read, 01h if write 256h BYTE current working drive number 257h BYTE cluster factor 258h BYTE "sda_CLUSSPLIT" flag: cluster split between two FAT sectors 259h BYTE line edit (AH=0Ah) insert mode flag (nonzero = on) 25Ah BYTE canonicalized filename referred to existing file/dir if FFh 25Bh BYTE volume ID flag 25Ch BYTE type of process termination (00h-03h) (see AH=4Dh) 25Dh BYTE unused (padding for alignment) 25Eh BYTE file create flag (00h = no, search only) 25Fh BYTE value for deleted file's first byte: 00h to delete all, else E5 260h DWORD pointer to Drive Parameter Block for critical error invocation 264h DWORD pointer to stack frame containing user registers on INT 21 268h WORD stores SP across INT 24 26Ah DWORD pointer to DOS Drive Parameter Block for ??? 26Eh WORD segment of disk buffer 270h DWORD saving partial cluster number 274h WORD "sda_PREREAD" 00h if preread, 01h if optional 276h WORD temporary used in allocating disk space 278h BYTE Media ID byte returned by AH=1Bh,1Ch 279h BYTE unused 27Ah DWORD pointer to device header if filename is character device 27Eh DWORD pointer to current SFT 282h DWORD pointer to current directory structure for drive being accessed 286h DWORD pointer to caller's FCB 28Ah WORD SFT index to which file being opened will refer 28Ch WORD temporary storage for file handle 28Eh DWORD pointer to JFT entry (for file being opened) in process handle table (see #01378 at AH=26h) 292h WORD "sda_WFP_START" offset in DOS DS of first filename argument 294h WORD "sda_REN_WFP" offset in DOS DS of second filename argument 296h WORD offset of last component in pathname or FFFFh 298h WORD offset of transfer address to add 29Ah WORD last relative cluster within file being accessed 29Ch WORD temp: absolute cluster number being accessed 29Eh DWORD directory sector number 2A2h WORD directory cluster number 2A4h DWORD current relative sector number within file 2A8h DWORD current sector number (number of previously written sectors) 2ACh WORD current byte offset within sector 2AEh DWORD current offset in file 2B2h WORD number of bytes in first sector 2B4h WORD bytes in partial last sector 2B6h WORD number of whole sectors 2B8h WORD free file cluster entry 2BAh WORD last file cluster entry 2BCh WORD next file cluster number 2BEh DWORD number of bytes appended to file 2C2h DWORD pointer to current work disk buffer 2C6h DWORD pointer to working SFT 2CAh WORD used by INT 21 dispatcher to store caller's BX 2CCh WORD used by INT 21 dispatcher to store caller's DS 2CEh WORD temporary storage while saving/restoring caller's registers 2D0h DWORD pointer to prev call frame (offset 264h) if INT 21 reentered also switched to for duration of INT 24 2D4h WORD open mode/action for INT 21/AX=6C00h 2D6h BYTE extended open conditional flag set to 00h by INT 21h dispatcher, 02h when a read is performed, and 01h or 03h by INT 21/AX=6C00h 2D7h WORD extended open I/O mode 2D9h DWORD stored ES:DI for AX=6C00h 2DDh WORD extended file open action code (see #01770 at AX=6C00h) 2DFh WORD extended file open attributes (see #01769 at AX=6C00h) 2E1h WORD extended file open file mode (see AX=6C00h) 2E3h DWORD pointer to filename to open (see AX=6C00h) 2E7h WORD high word of 32-bit sector number, or temp data buffer size from disk buffer 2E9h WORD "sda_OffsetMagicPatch" 2EBh BYTE disk full on >32M partition when set to 01h 2ECh WORD stores DS during call to [List-of-Lists + 37h] 2EEh WORD temporary storage (various uses) 2F0h BYTE storage for drive error 2F1h WORD DOS 3.4 (European MS-DOS 4.00) bit flags 2F3h DWORD pointer to user-supplied filename 2F7h DWORD pointer to user-supplied rename destination filename 2FBh WORD stores SS during call to [List-of-Lists + 37h] and INT 25,26 2FDh WORD stores SP during call to [List-of-Lists + 37h] and INT 25,26 2FFh BYTE flag, nonzero if stack switched in calling [List-of-Lists+37h] 300h 21 BYTEs FindFirst search data for source file(s) of a rename operation (see #01626 at AH=4Eh) 315h 32 BYTEs directory entry for file being renamed (see #01352 at AH=11h) 335h 331 BYTEs critical error stack 480h 384 BYTEs disk stack (functions greater than 0Ch, INT 25,INT 26) 600h 384 BYTEs character I/O stack (functions 01h through 0Ch) 780h BYTE device driver lookahead flag (usually printer) (see AH=64h"DOS 3.2+") 781h BYTE volume change flag 782h BYTE flag: virtual file open 783h BYTE fastseek drive 784h WORD fastseek first cluster number 786h WORD fastseek logical cluster number 788h WORD fastseek returned logical cluster number 78Ah WORD temporary location of DOS@SYSINIT ---MSDOS 7.1+ (FAT32)--- 78Ch 47 BYTEs ??? 7BBh BYTE flag: absolute disk read/write type 00h = INT 25/INT 26 01h = INT 21/AX=7305h 7BCh WORD high word of directory cluster number at offset 2A2h 7BEh WORD high word of cluster number at offset 29Ch 7C0h WORD high word of next file cluster number at offset 2BCh 7C2h WORD high word of last relative cluster number at offset 29Ah 7C4h WORD high word of temp at offset 276h 7C6h WORD high word of offset 244h 7C8h WORD high word of EBX 7CAh WORD high word of EDX used by "PACK" 7CCh WORD high word of EDI used by "UNPACK" 7CEh WORD high word of EBX used by "SETDIRSRCH" 7D0h WORD high word of ECX used by "FREECLUSTER" 7D2h WORD high word of EDI used by "GETEOF" 7D4h 3 WORDs ??? Note: the only fields which remain valid BETWEEN calls to INT 21h are those in the initial "swap-always" portion of the SDA SeeAlso: #01687,#01689Top
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET MACHINE NAME AX = 5E00h DS:DX -> 16-byte buffer for ASCII machine name Return: CF clear if successful CH = validity 00h name invalid nonzero valid CL = NetBIOS number for machine name DS:DX buffer filled with blank-paded name CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Note: supported by OS/2 v1.3+ compatibility box, PC-NFS SeeAlso: AX=5E01hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET MACHINE NAME AX = 5E01h CH = 00h undefine name (make it invalid) <> 0 define name CL = name number DS:DX -> 15-character blank-padded ASCIZ name SeeAlso: AX=5E00hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET NETWORK PRINTER SETUP STRING AX = 5E02h BX = redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) CX = length of setup string DS:SI -> setup string Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: also supported by 10NET v5.0 SeeAlso: AX=5E03h,INT 2F/AX=111FhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET NETWORK PRINTER SETUP STRING AX = 5E03h BX = redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) ES:DI -> 64-byte buffer for setup string Return: CF clear if successful CX = length of setup string ES:DI buffer filled CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: also supported by 10NET v5.0, but 10NET is documented as using DS:SI instead of ES:DI SeeAlso: AX=5E02h,INT 2F/AX=111FhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET PRINTER MODE AX = 5E04h BX = redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) DX = mode bit 0: set if binary, clear if text (tabs expanded to blanks) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Notes: calls INT 2F/AX=111Fh with 5E04h on stack supported by DR DOS 3.41+ SeeAlso: AX=5E05h"DOS",INT 2F/AX=111FhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET PRINTER MODE AX = 5E05h BX = redirection list index (see AX=5F02h) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful DX = printer mode (see AX=5E04h) Notes: calls INT 2F/AX=111Fh with 5E05h on stack supported by DR DOS 3.41+ SeeAlso: AX=5E04h"DOS",INT 2F/AX=111FhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET REDIRECTION MODE AX = 5F00h BL = redirection type 03h printer 04h disk drive Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful BH = redirection state 00h off 01h on Note: calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack SeeAlso: AX=5F01h,INT 2F/AX=111EhTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - SET REDIRECTION MODE AX = 5F01h BL = redirection type 03h printer 04h disk drive BH = redirection state 00h off 01h on Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Notes: when redirection is off, the local device (if any) rather than the remote device is used calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack SeeAlso: AX=5F00h,INT 2F/AX=111Eh,INT 60/AX=0002hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - GET REDIRECTION LIST ENTRY AX = 5F02h BX = zero-based redirection list index CX = driver signature 0000h LANtastic 4E57h ('NW') NetWare DS:SI -> 16-byte buffer for ASCIZ local device name or drive letter followed by colon ES:DI -> 128-byte buffer for ASCIZ network name Return: CF clear if successful BH = device status 00h valid 01h invalid 02h valid (connected from inside Windows for Workgroups v3.11) BL = device type 03h printer 04h disk drive CX = user data previously set with AX=5F03h DS:SI and ES:DI buffers filled DX,BP destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (01h,12h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: this function is passed through to INT 2F/AX=111Eh by the DOS kernel error code 12h is returned if BX is greater than the size of the list also supported by Banyan VINES, PC-NFS, LANtastic, and 10NET supported by LapLink RemoteAccess but returns the local drive letter; the remote drive letter can be obtained with INT 2F/AX=Cxxxh (see INT 2F/AX=C000h"LapLink") the returned device name may or may not include a colon, depending on the network software SeeAlso: AX=5F03h,AX=5F46h,INT 2F/AX=111Eh,INT 2F/AX=C000h"LapLink"Top
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - REDIRECT DEVICE AX = 5F03h BL = device type 03h printer 04h disk drive CX = user data to save 0000h for LANtastic 4E57h ("NW") for NetWare 4.0 requester DS:SI -> ASCIZ local device name (16 bytes max) ES:DI -> ASCIZ network name + ASCIZ password (128 bytes max total) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h,03h,05h,08h,0Fh,12h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: if device type is disk drive, DS:SI must point at either a null string or a string consisting the drive letter followed by a colon; if a null string, the network attempts to access the destination without redirecting a local drive the DOS kernel calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack also supported by Banyan VINES, LANtastic, and 10NET SeeAlso: AX=5F02h,AX=5F04h,INT 2F/AX=111Eh,INT 60/AX=0002hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.1+ network - CANCEL REDIRECTION AX = 5F04h DS:SI -> ASCIZ local device name or path CX = 4E57h ("NW") for NetWare 4.0 requester Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h,03h,05h,08h,0Fh,12h) (see #01680 at AH=59h) Notes: the DS:SI string must be either a local device name, a drive letter followed by a colon, or a network directory beginning with two backslashes the DOS kernel calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack also supported by Banyan VINES, LANtastic, and 10NET for NetWare, if only a server name is specified (i.e. "\\SERVER"), the connection to that server will be closed SeeAlso: AX=5F03h,INT 2F/AX=111Eh,INT 60/AX=0003hTop
INT 21 - DOS 4.0+ network - GET EXTENDED REDIRECTION LIST ENTRY AX = 5F05h BX = redirection list index DS:SI -> buffer for ASCIZ source device name ES:DI -> buffer for destination ASCIZ network path Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AX = server's network process ID handle (10NET) BH = device status flag (bit 0 clear if valid) BL = device type (03h if printer, 04h if drive) CX = stored parameter value (user data) from AX=5F03h BP = NETBIOS local session number DS:SI buffer filled ES:DI buffer filled Notes: the local session number allows sharing the redirector's session number if an error is caused on the NETBIOS LSN, the redirector may be unable to correctly recover from errors the DOS kernel calls INT 2F/AX=111Eh with AX on top of the stack supported by DR DOS 5.0 also supported by 10NET v5.0 SeeAlso: AX=5F06h"Network",INT 2F/AX=111EhTop
INT 21 - DOS 5+ - ENABLE DRIVE AX = 5F07h DL = drive number (0=A:) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (0Fh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: simply sets the "valid" bit in the drive's CDS this function is not supported by Novell DOS 7 through at least Update 4, but support was added by Update 13 SeeAlso: AH=52h,AX=5F08h"DOS"Top
INT 21 - DOS 5+ - DISABLE DRIVE AX = 5F08h DL = drive number (0=A:) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (0Fh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: simply clears the "valid" bit in the drive's CDS this function is not supported by Novell DOS 7 through at least Update 4, but support was added by Update 13 SeeAlso: AH=52h,AX=5F07h"DOS"Top
INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - "TRUENAME" - CANONICALIZE FILENAME OR PATH AH = 60h DS:SI -> ASCIZ filename or path ES:DI -> 128-byte buffer for canonicalized name Return: CF set on error AX = error code 02h invalid component in directory path or drive letter only 03h malformed path or invalid drive letter ES:DI buffer unchanged CF clear if successful AH = 00h or 3Ah (DOS 6.1/6.2 for character device) AL = destroyed (00h or 2Fh or 5Ch or last character of current directory on drive) buffer filled with qualified name of form D:\PATH\FILE.EXT or \\MACHINE\PATH\FILE.EXT Desc: determine the canonical name of the specified filename or path, corresponding to the undocumented TRUENAME command in COMMAND.COM Notes: the input path need not actually exist letters are uppercased, forward slashes converted to backslashes, asterisks converted to appropriate number of question marks, and file and directory names are truncated to 8.3 if necessary. (DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 do not expand asterisks) '.' and '..' in the path are resolved filespecs on local drives always start with "d:", those on network drives always start with "\\" if path string is on a JOINed drive, the returned name is the one that would be needed if the drive were not JOINed; similarly for a SUBSTed, ASSIGNed, or network drive letter. Because of this, it is possible to get a qualified name that is not legal under the current combination of SUBSTs, ASSIGNs, JOINs, and network redirections under DOS 3.3 through 6.00, a device name is translated differently if the device name does not have an explicit directory or the directory is \DEV (relative directory DEV from the root directory works correctly). In these cases, the returned string consists of the unchanged device name and extension appended to the string X:/ (forward slash instead of backward slash as in all other cases) where X is the default or explicit drive letter. under MS-DOS 7.0, this call returns the short name for any long-filename portions of the provided pathname or filename functions which take pathnames require canonical paths if invoked via INT 21/AX=5D00h supported by OS/2 v1.1 compatibility box NetWare 2.1x does not support characters with the high bit set; early versions of NetWare 386 support such characters except in this call. In addition, NetWare returns error code 3 for the path "X:\"; one should use "X:\." instead. Novell DOS 7 reportedly has difficulty with non-MS-DOS filenames on network drives, and can return "D:" instead of "SERVER/VOLUME" for DOS 3.3-6.0, the input and output buffers may be the same, as the canonicalized name is built in an internal buffer and copied to the specified output buffer as the very last step for DR DOS 6.0, this function is not automatically called when on a network. Device drivers reportedly cannot make this call from their INIT function. Using the same pointer for both input and output buffers is not supported in the April 1992 and earlier versions of DR DOS Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows95 and even MS-DOS 7.00 only return the local drive path; to obtain network paths use INT 21/AX=5F02h or INT 21/AX=5F46h instead Corel's CORELCDX and MSCDEX without the /S switch return canonical names of the form "\\D.\A.\path", where "D" is the CD-ROM drive letter and "A" appears to indicate the first physical CD-ROM drive; MSCDEX with the /S switch returns a canonical name with embedded blanks. Novell DOS 7 NWCDEX as of the 11/16/94 update returns the same canonical path as MSCDEX; earlier revisions returned "Cdex. D:\path", where "D" is the CD-ROM drive letter the Windows95 MSCDEX-replacement VxD returns "D:\path", even though the MS-DOS 7.00 MSCDEX behaves identically to older versions (above) BUG: Windows95 incorrectly treats filenames where the first two characters after the drive letter and colon are both slashes (either forward or backward) as a UNC (network name) and requires several seconds to attempt to resolve the name before returning an unchanged string SeeAlso: AX=5F02h,AX=5FB3h,AX=7160h/CL=00h,INT 2F/AX=1123h,INT 2F/AX=1221hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - UNUSED (RESERVED FOR NETWORK USE) AH = 61h Return: AL = 00h Note: this function does nothing and returns immediatelyTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.0+ - GET CURRENT PSP ADDRESS AH = 62h Return: BX = segment of PSP for current process Notes: this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time, even during another INT 21h call the current PSP is not necessarily the caller's PSP identical to the undocumented AH=51h SeeAlso: AH=50h,AH=51hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2.25 only - GET LEAD BYTE TABLE ADDRESS AX = 6300h Return: CF clear if successful DS:SI -> lead byte table (see #01746) CF set on error AX = error code (01h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Notes: does not preserve any registers other than SS:SP the US version of MS-DOS 3.30 treats this as an unused function, setting AL=00h and returning immediately SeeAlso: AX=6301h,AH=07h,AH=08h,AH=0Bh Format of double-byte character set lead byte table entry: Offset Size Description (Table 01746) 00h 2 BYTEs low/high ends of a range of leading byte of double-byte chars 02h 2 BYTEs low/high ends of a range of leading byte of double-byte chars ... N 2 BYTEs 00h,00h end flagTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.2+ - GET DOUBLE BYTE CHARACTER SET LEAD-BYTE TABLE AX = 6300h Return: AL = error code 00h successful DS:SI -> DBCS table (see #01746) all other registers except CS:IP and SS:SP destroyed FFh not supported Notes: probably identical to AH=63h/AL=00h for DOS 2.25 the US version of MS-DOS 3.30 treats this as an unused function, setting AL=00h and returning immediately, WITHOUT setting DS:SI; only the Far East versions of MS-DOS 3.2 and 3.3 supported this call the US version of DOS 4.0+ accepts this function, but returns an empty list IBM DOS 6.1 SYS.COM assumes that CF is set on error SeeAlso: AX=6300h"DOS 2.25"Top
INT 21 - DOS 2.25, DOS 3.2+ - SET KOREAN (HANGEUL) INPUT MODE AX = 6301h DL = new mode 00h return only full characters on DOS keyboard input functions 01h return partially-formed (interim) characters also Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh invalid mode Notes: Novell DOS 7 simply stores DL in the caller's PSP (see #01378 at AH=26h) the US version of MS-DOS 3.30 treats this as an unused function, setting AL=00h and returning immediately; only the Far East versions of MS-DOS 3.2 and 3.3 supported this call SeeAlso: AH=07h,AH=08h,AH=0Bh,AX=6300h,AX=6302hTop
