Index for interrupt INT F1
Table of Contents by Order
F1 - INT F1 - reserved for user interrupt
F1 - INT F1 - Andy C. McGuire SPEECH.COM/SAY.COM
F1 - INT F1 - VIRUS - "Violetta" - ???
F103 - INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-PUT-MESSAGE"
F1--03 - INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE"
F104 - INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-GET-MESSAGE"
F1--04 - INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_GET_MESSAGE"
F1F1 - INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-GET-VERSION"
F1--F1 - INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_GET_VERSION"
INT F1 - reserved for user interruptTop
INT F1 - SPEECH.COM - CONVERT TEXT STRING TO SPEECH DS:BX -> '$'-terminated text string Return: nothing Program: SPEECH.COM is a resident text-to-speech converter by Douglas SiscoTop
INT F1 - AQUEDUCT, PIPELINE - GET DATA AREA ADDRESS Return: AX:BX -> data area Program: AQUEDUCT and PIPELINE are TSRs by James W. Birdsall to connect COM1 and COM2 in software Note: The installation check consists of testing for the following signature immediately preceding the interrupt handler: "JWBtvv" where 't' is either "A" for AQUEDUCT or "P" for PIPELINE and "vv" is a two-digit version number Index: installation check;AQUEDUCT|installation check;PIPELINETop
INT F1 - NetWare Remote Boot - INSTALLATION CHECK (NOT A VECTOR!) Note: if this vector contains the value 5774654Eh ("NetW"), the remote boot BIOS extension is active, and access to the floppy disk is redirected to an image file in the server's SYS:LOGIN directory SeeAlso: INT F2"NetWare",INT F3"NetWare",INT F4"NetWare"Top
INT F1 - VIRUS - "Violetta" - ??? Note: used but not chained by virus SeeAlso: INT E0"VIRUS",INT FF"VIRUS"Top
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-REGISTER" - INITIALIZE CAPI AH = 01h ES:BX -> buffer for CAPI's use (refer to note below) CX = minimum number of pending messages DX = maximum simultaneous Level 3 connections SI = maximum concurrent received B3 data blocks DI = maximum B3 data block size Return: AX = CAPI-assigned application ID 0000h on error BX = error number 1001h registration error Range: INT 00 to INT FF, selectable by program parameter Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space the CAPI interrupt handler begins with a header which is nearly identical to the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol header (see #02568 at INT 2D"AMIS"), except that the short jump instruction to a hardware reset handler at offset 09h is replaced by the signature bytes "IA" the maximum length of a message is fixed at 180 bytes; the standard document suggests using CX=10, DI=1, SI=7, and DI=130 for applications which use only a single connection and standard protocols the total size of the application-provided buffer must be at least 180*CX + DX*SI*DI bytes SeeAlso: AH=02h,INT F1/AL=01h Index: installation check;Common ISDN APITop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_REGISTER" - INITIALIZE CAPI AL = 01h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) ES:BX -> buffer for CAPI's use (refer to note below) CX = number of bytes for message buffer DX = maximum simultaneous logical (Level 3) connections SI = maximum concurrent received B3 data blocks (min. 2) DI = maximum B3 data block size (up to 2048 bytes) Return: AX = CAPI-assigned application ID 0000h on error BX = error number 1001h registration error Range: INT 00 to INT FF, selectable by program parameter Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space the CAPI interrupt handler begins with a header (see #04068) which is nearly identical to the IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol header (see #02568 at INT 2D"AMIS"), except that the short jump instruction to a hardware reset handler at offset 09h is zeroed out and the entire header is inexplicably shortened by one byte the standard document suggests using 1024 + (1024*DX) bytes for the message buffer for typical applications the total size of the application-provided buffer must be at least CX + DX*SI*DI bytes SeeAlso: AH=01h,INT F1/AL=02h Index: installation check;Common ISDN API Format of CAPI v2.0 interrupt handler entry point: Offset Size Description (Table 04068) 00h 2 BYTEs short jump to actual start of interrupt handler, immediately following this data block (EBh 0Fh) 02h DWORD address of next handler in chain 06h WORD signature 424Bh 08h BYTE EOI flag (80h) 80h primary hardware interrupt handler (will issue EOI) 09h 2 BYTEs reserved (0) (is short jump to hardware reset routine in