Index for interrupt INT 10
Table of Contents by Order
10 - INT 10 C - CPU-generated (80286+) - COPROCESSOR ERROR
100070 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Everex Micro Enhancer EGA/Viewpoint VGA - EXTENDED MODE SET
10007E - INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - SET SPECIAL MODE
10007FBH00 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - SET VGA OPERATION
10007FBH01 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - SET NON-VGA OPERATION
10007FBH02 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - QUERY MODE STATUS
10007FBH03 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - LOCK CURRENT MODE
10007FBH07 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - ENTER COLOR VGA MODE
10007FBH60 - INT 10 - Paradise VGA - ???
10007FBH61 - INT 10 - Paradise VGA - ???
10007FBXA500 - INT 10 - Paradise VGA - ???
10007FBHA5 - INT 10 - Paradise VGA - ???
10007FBHA6 - INT 10 - Paradise VGA - ???
100500 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Corona/Cordata BIOS v4.10+ - SET GRAPHICS BITMAP BUFFER
10050F - INT 10 - VIDEO - Corona/Cordata BIOS v4.10+ - GET GRAPHICS BITMAP BUFFER
100580 - INT 10 - VIDEO - PCjr, Tandy 1000 - GET CRT/CPU PAGE REGISTERS
1005 - INT 10 - VIDEO - PCjr, Tandy 1000 - SET CRT/CPU PAGE REGISTERS
100B--BH02 - INT 10 - Tandy 2000 - VIDEO - SET PALETTE ENTRY
100F56BX4756 - INT 10 - VUIMAGE DISPLAY DRIVER (v2.20 and below)
1010 - INT 10 - BIOS Window Extension v1.1 - SET WINDOW COORDINATES
1010 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Eagle PC2 BIOS Rev. C - SET SCROLL SPEED
1010 - INT 10 - Tandy 2000 - VIDEO - GET/SET CHARACTER FONTS
1010E0 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Diamond Speedstar 24 - SET 24-BIT GRAPHICS MODE
1010F0 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS - SET HiColor GRAPHICS MODE
1010F1 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS - GET DAC TYPE
1010F2 - INT 10 u - VIDEO - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS - CHECK IF HiColor MODE/SET HiColor MODE
1011 - INT 10 - BIOS Window Extension v1.1 - GET WINDOW COORDINATES
1011 - INT 10 - Tandy 2000 - VIDEO - WRITE ATTRIBUTE ONLY
101118 - INT 10 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function
101129 - INT 10 - VIDEO - GRAPH-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD 8x16 GRAPH CHARS (Compaq Systempro)
101130BX4D4F - INT 10 - M10_SCR.COM v3.5+ - INSTALLATION CHECK
1012 - INT 10 - BIOS Window Extension v1.1 - GET BLANKING ATTRIBUTE
1012 - INT 10 - Tandy 2000 - VIDEO - SCROLL WINDOW
1012--BL11 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Trident TVGA 8800/8900/9000 BIOS - GET BIOS INFO
1012--BL12 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Trident TVGA 8800/8900/9000 BIOS - GET VIDEO RAM SIZE
1012--BL2E - INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG
1012--BL38 - INT 10 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function
1012--BL39 - INT 10 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function
1012--BL3A - INT 10 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function
1012--BL53 - INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v8.00 (1991/06/07) - BUG
1012--BL57 - INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v8.00 (1991/06/07) - BUG
1012--BL74 - INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG
1012--BL80 - INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG
1012--BL80 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - INQUIRE VGA TYPE
1012--BL81 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET BIOS VERSION NUMBER
1012--BL82 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET DESIGN REVISION CODE
1012--BL84 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - INQUIRE OPTIONS
1012--BL85 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET INSTALLED MEMORY
1012--BL89 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - EN/DISABLE REVERSE VIDEO MODE
1012--BL8A - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET FRAME COLOR
1012--BL8B - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - ENABLE/DISABLE BOLD MODE
1012--BL8C - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET AUTOMAP/EMULATE ATTRIBUTES
1012--BL8F - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - ENABLE/DISABLE EXPAND MODE
1012--BL90 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET CENTERING MODE
1012--BL91 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET 720-DOT FIXUP MODE
1012--BL92 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SWITCH DISPLAY
1012--BL93 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - FORCE 8-BIT OR 16-BIT OPERATION
1012--BL94 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - POWER CONSERVATION
1012--BL9A - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET USER OPTIONS
1012--BLA3 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - SET VGA REFRESH
1012--BLA4 - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - SET MONITOR TYPE
1012--BLAE - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET HIGH REFRESH
1012--BLAF - INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - SET HIGH REFRESH
1012--BLBE - INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG
1012--BLC6 - INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG
1012--BLF0 - INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG
1013 - INT 10 - VIDEO - WRITE STRING (AT and later,EGA)
101D - INT 10 - SpeedSTAR Plus BIOS v4.23+ - SET SYNC PARAMETERS
101D - INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG
101DAABXFDEC - INT 10 U - Diamond Stealth64 Video - INSTALLATION CHECK
101F00 - INT 10 - VIDEO - XGA - GET DMQS (Display Mode Query and Set) DATA LENGTH
103800 - INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.09f+ - GET CONFIGURATION INFO
103801 - INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - ???
103802 - INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - ???
103803 - INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - GET ???
103804 - INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - GET ???
103805 - INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - GET ???
103806 - INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - ???
1039 - INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - ???
1041 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "TMODE" - SET TEXT MODE
1046 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "PLOT" - DRAW ONE PIXEL
1047 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "GETPT" - FIND PIXEL VALUE
1048 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "MOVE" - MOVE TO POINT
1049 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "DLINE" - DRAW TO POINT
104A - INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "BLKFIL" - BLOCK FILL
104B - INT 10 - FRIEZE - API
104C - INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "ARC" - DRAW ARC
104D - INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "CIRC" - DRAW CIRCLE
104E - INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "FILL" - FILL AREA
104E03 - INT 10 - VESA XGA BIOS Extensions - SET XGA VIDEO MODE
104F0B - INT 10 - Diamond Viper V330 - ???
104F10BL00 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/PM (Power Management) v1.0+ - GET CAPABILITIES
104F10BL01 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/PM (Power Management) v1.0+ - SET DISPLAY POWER STATE
104F10BL02 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/PM (Power Management) v1.0+ - GET DISPLAY POWER STATE
104F11 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/FP (Flat Panel Interface) - API
104F12 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/CI (Cursor Interface) - API
104F13BX0000 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - INSTALLATION CHECK
104F13BX0001 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - LOCATE DEVICE
104F13BX0002 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - QUERY DEVICE
104F13BX0003 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - OPEN DEVICE
104F13BX0004 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - CLOSE DEVICE
104F13BX0005 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - UNINSTALL DRIVER
104F13BX0006 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - DRIVER CHAIN/UNCHAIN
104F14 - INT 10 - VESA OEM Extensions - API
104F14 - INT 10 - VESA OEM Extensions - Matrox Millenium (BIOS v2.1)
104F15BL01 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/DC (Display Data Channel) - READ EDID
104F15BL02 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/DC (Display Data Channel) - READ VDIF
104F16 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/GC (Graphics System Configuration) - API
104F17 - INT 10 - VESA VBE/AF (Accelerator Functions) - API
104F70 - INT 10 - Avance Logic - GET ADAPTER INFORMATION
104FFF - INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - Everex - TURN VESA ON/OFF
104FFF - INT 10 - Diamond Stealth 24 - SET/RESET DUAL DISPLAY MODE
105049 - INT 10 - VIDEO - SCREENR v1.55+ - API
1053 - INT 10 - Show Partner F/X v3.6 - START PRESENTATION
1055 - INT 10 - Show Partner F/X v3.6 - UNINSTALL
105555 - INT 10 - VIDEO - ATI EGA/VGA Wonder Super Switch - INSTALLATION CHECK
105F00 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - RETURN CHIP INFORMATION
105F01 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET PREPROGRAMMED EMULATION
105F02 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - AUTO EMULATION CONTROL
105F02 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - SET CLOCK
105F02 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '65530' BIOS - SET CLOCK
105F03 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Realtek RTVGA - SET ???
105F03BL00 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET POWER-ON DISPLAY MODE
105F03BH00 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - GET CLOCK SPEED
105F03BL01 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET POWER-ON EMULATION MODE
105F04 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - GET REFRESH RATE
105F05 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - SET REFRESH RATE
105F06 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - GET XRAM INFORMATION
105F08 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - SET LINEAR MEMORY START ADDRESS
105F10 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300'/'65530' BIOS - GET LINEAR MEMORY INFO
105F50 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - GET LAPTOP DISPLAY STATUS
105F50 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '65530' BIOS - GET 655xx INFORMATION
105F51 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SWITCH DISPLAY DEVICE
105F53 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - EN/DISABLE ACCELERATOR SUPPORT
105F54 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - TURN FLAT PANEL ON/OFF
105F5A - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET FLAT-PANEL VIDEO POLARITY
105F5C - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET VERTICAL COMPENSATION
105F5E - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - EN/DISABLE TALL FONT LOADING
105F5F - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - HORIZONTAL COMPENSATION
105F90 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - GET SUPERVGA STATE BUFFER SIZE
105F91 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SAVE SUPERVGA STATE
105F92 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - RESTORE SUPERVGA STATE
105FA0 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Wingine DGX - GET EXTENDED BIOS SAVE BUFFER SIZE
105FA1 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Wingine DGX - SAVE VIDEO STATE
105FA2 - INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Wingine DGX - RESTORE VIDEO STATE
1063 - INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SET CONTRAST
106A00BX0000 - INT 10 - Direct Graphics Interface Standard (DGIS) - INQUIRE AVAILABLE DEVICES
106A01CX0000 - INT 10 - Direct Graphics Interface Standard (DGIS) - REDIRECT CHARACTER OUTPUT
106E00 - INT 10 - Paradise VGA internal - GET ???
106E04 - INT 10 - Paradise VGA internal - GET SCREEN SIZE AND ???
106E05 - INT 10 - Paradise VGA internal - SET MODE
106F02 - INT 10 - HP Vectra EX-BIOS - SET MONITOR INFO
1070 - INT 10 - VIDEO - TANDY 2000 only - GET ADDRESS OF VIDEO RAM
107000BX0000 - INT 10 - Everex Extended Video BIOS - RETURN EMULATION STATUS
107000BX0004 - INT 10 - Everex Extended Video BIOS - GET PAGING FUNCTION POINTER FOR CURR MODE
107000BX0005 - INT 10 - Everex Extended Video BIOS - GET SUPPORTED MODE INFO
1071 - INT 10 - VIDEO - TANDY 2000 only - GET ADDRESS OF INCRAM
1071 - INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - DRAW LINE/BOX
1075 - INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SET ZOOM
1076 - INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - LOOKING KEYS
107F - INT 10 - Paradise SVGA - WD90C24 INSTALLATION CHECK
107F00BX4000 - INT 10 - Diamond Stealth 24 - GET S3 INFORMATION BLOCK
107F00BX4001 - INT 10 - Diamond Stealth 24 - GET LINEAR ADDRESS
107F00BX4002 - INT 10 - Diamond Stealth 24 - SET LINEAR ADDRESS
1080 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - GET OPTION
1080--DX4456 - INT 10 U - VIDEO - DESQview 2.0x only - internal - SET ??? HANDLER
1081 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - SET OPTION
1081--DX4456 - INT 10 U - VIDEO - DESQview 2.0x only - internal - GET ???
1082--DX4456 - INT 10 U - VIDEO - DESQview 2.0x only - internal - GET CURRENT WINDOW INFO
1086 - INT 10 - ???
1093 - INT 10 - Alloy MW386 - REDRAW SCREEN
109508 - INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - ???
10A0 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - SET PIXEL WRITE MODE
10A000 - INT 10 - ATI BIOS Extensions - ???
10A001 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ???
10A002 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ???
10A003 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ???
10A004 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ???
10A005 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ???
10A006 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ???
10A007 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ???
10A008 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ??? SIZE
10A009 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ???
10A00A - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ???
10A00B - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ???
10A00C - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - SET SLEEP MODE
10A00D - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET SLEEP MODE
10A00D - INT 10 - ATI Rage128 BIOS - GET ???
10A00E - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - SET ???
10A00F - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ???
10A010 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ???
10A011 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ???
10A012 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ???
10A013 - INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ???
10A014 - INT 10 - ATI Rage128 BIOS - ???
10A015 - INT 10 - ATI Rage128 BIOS - GET/SET ???
10A016 - INT 10 - ATI Rage128 BIOS - NOP
10A017 - INT 10 - ATI Rage128 BIOS - ???
10AA - INT 10 OU - Player's Tool 3.0 - UNINSTALL
10AB - INT 10 OU - Player's Tool 3.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK
10B0 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - PUT PIXEL
10B1 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - MOVE TO
10B2 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - DRAW LINE TO
10B3 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - FLOOD FILL
10B4 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - DRAW RECTANGLE
10B5 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - DRAW FILLED RECTANGLE
10BD44 - INT 10 U - Compaq QVision - ???
10BF--CX0000 - INT 10 - Athena Digital HGCIBM.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK
10BF00 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SELECT EXTERNAL MONITOR
10BF01 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SELECT INTERNAL MONITOR
10BF03BX0000 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - GET ENVIRONMENT
10BF04 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SET MODE SWITCH DELAY
10BF05 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - ENABLE/DISABLE DISPLAY
10BF06 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq SLT/286 - READ GRAY SCALE TABLE
10BF09 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - TURN ON REVERSE VIDEO
10BF0A - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - TURN OFF REVERSE VIDEO
10BF0C - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SET DAC 6-BIT MODE
10BF0D - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SET DAC 8-BIT MODE
10BF0E - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - CHECK DAC 6-BIT/8-BIT mode
10BF0F - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SET HIGH ADRESS MAP REGISTER
10BF10 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - GET HIGH ADDRESS MAP REGISTER
10BF11 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - GET EXTENDED ENVIRONMENT
10BF12 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - NEW ACTIVE MONITOR
10BF13 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq QVision - GAMMA CORRECTION
10BFA1 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq ADAPT.COM - GET ???
10BFA2 - INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq ADAPT.COM - SET ???
10C0 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - GO TO TEXT ROW AND COLUMN
10C000 - INT 10 - S3 SpeedUp v3.00+ - INSTALLATION CHECK
10C001 - INT 10 - S3 SpeedUp v3.00+ - GET ACTIVE OPTIONS
10C002 - INT 10 - S3 SpeedUp v3.00+ - SET ACTIVE OPTIONS
10C003 - INT 10 - S3 SpeedUp v3.10+ - GET FLAGS
10C004 - INT 10 - S3 SpeedUp v3.10+ - RESERVED FUNCTIONS
10C1 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - OUTPUT TEXT
10C2 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - REVERSE TEXT
10C3 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - TEXT BAR
10C4 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - TEXT MENU
10CC01 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - DISABLE EXTENSIONS
10CC02 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - ENABLE EXTENSIONS
10CD00 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - LOAD ULTRAVISION PALETTE (color EGA,VGA)
10CD01 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - SET PALETTE LOCKING STATUS (color EGA,VGA)
10CD03 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - GET PALETTE LOCKING STATUS (color EGA,VGA)
10CD04 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - GET UltraVision TEXT MODE (EGA,VGA)
10CD05 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - SET CURSOR TYPE (EGA,VGA)
10CD06 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - GET CURSOR TYPE (EGA,VGA)
10CD07 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision v1.2+ - SET UNDERLINE STATUS (EGA,VGA)
10CD08 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision v1.2+ - GET UNDERLINE STATUS (EGA,VGA)
10CD0F - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - GET POINTER TO ??? (EGA,VGA)
10CD10 - INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - LOAD USER FONT (EGA,VGA)
10D0 - INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - LOAD PICTURE
10D0 - INT 10 U - VIDEO - HP 100LX/200LX - SET ZOOM MODE
10D000 - INT 10 - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.00+ - INSTALLATION CHECK
10D001 - INT 10 - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.00+ - GET ACTIVE OPTIONS
10D002 - INT 10 - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.00+ - SET ACTIVE OPTIONS
10D003 - INT 10 U - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.10+ - GET VBE/Core CAPABILITIES
10D004 - INT 10 U - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.10+ - ACTIVATE SPEED-UP
10D005 - INT 10 U - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.10+ - DEACTIVATE SPEED-UP
10D1 - INT 10 U - VIDEO - HP 100LX/200LX - INTERNAL - ???
10D4 - INT 10 U - VIDEO - HP 100LX/200LX - INTERNAL - ???
10D5 - INT 10 - Netroom SCRNCLK - ???
10DFA5 - INT 10 U - VIDEO - Compaq ADAPT.COM - GET ??? DATA AREA
10EE - INT 10 - VIDEO - IBM "Private" Function
10F0 - INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - READ ONE REGISTER
10F1 - INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - WRITE ONE REGISTER
10F2 - INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - READ REGISTER RANGE
10F2 - INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - ???
10F3 - INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - WRITE REGISTER RANGE
10F4 - INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - READ REGISTER SET
10F5 - INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - WRITE REGISTER SET
10F6 - INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - REVERT TO DEFAULT REGISTERS
10F7 - INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - DEFINE DEFAULT REGISTER TABLE
10FA--BX0000 - INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - INTERROGATE DRIVER
10FF - INT 10 - DJ GO32.EXE 80386+ DOS extender - VIDEO EXTENSIONS
INT 10 C - CPU-generated (80286+) - COPROCESSOR ERROR Desc: this interrupt is generated by the CPU when the -ERROR pin is asserted by the coprocessor Note: AT's and clones usually wire the coprocessor to use IRQ13, but not all get it right SeeAlso: INT 09"hardware",INT 75Top
INT 10h - LIRVGA19 - CHAR HEIGHT HOOK Desc: LIRVGA19.COM fixes display problems on some notebooks by hooking INT 10h and resetting the BIOS character height (MEM 0040h:0085h) to 10h on return, if it happens to be greater than 10h. Program: LIRVGA19.COM is part of the Lithuanian LIR codepage support package developed by LABAS u.a.b. SeeAlso: INT 10/AX=5555h/BX=BBBBh,MEM 0040h:0085hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET VIDEO MODE AH = 00h AL = desired video mode (see #00010) Return: AL = video mode flag (Phoenix, AMI BIOS) 20h mode > 7 30h modes 0-5 and 7 3Fh mode 6 AL = CRT controller mode byte (Phoenix 386 BIOS v1.10) Desc: specify the display mode for the currently active display adapter InstallCheck: for Ahead adapters, the signature "AHEAD" at C000h:0025h for Paradise adapters, the signature "VGA=" at C000h:007Dh for Oak Tech OTI-037/057/067/077 chipsets, the signature "OAK VGA" at C000h:0008h for ATI adapters, the signature "761295520" at C000h:0031h; the byte at C000h:0043h indicates the chipset revision: 31h for 18800 32h for 18800-1 33h for 18800-2 34h for 18800-4 35h for 18800-5 62h for 68800AX (Mach32) (see also #00732) the two bytes at C000h:0040h indicate the adapter type "22" EGA Wonder "31" VGA Wonder "32" EGA Wonder800+ the byte at C000h:0042h contains feature flags bit 1: mouse port present bit 4: programmable video clock the byte at C000h:0044h contains additional feature flags if chipset byte > 30h (see #00009) for Genoa video adapters, the signature 77h XXh 99h 66h at C000h:NNNNh, where NNNNh is stored at C000h:0037h and XXh is 00h for Genoa 6200/6300 11h for Genoa 6400/6600 22h for Genoa 6100 33h for Genoa 5100/5200 55h for Genoa 5300/5400 for SuperEGA BIOS v2.41+, C000h:0057h contains the product level for Genoa SuperEGA BIOS v3.0+, C000h:0070h contains the signature "EXTMODE", indicating support for extended modes Notes: IBM standard modes do not clear the screen if the high bit of AL is set (EGA or higher only) the Tseng ET4000 chipset is used by the Orchid Prodesigner II, Diamond SpeedSTAR VGA, Groundhog Graphics Shadow VGA, Boca Super X VGA, Everex EV-673, etc. intercepted by GRAFTABL from Novell DOS 7 and Caldera OpenDOS 7.01. SeeAlso: AX=0070h,AX=007Eh,AX=10E0h,AX=10F0h,AH=40h,AX=6F05h,AH=FFh"GO32" SeeAlso: INT 33/AX=0028h,INT 5F/AH=00h,INT 62/AX=0001h,MEM 0040h:0049h Index: installation check;Tseng ET4000|installation check;Ahead video cards Index: installation check;Oak Technologies|installation check;ATI video cards Index: installation check;Paradise video|installation check;Genoa video cards Bitfields for ATI additional feature flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00009) 0 70 Hz non-interlaced display 1 Korean (double-byte) characters 2 45 MHz memory clock rather than 40 MHz 3 zero wait states 4 paged ROMs 6 no 8514/A monitor support 7 HiColor DAC (Table 00010) Values for video mode: text/ text pixel pixel colors disply scrn system grph resol box resolution pages addr 00h = T 40x25 8x8 320x200 16gray 8 B800 CGA,PCjr,Tandy = T 40x25 8x14 320x350 16gray 8 B800 EGA = T 40x25 8x16 320x400 16 8 B800 MCGA = T 40x25 9x16 360x400 16 8 B800 VGA 01h = T 40x25 8x8 320x200 16 8 B800 CGA,PCjr,Tandy = T 40x25 8x14 320x350 16 8 B800 EGA = T 40x25 8x16 320x400 16 8 B800 MCGA = T 40x25 9x16 360x400 16 8 B800 VGA 02h = T 80x25 8x8 640x200 16gray 4 B800 CGA,PCjr,Tandy = T 80x25 8x14 640x350 16gray 8 B800 EGA = T 80x25 8x16 640x400 16 8 B800 MCGA = T 80x25 9x16 720x400 16 8 B800 VGA 03h = T 80x25 8x8 640x200 16 4 B800 CGA,PCjr,Tandy = T 80x25 8x14 640x350 16/64 8 B800 EGA = T 80x25 8x16 640x400 16 8 B800 MCGA = T 80x25 9x16 720x400 16 8 B800 VGA = T 80x43 8x8 640x350 16 4 B800 EGA,VGA [17] = T 80x50 8x8 640x400 16 4 B800 VGA [17] 04h = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 4 . B800 CGA,PCjr,EGA,MCGA,VGA 05h = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 4gray . B800 CGA,PCjr,EGA = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 4 . B800 MCGA,VGA 06h = G 80x25 8x8 640x200 2 . B800 CGA,PCjr,EGA,MCGA,VGA = G 80x25 . . mono . B000 HERCULES.COM on HGC [14] 07h = T 80x25 9x14 720x350 mono var B000 MDA,Hercules,EGA = T 80x25 9x16 720x400 mono . B000 VGA 08h = T 132x25 8x8 1056x200 16 . B800 ATI EGA/VGA Wonder [2] = T 132x25 8x8 1056x200 mono . B000 ATI EGA/VGA Wonder [2] = G 20x25 8x8 160x200 16 . . PCjr, Tandy 1000 = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 color . . Tandy 2000 = G 90x43 8x8 720x348 mono . B000 Hercules + MSHERC.COM = G 90x45 8x8 720x360 mono . B000 Hercules + HERKULES [11] = G 90x29 8x12 720x348 mono . . Hercules + HERCBIOS [15] 09h = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 16 . . PCjr, Tandy 1000 = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 mono . . Tandy 2000 = G 90x43 8x8 720x348 mono . . Hercules + HERCBIOS [15] 0Ah = G 80x25 8x8 640x200 4 . . PCjr, Tandy 1000 0Bh = reserved (EGA BIOS internal use) = G 80x25 8x8 640x200 16 . . Tandy 1000 SL/TL [13] 0Ch = reserved (EGA BIOS internal use) 0Dh = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 16 8 A000 EGA,VGA 0Eh = G 80x25 8x8 640x200 16 4 A000 EGA,VGA 0Fh = G 80x25 8x14 640x350 mono 2 A000 EGA,VGA 10h = G 80x25 8x14 640x350 4 2 A000 64k EGA = G . . 640x350 16 . A000 256k EGA,VGA 11h = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 mono . A000 VGA,MCGA,ATI EGA,ATI VIP 12h = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 16/256K . A000 VGA,ATI VIP = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 16/64 . A000 ATI EGA Wonder = G . . 640x480 16 . . UltraVision+256K EGA 13h = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 256/256K . A000 VGA,MCGA,ATI VIP 14h = T 132x25 Nx16 . 16 . B800 XGA, IBM Enhanced VGA [3] = T 132x25 8x16 1056x400 16/256K . . Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426 = G 80x25 8x8 640x200 . . . Lava Chrome II EGA = G . . 640x400 16 . . Tecmar VGA/AD 15h = G 80x25 8x14 640x350 . . . Lava Chrome II EGA 16h = G 80x25 8x14 640x350 . . . Lava Chrome II EGA = G . . 800x600 16 . . Tecmar VGA/AD 17h = T 132x25 . . . . . Tecmar VGA/AD = T 80x43 8x8 640x348 16 4 B800 Tseng ET4000 BIOS [10] = G 80x34 8x14 640x480 . . . Lava Chrome II EGA 18h = T 80x30 9x16 720x480 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA [12] = T 132x25 . . mono . B000 Cirrus 5320 chipset = T 132x44 8x8 1056x352 mono . B000 Tseng Labs EVA = T 132x44 9x8 1188x352 4gray 2 B000 Tseng ET3000 chipset = T 132x44 8x8 1056x352 16/256 2 B000 Tseng ET4000 chipset = G 80x34 8x14 640x480 . . . Lava Chrome II EGA = G 1024x768 16 . . Tecmar VGA/AD 19h = T 80x43 9x11 720x473 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA [12] = T 132x25 8x14 1056x350 mono . B000 Tseng Labs EVA = T 132x25 9x14 1188x350 4gray 4 B000 Tseng ET3000 chipset = T 132x25 8x14 1056x350 16/256 4 B000 Tseng ET4000 chipset = T 132x34 . . mono . B000 Cirrus 5320 chipset 1Ah = T 80x60 9x8 720x480 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA [12] = T 132x28 8x13 1056x364 mono . B000 Tseng Labs EVA = T 132x28 9x13 1188x364 4gray 4 B000 Tseng ET3000 chipset = T 132x28 8x13 1056x364 16/256 4 B000 Tseng ET4000 chipset = T 132x44 . . mono . B000 Cirrus 5320 chipset = G . . 640x350 256 . . Tecmar VGA/AD 1Bh = T 132x25 9x14 1188x350 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA [12] = G . . 640x400 256 . . Tecmar VGA/AD 1Ch = T 132x25 . . . . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = T 132x30 9x16 1188x480 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA [12] = G . . 640x480 256 . . Tecmar VGA/AD 1Dh = T 132x43 . . . . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = T 132x43 9x11 1188x473 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA [12] = G . . 800x600 256 . . Tecmar VGA/AD 1Eh = T 132x44 . . . . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = T 132x60 9x8 1188x480 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA [12] 1Fh = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA 20h = T 132x25 . . 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G 40x16 . 240x128 mono . B000 HP 95LX/100LX/200LX = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 16 . . C&T 64310/65530 BIOS = G 120x45 8x16 960x720 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA 21h = T 80x25 . . mono . B000 HP 200LX = T 132x30 . . 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 = T 132x44 9x9 1188x396 16/256K . B800 WD90C = T 132x44 9x9 1188x396 16 . B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X = T 132x60 . . 16 2 B800 Tseng ET4000 chipset [10] = G 80x43 8x8 720x348 mono . B000 DESQview 2.x+Hercules [4] = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA [12] 22h = T 132x43 . . . . . Allstar Peacock (VGA) = T 132x43 . . 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 = T 132x44 8x8 1056x352 . . B800 Tseng Labs EVA = T 132x44 9x8 1188x352 16/256K 2 B800 Tseng ET3000 chipset = T 132x44 8x8 1056x352 16/256K 2 B800 Tseng ET4000 chipset = T 132x44 8x8 1056x352 . . . Ahead Systems EGA2001 = T 132x44 8x8 1056x352 16 2 B800 Ahead B = T 132x44 8x9 1056x398 16 . . STB Lightspeed ET4000/W32P = T 132x44 . . 16 . . Orchid Prodesigner VGA = G 80x43 8x8 720x348 mono . B800 DESQview 2.x+Hercules [4] = G 96x64 8x16 768x1024 16 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 16 . . C&T 64310/65530 BIOS 23h = T 132x25 6x14 792x350 . . B800 Tseng Labs EVA = T 132x25 9x14 1188x350 16/256K 4 B800 Tseng ET3000 chipset = T 132x25 8x14 1056x350 16/256 4 B800 Tseng ET4000 chipset = T 132x25 8x14 1056x350 . . . Ahead Systems EGA2001 = T 132x25 8x14 1056x350 16 4 B800 Ahead B = T 132x25 8x8 1056x200 16 . B800 ATI EGA Wonder,ATI VIP = T 132x25 . . . . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = T 132x28 . . . . . Allstar Peacock (VGA) = T 132x28 . . 16 . . Orchid Prodesigner VGA = T 132x60 . . 