INT 21 - DOS 2.25, DOS 3.2+ - GET KOREAN (HANGEUL) INPUT MODE AX = 6302h Return: AL = status 00h successful DL = current input mode 00h return only full characters (clears interim flag) 01h return partial characters (sets interim flag) FFh not supported Notes: Novell DOS 7 simply reads the value out of the caller's PSP, so it can return values other than 00h or 01h if the last call to AX=6301h used another value the US version of MS-DOS 3.30 treats this as an unused function, setting AL=00h and returning immediately, WITHOUT setting DL; only the Far East versions of MS-DOS 3.2 and 3.3 supported this call SeeAlso: AH=07h,AH=08h,AH=0Bh,AX=6300h,AX=6301hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.2+ internal - SET DEVICE DRIVER LOOKAHEAD FLAG AH = 64h AL = flag 00h (default) call device driver function 5 (non-dest read) before INT 21/AH=01h,08h,0Ah nonzero don't call driver function 5 Return: nothing (MS-DOS) CF set, AX=error code??? (DR DOS 5.0, which does not support this call) Notes: this function is called by the DOS 3.3+ PRINT.COM under MS-DOS, this function does not use any of the DOS-internal stacks and may thus be called at any time, even during another DOS call SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=08h,AH=0Ah,AX=5D06hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.3+ - GET EXTENDED COUNTRY INFORMATION AH = 65h AL = info ID 01h get general internationalization info (see also AX=6500h) 02h get pointer to uppercase table 03h (DOS 6.2+ COUNTRY.SYS) get pointer to lowercase table 04h get pointer to filename uppercase table 05h get pointer to filename terminator table 06h get pointer to collating sequence table 07h (DOS 4.0+) get pointer to Double-Byte Character Set table BX = code page (FFFFh=global code page) (see #01757) DX = country ID (FFFFh=current country) ES:DI -> country information buffer (see #01750) CX = size of buffer (>= 5) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful CX = size of country information returned ES:DI -> country information (see #01750) Notes: AL=05h appears to return same info for all countries and codepages; it has been documented for DOS 5+, but was undocumented in earlier versions NLSFUNC must be installed to get info for countries other than the default subfunctions 02h and 04h are identical under OS/2 subfunction 03h apparently supports only codepage 866 in DOS 6.2x SeeAlso: AH=38h,AH=70h"MS-DOS 7",INT 2F/AX=1401h,INT 2F/AX=1402h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=14FEh Format of country information: Offset Size Description (Table 01750) 00h BYTE info ID ---if info ID = 01h--- 01h WORD size of following info in bytes 03h WORD country ID (see #01400 at AH=38h) 05h WORD code page (see #01757) 07h 34 BYTEs country-dependent info (see #01399 at AH=38h) ---if info ID = 02h--- 01h DWORD pointer to uppercase table (see #01751) ---if info ID = 03h--- 01h DWORD pointer to lowercase table (see #01752) ---if info ID = 04h--- 01h DWORD pointer to filename uppercase table (see #01753) ---if info ID = 05h--- 01h DWORD pointer to filename character table (see #01754) ---if info ID = 06h--- 01h DWORD pointer to collating table (see #01755) ---if info ID = 07h (DOS 4.0+)--- 01h DWORD pointer to DBCS lead byte table (see #01756) SeeAlso: #01775 Format of uppercase table: Offset Size Description (Table 01751) 00h WORD table size (0080h) 02h 128 BYTEs uppercase equivalents (if any) of chars 80h to FFh SeeAlso: #01750,#01753 Format of lowercase table: Offset Size Description (Table 01752) 00h WORD table size (0100h) 02h 256 BYTEs lowercase equivalents (if any) of chars 00h to FFh SeeAlso: #01750,#01753 Format of filename uppercase table: Offset Size Description (Table 01753) 00h WORD table size (0080h) 02h 128 BYTEs uppercase equivalents (if any) of chars 80h to FFh SeeAlso: #01750,#01751 Format of filename terminator table: Offset Size Description (Table 01754) 00h WORD table size (not counting this word) 02h BYTE ??? (01h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00) 03h BYTE lowest permissible character value for filename 04h BYTE highest permissible character value for filename 05h BYTE ??? (00h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00) 06h BYTE first excluded character in range \ all characters in this 07h BYTE last excluded character in range / range are illegal 08h BYTE ??? (02h for MS-DOS 3.30-6.00) 09h BYTE number of illegal (terminator) characters 0Ah N BYTEs characters which terminate a filename: ."/\[]:|<>+=;, Note: partially documented for DOS 5+, but undocumented for earlier versions SeeAlso: #01750 Format of collating table: Offset Size Description (Table 01755) 00h WORD table size (0100h) 02h 256 BYTEs values used to sort characters 00h to FFh SeeAlso: #01750 Format of DBCS lead byte table: Offset Size Description (Table 01756) 00h WORD length of table in ranges 02h 2N BYTEs start/end for N lead byte ranges WORD 0000h (end of table) SeeAlso: #01750Top
INT 21 - DOS 4.0+ - COUNTRY-DEPENDENT CHARACTER CAPITALIZATION AH = 65h AL = function 20h capitalize character DL = character to capitalize Return: DL = capitalized character 21h capitalize string DS:DX -> string to capitalize CX = length of string 22h capitalize ASCIZ string DS:DX -> ASCIZ string to capitalize Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Note: these calls have been documented for DOS 5+, but were undocumented in DOS 4.x. BUG: Novell DOS 7 Update 15 crashes on AX=6521h when CX=0000hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 4.0+ - DETERMINE IF CHARACTER REPRESENTS YES/NO RESPONSE AX = 6523h DL = character DH = second character of double-byte character (if applicable) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful AX = type 00h no 01h yes 02h neither yes nor no Note: supported by Novell DOS 7, though prior to Update 14, the results depended on the kernel variant rather than the YESCHAR= or COUNTRY= setting in CONFIG.SYS BUG: Novell DOS commands and tools all use internal settings rather than this function, so the Yes/No responses are dependent on the specific country's variant being run rather than on the COUNTRY= settingTop
INT 21 U - DOS 4.0+ internal - COUNTRY-DEPENDENT FILENAME CAPITALIZATION AH = 65h AL = function A0h capitalize filename character DL = character to capitalize Return: DL = capitalized character A1h capitalize counted filename string DS:DX -> filename string to capitalize CX = length of string A2h capitalize ASCIZ filename DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename to capitalize Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Note: nonfunctional in MS-DOS 4.00 through 7.10 (Win98) due to a bug (the code sets a pointer depending on the high bit of AL, but doesn't clear the bit before branching by function number). Supported and functional(!) in Novell DOS 7 (Update 15), as well as PC-DOS 7 and OS/2 MVDMTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.3+ - GET GLOBAL CODE PAGE TABLE AX = 6601h Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful BX = active code page (see #01757) DX = system code page (see #01757) SeeAlso: AX=6602hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.3+ - SET GLOBAL CODE PAGE TABLE AX = 6602h BX = active code page (see #01757) DX = system code page (active page at boot time) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AX = EB41h (Novell NWDOS v7.0 when NLSFUNC not installed and request was for previously-active code page) SeeAlso: AX=6601h,INT 2F/AX=14FFh (Table 01757) Values for code page: 0 Reduced 7-bit ASCII [NetWare] 37 EBCDIC: US/Canada English (CECP) [Windows NT 3.51+] 38 EBCDIC: International (old) 111 Greek 112 Turkish 113 Yugoslavian 161 Arabic [Linux] 162 Arabic [Linux] 163 Arabic [Linux] 164 Arabic [Linux] 165 Arabic [Linux] 237 EBCDIC: Germany (CECP) 273 EBCDIC: ??? (CECP) 274 EBCDIC: Belgium 275 EBCDIC: Brazilian 277 EBCDIC: Danish/Norwegian (CECP) 278 EBCDIC: Finnish/Swedish (CECP) 280 EBCDIC: Italian (CECP) 281 EBCDIC: Japanese-E 284 EBCDIC: Latin-American/Spanish (CECP) 285 EBCDIC: UK English (CECP) 290 EBCDIC: Japanese Kana 297 EBCDIC: French (CECP) 367 US-ASCII (ISO 646-US, 7-bit) 420 EBCDIC: Arabic 1 423 EBCDIC: Greek 424 EBCDIC: Hebrew 437 US / English / PC-8 / IBM-2 500 EBCDIC: Belgium/Switzerland (CECP) 500 EBCDIC: International 646 (??? reserved for ISO 646 7-bit codepages) 667 Eastern Europe (Polish) 668 Eastern Europe (Slavic) 708 Arabic/Middle East 737 Greek (2) 775 Baltic / Baltic Rim 819 Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1) 850 Multilingual (Latin-1) 851 Greek 852 Slavic/Easter Europe (Latin-2) [DOS 5+] 853 Turkish (Latin-2) 854 Spanish 855 Cyrilic (1) 857 Turkish 860 Portugese 861 Icelandic 862 Hebrew 863 French Canadian 864 Arabic/Middle East 865 Nordic (Norwegian/Danish) 866 Russian (Cyrillic 2) 867 Czech 868 Arabic 869 Greek (1) 870 EBCDIC: Yugoslavia (Roece) 871 EBCDIC: Icelandic 874 Thailand 875 EBCDIC: Greek 880 Russian (Cyrillic GOST) 880 EBCDIC: Cyrillic 881 Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1) 882 Latin 2 (ISO 8859-2) 883 Latin 3 (ISO 8859-3) 884 Latin 4 (ISO 8859-4) 885 Latin 5 (ISO 8859-5) 891 unknown 897 Japanese (Shift-JIS) 903 unknown 904 unknown 905 EBCDIC: Turkish 912 Latin 2 (ISO 8859-2: Eastern Europe) 913 (??? reserved for Latin 3) 914 (??? reserved for Latin 4) 915 Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5: Latin/Cyrillic) 916 (??? reserved for ISO 8859-6: Latin/Arabic) 917 (??? reserved for ISO 8859-7: Latin/Greek) 918 EBCDIC: Arabic 2 919 (??? reserved for ISO 8859-9: Latin 5) 920 (??? reserved for ISO 8859-10: Latin 6/Sami) 932 DBCS: Japanese (Shift-JIS) 934 DBCS: Korean 936 DBCS: Chinese (PRC/ROC, Simplified/xGB) 938 DBCS: Taiwan 938 DBCS: Chinese (PRC/ROC) 942 DBCS: Japanese SAA 944 DBCS: Korean SAA 948 DBCS: Chinese SAA (PRC/ROC) 949 Korean (Unified Hangul; Extended Wansung) 950 Chinese Traditional, Big5 (Taiwan, Hong Kong) 966 Saudi Arabian 972 Hebrew (Israeli VT100) 999 reserved for user-definable codepages 1004 Desktop Publishing 1026 EBCDIC: Turkish (Latin 5) 1047 EBCDIC: International (CECP, de-facto EBCDIC-US) 1250 MSWIN: Eastern Europe (Latin 2) 1251 MSWIN: Cyrillic 1252 MSWIN: English/W. Europe/Standard (Latin 1) 1253 MSWIN: Greek (GRC) 1254 MSWIN: Turkish 1255 MSWIN: Hebrew 1256 MSWIN: Arabic 1257 MSWIN: Baltic (Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian) 1258 MSWIN: Vietnamese 1361 ANSI???: Korean (Johab) 10000 MAC: International/Standard (Roman) 10006 MAC: Greek 10007 MAC: Cyrillic 10029 MAC: Latin 2 10079 MAC: Icelandic 10081 MAC: Turkish 10646 (should be reserved for the future ISO 10646 32-bit codepage???) 65400 OS/2: reserved for Glyphs Notes: not all code pages are available in all versions of DOS or DOS-compatibles, and many (particularly EBCDIC) have not been implemented for *any* DOS to date CECP = 'Country Extended CodePage' by IBM. Unicode (UCS-2) is a 16-bit character codeset, covering all commonly used characters from almost any language. Not all definitions are fixed at the time of this writing. Unicode will be the future of character coding for the foreseeable future, but is only the "basic multilingual plane" (BMP) subset of 32-bit ISO 10646 codes (UCS-4), a single character set standard covering requirements for all countries and languages, which is still under construction. The MS Windows 'ANSI' codepage 1252 (based on the MS Windows 3.0+ implementation) appears to be 100% compatible with the code sets used by Amiga OS and Acorn Archimedes RISC-OS and is also a linear subset of the 16bit UniCode code set (UCS-2); the actual ANSI codepage is defined by ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1). At least applications for OS/2 Warp 3 Presentation Manager can use EBCDIC codepages, but the codepage ID assignments for EBCDIC codepages are not known for OS/2. OS/2 SAA codepages are not supported in CONFIG.SYS. Codepage 65400 "Glyphs" is not actually a codepage, but a way to directly access the first 256 of the 383 glyphs from the current font set. Novell DOS 7/DR DOS 6/Caldera OpenDOS undocumented codepage 853 does not necessarily match with MS-DOS' undocumented codepage 853. Undocumented codepages 667 and 668 can be found in Russian's PTS/DOS 6.51 and S/DOS 1.x DISPLAY.CPI and contain some Eastern European characters. Novell NetWare 3.xx clients support UniCode and codepages 437, 850, 860, 863, 865, 897, 932, and 1252 (possibly more). NetWare 4.xx clients also support 1250, 1251, 1256. Personal NetWare 1.0 (PNW), as it was distributed in Europe, supports UniCode and codepages 437, 850 and 1252. Novell's Client32 for DOS/Windows supports 874, 932, 936, 949, 950, 1250 - 1257. For codesets not yet available, Novell offers a reduced ASCII 7-bit support through a codepage 0 used as a translation table to UniCode, that supports characters 32-127 except 92 ('\'). Format of DOS .CPI (Code Page Information) file header: Offset Size Description (Table 01758) 00h BYTE ID tag FFh FONT file (Standard for generic display or printer font files used by MS-DOS, PC-DOS, DR DOS and Novell DOS) 7Fh DRFONT file (Used by DR DOS 6.0 / Novell DOS 7 for enhanced & compressed display font files. DR DOS 6.0 and Novell DOS 7 still support the standard FONT files, thus allowing leaning of .CPI files from MS-DOS to DR DOS / Novell DOS!) 01h 7 BYTEs ID string "FONT " = FONT file (Standard for display or printer) "DRFONT " = DRFONT file (Enhanced compressed format used by DR DOS 6.0 / Novell DOS 7 for display fonts) 08h 8 BYTEs reserved (0) 10h WORD number of pointers (1) 12h BYTE type of pointers (1) 13h DWORD pointer to file offset of FontInfoHeader (Generally pointing to the byte just after FontFileHeader, that is 0000h:0017h. Due to extra data at offset 17h, this value has changed with DR DOS 6.0 / Novell DOS 7 DRFONTs! "MS-DOS 4.0 programmers reference" claimed word offset +15h as an endmarker (0000h), but actually it is the High-Word of the pointer.) --- Extended FontFileHeader with DR DOS 6.0 / Novell DOS 7 DRFONTs: --- 17h BYTE number of fonts per codepage supported by this file (N=4 with both DR DOS 6.0 / Novell DOS 7 DRFONT files) 18h N BYTEs cellsize (Height) of fonts 1..N the cellsize corresponds with the character boxes height, but is also the count of bytes used for each of the characters inside the font data (as currently all fonts are organized heightx8 and 8 pixel width is just one byte). var N DWORDs file offsets of DisplayFontData. Format of DOS .CPI file Font Information Header: Offset Size Description (Table 01759) 00h WORD number of codepage entries var N codepage entry headers (see #01760) SeeAlso: #01758 Format of DOS .CPI file CodePage Entry Header: Offset Size Description (Table 01760) 00h WORD size of this header (normally 1Ch) 02h DWORD offset of next entry, or 0000h:0000h or FFFFh:FFFFh if last (if a valid "next" pointer but all of the fonts indicated in the .CPI header have been processed, this field normally points at an optional text area at the end of the .CPI file containing copyright information) 06h WORD device type 01h display (FONT or DRFONT) 02h printer (FONT) 08h 8 BYTEs blank-padded device name string 10h WORD code page (see #01757) 12h 3 WORDs reserved (0) 18h DWORD pointer to Font Data Header (see #00222) normally immediately follows this header SeeAlso: #01758 Format of DOS .CPI file Font Data Header: Offset Size Description (Table 01761) 00h WORD record type 0001h FONT 0002h DRFONT (DR DOS 6.0/Novell DOS 7 display font) 02h WORD number of fonts 04h WORD length of font data (display fonts) ??? (printer fonts) 06h var font data (#fonts * fontlength) bytes SeeAlso: #01758 Format of DOS .CPI file ScreenFONT Header: Offset Size Description (Table 01762) 00h 6 BYTEs display-font header (see #01764) 06h var display font data SeeAlso: #01758 Format of .CPI file DRFONT Header: Offset Size Description (Table 01763) 00h 6N BYTEs DisplayFONT headers for N fonts (see #01764) M WORDs character index table for cell offsets in font data currently 256 words in length SeeAlso: #01758 Format of .CPI file DisplayFONT header: Offset Size Description (Table 01764) 00h BYTE height of character cell 01h BYTE width of character cell (currently always 08h) 02h BYTE aspect ratio (height) (currently 00h, unused) 03h BYTE aspect ratio (width) (currently 00h, unused) 04h WORD number of characters per font (256) SeeAlso: #01758 Format of .CPI file PrinterFONT header: Offset Size Description (Table 01765) 00h WORD type of printer 0001h (4201.CPI, 1050.CPI, EPS.CPI) 0002h (4208.CPI, 5202.CPI, PPDS.CPI) 02h WORD bytes per hardware/download codepage-select escape sequence (max 31, typically 12) 04h N BYTEs escape sequence to select hardware codepage N BYTEs escape sequence to select download codepage var download data for printer font (including escape sequence to transfer data) SeeAlso: #01758Top
INT 21 - DOS 3.3+ - SET HANDLE COUNT AH = 67h BX = size of new file handle table for process Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Desc: adjust the size of the per-process open file table, thus raising or lowering the limit on the number of files the caller can open simultaneously Notes: if BX <= 20, no action is taken if the handle limit has not yet been increased, and the table is copied back into the PSP if the limit is currently > 20 handles for file handle tables of > 20 handles, DOS 3.30 never reuses the same memory block, even if the limit is being reduced; this can lead to memory fragmentation as a new block is allocated and the existing one freed only the first 20 handles are copied to child processes in DOS 3.3-6.0 increasing the file handles here will not, in general, increase the number of files that can be opened using the runtime library of a high-level language such as C Novell DOS 7 reportedly terminates the calling program if the JFT is being reduced in size and there are any open file handles beyond the portion of the JFT being retained BUGS: the original release of DOS 3.30 allocates a full 64K for the handle table on requests for an even number of handles DR DOS 3.41 and 5.0 will lose track of any open file handles beyond the portion of the JFT retained after the call; MS-DOS will indicate error 04h if any of the JFT entries to be removed are open SeeAlso: AH=26h,AH=86hTop
INT 21 - DOS 3.3+ - "FFLUSH" - COMMIT FILE AH = 68h BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful all data still in DOS disk buffers is written to disk immediately, and the file's directory entry is updated CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=5D01h,AH=6Ah,INT 2F/AX=1107hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 4.0+ internal - GET/SET DISK SERIAL NUMBER AH = 69h AL = subfunction 00h get serial number 01h set serial number BL = drive (0=default, 1=A, 2=B, etc) BH = info level (00h only for DOS; OS/2 allows other levels) DS:DX -> disk info (see #01766) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AX destroyed (AL = 00h) buffer filled with appropriate values from extended BPB (AL = 01h) extended BPB on disk set to values from buffer Notes: does not generate a critical error; all errors are returned in AX error 0005h given if no extended BPB on disk does not work on network drives (error 0001h) buffer after first two bytes is exact copy of bytes 27h thru 3Dh of extended BPB on disk this function is supported under Novell NetWare versions 2.0A through 3.11; the returned serial number is the one a DIR would display, the volume label is the NetWare volume label, and the file system is set to "FAT16". this function is not supported by Novell DOS 7 through Update 13, but Personal NetWare 1.0 and Update 15 do support this function the serial number is computed from the current date and time when the disk is created; the first part is the sum of the seconds/hundredths and month/day, the second part is the sum of the hours/minutes and year the volume label which is read or set is the one stored in the extended BPB on disks formatted with DOS 4.0+, rather than the special root directory entry used by the DIR command in COMMAND.COM (use AH=11h to find that volume label) SeeAlso: AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+" Format of disk info: Offset Size Description (Table 01766) 00h WORD 0000h (info level) 02h DWORD disk serial number (binary) 06h 11 BYTEs volume label or "NO NAME " if none present 11h 8 BYTEs (AL=00h only) filesystem type (see #01767) Note: under MS-DOS 7.0 or a Windows95 DOS box, the volume label field can be all blanks even when a volume label has been set (the Win95 installation seems to blank the volume label field in the partition boot sector; once LABEL has been run, the volume label is reported correctly) SeeAlso: AH=4Eh (Table 01767) Values for filesystem type: "FAT12 " 12-bit FAT "FAT16 " 16-bit FAT "CDROM " High-Sierra CD-ROM filesystem "CD001 " ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem "CDAUDIO " audio CD SeeAlso: #01766Top
INT 21 U - DOS 4.0+ - COMMIT FILE AH = 6Ah BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful AH = 68h CF set on error AX = error code (06h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Note: identical to AH=68h in DOS 5.0-6.0; not known whether this is the case in DOS 4.x SeeAlso: AH=68hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 4.0 internal - IFS IOCTL AH = 6Bh AL = subfunction 00h ??? DS:SI -> Current Directory Structure??? CL = drive (1=A:) 01h ??? DS:SI -> ??? CL = file handle??? 02h ??? DS:SI -> Current Directory Structure??? DI = ??? CX = drive (1=A:) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful Notes: passed through to INT 2F/AX=112Fh with AX on top of stack Novell DOS 7 Update 15 returns CF set/AX=0001h (invalid function) SeeAlso: AH=6Bh"DOS 5",INT 2F/AX=112FhTop
INT 21 U - DOS 5+ - NULL FUNCTION AH = 6Bh Return: AL = 00h Note: this function does nothing and returns immediately SeeAlso: AH=6Bh"DOS 4"Top
INT 21 - DOS 4.0+ - EXTENDED OPEN/CREATE AX = 6C00h BL = open mode as in AL for normal open (see also AH=3Dh) bit 7: inheritance bits 4-6: sharing mode bit 3 reserved bits 0-2: access mode 100 read-only, do not modify file's last-access time (DOS 7.0) BH = flags bit 6 = auto commit on every write (see also AH=68h) bit 5 = return error rather than doing INT 24h bit 4 = (FAT32) extended size (allow 4GB files instead of 2GB) CX = create attribute (see #01769) DL = action if file exists/does not exist (see #01770) DH = 00h (reserved) DS:SI -> ASCIZ file name Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AX = file handle CX = status (see #01768) Notes: the PC LAN Program only supports existence actions (in DL) of 01h, 10h with sharing=compatibility, and 12h DR DOS reportedly does not support this function and does not return an "invalid function call" error when this function is used. the documented bits of BX are stored in the SFT when the file is opened (see #01641,#01642) BUG: this function has bugs (at least in DOS 5.0 and 6.2) when used with drives handled via the network redirector (INT 2F/AX=112Eh): - CX (attribute) is not passed to the redirector if DL=11h, - CX does not return the status, it is returned unchanged because DOS does a PUSH CX/POP CX when calling the redirector. SeeAlso: AH=3Ch,AH=3Dh,AX=6C01h,AX=7160h/CL=00h,INT 2F/AX=112Eh (Table 01768) Values for extended open function status: 01h file opened 02h file created 03h file replaced Bitfields for file create attribute: Bit(s) Description (Table 01769) 6-15 reserved 5 archive 4 reserved 3 volume label 2 system 1 hidden 0 readonly Bitfields for action: Bit(s) Description (Table 01770) 7-4 action if file does not exist 0000 fail 0001 create 3-0 action if file exists 0000 fail 0001 open 0010 replace/openTop
INT 21 U - DOS 5+ ROM - FIND FIRST ROM PROGRAM AH = 6Dh DS:DX -> ASCIZ program name (may contain wildcrds) Return: CF clear if found Disk Transfer Area filled with ROM search structure (see #01771) CF set if not found AX = error code 0002h name not found in ROM 0003h name contains colon or backslash ---if not supported (DOS <5, MS-DOS 5+ non-ROM versions)--- AL = 00h Notes: the '*' wildcard matches all remaining characters in a ROM program's name; any following characters in the search mask are ignored up to another asterisk, which must be matched by an asterisk in the found program's name. the search mask and program names may contain multiple periods SeeAlso: AH=1Ah,AH=4Eh,AH=6Eh,AX=6F00h,AX=6F02h,INT 2F/AX=160Ch Format of ROM search structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01771) 00h 13 BYTEs ASCIZ name of found ROM program 0Dh DWORD address at which to resume search (do not modify) 11h var ASCIZ search mask passed in (do not modify)Top
