Interrupt List Release 61 Last change 16jul00
Copyright (c) 1989-1999,2000 Ralf Brown
Index for interrupt INT 92

Table of Contents by Order
92 - INT 92 - IBM ROM BASIC - used while in interpreter
92 - INT 92 - Sangoma X.25 INTERFACE PROGRAM
92E1 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher INTERFACE
92E100 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetInitStart"
92E101BX0000 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetInitCheck"
92E102BX0000 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetCheckDriver"
92E103BX0000 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetTerminate"
92E104 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetWhereIs"
92E105 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetOpen"
92E106BX0004 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetRead"
92E107BX0002 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetGetError"
92E108 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetWrite"
92E109 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetErrorFix" (UNUSED)
92E10A - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetClose"
92E10B - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetCheckQueue"
92E10C - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetReadQueue"
92E10D - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetSubmitName"
92E10E - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetRemoveName"
92E10FBX0000 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - IS ANYONE THERE? QUERY
92E110 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetGetAltRoute"
92E111 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetDeleteAltRoutes"
92E112 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetChangePassword"
92E113 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetSetAltRoute"
92E175 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - BECOME MICRO TSR
92E180 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - INSTALLATION CHECK

92 - INT 92 - IBM ROM BASIC - used while in interpreter
INT 92 - IBM ROM BASIC - used while in interpreter
Notes:	called by ROM BASIC, but pointed at IRET by BASIC.COM/BASICA.COM
	BASIC.COM/BASICA.COM do not restore vector on termination

92 - INT 92 - Sangoma X.25 INTERFACE PROGRAM
	BX:DX -> control block
SeeAlso: INT 68"Sangoma"

92E1 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher INTERFACE
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher INTERFACE
	AH = E1h
	AL = function
	BX = stack count (number of words to push)
	CX:DX -> stack data (in word-reversed order ready to push)
Return: AX = status (see #03979)
Note:	preserves BP, DS, SI, DI; other registers may be destroyed

(Table 03979)
Values for Da Vinci eMail function status:
 0001h	success
 FFF8h	"ERS_USE_STRING" (call NetGetError to get error string)

92E100 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetInitStart"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetInitStart"
	AX = E100h
	BX = size of parameter block in words (000Ah)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03980)
Return: AX = 0001h success
Desc:	this function is used to initialize the dispatcher
SeeAlso: AX=E101h,AX=E103h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetInitStart" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03980)
 00h	WORD	segment of ???
 02h	WORD	offset of ???
 04h	WORD	high part of long ???
 06h	WORD	low part of long ???
 08h	WORD	high part of long ???
 0Ah	WORD	low part of long ???
 0Ch	WORD	high part of long ???
 0Eh	WORD	low part of long ???
 10h	WORD	high part of long ???
 12h	WORD	low part of long ???

92E101BX0000 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetInitCheck"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetInitCheck"
	AX = E101h
	BX = 0000h
	CX:DX ignored
Return: AX = 0001h success
SeeAlso: AX=E100h,AX=E180h

92E102BX0000 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetCheckDriver"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetCheckDriver"
	AX = E102h
	BX = 0000h
	CX:DX ignored
Return: AX = 0001h success
Desc:	this function is used to determine if the dispatcher is loaded
SeeAlso: AX=E10Bh,AX=E180h

92E103BX0000 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetTerminate"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetTerminate"
	AX = E103h
	BX = 0000h
	CX:DX ignored
Return: AX = status (see #03979)
SeeAlso: AX=E100h

92E104 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetWhereIs"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetWhereIs"
	AX = E104h
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0006h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03981)
Return: AX = status (see #03979)
Desc:	this function is used to verify node address for usernames
SeeAlso: AX=E180h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetWhereIs" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03981)
 00h	WORD	segment of node address buffer
 02h	WORD	offset of node address buffer
 04h	WORD	segment of uppercase username
 06h	WORD	offset of uppercase username
 08h	WORD	segment of "DVSEMAIL"
 0Ah	WORD	offset of "DVSEMAIL"

92E105 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetOpen"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetOpen"
	AX = E105h
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0007h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03982)
Return: AX = 0000h Error
	AX = handle
Desc:	this function is used to open a submission channel
SeeAlso: AX=E10Ah,AX=E106h,AX=E108h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetOpen" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03982)
 00h	WORD	operation (1 = read, 2 = write)
 02h	WORD	segment of uppercase To: username
 04h	WORD	offset of uppercase To: username
 06h	WORD	segment of "DVSEMAIL"
 08h	WORD	offset of "DVSEMAIL"
 0Ah	WORD	segment of node address
 0Ch	WORD	offset of node address

92E106BX0004 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetRead"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetRead"
	AX = E106h
	BX = 0004h
	CX:DX -> parameter block
Return: AX = 0001h
SeeAlso: AX=E108h

92E107BX0002 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetGetError"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetGetError"
	AX = E107h
	BX = 0002h
	CX:DX -> parameter block
Return: AX = 0001h
SeeAlso: AX=E109h,AX=E180h

92E108 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetWrite"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetWrite"
	AX = E108h
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0004h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03983)
Return: AX = amount written
Desc:	This function is used to write transactions to the dispatcher.
	  The command block is written first and then another call is used
	  to write the associated data.
SeeAlso: AX=E106h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetWrite" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03983)
 00h	WORD	buffer count (see #03985)
 02h	WORD	segment of command buffer (see #03984)
 04h	WORD	offset of command buffer
 06h	WORD	handle from NetOpen