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 4 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA 24h = T 80x30 . . 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 = T 132x25 . . . . . Allstar Peacock (VGA) = T 132x25 . . 16 . . Orchid Prodesigner VGA = T 132x28 6x13 792x364 . . B800 Tseng Labs EVA = T 132x28 9x13 1188x364 16/256K 4 B800 Tseng ET3000 chipset = T 132x28 8x12 1056x336 16 1 B800 Ahead B = T 132x28 8x13 1056x364 16/256K 4 B800 Tseng ET4000 chipset = T 132x28 8x14 1056x392 16 . . STB Lightspeed ET4000/W32P = T 132x28 . . . . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = G 64x32 8x16 512x512 256 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 . . C&T 64310/65530 BIOS 25h = T 80x43 . . 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G 80x60 8x8 640x480 . . A000 Tseng Labs EVA = G 80x60 8x8 640x480 16/256K 1 A000 Tseng ET3000/4000 chipset = G . . 640x480 16 . . VEGA VGA = G 80x60 8x8 640x480 16 . A000 Orchid Prodesigner VGA = G 80x60 8x8 640x480 16 1 A000 Ahead B (same as 26h) = G . . 640x480 16 . . NEC GB-1 = G . . 640x480 16 . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = G . . 640x400 256 . . Realtek RTVGA 26h = T 80x60 8x8 640x480 . . . Tseng Labs EVA = T 80x60 8x8 640x480 16/256K 3 B800 Tseng ET3000/4000 chipset = T 80x60 . . . . . Allstar Peacock (VGA) = T 80x60 . . 16 . . Orchid ProDesigner VGA = T 80x60 . . 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G 80x60 8x8 640x480 . . . Ahead Systems EGA2001 = G 80x60 8x8 640x480 16 1 A000 Ahead B (same as 25h) = G . . 640x480 256 . . Realtek RTVGA 27h = T 132x25 8x8 1056x200 mono . B000 ATI EGA Wonder,ATI VIP = G . . 720x512 16 . . VEGA VGA = G . . 720x512 16 . . Genoa = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 256 1 A000 Realtek RTVGA [12] = G . . 960x720 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 28h = T ???x??? . . . . . VEGA VGA = G . . 512x512 256 . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G . . 1024x768 256 . . Realtek RTVGA (1meg) = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 16 . . Chips&Technologies 64310 [1] 29h = G . . 640x400 256 . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G . . 800x600 16 . . VEGA VGA = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 16 . A000 Orchid = G . . 800x600 16 . A000 STB,Genoa,Sigma = G . . 800x600 16 . . Allstar Peacock (VGA) = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 16/256K 1 A000 Tseng ET3000/4000 chipset = G . . 800x600 ??? . . EIZO MDB10 = G . . 800x600 16 . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = G NA . 800x600 16 . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 = G . . 1024x1024 256 . . Realtek RTVGA BIOS v3.C10 2Ah = T 100x40 . . . . . Allstar Peacock (VGA) = T 100x40 8x16 800x640 16 . . Orchid Prodesigner VGA = T 100x40 8x15 800x600 16/256K 4 B800 Tseng ET3000/4000 chipset = T 100x40 8x15 800x600 16 . . STB Lightspeed ET4000/W32P = G . . 640x480 256 . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G . . 1280x1024 16 . . Realtek RTVGA 2Bh = G . . 800x600 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 2Ch = G . . 800x600 256 . . Avance Logic AL2101 2Dh = G . . 640x350 256 . . VEGA VGA = G . . 640x350 256/256K . A000 Orchid, Genoa, STB = G 80x25 8x14 640x350 256/256K 1 A000 Tseng ET3000/4000 chipset = G . . 640x350 256 . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = G 80x25 8x14 640x350 256 . . STB Lightspeed ET4000/W32P = G . . 768x1024 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 2Eh = G . . 640x480 256 . . VEGA VGA = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256/256K . A000 Orchid = G . . 640x480 256/256K . A000 STB,Genoa,Sigma = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256/256K 1 A000 Tseng ET3000/4000 chipset = G . . 640x480 256/256K . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 = G . . 768x1024 256 . . Avance Logic AL2101 2Fh = T 160x50 8x8 1280x400 16 4 B800 Ahead B (Wizard/3270) = G . . 720x512 256 . . VEGA VGA = G . . 720x512 256 . . Genoa = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256/256K 1 A000 Tseng ET4000 chipset = G . . 1024x768 4 . . Avance Logic AL2101 30h = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256 . . C&T 64310/65530 BIOS = G . . . . . B800 AT&T 6300 = G . . 720x350 2 . . 3270 PC = G . . 800x600 256 . . VEGA VGA = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 256/256K . A000 Orchid = G . . 800x600 256/256K . A000 STB,Genoa,Sigma = G . . 800x600 256 . . Cardinal = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 256/256K 1 A000 Tseng ET3000/4000 chipset = G . . 1024x768 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 31h = G . . 1024x768 256 . . Avance Logic AL2101 32h = T 80x34 8x10 . 16 4 B800 Ahead B (Wizard/3270) = G . . 640x480 256 . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 256 . . C&T 64310/65530 BIOS 33h = T 132x44 8x8 . 16 . B800 ATI EGA Wonder,ATI VIP = T 80x34 8x8 . 16 4 B800 Ahead B (Wizard/3270) 34h = T 80x66 8x8 . 16 4 B800 Ahead B (Wizard/3270) = G . . 800x600 256 . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256 . . Chips&Technologies 64310 36h = G . . 960x720 16 . . VEGA VGA, STB = G . . 960x720 16 . A000 Tseng ET3000 only = G . . 1280x1024 16 . . Avance Logic AL2101 37h = T 132x44 8x8 . mono . B800 ATI EGA Wonder,ATI VIP = G . . 1024x768 16 . . VEGA VGA = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 . A000 Orchid = G . . 1024x768 16 . A000 STB,Genoa,Sigma = G . . 1024x768 16 . . Definicon = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 1 A000 Tseng ET3000/4000 chipset = G . . 1024x768 16 . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 = G . . 1280x1024 256 . . Avance Logic AL2101 38h = G . . 1024x768 256 . . STB VGA/EM-16 Plus (1MB) = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256/256K 1 A000 Tseng ET4000 chipset = G . . 1024x768 256 . . Orchid ProDesigner II = G . . 1024x768 256 . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 256 . . Chips&Technologies 64310 [1] 39h = G . . 1280x1024 16 . . Compaq QVision 1280 3Ah = G . . 1280x1024 256 . . Compaq QVision 1280 3Bh = G . . 512x480 256 . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 3Ch = G . . 640x400 64K . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 3Dh = G . . 1280x1024 16 . . Definicon = G 128x64 8x16 1280x1024 16 1 A000 Tseng ET4000 v3.00 [1,7] 3Eh = G . . 1280x961 16 . . Definicon = G . . 640x480 64K . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 3Fh = G . . 1280x1024 256 . . Hercules ??? (ET4000W32) = G . . 800x600 64K . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 40h = T 80x43 . . . . . VEGA VGA, Tecmar VGA/AD = T 80x43 . . . . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = T 80x43 . . . . . Tatung VGA = T 100x30 . . 16 . . MORSE VGA = T 100x30 . . . . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = T 80x25 . 720x350 mono . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G . . 320x200 64K . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 2 1 B800 AT&T 6300, AT&T VDC600 = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 2 1 B800 Olivetti Quaderno = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 2 1 B800 Compaq Portable = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 32K . . Chips&Technologies 64310 = G . . 1024x768 64K . . Compaq QVision 1280 41h = T 132x25 . . . . . VEGA VGA = T 132x25 . . . . . Tatung VGA = T 132x25 . . . . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = T 100x50 . . 16 . . MORSE VGA = T 100x50 . . . . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = T 80x34 9x14 720x476 16/256K . B800 WD90C = T 80x34 9x14 . 16 . B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G . . 512x512 64K . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G . . 640x200 16 1 . AT&T 6300 = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 64K . . Chips&Technologies 64310 = G 80x25 . 720x348 mono . B000 Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ 42h = T 132x43 . . . . . VEGA VGA = T 132x43 . . . . . Tatung VGA = T 132x43 . . . . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = T 80x34 9x10 . 4 4 B800 Ahead B (Wizard/3270) = T 100x60 . . 16 . . MORSE VGA = T 100x60 . . . . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 16 . . AT&T 6300, AT&T VDC600 = G . . 640x400 64K . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G 80x25 . 720x348 mono . B800 Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 32K . . Chips&Technologies 64310 43h = T 80x60 . . . . . VEGA VGA = T 80x60 . . . . . Tatung VGA = T 80x60 . . . . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = T 80x45 9x8 . 4 4 B800 Ahead B (Wizard/3270) = T 100x75 . . 16 . . MORSE VGA = T 80x29 . 720x348 mono . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G . . 640x200 of 640x400 viewport AT&T 6300 (unsupported) = G . . 640x480 64K . . Avance Logic AL2101 = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 64K . . Chips&Technologies 64310 44h = disable VDC and DEB output . AT&T 6300 = T 100x60 . . . . . VEGA VGA = T 100x60 . . . . . Tatung VGA = T 100x60 . . . . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = T 80x32 . 720x352 mono . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G . . 800x600 64K . . Avance Logic AL2101 45h = T 132x28 . . . . . Tatung VGA = T 132x28 . . . . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = T 80x44 . 720x352 mono . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ 46h = T 132x25 8x14 . mono . . Genoa 6400 = T 132x25 9x14 . mono . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G 100x40 8x15 800x600 2 . . AT&T VDC600 47h = T 132x29 8x12 . mono . . Genoa 6400 = T 132x29 9x12 . mono . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = T 132x28 9x16 1188x448 16/256K . B800 WD90C = T 132x28 9x16 . 16 . B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 16 . . AT&T VDC600 48h = T 132x32 8x12 . mono . . Genoa 6400 = T 132x32 9x11 . mono . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G 80x50 8x8 640x400 2 . B800 AT&T 6300, AT&T VDC600 = G 80x50 8x8 640x400 2 . B800 Olivetti Quaderno 49h = T 132x44 8x8 . mono . . Genoa 6400 = T 132x44 9x8 . mono . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 . . . Lava Chrome II EGA = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 4Bh = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 4Dh = T 120x25 . . . . . VEGA VGA = G . . 512x480 16M . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 4Eh = T 120x43 . . . . . VEGA VGA = T 80x60 8x8 . 16/256K . B800 Oak OTI-067/OTI-077 [8] = G . . 640x400 16M . . Compaq QVision 1024/1280 = G 144x54 8x16 1152x864 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 4Fh = T 132x25 . . . . . VEGA VGA = T 132x60 . . . . . some Oak Tech VGA [8] = G . . 640x480 16M . . Compaq QVision 1280 50h = T 80x30 8x16 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = T 80x34 . . . . . Lava Chrome II EGA = T 80x43 . . mono . . VEGA VGA = T 132x25 9x14 . mono . . Ahead Systems EGA2001 = T 132x25 9x14 . 4 4 B800 Ahead B = T 132x25 8x14 . 16 8 B800 OAK Technologies VGA-16 = T 132x25 8x14 . 16/256K . B800 Oak OTI-037/067/077 [8] = T 132x25 8x14 1056x350 16 8 B800 UM587 chipset = T 132x30 . . 16 . . MORSE VGA = T 132x30 . . . . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 16 . . Paradise EGA-480 = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 16 . . NEL Electronics BIOS = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 16M . . Chips&Technologies 64310 = G . . 640x480 mono??? . . Taxan 565 EGA = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 . . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ 51h = T 80x30 8x16 . . . . Paradise EGA-480 = T 80x30 9x16 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = T 80x30 . . . . . Lava Chrome II EGA = T 80x43 8x11 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = T 132x25 . . mono . . VEGA VGA = T 132x28 9x12 . 4 4 B800 Ahead B = T 132x43 8x8 . 16 5 B800 OAK Technologies VGA-16 = T 132x43 8x8 . 16/256K . B800 Oak OTI-037/067/077 = T 132x43 8x8 1056x344 16 5 B800 UM587 chipset = T 132x50 . . 16 . . MORSE VGA = T 132x50 . . . . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = G 80x34 8x14 640x480 16 . . ATI EGA Wonder = G 80x25 8x8 640x200 . . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ 52h = T 80x60 . . . . . Lava Chrome II EGA = T 80x60 8x8 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = T 132x43 . . mono . . VEGA VGA = T 132x44 9x8 . mono . . Ahead Systems EGA2001 = T 132x44 9x8 . 4 2 B800 Ahead B = T 132x60 . . 16 . . MORSE VGA = T 132x60 . . . . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = G 80x25 8x19 640x480 16 1 A000 AX VGA (Kanji&superimpose) = G 94x29 8x14 752x410 16 . . ATI EGA Wonder = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 1 A000 OAK Technologies VGA-16 = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 . A000 Oak OTI-037 chipset [8] = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 16 . A000 Oak OTI-067/077 chips [8] = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 . A000 UM587 chipset = G 128x30 8x16 1024x480 16 . . NEL Electronics BIOS 53h = T 80x25 8x16 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = T 80x60 . . 16 . . MORSE VGA = T 80x60 . . . . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = T 132x25 8x14 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = T 132x43 . . . . . Lava Chrome II EGA = G 80x25 8x19 640x480 16 1 A000 AX VGA (Kanji, no superimp.) = G . . 640x480 256 . . Oak VGA = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256 . A000 Oak OTI-067/OTI-077 [8] = G 100x40 8x14 800x560 16 . . ATI EGA Wonder,ATI VIP = G . . . . . . AX PC 54h = T 132x25 . . . . . Lava Chrome II EGA = T 132x30 8x16 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = T 132x43 8x8 . . . . Paradise EGA-480 = T 132x43 8x8 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = T 132x43 7x9 . 16/256K . B800 Paradise VGA = T 132x43 8x9 . 16/256K . B800 Paradise VGA on multisync = T 132x43 . . . . . Taxan 565 EGA = T 132x43 . . . . . AST VGA Plus = T 132x43 . . . . . Hewlett-Packard D1180A = T 132x43 7x9 . 16 . . AT&T VDC600 = T 132x43 9x9 1188x387 16/256K . B800 WD90C = T 132x43 9x9 1188x387 16/256K . B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X = T 132x43 9x9 1188x387 16/256K . B800 Diamond Stealth 24 = T 132x43 8x8 . . . B800 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = T 132x43 8x8 1056x350 16/256K . . Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426 = T 132x50 8x8 . 16 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] = G 100x42 8x14 800x600 16 . A000 ATI EGA Wonder, VGA Wonder = G 100x42 8x14 800x600 16 . A000 ATI Ultra 8514A, ATI XL = G . . 800x600 256 . A000 Oak VGA = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 256 . A000 Oak OTI-067/077 chips [8] 55h = T 80x66 8x8 . 16/256K . A000 ATI VIP = T 132x25 8x14 . . . . Paradise EGA-480 = T 132x25 8x14 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = T 132x25 7x16 . 16/256K . B800 Paradise VGA = T 132x25 8x16 . 16/256K . B800 Paradise VGA on multisync = T 132x25 . . . . . Taxan 565 EGA = T 132x25 . . . . . AST VGA Plus = T 132x25 . . . . . Hewlett-Packard D1180A = T 132x25 7x16 . 16 . . AT&T VDC600 = T 132x25 8x16 . 16 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] = T 132x25 9x16 1188x400 16/256K . B800 WD90C = T 132x25 9x16 1188x400 16/256K . B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X = T 132x25 9x16 1188x400 16/256K . B800 Diamond Stealth 24 = T 132x25 8x16 . . . B800 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = T 132x25 8x14 1056x350 16/256K . . Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426 = T 132x43 8x11 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = G 94x29 8x14 752x410 . . . Lava Chrome II EGA = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16/256K . A000 ATI VGA Wonder v4+ [5] = G . . 1024x768 16/256K . . ATI VGA Wonder Plus = G . . 1024x768 16/256K . . ATI Ultra 8514A,ATI XL = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 4 . A000 Oak OTI-067/077 chips [8] 56h = T 132x43 8x8 . 3??? 2 B000 NSI Smart EGA+ = T 132x43 7x9 . 4 . B000 Paradise VGA = T 132x43 8x9 . 4 . B000 Paradise VGA on multisync = T 132x43 . . mono . . Taxan 565 EGA = T 132x43 7x9 . 2 . . AT&T VDC600 = T 132x43 9x8 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = T 132x50 8x8 . 4 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] = T 132x60 8x8 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = G . . 1024x768 16 . A000 Oak VGA = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 . A000 Oak OTI-067/077 chips [8] 57h = T 132x25 8x14 . 3??? 4 B000 NSI Smart EGA+ = T 132x25 7x16 . 4 . B000 Paradise VGA = T 132x25 8x16 . 4 . B000 Paradise VGA on multisync = T 132x25 9x14 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = T 132x25 . . mono . . Taxan 565 EGA = T 132x25 7x16 . 2 . . AT&T VDC600 = T 132x25 9x14 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = T 132x25 8x16 . 4 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] = G 96x48 8x16 768x1024 16 . A000 Oak OTI-067/077 chips [8] 58h = T 80x33 8x14 . 16 . B800 ATI EGA Wonder,ATI VIP = T 80x32 9x16 . 16 . . Genoa 6400 = T 80x43 8x8 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = T 132x30 9x16 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16/256K . A000 Paradise VGA = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 . . AT&T VDC600 = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16/256K . A000 Paradise VGA, WD90C = G . . 800x600 16 . . AST VGA Plus, Compaq VGA = G . . 800x600 16 . . Dell VGA = G . . 800x600 16 . . Hewlett-Packard D1180A = G . . 800x600 ??? . . ELT VGA PLUS 16 = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 16/256K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426 = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 16 . A000 Oak OTI-077 chipset [8] 59h = T 80x43 9x8 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = T 80x66 8x8 . 16/256K . A000 ATI VIP = T 132x43 9x11 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 2 . A000 Paradise VGA = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 2 . . AT&T VDC600 = G . . 800x600 2 . . AST VGA Plus, Compaq VGA = G . . 800x600 2 . . Dell VGA = G . . 800x600 2 . . Hewlett-Packard D1180A = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 2 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256 . A000 Oak OTI-077 chipset [8] 5Ah = T 80x60 8x8 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = T 132x60 9x8 . 16/256K . B800 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 2 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] 5Bh = T 80x30 8x16 . . . B800 ATI VGA Wonder (undoc) = G . . 640x350 256 . . Genoa 6400 = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 32K . A000 Oak OTI-067/077 chips [8] = G . . 800x600 16 . . Maxxon, SEFCO TVGA, Imtec = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16/256K . A000 Trident TVGA 8800, 8900 = G . . 800x600 ??? . . Vobis MVGA = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 . A000 NCR 77C22 [1,9] 5Ch = T 100x37 8x16 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = G . . 640x400 256 . . Logix, ATI Prism Elite = G . . 640x400 256 . . Maxxon, SEFCO TVGA, Imtec = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256/256K . A000 Zymos Poach, Hi Res 512 = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256/256K . A000 Trident TVGA 8800/8900 = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256 . . Genoa 6400 = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 32K . A000 Oak OTI-077 chipset [8] = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 256 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 256/256K . A000 WD90C = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 256/256K . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 256/256K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426 5Dh = T 100x75 8x8 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = G 80x25 8x14 640x350 64K . . STB Lightspeed ET4000/W32P = G . . 640x480 256 . . Logix, ATI Prism Elite = G . . 640x480 256 . . Maxxon, SEFCO TVGA, Imtec = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256/256K . A000 Zymos Poach, Hi Res 512 = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256/256K . A000 Trident TVGA 8800 (512K) = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16/256K . A000 WD90C = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16/256K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426 5Eh = G . . 640x400 256 . . Paradise VGA,VEGA VGA = G . . 640x400 256 . . AST VGA Plus, NCR 77C22 = G . . 640x400 256 . . Compaq VGA, Dell VGA = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256 . . AT&T VDC600 = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256/256K . A000 WD90C = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256/256K . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G . . 800x600 16 . . Logix, ATI Prism Elite = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 16 . . NEL Electronics BIOS = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 256 . . Genoa 6400 = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 256/256K . A000 Zymos Poach, Trident 8900 = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 256/256K . A000 Hi Res 512 5Fh = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 64K . . STB Lightspeed ET4000/W32P = G . . 640x480 256 . . Paradise VGA = G . . 640x480 256 . . AST VGA Plus, NCR 77C22 = G . . 640x480 256 . . Compaq VGA, Dell VGA = G . . 640x480 256 . . Hewlett-Packard D1180A = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256 . . AT&T VDC600 (512K) = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256/256K . A000 WD90C = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256/256K . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256/256K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426 = G . . 1024x768 16 . . Logix, ATI Prism Elite = G . . 1024x768 16 . . Maxxon, Imtec = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 . . Genoa 6400 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16/256K . A000 Zymos Poach, Hi Res 512 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16/256K . A000 Trident TVGA 88/8900 512K 60h = T 132x25 8x14 . 16/64 8 B800 Quadram Ultra VGA = T 132x25 8x14 . 16 . . Genoa 6400 = T 132x25 8x14 . 16 . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = T 132x25 . . . . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = T 132x25 8x16 1056x400 16 . B800 Chips&Technologies chipset = G 80x??? . ???x400 . . . Corona/Cordata BIOS 4.10+ = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256 1 A000 Ahead A, Ahead B = G . . 752x410 . . . VEGA VGA = G . . 752x410 16 . . Tatung VGA = G . . 752x410 16 . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 4/256K . A000 Trident TVGA 8900 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256/256K . A000 WD90C = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256/256K . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256/256K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426 = G 144x54 8x16 1152x864 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 61h = T 132x29 8x12 . 16/64 8 B800 Quadram Ultra VGA = T 132x29 8x8 . 16 . . Genoa 6400 = T 132x29 8x8 . 16 . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = T 132x50 . . . . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = T 132x50 8x8 1056x400 16 . B800 Chips&Technologies chipset = T 132x50 8x16 1056x800 16 . B800 Chips&Technologies 64310 = G . . ???x400 . . . Corona/Cordata BIOS 4.10+ = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256 . A000 ATI VGA Wonder,VGA Wonder+ = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256 . A000 ATI Ultra 8514A,ATI XL = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256 1 A000 Ahead A, Ahead B (512K) = G . . 720x540 . . . VEGA VGA = G . . 720x540 16 . . Tatung VGA = G . . 720x540 16 . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = G 96x64 8x16 768x1024 16/256K . A000 Trident TVGA 88/8900 512K = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256 . A000 NCR 77C22 [1,9] = G 144x54 8x16 1152x864 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 62h = T 132x32 8x11 . 16/64 6 B800 Quadram Ultra VGA = T 132x32 8x12 . 16 . . Genoa 6400 = T 132x32 8x11 . 16 . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = T 132x43 8x8 1056x344 16 . B800 C&T 82C450 BIOS = G . . 640x450 16 . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256 . A000 ATI VGA Wonder,VGA Wonder+ = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256 . A000 ATI Ultra 8514A,ATI XL = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 32K . A000 WD90C = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 32K . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G . . 800x600 . . . VEGA VGA = G . . 800x600 16 . . Tatung VGA = G . . 800x600 16 . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 256 1 A000 Ahead A, Ahead B (512K) = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256/256K . A000 Trident TVGA 8900, Zymos = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256 . A000 NCR 77C22 [9] 63h = T 132x44 8x8 . 16/64 5 B800 Quadram Ultra VGA = T 132x44 8x8 . 16 . . Genoa 6400 = T 132x44 8x8 . 16 . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G . . 720x540 16 . . MORSE VGA = G . . 720x540 16 . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = G 100x42 8x14 800x600 256 . A000 ATI VGA Wonder,VGA Wonder+ = G 100x42 8x14 800x600 256 . A000 ATI Ultra 8514A,ATI XL = G . . 800x600 32K . A000 WD90C = G . . 800x600 32K . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G 128x48 7x16 1024x768 256 1 A000 Ahead B (1MB) = G . . 1024x768 2 . . Video7 V-RAM VGA 64h = T 132x60 8x8 . 16 . . Genoa 6400 = T 80x43 8x8 528x344 16 . B800 C&T 82C450 BIOS = G . . 640x480 64K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 = G . . 800x600 16 . . MORSE VGA = G . . 800x600 16 . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = G . . 800x600 ??? . . SAMPO-Mira VGA = G . . 1024x768 4 . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256 . A000 ATI VGA Wonder Plus,ATI XL = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 16/256K . A000 WD90C [1] = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 16/256K . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X [1] 65h = T 80x50 8x8 528x400 16 . B800 C&T 82C450 BIOS = G . . 800x600 64K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 = G . . 1024x768 16 . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 . A000 ATI VGA Wonder 66h = T 80x50 8x8 640x400 16/256K . B800 WD90C = T 80x50 8x8 . 16 . B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G . . 640x400 256 . . Tatung VGA = G . . 640x400 256 . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = G . . 640x480 32K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 67h = T 80x43 8x8 640x344 16/256K . B800 WD90C = T 80x43 8x8 . 16 . B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G . . 640x480 256 . . Video7 V-RAM VGA = G . . 800x600 32K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 4 . A000 ATI VGA Wonder = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 16 . A000 NCR 77C22 [1,9] 68h = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 69h = T 132x50 8x8 1056x400 16/256K . B800 WD90C = T 132x50 8x8 . 16 . B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G . . 720x540 256 . A000 Video7 V-RAM VGA 6Ah = G . . 800x600 16 . A000 VESA standard interface = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 . A000 Genoa 6400 = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G . . 800x600 16 . A000 Ahead A = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 1 A000 Ahead B (VESA) [see 71h] = G . . 800x600 16 . . Zymos Poach, Hi Res 512 = G . . 800x600 16 . . Epson LT-386SX in CRT Mode = G . . 800x600 16 . . Compuadd 316SL in CRT Mode = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 16/256K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426 = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 16 . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G 100x42 8x14 800x600 . . A000 ATI VGA Wonder (undoc) = G . . 800x600 16 . A000 Chips&Technologies chipset = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 256 . A000 NCR 77C22 [1,9] 6Bh = T 100x37 8x16 . 16 . . Genoa 6400 = T 100x37 8x16 . . . . NEL Electronics BIOS = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 6Ch = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 16M . A000 Trident 8900CL/BIOS C04 = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 256 . . Genoa 6400 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 2 . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G 160x60 8x16 1280x960 16/256K . A000 WD90C [1] = G 160x60 8x16 1280x960 16/256K . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X [1] = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 16/256K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 [1] 6Dh = G 80x25 8x14 640x350 64K . A000 STB Lightspeed ET4000/W32P = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 256/256K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 [1] 6Eh = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 64K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 2 . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 6Fh = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 16M . A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 70h = extended mode set (see AX=0070h) . Everex Micro Enhancer EGA = T 40x25 8x8 . 16 8 B800 Quadram (CGA double scan) = T 40x25 8x8 (CGA dblscan) . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G . . 360x480 256 . . Cirrus 510/520/5320 chips = G 90x28 8x14 720x392 16 1 A000 Ahead B = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G 100x38 8x16 800x600 16 . A000 C&T chipset, Cardinal = G . . 1024x480 256 . A000 Trident 8900C BIOS C3.0 71h = T 80x25 8x8 . 16 8 B800 Quadram (CGA double scan) = T 80x25 8x8 (CGA dblscan) . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G . . 528x400 256 . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 16M . A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G 100x35 8x16 800x600 16/64 . A000 NSI Smart EGA+ = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 1 A000 Ahead B (same as 6Ah) = G . . 960x720 16 . . C&T chipset, Cardinal = G . . 1024x480 256 . A000 Trident 8900C BIOS C3.0 72h = T 80x60 8x8 . 16 . B800 Quadram Ultra VGA = T 80x60 8x8 . 16 . B800 Genoa 6400 = T 80x60 8x8 . 16 . B800 Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G . . 528x480 256 . . Cirrus 510/520 chipset = G 80x25 8x19 640x480 16 1 A000 DOS/V w/ any VGA = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G . . 640x480 32K . A000 ATI = G . . 640x480 16M . A000 WD90C = G . . 640x480 16M . A000 Diamond Speedstar 24X = G . . 1024x768 16 . . C&T chipset, Cardinal = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768i 16 . A000 C&T 82C450 BIOS = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 . A000 C&T 65530 BIOS (multisync) 73h = G 80x60 8x8 640x480 16 . A000 Quadram Ultra VGA = G 80x60 8x8 640x480 16 . . Genoa 6400 = G 80x60 8x8 640x480 16 . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = T 80x25 8x19 640x475 16 1 none DOS/V, emulated in VGA graph 74h = T 80x66 8x8 . 