INT 21 U - DOS 5+ ROM - FIND NEXT ROM PROGRAM AH = 6Eh Disk Transfer Area contains result of previous FindFirst ROM (see AH=6Dh) Return: CF clear if found Disk Transfer Area filled with updated ROM search structure (see #01771) CF set if not found AX = 0012h (no more matches) ---if not supported (DOS <5, MS-DOS 5+ non-ROM versions)--- AL = 00h SeeAlso: AH=4Fh,AH=6DhTop
INT 21 U - DOS 5+ ROM - GET ROM SCAN START ADDRESS AX = 6F00h Return: CF clear AL = 00h BX = current ROM scan starting segment if function supported SeeAlso: AH=6Dh,AX=6F01h,AX=6F02hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 5+ ROM - SET ROM SCAN START ADDRESS AX = 6F01h BX = new ROM scan starting address Return: CF clear AL = 00h SeeAlso: AX=6F00h,AX=6F03hTop
INT 21 U - DOS 5+ ROM - GET EXCLUSION REGION LIST AX = 6F02h ES:BX -> buffer for exclusion region list (see #01773) Return: CF clear AL = 00h ES:BX = 0000h:0000h on error, unchanged if buffer filled Note: for DOS versions which do not support this function, the return value is AL=00h, CF unchanged, ES:BX unchanged, and the ES:BX buffer unchanged SeeAlso: AX=6F00h,AX=6F03h Format of ROM exclusion region list: Offset Size Description (Table 01773) 00h WORD number of entries 02h 2N WORDs start/end segments of N excluded regionsTop
INT 21 U - DOS 5+ ROM - SET EXCLUSION REGION LIST AX = 6F03h DS:DX -> new exclusion region list (see #01773) Return: CF clear AL = 00h Notes: DOS saves only the pointer and assumes that the contents of the list are never changed, and that regions do not overlap if AL > 03h on entry, DOS returns CF set/AL=01h SeeAlso: AX=6F01h,AX=6F02hTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7 (Windows95) - GET/SET INTERNATIONALIZATION INFORMATION AH = 70h AL = subfunction 00h get ??? info CX = buffer size (3Ah bytes needed) ES:DI -> buffer 01h set above info CX = number of bytes to set DS:SI -> buffer containing ??? info (see #01774) 02h set general internationalization info (see also AX=6500h) DS:SI -> buffer containing info (see #01775) CX = buffer size in bytes (up to 26h bytes used) first three bytes are skipped, the rest is copied to somewhere in the DOS data segment Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled (func 00h) (see #01774) CX = number of bytes actually set or returned (max 003Ah for functions 00h and 01h under v7.00, 0026h for function 02h) CF set on error AX = error code 7000h if function not supported SeeAlso: AH=38h,AH=65h Format of MS-DOS v7.0 ??? table: Offset Size Description (Table 01774) 00h 58 BYTEs ??? country-specific information returned was (among others) "ENU USA GR"..."AM PM M/d/yy"... "dddd,MMMMdd,yyyy" in the German Preview version, and "US" instead of "GR" in the US build 450 version (with German country setting) and the US build 950a version with US country settings SeeAlso: #01775 Format of MS-DOS v7.0 internationalization table: Offset Size Description (Table 01775) 00h 3 BYTEs unused (and ignored by DOS) 03h WORD country ID (see #01400 at AH=38h) 05h WORD code page (see #01757) 07h WORD date format 09h 5 BYTEs ASCIZ currency symbol string 07h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ thousands separator 09h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ decimal separator 0Bh 2 BYTEs ASCIZ date separator 0Dh 2 BYTEs ASCIZ time separator 0Fh BYTE currency format bit 2 = set if currency symbol replaces decimal point bit 1 = number of spaces between value and currency symbol bit 0 = 0 if currency symbol precedes value 1 if currency symbol follows value 10h BYTE number of digits after decimal in currency 11h BYTE time format bit 0 = 0 if 12-hour clock 1 if 24-hour clock 12h DWORD address of case map routine (FAR CALL, AL = character to map to upper case [>= 80h]) 16h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ data-list separator 18h 10 BYTEs reserved Note: this table has the identical format to the extended country information retrieved via AH=65h with info ID = 01h SeeAlso: #01399,#01750Top
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME FUNCTIONS AH = 71h AL = function 0Dh reset drive (see AX=710Dh) 39h create directory (see AX=7139h) 3Ah remove directory (see AX=713Ah) 3Bh set current directory (see AX=713Bh) 41h delete file (see AX=7141h) 43h get/set file attributes (see AX=7143h) 47h get current directory (see AX=7147h) 4Eh find first file (see AX=714Eh) 4Fh find next file (see AX=714Fh) 56h move (rename) file (see AX=7156h) 60h truename (see AX=7160h/CL=00h,AX=7160h/CL=02h) 6Ch create/open file (see AX=716Ch) A0h get volume information (see AX=71A0h) A1h terminate FindFirst/FindNext (see AX=71A1h) A6h get file information (see AX=71A6h) A7h time conversion (see AX=71A7h/BL=00h,AX=71A7h/BL=01h) A8h generate short filename (see AX=71A8h) A9h server create/open file (see AX=71A9h) AAh create/terminate SUBST (see AX=71AAh/BH=00h,AX=71AAh/BH=02h) Return: CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported CF clear if successful other registers as for corresponding "old" DOS function Notes: if error 7100h is returned, the old-style function should be called AX=714Eh returns a "search handle" which must be passed to AX=714Fh; when the search is complete, AX=71A1h must be called to terminate the search for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit Caldera's DPMS-enabled LONGNAME.EXE BETA 1 extension for DR-DOS 7 supports the following sub-set of LFN functions: 39h, 3Ah, 3Bh, 41h, 43h (BL = 0, 1 only), 47h, 4Eh, 4Fh, 56h, 60h (CL = 0, 1, 2), 6Ch, A0h, A1h, A8h. BETA 2 fixes LFN directory entry checksums, which were causing wrong LFNs to be attached to a file. The 8.3 short names for filenames with exactly 8 chars are no longer abbreviated (e.g. LONGNAME.TXT -> LONGNAME.TXT, not LONGNA~1.TXT). BETA 3 has A7h (BL=0, 1) functions added, and 4Eh/4Fh can return file times in both DOS and 64 bit formats, BETA 4 has support added for Caldera's DRFAT32 redirector extension (see INT 2F/AX=15xxh). Caldera's DR-OpenDOS 7.02+ COMMAND.COM utilizes the LFN API as soon as it detects it (mind, that LONGNAME.EXE can be dynamically loaded and unloaded at runtime). This COMMAND.COM shell also works under MS-DOS/PC DOS and in DOS boxes of Windows9x, NT, 2000, and OS/2. For 4DOS 6.02+ to work with 3rd party LFN providers, the Win95LFN=Yes directive should be inserted into the 4DOS.INI file. Mike Podanoffsky's RxDOS 7.2 provides most of this API natively, including functions 39h, 3Ah, 3Bh, 41h, 43h (BL = ???), 47h, 4Bh, 4Eh, 4Fh, 56h, 60h (CL = 0, 1, 2, no CH), 6Ch, A0h, A1h and A7h. However, not all sub-functions seem to be supported yet. SeeAlso: AH=39h,AH=3Ah,AH=3Bh,AH=41h,AX=4300h,AX=4301h,AX=4304h,AX=4306h SeeAlso: AX=4307h,AH=47h,AH=4Eh,AH=4Fh,AH=56h,AH=6Ch,AX=714Eh,AX=714FhTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - RESET DRIVE AX = 710Dh CX = action (see #01777) DX = drive number Return: CF clear Note: for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit SeeAlso: AH=0Dh (Table 01777) Values for drive reset action: 0000h flush filesystem buffers for drive, and reset drive 0001h flush filesystem buffers and cache for drive, and reset drive 0002h remount DriveSpace volumeTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - MAKE DIRECTORY AX = 7139h DS:DX -> ASCIZ long directory name (including path) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported Note: for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit SeeAlso: AH=39h,AX=713Ah,AX=713Bh,AX=43FFh/BP=5053hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - REMOVE DIRECTORY AX = 713Ah DS:DX -> ASCIZ long name of directory to remove Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported Note: for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit SeeAlso: AH=3Ah,AX=7139hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - CHANGE DIRECTORY AX = 713Bh DS:DX -> ASCIZ long name of directory to make current Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported Note: for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit SeeAlso: AH=0Eh,AH=3Bh,AX=7139hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - DELETE FILE AX = 7141h DS:DX -> ASCIZ long name of file to delete SI = wildcard and attributes flag 0000h wildcards are not allowed, and search attributes are ignored 0001h wildcards are allowed, and only files with matching names and attributes are deleted CL = search attributes CH = must-match attributes Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported Note: for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit SeeAlso: AH=41hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - EXTENDED GET/SET FILE ATTRIBUTES AX = 7143h DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename BL = action 00h retrieve attributes Return: CX = file attributes (see #01420) 01h set attributes CX = attributes 02h get physical size of compressed file Return: DX:AX = actual disk usage of file, in bytes 03h set last write date/time DI = new last-write date (see #01666) CX = new last-write time (see #01665) 04h get last write date/time Return: CX = last write time (see #01665) DI = last write date (see #01666) 05h set last access date DI = new last-access date (see #01666) 06h get last access date Return: DI = last access date (see #01666) 07h set creation date/time DI = new creation date (see #01666) CX = new creation time (see #01665) SI = hundredths (10-millisecond units past time in CX, 0-199) 08h get creation date/time Return: CX = creation time (see #01665) DI = creation date (see #01666) SI = hundredths (10-millisecond units past time in CX) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported Note: for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit SeeAlso: AX=4300h,AX=4301hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - GET CURRENT DIRECTORY AX = 7147h DL = drive number (00h = current, 01h = A:, etc.) DS:SI -> buffer for ASCIZ directory name Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported Notes: the returned pathname does not include the drive letter, colon, or leading backslash, and is not necessarily a long filename -- this function returns whatever path was used when changing to the current directory, and may include a mixture of long and short components the provided buffer must be at least as large as the value indicated by AX=71A0h for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit SeeAlso: AH=47h,AX=713Bh,AX=7160h,AX=71A0hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - FIND FIRST MATCHING FILE AX = 714Eh CL = allowable-attributes mask (see #01420 at AX=4301h) (bits 0 and 5 ignored) CH = required-attributes mask (see #01420) SI = date/time format (see #01778) DS:DX -> ASCIZ filespec (both "*" and "*.*" match any filename) ES:DI -> FindData record (see #01779) Return: CF clear if successful AX = filefind handle (needed to continue search) CX = Unicode conversion flags (see #01780) CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported Notes: this function is only available when IFSMgr is running, not under bare MS-DOS 7 the application should close the filefind handle with AX=71A1h as soon as it has completed its search for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit SeeAlso: AH=4Eh,AX=714Fh,AX=71A1h (Table 01778) Values for Windows95 date/time format: 0000h use 64-bit file time format 0001h use MS-DOS date/time values (see #01665,#01666) in low double-word of file time QWORD (date is high word, time is low word of double-word) SeeAlso: #01779 Format of Windows95 long filename FindData record: Offset Size Description (Table 01779) 00h DWORD file attributes bits 0-6 standard DOS attributes (see #01420 at INT 21/AX=4301h) bit 8: temporary file 04h QWORD file creation time (number of 100ns intervals since 1/1/1601) 0Ch QWORD last access time 14h QWORD last modification time 1Ch DWORD file size (high 32 bits) 20h DWORD file size (low 32 bits) 24h 8 BYTEs reserved (apparently unused) 2Ch 260 BYTEs ASCIZ full filename 130h 14 BYTEs ASCIZ short filename (for backward compatibility) Note: under Windows95B, the ASCIZ short filename will be the empty string if the directory does not contain a long filename entry for the file; in that case, the application should use the full filename SeeAlso: #01780 Bitfields for Windows95 Unicode conversion flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01780) 0 the returned full filename contains underscores for un-convertable Unicode characters 1 the returned short filename contains underscores for un-convertable Unicode characters SeeAlso: #01779Top
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - FIND NEXT MATCHING FILE AX = 714Fh BX = filefind handle (from AX=714Eh) SI = date/time format (see #01778) ES:DI -> buffer for FindData record (see #01779) Return: CF clear if successful AH = 4Fh (undocumented) AL destroyed (becomes low byte of filefind handle in Win95B) CX = Unicode conversion flags (see #01780) CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported Notes: this function is only available when IFSMgr is running, not under bare MS-DOS 7 for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit SeeAlso: AH=4Eh,AX=714Eh,AX=71A1h,AX=71A2hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - RENAME FILE AX = 7156h DS:DX -> ASCIZ old file or directory name (long names allowed) ES:DI -> ASCIZ new name (long names allowed) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported Note: the file may be renamed into a different directory, but not across disks SeeAlso: AH=56h,AX=7141h,AX=43FFh/BP=5053hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - "TRUENAME" - CANONICALIZE PATH AX = 7160h CL = 00h CH = SUBST expansion flag 00h return a path containing true path for a SUBSTed drive letter 80h return a path containing the SUBSTed drive letter DS:SI -> ASCIZ filename or path (either long name or short name) ES:DI -> 261-byte buffer for canonicalized name Return: CF set on error AX = error code 02h invalid component in directory path or drive letter only 03h malformed path or invalid drive letter ES:DI buffer unchanged CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled with fully qualified name AX destroyed Desc: determine the canonical name of the specified filename or path, corresponding to the undocumented TRUENAME command in COMMAND.COM Notes: if a complete path is given, the result will be a short-form complete path; otherwise, the given relative path is appended to the short-form current directory name, '.'/'..'/'...'/etc. are resolved, and the final result uppercased without converting any remaining long-form names to short-form for compatibility with DOS versions prior to v7.00, the carry flag should be set on call to ensure that it is set on exit BUG: Windows95 incorrectly treats filenames where the first two characters after the drive letter and colon are both slashes (either forward or backward) as a UNC (network name) and requires several seconds to attempt to resolve the name before returning an unchanged string SeeAlso: AH=60h,AX=7160h/CL=01hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - GET SHORT (8.3) FILENAME FOR FILE AX = 7160h CL = 01h CH = SUBST expansion flag 00h return a path containing true path for a SUBSTed drive letter 80h return a path containing the SUBSTed drive letter DS:SI -> ASCIZ long filename or path ES:DI -> 67-byte (possibly 128-byte) buffer for short filename Return: CF set on error AX = error code 02h invalid component in directory path or drive letter only 03h malformed path or invalid drive letter ES:DI buffer unchanged CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled with equivalent short filename (full path, even if relative path given, and all uppercase) Note: this call returns the short name for any long-filename portions of the provided pathname or filename SeeAlso: AH=60h,AX=7160h/CL=00h,AX=7160h/CL=02hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - GET CANONICAL LONG FILENAME OR PATH AX = 7160h CL = 02h CH = SUBST expansion flag 00h return a path containing true path for a SUBSTed drive letter 80h return a path containing the SUBSTed drive letter DS:SI -> ASCIZ short filename or path ES:DI -> 261-byte buffer for canonicalized long name Return: CF set on error AX = error code 02h invalid component in directory path or drive letter only 03h malformed path or invalid drive letter ES:DI buffer unchanged CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled with qualified long name (can contain lowercase letters) Desc: determine the canonical name of the specified filename or path, corresponding to the undocumented TRUENAME command in COMMAND.COM BUGS: even though the maximum length of a complete long pathname is 260 characters, Windows95 returns CF set/AX=0003h even if the file exists whenever the full pathname is more than 255 characters Windows95 incorrectly treats filenames where the first two characters after the drive letter and colon are both slashes (either forward or backward) as a UNC (network name) and requires several seconds to attempt to resolve the name before returning an unchanged string SeeAlso: AH=60h,AX=7160h/CL=00h,AX=7160h/CL=01hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - CREATE OR OPEN FILE AX = 716Ch BX = access mode and sharing flags (see #01782,also AX=6C00h) CX = attributes DX = action (see #01781) DS:SI -> ASCIZ filename DI = alias hint (number to append to short filename for disambiguation) Return: CF clear if successful AX = file handle CX = action taken 0001h file opened 0002h file created 0003h file replaced CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported SeeAlso: AX=6C00h,AX=7141h,AX=7156h,AX=71A9h Bitfields for Windows95 long-name open action: Bit(s) Description (Table 01781) 0 open file (fail if file does not exist) 1 truncate file if it already exists (fail if file does not exist) 4 create new file if file does not already exist (fail if exists) Note: the only valid combinations of multiple flags are bits 4&0 and 4&1 Bitfields for Windows95 file access/sharing modes: Bit(s) Description (Table 01782) 2-0 file access mode 000 read-only 001 write-only 010 read-write 100 read-only, do not modify file's last-access time 6-4 file sharing modes 7 no-inherit flag 8 do not buffer data (requires that all reads/writes be exact physical sectors) 9 do not compress file even if volume normally compresses files 10 use alias hint in DI as numeric tail for short-name alias 12-11 unused??? (0) 13 return error code instead of generating INT 24h if critical error while opening file 14 commit file after every write operation SeeAlso: #01402Top
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - GET VOLUME INFORMATION AX = 71A0h DS:DX -> ASCIZ root name (e.g. "C:\") ES:DI -> buffer for file system name CX = size of ES:DI buffer Return: CF clear if successful AX destroyed (0000h and 0200h seen) BX = file system flags (see #01783) CX = maximum length of file name [usually 255] DX = maximum length of path [usually 260] ES:DI buffer filled (ASCIZ, e.g. "FAT","NTFS","CDFS") CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported Notes: for the file system name buffer, 32 bytes should be sufficient; that's what is used in some sample code by Walter Oney from Microsoft. this function accesses the disk the first time it is called BUG: this function returns DX=0000h for CD-ROM drives under Win95 SP1 SeeAlso: AX=714Eh,AX=7160h/CL=00h Bitfields for long filename volume information flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01783) 0 searches are case sensitive 1 preserves case in directory entries 2 uses Unicode characters in file and directory names 3-13 reserved (0) 14 supports DOS long filename functions 15 volume is compressedTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - "FindClose" - TERMINATE DIRECTORY SEARCH AX = 71A1h BX = filefind handle (from AX=714Eh) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported Notes: this function must be called after starting a search with AX=714Eh, to indicate that the search handle returned by that function will no longer be used this function is only available when IFSMgr is running, not under bare MS-DOS 7 SeeAlso: AH=4Eh,AX=714Eh,AX=714FhTop
INT 21 U - Windows95 - internal - LONG FILENAME - FIND NEXT MATCHING FILE AX = 71A2h BX = filefind handle (from AX=714Eh) SI = date/time format (see #01778) ES:DI -> buffer for FindData record (see #01779) Return: CF clear if successful AX = 71A2h CX = Unicode conversion flags (see #01780) CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported Notes: this function is only available when IFSMgr is running, not under bare MS-DOS 7; it is functionally identical to AX=714Fh documented as "for internal use by Windows 95 only"Top
INT 21 U - Windows95 - internal AX = 71A3h ??? Return: ??? Note: documented as "for internal use by Windows 95 only"Top
INT 21 U - Windows95 - internal AX = 71A4h ??? Return: ??? Note: documented as "for internal use by Windows 95 only"Top
INT 21 U - Windows95 - internal AX = 71A5h ??? Return: ??? Note: documented as "for internal use by Windows 95 only"Top