ISP header) 0Bh 4 BYTEs signature "CAPI" 0Fh 2 BYTEs two-digit CAPI version number in ASCII ('20') SeeAlso: #02568 at INT 2DTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-RELEASE" - UNREGISTER FROM CAPI AH = 02h DX = application ID (see AH=01h) Return: AX = status (0000h,1002h) (see #04069) Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: AH=01h,INT F1/AL=02h (Table 04069) Values for CAPI v1.1 error code: 0000h successful 1001h registration error 1002h invalid application ID 1003h message too small or incorrectly coded message number 1004h invalid command or subcommand 1005h message queue full 1006h message queue empty 1007h message(s) lost due to queue overflow 1008h error uninstalling SeeAlso: #04070Top
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_RELEASE" - UNREGISTER FROM CAPI AL = 02h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) DX = application ID (see INT F1/AL=01h) Return: AX = status (0000h,11xxh) (see #04070) Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: AH=02h,INT F1/AL=01h,INT F1/AL=03h (Table 04070) Values for CAPI v2.0 error code: 0000h successful 1001h too many applications 1002h logical block size too small (must be at least 128 bytes) 1003h buffer > 64K 1004h message buffer too small (minimum 1024 bytes) 1005h too many logical connections requested 1006h reserved 1007h could not register because CAPI busy, try again 1008h OS resource unavailable (out of memory, etc.) 1009h COMMON-ISDN-API not installed 100Ah controller does not support external equipment 100Bh controller supports only external equipment 1101h invalid application ID 1102h illegal command or subcommand, or message too short 1103h message queue full 1104h queue empty 1105h queue overflowed (message lost) 1106h unknown notification parameter 1107h could not accept message because CAPI busy, try again 1108h OS resource unavailable (out of memory, etc.) 1109h COMMON-ISDN-API not installed 110Ah controller does not support external equipment 110Bh controller supports only external equipment 2001h message not supported in current state 2002h illegal controller/PLCI/NCCI 2003h out of PLCI 2004h out of NCCI 2005h out of LISTEN 2006h out of FAX resources (T.30 protocol) 2007h illegal message parameter coding 3001h unsupported B1 protocol 3002h unsupported B2 protocol 3003h unsupported B3 protocol 3004h unsupported B1 protocol parameter 3005h unsupported B2 protocol parameter 3006h unsupported B3 protocol parameter 3007h unsupported B protocol combination 3008h NCPI not supported 3009h unknown CIP value 300Ah unsupported flags (reserved bits set) 300Bh unsupported facility 300Ch data length not supported by current protocol 300Dh reset procedure not supported by current protocol SeeAlso: #04069Top
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-PUT-MESSAGE" AH = 03h DX = application ID (see AH=01h) ES:BX -> message to be sent (see #04071) Return: AX = status (0000h,1002h,1003h,1004h,1005h) (see #04069) Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space the message buffer may be reused as soon as this call returns SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=04h,INT F1/AL=03h Format of CAPI message: Offset Size Description (Table 04071) 00h WORD total message length, including header 02h WORD application ID (see AH=01h) 04h BYTE command (see #04072,#04073) 05h BYTE subcommand (see #04072,#04073) 06h WORD message sequence number 0000h-7FFFh messages from application to CAPI (and replies) 8000h-FFFFh messages from CAPI to application (and replies) 08h var message data (max 172 bytes for v1.1 only) (Table 04072) Values for CAPI v1.1 message command/subcommand: Cmd/SubCmd Name Description 01h/00h RESET-B3-REQ request resetting of a Level 3 connection 01h/01h RESET-B3-CONF confirm Level 3 connection reset 01h/02h RESET-B3-IND indication from CAPI that Level 3 conn. reset 01h/03h RESET-B3-RESP confirm receipt of RESET-B3-IND 02h/00h CONNECT-REQ establish B-channel connection 02h/01h CONNECT-CONF confirm start of connection establishment 02h/02h CONNECT-IND indication from CAPI of incoming connection 02h/03h CONNECT-RESP accept incoming connection 03h/02h CONNECT-ACTIVE-IND indication that B-channel connection complete 03h/03h CONNECT-ACTIVE-RESP confirm connection-complete indication 04h/00h DISCONNECT-REQ request shutdown of B-channel connection 04h/01h DISCONNECT-CONF confirm shutdown of B-channel connection 04h/02h DISCONNECT-IND indication that B-channel is shutting down 04h/03h DISCONNECT-RESP confirm that application knows of shutdown 05h/00h LISTEN-REQ enable indication