Interrupt List Release 61 Last change 16jul00
Copyright (c) 1989-1999,2000 Ralf Brown
Index for interrupt INT 2E

Table of Contents by Order
2E - INT 2E UP - Windows NT - NATIVE API
2E----BXE22E - INT 2E - 4DOS v2.x-3.03 SHELL2E.COM - UNINSTALL

	DS:SI -> commandline to execute (see #02585)
Return: all registers except CS:IP destroyed
	AX = status (4DOS v4.0)
	   0000h successful
	   FFFFh error before processing command (not enough memory, etc)
	   other error number returned by command
Notes:	this call allows execution of arbitrary commands (including COMMAND.COM
	  internal commands) without loading another copy of COMMAND.COM
	if COMMAND.COM is the user's command interpreter, the primary copy
	  executes the command; this allows the master environment to be
	  modified by issuing a "SET" command, but changes in the master
	  environment will not become effective until all programs descended
	  from the primary COMMAND.COM terminate
	since COMMAND.COM processes the string as if typed from the keyboard,
	  the transient portion needs to be present, and the calling program
	  must ensure that sufficient memory to load the transient portion can
	  be allocated by DOS if necessary
	results are unpredictable if invoked by a program run from a batch file
	  because this call is not reentrant and COMMAND.COM uses the same
	  internal variables when processing a batch file
	hooked but ignored by 4DOS v3.0 COMMAND.COM replacement unless SHELL2E
	  has been loaded
	the MS-DOS 5 Programmer's Reference calls this "Reload Transient"

Format of DOS commandline:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 02585)
 00h	BYTE	length of command string, not counting trailing CR
 01h	var	command string
  N	BYTE	0Dh (CR)

2E - INT 2E UP - Windows NT - NATIVE API
	EAX = function number (see #02586)
	EDX = address of parameter block
Return: ???