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - GET FILE INFO BY HANDLE AX = 71A6h BX = file handle DS:DX -> buffer for file information (see #01784) CF set Return: CF clear if successful file information record filled CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported SeeAlso: AX=71A7h/BL=00h Format of Windows95 file information: Offset Size Description (Table 01784) 00h DWORD file attributes 04h QWORD creation time (0 = unsupported) 0Ch QWORD last access time (0 = unsupported) 14h QWORD last write time 1Ch DWORD volume serial number 20h DWORD high 32 bits of file size 24h DWORD low 32 bits of file size 28h DWORD number of links to file 2Ch DWORD unique file identifier (high 32 bits) 30h DWORD unique file identifier (low 32 bits) Note: the file identifer and volume serial number together uniquely identify a file while it is open; the identifier may change when the system is restarted or the file is first openedTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - FILE TIME TO DOS TIME AX = 71A7h BL = 00h DS:SI -> QWORD file time Return: CF clear if successful CX = DOS time (see #01665) DX = DOS date (see #01666) BH = hundredths (10-millisecond units past time in CX) CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported Desc: convert Win95 64-bit file time (UTC) into DOS-style date and time (local timezone) Note: the conversion fails if the file time's value is outside the range 01jan1980 and 31dec2107 SeeAlso: AX=71A6h,AX=71A7h/BL=01hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - DOS TIME TO FILE TIME AX = 71A7h BL = 01h CX = DOS time (see #01665) DX = DOS date (see #01666) BH = hundredths (10-millisecond units past time in CX) ES:DI -> buffer for QWORD file time Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported Desc: convert DOS-style date and time (local timezone) into Win95 64-bit file time (UTC) SeeAlso: AX=71A6h,AX=71A7h/BL=00hTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - GENERATE SHORT FILENAME AX = 71A8h DS:SI -> ASCIZ long filename (no path allowed!) ES:DI -> buffer for ASCIZ short filename DH = short name's format 00h 11-char directory entry/FCB filename format 01h DOS 8.3 DL = character sets bits 7-4: short name's character set (see #01785) bits 3-0: long name's character set (see #01785) Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported Note: this function uses the same algorithm as the filesystem except that the returned name never has a numeric tail for disambiguation SeeAlso: AX=7160h/CL=00h,AX=7160h/CL=02h,AX=71A7h/BL=00h (Table 01785) Values for Windows95 filename character set: 00h Windows ANSI 01h current OEM character set 02h UnicodeTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - SERVER CREATE OR OPEN FILE AX = 71A9h BX = access mode and sharing flags (see #01782,also AX=6C00h) CX = attributes DX = action (see #01781) DS:SI -> ASCIZ filename DI = alias hint (number to append to short filename for disambiguation) Return: CF clear if successful AX = global file handle CX = action taken 0001h file opened 0002h file created 0003h file replaced CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported Note: for use by real-mode servers only SeeAlso: AX=6C00h,AX=716ChTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - CREATE SUBST AX = 71AAh BH = 00h BL = drive number (00h = default, 01h = A:, etc.) DS:DX -> ASCIZ pathname to associate with drive letter Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported SeeAlso: AX=71AAh/BH=01h,AX=71AAh/BH=02h,INT 2F/AX=1000h,#01643Top
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - TERMINATE SUBST AX = 71AAh BH = 01h BL = drive number (01h = A:, etc.) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported Note: the specified drive number may not be 00h (default), and presumably not the current drive either SeeAlso: AX=71AAh/BH=00h,AX=71AAh/BH=02h,INT 2F/AX=1000h,#01643Top
INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - QUERY SUBST AX = 71AAh BH = 02h BL = drive number (01h = A:, etc.) DS:DX -> buffer for ASCIZ pathname associated with drive letter Return: CF clear if successful DS:DX buffer filled CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7100h if function not supported Note: the specified drive number may not be 00h (default drive) SeeAlso: AX=71AAh/BH=00h,AX=71AAh/BH=01h,INT 2F/AX=1000h,#01643Top
INT 21 - Windows95 beta - LFN-FindClose AH = 72h details not available Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680) 7200h if function not supported (e.g. under bare MS-DOS 7) Note: this function was present in beta versions of Windows95, but is probably not present in the release version SeeAlso: AX=71A1hTop
INT 21 - MS-DOS 7 - DRIVE LOCKING AND FLUSHING AH = 73h DL = drive (0=current, 1=A:, etc.) CL = which flag to get or set 00h drive flag??? 01h drive's dirty-buffers flag AL = subfunction 00h get indicated flag 01h set ??? CH = new value for indicated flag bit 1: ??? (CL=00h only) bit 3: dirty buffers exist for selected drive (CL=01h only) Return: CF clear if successful for AL=00h: AL = value of CL on entry for CL=00h: AH = new flag and 06h (i.e. bits 1 and 2 used) for CL=01h: AH = new flag and 08h (i.e. bit 3 used) (flag being taken from a table of bytes) CF set on error AX = error code (01h,0Fh,etc.) (see #01680) 7300h if function not supported Note: these two subfunctions are available even when only the MS-DOS kernel is runningTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - FAT32 - "Get_ExtDPB" - GET EXTENDED DPB AX = 7302h DL = drive number (00h=default, 01h=A:, etc.) ES:DI -> buffer for returned data (see #01786) CX = length of buffer (003Fh for Windows95) SI = signature (undocumented, must be F1A6h to get device driver address and next-DBP pointer) (see #01787) Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled CF set on error AX = error code 0018h bad buffer length SeeAlso: AX=7303h,AX=7304h,AH=1Fh,AH=32h Format of Get_ExtDPB data buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 01786) 00h WORD (call) length of following data (003Dh) 02h 61 BYTEs (ret) drive parameter block (DPB) (see #01787) Format of Extended Drive Parameter Block: Offset Size Description (Table 01787) 00h 24 BYTEs standard DOS 4+ DPB 18h BYTE "dpb_flags" (undocumented) FFh force media check 19h DWORD pointer to next DPB (see note) 1Dh WORD cluster at which to start search for free space when writing, usually the last cluster allocated 1Fh WORD number of free clusters on drive, FFFFh = unknown 21h WORD high word of free cluster count 23h WORD active FAT/mirroring bit 7: do not mirror active FAT to inactive FATs bits 6-4: reserved (0) bits 3-0: the 0-based FAT number of the active FAT (only meaningful if mirroring disabled) 25h WORD sector number of file system information sector, or FFFFh for none (see also #01788) 27h WORD sector number of backup boot sector, or FFFFh for none 29h DWORD first sector number of the first cluster 2Dh DWORD maximum cluster number 31h DWORD number of sectors occupied by FAT 35h DWORD cluster number of start of root directory 39h DWORD cluster number at which to start searching for free space Notes: except for offset 18h, all of the first 33 bytes are identical to the standard DOS 4-6 DPB unless the proper value is given in SI on entry to "Get_ExtDBP", the next-DPB pointer and device driver address are set to 0000h:0000h SeeAlso: #01786,#01395 at AH=32h,#01664 Format of File System Information structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01788) 00h DWORD signature 61417272h 04h DWORD number of free clusters (FFFFFFFFh if unknown) 08h DWORD most recently allocated cluster 0Ch 12 BYTEs reserved SeeAlso: #01787Top
INT 21 - Windows95 - FAT32 - GET EXTENDED FREE SPACE ON DRIVE AX = 7303h DS:DX -> ASCIZ string for drive ("C:\" or "\\SERVER\Share") ES:DI -> buffer for extended free space structure (see #01789) CX = length of buffer for extended free space Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled CF set on error AX = error code Notes: on DOS versions which do not support the FAT32 calls, this function returns CF clear/AL=00h (which is the DOS v1+ method for reporting unimplemented functions) under DOS 7.x (i.e. "MSDOS Mode" under Windows95), the ASCIZ string pointed at by DS:DX *must* include the drive letter, or this function will return CF set/AX=0015h (invalid drive). In a DOS box, omitting the drive letter (DS:DX -> "\") results in the free space for the current default drive, as expected BUG: this function returns a maximum of 2GB free space even on an FAT32 partition larger than 2GB under some versions of Win95 and Win98, apparently by limiting the number of reported free clusters to no more than 64K -- but only in a DOS window if a TSR has hooked INT 21h SeeAlso: AX=7302h,AX=7304h,AX=7305h,AH=36h Format of extended free space structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01789) 00h WORD (ret) size of returned structure 02h WORD (call) structure version (0000h) (ret) actual structure version (0000h) 04h DWORD number of sectors per cluster (with adjustment for compression) 08h DWORD number of bytes per sector 0Ch DWORD number of available clusters 10h DWORD total number of clusters on the drive 14h DWORD number of physical sectors available on the drive, without adjustment for compression 18h DWORD total number of physical sectors on the drive, without adjustment for compression 1Ch DWORD number of available allocation units, without adjustment for compression 20h DWORD total allocation units, without adjustment for compression 24h 8 BYTEs reservedTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - FAT32 - Set DPB TO USE FOR FORMATTING AX = 7304h DL = drive number (00h=default, 01h=A:, etc.) CX = size of buffer (must be at least 18h) ES:DI -> buffer for Set_DPBforFormat structure (see #01790) Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer updated CF set on error AX = error code (18h = bad length in CX) SeeAlso: AX=7302h,AX=7303h,AX=7305h Format of Set_DPBforFormat structure: Offset Size Description (Table 01790) 00h WORD (call) size 02h WORD (call) structure version??? (0000h) (ret) ??? 04h DWORD (call) function number 00h invalidate DPB counts 01h rebuild DPB from BPB 02h force media change (next access to drive rebuild DPB) 03h get/set active FAT number and mirroring 04h get/set root directory cluster number ---function 00h--- 08h DWORD new DPB free count (00000000h=no change, FFFFFFFFh=unknown) 0Ch DWORD new DPB next-free (00000000h=no change, FFFFFFFFh=unknown) 10h DWORD unused 14h DWORD unused ---function 01h--- 08h DWORD unused??? 0Ch DWORD (call) -> BIOS Parameter Block from which to rebuild DPB 10h DWORD unused 14h DWORD unused ---function 02h--- 08h DWORD unused 0Ch DWORD unused 10h DWORD unused 14h DWORD unused ---function 03h--- 08h DWORD (call) new active FAT/mirroring state, or FFFFFFFFh to get bits 3-0: the 0-based FAT number of the active FAT bits 6-4: reserved (0) bit 7: do not mirror active FAT to inactive FATs 0Ch DWORD (ret) previous active FAT/mirroring state (as above) 10h DWORD unused 14h DWORD unused ---function 04h--- 08h DWORD (call) new root directory cluster number FFFFFFFFh to get current 0Ch DWORD (ret) previous root directory cluster number 10h DWORD unused 14h DWORD unusedTop
INT 21 - Windows95 - FAT32 - EXTENDED ABSOLUTE DISK READ/WRITE AX = 7305h CX = FFFFh DL = drive number (01h=A:, etc.) SI = read/write mode flags (see #01791) DS:BX -> disk I/O packet (see #02548 at INT 25) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code Note: one can not specify the default drive (DL=00h) for this function. SeeAlso: AX=7302h,AX=7304h,INT 25,INT 26 Bitfields for Extended Absolute Disk Read/Write mode flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01791) 0 direction (0=read, 1=write) 12-1 reserved (0) 14-13 write type (should be 00 on reads) 00 unknown data 01 FAT data 10 directory data 11 file data 15 reserved (0)Top
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "AEXEC" - EXECUTE PROGRAM IN BACKGROUND AH = 80h CX = mode 0000h place child in zombie mode on exit to preserve exit code 0001h discard child process and exit code on termination DS:DX -> ASCIZ full program name ES:BX -> parameter block (as for AX=4B00h) Return: CF clear if successful AX = Command Subgroup ID (CSID) CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Program: European MS-DOS 4.0 was written for Siemens in Germany and then used by several other European OEMs; its release falls between mainstream versions 3.2 and 3.3 Desc: asynchronously execute a program, creating a new process for it Notes: this function is called by the DETACH command there is a system-wide limit of 32 processes the CSID is used to identify all processes that have been spawned by a given process, whether directly or indirectly programs to be run in the background must use the new executable format (see #01596 at AH=4Bh) background processes may only perform asynchronous (background) EXECs, either this function or AX=4B04h background processes may execute INT 11, INT 12, INT 21, INT 2A, and INT 2F at any time; they may execute INT 10 and INT 16 only while they have opened a popup screen via INT 2F/AX=1401h; no other interrupts may be executed from the background background processes may not use drive B: or overlay their code segments see AX=8700h for an installation check the "NE" new executable format made its first appearance in European MS-DOS 4.0 SeeAlso: AH=4Bh,AH=87h,INT 2F/AX=1400h"POPUP"Top
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "FREEZE" - STOP A PROCESS AH = 81h BX = flag (00h freeze command subtree, 01h only specified process) CX = Process ID of head of command subtree Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (no such process) Desc: temporarily suspend a process or a process and all of its children Note: if BX=0001h, this call will not return until the process is actually frozen, which may not be until after it unblocks from an I/O operation SeeAlso: AH=82h,AH=89h,AX=8E00h,INT 15/AX=101DhTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "RESUME" - RESTART A PROCESS AH = 82h BX = flag (00h resume command subtree, 01h only specified process) CX = Process ID of head of command subtree Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (no such process) Desc: restart a previously-suspended process or a process and all of its children SeeAlso: AH=81h,INT 15/AX=101EhTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "PARTITION" - GET/SET FOREGROUND PARTITION SIZE AH = 83h AL = function 00h get size 01h set new size BX = new size in paragraphs Return: CF clear if successful BX = current size (function 00h) or old size (function 01h) CF set on error AX = error code (01h,07h,0Dh)(see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Desc: specify or determine how much memory may be allocated by the foreground process Note: if the partition size is set to 0000h, no partition management is done and all memory allocation is compatible with DOS 3.2. the partition size can be changed regardless of what use is being made of the changed memory; subsequent allocations will follow the partition rules (foreground processes may allocate only foreground memory; background processes allocate background memory first, then foreground memory) SeeAlso: AH=48h,AH=4AhTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "CREATMEM" - CREATE A SHARED MEMORY AREA AX = 8400h BX = size in bytes (0000h = 65536) CX = flags bit 6: zero-initialize segment DS:DX -> ASCIZ name (must begin with "\SHAREMEM\") Return: CF clear if successful AX = segment address of shared memory global object CF set on error AX = error code (06h,08h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Desc: create an area of memory which may be accessed by multiple processes Notes: shared memory objects are created as special files (thus the restriction on the name) on successful creation, the reference count is set to 1 SeeAlso: AX=8401h,AX=8402h,INT 15/AX=DE19hTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "GETMEM" - OBTAIN ACCESS TO SHARED MEMORY AREA AX = 8401h CX = flags bit 7: writable segment (ignored by MS-DOS 4.0) DS:DX -> ASCIZ name (must begin with "\SHAREMEM\") Return: CF clear if successful AX = segment address of shared memory global object CX = size in bytes CF set on error AX = error code (invalid name) Desc: get address of a previously-created area of memory which may be accessed by multiple processes Note: this call increments the reference count for the shared memory area SeeAlso: AX=8400h,AX=8402hTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "RELEASEMEM" - FREE SHARED MEMORY AREA AX = 8402h BX = handle (segment address of shared memory object) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (no such name) Desc: indicate that the specified area of shared memory will no longer be used by the caller Note: the reference count is decremented and the shared memory area is deallocated if the new reference count is zero SeeAlso: AX=8400h,AX=8401h,INT 15/AX=DE19hTop
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 85h ??? Return: ???Top
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "SETFILETABLE" - INSTALL NEW FILE HANDLE TABLE AH = 86h BX = total number of file handles in new table Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (06h,08h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Desc: adjust the size of the per-process open file table, thus raising or lowering the limit on the number of files the caller can open simultaneously Notes: any currently-open files are copied to the new table if the table is increased beyond the default 20 handles, only the first 20 will be inherited by child processes error 06h is returned if the requested number of handles exceeds system limits or would require closing currently-open files SeeAlso: AH=26h,AH=67hTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "GETPID" - GET PROCESS IDENTIFIER AH = 87h Return: AX = PID BX = parent process's PID CX = Command Subgroup ID (CSID) Program: European MS-DOS 4.0 was written for Siemens in Germany and then used by several other European OEMs; its release falls between mainstream versions 3.2 and 3.3 Desc: determine an identifier by which to access the calling process Notes: called by MS C v5.1 getpid() function this function apparently must return AX=0001h for INT 21/AH=80h to succeed one possible check for European MS-DOS 4.0 is to issue this call with AL=00h and check whether AL is nonzero on return SeeAlso: AH=30h,AH=62h,AH=80h Index: installation check;European MS-DOS 4.0Top
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 88h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=87hTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - SLEEP AH = 89h CX = time in milliseconds or 0000h to give up time slice Return: CF clear if successful CX = 0000h CF set on error AX = error code (interrupted system call) CX = sleep time remaining Desc: suspend the calling process for the specified duration Notes: the sleep interval is rounded up to the next higher increment of the scheduler clock, and may be extended further if other processes are running this call may be interrupted by signals (see AH=8Dh) reportedly called by Microsoft C 4.0 startup code background processes have higher priority than the foreground process, and should thus periodically yield the CPU SeeAlso: AH=81h,INT 15/AX=1000h,INT 2F/AX=1680h,INT 7A/BX=000AhTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "CWAIT" - WAIT FOR CHILD TO TERMINATE AH = 8Ah BL = range (00h command subtree, 01h any child) BH = suspend flag 00h suspend if children exist but none are dead 01h return if no dead children CX = Process ID of head of command subtree Return: CF clear if successful AH = termination type (see #01792) AL = return code from child or aborting signal BX = PID of child (0000h if no dead children) CF set on error AX = error code (no child,interrupted system call) Desc: get return code from an asynchronously-executed child program, optionally waiting if no return code is available SeeAlso: AH=4Bh,AH=4Dh,AH=80h,AH=8Dh (Table 01792) Values for termination type: 00h normal termination 01h aborted by Control-C 02h aborted by I/O error 03h terminate and stay resident 04h aborted by signal 05h aborted by program errorTop
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 8Bh ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=87hTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - SET SIGNAL HANDLER AH = 8Ch AL = signal number (see #01793) BL = action (see #01794) DS:DX -> signal handler (see #01795) Return: CF clear if successful AL = previous action ES:BX -> previous signal handler CF set on error AX = error code (01h,invalid SigNumber or Action) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Desc: set the routine which will be invoked on a number of exceptional conditions Note: all signals will be sent to the most recently installed handler SeeAlso: AH=8Dh (Table 01793) Values for European MS-DOS 4.0 signal number: 01h SIGINTR Control-C or user defined interrupt key 08h SIGTERM program termination 09h SIGPIPE broken pipe 0Dh SIGUSER1 reserved for user definition 0Eh SIGUSER2 reserved for user definition (Table 01794) Values for signal action: 00h SIG_DFL terminate process on receipt 01h SIG_IGN ignore signal 02h SIG_GET signal is accepted 03h SIG_ERR sender gets error 04h SIG_ACK acknowledge received signal and clear it, but don't change current setting (Table 01795) Values signal handler is called with: AL = signal number (see #01793) AH = signal argument Return: RETF, CF set: terminate process RETF, CF clear, ZF set: abort any interrupted system call with an error RETF, CF clear, ZF clear: restart any interrupted system call IRET: restart any interrupted system call Note: the signal handler may also perform a nonlocal GOTO by resetting the stack pointer and jumping; before doing so, it should dismiss the signal by calling this function with BL=04hTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - SEND SIGNAL AH = 8Dh AL = signal number (see #01793) BH = signal argument BL = action 00h send to entire command subtree 01h send only to specified process DX = Process ID Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (01h,06h)(see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Desc: invoke the exceptional-condition handler for the specified process Note: error 06h may be returned if one or more of the affected processes have an error handler for the signal SeeAlso: AH=8ChTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "SETPRI" - GET/SET PROCESS PRIORITY AX = 8E00h BH = 00h BL = action 00h set priority for command subtree 01h set priority for specified process only CX = Process ID DH = 00h DL = change in priority (00h to get priority) Return: CF clear if successful DL = process priority DH destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (01h,no such process)(see #01680 at AH=59h) Desc: specify or determine the execution priority of the specified process or the process and all of its children SeeAlso: AH=81hTop