of incoming connections 05h/01h LISTEN-CONF confirm enabling of incoming conn. indication 06h/00h GET-PARAMS-REQ request B-channel parameters 06h/01h GET-PARAMS-CONF return B-channel parameters 07h/00h INFO-REQ set B-channel info to be signalled to app 07h/01h INFO-CONF confirm B-channel info signalling 07h/02h INFO-IND signal B-channel events to application 07h/03h INFO-CONF confirm receipt of INFO-IND 08h/00h DATA-REQ send D-channel data 08h/01h DATA-CONF confirm receipt of DATA-REQ 08h/02h DATA-IND receive D-channel data 08h/03h DATA-RESP confirm receipt fo DATA-IND 09h/00h CONNECT-INFO-REQ request connection information 09h/01h CONNECT-INFO-CONF return connection information 40h/00h SELECT-B2-PROTOCOL-REQ select Level 2 protocol 40h/01h SELECT-B2-PROTOCOL-CONF confirm receipt of SELECT-B2-PROTOCOL-REQ 80h/00h SELECT-B3-PROTOCOL-REQ select Level 3 protocol 80h/01h SELECT-B3-PROTOCOL-CONF confirm receipt of SELECT-B3-PROTOCOL-REQ 81h/00h LISTEN-B3-REQ enable notification of incoming Level 3 calls 81h/01h LISTEN-B3-CONF confirm receipt of LISTEN-B3-REQ 82h/00h CONNECT-B3-REQ establish Level 3 connection 82h/01h CONNECT-B3-CONF confirm start of connection establishment 82h/02h CONNECT-B3-IND indication of incoming Level 3 connection 82h/03h CONNECT-B3-RESP accept incoming connection 83h/02h CONNECT-B3-ACTIVE-IND indication that Level 3 connection complete 83h/03h CONNECT-B3-ACTIVE-RESP confirm connection-complete indication 84h/00h DISCONNECT-B3-REQ request shutdown of Level 3 connection 84h/01h DISCONNECT-B3-CONF confirm shutdown of Level 3 connection 84h/02h DISCONNECT-B3-IND indication that Level 3 is shutting down 84h/03h DISCONNECT-B3-RESP confirm that application knows of shutdown 85h/00h GET-B3-PARAMS-REQ request Level 3 parameters 85h/01h GET-B3-PARAMS-CONF return Level 3 parameters 86h/00h DATA-B3-REQ send data on Level 3 86h/01h DATA-B3-CONF confirm sending of Level 3 data 86h/02h DATA-B3-IND indication of incoming Level 3 data 86h/03h DATA-B3-RESP confirm receipt of Level 3 data 87h/02h HANDSET-IND indication of Handset events 87h/03h HANDSET-RESP confirm receipt of Handset event FFh/00h MANUFACTURER-REQ vendor-specific request FFh/01h MANUFACTURER-CONF vendor-specific request confirmation FFh/02h MANUFACTURER-IND vendor-specific notification FFh/03h MANUFACTURER-RESP vendor-specific notification confirmation SeeAlso: #04071,#04073Top
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE" AL = 03h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) DX = application ID (see INT F1/AL=01h) ES:BX -> message to be sent (see #04071) Return: AX = status (0000h,11xxh) (see #04070) Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space the message buffer may be reused as soon as this call returns SeeAlso: AH=03h,INT F1/AL=01h,INT F1/AL=04h (Table 04073) Values for CAPI v2.0 message command/subcommand: Cmd/SubCmd Name Description 01h/80h ALERT_REQ indicate compatibility with incoming calls 01h/81h ALERT_CONF confirm receipt of ALERT_REQ 02h/80h CONNECT_REQ establish B-channel connection 02h/81h CONNECT_CONF confirm start of connection establishment 02h/82h CONNECT_IND indication from CAPI of incoming connection 02h/83h CONNECT_RESP accept incoming connection 03h/82h CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND indication that B-channel connection complete 03h/83h CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP confirm connection-complete indication 04h/80h DISCONNECT_REQ request shutdown of B-channel connection 04h/81h DISCONNECT_CONF confirm shutdown of B-channel connection 04h/82h DISCONNECT_IND indication that B-channel is shutting down 04h/83h DISCONNECT_RESP confirm that application knows of shutdown 05h/80h LISTEN_REQ enable signalling on incoming events 05h/81h LISTEN_CONF confirm enabling of incoming event signalling 08h/80h INFO_REQ send protocol information for physical connect 08h/81h INFO_CONF confirm INFO_REQ 08h/82h INFO_IND indicate event for physical connection 08h/83h INFO_CONF confirm receipt of INFO_IND 41h/80h SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_REQ change protocol on already-active connect 41h/81h SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF confirm receipt of SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_REQ 80h/80h FACILITY_REQ control optional facilities 80h/81h FACILITY_CONF confirm acceptance of FACILITY_REQ 80h/82h FACILITY_IND indicate facility-dependent event 80h/83h FACILITY_RESP confirm receipt of FACILITY_IND 82h/80h CONNECT_B3_REQ establish Level 3 connection 82h/81h CONNECT_B3_CONF confirm start