16 . B800 Quadram Ultra VGA = T 80x66 8x8 . 16 . B800 Genoa 6400 = T 80x66 8x8 . 16 . B800 Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G . . 640x400 2 . B800 Toshiba 3100 AT&T mode = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 32K . A000 Trident 8900C/BIOS C03 = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 1 A000 Ahead A, Ahead B (512K) = G . . 1024x768 64K . A000 Cirrus CL-GD 5422/5426 [1] 75h = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 64K . A000 Trident 8900C/BIOS C03 = G 80x66 . 640x528 16??? . A000 Quadram Ultra VGA = G 80x66 . 640x528 16 . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 4 1 A000 Ahead B = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 16 . A000 Chips&Technologies 64310 76h = T 94x29 8x14 . 16 . B800 Quadram Ultra VGA = T 94x29 8x14 . . . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 32K . A000 Trident 8900C/BIOS C03 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 2 1 A000 Ahead B = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 = G 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 16 . A000 Chips&Technologies 64310 [1] 77h = G 94x29 . 752x410 16??? . A000 Quadram Ultra VGA = G 94x29 . 752x410 16 . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 64K . A000 Trident 8900C/BIOS C03 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 . . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 78h = T 100x37 8x16 . 16 . . Genoa 6400 = T 100x75 8x8 . 16 . B800 Quadram Ultra VGA = T 100x75 8x8 . . . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G . . 640x400 256 . . STB VGA/EM-16 Plus = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256 . . Cardinal, C&T chipset = G . . 640x400 256 . . Cirrus 5320 chipset = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256 . A000 Chips&Technologies 64310 79h = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256 . . Cardinal, C&T chipset = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 256 . A000 Chips&Technologies 64310 = G 100x75 . 800x600 16??? . A000 Quadram Ultra VGA = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G 100x75 8x8 800x600 16 . . Genoa 6400 7Ah = T 114x60 8x8 . 16 . B800 Quadram Ultra VGA = T 114x60 8x8 . . . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ = G . . 720x540 256 . . C&T chipset, Cardinal 7Bh = G . . 800x600 256 . . C&T chipset, Cardinal = G 114x60 . 912x480 16??? . A000 Quadram Ultra VGA = G . . 912x480 16 . . Genoa SuperEGA BIOS 3.0+ 7Ch = G . . 512x512 16 . . Genoa = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 256 . . C&T 82C453/F65530 chipsets = G 100x37 8x16 800x600 256 . A000 Chips&Technologies 64310 = G 200x75 8x16 1600x1200 . [16] . A000 Diamond Stealth64 Video 2xx1 7Dh = G 64x32 8x16 512x512 256 . . Genoa 7Eh = special mode set (see AX=007Eh) . Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 = G 80x25 8x16 640x400 256 . . Genoa 6400 = G . . 1024x768 256 . . C&T 82C453 chipset = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256 . A000 Chips&Technologies 64310 = G 90x43 . . mono . B000 HERCULES.COM on HGC [14] 7Fh = special function set (see AX=007Fh/BH=00h) Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 4 . . Genoa 6400 = G 90x29 . . mono . B000 HERCULES.COM on HGC [14] 82h = T 80x25 . . B&W . . AT&T VDC overlay mode [6] 83h = T 80x25 . . . . . AT&T VDC overlay mode [6] 86h = G . . 640x200 B&W . . AT&T VDC overlay mode [6] 88h = G 90x43 8x8 720x348 mono . B000 Hercules + MSHERC.COM C0h = G . . 640x400 2/prog palette . AT&T VDC overlay mode [6] = G . . 640x400 2/prog palette . Olivetti Quaderno overlay C4h = disable output . . . . AT&T VDC overlay mode [6] C8h = G 80x50 8x8 640x400 2 . B800 Olivetti Quaderno overlay D0h = G . . 640x400 2 . B800 DEC VAXmate AT&T mode Notes: [1] interlaced only [2] for ATI EGA Wonder, mode 08h is only valid if SMS.COM is loaded resident. SMS maps mode 08h to mode 27h if the byte at location 0040:0063 is 0B4h, otherwise to mode 23h, thus selecting the appropriate (monochrome or color) 132x25 character mode. for ATI VGA Wonder, mode 08h is the same, and only valid if VCONFIG loaded resident [3] early XGA boards support 132-column text but do not have this BIOS mode [4] DESQview intercepts calls to change into these two modes (21h is page 0, 22h is page 1) even if there is no Hercules graphics board installed [5] ATI BIOS v4-1.00 has a text-scrolling bug in this mode [6] for AT&T VDC overlay modes, BL contains the DEB mode, which may be 06h, 40h, or 44h [7] BIOS text support is broken in this undocumented mode; scrolling moves only about 1/3 of the screen (and does even that portion incorrectly), while screen clears only clear about 3/4. [8] The Oak OTI-037/067/077 modes are present in the Oak VGA BIOS, which OEMs may choose to use only partially or not at all; thus, not all Oak boards support all "Oak" modes listed here [9] this card uses the full 128K A000h-BFFFh range for the video buffer, precluding the use of a monochrome adapter in the same system [10] mode 17h supported by Tseng ET4000 BIOS 8.01X dated 1990/09/14, but not v8.01X dated 1992/02/28; mode 21h supported by 1992/02/28 version but not 1990/09/14 version [11] HERKULES simulates a 90x45 text mode in Hercules graphics mode; the installation check for HERKULES.COM is the signature "Herkules" two bytes beyond the INT 10 handler [12] The Realtek RTVGA BIOS v3.C10 crashes when attempting to switch into modes 21h or 27h; this version of the BIOS also sets the BIOS data area incorrectly for extended text modes, resulting in scrolling after only 24 lines (the VMODE.EXE utility does set the data area correctly) [13] The Tandy 1000SL/TL BIOS does not actually support this mode [14] HERCULES.COM is a graphics-mode BIOS extension for Hercules-compatible graphics cards by Soft Warehouse, Inc. Its installation check is to test whether the word preceding the INT 10 handler is 4137h. [15] The Hercules-graphics video modes for HERCBIOS (shareware by Dave Tutelman) may be changed by a command-line switch; the 90x43 character-cell mode's number is always one higher than the 90x29 mode (whose default is mode 08h) [16] Stealth64 Video 2001-series BIOS v1.03 reports 76 lines for mode 7Ch, resulting in incorrect scrolling for TTY output (scrolling occurs only after the end of the 76th line, which is not displayed) [17] For 43-line text on EGA or 43/50-line text on VGA, you must load an 8x8 font using AX=1102h after switching to mode 3; VGA may also require using INT 10/AH=12h/BL=30h SeeAlso: #00011,#00083,#00191 Index: video modes Index: installation check;HERKULES|installation check;HERCULES.COMTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Everex Micro Enhancer EGA/Viewpoint VGA - EXTENDED MODE SET AX = 0070h BL = mode (see #00011) Desc: specify a proprietary display mode on the Everex Micro Enhancer or Viewpoint video adapters SeeAlso: AH=00h,AX=6F05h,AX=7000h/BX=0004h,AH=FFh"GO32" (Table 00011) Values for Everex video mode: text/ text pixel pixel colors disply scrn monitor adapter grph resol box resolution pages addr 00h = G . . 640x480 16 . . multisync EGA,VGA 01h = G . . 752x410 16 . . multisync EGA,VGA 02h = G . . 800x600 16 . . multisync EGA,VGA 03h = T 80x34 . . . . . multisync EGA,VGA 04h = T 80x60 . . . . . multisync EGA,VGA 05h = T 94x29 . . . . . multisync EGA only 06h = T 94x51 . . . . . multisync EGA only 07h = T 100x43 8x14 . 16 . . . VGA only 08h = T 100x75 8x8 . 16 . . . VGA only 09h = T 80x44 . . . . . EGA EGA only 0Ah = T 132x25 . . . . . EGA EGA,VGA 0Bh = T 132x44 . . . . . EGA EGA,VGA 0Ch = T 132x25 . . . . . CGA EGA only 0Dh = T 80x44 . . . . . mono EGA only 0Eh = T 132x25 . . . . . mono 0Fh = T 132x44 . . . . . mono 10h = reserved 11h = G . . 1280x350 4 . . . EGA only 12h = G . . 1280x600 4 . . . EGA only 13h = G . . 640x350 256 . . . EGA,EV673 14h = G . . 640x400 256 . . . 15h = G . . 512x480 256 . . . 16h = T 80x30 8x16 . 256 . . . VGA only 18h = T 100x27 8x16 . 16 . . . VGA only 20h = G . . 1024x768 16 . . . Everex 629,678 . . . . . . . Everex EV-673 21h = T 160x64 8x16 1280x1024 16 . . . 1MB VGA only 30h = G . . 640x480 256 . . . Everex 629,678 . . . . . . . Everex EV-673 31h = G . . 800x600 256 . . . Everex 629,678 . . . . . . . Everex EV-673 32h = G 128x48 8x16 1024x768 256 . . . 1MB VGA only 40h = T 132x30 8x16 . 16 . . . VGA only 50h = T 132x32 8x16 . mono . . . VGA only 62h = G 40x25 8x8 320x200 32K . . . Vwpt TC (EV629) 70h = G 64x30 8x16 512x480 32K . . . Viewpoint TC 71h = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 32K . . . Viewpoint TC 76h = G 64x30 8x16 512x480 16M . . . Viewpoint TC 77h = G 80x30 8x16 640x480 16M . . . Viewpoint TC SeeAlso: #00010,#00191 Index: video modes;EverexTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - SET SPECIAL MODE AX = 007Eh BX = horizontal dimension of the mode desired CX = vertical dimension of the mode desired (both BX/CX in pixels for graphics modes, rows for alpha modes) DX = number of colors of the mode desired (0000h for monochrome modes) Return: BH = 7Eh if successful (Paradise VGA) AL = 7Eh if successful (AT&T VDC600) Desc: specify a display mode by resolution rather than mode number SeeAlso: AH=00h,AX=0070h,AX=007Fh/BH=00h,AX=6F05h,AH=FFh"GO32" Index: video modes;Paradise|video modes;AT&TTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - SET VGA OPERATION AX = 007Fh BH = 00h Return: AL = 7Fh if successful (AT&T VDC600) BH = status (Paradise/Dell) 00h invalid function 7Fh successful SeeAlso: AX=007Fh/BH=01h,AX=007Fh/BH=02hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - SET NON-VGA OPERATION AX = 007Fh BH = 01h Return: AL = 7Fh if successful (AT&T VDC600) BH = status (Paradise/Dell) 00h invalid function 7Fh successful Note: color modes (0,1,2,3,4,5,6) will set non-VGA CGA operation, monochrome mode 7 will set non-VGA MDA/Hercules operation SeeAlso: AX=007Fh/BH=00h,AX=007Fh/BH=02hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - QUERY MODE STATUS AX = 007Fh BH = 02h Return: AL = 7Fh if successful (AT&T VDC600) BH = status (Paradise/Dell) 00h invalid function 7Fh successful ---if successful--- BL = 00h if operating in VGA mode, 01h if non-VGA mode CH = total video RAM size in 64k byte units CL = video RAM used by the current mode Note: under Novell DOS 7 TaskMgr Multitasker, this call always returns 0K video memory in CX SeeAlso: AX=007Fh/BH=00h,AX=007Fh/BH=01hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - LOCK CURRENT MODE AX = 007Fh BH = 03h Return: AL = 7Fh if successful (AT&T VDC600) BH = status (Paradise/Dell) 00h invalid function 7Fh successful Desc: allows current mode (VGA or non-VGA) to survive re-boot SeeAlso: AX=007Eh,AX=007Fh/BH=04h,AX=007Fh/BH=06h,AH=FFh"Oak"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - ENTER MDA EMULATION MODE AX = 007Fh BH = 04h Return: AL = 7Fh if successful (AT&T VDC600) BH = status (Paradise/Dell) 00h invalid function 7Fh successful SeeAlso: AX=007Eh,AX=007Fh/BH=03h,AX=007Fh/BH=05h,AH=FFh"Oak"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - ENTER CGA EMULATION MODE AX = 007Fh BH = 05h Return: AL = 7Fh if successful (AT&T VDC600) BH = status (Paradise/Dell) 00h invalid function 7Fh successful SeeAlso: AX=007Eh,AX=007Fh/BH=03h,AX=007Fh/BH=04h,AH=FFh"Oak"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - ENTER MONOCHROME VGA MODE AX = 007Fh BH = 06h Return: AL = 7Fh if successful (AT&T VDC600) BH = status (Paradise/Dell) 00h invalid function 7Fh successful Note: this function also switches to video mode 7 SeeAlso: AX=007Eh,AX=007Fh/BH=03h,AX=007Fh/BH=07h,AH=FFh"Oak"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - ENTER COLOR VGA MODE AX = 007Fh BH = 07h Return: AL = 7Fh if successful (AT&T VDC600) BH = status (Paradise/Dell) 00h invalid function 7Fh successful Note: this function also switches to video mode 3 SeeAlso: AX=007Eh,AX=007Fh/BH=03h,AX=007Fh/BH=06h,AH=FFh"Oak"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Paradise VGA, AT&T VDC600 - EXTENDED DATA REGISTER ACCESS AX = 007Fh BH = function 0Ah,0Bh,0Ch,0Dh,0Eh,0Fh WRITE PARADISE REGISTERS 0,1,2,3,4,5 (port 03CEh indices 0Ah,0Bh,0Ch,0Dh,0Eh,0Fh) BL = value to set in the paradise register 1Ah,1Bh,1Ch,1Dh,1Eh,1Fh READ PARADISE REGISTERS 0,1,2,3,4,5 (port 03CEh indices 0Ah,0Bh,0Ch,0Dh,0Eh,0Fh) Return: BL = value of the paradise register BH = 7Fh if successful 29h-2Fh ??? (Paradise VGA for Dell, 1991/07/24) Return: AL = 7Fh if successful (AT&T VDC600) BH = status (Paradise/Dell) 00h invalid function 7Fh successful SeeAlso: AX=007Eh,AX=007Fh/BH=03h,AX=007Fh/BH=05h,AH=FFh"Oak"Top
INT 10 - Paradise VGA - ??? AX = 007Fh BH = 60h BL = ??? (00h-13h) ??? Return: BH = status (00h failed or not supported, 7Fh successful) ??? Note: this function is supported by the 1993/5/14 ROM for the Dell 486D SeeAlso: AX=007Fh/BH=61hTop
INT 10 - Paradise VGA - ??? AX = 007Fh BH = 61h ES:DI -> buffer for list of ??? (see #00012) Return: BH = status (00h failed or not supported, 7Fh successful) ??? Note: this function is supported by the 1993/5/14 ROM for the Dell 486D SeeAlso: AX=007Fh/BH=60h Format of Paradise VGA list entry: Offset Size Description (Table 00012) 00h BYTE ??? or 00h if end of list 01h BYTE ??? 02h WORD ??? 04h WORD ??? 06h WORD ???Top
INT 10 - Paradise VGA - ??? AX = 007Fh BX = A500h ??? Return: BH = status (00h failed or not supported, 7Fh successful) ??? Note: this function is supported by the 1993/5/14 ROM for the Dell 486D SeeAlso: AX=007Fh/BH=A6hTop
INT 10 - Paradise VGA - ??? AX = 007Fh BH = A5h BL = ??? bits 3-0: ??? (0-4) bits 5,4: ??? ??? Return: BH = status (00h failed or not supported, 7Fh successful) ??? Note: this function is supported by the 1993/5/14 ROM for the Dell 486DTop
INT 10 - Paradise VGA - ??? AX = 007Fh BH = A6h ??? Return: BH = status (00h failed or not supported, 7Fh successful) ??? Note: this function is supported by the 1993/5/14 ROM for the Dell 486D SeeAlso: AX=007Fh/BH=A5hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET TEXT-MODE CURSOR SHAPE AH = 01h CH = cursor start and options (see #00013) CL = bottom scan line containing cursor (bits 0-4) Return: nothing Desc: specify the starting and ending scan lines to be occupied by the hardware cursor in text modes Notes: buggy on EGA systems--BIOS remaps cursor shape in 43 line modes, but returns unmapped cursor shape UltraVision scales size to the current font height by assuming 14-line monochrome and 8-line color fonts; this call is not valid if cursor emulation has been disabled applications which wish to change the cursor by programming the hardware directly on EGA or above should call INT 10/AX=1130h or read 0040h:0085h first to determine the current font height on some adapters, setting the end line greater than the number of lines in the font will result in the cursor extending to the top of the next character cell on the right BUG: AMI 386 BIOS and AST Premier 386 BIOS will lock up the system if AL is not equal to the current video mode SeeAlso: AH=03h,AX=CD05h,AH=12h/BL=34h,#03885 Bitfields for cursor start and options: Bit(s) Description (Table 00013) 7 should be zero 6,5 cursor blink (00=normal, 01=invisible, 10=erratic, 11=slow) (00=normal, other=invisible on EGA/VGA) 4-0 topmost scan line containing cursorTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET CURSOR POSITION AH = 02h BH = page number 0-3 in modes 2&3 0-7 in modes 0&1 0 in graphics modes DH = row (00h is top) DL = column (00h is left) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=03h,AH=05h,INT 60/DI=030Bh,MEM 0040h:0050hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - GET CURSOR POSITION AND SIZE AH = 03h BH = page number 0-3 in modes 2&3 0-7 in modes 0&1 0 in graphics modes Return: AX = 0000h (Phoenix BIOS) CH = start scan line CL = end scan line DH = row (00h is top) DL = column (00h is left) Notes: a separate cursor is maintained for each of up to 8 display pages many ROM BIOSes incorrectly return the default size for a color display (start 06h, end 07h) when a monochrome display is attached With PhysTechSoft's PTS ROM-DOS the BH value is ignored on entry. SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=02h,AH=12h/BL=34h,MEM 0040h:0050h,MEM 0040h:0060hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - READ LIGHT PEN POSITION (except VGA) AH = 04h Return: AH = light pen trigger flag 00h not down/triggered 01h down/triggered DH,DL = row,column of character light pen is on CH = pixel row (graphics modes 04h-06h) CX = pixel row (graphics modes with >200 rows) BX = pixel column Desc: determine the current position and status of the light pen (if present) Notes: on a CGA, returned column numbers are always multiples of 2 (320- column modes) or 4 (640-column modes) returned row numbers are only accurate to two linesTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - GET CURSOR ADDRESS AH = 04h BH = page Return: DH = row (0..24) DL = column (0..79) CH = cursor pixel Y-address (0..199) CL = cursor pixel X-address (0..639) Notes: the Husky Hunter 16 is an 8088-based ruggedized laptop. Other family members are the Husky Hunter, Husky Hunter 16/80, and Husky Hawk. pixel coordinates are for the lower left corner of the character cell containing the cursor SeeAlso: AH=60h"HUNTER"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - SELECT ACTIVE DISPLAY PAGE AH = 05h AL = new page number (00h to number of pages - 1) (see #00010) Return: nothing Desc: specify which of possibly multiple display pages will be visible Note: to determine whether the requested page actually exists, use AH=0Fh to query the current page after making this call SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=43h,AH=45h,MEM 0040h:0062h,MEM 0040h:004EhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Corona/Cordata BIOS v4.10+ - SET GRAPHICS BITMAP BUFFER AX = 0500h BX = segment of buffer Return: nothing Desc: set the address of graphics bitmap buffer for video modes 60h and 61h SeeAlso: AX=050Fh"Corona"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Corona/Cordata BIOS v4.10+ - GET GRAPHICS BITMAP BUFFER AX = 050Fh Return: DX = segment of graphics bitmap buffer Desc: get the address of graphics bitmap buffer for video modes 60h and 61h SeeAlso: AX=0500h"Corona"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - PCjr, Tandy 1000 - GET CRT/CPU PAGE REGISTERS AX = 0580h Return: BH = CRT page register BL = CPU page register Notes: the CPU page determines which 16K block of the first 128K of physical memory will be mapped at B800h by the hardware the CRT page determines the start address of the memory used by the video controller SeeAlso: AH=05h"SET CRT/CPU"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - PCjr, Tandy 1000 - SET CRT/CPU PAGE REGISTERS AH = 05h AL = subfunction 81h set CPU page register BL = CPU page 82h set CRT page register BH = CRT page 83h set both CPU and CRT page registers BL = CPU page BH = CRT page Return: nothing Notes: the CPU page determines which 16K block of the first 128K of physical memory will be mapped at B800h by the hardware the CRT page determines the start address of the memory used by the video controller SeeAlso: AX=0580hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SCROLL UP WINDOW AH = 06h AL = number of lines by which to scroll up (00h = clear entire window) BH = attribute used to write blank lines at bottom of window CH,CL = row,column of window's upper left corner DH,DL = row,column of window's lower right corner Return: nothing Note: affects only the currently active page (see AH=05h) BUGS: some implementations (including the original IBM PC) have a bug which destroys BP the Trident TVGA8900CL (BIOS dated 1992/9/8) clears DS to 0000h when scrolling in an SVGA mode (800x600 or higher) SeeAlso: AH=07h,AH=12h"Tandy 2000",AH=72h,AH=73h,AX=7F07h,INT 50/AX=0014hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SCROLL DOWN WINDOW AH = 07h AL = number of lines by which to scroll down (00h=clear entire window) BH = attribute used to write blank lines at top of window CH,CL = row,column of window's upper left corner DH,DL = row,column of window's lower right corner Return: nothing Note: affects only the currently active page (see AH=05h) BUGS: some implementations (including the original IBM PC) have a bug which destroys BP the Trident TVGA8900CL (BIOS dated 1992/9/8) clears DS to 0000h when scrolling in an SVGA mode (800x600 or higher) SeeAlso: AH=06h,AH=12h"Tandy 2000",AH=72h,AH=73h,INT 50/AX=0014hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - READ CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTE AT CURSOR POSITION AH = 08h BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) (see #00010) Return: AH = character's attribute (text mode only) (see #00014) AH = character's color (Tandy 2000 graphics mode only) AL = character Notes: for monochrome displays, a foreground of 1 with background 0 is underlined the blink bit may be reprogrammed to enable intense background colors using AX=1003h or by programming the CRT controller the foreground intensity bit (3) can be programmed to switch between character sets A and B on EGA and VGA cards, thus enabling 512 simultaneous characters on screen. In this case the bit's usual function (intensity) is regularly turned off. in graphics modes, only characters drawn with white foreground pixels are matched by the pattern-comparison routine on the Tandy 2000, BH=FFh specifies that the current page should be used because of the IBM BIOS specifications, there may exist some clone BIOSes which do not preserve SI or DI; the Novell DOS kernel preserves SI, DI, and BP before many INT 10h calls to avoid problems due to those registers not being preserved by the BIOS. BUG: some IBM PC ROM BIOSes destroy BP when in graphics modes SeeAlso: AH=09h,AX=1003h,AX=1103h,AH=12h/BL=37h,AX=5001h Bitfields for character's display attribute: Bit(s) Description (Table 00014) 7 foreground blink or (alternate) background bright (see also AX=1003h) 6-4 background color (see #00015) 3 foreground bright or (alternate) alternate character set (see AX=1103h) 2-0 foreground color (see #00015) SeeAlso: #00026 (Table 00015) Values for character color: Normal Bright 000b black dark gray 001b blue light blue 010b green light green 011b cyan light cyan 100b red light red 101b magenta light magenta 110b brown yellow 111b light gray whiteTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - WRITE CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTE AT CURSOR POSITION AH = 09h AL = character to display BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) (see #00010) background color in 256-color graphics modes (ET4000) BL = attribute (text mode) or color (graphics mode) if bit 7 set in <256-color graphics mode, character is XOR'ed onto screen CX = number of times to write character Return: nothing Notes: all characters are displayed, including CR, LF, and BS replication count in CX may produce an unpredictable result in graphics modes if it is greater than the number of positions remaining in the current row With PhysTechSoft's PTS ROM-DOS the BH, BL, and CX values are ignored on entry. SeeAlso: AH=08h,AH=0Ah,AH=4Bh"GRAFIX",INT 17/AH=60h,INT 1F"SYSTEM DATA" SeeAlso: INT 43"VIDEO DATA",INT 44"VIDEO DATA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - WRITE CHARACTER ONLY AT CURSOR POSITION AH = 0Ah AL = character to display BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) (see #00010) background color in 256-color graphics modes (ET4000) BL = attribute (PCjr, Tandy 1000 only) or color (graphics mode) if bit 7 set in <256-color graphics mode, character is XOR'ed onto screen CX = number of times to write character Return: nothing Notes: all characters are displayed, including CR, LF, and BS replication count in CX may produce an unpredictable result in graphics modes if it is greater than the number of positions remaining in the current row With PhysTechSoft's PTS ROM-DOS the BH and CX values are ignored on entry. SeeAlso: AH=08h,AH=09h,AH=11h"Tandy 2000",AH=4Bh,INT 17/AH=60h SeeAlso: INT 1F"SYSTEM DATA",INT 43"VIDEO DATA",INT 44"VIDEO DATA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET BACKGROUND/BORDER COLOR AH = 0Bh BH = 00h BL = background/border color (border only in text modes) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=0Bh/BH=01hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET PALETTE AH = 0Bh BH = 01h BL = palette ID 00h background, green, red, and brown/yellow 01h background, cyan, magenta, and white Return: nothing Note: this call was only valid in 320x200 graphics on the CGA, but newer cards support it in many or all graphics modes SeeAlso: AH=0Bh/BH=00h,MEM 0040h:0066hTop
INT 10 - Tandy 2000 - VIDEO - SET PALETTE ENTRY AH = 0Bh BH = 02h BL = palette entry number AL = new color value for palette entry Return: nothing Note: this interrupt is identical to INT 52 for Tandy 2000 SeeAlso: INT 10/AH=00h,INT 10/AH=0Bh/BH=01h,INT 52"Tandy 2000"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - WRITE GRAPHICS PIXEL AH = 0Ch BH = page number AL = pixel color if bit 7 set, value is XOR'ed onto screen except in 256-color modes CX = column DX = row Return: nothing Desc: set a single pixel on the display in graphics modes Notes: valid only in graphics modes BH is ignored if the current video mode supports only one page SeeAlso: AH=0Dh,AH=46hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - READ GRAPHICS PIXEL AH = 0Dh BH = page number CX = column DX = row Return: AL = pixel color Desc: determine the current color of the specified pixel in grahics modes Notes: valid only in graphics modes BH is ignored if the current video mode supports only one page SeeAlso: AH=0Ch,AH=47hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TELETYPE OUTPUT AH = 0Eh AL = character to write BH = page number BL = foreground color (graphics modes only) Return: nothing Desc: display a character on the screen, advancing the cursor and scrolling the screen as necessary Notes: characters 07h (BEL), 08h (BS), 0Ah (LF), and 0Dh (CR) are interpreted and do the expected things IBM PC ROMs dated 1981/4/24 and 1981/10/19 require that BH be the same as the current active page BUG: if the write causes the screen to scroll, BP is destroyed by BIOSes for which AH=06h destroys BP SeeAlso: AH=02h,AH=06h,AH=0AhTop
INT 10 - V20-XT-BIOS - TELETYPE OUTPUT WITH ATTRIBUTE AH = 0Eh CX = ABCDh BP = ABCDh AL = character to write BH = page number BL = foreground color (text modes as well as graphics modes) Return: nothing Program: V20-XT-BIOS is a ROM BIOS replacement with extensions by Peter Koehlmann / c't magazine Desc: display a character on the screen, advancing the cursor and scrolling the screen as necessary Notes: characters 07h (BEL), 08h (BS), 0Ah (LF), and 0Dh (CR) are interpreted and do the expected things SeeAlso: INT 15/AH=84h"V20-XT-BIOS"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - GET CURRENT VIDEO MODE AH = 0Fh Return: AH = number of character columns AL = display mode (see #00010 at AH=00h) BH = active page (see AH=05h) Notes: if mode was set with bit 7 set ("no blanking"), the returned mode will also have bit 7 set EGA, VGA, and UltraVision return either AL=03h (color) or AL=07h (monochrome) in all extended-row text modes HP 200LX returns AL=07h (monochrome) if mode was set to AL=21h and always 80 resp. 40 columns in all text modes regardless of current zoom setting (see AH=D0h) when using a Hercules Graphics Card, additional checks are necessary: mode 05h: if WORD 0040h:0063h is 03B4h, may be in graphics page 1 (as set by DOSSHELL and other Microsoft software) mode 06h: if WORD 0040h:0063h is 03B4h, may be in graphics page 0 (as set by DOSSHELL and other Microsoft software) mode 07h: if BYTE 0040h:0065h bit 1 is set, Hercules card is in graphics mode, with bit 7 indicating the page (mode set by Hercules driver for Borland Turbo C) the Tandy 2000 BIOS is only documented as returning AL, not AH or BH SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=05h,AX=10F2h,AX=1130h,AX=CD04h,MEM 0040h:004AhTop
INT 10 - VUIMAGE DISPLAY DRIVER (v2.20 and below) AX = 0F56h BX = 4756h CX = 4944h DL = function 01h installation check Return: AX = 5649h BX = 4443h CX = 5647h DH = 01h 02h get first video mode's parameters Return: AX = BIOS mode number BX = width in pixels CX = height in pixels DX = number of colors 03h get next video mode's parameters Return: as for DL=02h 04h display line??? ES:DI -> record (see #00016) ??? Return: ??? Program: VUIMAGE is a shareware GIF/TIFF image viewer by Offe Enterprises Note: the use of TSR display drivers was discontinued after v2.20 Index: installation check;VUIMAGE display driver Format of record for VUIMAGE Function 04h: Offset Size Description (Table 00016) 00h WORD row number 02h WORD starting column??? 04h WORD ending column??? ???Top
INT 10 - FRIEZE v7.41+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 0Fh SI = F123h DI = 321Fh Return: AH = number of character columns AL = display mode (see #00010 at AH=00h) BH = active page (see AH=05h) SI = DI = F345h if installed Notes: if mode was set with bit 7 set ("no blanking"), the returned mode will also have bit 7 set EGA, VGA, and UltraVision return either AL=03h (color) or AL=07h (monochrome) in all extended-row text modes SeeAlso: AH=0Fh"VIDEO",AH=4Bh"FRIEZE"Top
INT 10 - BIOS Window Extension v1.1 - SET WINDOW COORDINATES AH = 10h CH,CL = row,column of upper left corner of window DH,DL = row,column of lower right corner of window Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h failed AH destroyed Program: BWE is a TSR by John J. Seal published in May 1986 Dr. Dobb's Journal Note: when a window has been set, all output via AH=0Eh is restricted to the specified window SeeAlso: AH=11h"Window",AH=12h"Window"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Eagle PC2 BIOS Rev. C - SET SCROLL SPEED AH = 10h AL = speed 00h fast 01h slow (scrolling only moves characters during vertical retrace) Return: AH = previous speedTop