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 8Fh ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=87hTop
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 90h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=87hTop
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 91h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=87hTop
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 92h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=87hTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "PIPE" - CREATE A NEW PIPE AH = 93h CX = size in bytes Return: CF clear if successful AX = read handle BX = write handle CF set on error AX = error code (08h) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) Desc: create a communications channel which may be used for interprocess data and command exchanges SeeAlso: AH=3Ch,AH=3Fh"DOS",AH=40h"DOS",AH=84hTop
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 94h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=87hTop
INT 21 - European MS-DOS 4.0 - HARD ERROR PROCESSING AH = 95h AL = new state 00h enabled 01h disabled, automatically fail hard errors Return: AX = previous setting Desc: specify whether hard (critical) errors should automatically fail the system call or invoke an INT 24 SeeAlso: INT 24,INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0001hTop
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 96h ??? Return: ???Top
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 97h ??? Return: ???Top
INT 21 U - European MS-DOS 4.0 - ??? AH = 98h ??? Return: ???Top
INT 21 u - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "PBLOCK" - BLOCK A PROCESS AH = 99h DS:BX -> memory location to block on CX = timeout in milliseconds DH = nonzero if interruptable Return: CF clear if awakened by event AX = 0000h CF set if unusual wakeup ZF set if timeout, clear if interrupted by signal AX = nonzero Desc: suspend calling process until another process sends a "restart" signal or a timeout occurs SeeAlso: AH=9Ah,INT 2F/AX=0802hTop
INT 21 u - European MS-DOS 4.0 - "PRUN" - UNBLOCK A PROCESS AH = 9Ah DS:BX -> memory location processes may have blocked on Return: AX = number of processes awakened ZF set if no processes awakened Program: European MS-DOS 4.0 was written for Siemens in Germany and then used by several other European OEMs; its release falls between mainstream versions 3.2 and 3.3 Desc: restart all processes waiting for the specified "restart" signal SeeAlso: AH=99h,INT 2F/AX=0802hTop
INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - SET OEM INT 21 HANDLER AH = F8h DS:DX -> OEM INT 21 handler for functions F9h to FFh FFFFh:FFFFh disables OEM handler Notes: this function is known to be supported by Toshiba T1000 ROM MS-DOS v2.11, Sanyo MS-DOS v2.11, and TI Professional Computer DOS v2.13 at least potentially this is still available with (OEM versions??? of) MS-DOS 6.0. calls to AH=F9h through AH=FFH will return AL=00h if no handler set the user handler is called immediately on entry to the main DOS INT 21h function dispatcher with interrupts disabled and all registers and stack exactly as set by caller; it should exit with IRET SeeAlso: AH=F9h"OEM"Top
INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION AH = F9h Return: AL = 00h if no OEM function handler installed (see AH=F8h"OEM") SeeAlso: AH=F8h"OEM",AH=FAh"OEM"Top
INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION AH = FAh Return: AL = 00h if no OEM function handler installed (see AH=F8h"OEM") SeeAlso: AH=F8h"OEM",AH=F9h"OEM",AH=FBh"OEM"Top
INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION AH = FBh Return: AL = 00h if no OEM function handler installed (see AH=F8h"OEM") SeeAlso: AH=F8h"OEM",AH=FAh"OEM",AH=FCh"OEM"Top
INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION AH = FCh Return: AL = 00h if no OEM function handler installed (see AH=F8h"OEM") SeeAlso: AH=F8h"OEM",AH=FBh"OEM",AH=FDh"OEM"Top
INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION AH = FDh Return: AL = 00h if no OEM function handler installed (see AH=F8h"OEM") SeeAlso: AH=F8h"OEM",AH=FCh"OEM",AH=FEh"OEM"Top
INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION AH = FEh Return: AL = 00h if no OEM function handler installed (see AH=F8h"OEM") SeeAlso: AH=F8h"OEM",AH=FDh"OEM",AH=FFh"OEM"Top
INT 21 - DOS v2.11-2.13 - OEM FUNCTION AH = FFh Return: AL = 00h if no OEM function handler installed (see AH=F8h"OEM") SeeAlso: AH=F8h"OEM",AH=FEh"OEM"Top
INT 22 - DOS 1+ - PROGRAM TERMINATION ADDRESS Desc: this vector specifies the address of the routine which is to be given control after a program is terminated; it should never be called directly, since it does not point at an interrupt handler Notes: this vector is restored from the DWORD at offset 0Ah in the PSP during termination, and then a FAR JMP is performed to the address in INT 22 normally points at the instruction immediately following INT 21/AH=4Bh call which loaded the current program SeeAlso: INT 20,INT 21/AH=00h,INT 21/AH=31h,INT 21/AH=4ChTop
INT 23 - DOS 1+ - CONTROL-C/CONTROL-BREAK HANDLER ---DOS 1.x--- Return: AH = 00h abort program if all registers preserved, restart DOS call ---DOS 2+--- CF clear Return: all registers preserved return via RETF with CF set or (MS-DOS 1,DR DOS) RETF 2 with CF set DOS will abort program with errorlevel 0 else (RETF/RETF 2 with CF clear or IRET with CF ignored) interrupted DOS call is restarted Notes: this interrupt is invoked whenever DOS detects a ^C or ^Break; it should never be called directly MS-DOS 1.25 also invokes INT 23 on a divide overflow (INT 00) MS-DOS remembers the stack pointer before calling INT 23, and if it is not the same on return, pops and discards the top word; this is what permits a return with RETF as well as IRET or RETF 2 MS-DOS 2.1+ ignores the returned CF if SP is the same on return as it was when DOS called INT 23, so RETF 2 will not terminate the program Novell DOS 7 always pops a word if CF is set on return, so one should not return with RETF 2 and CF set or IRET with the stored flags' CF set any DOS call may safely be made within the INT 23 handler, although the handler must check for a recursive invocation if it does call DOS SeeAlso: INT 1B,INT 21/AH=92h"PTS-DOS"Top
INT 24 C - DOS 1+ - CRITICAL ERROR HANDLER Notes: invoked when a critical (usually hardware) error is encountered by DOS (see #02543); should never be called directly when DOS terminates a program, it copies the previous value of the INT 24 vector out of the PSP (see #01378) and into the interrupt vector table SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=95h,INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h,INT 21/AH=92h"PTS-DOS" (Table 02543) Values critical error handler is called with: AH = type and processing flags (see #02544) AL = drive number if AH bit 7 clear BP:SI -> device driver header (see #01646 at INT 21/AH=52h) (BP:[SI+4] bit 15 set if character device) DI low byte contains error code if AH bit 7 set (see #02545) STACK: DWORD return address for INT 24 call WORD flags pushed by INT 24 WORD original AX on entry to INT 21 WORD BX WORD CX WORD DX WORD SI WORD DI WORD BP WORD DS WORD ES DWORD return address for INT 21 call WORD flags pushed by INT 21 Return: AL = action code (see #02546) SS,SP,DS,ES,BX,CX,DX preserved Notes: the only DOS calls the handler may make are INT 21/AH=01h-0Ch,30h,59h if the handler returns to the application by popping the stack, DOS will be in an unstable state until the first call with AH > 0Ch for DOS 3.1+, IGNORE (AL=00h) is turned into FAIL (AL=03h) on network critical errors if IGNORE specified but not allowed, it is turned into FAIL if RETRY specified but not allowed, it is turned into FAIL if FAIL specified but not allowed, it is turned into ABORT (DOS 3.0+) if a critical error occurs inside the critical error handler, the DOS call is automatically failed (AL set to 03h and the INT 24 call skipped) The initial critical error handler is located in the kernel and always results in FAIL. However, by default it is replaced by the critical error handler in the command interpreter when it loads. This can be suppressed (e.g. for BBS systems) by loading the primary DOS 3.00+ COMMAND.COM shell with the undocumented option /F 'Fail'. This syntax is also supported with PTS/DOS 6.51+, S/DOS 1.0+, and DR-OpenDOS 7.02+ (1997-11-13) COMMAND.COM, as well as 4DOS.COM/NDOS.COM. OpenDOS 7.01+ COMMAND.COM (1997-03-21) introduced this under /N, which is still supported by newer releases (although it has a slightly different meaning now). BUG: DR DOS COMMAND.COM before 1998-05-07 caused incorrect error messages to occur if the error code had a non-zero MSB (e.g. NWCDEX's "IO error reading from device" instead of the correct "not ready error"). This was fixed with the DR-OpenDOS 7.03 COMMAND.COM now passing the full error code to any critical error handlers. Bitfields for critical error type and processing flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 02544) 7 class =0 disk I/O error =1 -- if block device, bad FAT image in memory -- if char device, error code in DI 6 unused 5 Ignore allowed (DOS 3.0+) 4 Retry allowed (DOS 3.0+) 3 Fail allowed (DOS 3.0+) 2-1 disk area of error 00 = DOS area 01 = FAT 10 = root dir 11 = data area 0 set if write, clear if read Note: Abort is always allowed SeeAlso: #02545,#02546 (Table 02545) Values for critical error code: 00h (0) write-protection violation attempted 01h (1) unknown unit for driver 02h (2) drive not ready 03h (3) unknown command given to driver 04h (4) data error (bad CRC) 05h (5) bad device driver request structure length 06h (6) seek error 07h (7) unknown media type (non-DOS disk) 08h (8) sector not found 09h (9) printer out of paper 0Ah (10) write fault 0Bh (11) read fault 0Ch (12) general failure 0Dh (13) (DOS 3.0+, "multitasking" DOS, PTS-DOS & S/DOS) sharing violation 0Eh (14) (DOS 3.0+) lock violation 0Fh (15) invalid disk change / wrong disk 10h (16) (DOS 3.0+) FCB unavailable 10h (16) uncertain media 11h (17) (DOS 3.0+) sharing buffer overflow 11h (17) character call interrupted 12h (18) (DOS 4.0+) code page mismatch 13h (19) (DOS 4.0+) out of input 14h (20) (DOS 4.0+) insufficient disk space Note: Critical error codes 00h..0Ch are the traditional codes reported through INT 24. These code assignments are mapped to error codes 13h..1Fh reported by INT21/AH=59h (see #01680). Similarly, the DOS 3.x critical error codes 0Dh..11h are mapped to INT21/AH=59h error codes 20h..24h, however, the DOS 4.0+ critical error codes are not mapped. BUG: Paragon Technology Systems' S/DOS 1.0 sources (a stripped down issue of PTS-DOS 6.51 with sources on CD) erroneously list DOS INT 24 error codes 12h..14h as 11h..13h, however, since the sources do not make use of these defines, this seems to be only a documentation error. SeeAlso: #02544,#02546,#01680 (Table 02546) Values for critical error handler action code: 00h ignore error and continue processing request 01h retry operation 02h terminate program as though INT 21/AH=4Ch called (INT 20h for DOS 1.x) 03h fail system call in progress (DOS 3+) SeeAlso: #02544,#02546Top
INT 25 - DOS 1+ - ABSOLUTE DISK READ (except partitions > 32M) AL = drive number (00h = A:, 01h = B:, etc) CX = number of sectors to read (not FFFFh) DX = starting logical sector number (0000h - highest sector on drive) DS:BX -> buffer for data Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status (see #02547) AL = error code (same as passed to INT 24 in DI) AX = 0207h if more than 64K sectors on drive -- use new-style call may destroy all other registers except segment registers Notes: original flags are left on stack, and must be popped by caller this call bypasses the DOS filesystem examination of CPWIN386.CPL indicates that if this call fails with error 0408h on an old-style (<32M) call, one should retry the call with the high bit of the drive number in AL set Novell DOS 7 decides whether the old-style or new-style (>32M) version of INT 25 must be used solely on the basis of the partition's size, thus forcing use of the new-style call even for data in the first 32M of the partition PC Tools MIRROR as shipped with MS-DOS 5.0+ checks several signatures at the beginning of INT 25h and INT 26h before it starts to patch these vectors. The signatures it looks for are 83h, F9h, FFh, 74h (CMP CX,-01; JZ ????) at offset +1 from the INT 25h/26h entry points and 2Eh, FFh, 2Eh (JMP DWORD PTR CS:[????]) at the location pointed to by the JZ ????. If it finds these signatures it will use the target address of the far jump for its sub-sequent checks, otherwise it will just take the previous interrupt entry points when scanning for FAh, 2Eh, 8Ch, 16h (CLI; MOV CS:????,SS) or FAh, 2Eh, 89h, 26h (CLI; MOV CS:????,SP) right at the beginning. Hence, it seems the first two checks are to trace through a specific INT 25h/26h filter. However, the purpose of the whole patch is unknown. A method to detect the actual assignments of logical drive numbers to physical BIOS drive units (for example to detect the boot drive), is to temporarily mount an INT 13h handler recording the used DL drive unit for any INT 13/AH=02h read operations and discarding any attempts to access actual floppy drives. Then call INT 25h for all the appropriate DOS drives and watch the results recorded by the INT 13h interceptor. Although all registers except segment registers may be destroyed some software depends on some of the registers being preserved. For example some Flash disk drivers requires that DX is not trashed. DR-DOS 7.03 takes care of this. BUGS: DOS 3.1 through 3.3 set the word at ES:[BP+1Eh] to FFFFh if AL is an invalid drive number DR DOS 3.41 will return with a jump instead of RETF, leaving the wrong number of bytes on the stack; use the huge-partition version (INT 25/CX=FFFFh) for all partition sizes under DR DOS 3.41 DR DOS 6.0 original issues 05/1991 & 08/1991 reported wrong error codes for "drive not ready" and "write protect". This was fixed with the DR DOS BDOS patch "PAT321" (1992/02/19, XDIR /C: 947Bh), and later "full" rebuilds (see INT 21/AX=4452h for details). SeeAlso: INT 13/AH=02h,INT 25/CX=FFFFh,INT 26,INT 21/AX=7305h,INT 21/AH=90h"PTS" (Table 02547) Values for disk I/O status: 80h device failed to respond (timeout) 40h seek operation failed 20h controller failed 10h data error (bad CRC) 08h DMA failure 04h requested sector not found 03h write-protected disk (INT 26 only) 02h bad address mark 01h bad commandTop
INT 25 - DOS 3.31+ - ABSOLUTE DISK READ (32M-2047M hard-disk partition) CX = FFFFh AL = drive number (0=A, 1=B, etc) DS:BX -> disk read packet (see #02548) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status (see #02547) AL = error code (same as passed to INT 24 in DI) AX = 0207h for FAT32 drive -- use INT 21/AX=7305h may destroy all other registers except segment registers; Win9X always sets SI to 0000h due to an apparent coding bug Notes: partition is potentially >32M (and requires this form of the call) if bit 1 of the device attribute word in the device driver is set original flags are left on stack, and must be removed by caller this call bypasses the DOS filesystem for FAT32 drives (which may be up to 2TB in size), use INT 21/AX=7305h SeeAlso: INT 13/AH=02h,INT 25,INT 26/CX=FFFFh,INT 21/AX=7305h Format of disk read packet: Offset Size Description (Table 02548) 00h DWORD sector number 04h WORD number of sectors to read 06h DWORD transfer address SeeAlso: #02552Top
INT 26 - DOS 1+ - ABSOLUTE DISK WRITE (except partitions > 32M) AL = drive number (00h = A:, 01h = B:, etc) CX = number of sectors to write (not FFFFh) DX = starting logical sector number (0000h - highest sector on drive) DS:BX -> data to write Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status (see #02547) AL = error code (same as passed to INT 24 in DI) AX = 0207h if more than 64K sectors on drive -- use new-style call may destroy all other registers except segment registers Notes: original flags are left on stack, and must be popped by caller this call bypasses the DOS filesystem, though DOS 5+ invalidates any disk buffers referencing sectors which are written with this call examination of CPWIN386.CPL indicates that if this call fails with error 0408h on an old-style (<32M) call, one should retry the call with the high bit of the drive number in AL set Novell DOS 7 decides whether the old-style or new-style (>32M) version of INT 26 must be used solely on the basis of the partition's size, thus forcing use of the new-style call even for data in the first 32M of the partition Windows98 will display an error message and deliberately hang the system on attempted write to any hard disk if neither bit 7 of the Extended Drive Info byte nor bit 6 of "DOS_FLAG" (List-of-Lists+60h) is set Although all registers except segment registers may be destroyed some software depends on some of the registers being preserved. For example some Flash disk drivers requires that DX is not trashed. DR-DOS 7.03 takes care of this. BUGS: DOS 3.1 through 3.3 set the word at ES:[BP+1Eh] to FFFFh if AL is an invalid drive number DR DOS 3.41 will return with a jump instead of RETF, leaving the wrong number of bytes on the stack; use the huge-partition version (INT 26/CX=FFFFh) for all partition sizes under DR DOS 3.41 DR DOS 6.0 original releases 05/1991 & 08/1991 reported wrong error codes for "drive not ready" and "write protect". This was fixed with the DR DOS BDOS patch "PAT321" (1992/02/19, XDIR /C: 947Bh) and later "full" rebuilds (see INT21/AX=4452h for details). SeeAlso: INT 13/AH=03h,INT 25,INT 26/CX=FFFFh,INT 21/AX=7305h,INT 21/AH=91h"PTS"Top
INT 26 - DOS 3.31+ - ABSOLUTE DISK WRITE (32M-2047M hard-disk partition) CX = FFFFh AL = drive number (0=A, 1=B, etc) DS:BX -> disk write packet (see #02552) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status (see #02547) AL = error code (same as passed to INT 24 in DI) may destroy all other registers except segment registers Notes: partition is potentially >32M (and requires this form of the call) if bit 1 of the device attribute word in the device driver is set original flags are left on stack, and must be removed by caller this call bypasses the DOS filesystem, though DOS 5+ invalidates any disk buffers referencing sectors which are written with this call for FAT32 drives (which may be up to 2TB in size), use INT 21/AX=7305h Windows98 will display an error message and deliberately hang the system on attempted write to any hard disk if neither bit 7 of the Extended Drive Info byte nor bit 6 of "DOS_FLAG" (List-of-Lists+60h) is set SeeAlso: INT 13/AH=03h,INT 25/CX=FFFFh,INT 26,INT 21/AX=7305h Format of disk write packet: Offset Size Description (Table 02552) 00h DWORD sector number 04h WORD number of sectors to read 06h DWORD transfer address SeeAlso: #02548Top
INT 27 - DOS 1+ - TERMINATE AND STAY RESIDENT DX = number of bytes to keep resident (max FFF0h) CS = segment of PSP Return: never Notes: this is an obsolete call INT 22, INT 23, and INT 24 are restored from the PSP does not close any open files the minimum number of bytes which will remain resident is 110h for DOS 2.x and 60h for DOS 3.0+; there is no minimum for DOS 1.x, which implements this service in COMMAND.COM rather than the DOS kernel SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=31hTop
INT 28 C - DOS 2+ - DOS IDLE INTERRUPT SS:SP = top of MS-DOS stack for I/O functions Return: all registers preserved Desc: This interrupt is invoked each time one of the DOS character input functions loops while waiting for input. Since a DOS call is in progress even though DOS is actually idle during such input waits, hooking this function is necessary to allow a TSR to perform DOS calls while the foreground program is waiting for user input. The INT 28h handler may invoke any INT 21h function except functions 00h through 0Ch. Notes: under DOS 2.x, the critical error flag (the byte immediately after the InDOS flag) must be set in order to call DOS functions 50h/51h from the INT 28h handler without destroying the DOS stacks. calls to INT 21/AH=3Fh,40h from within an INT 28 handler may not use a handle which refers to CON at the time of the call, the InDOS flag (see INT 21/AH=34h) is normally set to 01h; if larger, DOS is truly busy and should not be reentered the default handler is an IRET instruction supported in OS/2 compatibility box the _MS-DOS_Programmer's_Reference_ for DOS 5.0 incorrectly documents this interrupt as superseded the performance of NetWare Lite servers (and probably other peer-to- peer networks) can be dramatically improved by calling INT 28 frequently from an application's idle loop SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=34h,INT 2A/AH=84h,INT 2F/AX=1680hTop
