Index for interrupt INT 2D
Table of Contents by Order
2D--02 - INT 2D - AMIS v3.0+ - UNINSTALL
2D--03 - INT 2D - AMIS v3.0+ - REQUEST POP-UP
2D--05 - INT 2D - AMIS v3.5+ - GET HOTKEYS
2D--10 - INT 2D - RATSR 2.0+ - GET STATUS
2D--10 - INT 2D - Burnout Plus v3.00 - GET STATE/CONTROL INFORMATION
2D--10 - INT 2D U - Screen Thief v1.00 - FREE HIGH MEMORY BUFFERS
2D--10 - INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - EXTENDED API INSTALLATION CHECK
2D--11 - INT 2D - dLite 1.0+ - CHECK FOR dPressed FILE AND GET ORIGINAL SIZE
2D--11 - INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - UTILITY INSTALLATION CHECK
2D--12 - INT 2D - dLite 1.0+ - CHECK FOR dPressed FILE AND GET COMPRESSED SIZE
2D--20 - INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - GET POP-UP HANDLER ADDRESS
2D--21 - INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - POP UP
2D--50 - INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - MEMORY VIEW SET ADDRESS
2D--51 - INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - MEMORY VIEW SET REFERENCE
INT 2D - DOS 2+ - RESERVED Note: this vector is not used in DOS versions <= 6.00, and points at an IRET BUG: RM386 v6.00-6.02 (as distributed with Helix's Netroom v3.x) contains a stack bug in its protected-mode INT 2D handler which causes a crash when INT 2D is invoked from V86 modeTop
INT 2D - ALTERNATE MULTIPLEX INTERRUPT SPECIFICATION (AMIS) [v3.6] AH = multiplex number AL = function 00h installation check 01h get private entry point 02h uninstall 03h request popup 04h determine chained interrupts 05h get hotkey list 06h get device-driver information 07h-0Fh reserved for future enhancements Return: AL = 00h (not implemented) other application-dependent other registers vary by function (also see individual entries below) Return: varies by function Notes: programs should not use fixed multiplex numbers; rather, a program should scan all multiplex numbers from 00h to FFh, remembering the first unused multiplex in case the program is not yet installed. For multiplex numbers which are in use, the program should compare the first 16 bytes of the signature string to determine whether it is already installed on that multiplex number. If not previously installed, it should use the first free multiplex number. functions other than 00h are not valid unless a program is installed on the selected multiplex number to be considered fully compliant with version 3.6 of the specification, programs must implement at least functions 00h, 02h (no resident uninstall code required), and 04h (return value 04h). TSRs that provide hotkeys with which the user can activate them must also implement function 05h. TSRs which provide DOS device drivers must also implement function 06h. The absolute minimum fully-compliant implementation has an overhead of 64 bytes (80 bytes with function 05h) plus 22 bytes per hooked interrupt (for the interrupt sharing protocol header and hook list entry). the signature string and description may be used by memory mappers to display the installed programs to be considered fully compliant, users of this specification must adhere to the IBM interrupt sharing protocol (see #02568), which will permit removal of TSRs in arbitrary order and interrupt handler reordering. All TSRs following this specification should be removable unless they are loaded from CONFIG.SYS, though they need not keep the code for removing themselves resident; it is acceptable for a separate program to perform the interrupt unhooking and memory-freeing steps of removal. A sample public-domain implementation including example TSRs and utility programs may be found in a separate package distributed as AMISLnnn.ZIP (AMISL092.ZIP as of this writing). Please let me know if you choose to follow this proposal. The signature and a list of the private API calls you use would be appreciated, as well. SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=00h,INT 2D/AL=01h,INT 2D/AL=02h,INT 2D/AL=03h,INT 2D/AL=04h SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=05h,INT 2D/AL=06h,INT 2F"NOTES" Format of interrupt sharing protocol interrupt