INT 10 - Tandy 2000 - VIDEO - GET/SET CHARACTER FONTS AH = 10h AL = control value bit 0: set character set instead of reading it bit 1: high 128 characters instead of low 128 characters ES:BX -> new character set if AL bit 0 set Return: ES:BX -> current character set if AL bit 0 clear on entry Notes: this interrupt is identical to INT 52 on Tandy 2000 the character set consists of 16 bytes for each of the 128 characters, where each of the 16 bytes describes the pixels in one scan line, most significant bit leftmost SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=0Bh/BH=02h,AH=11h"Tandy 2000",AH=12h"Tandy 2000" SeeAlso: INT 52"Tandy 2000"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET SINGLE PALETTE REGISTER (PCjr,Tandy,EGA,MCGA,VGA) AX = 1000h BL = palette register number (00h-0Fh) = attribute register number (undocumented) (see #00017) BH = color or attribute register value Return: nothing Notes: on MCGA, only BX = 0712h is supported under UltraVision, the palette locking status (see AX=CD01h) determines the outcome SeeAlso: AX=1002h,AX=1007h,AX=CD01h (Table 00017) Values for attribute register number: 10h attribute mode control register (should let BIOS control this) 11h overscan color register (see also AX=1001h) 12h color plane enable register (bits 3-0 enable corresponding text attribute bit) 13h horizontal PEL panning register 14h color select registerTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET BORDER (OVERSCAN) COLOR (PCjr,Tandy,EGA,VGA) AX = 1001h BH = border color (00h-3Fh) Return: nothing BUG: the original IBM VGA BIOS incorrectly updates the parameter save area and places the border color at offset 11h of the palette table rather than offset 10h Note: under UltraVision, the palette locking status (see AX=CD01h) determines the outcome SeeAlso: AX=1002h,AX=1008h,AX=CD01hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET ALL PALETTE REGISTERS (PCjr,Tandy,EGA,VGA) AX = 1002h ES:DX -> palette register list (see #00018) BH = 00h to avoid problems on some adapters Return: nothing Note: under UltraVision, the palette locking status (see AX=CD01h) determines the outcome SeeAlso: AX=1000h,AX=1001h,AX=1009h,AX=CD01h Format of palette register list: Offset Size Description (Table 00018) 00h 16 BYTEs colors for palette registers 00h through 0Fh 10h BYTE border color SeeAlso: #00461Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - TOGGLE INTENSITY/BLINKING BIT (Jr, PS, TANDY 1000, EGA, VGA) AX = 1003h BL = new state 00h background intensity enabled 01h blink enabled BH = 00h to avoid problems on some adapters Return: nothing Notes: although there is no function to get the current status on adapters prior to the VGA, bit 5 of 0040h:0065h indicates the state; on the VGA, use AH=1Bh and check offset 2Dh of the returned data (see #00040) when configured for a monochrome display, the Boca Research Multi-EGA with ROM v M1.1 Type D has its screen disrupted if BH is not clear this call is reported to be "Get Cursor Position" on the Tandy 1000SL/TL SeeAlso: AH=08h,AH=1BhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - GET INDIVIDUAL PALETTE REGISTER (VGA,UltraVision v2+) AX = 1007h BL = palette or attribute (undoc) register number (see #00017) Return: BH = palette or attribute register value Note: UltraVision v2+ supports this function even on color EGA systems in video modes 00h-03h, 10h, and 12h; direct programming of the palette registers will cause incorrect results because the EGA registers are write-only. To guard against older versions or unsupported video modes, programs which expect to use this function on EGA systems should set BH to FFh on entry. SeeAlso: AX=1000h,AX=1009hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - READ OVERSCAN (BORDER COLOR) REGISTER (VGA,UltraVision v2+) AX = 1008h Return: BH = border color (00h-3Fh) Note: (see AX=1007h) SeeAlso: AX=1001hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - READ ALL PALETTE REGISTERS AND OVERSCAN REGISTER (VGA) AX = 1009h ES:DX -> 17-byte buffer for palette register list (see #00018) Return: nothing Note: UltraVision v2+ supports this function even on color EGA systems in video modes 00h-03h, 10h, and 12h; direct programming of the palette registers will cause incorrect results because the EGA registers are write-only. To guard against older versions or unsupported video modes, programs which expect to use this function on EGA systems should set the ES:DX buffer to FFh before calling. SeeAlso: AX=1002h,AX=1007h,AX=CD02hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET INDIVIDUAL DAC REGISTER (VGA/MCGA) AX = 1010h BX = register number CH = new value for green (0-63) CL = new value for blue (0-63) DH = new value for red (0-63) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=1012h,AX=1015hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET BLOCK OF DAC REGISTERS (VGA/MCGA) AX = 1012h BX = starting color register CX = number of registers to set ES:DX -> table of 3*CX bytes where each 3 byte group represents one byte each of red, green and blue (0-63) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=1010h,AX=1017h,INT 62/AX=00A5hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SELECT VIDEO DAC COLOR PAGE (VGA) AX = 1013h BL = subfunction 00h select paging mode BH = 00h select 4 blocks of 64 BH = 01h select 16 blocks of 16 01h select page BH = page number (00h to 03h) or (00h to 0Fh) Return: nothing Note: this function is not valid in mode 13h SeeAlso: AX=101AhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - READ INDIVIDUAL DAC REGISTER (VGA/MCGA) AX = 1015h BL = palette register number Return: DH = red value CH = green value CL = blue value AX destroyed by some BIOSes (e.g. Tseng ET4000 BIOS v8.00n always returns AX=00C9h) SeeAlso: AX=1010h,AX=1017hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - READ BLOCK OF DAC REGISTERS (VGA/MCGA) AX = 1017h BX = starting palette register CX = number of palette registers to read ES:DX -> buffer (3 * CX bytes in size) (see also AX=1012h) Return: buffer filled with CX red, green and blue triples SeeAlso: AX=1012h,AX=1015h,INT 62/AX=00A4hTop
INT 10 U - VIDEO - SET PEL MASK (VGA/MCGA) AX = 1018h BL = new PEL value Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=1019hTop
INT 10 U - VIDEO - READ PEL MASK (VGA/MCGA) AX = 1019h Return: BL = value read SeeAlso: AX=1018hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - GET VIDEO DAC COLOR-PAGE STATE (VGA) AX = 101Ah Return: BL = paging mode 00h four pages of 64 01h sixteen pages of 16 BH = current page SeeAlso: AX=1013hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - PERFORM GRAY-SCALE SUMMING (VGA/MCGA) AX = 101Bh BX = starting palette register CX = number of registers to convert Return: nothing Desc: convert the RGB values of one or more palette registers such that the resulting values are grays with the same intensities as the original colors SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=33hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Diamond Speedstar 24 - SET 24-BIT GRAPHICS MODE AX = 10E0h BL = video mode (see also #00010 at AH=00h) 2Eh = 640x480 Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=00h,AX=10F0hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS - SET HiColor GRAPHICS MODE AX = 10F0h BL = video mode (see also #00010 at AH=00h) 13h = 320x200x32K 2Dh = 640x350x32K 2Eh = 640x480x32K 2Fh = 640x400x32K 30h = 800x600x32K 3Eh = 640x480x16M (Genoa 7900) FFh Tseng 24-bit color mode BH = mode 2Dh = 640x480 2Eh = 640x480x16M 2Fh = 640x400 30h = 800x600 38h = 1024x768??? (Tseng ET4000/W32i) Return: AL = 10h if supported AH = status 00h if successful other on error Desc: switch the display into a graphics mode with 15 or more bits per pixel Note: the Tseng HiColor BIOS extensions are supported by: Diamond Computer Systems SpeedStar HiColor VGA Everex Systems HC VGA Focus Information Systems 2theMax 4000 Cardinal Technologies VGA732 Orchid ProDesigner IIs Genoa 7900 SeeAlso: AH=00h,AX=10E0h,AX=10F1h,AX=10F2h Index: video modes;Tseng Hi-ColorTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS - GET DAC TYPE AX = 10F1h Return: AL = 10h if supported BL = type of digital/analog converter (see #00019) Desc: determine which type of digital-to-analog converter is installed on the display board SeeAlso: AX=10F0h,AX=10F2h (Table 00019) Values for type of DAC: 00h normal VGA DAC 01h Sierra SC1148x HiColor DAC ---Diamond SpeedStar 24--- 02h new Sierra SS24 DAC (24-bit) ---generic Tseng BIOS v8+ --- 02h Sierra Mark2 (15-bit) or Mark3 (15/16-bit) DAC 03h ATT20c490/1/2 (15/16/24-bit) 04h AcuMos ADAC1 (15/16/24-bit) 05h unknown 15/16/24-bit DAC 06h Cirrus Internal 15/16/24-bit (CL-GD54xx series adapters) 07h Diamond SS2410 (15/24-bit) 08h unknown 15/16/24-bit DAC 09h unknown 15/16/24-bit DAC else other HiColor DACTop
INT 10 u - VIDEO - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS - CHECK IF HiColor MODE/SET HiColor MODE AX = 10F2h BL = function 00h get current HiColor mode 01h set 15-bit HiColor mode 02h set 16-bit HiColor mode Return: AX = 0010h if supported BL = video mode type 00h not in HiColor mode 01h 15-bit RGB mode 02h 16-bit RGB mode 03h 24-bit RGB mode Desc: determine whether the display is in a graphics mode with 15 or more bits per pixel color resolution Note: set (BL=01h/02h) only works if already in a HiColor mode SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AX=10F0h,AX=10F1hTop
INT 10 - BIOS Window Extension v1.1 - GET WINDOW COORDINATES AH = 11h Return: CH,CL = row,column of upper left corner DH,DL = row,column of lower right corner Desc: determine the portion of the display to which output is restricted Program: BWE is a TSR by John J. Seal published in May 1986 Dr. Dobb's Journal SeeAlso: AH=10h"Window",AH=12h"Window"Top
INT 10 - Tandy 2000 - VIDEO - WRITE ATTRIBUTE ONLY AH = 11h BL = new character attribute (text modes) or color (graphics) CX = number of times to write attribute Return: nothing Note: this interrupt is identical to INT 52 on Tandy 2000 SeeAlso: AH=0Ah,AH=0Bh/BH=02h,AH=11h"Tandy 2000",AH=12h"Tandy 2000" SeeAlso: INT 52"Tandy 2000"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - TEXT-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD USER-SPECIFIED PATTERNS (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1100h ES:BP -> user table CX = count of patterns to store DX = character offset into map 2 block BL = block to load in map 2 BH = number of bytes per character pattern Return: nothing Notes: This function will cause a mode set, completely resetting the video environment, but without clearing the video buffer the current block specifiers may be determined with INT 10/AH=1Bh, looking at offsets 2Bh and 2Ch of the returned data (VGA only) (see AH=1Bh,#00040) SeeAlso: AX=1101h,AX=1102h,AX=1103h,AX=1104h,AX=1110h,AH=1Bh,AX=CD10h SeeAlso: MEM 0040h:0084h Index: text mode;font|text mode;screen rowsTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TEXT-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD ROM MONOCHROME PATTERNS (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1101h BL = block to load Return: nothing Notes: (see also AX=1100h) This function will cause a mode set, completely resetting the video environment, but without clearing the video buffer the "monochrome" patters are 8x14 pixels in size SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1102h,AX=1103h,AX=1104h,AX=1111h,AH=1Bh,AX=CD10h SeeAlso: MEM 0040h:0084h Index: text mode;font|text mode;screen rowsTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TEXT-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD ROM 8x8 DBL-DOT PATTERNS (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1102h BL = block to load Return: nothing Notes: (see AX=1100h) SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1101h,AX=1103h,AX=1104h,AX=1112h,AH=1Bh,AX=CD10h SeeAlso: MEM 0040h:0084hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TEXT-MODE CHARGEN - SET BLOCK SPECIFIER (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1103h BL = block specifier (see #00020) Return: nothing Notes: (see also AX=1110h) This function allows dual character sets to appear on screen simultaneously SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1101h,AX=1102h,AX=1104h,AH=1Bh,AX=CD10h SeeAlso: MEM 0040h:0084h Index: text mode;font|text mode;screen rows Bitfields for block specifier: Bit(s) Description (Table 00020) ---EGA/MCGA--- 0,1 block selected by characters with attribute bit 3 clear 2,3 block selected by characters with attribute bit 3 set ---VGA--- 0,1,4 block selected by characters with attribute bit 3 clear 2,3,5 block selected by characters with attribute bit 3 setTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TEXT-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD ROM 8x16 CHARACTER SET (VGA) AX = 1104h BL = block to load Return: nothing Notes: (see AX=1100h) SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1101h,AX=1102h,AX=1103h,AX=1114h,AH=1Bh,AX=CD10h SeeAlso: MEM 0040h:0084h Index: text mode;font|text mode;screen rowsTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Realtek RTVGA - TEXT-MODE CHARACTER GENERATOR FUNCTIONS AH = 11h AL = 07h load user-specified patterns and recalculate mode parms parameters are the same as for AX=1110h AL = 08h load monochrome patterns (8x14) and recalculate mode parms parameters are the same as for AX=1111h AL = 09h load ROM 8 by 8 double-dot patterns and recalculate mode parms parameters are the same as for AX=1112h AL = 0Bh load ROM 8x16 character set (VGA) and recalculate mode parms parameters are the same as for AX=1114h Note: these functions should only be called under the same conditions as AL=1xh (see AX=1110h"EGA") SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1110h"CHARGEN",AX=1110h"Realtek",MEM 0040h:0084h Index: text mode;font|text mode;screen rowsTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Realtek RTVGA - SET USER 8x8 GRAPHICS CHARACTERS AX = 110Fh ES:BP -> user table for INT 1F Return: nothing Note: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times SeeAlso: AX=1110h"Realtek",AX=1111h"Realtek",AX=1112h"Realtek",AX=1120hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TEXT-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD USER-SPECIFIED PATTERNS (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1110h ES:BP -> user table CX = count of patterns to store DX = character offset into map 2 block BL = block to load in map 2 BH = number of bytes per character pattern Return: nothing Notes: This function will cause a mode set, completely resetting the video environment, but without clearing the video buffer This function is designed to be called immediately after a mode set, it is equivalent to AX=110xh except that: Page 0 must be active. Bytes/character is recalculated. Max character rows is recalculated. CRT buffer length is recalculated. CRTC registers are reprogrammed as follows: R09 = bytes/char-1 ; max scan line (mode 7 only) R0A = bytes/char-2 ; cursor start R0B = 0 ; cursor end R12 = ((rows+1)*(bytes/char))-1 ; vertical display end R14 = bytes/char ; underline loc (*** BUG: should be 1 less ***) the current block specifiers may be determined with INT 10/AH=1Bh, looking at offsets 2Bh and 2Ch of the returned data (VGA only) (see AH=1Bh,#00040) SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1111h,AX=1112h,AX=1114h,AH=1Bh,AX=CD10h,MEM 0040h:0084h Index: text mode;font|text mode;screen rowsTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Realtek RTVGA - SET USER GRAPHICS CHARACTERS AX = 1110h ES:BP -> user table CX = bytes per character BL = row specifier 00h user set DL = number of rows 01h 14 rows 02h 25 rows 03h 43 rows Return: nothing Note: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times SeeAlso: AX=110Fh"Realtek",AX=1112h"Realtek",AX=1121hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TEXT-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD ROM MONOCHROME PATTERNS (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1111h BL = block to load Return: nothing Notes: (see AX=1110h) the "monochrome" patters are 8x14 pixels in size SeeAlso: AX=1101h,AX=1110h,AX=1112h,AX=1114h,AH=1Bh,AX=CD10hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Realtek RTVGA - SET ROM 8x14 GRAPHICS CHARACTERS AX = 1111h BL = row specifier (see AX=1121h) Return: nothing Note: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times SeeAlso: AX=110Fh"Realtek",AX=1110h"Realtek",AX=1122hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TEXT-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD ROM 8x8 DBL-DOT PATTERNS (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1112h BL = block to load Return: nothing Notes: (see AX=1110h) SeeAlso: AX=1103h,AX=1110h,AX=1111h,AX=1114h,AH=1Bh,AX=CD10hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Realtek RTVGA - SET ROM 8x8 DOUBLE-DOT CHARACTERS AX = 1112h BL = row specifier (see AX=1121h) Return: nothing Note: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times SeeAlso: AX=110Fh"Realtek",AX=1110h"Realtek",AX=1111h"Realtek",AX=1123hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TEXT-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD ROM 8x16 CHARACTER SET (VGA) AX = 1114h BL = block to load Return: nothing Notes: (see AX=1110h) SeeAlso: AX=1104h,AX=1110h,AX=1111h,AX=1112h,AH=1Bh,AX=CD10hTop
INT 10 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AX = 1118hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - GRAPH-MODE CHARGEN - SET USER 8x8 GRAPHICS CHARS (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1120h ES:BP -> user table for INT 1F Return: nothing Note: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times SeeAlso: AX=1121h,AX=1122h,AX=1123h,AX=1124h,AX=1129h,INT 1F"SYSTEM DATA" SeeAlso: INT 43"VIDEO DATA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - GRAPH-MODE CHARGEN - SET USER GRAPHICS CHARACTERS (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1121h ES:BP -> user table CX = bytes per character BL = row specifier 00h user set DL = number of rows 01h 14 rows 02h 25 rows 03h 43 rows Return: AL = new number of rows (Diamond Stealth64 Video) Note: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times SeeAlso: AX=1120h,AX=1122h,AX=1123h,AX=1124h,AX=1129h"Compaq" SeeAlso: AX=1129h"Diamond",INT 1F"SYSTEM DATA",INT 43"VIDEO DATA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - GRAPH-MODE CHARGEN - SET ROM 8x14 GRAPHICS CHARS (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1122h BL = row specifier (see AX=1121h) Return: nothing Notes: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times UltraVision v2+ sets INT 43 to the appropriate font on this call SeeAlso: AX=1111h,AX=1120h,AX=1121h,AX=1123h,AX=1124h,AX=1129h SeeAlso: INT 1F"SYSTEM DATA",INT 43"VIDEO DATA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - GRAPH-MODE CHARGEN - SET ROM 8x8 DOUBLE-DOT CHARS (PS,EGA,VGA) AX = 1123h BL = row specifier (see AX=1121h) Return: nothing Notes: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times UltraVision v2+ sets INT 43 to the appropriate font on this call SeeAlso: AX=1112h,AX=1120h,AX=1121h,AX=1122h,AX=1124h,AX=1129h SeeAlso: INT 1F"SYSTEM DATA",INT 43"VIDEO DATA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - GRAPH-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD 8x16 GRAPHICS CHARS (VGA,MCGA) AX = 1124h BL = row specifier (see AX=1121h) Return: nothing Notes: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times UltraVision v2+ sets INT 43 to the appropriate font on this call SeeAlso: AX=1120h,AX=1121h,AX=1122h,AX=1123h,AX=1129h SeeAlso: INT 1F"SYSTEM DATA",INT 43"VIDEO DATA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - GRAPH-MODE CHARGEN - LOAD 8x16 GRAPH CHARS (Compaq Systempro) AX = 1129h BL = row specifier (see AX=1121h) Return: nothing Notes: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times UltraVision v2+ sets INT 43 to the appropriate font on this call SeeAlso: AX=1120h,AX=1121h,AX=1122h,AX=1123h,AX=1124h,INT 1F"SYSTEM DATA" SeeAlso: INT 43"VIDEO DATA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - GRAPH-MODE CHARGEN - SET USER GRAPHICS CHARACTERS (Diamond) AX = 1129h DI:BP -> user table CX = bytes per character BL = row specifier 00h user set DL = number of rows 01h 14 rows 02h 25 rows 03h 43 rows Return: AL = new number of rows Notes: this function is meant to be called immediately after a mode set; results are unpredictable at other times supported by Diamond Stealth64 Video SeeAlso: AX=1120h,AX=1122h,AX=1123h,AX=1124h,INT 1F"SYSTEM",INT 43"VIDEO"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - GET FONT INFORMATION (EGA, MCGA, VGA) AX = 1130h BH = pointer specifier 00h INT 1Fh pointer 01h INT 43h pointer 02h ROM 8x14 character font pointer 03h ROM 8x8 double dot font pointer 04h ROM 8x8 double dot font (high 128 characters) 05h ROM alpha alternate (9 by 14) pointer (EGA,VGA) 06h ROM 8x16 font (MCGA, VGA) 07h ROM alternate 9x16 font (VGA only) (see #00021) 11h (UltraVision v2+) 8x20 font (VGA) or 8x19 font (autosync EGA) 12h (UltraVision v2+) 8x10 font (VGA) or 8x11 font (autosync EGA) Return: ES:BP = specified pointer CX = bytes/character of on-screen font (not the requested font!) DL = highest character row on screen Note: for UltraVision v2+, the 9xN alternate fonts follow the corresponding 8xN font at ES:BP+256N BUG: the IBM EGA and some other EGA cards return in DL the number of rows on screen rather than the highest row number (which is one less). SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1103h,AX=1120h,INT 1F"SYSTEM DATA",INT 43"VIDEO DATA" Format of alternate font table [array]: Offset Size Description (Table 00021) 00h BYTE character to be replaced (00h = end of table) 01h N BYTEs graphics data for character, one byte per scan lineTop
INT 10 - M10_SCR.COM v3.5+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 1130h BX = 4D4Fh Return: CX = 4F4Dh if installed ES:BP -> M10_SCR INT 10 handler Program: M10_SCR is a shareware extended text mode and font driver by I.V. Morozov SeeAlso: INT 16/AX=4D4FhTop
INT 10 - BIOS Window Extension v1.1 - GET BLANKING ATTRIBUTE AH = 12h Return: BH = attribute to use on blanked lines when scrolling Program: BWE is a TSR by John J. Seal published in May 1986 Dr. Dobb's Journal SeeAlso: AH=11h"Window",AH=12h"Window"Top
INT 10 - Tandy 2000 - VIDEO - SCROLL WINDOW AH = 12h AL = number of rows or columns to scroll BH = buffer flag 00h data in user buffer ES:SI -> buffer containing character/attribute pairs 01h no buffer, fill emptied rows/columns with blanks BL = direction in which to scroll 00h up 01h down 02h left 03h right CH,CL = row,column of upper left corner of scroll area DH,DL = row,column of lower right corner Return: nothing Notes: this interrupt is identical to INT 52 on Tandy 2000 the user buffer, if supplied, must be organized by row; regardless of the scroll direction, all character/attribute pairs for the first row are first, then the pairs for the second row, etc. SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=0Bh/BH=02h,AH=11h"Tandy 2000",AH=12h"Tandy 2000" SeeAlso: INT 52"Tandy"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (PS, EGA, VGA, MCGA) - GET EGA INFO AH = 12h BL = 10h Return: BH = video state 00h color mode in effect (I/O port 3Dxh) 01h mono mode in effect (I/O port 3Bxh) BL = installed memory (00h = 64K, 01h = 128K, 02h = 192K, 03h = 256K) CH = feature connector bits (see #00022) CL = switch settings (see #00023,#00024) AH destroyed (at least by Tseng ET4000 BIOS v8.00n) Note: one possible check for the presence of an EGA or later display card is to call this function with BH=FFh; if not present, BH will be unchanged on return another installation check is used by Athena Digital's HGCIBM, which sets CX to FFFFh on calling and checks whether it has been changed on return Index: installation check;EGA Bitfields for feature connector bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00022) 0 FEAT 1 line, state 2 1 FEAT 0 line, state 2 2 FEAT 1 line, state 1 3 FEAT 0 line, state 1 4-7 unused (0) Bitfields for switch settings: Bit(s) Description (Table 00023) 0 switch 1 OFF 1 switch 2 OFF 2 switch 3 OFF 3 switch 4 OFF 4-7 unused (Table 00024) Values for switch settings on original EGA/VGA: 00h primary MDA/HGC, secondary EGA+ 40x25 01h-03h primary MDA/HGC, secondary EGA+ 80x25 04h primary CGA 40x25, secondary EGA+ 80x25 mono 05h primary CGA 80x25, secondary EGA+ 80x25 mono 06h primary EGA+ 40x25, secondary MDA/HGC (optional) 07h-09h primary EGA+ 80x25, secondary MDA/HGC (optional) 0Ah primary EGA+ 80x25 mono,secondary CGA 40x25 (optional) 0Bh primary EGA+ 80x25 mono,secondary CGA 80x25 (optional)Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Trident TVGA 8800/8900/9000 BIOS - GET BIOS INFO AH = 12h BL = 11h Return: AL = 12h if function supported BL = ??? (10h) ES:BP -> BIOS info structure (see #00025) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=12h"TRIDENT" Format of Trident BIOS Info structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00025) 00h BYTE ??? (0000h) 01h BYTE OEM Code (00h for original Trident) 02h WORD ID??? (1073h for 8800BR, 1074 for 8800CS) 04h 8 BYTEs BIOS date ('mm/dd/yy') 0Ch WORD ??? 0Eh 8 BYTEs BIOS Version (' C3-128 ', ' C3-129 ')Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Trident TVGA 8800/8900/9000 BIOS - GET VIDEO RAM SIZE AH = 12h BL = 12h Return: AL = 12h if function supported AH = number of 256K banks of RAM installed (read from CRTC register 1Fh) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=11h"TRIDENT"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (PS,EGA,VGA,MCGA) - ALTERNATE PRTSC AH = 12h BL = 20h select alternate print screen routine Return: nothing Desc: installs a PrtSc routine from the video card's BIOS to replace the default PrtSc handler from the ROM BIOS, which usually does not understand screen heights other than 25 lines Note: some adapters disable print-screen instead of enhancing it SeeAlso: INT 05"PRINT SCREEN"Top
INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG AH = 12h BL = 2Eh Return: nothing Note: due to an omitted end-of-list marker, these versions of the BIOS will crash the system on this functionTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (VGA) - SELECT VERTICAL RESOLUTION AH = 12h BL = 30h AL = vertical resolution 00h 200 scan lines 01h 350 scan lines 02h 400 scan lines Return: AL = 12h if function supported Desc: specify the number of scan lines used to display text modes Note: the specified resolution will take effect on the next mode set SeeAlso: AH=00hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (VGA, MCGA) - PALETTE LOADING AH = 12h BL = 31h AL = new state 00h enable default palette loading 01h disable default palette loading Return: AL = 12h if function supported Desc: specify whether a default palette should be loaded when the display mode is set SeeAlso: AH=00hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (VGA, MCGA) - VIDEO ADDRESSING AH = 12h BL = 32h AL = new state 00h enable video addressing 01h disable video addressing Return: AL = 12h if function supported Desc: specify whether the CPU should have access to video memory and the display adapters I/O registersTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (VGA, MCGA) - GRAY-SCALE SUMMING AH = 12h BL = 33h AL = new state 00h enable gray scale summing 01h disable gray scale summing Return: AL = 12h if function supported Desc: specify whether or not colors should be converted to gray scale when palette or color registers are loaded SeeAlso: AX=101Bh,AX=BF06h,AX=BF08hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (VGA) - CURSOR EMULATION AH = 12h BL = 34h AL = new state 00h enable alphanumeric cursor emulation 01h disable alphanumeric cursor emulation Return: AL = 12h if function supported Desc: specify whether the BIOS should automatically remap cursor start/end according to the current character height in text modes SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=03hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (PS) - DISPLAY-SWITCH INTERFACE AH = 12h BL = 35h AL = subfunction 00h initial adapter video off 01h initial planar video on 02h switch active video off 03h switch inactive video on 80h *UNDOCUMENTED* set system board video active flag ES:DX -> buffer for 128 byte save area (if AL = 00h-03h) Return: AL = 12h if function supported Desc: switch between two video adapters which may otherwise have address conflicts SeeAlso: AX=BF00h,AX=BF01h,INT 6D"VGA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (PS, VGA) - VIDEO REFRESH CONTROL AH = 12h BL = 36h AL = new state 00h enable refresh 01h disable refresh Return: AL = 12h if function supported Desc: specify whether the contents of video memory should be displayed on the screen; disabling refresh effectively blanks the screen Note: when display refresh is disabled, the entire screen displays the color specified by the DAC color register 00h; thus to actually blank the screen, the application must first ensure that that register has been set to black BUG: GEM/VIEWMAX ET3000 and ET4000 drivers dated 1988/6/23 do not correctly reenable refresh after the screen has been blanked due to inactivity, resulting in a total loss of video synchronization SeeAlso: AX=BF05hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - XGA - MAINFRAME INTERACTIVE SUPPORT AH = 12h BL = 37h AL = text attribute type (00h normal VGA, 01h mainframe type) Return: AL = 12h if supported SeeAlso: #00026,AH=08h,#00042 Bitfields for XGA mainframe type character attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 00026) 7 blink double rate (75% ON time) or use color 8 as background (see AX=1003h) 6 reverse video 5 underlined 4 left-most and right-most dots of underline area inverted 3 foreground intensity/character font select 2-0 foreground color SeeAlso: #00014,#00036Top
INT 10 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = 12h BL = 38h SeeAlso: AX=1118h,AH=12h/BL=39hTop
INT 10 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = 12h BL = 39h SeeAlso: AX=1118h,AH=12h/BL=38h,AH=12h/BL=3AhTop
INT 10 - IBM SurePath BIOS - Officially "Private" Function AH = 12h BL = 3Ah SeeAlso: AX=1118h,AH=12h/BL=39hTop
INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v8.00 (1991/06/07) - BUG AH = 12h BL = 53h Note: due to an omitted end-of-list marker, this version of the BIOS will crash the system on this functionTop
INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v8.00 (1991/06/07) - BUG AH = 12h BL = 57h Note: due to an omitted end-of-list marker, this version of the BIOS will crash the system on this functionTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNC SELECT (ATI,Tatung,Taxan) - ENHANCED FEATURES AH = 12h BH = 55h BL = subfunction 00h disable enhanced features 01h enable enhanced features 02h get status Return: AL = status flags (see #00027) 03h disable register trapping (CGA emulation) 04h enable register trapping 05h program video mode ES:BP -> video mode table (see #00028) 06h get mode table AL = video mode Return: ES:BP -> table suitable for mode AL (and subfunc BL=05h) (see #00028) BP = FFFFh on error SI = 0000h (ATI Mach32) Note: the ATI Mouse driver (MOUSE.COM/MOUSE.SYS) uses subfunction 06h to get the mode table for mode 03h, and then looks for a signature string beginning within 32 bytes of the offset specified by the word at ES:000Ch SeeAlso: AH=FFh"Oak" Index: installation check;ATI video adapters Bitfields for status flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00027) 3 set if enhanced features enabled 7-5 monitor type 000 PS/2 mono 001 PS/2 color 010 multi-sync 011 Taxan 650 25kHz 100 RGB 101 mono 110 EGA 111 Compaq internal Format of ATI VGA Wonder video mode table: Offset Size Description (Table 00028) 00h BYTE number of columns 01h BYTE maximum row (number of rows - 1) 02h BYTE scan lines per row 03h WORD video buffer size in bytes 05h 4 BYTEs values for Sequencer registers 1-4 09h BYTE value for Miscellaneous Output register 0Ah 25 BYTEs values for CRTC registers 00h-18h 00h horizontal total size (chars) 01h horizontal displayed (chars) 02h horizontal sync position (chars) 03h horizontal sync width (chars) 04h vertical total size (char rows) 05h vertical total adjust (scan lines) 06h vertical displayed (char rows) 07h vertical sync position (char rows) 08h interlace mode 09h max scan line in row 0Ah cursor start scan line 0Bh cursor end scan line 0Ch screen memory start (high) 0Dh screen memory start (low) 0Eh cursor address (high) 0Fh cursor address (low) 10h light pen (high) 11h light pen (low) 23h 20 BYTEs default palette (values for Attribute Controller regs 00h-13h) 37h 9 BYTEs values for Graphics Controller registers 00h-08hTop
INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG AH = 12h BL = 74h Note: due to an omitted end-of-list marker, these versions of the BIOS will crash the system on this functionTop
INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG AH = 12h BL = 80h Note: due to an omitted end-of-list marker, these versions of the BIOS will crash the system on this functionTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - INQUIRE VGA TYPE AH = 12h BL = 80h Return: AX = controller type in bits 13-0 (see #00029) bit 14: ??? bit 15: ??? BL = silicon revision number (bit 7 set if not available) BH = ??? bit 2 set if using CL-GD 6340 LCD interface SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=81h,AH=12h/BL=82h,AH=12h/BL=85h,AH=12h/BL=9Ah,AH=12h/BL=A1h (Table 00029) Values for Cirrus Logic video controller type: 0000h no extended alternate select support 0001h reserved 0002h CL-GD510/520 0003h CL-GD610/620 0004h CL-GD5320 0005h CL-GD6410 0006h CL-GD5410 0007h CL-GD6420 0008h CL-GD6412 0010h CL-GD5401 0011h CL-GD5402 0012h CL-GD5420 0013h CL-GD5422 0014h CL-GD5424 0015h CL-GD5426 0016h CL-GD5420r1 0017h CL-GD5402r1 0018h CL-GD5428 0019h CL-GD5429 0020h CL-GD6205/15/25 0021h CL-GD6215 0022h CL-GD6225 0023h CL-GD6235 0024h CL-GD6245 0030h CL-GD5432 0031h CL-GD5434 0032h CL-GD5430 0033h CL-GD5434 rev. E and F 0035h CL-GD5440 0036h CL-GD5436 0039h CL-GD5446 0040h CL-GD6440 0041h CL-GD7542 (Nordic) 0042h CL-GD7543 (Viking) 0043h CL-GD7541 (Nordic Lite) 0050h CL-GD5452 (Northstar) 0052h CL-GD5452 (Northstar) ??? SeeAlso: #00732,#00743Top
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET BIOS VERSION NUMBER AH = 12h BL = 81h Return: AH = BIOS major version AL = BIOS minor version SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=80h,AH=12h/BL=82hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET DESIGN REVISION CODE AH = 12h BL = 82h Return: AL = chip revision AH = ??? (AFh for v1.01) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=80h,AH=12h/BL=81h,#00732 at INT 1A/AX=B102hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - INQUIRE OPTIONS AH = 12h BL = 84h Return: AX = user options word (see #00030) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=89h,AH=12h/BL=8Ah,AH=12h/BL=8Bh,AH=12h/BL=8Ch,AH=12h/BL=8Fh SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=90h,AH=12h/BL=9Ah Bitfields for Cirrus Logic user options word: Bit(s) Description (Table 00030) 1,0 centering 00 vertical centered, 01 from bottom, 10 from top, 11 reserved 3,2 720-dot fix-up options 00 OR every 8th and 9th pixel 01 display MGA mode from left 10 display MGA mode from right 11 skip every 9th pixel 4 ??? 7-5 video mode (001 CGA, 010 MGA, 011 EGA, 100 VGA) 8 external monitor enabled instead of LCD panel 9 vertical expand mode enabled 10 8-bit mode instead of 16-bit mode 11 normal video rather than reverse video (for LCD) 12 attribute automap rather than attribute emulation 13 bold mode disabled (default) 14 fast bandwidth 15 ???Top
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET INSTALLED MEMORY AH = 12h BL = 85h Return: AL = number of 64K banks of video memory SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=80h,AH=12h/BL=93hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - EN/DISABLE REVERSE VIDEO MODE AH = 12h BL = 89h AL = new state (00h enabled, 01h disabled) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=84h,AH=12h/BL=8Ah,AH=12h/BL=8BhTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET FRAME COLOR AH = 12h BL = 8Ah AL = new gray-scale color (00h = black to 0Fh = white) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=84h,AH=12h/BL=89h,AH=12h/BL=8FhTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - ENABLE/DISABLE BOLD MODE AH = 12h BL = 8Bh AL = new state (00h enabled, 01h disabled) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=84h,AH=12h/BL=89h,AH=12h/BL=8Ch,AH=12h/BL=8FhTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET AUTOMAP/EMULATE ATTRIBUTES AH = 12h BL = 8Ch AL = new state 00h enable automap 01h disable automap and emulate attributes Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=84h,AH=12h/BL=8BhTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - ENABLE/DISABLE EXPAND MODE AH = 12h BL = 8Fh AL = new state (00h enabled, 01h disabled) Return: nothing Note: when expand mode is enabled, the vertical dimension is enlarged to full screen SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=84h,AH=12h/BL=89h,AH=12h/BL=8Bh,AH=12h/BL=90hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET CENTERING MODE AH = 12h BL = 90h AL = new position 00h centered 01h from top 02h from bottom 03h from top Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=84h,AH=12h/BL=8FhTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SET 720-DOT FIXUP MODE AH = 12h BL = 91h AL = new mode 00h display MGA mode from left of screen (default) 01h display MGA from right 02h skip every ninth pixel 03h OR every 8th and 9th pixel Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=84h,AH=12h/BL=8Ah,AH=12h/BL=90hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - LCD panel - SWITCH DISPLAY AH = 12h BL = 92h AL = new display (00h LCD, 01h external monitor) Return: nothing Note: the deselected display is disabled SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=84h,AH=12h/BL=89h,AH=12h/BL=90h,AH=12h/BL=94hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - FORCE 8-BIT OR 16-BIT OPERATION AH = 12h BL = 93h AL = new I/O width (00h = 16 bits, 01h = 8 bits) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=9AhTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS v3.02 - POWER CONSERVATION AH = 12h BL = 94h AL = new state (00h wake up monitor, 01h shut down display) Return: nothing Note: AL=01h is reported not to work properly on the LCD panel SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=84h,AH=12h/BL=92hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET USER OPTIONS AH = 12h BL = 9Ah Return: AX = options word 1 (see #00031) CX = options word 2 (see #00032) BX,DX reserved SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=80h,AH=12h/BL=84h,AH=12h/BL=93h,AH=12h/BL=A0h SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=A3h,AH=12h/BL=A4h,#00732 at INT 1A/AX=B102h Bitfields for Cirrus Logic options word 1: Bit(s) Description (Table 00031) 0,1 reserved 2-4 monitor type 5-6 maximum vertical resolution 7-9 reserved 10 force 8-bit operation 11-13 reserved 14 vertical refresh frequency at 640x480 =0 60 Hz =1 high refresh 15 reserved SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=AEh Bitfields for Cirrus Logic options word 2: Bit(s) Description (Table 00032) 15-13 vertical refresh frequency at 1024x768 12-11 vertical refresh frequency at 800x600 10-6 reserved 5-4 vertical refresh frequency at 1280x1024 3-0 reserved SeeAlso: #00033 Bitfields for Cirrus Logic Options word 2 (alternate???): Bit(s) Description (Table 00033) 15-12 vertical refresh frequency at 1024x768 0000 43i Hz 0001 60 Hz 0010 70 Hz 0011 72 Hz 0100 76 Hz other reserved 11-8 vertical refresh frequency at 800x600 0000 56 Hz 0001 60 Hz 0010 72 Hz 0011 75 Hz other reserved 7-4 maximum vertical resolution 0000 480 scanlines 0001 600 scanlines 0010 768 scanlines 0011 1024 scanlines other reserved 3-1 vertical refresh frequency at 1280x1024 000 43i Hz 001 60 Hz 010 71.2 Hz (CL-GD5434 rev. E and F) 011 74 Hz (CL-GD5434 rev. E and F) other reserved 0 reserved SeeAlso: #00032Top
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET VIDEO MODE AVAILABILITY AH = 12h BL = A0h AL = video mode number (00h-7Fh) Return: AH bit 0: video mode supported BX = offset of BIOS subroutine to fixup standard video parameters (call subroutine with DS:SI and ES:DI as returned by this call) DS:SI -> standard video parameters or FFFFh:FFFFh ES:DI -> supplemental video parameters or FFFFh:FFFFh SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=12h/BL=9Ah,AH=12h/BL=A1hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - READ MONITOR TYPE AND ID FROM 15-PIN CONNECTOR AH = 12h BL = A1h Return: BH = monitor ID (see #00034) BL = monitor type (00h color, 01h grayscale, 02h no display) SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=9Ah,AH=12h/BL=A2h (Table 00034) Values for Cirrus Logic monitor ID: 00h-08h reserved 09h IBM 8604/8507 or equivalent 0Ah IBM 8514 or equivalent 0Bh IBM 8515 or equivalent 0Dh IBM 8503 or equivalent 0Eh IBM 8512/8513 or equivalent 0Fh no monitorTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - SET MONITOR HORIZONTAL RETRACE FREQUENCY AH = 12h BL = A2h AL = retrace rate 00h standard VGA (31.5 kHz) 01h 8514-compatible (31.5 kHz and 35.5 kHz interlaced) 02h SuperVGA (31.5-35.1 kHz) 03h extended SuperVGA (31.5-35.5 kHz) 04h multi-frequency (31.5-37.8 kHz) 05h extended multi-frequency (31.5-48.0 kHz) 06h super multi-frequency (31.5-56.0 kHz) 07h extended super multi-frequency (31.5-64.0 kHz) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=9Ah,AH=12h/BL=A0h,AH=12h/BL=A4hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - SET VGA REFRESH AH = 12h BL = A3h AL = refresh rate for 640x480 (00h normal, 01h high) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=9Ah,AH=12h/BL=A4hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - SET MONITOR TYPE AH = 12h BL = A4h AL = options 1 bits 7-4 = vertical refresh at 640x480 (0 = 60Hz, 1 = 72Hz, other reserved) bits 3-0 = maximum vertical resolution (0 = 480 scanlines, 1 = 600, 2 = 768, 3 = 1024, other reserved) BH = options 2 bits 7-4 = vertical refresh at 1024x768 (0=87Hz-int, 1=60Hz, 2=70Hz, 3=72Hz, 4=76Hz, other reserved) bits 3-0 = vertical refresh at 800x600 (0 = 56Hz, 1 = 60Hz, 2 = 72Hz, other reserved) CH = options 3 bits 7-4 = vertical refresh at 1280x1024 (0=87Hz-int, 1=60Hz, 2=70Hz, other reserved) bits 3-0: reserved CL,DX reserved Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=9Ah,AH=12h/BL=A3hTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - GET HIGH REFRESH AH = 12h BL = AEh Return: AL = result bits 7-1: reserved bit 0: 640x480 high refresh rate =0 72 Hz =1 75 Hz SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=9Ah,AH=12h/BL=A3h,AH=12h/BL=A4h,AH=12h/BL=AFhTop
INT 10 - Cirrus Logic BIOS - SET HIGH REFRESH AH = 12h BL = AFh AL = option bits 7-1: reserved bit 0: 640x480 high refresh rate =0 72 Hz =1 75 Hz Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=9Ah,AH=12h/BL=A3h,AH=12h/BL=A4h,AH=12h/BL=AEhTop
INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG AH = 12h BL = BEh Note: due to an omitted end-of-list marker, these versions of the BIOS will crash the system on this functionTop
INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG AH = 12h BL = C6h Note: due to an omitted end-of-list marker, these versions of the BIOS will crash the system on this functionTop
INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG AH = 12h BL = F0h Note: due to an omitted end-of-list marker, these versions of the BIOS will crash the system on this functionTop
INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS - GET/SET SCREEN REFRESH RATE AH = 12h BL = F1h AL = subfunction 00h set refresh rate 01h get refresh rate BH = video mode 00h 640x480 01h 800x600 02h 1024x768 03h 1280x1024 CX = new refresh rate (see #00035) if AL = 00h Return: AL = 12h if supported CX = current rate (for AL=00h, a changed CX indicates failure) (Table 00035) Values for Tseng ET4000 refresh rate: CX 640x480 800x600 1024x768/1280x1024 00h 60 Hz 56 Hz interlaced 01h 72 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 02h 75 Hz 72 Hz 70 Hz 03h 90 Hz 75 Hz 75 Hz 04h -- 90 Hz --Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - WRITE STRING (AT and later,EGA) AH = 13h AL = write mode bit 0: update cursor after writing bit 1: string contains alternating characters and attributes bits 2-7: reserved (0) BH = page number BL = attribute if string contains only characters CX = number of characters in string DH,DL = row,column at which to start writing ES:BP -> string to write Return: nothing Notes: recognizes CR, LF, BS, and bell; for the ET4000 BIOS, scrolling, backspace, and CR only take place in the active page also available PC or XT with EGA or higher HP 95LX only supports write mode 00h IBM documents AL=10h,11h,20h,21h as "private" rather than "reserved" with PhysTechSoft's PTS ROM-DOS the AL,BH,BL,DH, and DL values are ignored on entry. BUG: on the IBM VGA Adapter, any scrolling which may occur is performed on the active page rather than the requested page SeeAlso: AH=09h,AH=0Ah,AH=13h"DOS/V"Top
INT 10 - DOS/V - READ/WRITE DOUBLE-BYTE CHARACTER SET CHARACTERS/ATTRIBUTES AH = 13h AL = function 10h read characters and standard attributes 11h read characters and extended attributes 12h write characters and standard attributes 13h write characters and extended attributes BH = 00h CX = number of characters to transfer DH,DL = row,column at which to start transfer ES:BP -> buffer for/containing characters and attributes (see #00036) Return: ES:BP buffer filled if reading Program: DOS/V is a Japanese-language version of MS-DOS which can run on standard (non-Japanese) ATs and compatible equipped with a VGA or newer video adapter Notes: subfunctions 11h and 13h are only valid when DOS/V is using video mode 73h the cursor position is not changed by these functions extended attributes consist of three bytes; the first is the standard character attribute byte, the second is as described below, and the third is always zero in current versions SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=13h"VIDEO" Bitfields for DOS/V second extended attribute byte: Bit(s) Description (Table 00036) 7 underline using foreground color 6 reverse foreground/background specified in standard attribute byte 5-4 unused 3 vertical white grid line in cell 2 horizontal white grid line in cell 1-0 unused SeeAlso: #00014,#00026Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - LOAD USER-SPECIFIED LCD CHARACTER FONT (CONV,Compaq Port 386) AX = 1400h ES:DI -> character font BH = number of bytes per character 08h or 10h (Compaq) BL = 00h load main font (block 0) 01h load alternate font (block 1) CX = number of characters to store DX = character offset into RAM font area Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1110h,AX=1401hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - LOAD SYSTEM ROM DEFAULT LCD CHARACTER FONT (CONV,CP386) AX = 1401h BL = font to load 00h main font (block 0) 01h alternate font (block 1) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1102h,AX=1400hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET MAPPING OF LCD HIGH INTENSITY ATTRIBUTES (CONV,CP386) AX = 1402h BL = subfunction 00h ignore high intensity attribute 01h map high intensity to reverse video 02h map high intensity to underscore 03h map high intensity to selected alternate font B0h half intensity (Compaq) B1h toggle active intensity bit interpretation (CP386) Return: nothingTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - GET PHYSICAL DISPLAY PARAMETERS (CONVERTIBLE) AH = 15h Return: AX = alternate display adapter type (see #00037) ES:DI -> parameter table (see #00038) SeeAlso: AH=1Bh (Table 00037) Values for PC Convertible alternate display adapter type: 0000h none 5140h LCD 5153h CGA 5151h mono Format of PC Convertible display parameter table: Offset Size Description (Table 00038) 00h WORD monitor model number 02h WORD vertical pixels per meter 04h WORD horizontal pixels per meter 06h WORD total vertical pixels 08h WORD total horizontal pixels 0Ah WORD horizontal pixel separation in micrometers (width, center-to-center) 0Ch WORD vertical pixel separation in micrometers (height, center-to-center)Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET SUPERIMPOSE MODE (Sperry PC) AH = 15h AL = superimpose mode 00h show graphics screen 01h show text screen 02h show text screen superimposed on graphics screen Return: nothingTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - DOS/V - GET/SET FONT PATTERN AH = 18h AL = subfunction 00h get font pattern 01h set font pattern BX = 0000h CL = character size in bytes (01h,02h) CH = 00h DH = character width in pixels DL = character height in pixels ES:DI -> buffer for/containing font image Return: AL = status (00h successful, else error) ES:DI buffer filled for function 00h if successful Note: the supported font sizes are 8x16 single-byte, 8x19 single-byte, 16x16 double-byte, and 24x24 double-byte SeeAlso: AH=19h,INT 16/AH=14hTop
INT 10 - Japanese VIDEO - DOUBLE-BYTE CHARACTER SET SHIFT INFORMATION AH = 19h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=18h,INT 16/AH=14hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - GET DISPLAY COMBINATION CODE (PS,VGA/MCGA) AX = 1A00h Return: AL = 1Ah if function was supported BL = active display code (see #00039) BH = alternate display code (see #00039) Notes: this function is commonly used to check for the presence of a VGA this function is supported on the ATI EGA Wonder with certain undocumented configuration switch settings, even though the EGA Wonder does not support VGA graphics; to distinguish this case, call AX=1C00h with CX nonzero, which the EGA Wonder does not support SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=35h,AX=1A01h,AH=1Bh,AH=1Ch,MEM 0040h:008Ah Index: installation check;VGA (Table 00039) Values for display combination code: 00h no display 01h monochrome adapter w/ monochrome display 02h CGA w/ color display 03h reserved 04h EGA w/ color display 05h EGA w/ monochrome display 06h PGA w/ color display 07h VGA w/ monochrome analog display 08h VGA w/ color analog display 09h reserved 0Ah MCGA w/ digital color display 0Bh MCGA w/ monochrome analog display 0Ch MCGA w/ color analog display FFh unknown display typeTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SET DISPLAY COMBINATION CODE (PS,VGA/MCGA) AX = 1A01h BL = active display code (see #00039) BH = alternate display code Return: AL = 1Ah if function was supported SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=35h,AX=1A00hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - FUNCTIONALITY/STATE INFORMATION (PS,VGA/MCGA) AH = 1Bh BX = implementation type 0000h return funtionality/state information ES:DI -> 64-byte buffer for state information (see #00040) Return: AL = 1Bh if function supported ES:DI buffer filled with state information BUG: Trident 8900 (BIOS D3.0 1991/11/12) and Trident 9000 (C3.0 1991/10/25) do not correctly set the fields at offsets 27h and 29h of the state information SeeAlso: AH=15h,AX=1A00h,AX=1F01h Format of MCGA+ state information: Offset Size Description (Table 00040) 00h DWORD address of static funtionality table (see #00045) 04h BYTE video mode in effect 05h WORD number of columns 07h WORD length of regen buffer in bytes 09h WORD starting address of regen buffer 0Bh WORD cursor position for page 0 0Dh WORD cursor position for page 1 0Fh WORD cursor position for page 2 11h WORD cursor position for page 3 13h WORD cursor position for page 4 15h WORD cursor position for page 5 17h WORD cursor position for page 6 19h WORD cursor position for page 7 1Bh WORD cursor "type" (start/stop scan lines) 1Dh BYTE active display page 1Eh WORD CRTC port address 20h BYTE current setting of PORT 03x8h 21h BYTE current setting of PORT 03x9h 22h BYTE number of rows - 1 23h WORD bytes/character 25h BYTE display combination code of active display 26h BYTE DCC of alternate display 27h WORD number of colors supported in current mode (0000h = mono) 29h BYTE number of pages supported in current mode 2Ah BYTE number of scan lines active (0,1,2,3) = (200,350,400,480) Tseng ET3000: (4,5,6 = 512,600,768) 2Bh BYTE primary character block 2Ch BYTE secondary character block 2Dh BYTE miscellaneous flags (see #00041) 2Eh BYTE non-VGA mode support (see #00042) 2Fh 2 BYTEs reserved (00h) 31h BYTE video memory available 00h = 64K, 01h = 128K, 02h = 192K, 03h = 256K 32h BYTE save pointer state flags (see #00043) 33h BYTE display information and status (see #00044) 34h 12 BYTEs reserved (00h) Bitfields for miscellaneous flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00041) 0 all modes on all displays on 1 gray summing on 2 monochrome display attached 3 default palette loading disabled 4 cursor emulation enabled 5 0 = intensity; 1 = blinking 6 flat-panel display is active 7 unused (0) SeeAlso: #00040 Bitfields for non-VGA mode support: Bit(s) Description (Table 00042) 7-5 reserved 4 132-column mode supported 3 =1 MFI attributes enabled (see AH=12h/BL=37h) =0 VGA attributes 2 16-bit VGA graphics present 1 adapter interface driver required 0 BIOS supports information return for adapter interface SeeAlso: #00040 Bitfields for save pointer state flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00043) 0 512 character set active 1 dynamic save area present 2 alpha font override active 3 graphics font override active 4 palette override active 5 DCC override active 6-7 unused (0) SeeAlso: #00040 Bitfields for display information and status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00044) 7 640x480 flat-panel can be used simultaneously with CRT controller 6-3 reserved 2 color display 1 flat-panel display active 0 flat-panel display attached SeeAlso: #00040 Format of Static Functionality Table: Offset Size Description (Table 00045) 00h BYTE modes supported 1 bit 0 to bit 7 = 1 modes 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 supported 01h BYTE modes supported 2 bit 0 to bit 7 = 1 modes 8,9,0Ah,0Bh,0Ch,0Dh,0Eh,0Fh supported 02h BYTE modes supported 3 bit 0 to bit 3 = 1 modes 10h,11h,12h,13h supported bit 4 to bit 7 unused (0) 03h BYTE (IBM) reserved (Tseng ET3000/4000) modes supported 4 bit 0 to bit 7 = modes 18h-1Fh supported 04h BYTE (IBM) reserved (Tseng ET3000/4000) modes supported 5 bit 0 to bit 7 = modes 20h-27h supported 05h BYTE (IBM) reserved (Tseng ET3000/4000) modes supported 6 bit 0 to bit 7 = modes 28h-2Fh supported 06h BYTE (IBM) reserved (Tseng ET3000/4000) modes supported 7 bit 0 to bit 7 = modes 30h-37h supported 07h BYTE scan lines supported bit 0 to bit 2 = 1 if scan lines 200,350,400 supported bits 3-7 = unused (0) 08h BYTE total number of character blocks available in text modes 09h BYTE maximum number of active character blocks in text modes 0Ah WORD miscellaneous function support flags (see #00046) 0Ch WORD reserved 0Eh BYTE save pointer function flags (see #00047) 0Fh BYTE reserved SeeAlso: #00040 Bitfields for miscellaneous function support flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00046) 0 all modes on all displays function supported 1 gray summing function supported 2 character font loading function supported 3 default palette loading enable/disable supported 4 cursor emulation function supported 5 EGA palette present 6 color palette present 7 color-register paging function supported 8 light pen supported (see AH=04h) 9 save/restore state function 1Ch supported 10 intensity/blinking function supported (see AX=1003h) 11 Display Combination Code supported (see #00039) 12-15 unused (0) SeeAlso: #00040 Bitfields for save pointer function flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00047) 0 512 character set supported 1 dynamic save area supported 2 alpha font override supported 3 graphics font override supported 4 palette override supported 5 DCC extension supported 6-7 unused (0) SeeAlso: #00040Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - SAVE/RESTORE VIDEO STATE (PS50+,VGA) AH = 1Ch AL = function 00h return state buffer size Return: BX = number of 64-byte blocks needed 01h save video state ES:BX -> buffer 02h restore video state ES:BX -> buffer containing previously saved state CX = requested states (see #00048) Return: AL = 1Ch if function supported Notes: many BIOSes corrupt the video registers when saving the state, so a program should restore the state immediately after saving it (the saved data is uncorrupted) the BIOS data area consists of the 96 bytes from 0040h:0049h-00A8h this function is not supported when DOS/V is running this function may be a better VGA installation check than the usual INT 10/AX=1A00h, since some late-model EGA cards (such as the ATI EGA Wonder) supported that call SeeAlso: AX=1A00h,AX=5F90h,AX=5FA0h,MEM 0040h:00A8h Bitfields for requested states: Bit(s) Description (Table 00048) 0 video hardware (see #00049) 1 BIOS data areas 2 color registers and DAC state (see #00050) 3-15 unused (0) SeeAlso: #00186 Format of VGA video hardware state: Offset Size Description (Table 00049) 00h BYTE sequencer index register 01h BYTE CRTC index register 02h BYTE graphics controller index register 03h BYTE attribute controller index register 04h BYTE feature controller register 05h 4 BYTEs sequencer registers 09h BYTE sequencer register 0 0Ah 25 BYTEs CRTC registers 0-8 23h 16 BYTEs palette registers 00h-0Fh 33h 4 BYTEs attribute registers 10h-13h 37h 9 BYTEs graphics controller registers 0-8 40h BYTE CRTC base address (low) 41h BYTE CRTC base address (high) 42h BYTE plane 0 latch 43h BYTE plane 1 latch 44h BYTE plane 2 latch 45h BYTE plane 3 latch Format of VGA DAC state: Offset Size Description (Table 00050) 00h BYTE read/write mode DAC 01h BYTE pixel address 02h BYTE pixel mask 03h 768 BYTEs color data (256 triples) 303h BYTE color select registerTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - DOS/V - SHIFT STATUS LINE CONTROL AH = 1Dh AL = function 00h enable shift status line(s) BX = number of lines to reserve at bottom of screen (usu. 1) 01h disable shift status line BX = number of lines reserved at bottom of screen (usually 1) 02h get number of status lines Return: BX = number of lines reserved for shift status SeeAlso: AH=19hTop
INT 10 - SpeedSTAR Plus BIOS v4.23+ - SET SYNC PARAMETERS AH = 1Dh AL = video mode ES = caller's segment Return: nothing Note: the caller's segment contains at offset 5Ch (FCB field in PSP) or 100h a table with sync parameters (see #00051) (BIOS looks at both offsets) Format of SpeedSTAR Plus sync table: Offset Size Description (Table 00051) 00h 9 BYTEs ID contains string 'ey5CENTER' 09h 5 BYTEs sync parameters for 640x480 modes 11h,12h,25h,26h,2Eh 0Bh 5 BYTEs sync parameters for 800x600 modes 29h,30h,2Ah 13h 5 BYTEs sync parameters for 1024x768 modes 37h,38hTop
INT 10 - Tseng ET-4000 BIOS v3.00 and v8.00 - BUG AH = 1Dh Note: these versions of the BIOS jump to a random location on this function due to a fencepost errorTop