INT 29 C - DOS 2+ - FAST CONSOLE OUTPUT AL = character to display Return: nothing BX may be destroyed by some versions of DOS 3.3 Notes: automatically called when writing to a device with bit 4 of its device driver header set (see also INT 21/AH=52h) COMMAND.COM v3.2 and v3.3 compare the INT 29 vector against the INT 20 vector and assume that ANSI.SYS is installed if the segment is larger the default handler under DOS 2.x and 3.x simply calls INT 10/AH=0Eh the default handler under DESQview 2.2 understands the <Esc>[2J screen-clearing sequence, calls INT 10/AH=0Eh for all others SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=52h,INT 2F/AX=0802h,INT 79"AVATAR.SYS"Top
INT 2A CU - NETWORK - BEGIN DOS CRITICAL SECTION AH = 80h AL = critical section number (00h-0Fh) (see #02555) Notes: normally hooked to avoid interrupting a critical section, rather than called the handler should ensure that none of the critical sections are reentered, usually by suspending a task which attempts to reenter an active critical section the DOS kernel does not invoke critical sections 01h and 02h unless it is patched. DOS 3.1+ contains a zero-terminated list of words beginning at offset -11 from the Swappable Data Area (see #01687 at INT 21/AX=5D06h); each word contains the offset within the DOS data segment of a byte which must be changed from C3h (RET) to 50h (PUSH AX) under DOS 3.x or from 00h to a nonzero value under DOS 4.0+ to enable use of critical sections. For DOS 4.0+, all words in this list point at the byte at offset 0D0Ch. MS Windows patches the DOS kernel's calls to INT 2A/AH=80h-81h into far calls to its own handler, and does not reflect the calls back to INT 2A unless SYSTEM.INI contains ReflectDOSInt2A=1 or ModifyDOSInt2A=0 in the [386Enh] section Novell NETX does not issue INT 2A/AH=80h and INT 2A/AH=81h calls when it intercepts INT 21 calls and processes them itself SeeAlso: AH=81h,AH=82h,AX=8700h,INT 21/AX=5D06h,INT 21/AX=5D0Bh (Table 02555) Values for DOS critical section number: 01h DOS kernel, SHARE.EXE, DOSMGR apparently for maintaining the integrity of DOS/SHARE/NET data structures 02h DOS kernel, DOSMGR ensures that no multitasking occurs while DOS is calling an installable device driver 05h network redirector 06h DOS 4.x only IFSFUNC 08h ASSIGN.COM 0Ah MSCDEX, CORELCDX 0Fh IBM PC LAN server (while intercepting INT 10/AH=06h,07h,0Eh)Top
INT 2A CU - NETWORK - END DOS CRITICAL SECTION AH = 81h AL = critical section number (00h-0Fh) (see #02555) Notes: normally hooked rather than called the handler should reawaken any tasks which were suspended due to an attempt to enter the specified critical section MS Windows patches the DOS kernel's calls to INT 2A/AH=80h-81h into far calls to its own handler, and does not reflect the calls back to INT 2A unless SYSTEM.INI contains ReflectDOSInt2A=1 or ModifyDOSInt2A=0 in the [386Enh] section SeeAlso: AH=80h,AH=82h,AX=8700hTop
INT 2A CU - NETWORK - END DOS CRITICAL SECTIONS 0 THROUGH 7 AH = 82h Notes: called by the INT 21h function dispatcher for function 0 and functions greater than 0Ch except 59h, and on process termination the handler should reawaken any tasks which were suspended due to an attempt to enter one of the critical sections 0 through 7 SeeAlso: AH=81hTop
INT 2B - DOS 2+ - RESERVED Note: this vector is not used in MS-DOS versions <= 6.22, and points at an IRET instructionTop
INT 2B - IBM ROM-DOS v4.0 - ??? AH = function 00h ??? (modifies data in IBMBIO.COM) 01h internal operations 02h ??? AL = index (00h-0Ch) Return: AX = ??? or (CMOS 2Dh and CMOS 2Eh) 03h get ??? data Return: AX = (CMOS 2Dh and CMOS 2Eh) BX = FFFFh other does nothing Note: function 03h is called by ROMSHELL.COM; if BX != 0, then the ES:DI from INT 2F/AX=1982h points at valid data SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1982hTop
INT 2C - DOS 2+ - RESERVED Note: this vector is not used in DOS versions <= 6.00, and points at an IRETTop
INT 2D - DOS 2+ - RESERVED Note: this vector is not used in DOS versions <= 6.00, and points at an IRET BUG: RM386 v6.00-6.02 (as distributed with Helix's Netroom v3.x) contains a stack bug in its protected-mode INT 2D handler which causes a crash when INT 2D is invoked from V86 modeTop
INT 2F U - DRIVER.SYS support - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 0800h Return: AL = status 00h not installed, OK to install 01h not installed, not OK to install FFh installed Desc: determine whether the internal support code used by DRIVER.SYS is present; it is always present in DOS 3.2+ Note: supported by DR DOS 5.0 and Novell DOS 7Top
INT 2F U - DRIVER.SYS support - ADD NEW BLOCK DEVICE AX = 0801h DS:DI -> drive data table (see #02601,#02602,#02603) Return: AX,BX,SI,ES destroyed Notes: moves down internal list of drive data tables, copying and modifying the drive description flags word for tables referencing same physical drive the data table is appended to the chain of tables supported by DR DOS 5.0 and Novell DOS 7 SeeAlso: AX=0803hTop
INT 2F U - DRIVER.SYS support - EXECUTE DEVICE DRIVER REQUEST AX = 0802h ES:BX -> device driver request header (see #02597) Return: request header updated as per requested operation STACK: WORD original flags from INT call (left by RETF in device driver, at least in DOS 5.0-6.22) Notes: supported by DR DOS 5.0 DOS 3.2 executes this function on any AL value from 02h through F7h; DOS 4.0+ executes this function on AL=02h and AL=04h-F7h the command codes (see #02595) and structures described below apply to all drivers which support the appropriate commands; this call is just one of a number of ways in which a device driver request may be invoked supported by Novell DOS 7 SeeAlso: AX=0800h,AX=0801h,AX=0803h,AX=1510h,INT 21/AH=52h,INT 21/AH=99h SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=9Ah (Table 02595) Values for device driver command code: 00h (0) INIT 01h (1) MEDIA CHECK (block devices) 02h (2) BUILD BPB (block devices) 03h (3) IOCTL INPUT 04h (4) INPUT 05h (5) NONDESTRUCTIVE INPUT, NO WAIT (character devices) 06h (6) INPUT STATUS (character devices) 07h (7) INPUT FLUSH (character devices) 08h (8) OUTPUT 09h (9) OUTPUT WITH VERIFY 0Ah (10) OUTPUT STATUS (character devices) 0Bh (11) OUTPUT FLUSH (character devices) 0Ch (12) IOCTL OUTPUT 0Dh (13) (DOS 3.0+) DEVICE OPEN 0Eh (14) (DOS 3.0+) DEVICE CLOSE 0Fh (15) (DOS 3.0+) REMOVABLE MEDIA (block devices) 10h (16) (DOS 3.0+) OUTPUT UNTIL BUSY (character devices) 11h (17) (European MS-DOS 4.0) STOP OUTPUT (console screen drivers only) 12h (18) (European MS-DOS 4.0) RESTART OUTPUT (console screen drivers only) 13h (19) (DOS 3.2+) GENERIC IOCTL 14h (20) (DOS 4.0, KKCFUNC) DEVICE RESTORE (character device) 15h (21) (European MS-DOS 4.0) RESET UNCERTAIN MEDIA FLAG 16h (22) (DOS 4.0) unknown??? 17h (23) (DOS 3.2+) GET LOGICAL DEVICE 18h (24) (DOS 3.2+) SET LOGICAL DEVICE 19h (25) (DOS 5.0+) CHECK GENERIC IOCTL SUPPORT 80h (128)(CD-ROM,DRFAT32) READ LONG 81h (129)(CD-ROM) reserved 82h (130)(CD-ROM,DRFAT32) READ LONG PREFETCH 83h (131)(CD-ROM,DRFAT32) SEEK 84h (132)(CD-ROM) PLAY AUDIO 85h (133)(CD-ROM) STOP AUDIO 86h (134)(CD-ROM,DRFAT32) WRITE LONG 87h (135)(CD-ROM,DRFAT32) WRITE LONG VERIFY 88h (136)(CD-ROM) RESUME AUDIO Bitfields for device request status: Bit(s) Description (Table 02596) 15 error 14-11 reserved 10 ??? set by DOS kernel on entry to some driver calls 9 busy 8 done (may be clear on return under European MS-DOS 4.0) 7-0 error code if bit 15 set (see #02598) Format of device driver request header: Offset Size Description (Table 02597) 00h BYTE length of request header 01h BYTE subunit within device driver 02h BYTE command code (see #02595) 03h WORD status (filled in by device driver) (see #02596) ---DOS--- 05h 4 BYTEs reserved (unused in DOS 2.x and 3.x) 09h DWORD (European MS-DOS 4.0 only) pointer to next request header in device's request queue (other versions) reserved (unused in DOS 2.x and 3.x) ---STARLITE architecture--- 05h DWORD pointer to next request header 09h 4 BYTEs reserved ---command code 00h--- 0Dh BYTE (ret) number of units 0Eh DWORD (call) pointer to DOS device helper function (see #02599) (European MS-DOS 4.0 only) (call) pointer past end of memory available to driver (DOS 5+) (ret) address of first free byte following driver 12h DWORD (call) pointer to commandline arguments (ret) pointer to BPB array (block drivers) or 0000h:0000h (character drivers) 16h BYTE (DOS 3.0+) drive number for first unit of block driver (0=A) ---European MS-DOS 4.0--- 17h DWORD pointer to function to save registers on stack ---DOS 5+ --- 17h WORD (ret) error-message flag 0001h MS-DOS should display error msg on init failure ---command code 01h--- 0Dh BYTE media descriptor 0Eh BYTE (ret) media status 00h don't know 01h media has not changed FFh media has been changed 0Fh DWORD (ret, DOS 3.0+) pointer to previous volume ID if the OPEN/CLOSE/RM bit in device header is set and disk changed Note: some drives (or controllers???) forget the change line status if another drive is accessed afterwards. The DOS IO.SYS layer takes care of this by not relying on the reported change line status when the change line is not active and a different drive is accessed, instead it reports "don't know" to the DOS kernel. ---command code 02h--- 0Dh BYTE media descriptor 0Eh DWORD transfer address -> scratch sector if NON-IBM FORMAT bit in device header set -> first FAT sector otherwise 12h DWORD pointer to BPB (set by driver) (see #01663 at INT 21/AH=53h) ---command codes 03h,0Ch--- (see also INT 21/AX=4402h"DOS 2+",INT 21/AX=4403h"DOS") 0Dh BYTE media descriptor (block devices only) 0Eh DWORD transfer address 12h WORD (call) number of bytes to read/write (ret) actual number of bytes read or written ---command codes 04h,08h,09h (except Compaq DOS 3.31, DR DOS 6)--- 0Dh BYTE media descriptor (block devices only) 0Eh DWORD transfer address 12h WORD byte count (character devices) or sector count (block devices) 14h WORD starting sector number (block devices only) 16h DWORD (DOS 3.0+) pointer to volume ID if error 0Fh returned 1Ah DWORD (DOS 4.0+) 32-bit starting sector number (block devices with device attribute word bit 1 set only) if starting sector number above is FFFFh (see INT 21/AH=52h) ---command codes 04h,08h,09h (Compaq DOS 3.31, DR DOS 6)--- 0Dh BYTE media descriptor (block devices only) 0Eh DWORD transfer address 12h WORD byte count (character devices) or sector count (block devices) 14h DWORD 32-bit starting sector number (block devices only) Note: to reliably determine which variant of the request block for functions 04h,08h,09h has been passed to the driver, check the length field as well as the word at offset 14h. If the length is 1Eh and 14h=FFFFh, use the DWORD at 1Ah as the starting sector number; if the length is 18h, use the DWORD at 14h; otherwise, use the WORD at 14h. ---command code 05h--- 0Dh BYTE byte read from device if BUSY bit clear on return ---command codes 06h,07h,0Ah,0Bh,0Dh,0Eh,0Fh--- no further fields ---command code 10h--- 0Dh BYTE unused 0Eh DWORD transfer address 12h WORD (call) number of bytes to write (ret) actual number of bytes written ---command codes 11h,12h--- 0Dh BYTE reserved ---command code 14h--- no further fields Note: This is at least true for KKCFUNC.SYS' "device restore". KKCFUNC.SYS checks that INT 2Fh in the IVT still points to KKCFUNC's own INT 2Fh entry point. In this case it restores the original INT 2Fh vector, as recorded at device init, into the IVT. SeeAlso: INT 2F/AH=4Dh ---command code 15h--- no further fields ---command codes 13h,19h--- 0Dh BYTE category code 00h-7Fh reserved for Microsoft 00h unknown 01h COMn: (serial) (DOS 3.3+) 02h reserved for terminal control 03h CON (DOS 3.3+) 04h reserved for keyboard control 05h LPTn: 07h mouse (European MS-DOS 4.0) 08h disk 48h FAT32 disk control (MS-DOS 7.10+) 80h-FFh reserved for OEM/user-defined 9Eh (STARLITE) Media Access Control driver EDh (DR PalmDOS) login security SeeAlso: #01558 0Eh BYTE function code 00h (STARLITE) MAC Bind request 0Fh WORD copy of DS at time of IOCTL call (apparently unused in DOS 3.3) SI contents (European MS-DOS 4.0) 11h WORD offset of device driver header (see #01646) DI contents (European MS-DOS 4.0) 13h DWORD pointer to parameter block from INT 21/AX=440Ch or AX=440Dh ---command codes 80h,82h--- 0Dh BYTE addressing mode 00h HSG (default) 01h Phillips/Sony Red Book 0Eh DWORD transfer address (ignored for command 82h) 12h WORD number of sectors to read (if 0 for command 82h, request is an advisory seek) 14h DWORD starting sector number logical sector number in HSG mode frame/second/minute/unused in Red Book mode (HSG sector = minute * 4500 + second * 75 + frame - 150) 18h BYTE data read mode 00h cooked (2048 bytes per frame) 01h raw (2352 bytes per frame, including EDC/ECC) 19h BYTE interleave size (number of sectors stored consecutively) 1Ah BYTE interleave skip factor (number of sectors between consecutive portions) ---command code 83h--- 0Dh BYTE addressing mode 00h HSG (default) 01h Phillips/Sony Red Book 0Eh DWORD transfer address (ignored) 12h WORD number of sectors to read (ignored) 14h DWORD starting sector number (see also above) ---command code 84h--- 0Dh BYTE addressing mode 00h HSG (default) 01h Phillips/Sony Red Book 0Eh DWORD starting sector number (see also above) 12h DWORD number of sectors to play ---command codes 85h,88h--- no further fields ---command codes 86h,87h--- 0Dh BYTE addressing mode 00h HSG (default) 01h Phillips/Sony Red Book 0Eh DWORD transfer address (ignored in write mode 0) 12h WORD number of sectors to write 14h DWORD starting sector number (also see above) 18h BYTE write mode 00h mode 0 (write all zeros) 01h mode 1 (default) (2048 bytes per sector) 02h mode 2 form 1 (2048 bytes per sector) 03h mode 2 form 2 (2336 bytes per sector) 19h BYTE interleave size (number of sectors stored consecutively) 1Ah BYTE interleave skip factor (number of sectors between consecutive portions) (Table 02598) Values for device driver error code: 00h write-protect violation 01h unknown unit 02h drive not ready 03h unknown command 04h CRC error 05h bad drive request structure length 06h seek error 07h unknown media 08h sector not found 09h printer out of paper 0Ah write fault 0Bh read fault 0Ch general failure 0Dh reserved 0Eh (CD-ROM) media unavailable 0Fh invalid disk change (Table 02599) Call European MS-DOS 4.0 device helper function with: DL = function 00h "SchedClock" called on each timer tick AL = tick interval in milliseconds 01h "DevDone" device I/O complete ES:BX -> request header Note: must update status word first; may be called from an interrupt handler 02h "PullRequest" pull next request from queue DS:SI -> DWORD pointer to start of device's request queue Return: ZF clear if pending request ES:BX -> request header ZF set if no more requests 03h "PullParticular" remove specific request from queue DS:SI -> DWORD pointer to start of device's request queue ES:BX -> request header Return: ZF set if request header not found 04h "PushRequest" push the request onto the queue DS:SI -> DWORD pointer to start of device's request queue ES:BX -> request header interrupts disabled 05h "ConsInputFilter" keyboard input check AX = character (high byte 00h if PC ASCII character) Return: ZF set if character should be discarded ZF clear if character should be handled normally Note: called by keyboard interrupt handler so DOS can scan for special input characters 06h "SortRequest" push request in sorted order by starting sector DS:SI -> DWORD pointer to start of device's request queue ES:BX -> request header interrupts disabled 07h "SigEvent" send signal on keyboard event AH = event identifier Return: AL,FLAGS destroyed 09h "ProcBlock" block on event AX:BX = event identifier (typically a pointer) CX = timeout in ms or 0000h for never DH = interruptable flag (nonzero if pause may be interrupted) interrupts disabled Return: after corresponding ProcRun call CF clear if event wakeup, set if unusual wakeup ZF set if timeout wakeup, clear if interrupted AL = wakeup code, nonzero if unusual wakeup interrupts enabled BX,CX,DX destroyed Note: block process and schedules another to run 0Ah "ProcRun" unblock process AX:BX = event identifier (typically a pointer) Return: AX = number of processes awakened ZF set if no processes awakened BX,CX,DX destroyed 0Bh "QueueInit" initialize/clear character queue DS:BX -> character queue structure (see #02600) Note: the queue size field must be set before calling 0Dh "QueueWrite" put a character in the queue DS:BX -> character queue (see #02600) AL = character to append to end of queue Return: ZF set if queue is full ZF clear if character stored 0Eh "QueueRead" get a character from the queue DS:BX -> character queue (see #02600) Return: ZF set if queue is empty ZF clear if characters in queue AL = first character in queue 10h "GetDOSVar" return pointer to DOS variable AL = index of variable 03h current process ID BX = index into variable if AL specifies an array CX = expected length of variable Return: CF clear if successful DX:AX -> variable CF set on error AX,DX destroyed BX,CX destroyed Note: the variables may not be modified 14h "Yield" yield CPU if higher-priority task ready to run Return: FLAGS destroyed 1Bh "CritEnter" begin system critical section DS:BX -> semaphore (6 BYTEs, initialized to zero) Return: AX,BX,CX,DX destroyed 1Ch "CritLeave" end system critical section DS:BX -> semaphore (6 BYTEs, initialized to zero) Return: AX,BX,CX,DX destroyed Note: must be called in the context of the process which called CritEnter on the semaphore Note: the DWORD pointing at the request queue must be allocated by the driver and initialized to 0000h:0000h. It always points at the next request to be executed Format of European MS-DOS 4.0 character queue: Offset Size Description (Table 02600) 00h WORD size of queue in bytes 02h WORD index of next character out 04h WORD count of characters in the queue 06h N BYTEs queue bufferTop
INT 2F U - DOS 4.0+ DRIVER.SYS support - GET DRIVE DATA TABLE LIST AX = 0803h Return: DS:DI -> first drive data table in list (see #02601,#02602,#02603) Note: not available under DR DOS 5.0, but supported by Novell DOS 7 (using the MS-DOS 4+ data table format) SeeAlso: AX=0801h Format of DOS 3.30 drive data table: Offset Size Description (Table 02601) 00h DWORD pointer to next table (offset FFFFh if last table) 04h BYTE physical unit number (for INT 13) 05h BYTE logical drive number (0=A:) 06h 19 BYTEs BIOS Parameter Block (see also INT 21/AH=53h) Offset Size Description 00h WORD bytes per sector 02h BYTE sectors per cluster, FFh if unknown 03h WORD number of reserved sectors 05h BYTE number of FATs 06h WORD number of root dir entries 08h WORD total sectors 0Ah BYTE media descriptor, 00h if unknown 0Bh WORD sectors per FAT 0Dh WORD sectors per track 0Fh WORD number of heads 11h WORD number of hidden sectors 19h BYTE flags bit 6: 16-bit FAT instead of 12-bit FAT 1Ah WORD number of DEVICE OPEN calls without corresponding DEVICE CLOSE 1Ch 11 BYTEs volume label or "NO NAME " if none (always "NO NAME" for fixed media) 27h BYTE terminating null for volume label??? 28h BYTE device type (see #01561 at INT 21/AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+") 29h WORD bit flags describing drive (see #02604) 2Bh WORD number of cylinders 2Dh 19 BYTEs BIOS Parameter Block for highest capacity supported 40h 3 BYTEs ??? 43h 9 BYTEs filesystem type???, default = "NO NAME " (apparently only MS-DOS 3.30 fixed media, nulls for removable media and PC-DOS 3.30) 4Ch BYTE least-significant byte of last-accessed cylinder number ---removable media--- 4Dh DWORD time of last access in clock ticks (FFFFFFFFh if never) ---fixed media--- 4Dh WORD partition (FFFFh = primary, 0001h = extended) 4Fh WORD absolute cylinder number of partition's start on physical drive (always FFFFh if primary partition) SeeAlso: #02602,#02603 Format of COMPAQ DOS 3.31 drive data table: Offset Size Description (Table 02602) 00h DWORD pointer to next table (offset FFFFh if last table) 04h BYTE physical unit number (for INT 13) 05h BYTE logical drive number (0=A:) 06h 25 BYTEs BIOS Parameter Block (see #02603) 1Fh 6 BYTEs reserved fields from BPB above??? 25h BYTE flags bit 6: 16-bit FAT instead of 12-bit FAT bit 5: large volume??? 26h WORD device-open count??? 28h 11 BYTEs volume label or "NO NAME " if none (always "NO NAME" for fixed media) 33h BYTE terminating null for volume label 34h BYTE device type (see #01561 at INT 21/AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+") 35h WORD bit flags describing drive (see #02604) 37h WORD number of cylinders 39h 25 BYTEs BIOS parameter block for highest capacity drive supports 52h 6 BYTEs ??? apparently always zeros 58h BYTE least-significant byte of last-accessed cylinder number ---removable media--- 59h DWORD time of last access in clock ticks (FFFFFFFFh if never) ---fixed media--- 59h WORD partition (FFFFh = primary, 0001h = extended) 5Bh WORD absolute cylinder number of partition's start on physical drive (always FFFFh if primary partition) SeeAlso: #02601,#02603 Format of DOS 4.0-7.0 drive data table: Offset Size Description (Table 02603) 00h DWORD pointer to next table (offset FFFFh if last table) 04h BYTE physical unit number (for INT 13) 05h BYTE logical drive number (0=A:) 06h 25 BYTEs BIOS Parameter Block (see also INT 21/AH=53h) Offset Size Description 00h WORD bytes per sector 02h BYTE sectors per cluster, FFh if unknown 03h WORD number of reserved sectors 05h BYTE number of FATs 06h WORD number of root dir entries 08h WORD total sectors (refer to offset 15h if zero) 0Ah BYTE media descriptor, 00h if unknown 0Bh WORD sectors per FAT 0Dh WORD sectors per track 0Fh WORD number of heads 11h DWORD number of hidden sectors 15h DWORD total sectors if WORD at 08h is zero 1Fh BYTE flags bit 6: 16-bit FAT instead of 12-bit bit 7: unsupportable disk (all accesses will return Not Ready) 20h WORD device-open count 22h BYTE device type (see #01561 at INT 21/AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+") 23h WORD bit flags describing drive (see #02604) 25h WORD number of cylinders (for partition only, if hard disk) 27h 25 BYTEs BIOS Parameter Block for default (highest) capacity supported 40h 6 BYTEs reserved (part of BPB above) 46h BYTE last track accessed ---removable media--- 47h DWORD time of last access in clock ticks (FFFFFFFFh if never) ---fixed media--- 47h WORD partition (FFFFh = primary, 0001h = extended) always 0001h for DOS 5+ 49h WORD absolute cylinder number of partition's start on physical drive (FFFFh if primary partition in DOS 4.x) ------ 4Bh 11 BYTEs volume label or "NO NAME " if none (apparently taken from extended boot record rather than root directory) 56h BYTE terminating null for volume label 57h DWORD serial number 5Bh 8 BYTEs filesystem type ("FAT12 " or "FAT16 ") 63h BYTE terminating null for filesystem type SeeAlso: #02601,#02602 Bitfields for flags describing drive: Bit(s) Description (Table 02604) 0 fixed media 1 door lock ("changeline") supported 2 current BPB locked 3 all sectors in a track are the same size 4 physical drive has multiple logical units 5 current logical drive for shared physical drive 6 disk change detected 7 device parameters were changed (set DASD before formatting) (see #01560 at INT 21/AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+") 8 disk reformatted (BPB of current media was changed) 9 access flag (fixed media only, disables reads and writes) (see #01566 at INT 21/AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+")Top