handler entry point: Offset Size Description (Table 02568) 00h 2 BYTEs short jump to actual start of interrupt handler, immediately following this data block (EBh 10h) 02h DWORD address of next handler in chain 06h WORD signature 424Bh 08h BYTE EOI flag 00h software interrupt or secondary hardware interrupt handler 80h primary hardware interrupt handler (will issue EOI to interrupt controller) 09h 2 BYTEs short jump to hardware reset routine must point at a valid FAR procedure (may be just RETF) 0Bh 7 BYTEs reserved (0) by IBM for future expansion Note: when chaining to the prior handler, the interrupt handler must perform an indirect jump/call using the address at offset 02h in the ISP header. This permits another AMIS TSR to hook itself into the chain at a position other than as the first handler to receive an interrupt. SeeAlso: INT F1/AH=01h"Common ISDN API",INT F1/AH=06h"CAPI",#04068Top
INT 2D - AMIS v3.0+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AL = 00h AH = multiplex number for program Return: AL = 00h if free AL = FFh if multiplex number in use CX = binary version number (CH = major, CL = minor) DX:DI -> signature string (see #02569) identifying the program using the multiplex number SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=01h,INT 2D/AL=02h,INT 2D/AL=03h,INT 2D/AL=04h,INT 2D/AL=05h SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=06h Index: installation check;Alternate Multiplex Interrupt Specification Index: installation check;AMIS|installation check;FASTMOUS Index: installation check;SPELLER|installation check;Monitor Index: installation check;NOLPT|installation check;NOTE Index: installation check;RBkeyswp|installation check;SWITCHAR Index: installation check;VGABLANK|installation check;EATMEM Index: installation check;RECALL|installation check;XPTR2 Format of AMIS signature string: Offset Size Description (Table 02569) 00h 8 BYTEs blank-padded manufacturer's name (possibly abbreviated) 08h 8 BYTEs blank-padded product name 10h 64 BYTEs ASCIZ product description (optional, may be a single 00h) Note: it is not necessary to reserve a full 64 bytes for the description, just enough to store the actual ASCIZ string SeeAlso: #02570 (Table 02570) Values for AMIS signatures known to be in use: 'Byrial J' 'EKLAVO ' permits keyboard entry of Esperanto accented letters 'CoveSoft' 'Burnout+' shareware screen saver Burnout Plus 'Crynwr ' 'SPELLER ' TSR spelling-checker 'CPH1995 ' 'CDTSR ' resident CD-Audio player 'CPH1996 ' 'DSAPI ' 'CSJewell' 'Modula3L' Curtis Jewell's Modula-3 compiler (non-TSR) 'Cubbi...' 'ASCII...' Example ASCII code view/enter TSR by Sergey Zubkov 'Cubbi...' 'ScrnGrab' Example screen grabber by Sergey Zubkov 'DAISYCHA' 'INDRIVER' Advanced Parallel Port daisy chain driver (vendor name in product description field, if desired) (see also INT 2D/AL=DCh) 'DTown SD' 'DTU ' DTown Software Development's DTown Utilities (see also INT 2D/AL=20h) 'ECLIPSE ' 'PLUMP ' Eclipse Software's printer and plotter spooler 'GraySoft' 'GIPC ' GraySoft's Inter-Process Communications driver 'heathh ' 'Monitor ' 'Helge O ' TSRs by Helge Olav Helgesen 'IVALM SK' 'lmkey ' Russian keyboard driver by Sergey Khabarov 'IVALM SK' 'lmrus ' Russian screen driver by Sergey Khabarov 'J. Berry' 'RATSR ' RemoteAccess Network Manager workstation module 'JWB ' 'RAMLIGHT' James Birdsall's on-screen RAMdisk activity indicator 'M Better' 'iHPFS ' Marcus Better's HPFS filesystem driver for DOS 'M. Paul ' 'FREEVER ' DOS version-faking TSR by Matthias Paul 'Nildram ' 'ST ' Screen Thief graphics screen grabber 'NoBrain ' 'FlatReal' Flat real mode monitor by Sergei Shtylyov 'NoBrain ' 'Grabber ' Frame grabber drivers by Sergei Shtylyov 'NoBrain ' 'SqrModes' TSR providing some non-standard video modes by Sergei Shtylyov 'Pino Nav' 'ALTMENU ' activate any program's menu bar by pressing Alt key 'Pino Nav' 'Keybit ' Pino Navato's KEYBIT Lite Italian keyboard driver v4+ 'PowrQuot' 'CAPRILOG' 'PowrQuot' 'CAPRITSR' 'PowrQuot' 'CAPRIWIN' 'R-Ware ' 'dLite ' run-time data decompression TSR 'Ralf B ' 'disaXXYY' RBdisabl -- disable key scancode XX w/ shift states YY 'Ralf B ' 'DUALVGA ' dual-VGA support, screen blanker, and DPMS driver 'Ralf B ' 'FASTMOUS' example TSR included with sample AMIS library code 'Ralf B ' 'NoBreak ' disable Ctrl-@, Ctrl-C, and Ctrl-Break keys 'Ralf B ' 'NOLPT n ' example TSR -- turn LPTn into bit-bucket 'Ralf B ' 'NOTE ' example TSR -- popup note-taker 'Ralf B ' 'RBclock ' RBclock -- on-screen real-time clock 'Ralf B ' 'RBclockE' RBclock -- on-screen elapsed-time clock 'Ralf B ' 'RBdvorak' Dvorak keyboard mapping w/ opt Esc/~, LCtrl/CapsLk swap 'Ralf B ' 'RBkcount' display count of keystrokes on screen 'Ralf B ' 'RBkeyswp' RBkeyswap v3.0+ -- swap Esc/~ and LCtrl/CapsLock keys 'Ralf B ' 'RBnoboot' disable Ctrl-Alt-Del key combination 'Ralf B ' 'ShftCaps' require Shift-CapsLock to turn on CapsLock 'Ralf B ' 'ShftNumL' require Shift-NumLock to turn off NumLock 'Ralf B ' 'SWITCHAR' example TSR -- add switchar() support removed from DOS5 'Ralf B ' 'VGABLANK' VGA-only screen blanker 'Ralf B ' 'WINTAME ' yield CPU when program in Win95 DOS box is idle 'Sally IS' 'Mdisk ' removeable, resizeable RAMdisk 'Sally IS' 'Scr2Tex ' screen dumper with output in (La)Tex format 'SRT ' 'STOPBOOT' reboot preventer by Steve Talbot 'Thaco ' 'NEST ' Eirik Pedersen's programmer's delimiter matcher 'TifaWARE' 'EATMEM ' George A. Theall's public domain memory restrictor for testing programs (v1.1+) 'TifaWARE' 'RECALL ' public domain commandline editor and history (v1.2+) 'Todd ' 'XPTR2 ' PC-to-Transputer interface by Todd Radel 'WlkngOwl' 'NoiseSYS' NOISE.SYS random-number generator SeeAlso: #02569Top
INT 2D - AMIS v3.0+ - GET PRIVATE ENTRY POINT AL = 01h AH = multiplex number for program Return: AL = 00h if all API calls via INT 2D AL = FFh if entry point supported DX:BX -> entry point for bypassing interrupt chain Note: this function is not valid unless a program is installed on the specified multiplex number; use INT 2D/AL=00h to check SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=00h,INT 2D/AL=02h,INT 2D/AL=03h,INT 2D/AL=04h,INT 2D/AL=05h SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=06h Index: entry point;Alternate Multiplex Interrupt|entry point;AMISTop
INT 2D - AMIS v3.0+ - UNINSTALL AL = 02h AH = multiplex number for program DX:BX = return address for successful uninstall (may be ignored by TSR) Return: AL = status 00h not implemented (makes TSR non-compliant with specification) 01h unsuccessful 02h can not uninstall yet, will do so when able 03h safe to remove, but no resident uninstaller (TSR still enabled) BX = segment of memory block with resident code 04h safe to remove, but no resident uninstaller (TSR now disabled) BX = segment of memory block with resident code 05h not safe to remove now, try again later 06h disabled, but can not be removed from memory because loaded from CONFIG.SYS 07h safe to remove, but no resident device-driver uninstaller. Caller must unlink device drivers from DOS device chain as well as unhooking interrupts and freeing memory BX = segment of memory block with resident code FFh successful return at DX:BX with AX destroyed if successful and TSR honors specific return address Note: this function is not valid unless a program is installed on the specified multiplex number; use INT 2D/AL=00h to check SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=00h,INT 2D/AL=01h,INT 2D/AL=03h,INT 2D/AL=04h,INT 2D/AL=05h SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=06h Index: uninstall;Alternate Multiplex Interrupt Specification|uninstall;AMISTop
INT 2D - AMIS v3.0+ - REQUEST POP-UP AL = 03h AH = multiplex number for program Return: AL = status 00h not implemented or TSR is not a pop-up 01h can not pop up at this time, try again later 02h can not pop up yet, will do so when able 03h already popped up 04h unable to pop up, user intervention required BX = standard reason code 0000h unknown failure 0001h interrupt chain passes through memory which must be swapped out to pop up 0002h swap-in failed CX = application's reason code if nonzero FFh TSR popped up and was exited by user BX = return value 0000h no return value 0001h TSR unloaded 0002h-00FFh reserved 0100h-FFFFh application-dependent Note: this function is not valid unless a program is installed on the specified multiplex number; use INT 2D/AL=00h to check SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=00h,INT 2D/AL=01h,INT 2D/AL=02h,INT 2D/AL=04h,INT 2D/AL=05h SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=06hTop