INT 10 U - Diamond Stealth64 Video - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 1DAAh BX = FDECh Return: BX = CDEFh if Diamond Stealth64 Video 2001-series video card installed AL = number of megabytes of video memory AH = card type??? (4Bh for VL-Bus/5Bh for PCI) CX = ??? (0000h) SI:DI -> signature/copyright stringTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - READ INFORMATION AX = 1E00h Return: AL = 1Eh if function supported BL = flat-panel status (see #00052) ES:DI -> information table (see #00053) Note: IBM classifies this function as optional SeeAlso: AX=1E01h,AX=1E02h,AX=1E03h,AX=1E04h,AX=1E05h,AX=1EFEh Bitfields for flat-panel status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00052) 7-3 reserved 2 color display 1 flat panel is active 0 flat panel is attached SeeAlso: #00053 Format of flat-panel information table: Offset Size Description (Table 00053) 00h BYTE number of WORDs in the remainder of the table 01h WORD number of vertical pixels per meter 03h WORD number of horizontal pixels per meter 05h WORD total number of vertical pixels 07h WORD total number of horizontal pixels 09h WORD vertical pixel separation in micrometers (center-to-center) 0Bh WORD horizontal pixel separation in micrometers 0Dh WORD range of gray levels available, less 1 0Fh WORD number of red levels available, less 1 (0000h if nonochrome) 11h WORD number of green levels available, less 1 (0000h if nonochrome) 13h WORD number of blue levels available, less 1 (0000h if nonochrome) SeeAlso: #00052Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - LCD/CRT DISPLAY CONTROL AX = 1E01h BH = function bit 7: =1 set display control, =0 query control bits 6-0: reserved (0) ---if BH bit 7 set--- BL = new display combination (see #00054) Return: AL = 1Eh if function supported BH = results bit 7: query/set (copied from input) bits 6-3: reserved (0) bit 2: simultaneous display is supported by hardware bit 1: LCD/CRT display control supported by hardware bit 0: set operation was successful (always clear on get) BL = active display combination (see #00054) SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E02h Bitfields for Flat-Panel display combination: Bit(s) Description (Table 00054) 7-2 reserved (0) 1-0 combination 00 reserved 01 LCD active 10 CRT active 11 both LCD and CRT active (simultaneous display) SeeAlso: #00055Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - DISPLAY POSITION AX = 1E02h BH = function bit 7: =1 set display position, =0 query position bits 6-0: reserved (0) ---if BH bit 7 set--- BL = new position setting (see #00055) Return: AL = 1Eh if function supported BH = results bit 7: query/set (copied from input) bits 6-4: reserved (0) bit 3: positioning to top is supported by hardware bit 2: positioning to center is supported by hardware bit 1: positioning to bottom is supported by hardware bit 0: set operation was successful (always clear on get) BL = active position setting (see #00055) SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E01h Bitfields for Flat-Panel position setting: Bit(s) Description (Table 00055) 7-2 reserved (0) 1-0 position 00 center 01 top 10 bottom 11 reserved SeeAlso: #00054,#00056Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - VERTICAL EXPANSION FOR TEXT/GRAPHICS MODES AX = 1E03h BH = function bit 7: =1 set vertical expansion, =0 query expansion bits 6-0: reserved (0) ---if BH bit 7 set--- BL = new vertical expansion setting (see #00056) Return: AL = 1Eh if function supported BH = results bit 7: query/set (copied from input) bits 6-4: reserved (0) bit 3: vertical expansion of text is supported by hardware bit 2: vertical expansion of graphics is supported by hardware bit 1: hardware supports independent control of expansion in text and graphics modes bit 0: set operation was successful (always clear on get) BL = active vertical expansion setting (see #00056) SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E02h.AX=1E04h Bitfields for Flat-Panel vertical expansion setting: Bit(s) Description (Table 00056) 7-2 reserved (0) 1 vertical expansion turned on for text modes 0 vertical expansion turned on for graphics modes SeeAlso: #00054,#00055,#00057Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - NORMAL/REVERSE VIDEO FOR TEXT/GRAPHICS MODES AX = 1E04h BH = function bit 7: =1 set normal/reverse video, =0 query normal/reverse bits 6-0: reserved (0) ---if BH bit 7 set--- BL = new normal/reverse video setting (see #00057) Return: AL = 1Eh if function supported BH = results bit 7: query/set (copied from input) bits 6-4: reserved (0) bit 3: hardware supports reverse video for text modes bit 2: hardware supports reverse video for graphics modes bit 1: hardware supports independent control of reverse video in text and graphics modes bit 0: set operation was successful (always clear on get) BL = active normal/reverse video setting (see #00057) SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E03h,AX=1E05h Bitfields for Flat-Panel normal/reverse video setting: Bit(s) Description (Table 00057) 7-2 reserved (0) 1 reverse video for text 0 reverse video for graphics SeeAlso: #00054,#00056,#00058,#00059Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - BRIGHTNESS CONTROL AX = 1E05h BH = function bit 7: =1 set brightness, =0 query brightness bits 6-0: reserved (0) ---if BH bit 7 set--- BL = new brightness setting (see #00058) Return: AL = 1Eh if function supported BH = results bit 7: query/set (copied from input) bits 6-2: reserved (0) bit 1: software brightness control is supported bit 0: set operation was successful (always clear on get) BL = active brightness setting (see #00058) Note: this function operates independently of AX=1E07h SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E04h,AX=1E06h,AX=1E07h Bitfields for Flat-Panel brightness control: Bit(s) Description (Table 00058) 7-1 reserved (0) 0 high brightness SeeAlso: #00057,#00059Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - CONTRAST CONTROL FOR TEXT/GRAPHICS AX = 1E06h BH = function bit 7: =1 set contrast control, =0 query contrast bits 6-0: reserved (0) ---if BH bit 7 set--- BL = new normal/reverse video setting (see #00059) Return: AL = 1Eh if function supported BH = results bit 7: query/set (copied from input) bits 6-4: reserved (0) bit 3: software contrast control supported for text bit 2: software contrast control supported for graphics bit 1: hardware supports independent control of contrast in text and graphics modes bit 0: set operation was successful (always clear on get) BL = active contrast setting (see #00059) Note: this function operates independently of AX=1E08h SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E04h,AX=1E05h,AX=1E07h,AX=1E08h Bitfields for Flat-Panel contrast control: Bit(s) Description (Table 00059) 7-2 reserved (0) 1 high contrast for text 0 high contrast for graphics SeeAlso: #00057,#00058Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - BRIGHTNESS SETTING AX = 1E07h BH = function bit 7: =1 set brightness control, =0 query brightness bit 6: use standard brightness bits 5-0: reserved (0) ---if BH bits 7,6=10--- BL = brightness (00h = minimum, FFh = maximum) Return: AL = 1Eh if function supported BH = results bit 7: query/set (copied from input) bit 6: standard/custom (copied from input) bits 5-2: reserved (0) bit 1: software brightness control is supported bit 0: set operation was succesful (always clear on get) BL = brightness (00h = minimum, FFh = maximum) Note: this function operates independently of AX=1E05h SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E05h,AX=1E08hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - CONTRAST SETTING AX = 1E08h BH = function bit 7: =1 set contrast control, =0 query contrast bit 6: use standard contrast bits 5-0: reserved (0) ---if BH bits 7,6=10--- BL = contrast (00h = minimum, FFh = maximum) Return: AL = 1Eh if function supported BH = results bit 7: query/set (copied from input) bit 6: standard/custom (copied from input) bits 5-2: reserved (0) bit 1: software contrast control is supported bit 0: set operation was succesful (always clear on get) BL = contrast (00h = minimum, FFh = maximum) Note: this function operates independently of AX=1E06h SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E06h,AX=1E07hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - FLAT-PANEL - FUNCTION SUPPORT FLAG AX = 1EFEh ES:DI -> DWORD buffer for bitmap of supported functions (set to all zeros before calling) Return: ES:DI buffer updated with mask of supported functions Index: installation check;flat-panel display support SeeAlso: AX=1E00h,AX=1E06hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - XGA - GET DMQS (Display Mode Query and Set) DATA LENGTH AX = 1F00h Return: AL = 1Fh if supported BX = number of bytes of DMQS data Note: not supported on the original IBM XGA, only on XGA-NI (non-interlaced) and later models. SeeAlso: AX=1F01hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - XGA - READ DMQS DATA AX = 1F01h ES:DI -> user buffer for return data (call AX=1F00h for size) Return: AL = 1Fh if function supported user buffer filled with DMQS data (see #00060) Note: not supported on the original IBM XGA, only on XGA-NI (non-interlaced) and later models. SeeAlso: AH=1Bh,AX=1F00h,AX=3000h Format of XGA DMQS buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 00060) 00h WORD offset (in bytes) to DMQS data for next XGA instance 02h BYTE slot number 03h BYTE XGA implementation function level identifier 04h BYTE XGA implementation resolution level identifier 05h WORD vendor identifier - identifies card vendor 07h WORD vendor defined field 09h WORD XGA adapter I/O register base address 0Bh WORD XGA coprocessor register base address (paragraph--multiply by 10h to get physical address) 0Dh WORD 1 Megabyte system video memory aperture 0000h if not allocated (Multiply by 100000h to get physical address) 0Fh WORD 4 Megabyte system video memory aperture 0000h if not allocated (multiply by 100000h to get physical address) 11h WORD video memory base address (multiply by 100000h to get physical address) 13h WORD composite ID of the attached display 15h BYTE amount of video memory available, in multiples of 256K bytes 16h DWORD alternate XGA coprocessor register base address. 0 = none. 1Ah var DMQS Data for further XGA Instances (as above) Note: "Instances" refers to the capability of having up to 8 XGA adapters in one computer. SeeAlso: #00061Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - XGA - GET SVGA DMQS DATA LENGTH AX = 1F02h Return: AL = 1Fh if function supported BX = length of SVGA DMQS data in bytes SeeAlso: AX=1F00h,AX=1F03hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - XGA - GET SVGA DMQS DATA AX = 1F03h ES:DI -> buffer for SVGA DMQS data (see #00061) Return: AL = 1Fh if function supported ES:DI buffer filled SeeAlso: AX=1F00h,AX=1F02h Format of SVGA DMQS data: Offset Size Description (Table 00061) 00h WORD offset to DMQS data for next SVGA instance or 0000h 02h BYTE reserved 03h BYTE SVGA implementation functional level 04h BYTE SVGA implementation resolution level 05h WORD vendor ID 07h WORD vendor-specific 09h 7 BYTEs reserved 10h BYTE SVGA linear address window size 00h 64K 01h 1M 02h 2M 03h 4M 11h WORD SVGA linear address window location or 0000h if not allocated (multiply by 10000h [shift left 16 bits] to get physical addr) 13h WORD attached monitor's composite monitor ID 15h BYTE available video RAM in multiples of 256K 16h 11 BYTEs reserved SeeAlso: #00060Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - LOCATE 3270PC CONFIGURATION TABLE (INSTALLATION CHECK) AX = 3000h CX = 0000h DX = 0000h Return: CX:DX -> 3270PC configuration table (see #00062) CX:DX = 0000h:0000h if 3270PC Control Program not active SeeAlso: AX=1F01h Format of 3270 PC configuration table: Offset Size Description (Table 00062) 00h BYTE aspect ratio X 01h BYTE aspect ratio Y 02h BYTE monitor type (see #00063) 03h BYTE reserved 04h BYTE adapter ID 00h = 5151/5272 adapter 04h = 5151/5272 with XGA adapter 30h = 3295 or 3270PC G/GX adapter 05h BYTE reserved 06h BYTE function flags 1 (see #00064) 07h BYTE function flags 2 bit 6: GPI graphics supported 08h WORD segment address of Control Program Level table (see #00065) 0Ah 10 BYTEs reserved (Table 00063) Values for 3270 PC monitor type: 00h 5151 (mono) or 5272 (color) 01h 3295 02h 5151 or 5272 with XGA (???) graphics adapter 03h 5279 with 3270PC G adapter 04h 5379 model C01 with 3270PC GX adapter 05h 5379 model M01 with 3270PC GX adapter 07h non-3270PC with 3270 Workstation Program FFh 3270PC Control Program not loaded Bitfields for 3270 PC function flags 1: Bit(s) Description (Table 00064) 7 mono text, 1 page 6 color text, 1 page 5 color text, 4 pages 4 CGA color graphics 3 720x350 two-color graphics 2 360x350 four-color graphics 1 720x350 eight-color graphics Format of Control Program Level table: Offset Size Description (Table 00065) 00h WORD program version 02xxh = 3270PC Control Program v2.xx 03xxh = 3270PC Control Program v3.xx 04xxh = 3270 Workstation Program v1.xx 02h BYTE Control Program ID (00h) 03h 27 BYTEs Control Program Descriptor ("IBM 3270 PC CONTROL PROGRAM")Top
INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.09f+ - GET CONFIGURATION INFO AX = 3800h Return: ES:DI -> configuration info (see #00066) Program: Tinytalk is a shareware screen reader by OMS Development/Eric Bohlman Notes: this call is also used as the installation check by verifying that the returned ES:DI points at valid configuration info Tinytalk v1.09f ignores AL and always returns the configuration info; v1.10 adds several subfunctions selected with AL SeeAlso: AX=3801h,AX=3803h,AX=3806h,AH=39h,INT 14/AX=F0F1h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=FB00h"AutoBraille" Index: installation check;Tinytalk Personal Format of Tinytalk Personal configuration info: Offset Size Description (Table 00066) 00h 8 BYTEs signature "TTCONFIG" 08h WORD size of configuration data, not counting signature, this WORD, or the following byte 0Ah BYTE ??? 0Bh ??? configuration dataTop
INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - ??? AX = 3801h DL = ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=3800h,AX=3802hTop
INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - ??? AX = 3802h DL = ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=3800h,AX=3801hTop
INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - GET ??? AX = 3803h Return: AL = ??? SeeAlso: AX=3800h,AX=3804h,AX=3805hTop
INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - GET ??? AX = 3804h Return: AX = ??? SeeAlso: AX=3800h,AX=3803h,AX=3805hTop
INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - GET ??? AX = 3805h Return: AL = ??? SeeAlso: AX=3800h,AX=3803h,AX=3804hTop
INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - ??? AX = 3806h ES:DX -> ASCIZ ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=3800hTop
INT 10 - Tinytalk Personal v1.10 - ??? AH = 39h Program: Tinytalk is a shareware screen reader by OMS Development/Eric Bohlman Note: this function was a NOP in TTDEMO.EXE, but may be implemented in other variants of TinytalkTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "GMODE" - SET GRAPHICS MODE AH = 40h Return: nothing Program: Hercules GRAFIX (or GRAPH X, as it is called in some documentation) provides text output in graphics mode and some graphics primitives on the Hercules Graphics Card Desc: switch the Hercules Graphics Card into graphics mode (720x348) without clearing the screen; make Page 0 the default for both writing and display, and set LEVEL (see AH=44h) to 01h SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=41h,AH=42h Index: video modes;HerculesTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "TMODE" - SET TEXT MODE AH = 41h Return: nothing Desc: switch the Hercules Graphics Card into text mode SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=40h Index: video modes;HerculesTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "CLRSCR" - CLEAR CURRENT PAGE AH = 42h Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=45hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "GPAGE" - SELECT DRAWING PAGE AH = 43h AL = page number (0,1) Return: nothing Desc: specify which of the two pages of video memory is to be used for output SeeAlso: AH=05h,AH=44h,AH=45hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "LEVEL" - SELECT DRAWING FUNCTION AH = 44h AL = drawing function 00h clear pixels 01h set pixels 02h invert pixels Return: nothing Desc: specify how graphics output will change the display SeeAlso: AH=40h,AH=45h,AH=46h,AH=4Bh,AH=4Ch,AH=4DhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "DISP" - SELECT PAGE TO DISPLAY AH = 45h AL = page number (0,1) Return: nothing Desc: specify which of the two pages of video memory is visible on screen SeeAlso: AH=05h,AH=42h,AH=43hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "PLOT" - DRAW ONE PIXEL AH = 46h DI = x (0-719) BP = y (0-347) Return: nothing Notes: function 44h determines operation and function 43h which page to use if the indicated coordinate is invalid, this function does nothing SeeAlso: AH=0Ch,AH=47h,AH=49h,AH=4Ch,AH=4DhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "GETPT" - FIND PIXEL VALUE AH = 47h DI = x (0-719) BP = y (0-347) Return: AL = 00h pixel clear AL = 01h pixel set Note: function 43h specifies which page is used SeeAlso: AH=0Dh,AH=46hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "MOVE" - MOVE TO POINT AH = 48h DI = x (0-719) BP = y (0-347) Return: nothing Desc: specify the location from which to start the next graphics output SeeAlso: AH=49hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "DLINE" - DRAW TO POINT AH = 49h DI = x (0-719) BP = y (0-347) Return: nothing Note: function 48h or 49h specify first point, 44h operation and 43h page to use SeeAlso: AH=43h,AH=44h,AH=48h,AH=4Ch,AH=4DhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "BLKFIL" - BLOCK FILL AH = 4Ah DI = x coordinate of lower left corner BP = y coordinate of lower left corner BX = height in pixels CX = width in pixels Return: nothing Desc: draw a solid rectangle of the specified size at the given location SeeAlso: AH=4EhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "TEXT" - DISPLAY CHARACTER AH = 4Bh AL = character to display DI = x (0-719) BP = y (0-347) Return: nothing Notes: unlike the other BIOS character functions character position is specified in pixels rather than rows and columns the character is writting using the drawing function last specified by AH=44h SeeAlso: AH=09h,AH=0Ah,AH=44hTop
INT 10 - FRIEZE - API AH = 4Bh CL = function 00h (v6.x-) print window AL = mode 00h character 01h normal 02h sideways 01h load window ES:BX -> ASCIZ filename from which to read 02h save window ES:BX -> ASCIZ filename to which to write 03h set print width AL = width in 1/4 inches 04h set print height AL = height in 1/4 inches 05h reserved 06h set left margin AL = printout margin in 1/4 inches 07h set window size ES:BX -> four-WORD structure with Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax 08h reserved 09h set patterns ES:BX -> 16-BYTE vector of screen->printer color correspondnces 0Ah get patterns ES:BX -> 16-BYTE buffer for color correspondences 0Bh set mode AL = mode 0Ch (v7.41) ??? AL = ??? 00h ??? (calls original INT 05) else ??? 0Dh (v7.41) ??? AL = ??? 00h ??? (calls original INT 05) else ??? 0Eh (v7.41) ??? ??? 0Fh get window ES:BX -> four-WORD buffer for Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax 10h set print options ES:BX -> printer options in same format as FRIEZE cmdline 11h initialize ES:BX -> three-WORD array from CARDS.DAT for HRes, VRes, code 12h (v7.41) ??? ??? 13h (v7.41) ??? ??? 14h get version Return: AH = major version (00h if FRIEZE version before 7) AL = minor version 15h set parameters ES:BX -> parameter table (see #00068) 16h get parameters ES:BX -> buffer for parameter table (see #00068) 17h get printer resolution ES:BX -> 12-WORD table for six horizontal/vertical resol pairs 18h (v8.0 only) reserved 50h (v7.41) get ??? Return: AX = ??? 51h (v7.41) get ??? Return: ES = ??? (seen 2348h) AX = ??? (seen 8432h) Return: AX = status (see #00067) SeeAlso: AH=0Fh/SI=F123h (Table 00067) Values for FRIEZE function status: 00h successful 01h user aborted printout with ESC 02h reserved 03h file read error 04h file write error or printer error 05h file not found 06h invalid header (not an image or wrong screen mode) or can't create file 07h file close error 08h disk error 09h (v7.0+) printer error 0Ah invalid function 0Bh (v7.0+) can't create file 0Ch (v7.0+) wrong video mode Format of FRIEZE parameter table: Offset Size Description (Table 00068) 00h WORD top margin (1/100 inch) 02h WORD left margin (1/100 inch) 04h WORD horizontal size (1/100 inch) 06h WORD vertical size (1/100 inch) 08h WORD quality/draft mode 00h draft mode 01h quality mode 02h use horizontal/vertical resolution for output resolution 0Ah WORD printer horizontal resolution (dots per inch) 0Ch WORD printer vertical resolution (dots per inch) 0Eh WORD reserved (FFFFh) Note: any field which should remain unchanged may be filled with FFFFhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "ARC" - DRAW ARC AH = 4Ch AL = quadrant (1 = upper right, 2 = upper left, etc) DI = x coordinate of center BP = y coordinate of center BX = radius Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=49h,AH=4DhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "CIRC" - DRAW CIRCLE AH = 4Dh DI = x of center BP = y of center BX = radius Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=49h,AH=4ChTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Hercules GRAFIX - "FILL" - FILL AREA AH = 4Eh DI = x coordinate of an interior point BP = y coordinate of an interior point Return: nothing Desc: fill a convex polygonal area bounded by a contiguous line of the opposite color with the border color Note: the first fill makes the figure solid, the second erases it SeeAlso: AH=4AhTop
INT 10 - VESA XGA BIOS Extensions - GET XGA ENVIRONMENT INFORMATION AX = 4E00h ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer for XGA information (see #00069) Return: AL = 4Eh if function supported AH = status 00h successful else error code Desc: determine whether VESA XGA extensions are present and the capabilities supported by the display adapter SeeAlso: AX=4E01h,AX=4E02h,AX=4F00h Index: installation check;VESA XGA Format of XGA information buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 00069) 00h 4 BYTEs signature ("VESA") 04h WORD VESA version number 06h DWORD pointer to ASCIZ OEM string 0Ah DWORD environment flags (see #00070) 0Eh WORD number of XGA adapters installed (other VESA XGA functions require a handle indicating which adapter to use) 10h 240 BYTEs reserved Bitfields for XGA environment flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00070) 0-1 system bus (00 = MCA, 01 = ISA, 10 = EISA) 2 bus mastering available 3-31 reservedTop
INT 10 - VESA XGA BIOS Extensions - RETURN XGA SUBSYSTEM INFORMATION AX = 4E01h DX = XGA handle (0 to number of XGAs-1) ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer for subsystem information (see #00071) Return: AL = 4Eh if function supported AH = status 00h function successful else error code SeeAlso: AX=4E00h,AX=4E02h Format of XGA subsystem information: Offset Size Description (Table 00071) 00h DWORD pointer to null-terminated board OEM string 04h DWORD capabilities (see #00072) 08h DWORD pointer to 8KB XGA ROM (or NULL) 0Ch DWORD pointer to the XGA memory mapped registers 10h WORD base address of XGA I/O registers (21x0h) 12h DWORD pointer to start of physical video memory (A000h:0000h or B000h:0000h) 16h DWORD physical address of 4MB aperture (or NULL if none) 1Ah DWORD physical address of 1MB aperture (or NULL if none) 1Eh DWORD physical address of 64KB aperture (or NULL if not enabled) 22h DWORD physical address of OEM aperture (or NULL if none) 26h WORD size of OEM aperture in 64KByte units 28h DWORD pointer to list of video modes The list is a series of WORDs terminated by FFFFh 2Ch WORD number of 64KB blocks on the board 2Eh DWORD XGA manufacturer ID byte 0 POS data index 1 byte 1 is index 2 byte 2 is 21xAh index 75h 32h 206 BYTEs reserved Bitfields for XGA capabilities: Bit(s) Description (Table 00072) 0-1 board bus architecture: 0=MCA, 1=ISA, 3=EISA 2-3 reserved 4-6 DMA Channel assigned for acquiring bus mastership (only for ISA bus) 7 DMA Channel Status (ISA only). enabled if set 8-31 reservedTop
INT 10 - VESA XGA BIOS Extensions - RETURN XGA MODE INFORMATION AX = 4E02h CX = Video mode DX = XGA handle ES:DI -> 256 byte buffer for mode information (see #00073) Return: AL = 4Eh if function supported AH = status 00h function successful else error code SeeAlso: AX=4E00h,AX=4E01h Format of XGA mode information: Offset Size Description (Table 00073) 00h WORD attributes of the mode (see #00074) 02h WORD bytes per logical scanline 04h WORD horizontal resolution in pixels 06h WORD vertical resolution in scanlines 08h BYTE character Width in pixels 09h BYTE character Height in pixels 0Ah BYTE number of planes 0Bh BYTE bits per pixels 0Ch BYTE memory model (see #00075) 0Dh BYTE number of Image Pages 0Eh BYTE number of Red bits 0Fh BYTE bit position of Red bit field 10h BYTE number of Green bits 11h BYTE bit position of Green bit field 12h BYTE number of Blue bits 13h BYTE bit position of Blue bit field 14h BYTE number of Reserved bits 15h BYTE bit position of Reserved bit field 16h 235 BYTEs reserved Bitfields for XGA mode attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 00074) 0 set if mode is supported 1 reserved 2 output is supported by the BIOS 3 reserved 4 if set this is a graphics mode (VGA registers inactive, XGA active), if clear this is a text mode (VGA registers active, XGA inactive) (Table 00075) Values for XGA video memory model: 00h Text Mode 01h CGA graphics 02h Hercules graphics 03h 4-planar graphics 04h Packed Pixel 05h Non-chain 4, 256 color 06h Direct Color 07h YUV-24Top
INT 10 - VESA XGA BIOS Extensions - SET XGA VIDEO MODE AX = 4E03h BX = video mode CX = other command flags bit 0 If clear the feature connector is set to the default state DX = XGA handle ES:DI -> 256 byte buffer Return: AL = 4Eh if function supported AH = status 00h function successful else error code SeeAlso: AH=00h,AX=4E04h,AX=4F02hTop
INT 10 - VESA XGA BIOS Extensions - RETURN CURRENT VIDEO MODE AX = 4E04h DX = XGA handle Return: AL = 4Eh if function supported AH = status 00h function successful BX??? = current mode else error code SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AX=4E03h,AX=4F03hTop
INT 10 - VESA XGA BIOS Extensions - SET FEATURE CONNECTOR STATE AX = 4E05h BX = Feature Connector State (see #00076) DX = XGA handle Return: AL = 4Eh if function supported AH = status 00h function successful else error code SeeAlso: AX=4E00h,AX=4E06h Bitfields for XGA Feature Connector State: Bit(s) Description (Table 00076) 0 Feature Connector is enabled 1 Feature Connector is in Output Mode rather than Input Mode 2-15 reserved (0)Top
INT 10 - VESA XGA BIOS Extensions - RETURN FEATURE CONNECTOR STATE AX = 4E06h DX = XGA handle Return: AL = 4Eh if function supported AH = status 00h function successful else error code BX = Feature Connector State (see #00076) SeeAlso: AX=4E00h,AX=4E05hTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS (VBE) - GET SuperVGA INFORMATION AX = 4F00h ES:DI -> buffer for SuperVGA information (see #00077) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful ES:DI buffer filled 01h failed ---VBE v2.0--- 02h function not supported by current hardware configuration 03h function invalid in current video mode Desc: determine whether VESA BIOS extensions are present and the capabilities supported by the display adapter SeeAlso: AX=4E00h,AX=4F01h,AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=A00Ch Index: installation check;VESA SuperVGA Format of SuperVGA information: Offset Size Description (Table 00077) 00h 4 BYTEs (ret) signature ("VESA") (call) VESA 2.0 request signature ("VBE2"), required to receive version 2.0 info 04h WORD VESA version number (one-digit minor version -- 0102h = v1.2) 06h DWORD pointer to OEM name "761295520" for ATI 0Ah DWORD capabilities flags (see #00078) 0Eh DWORD pointer to list of supported VESA and OEM video modes (list of words terminated with FFFFh) 12h WORD total amount of video memory in 64K blocks ---VBE v1.x --- 14h 236 BYTEs reserved ---VBE v2.0 --- 14h WORD OEM software version (BCD, high byte = major, low byte = minor) 16h DWORD pointer to vendor name 1Ah DWORD pointer to product name 1Eh DWORD pointer to product revision string 22h WORD (if capabilities bit 3 set) VBE/AF version (BCD) 0100h for v1.0P 24h DWORD (if capabilities bit 3 set) pointer to list of supported accelerated video modes (list of words terminated with FFFFh) 28h 216 BYTEs reserved for VBE implementation 100h 256 BYTEs OEM scratchpad (for OEM strings, etc.) Notes: the list of supported video modes is stored in the reserved portion of the SuperVGA information record by some implementations, and it may thus be necessary to either copy the mode list or use a different buffer for all subsequent VESA calls not all of the video modes in the list of mode numbers may be supported, e.g. if they require more memory than currently installed or are not supported by the attached monitor. Check any mode you intend to use through AX=4F01h first. the 1.1 VESA document specifies 242 reserved bytes at the end, so the buffer should be 262 bytes to ensure that it is not overrun; for v2.0, the buffer should be 512 bytes the S3 specific video modes will most likely follow the FFFFh terminator at the end of the standard modes. A search must then be made to find them, FFFFh will also terminate this second list in some cases, only a "stub" VBE may be present, supporting only AX=4F00h; this case may be assumed if the list of supported video modes is empty (consisting of a single word of FFFFh) Bitfields for VESA capabilities: Bit(s) Description (Table 00078) 0 DAC can be switched into 8-bit mode 1 non-VGA controller 2 programmed DAC with blank bit (i.e. only during blanking interval) 3 (VBE v3.0) controller supports hardware stereoscopic signalling 3 controller supports VBE/AF v1.0P extensions 4 (VBE v3.0) if bit 3 set: =0 stereo signalling via external VESA stereo connector =1 stereo signalling via VESA EVC connector 4 (VBE/AF v1.0P) must call EnableDirectAccess to access framebuffer 5 (VBE/AF v1.0P) controller supports hardware mouse cursor 6 (VBE/AF v1.0P) controller supports hardware clipping 7 (VBE/AF v1.0P) controller supports transparent BitBLT 8-31 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #00077,AX=4F09hTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - GET SuperVGA MODE INFORMATION AX = 4F01h CX = SuperVGA video mode (see #04082 for bitfields) ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer for mode information (see #00079) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful ES:DI buffer filled 01h failed Desc: determine the attributes of the specified video mode SeeAlso: AX=4F00h,AX=4F02h Bitfields for VESA/VBE video mode number: Bit(s) Description (Table 04082) 15 preserve display memory on mode change 14 (VBE v2.0+) use linear (flat) frame buffer 13 (VBE/AF 1.0P) VBE/AF initializes accelerator hardware 12 reserved for VBE/AF 11 (VBE v3.0) user user-specified CRTC refresh rate values 10-9 reserved for future expansion 8-0 video mode number (0xxh are non-VESA modes, 1xxh are VESA-defined) Format of VESA SuperVGA mode information: Offset Size Description (Table 00079) 00h WORD mode attributes (see #00080) 02h BYTE window attributes, window A (see #00081) 03h BYTE window attributes, window B (see #00081) 04h WORD window granularity in KB 06h WORD window size in KB 08h WORD start segment of window A (0000h if not supported) 0Ah WORD start segment of window B (0000h if not supported) 0Ch DWORD -> FAR window positioning function (equivalent to AX=4F05h) 10h WORD bytes per scan line ---remainder is optional for VESA modes in v1.0/1.1, needed for OEM modes--- 12h WORD width in pixels (graphics) or characters (text) 14h WORD height in pixels (graphics) or characters (text) 16h BYTE width of character cell in pixels 17h BYTE height of character cell in pixels 18h BYTE number of memory planes 19h BYTE number of bits per pixel 1Ah BYTE number of banks 1Bh BYTE memory model type (see #00082) 1Ch BYTE size of bank in KB 1Dh BYTE number of image pages (less one) that will fit in video RAM 1Eh BYTE reserved (00h for VBE 1.0-2.0, 01h for VBE 3.0) ---VBE v1.2+ --- 1Fh BYTE red mask size 20h BYTE red field position 21h BYTE green mask size 22h BYTE green field size 23h BYTE blue mask size 24h BYTE blue field size 25h BYTE reserved mask size 26h BYTE reserved mask position 27h BYTE direct color mode info bit 0: color ramp is programmable bit 1: bytes in reserved field may be used by application ---VBE v2.0+ --- 28h DWORD physical address of linear video buffer 2Ch DWORD pointer to start of offscreen memory 30h WORD KB of offscreen memory ---VBE v3.0 --- 32h WORD bytes per scan line in linear modes 34h BYTE number of images (less one) for banked video modes 35h BYTE number of images (less one) for linear video modes 36h BYTE linear modes: size of direct color red mask (in bits) 37h BYTE linear modes: bit position of red mask LSB (e.g. shift count) 38h BYTE linear modes: size of direct color green mask (in bits) 39h BYTE linear modes: bit position of green mask LSB (e.g. shift count) 3Ah BYTE linear modes: size of direct color blue mask (in bits) 3Bh BYTE linear modes: bit position of blue mask LSB (e.g. shift count) 3Ch BYTE linear modes: size of direct color reserved mask (in bits) 3Dh BYTE linear modes: bit position of reserved mask LSB 3Eh DWORD maximum pixel clock for graphics video mode, in Hz 42h 190 BYTEs reserved (0) Note: while VBE 1.1 and higher will zero out all unused bytes of the buffer, v1.0 did not, so applications that want to be backward compatible should clear the buffer before calling Bitfields for VESA SuperVGA mode attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 00080) 0 mode supported by present hardware configuration 1 optional information available (must be =1 for VBE v1.2+) 2 BIOS output supported 3 set if color, clear if monochrome 4 set if graphics mode, clear if text mode ---VBE v2.0+ --- 5 mode is not VGA-compatible 6 bank-switched mode not supported 7 linear framebuffer mode supported 8 double-scan mode available (e.g. 320x200 and 320x240) ---VBE v3.0 --- 9 interlaced mode available 10 hardware supports triple buffering 11 hardware supports stereoscopic display 12 dual display start address support 13-15 reserved ---VBE/AF v1.0P--- 9 application must call EnableDirectAccess before calling bank-switching functions SeeAlso: #00079 Bitfields for VESA SuperVGA window attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 00081) 0 exists 1 readable 2 writable 3-7 reserved SeeAlso: #00079 (Table 00082) Values for VESA SuperVGA memory model type: 00h text 01h CGA graphics 02h HGC graphics 03h 16-color (EGA) graphics 04h packed pixel graphics 05h "sequ 256" (non-chain 4) graphics 06h direct color (HiColor, 24-bit color) 07h YUV (luminance-chrominance, also called YIQ) 08h-0Fh reserved for VESA 10h-FFh OEM memory models SeeAlso: #00079Top