(Table 02586)
Values for Windows NT NTOS function number:
 000h	AcceptConnectPort	(24 bytes of parameters)
 001h	AccessCheck		(32 bytes of parameters)
 002h	AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm	(44 bytes of parameters)
 003h	AddAtom			(8 bytes of parameters)
 004h	AdjustGroupsToken	(24 bytes of parameters)
 005h	AdjustPrivilegesToken	(24 bytes of parameters)
 006h	AlertResumeThread	(8 bytes of parameters)
 007h	AlertThread		(4 bytes of parameters)
 008h	AllocateLocallyUniqueId	(4 bytes of parameters)
 009h	AllocateUuids		(12 bytes of parameters)
 00Ah	AllocateVirtualMemory	(24 bytes of parameters)
 00Bh	CallbackReturn		(12 bytes of parameters)
 00Ch	CancelIoFile		(8 bytes of parameters)
 00Dh	CancelTimer		(8 bytes of parameters)
 00Eh	ClearEvent		(4 bytes of parameters)
 00Fh	Close			(4 bytes of parameters)
 010h	CloseObjectAuditAlarm	(12 bytes of parameters)
 011h	CompleteConnectPort	(4 bytes of parameters)
 012h	ConnectPort		(32 bytes of parameters)
 013h	Continue		(8 bytes of parameters)
 014h	CreateDirectoryObject	(12 bytes of parameters)
 015h	CreateEvent		(20 bytes of parameters)
 016h	CreateEventPair		(12 bytes of parameters)
 017h	CreateFile		(44 bytes of parameters)
 018h	CreateIoCompletion	(16 bytes of parameters)
 019h	CreateKey		(28 bytes of parameters)
 01Ah	CreateMailslotFile	(32 bytes of parameters)
 01Bh	CreateMutant		(16 bytes of parameters)
 01Ch	CreateNamedPipeFile	(56 bytes of parameters)
 01Dh	CreatePagingFile	(16 bytes of parameters)
 01Eh	CreatePort		(20 bytes of parameters)
 01Fh	CreateProcess		(32 bytes of parameters)
 020h	CreateProfile		(36 bytes of parameters)
 021h	CreateSection		(28 bytes of parameters)
 022h	CreateSemaphore		(20 bytes of parameters)
 023h	CreateSymbolicLinkObject	(16 bytes of parameters)
 024h	CreateThread		(32 bytes of parameters)
 025h	CreateTimer		(16 bytes of parameters)
 026h	CreateToken		(52 bytes of parameters)
 027h	DelayExecution		(8 bytes of parameters)
 028h	DeleteAtom		(4 bytes of parameters)
 029h	DeleteFile		(4 bytes of parameters)
 02Ah	DeleteKey		(4 bytes of parameters)
 02Bh	DeleteObjectAuditAlarm	(12 bytes of parameters)
 02Ch	DeleteValueKey		(8 bytes of parameters)
 02Dh	DeviceIoControlFile	(40 bytes of parameters)
 02Eh	DisplayString		(4 bytes of parameters)
 02Fh	DuplicateObject		(28 bytes of parameters)
 030h	DuplicateToken		(24 bytes of parameters)
 031h	EnumerateKey		(24 bytes of parameters)
 032h	EnumerateValueKey	(24 bytes of parameters)
 033h	ExtendSection		(8 bytes of parameters)
 034h	FindAtom		(8 bytes of parameters)
 035h	FlushBuffersFile	(8 bytes of parameters)
 036h	FlushInstructionCache	(12 bytes of parameters)
 037h	FlushKey		(4 bytes of parameters)
 038h	FlushVirtualMemory	(16 bytes of parameters)
 039h	FlushWriteBuffer	(no parameters)
 03Ah	FreeVirtualMemory	(16 bytes of parameters)
 03Bh	FsControlFile		(40 bytes of parameters)
 03Ch	GetContextThread	(8 bytes of parameters)
 03Dh	GetPlugPlayEvent	(16 bytes of parameters)
 03Eh	GetTickCount		(no parameters)
 03Fh	ImpersonateClientOfPort	(8 bytes of parameters)
 040h	ImpersonateThread	(12 bytes of parameters)
 041h	InitializeRegistry	(4 bytes of parameters)
 042h	ListenPort		(8 bytes of parameters)
 043h	LoadDriver		(4 bytes of parameters)
 044h	LoadKey	(8 bytes of parameters)
 045h	LoadKey2		(12 bytes of parameters)
 046h	LockFile		(40 bytes of parameters)
 047h	LockVirtualMemory	(16 bytes of parameters)
 048h	MakeTemporaryObject	(4 bytes of parameters)