INT 2D - AMIS v3.0+ - DETERMINE CHAINED INTERRUPTS AL = 04h AH = multiplex number for program BL = interrupt number (except 2Dh) Return: AL = status 00h not implemented (makes TSR non-compliant with specification) 01h (obsolete) unable to determine 02h (obsolete) interrupt hooked 03h (obsolete) interrupt hooked, address returned DX:BX -> TSR's interrupt BL handler 04h list of hooked interrupts returned DX:BX -> interrupt hook list (see #02571) FFh interrupt not hooked Notes: BL is ignored if the TSR returns AL=04h; in that case, the caller needs to scan the return list rather than making additional calls to this function. If the return is not 00h or 04h, then the caller must cycle through the remaining interrupt numbers it wishes to check. return values 01h through 03h may not be used by AMIS v3.6-compliant programs; they are included here solely for compatibility with version 3.3, though they were probably never used in any implementation for return values 01h through 03h, since INT 2D is known to be hooked, the resident code need not test for BL=2Dh (to minimize its size), and the return value is therefore undefined in that case. this function is not valid unless a program is installed on the specified multiplex number; use INT 2D/AL=00h to check SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=00h,INT 2D/AL=01h,INT 2D/AL=02h,INT 2D/AL=03h,INT 2D/AL=05h SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=06h Format of AMIS interrupt hook list [array]: Offset Size Description (Table 02571) 00h BYTE interrupt number (last entry in array is 2Dh) 01h WORD offset within hook list's segment of the interrupt handler this will point at the initial short jump of the interrupt sharing protocol header (see #02568) SeeAlso: #02572Top
INT 2D - AMIS v3.5+ - GET HOTKEYS AL = 05h AH = multiplex number for program Return: AL = status 00h not implemented FFh supported DX:BX -> hotkey list (see #02572) Notes: this function is not valid unless a program is installed on the specified multiplex number; use INT 2D/AL=00h to check programs which provide hotkeys are required to provide this function to be fully compliant with this specification SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=00h,INT 2D/AL=01h,INT 2D/AL=02h,INT 2D/AL=03h,INT 2D/AL=04h SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=06h Format of AMIS hotkey list: Offset Size Description (Table 02572) 00h BYTE type of hotkey checking (see #02573) 01h BYTE number of hotkeys (may be zero if TSR can disable hotkeys) 02h 6N BYTEs array of hotkey definitions (one per hotkey, first should be primary hotkey) Offset Size Description 00h BYTE hotkey scan code (00h/80h if shift states only) hotkey triggers on release if bit 7 set 01h WORD required shift states (see #02574) 03h WORD disallowed shift states (see #02574) 05h BYTE hotkey flags (see #02575) Notes: except for bit 7, the shift states correspond exactly to the return values from INT 16/AH=12h. A set bit in the required states word indicates that the corresponding shift state must be active when the hotkey's scan code is received for the hotkey to be recognized; a clear bit means that the corresponding state may be ignored. A set bit in the disallowed shift states word indicates that the corresponding shift state must be inactive. for the disallowed-states word, if one of the "either" bits is set, then both the corresponding left bit and right bit must be set examples: Ctrl-Alt-Del monitoring: 53h 000Ch 0003h 06h Alt-key tap (DESQview): B8h 0000h 0007h 08h Shf-Shf-N (NOTE.COM): 31h 0003h 000Ch 00h Index: hotkeys;AMIS SeeAlso: #00006 Bitfields for type of AMIS hotkey checking: Bit(s) Description (Table 02573) 0 checks before chaining INT 09 1 checks after chaining INT 09 2 checks