of connection establishment 82h/82h CONNECT_B3_IND indication of incoming Level 3 connection 82h/83h CONNECT_B3_RESP accept incoming connection 83h/82h CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND indication that Level 3 connection complete 83h/83h CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP confirm connection-complete indication 84h/80h DISCONNECT_B3_REQ request shutdown of Level 3 connection 84h/81h DISCONNECT_B3_CONF confirm shutdown of Level 3 connection 84h/82h DISCONNECT_B3_IND indication that Level 3 is shutting down 84h/83h DISCONNECT_B3_RESP confirm that application knows of shutdown 85h/80h GET_B3_PARAMS_REQ request Level 3 parameters 85h/81h GET_B3_PARAMS_CONF return Level 3 parameters 86h/80h DATA_B3_REQ send data on Level 3 86h/81h DATA_B3_CONF confirm sending of Level 3 data 86h/82h DATA_B3_IND indication of incoming Level 3 data 86h/83h DATA_B3_RESP confirm receipt of Level 3 data 87h/80h RESET_B3_REQ request resetting of a logical connection 87h/81h RESET_B3_CONF confirm logical connection reset 87h/82h RESET_B3_IND indication from CAPI that logical conn. reset 87h/83h RESET_B3_RESP confirm receipt of RESET_B3_IND 88h/82h CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_IND indicate switch from T.70 to T.90 88h/83h CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_RESP confirm receipt of T90_ACTIVE_IND FFh/80h MANUFACTURER_REQ vendor-specific request FFh/81h MANUFACTURER_CONF vendor-specific request confirmation FFh/82h MANUFACTURER_IND vendor-specific notification FFh/83h MANUFACTURER_RESP vendor-specific notification confirmation SeeAlso: #04071,#04072Top
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-GET-MESSAGE" AH = 04h DX = application ID (see AH=01h) Return: AX = status (0000h,1002h,1006h,1007h) (see #04069) ES:BX -> message if successful (see #04071) Range: INT 00 to INT FF, selectable by program parameter Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space the returned message may be overwritten by the next call to this function SeeAlso: AH=03hTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_GET_MESSAGE" AL = 04h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) DX = application ID (see AH=01h) Return: AX = status (0000h,11xxh) (see #04070) ES:BX -> message if successful (see #04071) Range: INT 00 to INT FF, selectable by program parameter Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space the returned message may be overwritten by the next call to this function SeeAlso: AH=04h,INT F1/AL=03hTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-SET-SIGNAL" - SIGNAL HANDLING AH = 05h DX = application ID (see AH=01h) ES:BX -> signal handler or 0000h:0000h to disable Return: AX = status (0000h,1002h) (see #04069) Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space the signal handler is called as though it were an interrupt, with interrupts disabled; the handler must preserve all registers and return with an IRET SeeAlso: AH=01hTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_SET_SIGNAL" - SIGNAL HANDLING AL = 05h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) DX = application ID (see AH=01h) ES:BX -> signal handler or 0000h:0000h to disable SI:DI = parameter to pass to signal handler Return: AX = status (0000h,11xxh) (see #04070) Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space the signal handler is called as though it were an interrupt, with interrupts disabled and DX,SI,DI set as they were when this function was called; the handler must preserve all registers and return with an IRET the signal handler may call CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE, CAPI_GET_MESSAGE, and CAPI_SET_SIGNAL SeeAlso: INT F1/AL=01hTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-DEINSTALL" - UNINSTALL AH = 06h BX = force flag 0000h normal uninstall 0001h forced uninstall Return: AX = status (0000h,1008h) (see #04069) Desc: reset ISDN controller, close all ISDN Level 1 connections except for telephone connections Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: INT F1/AL=01h,INT F1/AH=01hTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-GET-MANUFACTURER" AH = F0h ES:BX -> 64-byte buffer for manufacturer identification information Return: ES:BX buffer filled with ASCIZ idnetification string Range: INT 00 to INT FF, selectable by program parameter Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=F1h,AH=F2h,AH=FFh,INT F1/AL=F0hTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_GET_MANUFACTURER" AL = F0h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) ES:BX -> 64-byte