 049h	MapViewOfSection	(40 bytes of parameters)
 04Ah	NotifyChangeDirectoryFile	(36 bytes of parameters)
 04Bh	NotifyChangeKey		(40 bytes of parameters)
 04Ch	OpenDirectoryObject	(12 bytes of parameters)
 04Dh	OpenEvent		(12 bytes of parameters)
 04Eh	OpenEventPair		(12 bytes of parameters)
 04Fh	OpenFile		(24 bytes of parameters)
 050h	OpenIoCompletion	(12 bytes of parameters)
 051h	OpenKey			(12 bytes of parameters)
 052h	OpenMutant		(12 bytes of parameters)
 053h	OpenObjectAuditAlarm	(48 bytes of parameters)
 054h	OpenProcess		(16 bytes of parameters)
 055h	OpenProcessToken	(12 bytes of parameters)
 056h	OpenSection		(12 bytes of parameters)
 057h	OpenSemaphore		(12 bytes of parameters)
 058h	OpenSymbolicLinkObject	(12 bytes of parameters)
 059h	OpenThread		(16 bytes of parameters)
 05Ah	OpenThreadToken		(16 bytes of parameters)
 05Bh	OpenTimer		(12 bytes of parameters)
 05Ch	PlugPlayControl		(16 bytes of parameters)
 05Dh	PrivilegeCheck		(12 bytes of parameters)
 05Eh	PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm	(20 bytes of parameters)
 05Fh	PrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm	(24 bytes of parameters)
 060h	ProtectVirtualMemory	(20 bytes of parameters)
 061h	PulseEvent		(8 bytes of parameters)
 062h	QueryInformationAtom	(20 bytes of parameters)
 063h	QueryAttributesFile	(8 bytes of parameters)
 064h	QueryDefaultLocale	(8 bytes of parameters)
 065h	QueryDirectoryFile	(44 bytes of parameters)
 066h	QueryDirectoryObject	(28 bytes of parameters)
 067h	QueryEaFile		(36 bytes of parameters)
 068h	QueryEvent		(20 bytes of parameters)
 069h	QueryFullAttributesFile	(8 bytes of parameters)
 06Ah	QueryInformationFile	(20 bytes of parameters)
 06Bh	QueryIoCompletion	(20 bytes of parameters)
 06Ch	QueryInformationPort	(20 bytes of parameters)
 06Dh	QueryInformationProcess	(20 bytes of parameters)
 06Eh	QueryInformationThread	(20 bytes of parameters)
 06Fh	QueryInformationToken	(20 bytes of parameters)
 070h	QueryIntervalProfile	(8 bytes of parameters)
 071h	QueryKey		(20 bytes of parameters)
 072h	QueryMultipleValueKey	(24 bytes of parameters)
 073h	QueryMutant		(20 bytes of parameters)
 074h	QueryObject		(20 bytes of parameters)
 075h	QueryOleDirectoryFile	(44 bytes of parameters)
 076h	QueryPerformanceCounter	(8 bytes of parameters)
 077h	QuerySection		(20 bytes of parameters)
 078h	QuerySecurityObject	(20 bytes of parameters)
 079h	QuerySemaphore		(20 bytes of parameters)
 07Ah	QuerySymbolicLinkObject	(12 bytes of parameters)
 07Bh	QuerySystemEnvironmentValue	(16 bytes of parameters)
 07Ch	QuerySystemInformation	(16 bytes of parameters)
 07Dh	QuerySystemTime		(4 bytes of parameters)
 07Eh	QueryTimer		(20 bytes of parameters)
 07Fh	QueryTimerResolution	(12 bytes of parameters)
 080h	QueryValueKey		(24 bytes of parameters)
 081h	QueryVirtualMemory	(24 bytes of parameters)
 082h	QueryVolumeInformationFile	(20 bytes of parameters)
 083h	QueueApcThread		(20 bytes of parameters)
 084h	RaiseException		(12 bytes of parameters)
 085h	RaiseHardError		(24 bytes of parameters)
 086h	ReadFile		(36 bytes of parameters)
 087h	ReadFileScatter		(36 bytes of parameters)
 088h	ReadRequestData		(24 bytes of parameters)
 089h	ReadVirtualMemory	(20 bytes of parameters)
 08Ah	RegisterThreadTerminatePort	(4 bytes of parameters)
 08Bh	ReleaseMutant		(8 bytes of parameters)
 08Ch	ReleaseSemaphore	(12 bytes of parameters)
 08Dh	RemoveIoCompletion	(20 bytes of parameters)
 08Eh	ReplaceKey		(12 bytes of parameters)