INT 2F CU - Novell DOS 7+ FDOS EXTENSIONS - READ BUFFERS AX = 1002h CH = FFh (pre-read required) CL = buffer type (here FAT, DIR, or DATA, see below) AH:DX = 24 bit sector number Return: ES:SI -> buffer control block Notes: This private function is called internally by the OS kernel to ask the FDOS to find the corresponding buffer. By using the INT 2F/AX=1001h FDOS hook, the call can be intercepted by external system components such as the DELWATCH TSR. This function must under no circumstances be called by applications! SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1001h,AX=1003h,AX=1008h,AX=1009h,AX=10FEh Bitfields for Novell DOS 7 FDOS buffer type: Bit(s) Description (Table 04099) 7 remote (on a network drive) 6 dirty (modified) 3 data sector 2 directory sector 1 FAT sectorTop
INT 2F CU - Novell DOS 7+ FDOS EXTENSIONS - FLUSH BUFFERS AX = 1003h BL = drive??? BH = buffer type to flush (BF_ISFAT+BF_ISDIR+BF_ISDATA) Return: nothing??? Notes: This private function is called internally by the OS kernel to ask the FDOS to flush all buffer. By using the INT 2F/AX=1001h FDOS hook, the call can be intercepted by external system components such as the DELWATCH TSR. This function must under no circumstances be called by applications! SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1001h,AX=1004h,AX=10FEhTop
INT 2F CU - Novell DOS 7+ FDOS EXTENSIONS - FREE FAT CHAIN AX = 1004h BX = first block to release on current drive Return: nothing Notes: This private function is called internally by the OS kernel to ask the FDOS to release the FAT chain. By using the INT 2F/AX=1001h FDOS hook, the call can be intercepted by external system components such as the DELWATCH TSR. This function must under no circumstances be called by applications! SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1001h,AX=1005h,AX=10FEhTop
INT 2F CU - Novell DOS 7+ FDOS EXTENSIONS - ALLOCATE CLUSTER AX = 1005h BX = block from which to start search (e.g. current end of file) 0000h = start of disk Return: AX or BX??? = allocated cluster (already marked as End of Chain) or 0000h if none available Notes: This private function is called internally by the OS kernel to ask the FDOS to allocate disk space. By using the INT 2F/AX=1001h FDOS hook, the call can be intercepted by external system components such as the DELWATCH TSR. This function must under no circumstances be called by applications! SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1001h,AX=1004h,AX=1007h,AX=10FEhTop
INT 2F CU - Novell DOS 7+ FDOS EXTENSIONS - NEXT CLUSTER / READ FAT??? AX = 1006h BX = current cluster number Return: AX or BX??? = next cluster in chain Notes: This private function is called internally by the OS kernel to ask the FDOS to get the next cluster in a file. By using the INT 2F/AX=1001h FDOS hook, the call can be intercepted by external system components such as the DELWATCH TSR. This function must under no circumstances be called by applications! SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1001h,AX=1005h,AX=1007h,AX=10FEhTop
INT 2F CU - Novell DOS 7+ FDOS EXTENSIONS - UPDATE FAT ENTRY / WRITE FAT??? AX = 1007h BX = FAT entry to change DX = new value Return: nothing Notes: This private function is called internally by the OS kernel to ask the FDOS to update the FAT. By using the INT 2F/AX=1001h FDOS hook, the call can be intercepted by external system components such as the DELWATCH TSR. This function must under no circumstances be called by applications! SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1001h,AX=1005h,AX=1006h,AX=1008h,AX=10FEhTop
INT 2F CU - Novell DOS 7+ FDOS EXTENSIONS - FIXUP CHECKSUMS / DIR UPDATE??? AX = 1008h BX = segment of directory buffer CX = cluster to fixup (0 = root) DI = directory entry index (truncated to cluster if subdirectory) BX:SI -> directory entry (single entry for hashing) Return: nothing Notes: This private function is called internally by the OS kernel to ask the FDOS to fixup hashing/checksums. By using the INT 2F/AX=1001h FDOS hook, the call can be intercepted by external system components such as the DELWATCH TSR. This function must under no circumstances be called by applications! SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1001h,AX=1007h,AX=1009h,AX=10FEhTop
INT 2F CU - Novell DOS 7+ FDOS EXTENSIONS - DIRECTORY BUFFER INFO AX = 1009h Return: ES:DI -> 128-byte directory record buffer ES:SI -> directory BCB structure (see #04101) Notes: This private function is called internally by the OS kernel. By using the INT 2F/AX=1001h FDOS hook, the call can be intercepted by external system components such as the DELWATCH TSR. This function must under no circumstances be called by applications! SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1001h,AX=10FEh Format of Novell DOS 7+ FDOS directory BCB: Offset Size Description (Table 04101) 00h BYTE drive (FFh = invalid) 01h BYTE low byte of record number 02h BYTE middle byte of record number 03h BYTE high byte of record numberTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 1200h Return: AL = FFh (for compatibility with other INT 2F functions)Top
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - CLOSE CURRENT FILE AX = 1201h SS = DOS DS = DOS kernel data seg (must be using a DOS internal stack) SDA current SFT pointer -> SFT of file to close Return: CF set on error ES:DI -> SFT for file CX undefined (new reference count of SFT in many versions) BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=1106h,AX=1227h,INT 21/AH=3EhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET INTERRUPT ADDRESS AX = 1202h STACK: WORD vector number Return: ES:BX -> interrupt vector (DWORD containing handler's address) STACK unchangedTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET DOS DATA SEGMENT AX = 1203h Return: DS = data segment of IBMDOS.COM/MSDOS.SYS Note: for DOS prior to version 5.0, the data segment is the same as the code segmentTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - NORMALIZE PATH SEPARATOR AX = 1204h STACK: WORD character to normalize Return: AL = normalized character (forward slash turned to backslash, all others unchanged) ZF set if path separator STACK unchangedTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - OUTPUT CHARACTER TO STANDARD OUTPUT AX = 1205h STACK: WORD character to output Return: STACK unchanged Note: can be called only from within DOSTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - INVOKE CRITICAL ERROR AX = 1206h DI = error code BP:SI -> device driver header (see #01646) SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) STACK: WORD value to be passed to INT 24 in AX Return: AL = 0-3 for Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail STACK unchanged SeeAlso: INT 24Top
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - MAKE DISK BUFFER MOST-RECENTLY USED AX = 1207h DS:DI -> disk buffer Return: nothing Desc: move the indicated buffer to the end of the disk buffer chain (least- recently used is first); under DOS 3.3, the buffer is then moved to the start of the disk buffer chain if it was marked unused Notes: can be called only from within DOS this function is nearly the same as AX=120Fh SeeAlso: AX=120FhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - DECREMENT SFT REFERENCE COUNT AX = 1208h ES:DI -> SFT Return: AX = original value of reference count Notes: if the reference count was 1, it is set to FFFFh ("busy", since 0 indicates that the SFT is not in use). It is the caller's responsibility to set the reference count to zero after cleaning up. used by network redirectors such as MSCDEX SeeAlso: AX=1106hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - FLUSH AND FREE DISK BUFFER AX = 1209h DS:DI -> disk buffer Return: disk buffer marked unused, contents written to disk if buffer dirty Note: can be called only from within DOS SeeAlso: AX=120Eh,AX=1215hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - PERFORM CRITICAL ERROR INTERRUPT AX = 120Ah DS = SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) STACK: WORD extended error code Return: AL = user response (0=ignore, 1=retry, 2=abort, 3=fail) CF clear if retry, set otherwise STACK unchanged Notes: can only be called during a DOS function call, as it uses various fields in the SDA to set up the registers for the INT 24 reportedly sets current DPB's first root directory sector to 1 SeeAlso: INT 24Top
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SIGNAL SHARING VIOLATION TO USER AX = 120Bh ES:DI -> system file table entry for previous open of file STACK: WORD extended error code (should be 20h--sharing violation) Return: CF clear if operation should be retried CF set if operation should not be retried AX = error code (20h) (see #01680 at INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h) STACK unchanged Notes: can only be called during a DOS function call should only be called if an attempt was made to open an already-open file contrary to the sharing rules invokes INT 24 if SFT file opened via FCB or in compatibility mode with inheritance allowedTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - OPEN DEVICE AND SET SFT OWNER/MODE AX = 120Ch SDA current SFT pointer -> SFT for file DS = DOS DS SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: ES, DI, AX destroyed Notes: invokes "device open" call on device driver for SFT changes owner of last-accessed SFT to calling process if it was opened via FCB called by network redirectors such as MSCDEXTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET DATE AND TIME AX = 120Dh SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: AX = current date in packed format (see #01666 at INT 21/AX=5700h) DX = current time in packed format (see #01665 at INT 21/AX=5700h) SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=2Ah,INT 21/AH=2ChTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - MARK ALL DISK BUFFERS UNREFERENCED AX = 120Eh SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: DS:DI -> first disk buffer Notes: clears "referenced" flag on all disk buffers in DOS 5+, this has become essentially a NOP, invoking the same code used by AX=1224h (SHARING DELAY) SeeAlso: AX=1209h,AX=1210h,INT 21/AH=0DhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - MAKE BUFFER MOST RECENTLY USED AX = 120Fh DS:DI -> disk buffer SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: DS:DI -> next buffer in buffer list Desc: move the indicated buffer to the end of the disk buffer chain (least- recently used is first); under DOS 3.3, the buffer is then moved to the start of the disk buffer chain if it was marked unused Note: this function is the same as AX=1207h except that it returns a pointer to the buffer following the specified buffer in the buffer chain SeeAlso: AX=1207hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - FIND UNREFERENCED DISK BUFFER AX = 1210h DS:DI -> first disk buffer to check Return: ZF clear if found DS:DI -> first unreferenced disk buffer ZF set if not found Note: in DOS 5+, this has become essentially a NOP, invoking the same code used by AX=1224h (SHARING DELAY) SeeAlso: AX=120EhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - NORMALIZE ASCIZ FILENAME AX = 1211h DS:SI -> ASCIZ filename to normalize ES:DI -> buffer for normalized filename Return: destination buffer filled with uppercase filename, with slashes turned to backslashes SeeAlso: AX=121Eh,AX=1221hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET LENGTH OF ASCIZ STRING AX = 1212h ES:DI -> ASCIZ string Return: CX = length of string SeeAlso: AX=1225hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - UPPERCASE CHARACTER AX = 1213h STACK: WORD character to convert to uppercase Return: AL = uppercase character STACK unchangedTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - COMPARE FAR POINTERS AX = 1214h DS:SI = first pointer ES:DI = second pointer Return: ZF set if pointers are equal, ZF clear if not equal CF clear if pointers equal, CF set if notTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - FLUSH BUFFER AX = 1215h DS:DI -> disk buffer SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) STACK: WORD drives for which to skip buffer ignore buffer if drive same as high byte, or bytes differ and the buffer is for a drive OTHER than that given in low byte Return: STACK unchanged Note: can be called only from within DOS SeeAlso: AX=1209hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET ADDRESS OF SYSTEM FILE TABLE ENTRY AX = 1216h BX = system file table entry number Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI -> system file table entry BX = relative entry number in system file table containing entry AX destroyed CF set if BX greater than FILES= Note: supported by DR DOS 5+ SeeAlso: AX=1220hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET CURRENT DIRECTORY STRUCTURE FOR DRIVE AX = 1217h SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) STACK: WORD drive (0 = A:, 1 = B:, etc) Return: CF set on error (drive > LASTDRIVE) CF clear if successful DS:SI -> current directory structure for specified drive STACK unchanged SeeAlso: AX=1219hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET CALLER'S REGISTERS AX = 1218h Return: DS:SI -> saved caller's AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI,BP,DS,ES (on stack) Note: only valid while within DOSTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SET DRIVE??? AX = 1219h SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) STACK: WORD drive (0 = default, 1 = A:, etc) Return: ??? STACK unchanged Notes: calls AX=1217h builds a current directory structure if inside server call (INT 21/AX=5D00h) SeeAlso: AX=1217h,AX=121FhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET FILE'S DRIVE AX = 121Ah DS:SI -> filename Return: AL = drive (0 = default, 1 = A:, etc, FFh = invalid) DS:SI -> filename without leading X: (if present) SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=19h,INT 21/AH=60hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SET YEAR/LENGTH OF FEBRUARY AX = 121Bh CL = year - 1980 Return: AL = number of days in February Note: requires DS to be set to the DOS data segment SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=2Bh"DATE"Top
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - CHECKSUM MEMORY AX = 121Ch DS:SI -> start of memory to checksum CX = number of bytes DX = initial checksum SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: AX, CX destroyed DX = checksum DS:SI -> first byte after checksummed range Notes: used by DOS to determine day count since 1980/1/1 given a date supported by DR DOS 5.0+ SeeAlso: AX=121DhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SUM MEMORY AX = 121Dh DS:SI -> memory to add up CX = 0000h DX = limit Return: AL = byte which exceeded limit CX = number of bytes before limit exceeded DX = remainder after adding first CX bytes DS:SI -> byte beyond the one which exceeded the limit Notes: used by DOS to determine year or month given day count since 1980/1/1 supported by DR DOS 5.0+ SeeAlso: AX=121ChTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - COMPARE FILENAMES AX = 121Eh DS:SI -> first ASCIZ filename ES:DI -> second ASCIZ filename Return: ZF set if filenames equivalent, ZF clear if not Note: supported by DR DOS 5.0+ SeeAlso: AX=1211h,AX=1221hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - BUILD CURRENT DIRECTORY STRUCTURE AX = 121Fh SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) STACK: WORD drive letter Return: ES:DI -> current directory structure (will be overwritten by next call) STACK unchangedTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET JOB FILE TABLE ENTRY AX = 1220h BX = file handle Return: CF set on error AL = 6 (invalid file handle) CF clear if successful ES:DI -> JFT entry for file handle in current process Notes: the byte pointed at by ES:DI contains the number of the SFT for the file handle, or FFh if the handle is not open supported by DR DOS 5.0+ SeeAlso: AX=1216h,AX=1229hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - CANONICALIZE FILE NAME AX = 1221h DS:SI -> file name to be fully qualified ES:DI -> 128-byte buffer for resulting canonical file name SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: (see INT 21/AH=60h) Note: identical to INT 21/AH=60h SeeAlso: AX=1123h,INT 21/AH=60hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SET EXTENDED ERROR INFO AX = 1222h SS = DOS data segment SS:SI -> 4-byte records BYTE error code, FFh = last record BYTE error class, FFh = don't change BYTE suggested action, FFh = don't change BYTE error locus, FFh = don't change SDA error code set Return: SI destroyed SDA error class, error locus, and suggested action fields set Note: can be called only from within DOS SeeAlso: AX=122Dh,INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h,INT 21/AX=5D0AhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - CHECK IF CHARACTER DEVICE AX = 1223h DS = DOS DS SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) SDA+218h (DOS 3.10-3.30) = eight-character blank-padded name SDA+22Bh (DOS 4.0-6.0) = eight-character blank-padded name SDA file attribute field set direction flag clear (i.e. CLD) Return: CF set if no character device by that name found CF clear if found BH bits 4-0 copied from low byte of device attribute word BH bit 5 set, bits 7-6 clear Notes: can only be called from within DOS the check is skipped (always says "not device") if the volume ID bit of the file attribute field is set on entry SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=5D06h,INT 21/AX=5D0BhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SHARING RETRY DELAY AX = 1224h SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: after delay set by INT 21/AX=440Bh, unless in server call (INT 21/AX=5D00h) Note: delay is dependent on the processor speed, and is skipped entirely if inside a server call SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=440Bh,INT 21/AH=52h,INT 62/AX=0097hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - GET LENGTH OF ASCIZ STRING AX = 1225h DS:SI -> ASCIZ string Return: CX = length of string Note: supported by DR DOS 5.0+ SeeAlso: AX=1212hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - OPEN FILE AX = 1226h CL = access mode DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: CF set on error AL = error code (see #01680 at INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AX = file handle Notes: can only be called from within DOS equivalent to INT 21/AH=3Dh used by NLSFUNC to access COUNTRY.SYS when invoked by the DOS kernel SeeAlso: AX=1227h,INT 21/AH=3DhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - CLOSE FILE AX = 1227h BX = file handle SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: CF set on error AL = 06h invalid file handle CF clear if successful Notes: can only be called from within DOS equivalent to INT 21/AH=3Eh used by NLSFUNC to access COUNTRY.SYS when invoked by the DOS kernel SeeAlso: AX=1106h,AX=1201h,AX=1226h,INT 21/AH=3EhTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - MOVE FILE POINTER AX = 1228h BP = 4200h, 4201h, 4202h (see INT 21/AH=42h) BX = file handle CX:DX = offset in bytes SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: as for INT 21/AH=42h Notes: equivalent to INT 21/AH=42h, but may only be called from inside a DOS function call sets user stack frame pointer to dummy buffer, moves BP to AX, performs LSEEK, and restores frame pointer used by NLSFUNC to access COUNTRY.SYS when invoked by the DOS kernel SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=42hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - READ FROM FILE AX = 1229h BX = file handle CX = number of bytes to read DS:DX -> buffer SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) Return: as for INT 21/AH=3Fh"DOS" Notes: equivalent to INT 21/AH=3Fh, but may only be called when already inside a DOS function call used by NLSFUNC to access COUNTRY.SYS when invoked by the DOS kernel SeeAlso: AX=1226h,INT 21/AH=3Fh"DOS"Top