Format of Da Vinci eMail command buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03984)
 00h	BYTE	command
		21h '!' Protocol commands for remote control
		41h 'A' Authorization protocol element
		42h 'B' Return(back) routing information
		    Associated data is the From: username
		43h 'C' Carbon Copy list
		    Associated data is a comma delimitted list of usernames
		44h 'D' Distribution list
		    Associated data is a comma delimitted list of usernames
		45h 'E' Mail end marker
		    No associated data
		48h 'H' Mail message header
		    Associated data is a message header buffer
		4Dh 'M' Mail message
		    Associated data is the body of the message
		4Fh 'O' Object
		50h 'P' Paperclip attachment
		52h 'R' Routing information
		    Associated data is the To: username
		53h 'S' Subject
		    Associated data is the subject of the message
		54h 'T' Trail of Reply/Forwards
 01h	BYTE	subcommand
 02h	DWORD	length of associated data

Format of Da Vinci eMail message header buffer:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03985)
 00h 30 BYTEs	subject line
 1Eh 24 BYTEs	To
 36h 24 BYTEs	From
 4Eh	DWORD	Time
		BYTE	00h
		BYTE	hour
		BYTE	minute
		BYTE	second
 52h	DWORD	Date
		BYTE	00h
		BYTE	year
		BYTE	month
		BYTE	day
 56h	DWORD	serial number (00000000h)
 5Ah	WORD	mail types (see #03986)
 5Ch	WORD	special types (0)

Bitfields for Da Vinci eMail mail types:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 03986)
 7	blind carbon copy
 6	carbon copy
 5	priority
 4	confidential
 3	certified
 2	bulk
 1-0	class (first, second, third, bulk)

92E109 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetErrorFix" (UNUSED)
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetErrorFix" (UNUSED)
	AX = E109h
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0001h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03987)
SeeAlso: AX=E107h,AX=E180h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetErrorFix" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03987)
 00h	WORD	???

92E10A - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetClose"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetClose"
	AX = E10Ah
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0001h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03988)
Return: AX = 0001h
Desc:	this function is used to close a dispatcher handle
SeeAlso: AX=E105h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetClose" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03988)
 00h	WORD	handle from NetOpen

92E10B - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetCheckQueue"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetCheckQueue"
	AX = E10Bh
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0004h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03989)
Return: AX = 0001h
SeeAlso: AX=E102h,AX=E10Ch

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetCheckQueue" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03989)
 00h	WORD	segment of 24-byte username buffer
 02h	WORD	offset of 24-byte username buffer
 04h	WORD	segment of 24-byte protocol buffer
 06h	WORD	offset of 24-byte protocol buffer

92E10C - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetReadQueue"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetReadQueue"
	AX = E10Ch
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0002h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03990)
Return: AX = 0001h
SeeAlso: AX=E10Bh

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetReadQueue" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03990)
 00h	WORD	Segment of 128 byte node address buffer
 02h	WORD	Offset of 128 byte node address buffer

92E10D - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetSubmitName"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetSubmitName"
	AX = E10Dh
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0006h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03991)
Return: AX = status (see #03979)
Desc:	this function is used to verify username/password
SeeAlso: AX=E10Eh

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetSubmitName" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03991)
 00h	WORD	segment of uppercase password string
 02h	WORD	offset of uppercase password string
 04h	WORD	segment of uppercase username string
 06h	WORD	offset of uppercase username string
 08h	WORD	segment of "DVSEMAIL"
 0Ah	WORD	offset of "DVSEMAIL"

92E10E - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetRemoveName"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetRemoveName"
	AX = E10Eh
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0004h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03992)
Return: AX = 0001h
Desc:	this function is used to remove a username
SeeAlso: AX=E10Dh

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetRemoveName" parameter block:
Offset	Type	Description	(Table 03992)
 00h	WORD	segment of uppercase username
 02h	WORD	offset of uppercase username
 04h	WORD	segment of "DVSEMAIL"
 06h	WORD	offset of "DVSEMAIL"

92E10FBX0000 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - IS ANYONE THERE? QUERY
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - IS ANYONE THERE? QUERY
	AX = E10Fh
	BX = 0000h
	CX:DX ignored
Return: AX = 0001h
SeeAlso: AX=E180h

92E110 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetGetAltRoute"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetGetAltRoute"
	AX = E110h
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0006h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03993)
Return: AX = 0001h
SeeAlso: AX=E111h,AX=E113h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetGetAltRoute" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03993)
 00h  6 WORDs	???

92E111 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetDeleteAltRoutes"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetDeleteAltRoutes"
	AX = E111h
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0004h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03994)
Return: AX = 0001h
SeeAlso: AX=E110h,AX=E113h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetDeleteAltRoutes" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03994)
 00h  4 WORDs	???

92E112 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetChangePassword"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetChangePassword"
	AX = E112h
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0008h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03995)
Return: AX = 0001h
SeeAlso: AX=E180h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetChangePassword" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03995)
 00h  8 WORDs	???

92E113 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetSetAltRoute"
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - "NetSetAltRoute"
	AX = E113h
	BX = size of parameter block in words (0008h)
	CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03996)
Return: AX = 0001h
SeeAlso: AX=E110h,AX=E111h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetSetAltRoute" parameter block:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03996)
 00h  8 WORDs	???

92E175 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - BECOME MICRO TSR
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - BECOME MICRO TSR
	AX = E175h
Return: AX = 0012h
SeeAlso: AX=E180h

92E180 - INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - INSTALLATION CHECK
INT 92 - Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - INSTALLATION CHECK
	AX = E180h
Return: AX = 0012h if installed
	ES:DX -> '$'-terminated driver information string
SeeAlso: AX=E102h,AX=E105h,AX=E10Fh,AX=E175h

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