 08Fh	ReplyPort		(8 bytes of parameters)
 090h	ReplyWaitReceivePort	(16 bytes of parameters)
 091h	ReplyWaitReplyPort	(8 bytes of parameters)
 092h	RequestPort		(8 bytes of parameters)
 093h	RequestWaitReplyPort	(12 bytes of parameters)
 094h	ResetEvent		(8 bytes of parameters)
 095h	RestoreKey		(12 bytes of parameters)
 096h	ResumeThread		(8 bytes of parameters)
 097h	SaveKey	(8 bytes of parameters)
 098h	SetIoCompletion		(20 bytes of parameters)
 099h	SetContextThread	(8 bytes of parameters)
 09Ah	SetDefaultHardErrorPort	(4 bytes of parameters)
 09Bh	SetDefaultLocale	(8 bytes of parameters)
 09Ch	SetEaFile		(16 bytes of parameters)
 09Dh	SetEvent		(8 bytes of parameters)
 09Eh	SetHighEventPair	(4 bytes of parameters)
 09Fh	SetHighWaitLowEventPair	(4 bytes of parameters)
 0A0h	???			(??? bytes of parameters)
 0A1h	SetInformationFile	(20 bytes of parameters)
 0A2h	SetInformationKey	(16 bytes of parameters)
 0A3h	SetInformationObject	(16 bytes of parameters)
 0A4h	SetInformationProcess	(16 bytes of parameters)
 0A5h	SetInformationThread	(16 bytes of parameters)
 0A6h	SetInformationToken	(16 bytes of parameters)
 0A7h	SetIntervalProfile	(8 bytes of parameters)
 0A8h	SetLdtEntries		(24 bytes of parameters)
 0A9h	SetLowEventPair		(4 bytes of parameters)
 0AAh	SetLowWaitHighEventPair	(4 bytes of parameters)
 0ABh	???			(??? bytes of parameters)
 0ACh	SetSecurityObject	(12 bytes of parameters)
 0ADh	SetSystemEnvironmentValue	(8 bytes of parameters)
 0AEh	SetSystemInformation	(12 bytes of parameters)
 0AFh	SetSystemPowerState	(12 bytes of parameters)
 0B0h	SetSystemTime		(8 bytes of parameters)
 0B1h	SetTimer		(28 bytes of parameters)
 0B2h	SetTimerResolution	(12 bytes of parameters)
 0B3h	SetValueKey		(24 bytes of parameters)
 0B4h	SetVolumeInformationFile	(20 bytes of parameters)
 0B5h	ShutdownSystem		(4 bytes of parameters)
 0B6h	SignalAndWaitForSingleObject	(16 bytes of parameters)
 0B7h	StartProfile		(4 bytes of parameters)
 0B8h	StopProfile		(4 bytes of parameters)
 0B9h	SuspendThread		(8 bytes of parameters)
 0BAh	SystemDebugControl	(24 bytes of parameters)
 0BBh	TerminateProcess	(8 bytes of parameters)
 0BCh	TerminateThread		(8 bytes of parameters)
 0BDh	TestAlert		(no parameters)
 0BEh	UnloadDriver		(4 bytes of parameters)
 0BFh	UnloadKey		(4 bytes of parameters)
 0C0h	UnlockFile		(20 bytes of parameters)
 0C1h	UnlockVirtualMemory	(16 bytes of parameters)
 0C2h	UnmapViewOfSection	(8 bytes of parameters)
 0C3h	VdmControl		(8 bytes of parameters)
 0C4h	WaitForMultipleObjects	(20 bytes of parameters)
 0C5h	WaitForSingleObject	(12 bytes of parameters)
 0C6h	WaitHighEventPair	(4 bytes of parameters)
 0C7h	WaitLowEventPair	(4 bytes of parameters)
 0C8h	WriteFile		(36 bytes of parameters)
 0C9h	WriteFileGather		(36 bytes of parameters)
 0CAh	WriteRequestData	(24 bytes of parameters)
 0CBh	WriteVirtualMemory	(20 bytes of parameters)
 0CCh	W32Call			(20 bytes of parameters)
 0CDh	CreateChannel		(8 bytes of parameters)
 0CEh	ListenChannel		(8 bytes of parameters)
 0CFh	OpenChannel		(8 bytes of parameters)
 0D0h	ReplyWaitSendChannel	(12 bytes of parameters)
 0D1h	SendWaitReplyChannel	(16 bytes of parameters)
 0D2h	SetContextChannel	(4 bytes of parameters)
 0D3h	YieldExecution		(no parameters)

2E----BXE22E - INT 2E - 4DOS v2.x-3.03 SHELL2E.COM - UNINSTALL
	BX = E22Eh
	DS:SI -> zero byte
Return: if successful, SHELL2E terminates itself with INT 21/AH=4Ch

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