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - SET FASTOPEN ENTRY POINT AX = 122Ah BX = entry point to set (0001h or 0002h) DS:SI -> FASTOPEN entry point (see #02611,#02612) (entry point not set if SI = FFFFh for DOS 4.0+) Return: CF set if specified entry point already set Notes: entry point in BX is ignored under DOS 3.30 both entry points set to same handler by DOS 4.01 DOS 5.0 and 6.0 only set entry point 1 (Table 02611) Values DOS 3.30+ FASTOPEN entry point is called with: AL = 01h Lookup CX = ??? seems to be offset DI = ??? seems to be offset SI = offset in DOS DS of filename AL = 02h insert file into FASTOPEN cache AL = 03h delete file from FASTOPEN cache SI = offset in DOS DS of filename AL = 04h purge FASTOPEN cache AH = subfunction (00h,01h,02h) ES:DI -> ??? CX = ??? (subfunctions 01h and 02h only) Returns: CF set on error or not installed Note: function 03h calls function 01h first SeeAlso: #02612,#02613 (Table 02612) Values PC-DOS 4.01 FASTOPEN is additionally called with: AL = 04h ??? AH = 03h ??? AL = 05h ??? AL = 0Bh ??? AL = 0Ch ??? AL = 0Dh ??? AL = 0Eh ??? AL = 0Fh ??? AL = 10h ??? SeeAlso: #02611,#02613 (Table 02613) Values MS-DOS 5.0-6.0 FASTOPEN is additionally called with: AL = 04h purge FASTOPEN cache AH = 03h ??? AL = 05h ??? DL = drive (00h = A:) ??? AL = 06h ??? ??? SeeAlso: #02611,#02612Top
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - IOCTL AX = 122Bh BP = 44xxh SS = DOS DS (must be using a DOS internal stack) additional registers as appropriate for INT 21/AX=44xxh Return: as for INT 21/AH=44h Notes: equivalent to INT 21/AH=44h, but may only be called when already inside a DOS function call sets user stack frame pointer to dummy buffer, moves BP to AX, performs IOCTL, and restores frame pointer used by NLSFUNC in accessing COUNTRY.SYS when invoked by the DOS kernel SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=44hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - GET DEVICE CHAIN AX = 122Ch Return: BX:AX -> header of second device driver (NUL is first) in driver chain Note: although this function exists in DR DOS 5.0 and Novell DOS 7, it always returns 0000h:0000h prior to Novell DOS 7 Update 15 SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=52hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 3.3+ internal - GET EXTENDED ERROR CODE AX = 122Dh SS = DOS DS Return: AX = current extended error code SeeAlso: AX=1222h,INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000hTop
INT 2F U - DOS 4.0+ internal - GET OR SET ERROR TABLE ADDRESSES AX = 122Eh DL = subfunction 00h get standard DOS error table (see #02614) Return: ES:DI -> error table (DOS 4: errors 00h-12h,50h-5Bh) (DOS 5: errors 00h-26h,4Fh,51h-59h) 01h set standard DOS error table ES:DI -> error table 02h get parameter error table (errors 00h-0Ah) Return: ES:DI -> error table 03h set parameter error table ES:DI -> error table 04h get critical/SHARE error table (errors 13h-2Bh) Return: ES:DI -> error table 05h set critical/SHARE error table ES:DI -> error table 06h get ??? error table Return: ES:DI -> error table or 0000h:0000h 07h set ??? error table ES:DI -> error table 08h get error message retriever (see #02615) Return: ES:DI -> FAR procedure to fetch error message 09h set ??? error table ES:DI -> error table Notes: if the returned segment on a "get" is 0001h, then the offset specifies the offset of the error message table within COMMAND.COM, and the procedure returned by DL=08h should be called DOS 5+ COMMAND.COM does not allow setting any of the addresses (calls with DL odd are ignored); they are always returned with segment 0001h for DOS 5.0, the standard and critical/SHARE error tables are combined into a single error table SeeAlso: AX=0500h,INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h Format of DOS 4.x error table: Offset Size Description (Table 02614) 00h BYTE FFh 01h 2 BYTEs 04h,00h (DOS version???) 03h BYTE number of error headers following 04h 2N WORDs table of all error headers for table Offset Size Description 00h WORD error message number 02h WORD offset of error message from start of header error messages are count byte followed by msg Note: DOS 5 error tables consist of one word per error number; each word contains either the offset of a counted string or 0000h (Table 02615) Call error retrieval function with: AX = error number (see #02616) DI = offset of error table Return: ES:DI -> error message (counted string) Notes: this function needs to access COMMAND.COM if the messages were not loaded into memory permanently with /MSG; the caller should assume that the returned message will be overwritten by the next call of the function supported by DR DOS 5.0 (Table 02616) Values for parameter errors: 01h Too many parameters 02h Required Parameter missing 03h Invalid switch 04h Invalid keyword 06h Parameter value not in allowed range 07h Parameter value not allowed 08h Parameter value not allowed 09h Parameter format not correct 0Ah Invalid parameter 0Bh Invalid parameter combinationTop
INT 2F U - DOS 4.x internal - SET DOS VERSION NUMBER TO RETURN AX = 122Fh DX = DOS version number (0000h = return true DOS version) Notes: not available under DR DOS 5.0 or 6.0, or Novell DOS 7 supported by FREEVER.COM, a freeware DOS version faking TSR by Matthias Paul SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=30h,INT 21/AX=3306h,INT 2F/AX=E000h"SETDRVER"Top
INT 2F U - DOS 3.2+ - SET DISK INTERRUPT HANDLER AH = 13h DS:DX -> interrupt handler disk driver calls on read/write ES:BX = address to restore INT 13 to on system halt (exit from root shell) or warm boot (INT 19) Return: DS:DX set by previous invocation of this function ES:BX set by previous invocation of this function Notes: IO.SYS hooks INT 13 and inserts one or more filters ahead of the original INT 13 handler. The first is for disk change detection on floppy drives, the second is for tracking formatting calls and correcting DMA boundary errors, the third is for working around problems in a particular version of IBM's ROM BIOS before the first call, ES:BX points at the original BIOS INT 13; DS:DX also points there unless IO.SYS has installed a special filter for hard disk reads (on systems with model byte FCh and BIOS date "01/10/84" only), in which case it points at the special filter most DOS 3.2+ disk access is via the vector in DS:DX, although a few functions are still invoked via an INT 13 instruction during Windows 3.1 startup this function seems to be used to temporarily point DOS to a dummy handler in WDCTRL.386 which always halts the system with a fatal error message. If DS hasn't changed on return from the function, Windows will display the error message "Invalid DOS version". this is a dangerous security loophole for any virus-monitoring software which does not trap this call ("INT13", "Nomenklatura", and many Bulgarian viruses are known to use it to get the original ROM entry point) the preloadable Novell DOS 7+ SECURITY.BIN driver $SECURE$ traps this call. BUG: Novell DOS 7 IBMBIO.COM before 1995-05-08 trashed AX on return from this function. VGACOPY by Thomas M”nkemeier's VGA Software GmbH crashed due to this. Later releases of Novell DOS 7 preserved the contents of the AX register. SeeAlso: INT 13/AH=01h,INT 19,INT 9D"VIRUS"Top
INT 2F - European MS-DOS 4.0 POPUP - "CheckPu" - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 1400h Return: AX = FFFFh if installed BX = maximum memory required to save screen and keyboard info CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code 0002h invalid function 0004h unknown error Note: the POPUP interface is used by background programs (see INT 21/AH=80h) to communicate with the user SeeAlso: AX=1401h"POPUP",AX=1402h"POPUP",AX=1403h"POPUP"Top
INT 2F - European MS-DOS 4.0 POPUP - "PostPu" - OPEN/CLOSE POPUP SCREEN AX = 1401h DL = function (00h open, 01h close) DH = wait flag 00h block until screen opens 01h return error if screen is not available 02h urgent--always open screen immediately Return: CF clear if successful BX = amount of memory needed to save screen and keyboard info, 0000h if default save location can be used (only if DH was 02h) CF set on error Note: the application using the screen is frozen until the popup screen is closed SeeAlso: AX=1400h"POPUP",AX=1402h"POPUP",AX=1403h"POPUP"Top
INT 2F - European MS-DOS 4.0 POPUP - "SavePu" - SAVE POPUP SCREEN AX = 1402h ES:DI -> save buffer (0000h:0000h for default buffer in POPUP) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #02625) SeeAlso: AX=1400h"POPUP",AX=1401h"POPUP",AX=1403h"POPUP" (Table 02625) Values for POPUP error code: 0001h process does not own screen 0004h unknown error 0005h invalid pointerTop
INT 2F - European MS-DOS 4.0 POPUP - "RestorePu" - RESTORE SCREEN AX = 1403h ES:DI -> buffer containing saved screen (0000h:0000h for default buffer in POPUP) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX = error code (see #02625) SeeAlso: AX=1400h"POPUP",AX=1401h"POPUP",AX=1402h"POPUP"Top
INT 2F C - MS Windows - "DOSMGR" VIRTUAL DEVICE API AX = 1607h BX = 0015h (VxD identifier of "DOSMGR") CX = function 0000h query instance processing DX = 0000h Return: CX = state 0000h not instanced other instanced (DOS 5+ kernel returns 0001h) DX = segment of DOS drivers or 0000h for default of 0070h ES:BX -> patch table (see #02637) 0001h set patches in DOS DX = bit mask of patch requests (see #02636) Return: AX = B97Ch BX = bit mask of patches applied (see #02636) DX = A2ABh 0002h remove patches in DOS (ignored by DOS 5.0 kernel) DX = bit mask of patch requests (see #02636) Return: CX = 0000h (DOS 5-6) Note: return values are ignored by DOSMGR in Windows 3.1 0003h get size of DOS data structures DX = bit mask of request (only one bit can be set) bit 0: Current Directory Structure size Return: if supported request: AX = B97Ch CX = size in bytes of requested structure DX = A2ABh else: CX = 0000h all other registers preserved 0004h determine instanced data structures Return: AX = B97Ch if supported DX = A2ABh if supported (DOS 5+ kernel returns 0000h) BX = bit mask of instanced items bit 0: CDS bit 1: SFT bit 2: device list bit 3: DOS swappable data area 0005h get device driver size ES = segment of device driver Return: DX:AX = 0000h:0000h on error (not dev. driver segment) DX:AX = A2ABh:B97Ch if successful BX:CX = size of device driver in bytes Notes: DOSMGR (DOS Manager) will check whether the OEM DOS/BIOS data has been instanced via this API and will not perform its own default instancing of the normal DOS/BIOS data if so; if this API is not supported, DOSMGR will also try to access instancing data through INT 2F/AX=1603h these functions are supported by the DOS 5+ kernel; DOSMGR contains tables of instancing information for earlier versions of DOS see Geoff Chappell's book _DOS_Internals_ for additional discussions of DOSMGR's behavior and instancing in general SeeAlso: AX=1603h,AX=1605h,AX=1607h/BX=000Ch,AX=1607h/BX=0014h SeeAlso: AX=1684h"DEVICE API" Bitfields for DOSMGR patch requests: Bit(s) Description (Table 02636) 0 enable critical sections 1 NOP setting/checking user ID 2 turn INT 21/AH=3Fh on STDIN into polling loop 3 trap stack fault in "SYSINIT" to WIN386 4 BIOS patch to trap "Insert disk X:" to WIN386 Format of DOSMGR patch table: Offset Size Description (Table 02637) 00h 2 BYTEs DOS version (major, minor) 02h WORD offset in DOS data segment of "SAVEDS" 04h WORD offset in DOS data segment of "SAVEBX" 06h WORD offset in DOS data segment of InDOS flag 08h WORD offset in DOS data segment of User ID word 0Ah WORD offset in DOS data segment of "CritPatch" table to enable critical section calls (see INT 2A/AH=80h) 0Ch WORD (DOS 5+ only) offset in DOS data segment of "UMB_HEAD", containing segment of last MCB in conventional memoryTop
INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - BOOT LOGO SUPPORT??? AX = 160Eh BL = subfunction 00h get ??? AX = state of flag manipulated by subfn 04h and 05h 0000h clear FFFFh set DX = ??? (0000h) 01h link in INT 10h??? handlers 02h unlink INT 10h??? handlers 03h ??? 04h set ??? flag 05h clear ??? flag Return: AX = 0000h if supported ??? SeeAlso: AX=160Fh,AX=1611h,AX=1614hTop
INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - GET/SET ??? HANDLER AX = 160Fh BL = subfunction 00h get ??? handler Return: AX = 0000h if supported CX:DX -> handler to which control is passed after ??? executes = 160Fh inside a Windows 95B DOS box 01h set ??? handler CX:DX -> new handler for ??? Return: AX = 0000h if supported Notes: this function is not supported if ??? in the IO.SYS drivers portion of the kernel is an IRET instruction (as is the case on my system) rather than a FAR JMP the indicated handler seems to be related to INT 10 processing SeeAlso: AX=160Eh,AX=1611h,AX=1614hTop
INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - GET SHELL PARAMETERS AX = 1611h Return: AX = 0000h if supported DS:DX -> primary shell's executable name DS:SI -> prinary shell command line (counted string) BH = ??? (00h) BL = ??? (00h,40h) Desc: return the program name and commandline from the CONFIG.SYS SHELL= statement SeeAlso: AX=160Eh,AX=160Fh,AX=1612h,AX=4A33hTop
INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - GET ??? AX = 1612h Return: AX = 0000h if supported ES:BX -> DOS 7 kernel data (see #02641) Note: called by VTD.VXD; one of the returned data items is a pointer to the WORD in which the default CLOCK$ driver maintains its count of days since 01jan1980 SeeAlso: AX=160Fh,AX=1611h,AX=1613h Format of MS-DOS 7.x ??? kernel data: Offset Size Description (Table 02641) 00h WORD structure revision??? (0001h) 02h DWORD -> ??? function (call with DS=high word of this field) the indicated function vectors through the INT 13 hook at 0070h:00B4h and then forces the A20 gate open 06h DWORD -> ??? function 0Ah WORD DOS DS 0Ch 8 BYTEs zeros seen 14h DWORD -> ??? data 18h DWORD -> ??? data ???Top
INT 2F - MS-DOS 7 kernel - GET SYSTEM.DAT (REGISTRY FILE) PATHNAME AX = 1613h ES:DI -> buffer for full ASCIZ pathname to Windows95 SYSTEM.DAT CX = buffer size in bytes Return: AX = 0000h if supported ES:DI buffer filled CX = number of bytes copied into buffer SeeAlso: AX=160Eh,AX=1611h,AX=1612h,AX=1614h,AX=1690hTop
INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - SET SYSTEM.DAT (REGISTRY FILE) PATHNAME AX = 1614h ES:DI -> ASCIZ pathname to Windows95 SYSTEM.DAT Return: AX = status 0000h if successful 1614h not supported other: maximum length of pathname (004Eh for v4.00.950) SeeAlso: AX=160Eh,AX=1611h,AX=1613h,AX=1690hTop
INT 2F U - MS-DOS 7 kernel - GET/SET ??? AX = 1690h ES:BX -> ??? Return: ES:BX -> ??? data (see #02722) SeeAlso: AX=1611h,AX=1614h Format of MS-DOS 7 kernel ??? data: Offset Size Description (Table 02722) 00h DWORD -> ??? data (appears to list the installed drivers) 04h DWORD -> ??? (value passed in via ES:BX is stored here)Top
INT 2F CU - MS Windows WINOLDAP - SWITCHING ??? AX = 4601h Return: ??? Note: the DOS 5+ kernel intercepts this function and copies the MCB following the caller's PSP memory block into the DOS data segment; in conjunction with AX=4602h, this intercept is used by DOS to avoid corruption of the Windows real-mode heap's end sentinel SeeAlso: AX=1700h,AX=4602hTop
INT 2F CU - MS Windows WINOLDAP - SWITCHING ??? AX = 4602h Return: ??? Note: the DOS 5+ kernel intercepts this function and copies the previously-saved MCB from the DOS data segment into the MCB following the caller's PSP memory block; in conjunction with AX=4601h, this intercept is used by DOS to avoid corruption of the Windows real-mode heap's end sentinel SeeAlso: AX=1700h,AX=4601hTop
INT 2F CU - DOS 5+ - FLOPPY-DISK LOGICAL DRIVE CHANGE NOTIFICATION AX = 4A00h CX = 0000h DH = new drive number DL = current drive number Return: CX = FFFFh to skip "Insert diskette for drive X:" message Note: called by MS-DOS 5.0+ IO.SYS just before displaying the message "Insert diskette for drive X:" on single-floppy systemsTop
INT 2F - DOS 5+ - QUERY FREE HMA SPACE AX = 4A01h Return: BX = number of bytes available in HMA (0000h if DOS not using HMA) ES:DI -> start of available HMA area (FFFFh:FFFFh if not using HMA) Notes: called by Windows 3.1 DOSX.EXE supported by Novell DOS 7 SeeAlso: AX=4310h,AX=4A02hTop
INT 2F - DOS 5+ - ALLOCATE HMA SPACE AX = 4A02h BX = number of bytes Return: ES:DI -> start of allocated HMA block or FFFFh:FFFFh BX = number of bytes actually allocated (rounded up to next paragraph for DOS 5.0 and 6.0) Notes: this call is not valid unless DOS is loaded in the HMA (DOS=HIGH) called by Windows 3.1 DOSX.EXE supported by Novell DOS 7 SeeAlso: AX=4A01h,AX=4A03hTop
INT 2F U - Windows95 - DOS KERNEL - (DE)ALLOCATE HMA MEMORY BLOCK AX = 4A03h CX = segment of block's owner??? DL = subfunction 00h allocate block BX = number of bytes Return: DI=FFFFh if unable to allocate ES:DI -> allocated block 01h resize block ES:DI -> previously-allocated block BX = new size in bytes (must be less than original size???) Return: DI=FFFFh if unable to allocate ES:DI -> reallocated block Note: the contents of the original block are NOT copied 02h free block??? ES:DI -> block to be freed Note: in MS-DOS 7.x, function 4A02h is implemented by calling this function with DL=00h SeeAlso: AX=4A02hTop
INT 2F U - Windows95 - DOS KERNEL - GET START OF HMA MEMORY CHAIN AX = 4A04h Return: AX = 0000h if function supported ES:DI -> first HMA memory control block (see #02800) Format of Windows95 HMA memory control block: Offset Size Description (Table 02800) 00h 2 BYTEs signature "MS" (4Dh 53h) 02h WORD segment of owner (or segment at which to address block???) 0000h = free 0001h = DOS??? FF33h = IO.SYS FFFFh = MSDOS.SYS 04h WORD size of memory block (not including this header) 06h WORD offset of next memory block in segment FFFFh, or 0000h if last 08h 8 BYTEs unused (explicitly set to 0 for MS-DOS 7.10)Top
INT 2F CU - DOS 5+ - DOS SUPERVISOR "REBOOT PANEL" - ADJUST MEMORY SIZE AX = 4A06h DX = segment following last byte of conventional memory Return: DX = segment following last byte of memory available for use by DOS Desc: used to override the default memory size when booting diskless workstations Notes: called by MS-DOS 5+ IO.SYS and DR DOS 6.0+ IBMBIO.OCM startup code if the signature "RPL" is present three bytes beyond the INT 2F handler; this call overrides the value returned by INT 12 hooked by RPL code at the top of memory to protect itself from being overwritten; DOS builds a memory block with owner = 0008h and name "RPL" which must be freed by the RPL code when it is done. Under DR DOS, it is sufficient to set the owner field of the MCB to 0000h. In addition to the test for "RPL", DR PalmDOS (since 1992/08/25), DR DOS 6.0 "Business update March 1993", DR DOS "Panther" and "StarTrek", and Novell DOS 7+ also check for a "RPLOADER" signature. If this 2nd signature is found, IBMBIO.COM will store the INT 2Fh vector for later use after the BIOS init, when at several points it directly calls the RPLOADER via an emulated INT 2Fh with AX=12FFh/BX=5/CX=0/DX=1 and a phase code 1, 2 or 3 on the stack. This permits the RPLOADER to keep track of the initialization process and clean or fix up anything it wishes. The "phase 1" broadcast is issued after the BIOS init code and data have been relocated (e.g. into the HMA), "phase 2" gets issued immediately before the CONFIG.SYS processing begins and the DOS code and data are relocated, and the closing "phase 3" happens to permit any final tidy ups before the memory manager gets acknowledgement of completion. SeeAlso: INT 12"BIOS",INT 18"BOOT HOOK",AX=4A07h,INT 2F/AX=12FFh/BX=0005hTop
INT 2F U - Windows95 - OPEN BOOT LOG AX = 4A16h Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh boot log file already open else DOS error code BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=4A17h,AX=4A18hTop
INT 2F U - Windows95 - WRITE TO BOOT LOG AX = 4A17h CX = number of bytes to write DS:DX -> message to write (must include CR-LF if it is desired) Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh boot log file not open else DOS error code Note: calls the code for INT 2F/AX=4A21h after writing to the file SeeAlso: AX=4A17h,AX=4A18h,AX=4A21hTop
INT 2F U - Windows95 - CLOSE BOOT LOG AX = 4A18h Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh boot log file not open else DOS error code from closing file BX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=4A16h,AX=4A17hTop
INT 2F U - Windows95 - ??? AX = 4A21h Return: AX destroyed Note: calls INT 21/AX=4404h"IOCTL" with a five-byte buffer containing "MDF??" SeeAlso: AX=4A17hTop
INT 2F U - Windows95 - ??? AX = 4A31h CL = new value for ??? DS:SI -> BYTE to be set to CL Return: nothingTop
INT 2F U - Windows95 - PATCH ??? AX = 4A32h BL = subfunction 00h get ??? Return: AX = flag: subfunction 04h has been used (0000h/FFFFh) DX = ??? (0000h/?) 01h patch ??? in IO.SYS (segment 0070h) 02h unpatch ??? in IO.SYS 03h ??? 04h set ???, then do subfunction 01h 05h unset ???, then do subfunction 02h else Return: nothingTop
INT 2F - Windows95 - CHECK MS-DOS VERSION 7 AX = 4A33h Return: AX = 0000h for MS-DOS 7.00+ (officially) BX,DX,SI,DS may be destroyed (undoc) DS:DX -> ASCIZ primary shell executable name (undoc) DS:SI -> CONFIG.SYS SHELL= command line (counted string) (undoc) BH = ??? (0000h) (undoc) BL = ??? (0000h) AX nonzero (usually 4A33h) if MS-DOS 6- or other DOS SeeAlso: AX=1611h,INT 21/AH=30hTop
INT 30 - (NOT A VECTOR!) - DOS 1+ - FAR JMP instruction for CP/M-style calls the CALL 5 entry point does a FAR jump to here Note: under DOS 2+, the instruction at PSP:0005 points two bytes too low in memory SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=26hTop
INT 31 - overwritten by CP/M jump instruction in INT 30Top