before chaining INT 15/AH=4Fh 3 checks after chaining INT 15/AH=4Fh 4 checks on INT 16/AH=00h,01h,02h 5 checks on INT 16/AH=10h,11h,12h 6 checks on INT 16/AH=20h,21h,22h 7 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #02572 Bitfields for AMIS shift states: Bit(s) Description (Table 02574) 0 right shift pressed 1 left shift pressed 2 either control key pressed 3 either Alt key pressed 4 ScrollLock active 5 NumLock active 6 CapsLock active 7 either shift key pressed 8 left control key pressed 9 left Alt key pressed 10 right control key pressed 11 right Alt key pressed 12 ScrollLock pressed 13 NumLock pressed 14 CapsLock pressed 15 SysReq key pressed Notes: if bit 2 is set, either control key may be pressed for the hotkey; if bits 8 and 10 are both set, then both control keys must be pressed. Similarly for bits 3 and 9/11, as well as 7 and 0/1. the SysReq key is often labeled SysRq SeeAlso: #02572,#02575 Bitfields for AMIS hotkey flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 02575) 0 hotkey chained before processing 1 hotkey chained after processing 2 others should pass through this hotkey so that it can be monitored 3 hotkey will not activate if other keys pressed/released before hotkey press is completed 4 this key is remapped into some other key 5 this key is conditionally chained (sometimes passed on, sometimes swallowed) 6-7 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #02572,#02574Top
INT 2D - AMIS v3.6 - GET DEVICE-DRIVER INFORMATION AL = 06h AH = multiplex number for program Return: AL = number of device driver headers supplied by prog. AH = device-driver flags (see #02576) DX:BX -> first device driver header (see #01646) Program: AMIS is the Alternate Multiplex Interrupt Specification promulgated by Ralf Brown Notes: if AL=00h, AH,BX,DX are meaningless and may be destroyed this function is not valid unless a program is installed on the specified multiplex number; use INT 2D/AL=00h to check programs which provide device drivers are required to support this function to be considered fully compliant with v3.6+ of the specification SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=00h,INT 2D/AL=01h,INT 2D/AL=02h,INT 2D/AL=03h,INT 2D/AL=04h SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=05h Bitfields for AMIS device-driver information flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 02576) 0 program loaded from CONFIG.SYS, and thus can not be removed from memory (leave clear if unable to determine) 1 device driver headers have not been linked into DOS device chain 2 reentrant device driver(s)Top
INT 2D - RATSR 2.0+ - GET STATUS AL = 10h AH = AMIS multiplex number for RATSR Return: AL = status 01h listening (no connection) 02h receiving \ 03h sending > station being monitored 04h initializing receive / AH = keyboard lock status (00h unlocked, 01h locked) Program: RATSR is a utility by James Berry provided with RemoteAccess/Professional, a commercial bulletin board system, that allows remote control of a station over a network SeeAlso: INT 2D"AMIS"Top
INT 2D - dLite 1.0+ - GET PARAMETER BLOCK ADDRESS AL = 10h AH = AMIS multiplex number for dLite Return: CF clear if successful ES:BX -> parameter block (see #02577) CF set on error Program: dLite is a shareware TSR by Rainer Schuetze which transparently expands compressed files when they are read SeeAlso: AL=11h"dLite",AL=12h"dLite",INT 21/AX=FEDCh"PCMANAGE" Format of dLite parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 02577) 00h BYTE TSR flags (see #02578) 01h WORD maximum number of programs needing original filesize 03h WORD current number of programs needing original filesize 05h WORD maximum number of files that can be handled by dLite (should be the same as FILES= in CONFIG.SYS) 07h WORD offset (in the same segment as the parameter block) of the table of programs needing the original filesize (8 bytes each, without path or extension, uppercase, and zero \ terminated if shorter than 8 bytes) Bitfields for dLite TSR flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 02578) 0 deny FCB access 1 dLite sleeping rather than activated 2 always indicate original filesize when reading directory entries, rather than only for specified programs 3-7 reserved SeeAlso: #02577Top