buffer for manufacturer identification information Return: ES:BX buffer filled with ASCIZ idnetification string Range: INT 00 to INT FF, selectable by program parameter Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: AH=F0h,INT F1/AL=01h,INT F1/AL=F1h,INT F1/AL=F2h,INT F1/AL=FFhTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-GET-VERSION" AH = F1h ES:BX -> 64-byte buffer for CAPI version number Return: ES:BX buffer filled with ASCIZ version string Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=F0h,AH=F2h,AH=FFhTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_GET_VERSION" AL = F1h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) Return: AH = CAPI major version number AL = CAPI minor version number DH = vendor-specific major version DL = vendor-specific minor version Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: AH=F1h,INT F1/AL=01h,INT F1/AL=F0h,INT F1/AL=F2h,INT F1/AL=FFhTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-GET-SERIAL-NUMBER" AH = F2h ES:BX -> 64-byte buffer for CAPI serial number Return: ES:BX buffer filled with ASCIZ serial number (seven digits), empty string if no serial number Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=F0h,AH=F1h,AH=FFhTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_GET_SERIAL_NUMBER" AL = F2h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) ES:BX -> 64-byte buffer for CAPI serial number Return: ES:BX buffer filled with ASCIZ serial number (seven digits), empty string if no serial number Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: AH=F2h,INT F1/AL=01h,INT F1/AL=F0h,INT F1/AL=F1h,INT F1/AL=F3hTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_GET_PROFILE" - GET CAPABILITIES AL = F3h AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) ES:BX -> 64-byte buffer for CAPI capabilities (see #04074) CX = controller number (01h-06h) or 0000h to get number of controllers Return: AX = status (0000h,11xxh) (see #04070) ES:BX buffer filled if successful Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: INT F1/AL=01h,INT F1/AL=F0h,INT F1/AL=F2h,INT F1/AH=FFh Format of CAPI v2.0 capabilities: Offset Size Description (Table 04074) 00h WORD number of installed controllers 02h WORD number of supported B channels 04h DWORD global options (see #04075) 08h DWORD B1 protocol support flags (see #04076) 0Ch DWORD B2 protocol support flags (see #04077) 10h DWORD B3 protocol support flags (see #04078) 14h 24 BYTEs reserved for CAPI use 2Ch 20 BYTEs vendor-specific information Bitfields for CAPI v2.0 global options: Bit(s) Description (Table 04075) 0 internal controller supported 1 external controller supported 2 handset supported (only if bit 1 also set) 3 DTMF supported 4-31 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #04074 Bitfields for CAPI v2.0 B1 protocol support: Bit(s) Description (Table 04076) 0 64k bps with HDLC framing (required, always set) 1 64k bps bit-transparent operation with network byte framing 2 V.110 asynchronous with start/stop byte framing 3 V.110 synchronous with HDLC framing 4 T.30 modem for group 3 FAX 5 64k bps inverted with HDLC framing 6 56k bps bit-transparent operation with network byte framing 7-31 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #04074 Bitfields for CAPI v2.0 B2 protocol support: Bit(s) Description (Table 04077) 0 ISO 7776 (X.75 SLP) (required, always set) 1 transparent 2 SDLC 3 Q.921 LAPD (D-channel X.25) 4 T.30 for group 3 FAX 5 point-to-point protocol (PPP) 6 transparent (ignoring B1 framing errors) 7-31 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #04074 Bitfields for CAPI v2.0 B3 protocol support: Bit(s) Description (Table 04078) 0 transparent (required, always set) 1 T.90NL with T.70NL compatibility 2 ISO 8208 (X.25 DTE-DTE) 3 X.25 DCE 4 T.30 for group 3 FAX 5-31 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #04074Top
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v1.1 - "API-MANUFACTURER" - VENDOR-SPECIFIC AH = FFh other registers vendor-specific Return: registers vendor-specific Range: INT 00 to INT FF, selectable by program parameter Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=F0h,AH=F1h,AH=F2h,INT F1/AH=FFhTop
INT F1 - Common ISDN API (CAPI) v2.0 - "CAPI_MANUFACTURER" - VENDOR-SPECIFIC AL = FFh AH = CAPI version number * 10 (14h for v2.0) other registers vendor-specific Return: registers vendor-specific Range: INT 00 to INT FF, selectable by program parameter Notes: the caller is required to provide at least 512 bytes of stack space SeeAlso: AH=FFh,INT F1/AL=01h,INT F1/AL=F0h,INT F1/AL=F1h,INT F1/AL=F2hTop