INT 2D - Burnout Plus v3.00 - GET STATE/CONTROL INFORMATION AL = 10h AH = AMIS multiplex number for Burnout Plus Return: AL = 01h BX = Burnout Plus status (see #02579) CX = record of features loaded (see #02580) ES:DI -> Burnout Plus control structure (see #02581) Program: Burnout Plus is a DOS screen saver from Cove Software SeeAlso: INT 14/AX=AA01h,INT 2D"AMIS" Index: screen saver;Burnout Plus Bitfields for Burnout Plus status: Bit(s) Description (Table 02579) 0 screen is blanked 1 MS Windows is active (Burnout Plus deactivated) 2-15 reserved Bitfields for Burnout Plus features loaded/features enabled: Bit(s) Description (Table 02580) 0 mouse activity monitor 1 passkey support 2 password support 3 continuous clear 4 software blanking 5 video activity monitor 6 disk activity monitor 7 activating keystroke suppression SeeAlso: #02581 Format of Burnout Plus control structure: Offset Size Description (Table 02581) 00h BYTE size of structure in bytes 01h WORD Burnout Plus version 03h WORD screen blanking reset count in clock ticks 05h WORD current countdown value in clock ticks 07h BYTE type of timeout specification 08h BYTE instant-blank hotkey 09h WORD extended status information (see #02582) the bits for password, passkey, and software blanking are ignored and cannot be enabled or disabled externally 0Bh WORD features enabled (see #02580) Note: all fields except the first two may be modified by external programs to affect the operation of Burnout Plus Index: hotkeys;Burnout Plus Bitfields for extended Burnout Plus status information: Bit(s) Description (Table 02582) 0 Burnout Plus disabled 1 force screen to blank on next clock tick 2 restore screen if currently blanked 3-15 reserved Note: 1 and 2 are automatically cleared by Burnout Plus after blanking or restoring the screen SeeAlso: #02581Top
INT 2D U - Screen Thief v1.00 - FREE HIGH MEMORY BUFFERS AL = 10h AH = AMIS multiplex number for Screen Thief Return: nothing Program: Screen Thief is a graphics screen grabber Note: releases any code and data stored in EMS, DOS UMBs, or XMS UMBs, but does not release the low-memory stub; this may be used to effect a partial uninstall if INT 2D/AL=02h fails SeeAlso: INT D8"Screen Thief"Top
INT 2D U - RAMLIGHT v1.0 - GET MONITORING INFORMATION AL = 10h AH = AMIS multiplex number for RAMLIGHT Return: ES:BX -> array of fake device driver headers used in monitoring CX = number of drives being monitored???Top
INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - EXTENDED API INSTALLATION CHECK AL = 10h Return: AL = FFh BL = extended API availability (00h no, 01h API is loaded) SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=11h"DTown",INT 2D/AL=20h,INT 2D/AL=50hTop
INT 2D - CDTSR - GET INTERNAL VARIABLE TABLE AL = 10h AH = AMIS multiplex number for CDTSR Return: CX:DX -> CDTSR internal variable structure (see #02583) Program: CDTSR is a resident audio CD player by Colin Hill SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=11h"CDTSR",INT 2D/AL=12h"CDTSR",INT 2D/AL=13h"CDTSR" Format of CDTSR internal variable structure: Offset Size Description (Table 02583) 00h BYTE hotkey scan code (see #00006) 01h BYTE hotkey shift states 02h BYTE flag: repeat 03h BYTE flag: custom repeat 04h BYTE flag: background polling 05h DWORD (read-only) internal timing variable 09h DWORD current track play position, in frames 0Dh DWORD current disk play position, in frames 11h BYTE number of entries in track program 12h BYTE index into track program currently playing (FFh if not playing) 13h 100 BYTEs track program (each byte contains one track number) 77h BYTE saved cursor end scan line 78h BYTE saved cursor start scan line 79h BYTE currently playing track 7Ah BYTE CD driver media-change flag 7Bh WORD video base segment during last popup 7Dh WORD video page offset during last popup 7Fh BYTE currently-selected track 80h DWORD begin of custom repeat, in frames 84h DWORD end of custom repeat, in frames 88h WORD track program index of top list itemTop
INT 2D - KEYBIT Lite v5+ - GET POINTER TO STATUS BYTE AL = 10h AH = AMIS multiplex number for KEYBIT Lite Return: DX:BX -> status byte (see #02584) Program: KEYBIT Lite is an enhanced Italian keyboard driver by Pino Navato. SeeAlso: INT 2D"AMIS" Bitfields for KEYBIT Lite status byte: Bit(s) Description (Table 02584) 7 KEYBIT Lite active 6 E-mail support active 5-0 reserved Notes: E-mail support is one of the original features of KEYBIT Lite. It is the automatic conversion of the 8-bits ASCII chars produced by some keys available on Italian keyboards to couples of 7-bits chars. Message editors should always enable e-mail support, they should also restore its original status before exiting. The user can change both status bits by hotkeys.Top
INT 2D - ALTMENU - GET POINTER TO KEY CODE AL = 10h AH = AMIS multiplex number for signature 'Pino Nav' 'ALTMENU ' Return: DX:BX -> WORD key code to insert in keyboard buffer on Alt-key tap Program: Pino Navato's freeware ALTMENU permits activating the menu bar of any program by pressing the Alt key alone. Notes: The value in the key code word will be returned in AX by a call to INT 16/AH=00h after the Alt key is pressed by itself ALTMENU may be disabled by setting the key code equal to 0000h SeeAlso: INT 16/AH=00h,INT 2D"AMIS"Top
INT 2D - dLite 1.0+ - CHECK FOR dPressed FILE AND GET ORIGINAL SIZE AL = 11h AH = AMIS multiplex number for dLite BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful DX:AX = size of uncompressed file CF set on error (not dPressed file) SeeAlso: AL=10h"dLite",AL=12h"dLite"Top
INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - UTILITY INSTALLATION CHECK AL = 11h BL = function 00h get number of installed utilities Return: BL = number of utilities 01h get installed utilities DX:DI -> buffer containing one byte for each utility Return: DX:DI buffer filled with flags (0=no,1=yes) indicating whether the corresponding utility is loaded Return: AL = FFh if supported Note: this function is only available if the extended API has been installed in the resident portion SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=10h"DTown",INT 2D/AL=20hTop
INT 2D - CDTSR - REPROGRAM CDTSR AL = 11h AH = AMIS multiplex number for CDTSR Return: nothing Program: CDTSR is a resident audio CD player by Colin Hill Desc: reprograms CDTSR based on the values in the internal variable structure (see #02583), which may have been changed by an application SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=10h"CDTSR",INT 2D/AL=12h"CDTSR",INT 2D/AL=13h"CDTSR"Top
INT 2D - dLite 1.0+ - CHECK FOR dPressed FILE AND GET COMPRESSED SIZE AL = 12h AH = AMIS multiplex number for dLite BX = file handle Return: CF clear if successful DX:AX = size of compressed file CF set on error (not dPressed file) SeeAlso: AL=10h"dLite",AL=11h"dLite"Top
INT 2D - CDTSR - DISABLE POPUP AL = 12h AH = AMIS multiplex number for CDTSR Return: nothing SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=10h"CDTSR",INT 2D/AL=11h"CDTSR",INT 2D/AL=13h"CDTSR"Top
INT 2D - FREEVER - GET ORIGINAL DOS VERSION INFO AL = 12h AH = AMIS multiplex number for FREEVER Return: AL = FFh if successful BH = major DOS version BL = minor DOS version CH = DOS version flag CL = OEM number DH = major DR DOS version number (FFh if unknown) DL = minor DR DOS version number (FFh if unknown) Program: FREEVER is an AMIS-conformant freeware DOS version-faking TSR similar to SETVER for any DOS-compatible OS, written by Matthias Paul SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=13h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=14h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=17h"FREEVER"Top
INT 2D - CDTSR - ENABLE POPUP AL = 13h AH = AMIS multiplex number for CDTSR Return: nothing Program: CDTSR is a resident audio CD player by Colin Hill SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=10h"CDTSR",INT 2D/AL=11h"CDTSR",INT 2D/AL=12h"CDTSR"Top
INT 2D - FREEVER - SET VERSION NUMBERS AL = 13h AH = AMIS multiplex number for FREEVER BH = new major DOS version BL = new minor DOS version CH = new DOS version flag CL = new DOS revision number DH = new OEM number SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=12h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=15h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=17h"FREEVER"Top
INT 2D - FREEVER - ENABLE TSR AL = 14h AH = AMIS multiplex number for FREEVER Return: AL = FFh if successful SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=12h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=15h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=16h"FREEVER"Top
INT 2D - FREEVER - DISABLE TSR AL = 15h AH = AMIS multiplex number for FREEVER Return: AL = FFh if successful SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=12h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=14h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=16h"FREEVER"Top
INT 2D - FREEVER - GET TSR STATUS AL = 16h AH = AMIS multiplex number for FREEVER Return: AL = FFh if successful BL = status 01h resident and active 02h resident and inactive SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=12h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=15h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=17h"FREEVER"Top
INT 2D - FREEVER - GET TaskMAX STATUS AT INSTALLATION AL = 17h AH = AMIS multiplex number for FREEVER Return: AL = FFh if successful BL = status 00h if TaskMAX not loaded before SETDRVER FFh if TaskMAX was loaded before SETDRVER Program: FREEVER is an AMIS-conformant freeware DOS version-faking TSR similar to SETVER for any DOS-compatible OS, written by Matthias Paul SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=12h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=14h"FREEVER",INT 2D/AL=16h"FREEVER"Top
INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - GET POP-UP HANDLER ADDRESS AL = 20h Return: AL = FFh if available DX:DI -> DTU popup-handler Program: DTown Utilities is a freeware programmer's utility TSR by Jeroen van Disseldorp Note: this function is only available if the extended API has been installed in the resident portion SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=10h"DTown",INT 2D/AL=21h,INT 2D/AL=50h,INT 2D/AL=51h SeeAlso: INT 03"DTown"Top
INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - POP UP AL = 21h BL = which utility to bring up 00h active utility 01h help screen 0Ah ASCII table 0Bh memory view 0Ch CPU status 0Dh calculator 0Eh miscellaneous 0Fh file viewer 10h disassembler Return: AL = status 00h already active FFh popped up successfully BX = 0000h Note: this function is only available if the extended API has been installed in the resident portion SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=10h"DTown",INT 2D/AL=20h,INT 2D/AL=50hTop
INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - MEMORY VIEW SET ADDRESS AL = 50h CX:DX = new address for start of memory view utility's display Note: this function is only available if the extended API has been installed in the resident portion Return: AL = FFh if supported SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=10h"DTown",INT 2D/AL=20h,INT 2D/AL=21h,INT 2D/AL=51hTop
INT 2D - DTown Utilities v1.40+ - MEMORY VIEW SET REFERENCE AL = 51h BL = reference ("bookmark") number CX:DX = new address for reference Return: AL = status 00h invalid index FFh reference set Note: this function is only available if the extended API has been installed in the resident portion Program: DTown Utilities is a shareware programmer's utility TSR by Jeroen van Disseldorp SeeAlso: INT 2D/AL=10h"DTown",INT 2D/AL=20h,INT 2D/AL=50hTop
INT 2D C - DAISY.SYS - BROADCAST: CHAIN RESCANNED AL = DCh AH = AMIS multiplex number for signature 'DAISYCHA' 'INDRIVER' DL = LPT Port Rescanned Program: DAISY.SYS is a daisy chain manager for parallel port peripherals conforming to the IEEE 1284.3 Committee's daisy chain specification. Desc: This Broadcast is sent whenever daisy chain IDs are reassigned to warn parallel port device drivers that their daisy chain ID may have been changed. Note: This function is a callout from DAISY.SYS, NOT a call into DAISY.SYS SeeAlso: INT 17/AX=0200h"Enhanced Parallel Port",#00633,#02570Top