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - SET SuperVGA VIDEO MODE AX = 4F02h BX = new video mode (see #04082,#00083,#00084) ES:DI -> (VBE 3.0+) CRTC information block, bit mode bit 11 set (see #04083) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Notes: bit 13 may only be set if the video mode is present in the list of accelerated video modes returned by AX=4F00h if the DAC supports both 8 bits per primary color and 6 bits, it will be reset to 6 bits after a mode set; use AX=4F08h to restore 8 bits SeeAlso: AX=4E03h,AX=4F00h,AX=4F01h,AX=4F03h,AX=4F08h (Table 00083) Values for VESA video mode: 00h-FFh OEM video modes (see #00010 at AH=00h) 100h 640x400x256 101h 640x480x256 102h 800x600x16 103h 800x600x256 104h 1024x768x16 105h 1024x768x256 106h 1280x1024x16 107h 1280x1024x256 108h 80x60 text 109h 132x25 text 10Ah 132x43 text 10Bh 132x50 text 10Ch 132x60 text ---VBE v1.2+ --- 10Dh 320x200x32K 10Eh 320x200x64K 10Fh 320x200x16M 110h 640x480x32K 111h 640x480x64K 112h 640x480x16M 113h 800x600x32K 114h 800x600x64K 115h 800x600x16M 116h 1024x768x32K 117h 1024x768x64K 118h 1024x768x16M 119h 1280x1024x32K (1:5:5:5) 11Ah 1280x1024x64K (5:6:5) 11Bh 1280x1024x16M ---VBE 2.0+ --- 120h 1600x1200x256 121h 1600x1200x32K 122h 1600x1200x64K 81FFh special full-memory access mode Notes: the special mode 81FFh preserves the contents of the video memory and gives access to all of the memory; VESA recommends that the special mode be a packed-pixel mode. For VBE 2.0+, it is required that the VBE implement the mode, but not place it in the list of available modes (mode information for this mode can be queried directly, however). as of VBE 2.0, VESA will no longer define video mode numbers SeeAlso: #00010,#00011,#00084,#00191 Index: video modes;VESA (Table 00084) Values for S3 OEM video mode: 201h 640x480x256 202h 800x600x16 203h 800x600x256 204h 1024x768x16 205h 1024x768x256 206h 1280x960x16 207h 1152x864x256 (Diamond Stealth 64) 208h 1280x1024x16 209h 1152x864x32K 20Ah 1152x864x64K (Diamond Stealth 64) 20Bh 1152x864x4G 211h 640x480x64K (Diamond Stealth 24) 211h 640x400x4G (Diamond Stealth64 Video / Stealth64 Graphics) 212h 640x480x16M (Diamond Stealth 24) 301h 640x480x32K Note: these modes are only available on video cards using S3's VESA driver SeeAlso: #00083,#00191,#00732 at INT 1A/AX=B102h Index: video modes;S3 Format of VESA VBE CRTC Information Block: Offset Size Description (Table 04083) 00h WORD total number of pixels horizontally 02h WORD horizontal sync start (in pixels) 04h WORD horizontal sync end (in pixels) 06h WORD total number of scan lines 08h WORD vertical sync start (in scan lines) 0Ah WORD vertical sync end (in scan lines) 0Ch BYTE flags (see #04084) 0Dh DWORD pixel clock, in Hz 11h WORD refresh rate, in 0.01 Hz units this field MUST be set to pixel_clock / (HTotal * VTotal), even though it may not actually be used by the VBE implementation 13h 40 BYTEs reserved Bitfields for VESA VBE CRTC Information Block flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 04084) 0 enable double scanning 1 enable interlacing 2 horizontal sync polarity (0 positive, 1 negative) 3 vertical sync polarity (0 positive, 1 negative) SeeAlso: #04083Top
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - GET CURRENT VIDEO MODE AX = 4F03h Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful BX = video mode (see #00083,#00084) bit 13: VBE/AF v1.0P accelerated video mode bit 14: linear frame buffer enabled (VBE v2.0+) bit 15: don't clear video memory 01h failed SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AX=4E04h,AX=4F02hTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - SAVE/RESTORE SuperVGA VIDEO STATE AX = 4F04h DL = subfunction 00h get state buffer size Return: BX = number of 64-byte blocks needed 01h save video states ES:BX -> buffer 02h restore video states ES:BX -> buffer CX = states to save/restore (see #00085) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AH=1Ch,AX=5F90h,AX=5FA0h Bitfields for VESA SuperVGA states to save/restore: Bit(s) Description (Table 00085) 0 video hardware state 1 video BIOS data state 2 video DAC state 3 SuperVGA register state SeeAlso: #00048,#00186Top
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - CPU VIDEO MEMORY CONTROL AX = 4F05h BH = subfunction 00h select video memory window DX = window address in video memory (in granularity units) 01h get video memory window Return: DX = window address in video memory (in gran. units) BL = window number 00h window A 01h window B ES = selector for memory-mapped registers (VBE 2.0+, when called from 32-bit protected mode) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Note: when using an accelerated video mode under VBE/AF v1.0P, the application must call EnableDirectAccess before switching banks if bit 9 of the video mode attributes flag is set (see #00080) BUG: Phoenix S3 Trio64V+ v1.02-02 reportedly returns garbage in DX for subfunction 01h SeeAlso: AX=4F01h,AX=4F06h,AX=4F07h,AX=7000h/BX=0004hTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v1.1+ - GET/SET LOGICAL SCAN LINE LENGTH (PIXELS) AX = 4F06h BL = subfunction 00h set scan line length CX = desired width in pixels 01h get scan line length Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed BX = bytes per scan line CX = number of pixels per scan line DX = maximum number of scan lines Notes: if the desired width is not achievable, the next larger width will be set the scan line may be wider than the visible area of the screen this function is valid in text modes, provided that pixel values are multiplied by the character cell width/height SeeAlso: AX=4F01h,AX=4F05h,AX=4F06h/BL=02h,AX=4F06h/BL=03h,AX=4F07hTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v2.0+ - SET LOGICAL SCAN LINE LENGTH (BYTES) AX = 4F06h BL = 02h CX = desired scanline width in bytes Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed BX = bytes per scan line CX = number of pixels per scan line DX = maximum number of scan lines Notes: if the desired width is not achievable, the next larger width will be set the scan line may be wider than the visible area of the screen this function is valid in text modes, provided that pixel values are multiplied by the character cell width/height SeeAlso: AX=4F01h,AX=4F05h,AX=4F06h,AX=4F06h/BL=03h,AX=4F07hTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v2.0+ - GET MAXIMUM SCAN LINE LENGTH AX = 4F06h BL = 03h Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed BX = maximum bytes per scan line CX = maximum number of pixels per scan line Notes: this function is valid in text modes, provided that pixel values are multiplied by the character cell width/height SeeAlso: AX=4F01h,AX=4F05h,AX=4F06h,AX=4F06h/BL=02h,AX=4F07hTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v1.1+ - GET/SET DISPLAY START AX = 4F07h BL = subfunction 00h,80h set display start CX = leftmost displayed pixel in scan line DX = first displayed scan line 01h get display start Return: BH = 00h CX = leftmost displayed pixel in scan line DX = first displayed scan line BH = 00h (reserved) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Notes: this function is valid in text modes, provided that values are multiplied by the character cell width/height subfunction 80h waits until vertical retrace before changing the display start address (VBE v2.0+) SeeAlso: AX=4F01h,AX=4F05h,AX=4F06hTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v3.0+ - SCHEDULED DISPLAY START AX = 4F07h BL = subfunction 02h,82h (VBE v3.0) schedule display start at next vertical retrace ECX = display start address in bytes 03h,83h schedule stereoscopic display start ECX = left image start address (in bytes) EDX = right image start address (in bytes) 04h get scheduled display start status Return: CX = start status (00h no display flip, else display has flipped) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F07h"DISPLAY START",AX=4F07h"STEREOSCOPIC"Top
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v3.0+ - ENABLE/DISABLE STEREOSCOPIC MODE AX = 4F07h BL = subfunction 05h enable stereoscopic mode 06h disable stereoscopic mode Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Note: when stereoscopic mode is enabled, the display start address will automatically alternate between the left and right images on every vertical retrace SeeAlso: AX=4F07h"DISPLAY START",AX=4F07h"SCHEDULED"Top
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v1.2+ - GET/SET DAC PALETTE CONTROL AX = 4F08h BL = subfunction 00h set DAC palette width BH = desired number of bits per primary color 01h get DAC palette width Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful BH = current number of bits per primary (06h = standard VGA) 01h failedTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v2.0+ - GET/SET PALETTE ENTRIES AX = 4F09h BL = subfunction 00h set (primary) palette 01h get (primary) palette 02h set secondary palette data 03h get secondary palette data 80h set palette during vertical retrace CX = number of entries to change DX = starting palette index ES:DI -> palette buffer, array of DAC entries (see #00086) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F0Ah,AX=D000h"S3VBE" Format of VESA VBE palette entry: Offset Size Description (Table 00086) 00h BYTE red 01h BYTE green 02h BYTE blue 03h BYTE alpha or alignment byteTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v2.0+ - GET PROTECTED-MODE INTERFACE AX = 4F0Ah BL = 00h Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful ES:DI -> protected-mode table (see #00087) CX = length of table in bytes, included protected-mode code 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F00h,AX=4F05h,AX=4F07h,AX=4F09h Format of VESA VBE 2.0 protected-mode table: Offset Size Description (Table 00087) 00h WORD offset (within table) of protected-mode code for Function 5 (Set Window) 02h WORD offset of protected-mode code for Function 7 (Set Disp Start) 04h WORD offset of protected-mode code for Function 9 (Set Primary Palette) 06h WORD offset (within table) of list of I/O ports and memory locations for which I/O privilege may be required in protected mode (0000h if no list) (see #04085) 08h var code and optional port/memory list Format of VESA VBE 2.0+ protected-mode port/memory list: Offset Size Description (Table 04085) 00h WORD I/O port number ... WORD FFFFh marking end of I/O port list DWORD memory region base address WORD memory region limit (one less than length) WORD FFFFh marking end of memory region list Note: the memory region is optional; if not present, there will be a word of FFFFh immediately following the FFFFh marking the end of the I/O port list SeeAlso: #00087Top
INT 10 O - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v2.0 beta - GET PROTECTED-MODE CODE AX = 4F0Ah BX = function to be copied (see #00088) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful CX = number of bytes to copy ES:DI -> code for requested function 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F09h,AX=D000h"S3VBE" (Table 00088) Values for VESA VBE protected-mode function identifiers: 0001h set bank (see AX=4F05h) 0002h set display start (see AX=4F07h) 0003h set palette (see AX=4F09h)Top
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v3.0 - GET NEAREST PIXEL CLOCK AX = 4F0Bh BL = 00h get closest pixel clock ECX = requested clock frequency in Hz DX = video mode number Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful ECX = nearest clock rate 01h failedTop
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - GET VBE/AF v1.0P DEVICE CONTEXT BUFFER AX = 4F0Bh BL = subfunction 00h get length of device context buffer 01h initialize device context buffer ES:DI -> real-mode address of buffer (see #00089) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful CX = number of bytes required for buffer (if BL=00h on entry) ES:DI buffer initialized (if BL=01h on entry) 01h failed Note: this interface description is derived from the draft VBE/AF proposal (version 1.0P, document revsion 0.12P, dated 13jan95) SeeAlso: AX=4F00h,AX=4F01h,AX=4F17h Format of VBE/AF v1.0P Device Context buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 00089) 00h WORD maximum X coordinate in frame buffer (0 = left edge) Note: application must never pass X coordinate greater than this value to the SetClipRect function (values are NOT range-checked!) 02h WORD maximum Y coordinate in frame buffer (0 = top edge) Note: application must never pass Y coordinate greater than this value to the SetClipRect function 04h DWORD -> "SetForeColor" to set foreground color/mix (see #00091) 08h DWORD -> "SetBackColor" to set background color/mix (see #00092) 0Ch DWORD -> "SetClipRect" set hardware clipping rectangle (see #00093) 10h DWORD -> function "DrawScan" to draw a single scan line 14h DWORD -> function "DrawScanList" to draw a list of scan lines 18h DWORD -> function "DrawRect" to draw a solid rectangle 1Ch DWORD -> function "DrawLine" to draw a solid line 20h DWORD -> function "DrawPattScan" to draw a patterned scan line 24h DWORD -> function "BitBlt" to perform screen-to-screen BitBLT 28h DWORD -> "TransBitBlt" to perform transparent screen-to-screen BitBLT 2Ch DWORD -> "MonoBitBlt" to monochrome expansion screen-to-screen BitBLT 30h DWORD -> function "SetCursor" to download hardware cursor image 34h DWORD -> function "SetCursorPos" to set hardware cursor position 38h DWORD -> function "SetCursorColor" to set hardware cursor color 3Ch DWORD -> function "ShowCursor" to show/hide hardware cursor 40h DWORD -> function "WaitTillIdle" to wait until graphics engine idle 44h DWORD -> "EnableDirectAccess" to enable direct framebuffer access 48h DWORD -> "DisableDirectAccess" to disable direct framebuffer access 4Ch DWORD -> "BankSwitchCB" bank-switching callback function (set by application, may simply point at 32-bit VBE 2.0 bank switching entry point) 50h WORD "VidMemSel" selector for video memory (must be set by app) 52h WORD "IOPortsOff" offset of I/O ports table in context buffer 54h WORD "IOMemoryOff" offset of I/O memory table in context buffer 56h WORD "IOMemSel1" selector for first I/O memory area specified by I/O memory table (must be set by application) 58h WORD "IOMemSel2" selector for second I/O memory area 5Ah WORD "IOMemSel3" selector for third I/O memory area 5Ch WORD "IOMemSel4" selector for fourth I/O memory area 5Eh N BYTEs device-specific state buffer N WORDs I/O port access table (list of ports, last entry is FFFFh) N DWORDs I/O memory access table (list of physical-address/length pairs, last entry is FFFFFFFFh) N BYTEs 32-bit code for VBE/AF v1.0P function Notes: all function pointers are offsets into the 32-bit code within the context buffer, and should be updated to point at the actual functions after the application has copied the buffer from the real-mode memory used for the interrupt call into its own flat-model memory space any functions which are not supported by the hardware have function pointers which are set to 00000000h initially (Table 00090) Values for VBE/AF v1.0P color mixing mode: 00h replace 01h XOR with existing pixel 02h OR with existing pixel 03h AND with existing pixel SeeAlso: #00091,#00090 (Table 00091) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "SetForeColor" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) EAX = new foreground color (format varies by video mode) BL = new foreground mixing mode (see #00090) SeeAlso: #00089,#00092,#00107 (Table 00092) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "SetbackColor" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) EAX = new background color (format varies by video mode) BL = new background mixing mode (see #00090) SeeAlso: #00089,#00091,#00093 (Table 00093) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "SetClipRect" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) EAX = left clipping coordinate EBX = top clipping coordinate ECX = right clipping coordinate EDX = bottom clipping coordinate SeeAlso: #00089,#00092,#00094,#00107 (Table 00094) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "DrawScan" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) EAX = X1 coordinate EBX = Y coordinate ECX = X2 coordinate Desc: draw a solid horizontal line from (X1,Y) to (X2,Y) in the currently- active foreground color and mix, omitting the pixel at the largest X coordinate SeeAlso: #00089,#00093,#00095,#00098,#00107 (Table 00095) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "DrawScanList" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) EAX = Y coordinate of first line EBX = length of scan list DS:ESI -> scanline list X coordinates (2N WORDs) Desc: draw multiple solid horizontal lines at successive Y coordinates, using the currently-active foreground color and mix, omitting the pixel at the largest X coordinate for each line Note: the scanline list consists of pairs of X coordinates; because the last pixel is omitted, a scanline will be skipped if X1==X2 SeeAlso: #00089,#00094,#00096,#00107 (Table 00096) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "DrawRect" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) EAX = left coordinate EBX = top coordinate ECX = right coordinate EDX = bottom coordinate Desc: draw a solid rectangle in the currently-active foreground color and mix, omitting the rightmost X coordinate and bottom-most scan line Note: results are undefined if EAX>ECX or EBX>EDX; nothing will be drawn if EAX=ECX or EBX=EDX SeeAlso: #00089,#00094,#00095,#00097 (Table 00097) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "DrawLine" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) EAX = ??? (specified this way in the draft documentation!) EBX = ??? ECX = ??? EDX = ??? ESI = ??? Desc: draw a solid line in the currently-active foreground color and mix, given the Bresenham parameters SeeAlso: #00089,#00094,#00096,#00098 (Table 00098) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "DrawPattScan" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) EAX = X1 coordinate EBX = Y coordinate ECX = X2 coordinate DL = 8-bit stipple pattern Desc: draw a patterned horizontal line from (X1,Y) to (X2,Y) in the currently-active foreground color and mix, omitting the pixel at the largest X coordinate Note: for each pixel in the line, if DL bit (X mod 8) is set, the pixel is drawn, and left untouched if the bit is clear SeeAlso: #00089,#00096,#00097,#00094,#00099,#00107 (Table 00099) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "BitBlt" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) DS:ESI -> BitBlt parameter block (see #00100) BL = mix operation 00h replace 01h XOR 02h OR 03h AND SeeAlso: #00089,#00094,#00098,#00101,#00107 Format of VBE/AF BitBlt parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 00100) 00h WORD left coordinate of source rectangle 02h WORD top coordinate of source rectangle 04h WORD right coordinate of source rectangle 06h WORD bottom coordinate of source rectangle 08h WORD left coordinate of destination rectangle 0Ah WORD top coordinate of destination rectangle 0Ch BYTE horizontal direction: 00h = decrement X, 01h = increment X 0Dh BYTE vertical direction: 00h = decrement Y, 01h = increment Y Notes: the rightmost pixel(s) and bottom-most scan line are not copied the horizontal/vertical direction flags are used to ensure correct copies when the source and destination rectangles overlap SeeAlso: #00099 (Table 00101) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "TransBitBlt" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) DS:ESI -> BitBlt parameter block (see #00100) BL = mix operation 00h replace 01h XOR 02h OR 03h AND ECX = transparent color Desc: copy a rectangular area from one location to another, treating pixels with the specified color as transparent (leaving the destination unchanged) SeeAlso: #00089,#00099,#00102,#00107 (Table 00102) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "MonoBitBlt" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) DS:ESI -> BitBlt parameter block (see #00100) BL = mix operation 00h replace 01h XOR 02h OR 03h AND BH = bit-plane from which to read Desc: copy a rectangular area from one location to another, expanding a single bit of each source pixel SeeAlso: #00089,#00099,#00101 (Table 00103) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "SetCursor" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) DS -> application's data segment ESI -> 32x32 cursor data, in Windows 3.1 cursor-file format (32 DWORDs of XOR mask followed by 32 DWORDs of AND mask) SeeAlso: #00089,#00094,#00104,#00105 (Table 00104) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "SetCursorPos" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) EAX = cursor X coordinate EBX = cursor Y coordinate CL = cursor's X hotspot CH = cursor's Y hotspot SeeAlso: #00089,#00103,#00105 (Table 00105) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "SetCursorColor" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) AL = 8-bit color index, or color's Red value AH = color's Green value (16-bpp, 24-bpp, 32-bpp modes) BL = color's Blue value (16-bpp, 24-bpp, 32-bpp modes) SeeAlso: #00089,#00103,#00104,#00106 (Table 00106) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "ShowCursor" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) AL = new visibility (00h hide cursor, 01h show cursor) SeeAlso: #00089,#00103,#00104,#00105 (Table 00107) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "WaitTillIdle" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) Desc: pause until the hardware accelerator has completed all pending operations SeeAlso: #00089,#00108,#00109 (Table 00108) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "EnableDirectAccess" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) SeeAlso: #00089,#00109,#00107,AX=4F05h,#00078,#00080 (Table 00109) Call VBE/AF v1.0P function "DisableDirectAccess" with: ES:EDI -> device context buffer (see #00089) SeeAlso: #00089,#00108Top
INT 10 - Diamond Viper V330 - ??? AX = 4F0Bh ECX = ??? ??? Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful ECX = ??? ??? 01h failed Note: in BIOS v1.62, ECX is in multiples of 10000 (decimal) for both input and output, and this function never failsTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/PM (Power Management) v1.0+ - GET CAPABILITIES AX = 4F10h BL = 00h ES:DI = 0000h:0000h (reserved for future use as pointer to info block) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported (installed) AH = call status 00h successful else failed ---if successful--- BL = VBE/PM version (bits 7-4: major, bits 3-0: minor) BH = supported states (see #00110) ES:DI unchanged Index: installation check;VESA VBE/Power Management|VESA DPMS SeeAlso: AX=4F10h/BL=01h,AX=4F10h/BL=02h Bitfields for VESA VBE/PM supported power states: Bit(s) Description (Table 00110) 0 standby 1 suspend 2 off 3 reduced onTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/PM (Power Management) v1.0+ - SET DISPLAY POWER STATE AX = 4F10h BL = 01h BH = new state (see #00111) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = call status 00h successful else failed SeeAlso: AX=4F10h/BL=00h,AX=4F10h/BL=02h,AX=A00Ch (Table 00111) Values for VESA VBE/PM power state: 00h On 01h standby 02h suspend 04h Off 08h reduced On (for flat screens)Top
INT 10 - VESA VBE/PM (Power Management) v1.0+ - GET DISPLAY POWER STATE AX = 4F10h BL = 02h Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = call status 00h successful BH = current power state (see #00111) else failed SeeAlso: AX=4F10h/BL=00h,AX=4F10h/BL=01h,AX=A00DhTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/FP (Flat Panel Interface) - API AX = 4F11h BL = function 00h installation check / get capabilities other registers vary by function Return: varies by functionTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/CI (Cursor Interface) - API AX = 4F12h BL = function other registers vary by function Return: varies by function SeeAlso: AX=4F4DhTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 4F13h BX = 0000h Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful BX = version (0010h for 1.00 -- note nonstandard value!) 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F13h/BX=0001h,AX=4F13h/BX=0005hTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - LOCATE DEVICE AX = 4F13h BX = 0001h CX = 0000h ??? DX = type of device 0001h Wave device 0002h MIDI device 0003h Volume device Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful CX = handle [returned 1 for DX=1 and 3, and 2 for DX=2] 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F13h/BX=0000h,AX=4F13h/BX=0002hTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - QUERY DEVICE AX = 4F13h BX = 0002h CX = handle DX = query 0001h return length of GeneralDeviceClass 0002h return copy of GeneralDeviceClass (see #00112) 0003h return length of Volume Info Structure 0004h return copy of Volume Info Structure (see #00122) 0005h return length of Volume Services Structure 0006h return copy of Volume Services Structure (see #00124) 0007h-000Fh reserved 0010h-FFFFh device-specific SI:DI -> buffer (functions 0002h,0004h,0006h) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful SI:DI = length (functions 1,3,5) SI:DI buffer filled (functions 2,4,6) 01h failed Note: functions 0003h to 0006h are only supported for the Volume device Format of GeneralDeviceClass structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00112) 00h 4 BYTEs name of the structure ("GENI") 04h DWORD structure length 08h WORD type of device (1=Wave, 2=MIDI) 0Ah WORD version of VESA driver support (0100h for 1.00) 10h var for CX=handle for Wave device: Wave Info structure (see #00113) some bytes ??? for CX=handle for MIDI device: MIDI Info Structure (see #00118) first 8 bytes of MIDI Service Structure ??? SeeAlso: #00122,#00124 Format of WAVE Info Structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00113) 00h 4 BYTEs name of the structure ("WAVI") 04h DWORD structure length [0000007Eh] 08h DWORD driver software version [00000003h] 0Ch 32 BYTEs vendor name, etc. (ASCIZ string) 2Ch 32 BYTEs vendor product name 4Ch 32 BYTEs vendor chip/hardware description 6Ch BYTE installed board number 6Dh 3 BYTEs unused data 70h DWORD feature bits (see #00114) 74h WORD user determined preference field 76h WORD memory required for driver use [0200h] 78h WORD number of timer tick callbacks per second [0000h] 7Ah WORD channels: 1 = mono, 2 = stereo stereo is assumed to be interleaved data 7Ch WORD bitfield of max sample sizes (see #00115) SeeAlso: #00118 Bitfields for Wave feature bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00114) 0 8000hz Mono Playback 1 8000hz Mono Record 2 8000hz Stereo Record 3 8000hz Stereo Playback 4 8000hz Full Duplex Play/Record 5 11025hz Mono Playback 6 11025hz Mono Record 7 11025hz Stereo Record 8 11025hz Stereo Playback 9 11025hz Full Duplex Play/Record 10 22050hz Mono Playback 11 22050hz Mono Record 12 22050hz Stereo Record 13 22050hz Stereo Playback 14 22050hz Full Duplex Play/Record 15 44100hz Mono Playback 16 44100hz Mono Record 17 44100hz Stereo Record 18 44100hz Stereo Playback 19 44100hz Full Duplex Play/Record 20-26 reserved (0) 27 driver must pre-handle the data 28 Variable Sample mono playback 29 Variable Sample stereo playback 30 Variable Sample mono record 31 Variable Sample stereo record (Table 00115) Values for Sample data size: 01h 8bit play 02h 16bit play 10h 8bit record 20h 16bit record Format of WAVE Audio Services structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00116) 00h 4 BYTEs name of the structure 04h DWORD structure length 08h 16 BYTEs for future expansion ---entry points (details???)--- 18h DWORD DeviceCheck 11h compression (see also #00117) 12h driver state 13h get current pos 14h sample rate 15h set preference 16h get DMA,IRQ 17h get IO address 18h get mem address 19h get mem free 1Ah full duplex 1Bh get block size 1Ch get PCM format 1Dh enable PCM format 80h-.. vendors can add DevChks above 0x80 1Ch DWORD PCMInfo 20h DWORD PlayBlock 24h DWORD PlayCont 28h DWORD RecordBlock 2Ch DWORD RecordCont 30h DWORD PauseIO 34h DWORD ResumeIO 38h DWORD StopIO 3Ch DWORD WavePrepare 40h DWORD WaveRegister 44h DWORD GetLastError 01h unsupported feature/function 02h bad sample rate 03h bad block length 04h bad block address 05h app. missed an IRQ 06h don't understand the PCM size/format 80h-.. vendors specific errors 48h DWORD TimerTick 4Ch DWORD ApplPSyncCB: CallBack: play filled in by the app 50h DWORD ApplRSyncCB: CallBack: rec filled in by the app SeeAlso: #00120,#00124 (Table 00117) Values for type of compression: 01h IMA play 02h ALAW play 03h ULAW play 11h IMA record 12h ALAW record 13h ULAW record Format of MIDI Info Structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00118) 00h 4 BYTEs name of the structure ("MIDI") 04h DWORD structure length 08h DWORD driver software version [00000003h] 0Ch 32 BYTEs vendor name, etc. (ASCIZ string) 2Ch 32 BYTEs vendor product name 4Ch 32 BYTEs vendor chip/hardware description 6Ch BYTE installed board number 6Dh 3 BYTEs unused data 70h 14 BYTEs the patch library file name [OPL2.BNK 00..] 7Eh DWORD feature bits (see #00119) 80h WORD user determined preference field 82h WORD memory required for driver use 84h WORD # of timer tick callbacks per second 86h WORD max # of tones (voices, partials) SeeAlso: #00112,#00120,#00122 Bitfields for MIDI feature bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00119) 0-3 reserved for GM extensions 4 Transmitter/Receiver only 5 Patches preloaded 6 MIDI receive has time stamp 8 MIDI interrupt driven input supported 9 MIDI polled input supported 10 MIDI remote patches supported Format of MIDI Service structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00120) 00h 4 BYTEs name of the structure ("MIDS") 04h DWORD structure length 08h 16 WORDs patches loaded table bit field 28h 16 BYTEs for future expansion ---entry points (details???)--- 38h DWORD device check 11h return available tones 12h return TRUE/FALSE if patch is understood 13h set preference 14h allow/disallow voice stealing 15h get FIFO sizes 16h get DMA,IRQ 17h get IO address 18h get mem address 19h get mem free 80h-.. vendors can add DevChks above 0x80 3Ch DWORD global reset 40h DWORD MIDI msg 44h DWORD poll MIDI 48h DWORD preload patch 4Ch DWORD unload patch 50h DWORD timer tick 54h DWORD get last error 01h unsupported feature/function 02h unknown patch type (see #00121) 03h all tones are used 04h messages are out of sync 05h an incoming patch was incomplete 06h an incoming patch couldn't be stored 07h had to drop an incoming byte 08h driver is failing a patch download 80h-.. vendors specific errors 58h DWORD Patch Block free callback 5Ch DWORD MIDI byte avail. callback SeeAlso: #00116,#00124 (Table 00121) Values for MIDI Registered Patch Types: 10h OPL2 11h OPL3 Format of Volume Info Structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00122) 00h 4 BYTEs name of the structure ("VOLI") 04h DWORD structure length (00000092h) 08h DWORD driver software version [00000001h] 0Ch 32 BYTEs vendor name, etc. (ASCIZ string) 2Ch 32 BYTEs vendor product name 4Ch 32 BYTEs vendor chip/hardware description 6Ch BYTE installed board number (0 for 1st/only board) 6Dh 3 BYTEs unused data (0) 70h 24 BYTEs text name of the mixer channel 88h DWORD features bits (see #00123) 8Ch WORD minimum volume setting 8Eh WORD maximum volume setting 90h WORD attenuation/gain crossover SeeAlso: #00112,#00124 Bitfields for Volume feature bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00123) 0 Stereo Volume control available 2 Low Pass Filter is available 3 High Pass Filter is available 4 Parametric Tone Control is available 5 selectable output paths 8 Azimuth Field positioning supported 9 Phi Field positioning supported 10-30 unused??? 31 Master Volume device Format of Volume Services Structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00124) 00h 4 BYTEs name of the structure ("VOLS") 04h DWORD structure length (00000038h) 08h 16 BYTEs 16 bytes for future expansion (0) ---entry points (details???)--- 18h DWORD device check 0011h filter range 0012h filter setting 0013h filter current 0014h tone range 0015h tone setting 0016h tone current 0017h path 0018h get IO address 0080h-.. vendors can add DevChks above 0x80 1Ch DWORD set vol to an absolute setting 01h User master volume setting 02h application master volume setting 20h DWORD set 3D volume 24h DWORD tone control 28h DWORD filter control 2Ch DWORD output path 30h DWORD reset channel 34h DWORD get last error 01h unsupported feature/function 02h out of range parameter value 80h+ vendor-specific errors SeeAlso: #00116,#00120Top
INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - OPEN DEVICE AX = 4F13h BX = 0003h CX = handle DX = API set (16/32-bit) SI = segment ??? Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful SI:CX -> memory ??? 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F13h/BX=0000h,AX=4F13h/BX=0002h,AX=4F13h/BX=0004hTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - CLOSE DEVICE AX = 4F13h BX = 0004h CX = handle Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F13h/BX=0000h,AX=4F13h/BX=0003h,AX=4F13h/BX=0005hTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - UNINSTALL DRIVER AX = 4F13h BX = 0005h Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F13h/BX=0000h,AX=4F13h/BX=0006hTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/AI (Audio Interface) - DRIVER CHAIN/UNCHAIN AX = 4F13h BX = 0006h Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F13h/BX=0000h,AX=4F13h/BX=0005hTop
INT 10 - VESA OEM Extensions - API AX = 4F14h BL = function 00h installation check / get capabilities other registers vary by function Return: varies by function Note: this function is provided for OEMs to implement system-specific functionality in a VESA-compatible mannerTop
INT 10 - VESA OEM Extensions - Matrox Millenium (BIOS v2.1) AX = 4F14h BL = function 00h installation check / get capabilities ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer for Matrox-specific information (see #00125) Return: ES:DI buffer filled 01h read/write MGA indexed data register BH = direction (00h = write, else read) CL = register number (80h for most-recently used register) CH = new value, if writing Return: CH = current value, if reading 02h read/write register in MGA control space BH = direction and size bit 4: read register instead of writing bits 1-0: data size (00 = BYTE, 01 = WORD, 10 = DWORD) SI = register address CL/CX/ECX = new value if writing Return: CL/CX/ECX = current value if reading 03h read PINS byte SI = offset of byte within PINS data (see #00126) Return: CL = value of specified PINS byte 04h ??? (related to PLL programming) DX = ??? Return: CL,EDX destroyed 05h read BIOS byte SI = offset of byte relative to start of BIOS image Return: CL = specified byte else Return: AX = FFFFh Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Note: most of this info is from http:\\\gbm\matrox SeeAlso: MEM C000h:7FFCh"Matrox" Format of Matrox-specific VESA extensions information: Offset Size Description (Table 00125) 00h 7 BYTEs signature "VBE/MGA" 07h 10 BYTEs ??? (01h 01h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 07h) 11h WORD BIOS version (high byte = major, low byte = one-digit minor) 13h DWORD -> manufacturer name (ASCIZ "Matrox") 17h DWORD -> ASCIZ card name 1Bh DWORD -> ??? ASCIZ string (empty string on card examined) 1Fh DWORD -> ASCIZ vendor name 23h DWORD -> ASCIZ BIOS file base name 27h DWORD -> PINS 2Bh WORD video memory size in 64K units 2Dh DWORD linear address of linear frame buffer 31h DWORD linear address of MGA control aperture 35h WORD PCI bus/device for card??? 37h 201 BYTEs unused??? (cleared to 00h) Format of Matrox PINS data (version 3.0): Offset Size Description (Table 00126) 00h 2 BYTEs signature ".A" (2Eh 41h) 02h BYTE structure length (40h for v3.0) 03h BYTE ??? 04h WORD PINS version (high byte = major, low byte = minor) 06h WORD date last programmed 08h WORD number of times programmed 0Ah WORD flags 0Ch 8 BYTEs ASCII serial number, three letters + five digits 14h 8 BYTEs ??? 1Ch 4 BYTEs ASCII card version 20h DWORD PCB revision 24h BYTE maximum RAMDAC frequency in MHz (less 100) 25h BYTE maximum RAMDAC frequency??? 26h BYTE maximum RAMDAc frequency??? 27h BYTE ??? 28h BYTE ??? timing data? 29h BYTE ??? 2Ah BYTE ??? 2Bh BYTE ??? 2Ch BYTE ??? 2Dh BYTE ??? 2Eh BYTE ??? 2Fh BYTE ??? 30h 4 BYTEs ??? 34h BYTE ??? 35h BYTE ??? 36h BYTE ??? 37h BYTE memory size in 64K units 38h BYTE ??? 39h BYTE ??? 3Ah BYTE ??? 3Bh BYTE ??? 3Ch BYTE ??? 3Dh BYTE ??? 3Eh BYTE ??? 3Fh BYTE checksum (to make sum of all bytes MOD 256 == 00h)Top
INT 10 - VESA VBE/DC (Display Data Channel) - INSTALLATION CHECK / CAPABILITIES AX = 4F15h BL = 00h Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful BX = ??? 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=4F15h/BL=01h,AX=4F15h/BL=02hTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/DC (Display Data Channel) - READ EDID AX = 4F15h BL = 01h CX = 0000h DX = 0000h ES:DI -> 128-byte buffer for EDID record (see #00127) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful ES:DI buffer filled 01h failed (e.g. non-DDC monitor) SeeAlso: AX=4F15h/BL=00h,AX=4F15h/BL=02h,I2C A0h"DDC" Format of VESA EDID record: Offset Size Description (Table 00127) 00h 8 BYTEs padding (all FFh, or 00h FFh..FFh 00h) 08h WORD big-endian manufacturer ID (see #00136) bits 14-10: first letter (01h='A', 02h='B', etc.) bits 9-5: second letter bits 4-0: third letter 0Ah WORD EDID ID code -- identifies monitor model 0Ch DWORD serial number or FFFFFFFFh for "MAG", subtract 7000000 to get actual serial number for "OQI", subtract 456150000 for "PHL", subtract ??? for "VSC", subtract 640000000 10h BYTE week number of manufacture 11h BYTE manufacture year - 1990 12h BYTE EDID version 13h BYTE EDID revision 14h BYTE video input type (see #00129) 15h BYTE maximum horizontal size in cm 16h BYTE maximum vertical size in cm 17h BYTE gamma factor (gamma = 1.0 + factor/100, so max = 3.55) 18h BYTE DPMS flags (see #00128) 19h BYTE chroma information: green X'/Y' and red X'/Y' 1Ah BYTE chroma information: white X'/Y' and blue X'/Y' 1Bh BYTE chroma information: red Y 1Ch BYTE chroma information: red X 1Dh BYTE chroma information: green Y 1Eh BYTE chroma information: green X 1Fh BYTE chroma information: blue Y 20h BYTE chroma information: blue X 21h BYTE chroma information: white Y 22h BYTE chroma information: white X 23h BYTE established timings 1 (see #00130) 24h BYTE established timings 2 (see #00131) 25h BYTE manufacturer's reserved timing or 00h for none bit 7: 1152x870 @ 75 Hz (Mac II, Apple) 26h 8 WORDs standard timing identification resolution (low byte) and vertical frequency (high byte) for each of eight modes (see #00132) X resolution = (lowbyte + 31) * 8 36h 18 BYTEs detailed timing description #1 (see #00133) (v1.1) alternately, text identification (see #00135) 48h 18 BYTEs detailed timing description #2 (v1.1) alternately, text identification (see #00135) 5Ah 18 BYTEs detailed timing description #3 (v1.1) alternately, text identification (see #00135) 6Ch 18 BYTEs detailed timing description #4 (v1.1) alternately, text identification (see #00135) 7Eh BYTE unused??? 7Fh BYTE checksum (radix-complement: 256-low byte of 16-bit sum of 00h-7Eh) Bitfields for DPMS EDID flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 00128) 2-0 unused??? 3 display type =0 non-RGB multicolor =1 RGB color 4 unused??? 5 Active Off supported 6 Suspend supported 7 Standby supported SeeAlso: #00127 Bitfields for DPMS input signal type: Bit(s) Description (Table 00129) 0 separate sync 1 composite sync 2 sync on green 4-3 unused??? 6-5 voltage level 00 0.700V/0.300V (1.00 Vp-p) 01 0.714V/0.286V 10 0.100V/0.400V 11 reserved 7 =1 digital signal, =0 analog SeeAlso: #00127 Bitfields for DPMS established timings 1: Bit(s) Description (Table 00130) 0 720x400 @ 70 Hz (VGA 640x400, IBM) 1 720x400 @ 88 Hz (XGA2) 2 640x480 @ 60 Hz (VGA) 3 640x480 @ 67 Hz (Mac II, Apple) 4 640x480 @ 72 Hz (VESA) 5 640x480 @ 75 Hz (VESA) 6 800x600 @ 56 Hz (VESA) 7 800x600 @ 60 Hz (VESA) SeeAlso: #00127,#00131 Bitfields for DPMS established timings 2: Bit(s) Description (Table 00131) 0 800x600 @ 72 Hz (VESA) 1 800x600 @ 75 Hz (VESA) 2 832x624 @ 75 Hz (Mac II) 3 1024x768 @ 87 Hz interlaced (8514A) 4 1024x768 @ 60 Hz (VESA) 5 1024x768 @ 70 Hz (VESA) 6 1024x768 @ 75 Hz (VESA) 7 1280x1024 @ 75 Hz (VESA) SeeAlso: #00127,#00130 Bitfields for DPMS standard timing information: Bit(s) Description (Table 00132) 5-0 vertical refresh frequency - 60 (Hz) 7-6 aspect ratio (Y resolution = X resolution * aspect ratio) 00 ??? 01 0.75 10 0.8 11 0.5625 Note: if both bytes of the timing are 00h or 01h, then the Standard Timing is "None" SeeAlso: #00127 Format of Detailed Timing Description: Offset Size Description (Table 00133) 00h BYTE horizontal frequency in kHz (if 00h, may be text)(see #00135) 01h BYTE vertical frequency in Hz 02h BYTE horizontal active time (pixels) and X resolution 03h BYTE horizontal blanking time (pixels) 04h BYTE horizontal active time 2 / horizontal blanking time 2 05h BYTE vertical active time (lines) and Y resolution 06h BYTE vertical blanking time (lines) 07h BYTE vertical active time 2 / vertical blanking time 2 08h BYTE horizontal sync offset (pixels) 09h BYTE horizontal sync pulsewidth (pixels) 0Ah BYTE vertical sync offset / vertical sync pulsewidth 0Bh BYTE vertical/horizontal sync offset 2 / vert/hor. sync pulsewidth 2 0Ch BYTE horizontal image size (mm) 0Dh BYTE vertical image size (mm) 0Eh BYTE horizontal image size 2 / vertical image size 2 0Fh BYTE horizontal border (pixels) 10h BYTE vertical border (lines) 11h BYTE type of display (see #00134) SeeAlso: #00127,#00135 Bitfields for EDID detailed display type: Bit(s) Description (Table 00134) 7 interlaced 6-5 stereo mode 00 normal display (no stereo) 01 stereo, right stereo sync high 10 stereo, left stereo sync high 11 undefined 4-3 sync type 00 sync analog composite 01 sync bipolar analog composite 10 sync digital composite 11 sync digital separate ---sync digital separate--- 2 vertical sync polarity (0 = negative, 1 = positive) 1 horizontal sync polarity (0 = negative, 1 = positive) ---other sync types--- 2 serrate 1 sync location (0 = on green, 1 = on RGB) ------ 0 not used??? SeeAlso: #00133 Format of EDID Text Identification Strings: Offset Size Description (Table 00135) 00h 3 BYTEs 00h 00h 00h (to distinguish from detailed timing description) 03h BYTE text identifier FFh serial number FEh vendor name FDh vertical/horizontal frequency range FCh model name ---frequency range--- 04h BYTE 00h ??? 05h BYTE minimum vertical refresh frequency in Hz 06h BYTE maximum vertical refresh 07h BYTE minimum horizontal frequency in kHz 08h BYTE maximum horizontal frequency 09h BYTE FFh ??? ---other--- 04h 14 BYTEs text, may be terminated with either a NUL (00h) or LF (0Ah) SeeAlso: #00132 (Table 00136) Values for manufacturer ID: "ACT" Targa "ADI" ADI Corporation "AOC" AOC International (USA) Ltd. (see #00137) "API" Acer America Corp. (see #00138) "APP" Apple Computer, Inc. (see #00139) "ART" ArtMedia "AST" AST Research (see #00140) "CPL" Compal Electronics, Inc. / ALFA (see #00141) "CPQ" COMPAQ Computer Corp. (see #00142) "CTX" CTX - Chuntex Electronic Co. (see #00143) "DEC" Digital Equipment Corporation (see #00144) "DEL" Dell Computer Corp. (see #00145) "DPC" Delta Electronics, Inc. (see #00146) "DWE" Daewoo Telecom Ltd (see #00147) "ECS" ELITEGROUP Computer Systems (see #00148) "EIZ" EIZO (see #00149) "FCM" Funai Electric Company of Taiwan "GSM" LG Electronics Inc. (GoldStar Technology, Inc.) (see #00158) "GWY" Gateway 2000 "HEI" Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd. (see #00150) "HIT" Hitachi (see #00151) "HSL" Hansol Electronics (see #00152) "HTC" Hitachi Ltd. / Nissei Sangyo America Ltd. (see #00153) "HWP" Hewlett Packard (see #00154) "IBM" IBM PC Company (see #00155) "ICL" Fujitsu ICL (see #00156) "IVM" Idek Iiyama North America, Inc. (see #00157) "KFC" KFC Computek "LKM" ADLAS / AZALEA "LNK" LINK Technologies, Inc. "LTN" Lite-On "MAG" MAG InnoVision (see #00159) "MAX" Maxdata Computer GmbH "MEI" Panasonic Comm. & Systems Co. (see #00168) "MEL" Mitsubishi Electronics (see #00160) "MIR" miro Computer Products AG (see #00161) "MTC" MITAC "NAN" NANAO (see #00162) "NEC" NEC Technologies, Inc. (see #00163) "NOK" Nokia (see #00164) "OQI" OPTIQUEST (see #00165) "PBN" Packard Bell "PGS" Princeton Graphic Systems (see #00166) "PHL" Philips Consumer Electronics Co. (see #00167) "REL" Relisys "SAM" Samsung (see #00169) "SDI" Samtron (see #00170) "SMI" Smile "SNI" Siemens Nixdorf "SNY" Sony Corporation "SPT" Sceptre "SRC" Shamrock Technology "STP" Sceptre "TAT" Tatung Co. of America, Inc. (see #00171) "TRL" Royal Information Company (see #00172) "TSB" Toshiba, Inc. "UNM" Unisys Corporation "VSC" ViewSonic Corporation (see #00173) "WTC" Wen Technology "ZCM" Zenith Data Systems "___" Targa SeeAlso: #00127 (Table 00137) Values for AOC monitor EDID: A566h AOC SPECTRUM 5Nlr A782h AOC SPECTRUM 7Nlr D350h AOC SPECTRUM 4V, 4VA, 4Vlr, 4VlrA D566h AOC SPECTRUM 5Vlr, 5VlrA E570h AOC SPECTRUM 5Glr E750h AOC SPECTRUM 7DlrA SeeAlso: #00136,#00138 (Table 00138) Values for Acer monitor EDID: 0037h AcerView 55 424Ch AcerView 76ie 440Bh AcerView 11D 4421h AcerView 33D 4522h AcerView 7134e 4536h AcerView 7154e 4538h AcerView 7156e 454Ch AcerView 7176ie 454Eh AcerView 7178ie 4938h AcerView 7156i 494Ch AcerView 76i 494Eh AcerView 78i 4962h AcerView 98i 4C21h AcerView 33DL 4C22h AcerView 34TL 4C37h AcerView 55L 4C38h AcerView 56L 4E4Ch AcerView 76N 5321h AcerView 7133s 5322h AcerView 7134s 5336h AcerView 7154s 5338h AcerView 7156s, 7156is 534Ch AcerView 7176is 5422h AcerView 34T SeeAlso: #00136,#00137,#00140 (Table 00139) Values for Apple Computer monitor EDID: 0352h AppleVision 850 SeeAlso: #00136 (Table 00140) Values for AST monitor EDID: 8001h ASTVision 4V 8002h ASTVision 4I 8003h ASTVision 4N 8004h ASTVision 4L 8005h ASTVision 5L 8006h ASTVision 7L 8007h ASTVision 7H 8008h ASTVision 20H 8009h AST Sabre 800Ah ASTVision 5V SeeAlso: #00136,#00127,#00138,#00141 (Table 00141) Values for ALFA monitor EDID: 096Bh ALFA TH-450 SeeAlso: #00136,#00140,#00142 (Table 00142) Values for Compaq monitor EDID: 0011h COMPAQ 1024 0012h COMPAQ 1024 0013h COMPAQ 1024 0014h COMPAQ 1024 0015h COMPAQ 1024 0016h COMPAQ 1024 0017h COMPAQ PRB 0018h COMPAQ PRB 0019h COMPAQ PRB 001Ah COMPAQ PRB 0020h COMPAQ PRB 0021h COMPAQ PRB 0022h COMPAQ 151FS 0023h COMPAQ 151FS 0024h COMPAQ 151FS 0025h COMPAQ 151FS 0026h COMPAQ 151FS 0027h COMPAQ 151FS 0028h COMPAQ 151FS 0029h COMPAQ PRB 002Ah COMPAQ PRB 002Bh COMPAQ PRB 002Ch COMPAQ PRB 002Dh COMPAQ 171FS 002Eh COMPAQ 171FS 002Fh COMPAQ 171FS 0030h COMPAQ 171FS 0031h COMPAQ 171FS 0032h COMPAQ 171FS 0033h COMPAQ 171FS 0040h COMPAQ QVision 200 0041h COMPAQ QVision 200 0042h COMPAQ QVision 200 0043h COMPAQ QVision 200 0044h COMPAQ QVision 200 0045h COMPAQ QVision 200 0046h COMPAQ QVision 200 0047h COMPAQ QVision 200 0048h COMPAQ QVision 200 0049h COMPAQ QVision 200 0100h COMPAQ 1024 0146h COMPAQ 1024 0147h COMPAQ 1024 0346h COMPAQ 151FS 0347h COMPAQ 151FS 0348h COMPAQ 151FS 0349h COMPAQ 151FS 034Ah COMPAQ 151FS 034Bh COMPAQ 151FS 0546h COMPAQ 171FS 0547h COMPAQ 171FS 0548h COMPAQ 171FS 0549h COMPAQ 171FS 0746h COMPAQ PRB 0747h COMPAQ PRB 0846h COMPAQ PRA 0847h COMPAQ PRA 0848h COMPAQ PRA 0849h COMPAQ PRA 084Ah COMPAQ PRA 084Bh COMPAQ PRA 084Ch COMPAQ PRA 084Dh COMPAQ PRA 0946h COMPAQ PRB 0947h COMPAQ PRB 0948h COMPAQ PRB 0949h COMPAQ PRB 0A46h COMPAQ PRA 0A47h COMPAQ PRA 0A48h COMPAQ PRA 0A49h COMPAQ PRA 0A4Ah COMPAQ PRA 0A4Bh COMPAQ PRA 0A4Ch COMPAQ PRA 0A4Dh COMPAQ PRA 0D46h COMPAQ 140 0D47h COMPAQ 140 0D48h COMPAQ 140 0D49h COMPAQ 140 0D4Ah COMPAQ 140 0D4Bh COMPAQ 140 0D4Ch COMPAQ 140 0D4Dh COMPAQ 140 0F46h COMPAQ 150 0F47h COMPAQ 150 0F48h COMPAQ 150 0F49h COMPAQ 150 0F4Ah COMPAQ 150 0F4Bh COMPAQ 150 0F4Ch COMPAQ 150 0F4Dh COMPAQ 150 SeeAlso: #00136,#00141,#00143 (Table 00143) Values for "CTX" monitor EDID: 1451h CTX 1451 1551h CTX 1551 1562h CTX 1562 1565h CTX 1565 1569h CTX 1569S 15-inch 1765h CTX 1765 1785h CTX 1785 XE 2085h CTX 2085 2185h CTX 2185 SeeAlso: #00136,#00142,#00144 (Table 00144) Values for Digital Equipment Corporation monitor EDID: 06FAh Digital 21" Color (FR-PCXAV-WZ) 073Ah Digital 17" Color (FR-PCXAV-YZ) BA08h Digital 15" Color Monitor (FR-PCXBV-E*) DA08h Digital 17" Color Monitor (FR-PCXBV-F*) SeeAlso: #00136,#00143,#00145 (Table 00145) Values for Dell monitor EDID: 139Ah Dell Ultrascan 14XE 139Bh Dell Ultrascan 14XE 139Ch Dell Ultrascan 14XE 139Dh Dell Ultrascan 14XE 2210h Dell Ultrascan V17X 2211h Dell Ultrascan V17X 2212h Dell Ultrascan V17X 2213h Dell Ultrascan V17X 2214h Dell Ultrascan 21TE 2215h Dell Ultrascan 21TE 2216h Dell Ultrascan 21TE 2217h Dell Ultrascan 21TE 3024h Dell VS17X 3025h Dell VS17X 3026h Dell VS17X 3027h Dell VS17X 4273h Dell VS15X SeeAlso: #00136,#00144,#00146 (Table 00146) Values for Delta Electronics monitor EDID: 0456h Delta DA-456 1565h Delta DA-1565 1765h Delta DA-1765 SeeAlso: #00136,#00145,#00147 (Table 00147) Values for Daewoo monitor EDID: 1423h Daewoo CMC-1423B1 1427h Daewoo CMC-1427X1 1502h Daewoo CMC-1502B1 1505h Daewoo CMC-1505X 1507h Daewoo CMC-1507X1 1703h Daewoo CMC-1703B 5133h Daewoo CMC-1511B 7044h Daewoo CMC-1704C SeeAlso: #00136,#00146,#00148 (Table 00148) Values for ELITEGROUP Computer Systems monitor EDID: 0001h ECS VERTOS 1401 0002h ECS VERTOS 1501 0003h ECS VERTOS 1502 0004h ECS VERTOS 1503 0005h ECS VERTOS 1700 0006h ECS VERTOS 1701 0007h ECS VERTOS 1700 0008h ECS VERTOS 2101 0009h ECS VERTOS 2102 SeeAlso: #00136,#00147,#00149 (Table 00149) Values for EIZO monitor EDID: 0200h EIZO FlexScan F351 0201h EIZO FlexScan F553 0202h EIZO FlexScan F563 0203h EIZO FlexScan F764 0204h EIZO FlexScan F784 0206h EIZO FlexScan 6600 0300h EIZO FlexScan 6500 0302h EIZO 9060S 0303h EIZO 9065S 0305h EIZO FlexScan T563 0306h EIZO 9070S 0307h EIZO 9080i 0308h EIZO 9400i 0309h EIZO 9500 030Ah EIZO FlexScan F340iW 030Ch EIZO FlexScan F552 030Dh EIZO FlexScan F560iW 030Fh EIZO FlexScan F760iW 0310h EIZO FlexScan F780iW 0311h EIZO FlexScan T560i 0312h EIZO FlexScan T660i 0313h EIZO FlexScan T562 0314h EIZO FlexScan T662 038Ch EIZO FlexScan F550iW SeeAlso: #00136,#00148,#00150 (Table 00150) Values for Hyundai monitor EDID: 0B42h Hyundai Deluxscan 21 12F0h Hyundai Deluxscan 14S 16D8h Hyundai Deluxscan 15B 16E8h Hyundai Deluxscan 15G 16EEh Hyundai Delucscan 15G+ 1E02h Hyundai Deluxscan 17 Pro 1EB8h Hyundai Deluxscan 17B 1EBEh Hyundai Deluxscan 17B+ 5864h Hyundai DeluxScan 15 Pro B81Eh Hyundai DeluxScan 17 SeeAlso: #00136,#00149,#00151 (Table 00151) Values for Hitachi monitor EDID: 1717h Hitachi Accuvue GX17L 1727h Hitachi HM1764 1827h Hitachi HM1782 2147h Hitachi HM4721 2149h Hitachi HM4921 4020h Hitachi HM4020 4021h Hitachi HM4021 4711h Hitachi Accuvue UX4721 4810h Hitachi Accuvue GX20 4811h Hitachi Accuvue GX21 4820h Hitachi HM4820 4821h Hitachi HM4821 4830h Hitachi Accuvue GX20H 4911h Hitachi Accuvue UX4921 6421h Hitachi HM6421 6811h Hitachi Accuvue UX6821 6821h Hitachi HM6821 SeeAlso: #00136,#00150,#00152 (Table 00152) Values for Hansol Electronics monitor EDID: 0579 Hansol Electronics Mazellan14px 057A Hansol Electronics Mazellan400A 05DD Hansol Electronics Mazellan15ax A605 Hansol Electronics Mazellan17px SeeAlso: #00136,#00151,#00153 (Table 00153) Values for Hitachi, Ltd. monitor EDID: AB6Fh CM-1711M ABC2h CM-2112M ABC7h CM-2111M ABCCh CM-2110M ABE0h Hitachi, Ltd CM802 ABE2h Hitachi, Ltd CM801 ABE3h Hitachi, Ltd CM800 ABEAh Hitachi, Ltd CM803 ABF4h Hitachi, Ltd CM701 AFC8h Hitachi, Ltd CM500 AFD2h Hitachi, Ltd CM600 AFD7h Hitachi, Ltd CM611 SeeAlso: #00136,#00152,#00154 (Table 00154) Values for Hewlett-Packard monitor EDID: 0AF0h HP D2800A Ultra VGA 1600 21" 0AF6h HP D2806A Ergo Ultra VGA 15" 0AF8h HP D2808 1024 Low Emission 0AFFh HP D2815A 1024 Low Emission 14" 0F11h HP D3857A Multi Media 15" 0F12h HP D3858A Multi Media 14" SeeAlso: #00136,#00151,#00155 (Table 00155) Values for IBM monitor EDID: 198Eh IBM G41 198Fh IBM G50 1990h IBM G70 1991h IBM G200 1999h IBM P50 199Ah IBM P70 199Bh IBM P200 1BB7h IBM 7095 1BB9h IBM 7097 2112h IBM 2112 2113h IBM 2113 2114h IBM 2114 2115h IBM 2115 2117h IBM 2117 2215h IBM 2215 2238h IBM 2238 2248h IBM 2248 2264h IBM 2264 2535h IBM 9525-0X1 26ACh IBM Aptiva 9900 27ADh IBM Aptiva 9901 6312h IBM 6312 6314h IBM 6314 6315h IBM 6315 6317h IBM 6317 6319h IBM 6319 6321h IBM 6321 6322h IBM 6322 6324h IBM 6324 6325h IBM 6325 6327h IBM 6327 8504h IBM 8504 8511h IBM 8511 8512h IBM 8512 8513h IBM 8513 8514h IBM 8514 8515h IBM 8515 8517h IBM 8517 8518h IBM 8518 9504h IBM 9504 9515h IBM 9515 9517h IBM 9517 9518h IBM 9518 9521h IBM 9521 9524h IBM 9524 9525h IBM 9525 9527h IBM 9527 SeeAlso: #00136,#00154,#00156 (Table 00156) Values for Fujitsu ICL monitor EDID: 0100h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro 211v 0200h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro 171p 0400h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro 171v 0700h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro 151p 0800h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro 151p AutoBrite 0A00h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro 151v 0B00h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro 141v 0D00h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro 141p 0F00h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro 152v 1400h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro 142v 1600h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro e153 1900h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro x173 1A00h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro x173a 1C00h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro x152 1D00h Fujitsu ICL ErgoPro e173 2200h FUJITSU ErgoPro e154 2400h FUJITSU ErgoPro x174 SeeAlso: #00136,#00155,#00157 (Table 00157) Values for Idek Iiyama North America monitor EDID: 1700h Iiyama Vision Master MF-8617 SeeAlso: #00136,#00156,#00158 (Table 00158) Values for LG Electronics monitor EDID: 36B4h LG StudioWorks 44m 36B9h LG StudioWorks 44i 3AA0h LG 1505s 3AA2h LG StudioWorks 56m 3AAFh LG StudioWorks 56T 15-inch 3AB0h LG StudioWorks 5D 3AB6h LG StudioWorks 5D 426Ch LG StudioWorks 78i 426Dh LG StudioWorks 78T 426Eh LG StudioWorks 76i 4273h LG StudioWorks 76m 4274h LG StudioWorks 78m 4277h LG StudioWorks 74m 4278h LG StudioWorks 74i 427Eh LG StudioWorks 7D 427Fh LG StudioWorks 78D 4280h LG StudioWorks 78DT 4281h LG StudioWorks 7DT 4284h LG StudioWorks 76T 42CFh LG 1725s 4E21h LG StudioWorks 20i SeeAlso: #00136,#00157,#00159 (Table 00159) Values for MAG monitor EDID: 5620h DX1595 5624h DX15T 5626h DX1795 SeeAlso: #00136,#00158,#00160 (Table 00160) Values for Mitsubishi monitor EDID: 0040h Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21TX (THN-9105) 2040h Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 20H (FR-8905) 2040h Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 20X (FR-8905B) 6140h Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 17HX (FFF8705) 8040h Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 15H (SD-57xxC) 4040h Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 17TX (TFG-8705) 408Fh Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 15VX (SD58xx) 40C0h Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 87TXM (TFM8705) SeeAlso: #00136,#00159,#00161 (Table 00161) Values for Miro monitor EDID: 0721h PROOFSCREEN miroC21107 6815h miroD1568 6817h PROOFSCREEN miroC1768 6917h miroD1769 8217h PROOFSCREEN miroC1782 8520h PROOFSCREEN miroC2085 E 8521h PROOFSCREEN miroC2185 9321h PROOFSCREEN miroC2193 SeeAlso: #00136,#00160,#00162 (Table 00162) Values for Nanao monitor EDID: 0000h NANAO USA FlexScan T2-20 0400h NANAO USA F2-15 0401h NANAO USA F2-17 0402h NANAO USA F2-17EX 0403h NANAO USA F2-21 0404h NANAO USA FX2-21 0405h NANAO USA FlexScan T2-17TS 0406h NANAO FlexScan 6600 0502h NANAO 9060S 0503h NANAO 9065S 0506h NANAO 9070U 0507h NANAO 9080i 0508h NANAO 9400i 0509h NANAO 9500 050Ah NANAO FlexScan F340iW 050Bh NANAO FlexScan F550i 050Ch NANAO FlexScan F550iW 050Dh NANAO FlexScan F560iW 050Eh NANAO FlexScan F750i 050Fh NANAO FlexScan F760iW 0510h NANAO FlexScan F780iW 0511h NANAO FlexScan T560i 0512h NANAO FlexScan T660i 0513h NANAO USA FlexScan T2-17 0514h NANAO USA FlexScan T2-20 0580h NANAO USA FlexScan 6300 0800h NANAO FlexScan 33F 0802h NANAO FlexScan 88F 0805h NANAO FlexScan 54T 0882h NANAO FlexScan 52F 0900h NANAO FlexScan 6500 0902h NANAO 9060S 0906h NANAO 9070U 0907h NANAO 9080i 090Ah NANAO FlexScan F347 090Bh NANAO FlexScan F550i 090Ch NANAO FlexScan F557 090Fh NANAO FlexScan 77F 0910h NANAO FlexScan F780iJ 0911h NANAO FlexScan T560iJ 0912h NANAO FlexScan T660iJ 0913h NANAO FlexScan 56T 0914h NANAO FlexScan 68T 098Ah NANAO FlexScan F347II 098Ch NANAO FlexScan 55F 098Fh NANAO FlexScan 76F 0991h NANAO FlexScan T567 0993h NANAO FlexScan 53T SeeAlso: #00136,#00161,#00163 (Table 00163) Values for NEC monitor EDID: 37FAh NEC MultiSync XV14 37FBh NEC MultiSync XV14 3A66h NEC MultiSync C400 3C00h NEC MultiSync XE15 3C0Ah NEC MultiSync XP15 3C14h NEC MultiSync XV15 3C1Eh NEC MultiSync XE15 3D5Eh NEC MultiSync XV15+ 3D68h NEC MultiSync M500 3E4Eh NEC MultiSync C500 43A8h NEC MultiSync XE17 43B2h NEC MultiSync XE17 43BCh NEC MultiSync XV17 4416h NEC MultiSync XP17 533Eh NEC MultiSync XE21 53B6h NEC MultiSync XP21 SeeAlso: #00136,#00162,#00164 (Table 00164) Values for Nokia monitor EDID: 008Dh NOKIA 449M 0098h NOKIA 449X 00A3h NOKIA 447KC 00A9h NOKIA 447XI 00ABh NOKIA 447KA 00ADh NOKIA 447M 00B7h NOKIA 447W 00B8h NOKIA 447X 00BBh NOKIA 447XAV 00BCh NOKIA 447K 00D2h NOKIA 445R SeeAlso: #00136,#00163,#00165 (Table 00165) Values for OptiQuest monitor EDID: 3138h OPTIQUEST VA656 3141h OPTIQUEST 14ES 3232h OPTIQUEST 1562A-2 3233h OPTIQUEST 1769DC 3234h OPTIQUEST 1000S-2 3332h OPTIQUEST V655 3333h OPTIQUEST V775 3432h OPTIQUEST V650 3832h OPTIQUEST V665 4637h OPTIQUEST 1769DC SeeAlso: #00136,#00164,#00166 (Table 00166) Values for Princeton Graphics monitor EDID: 003Bh Princeton EO15 003Dh Princeton EO17 SeeAlso: #00136,#00165,#00167 (Table 00167) Values for Philips monitor EDID: 0200h Philips CM0200 (15C) 0500h Philips CM0500 (20C) 0700h Philips CM0700 (20T) 0800h Philips CM0800 (15B) 1200h Philips CM1200 (15A) 1800h Philips CM1800 (15A) 2000h Philips CM0200 (14B) 2600h Philips 17TCM26 2800h Philips 17BCM28 3800h Philips 17ACM38 5600h Philips CM5600 (20B) 700Bh Philips CM0700 (21B) 8000h Philips CM0800 (14A) SeeAlso: #00136,#00166,#00168 (Table 00168) Values for Panasonic monitor EDID: 1604h Panasonic TX-D2151W-ES 1610h Panasonic TX-D2151NM SeeAlso: #00136,#00167,#00169 (Table 00169) Values for Samsung monitor EDID: 0000h Samsung SyncMaster 3Ne 0100h Samsung SyncMaster 4S 1530h Samsung 15GLsi 4610h Samsung SyncMaster 21GLs 4690h Samsung SyncMaster 20GLsi 4D50h Samsung SyncMaster 15GLe 4D51h Samsung SyncMaster 15GLi 4D52h Samsung SyncMaster 15M 4D70h Samsung SyncMaster 17GLi 4D71h Samsung SyncMaster 17GLsi 4D72h Samsung SyncMaster 6Ne 4D73h Samsung 17GLi 4D74h Samsung 17GLsi 5450h Samsung SyncMaster 15Me 6D20h Samsung SyncMaster 15GLe SeeAlso: #00136,#00168,#00170 (Table 00170) Values for Samtron monitor EDID: 1428h Samtron 428PT/PTL 1528h Samtron SC-528TXL 1529h Samtron SC-528UXL 1530h Samtron SC-528MXLJ 4690h Samtron SC-208DXL+ 4D70h Samtron SC-728FXL 4D71h Samtron SC-726GXL 5451h Samtron SC-528MDL SeeAlso: #00136,#00169,#00171 (Table 00171) Values for Tatung monitor EDID: 1F65h Intelliscan TM651x series 15" 1F67h Intelliscan TM671x series 17" 2F44h Intelliscan TM442x series 14" 2F45h Intelliscan TM452x series 15" 434Dh Tatung CM-17MC 4855h Tatung CM-14UH SeeAlso: #00136,#00170,#00172 (Table 00172) Values for Royal Information Company monitor EDID: 061Ch TRL/RIC DL-1564 0622h TRL/RIC DH-1570 SeeAlso: #00136,#00171,#00173 (Table 00173) Values for ViewSonic monitor EDID: 0C00h ViewSonic 17GS 0C0Fh ViewSonic 17PS 0C1Fh ViewSonic 17GA 1600h ViewSonic 21PS-2 2601h ViewSonic 15GS 2600h ViewSonic 15GS-2 3141h ViewSonic 14ES 3142h ViewSonic 14ES 3143h ViewSonic 14ES 3145h ViewSonic 15GS-3 3252h ViewSonic 21PS-2 3253h ViewSonic 21PS-2 334Bh ViewSonic 17GS-2 334Ch ViewSonic 17GS-2 3351h ViewSonic PT810 344Bh ViewSonic 17PS-2 344Ch ViewSonic 17PS-2 3451h ViewSonic PT810-2 354Dh ViewSonic GT800 354Eh ViewSonic GT800 3550h ViewSonic GT800 3644h ViewSonic 15GA 3646h ViewSonic 15GA 3648h ViewSonic 15GA 364Ah ViewSonic PT770 364Bh ViewSonic PT770 364Ch ViewSonic PT770 3744h ViewSonic 15G-2 3746h ViewSonic 15G-2 3748h ViewSonic 15G-2 374Bh ViewSonic 17GA 374Ch ViewSonic 17GA 3844h ViewSonic 15ES-2 3846h ViewSonic 15ES-2 3848h ViewSonic 15ES-2 384Ah ViewSonic 17EA 384Bh ViewSonic 17EA 384Ch ViewSonic 17EA 3944h ViewSonic 15GS-2 3946h ViewSonic 15GS-2 3948h ViewSonic 15GS-2 394Ah ViewSonic 17GS-2 394Bh ViewSonic 17GS-2 394Ch ViewSonic 17GS-2 424Ah ViewSonic GT770 424Bh ViewSonic GT770 424Ch ViewSonic GT770 434Ah ViewSonic 17PS-2 434Bh ViewSonic 17PS-2 434Ch ViewSonic 17PS-2 4439h ViewSonic 15GS-2 444Ah ViewSonic 17GA-2 4637h ViewSonic 1769DC 4745h ViewSonic G653 (VCDTS21444-2E) SeeAlso: #00136,#00172Top
INT 10 - VESA VBE/DC (Display Data Channel) - READ VDIF AX = 4F15h BL = 02h ??? Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful ??? 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F15h/BL=00h,AX=4F15h/BL=01hTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/GC (Graphics System Configuration) - API AX = 4F16h BL = function 00h installation check / get capabilities other registers vary by function Return: varies by functionTop
INT 10 - VESA VBE/AF (Accelerator Functions) - API AX = 4F17h BL = function 00h installation check / get capabilities other registers vary by function Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed 02h hardware does not support function 03h function not available in current video mode else reserved for future error codes other vary by function Notes: the accelerator function code should be given a 32-bit protected mode stack which has at least 1024 bytes available for use by the VBE/AF code when called, the I/O permission bitmap must allow access to any ports which VBE/AF may require for operation SeeAlso: AX=4F0BhTop
INT 10 - VESA - VIDEO CURSOR INTERFACE REQUEST AX = 4F4Dh BX = number of bytes available for VCI use DS:0000h -> buffer for VCI ES:DI -> VCI driver callback function Return: AL = 4Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful BX = number of bytes used by VCI ES:DI -> VCI request handler 01h failed Desc: allow the VESA BIOS Extensions to cooperate with a pointing-device (typically mouse) driver SeeAlso: AX=4F12hTop
INT 10 - Avance Logic - GET ADAPTER INFORMATION AX = 4F70h Return: AX = 004Fh if successful BL = board information (see #00174) BH = board type??? 00h on ALG2101 FFh otherwise SeeAlso: AX=4F00h Bitfields for Avance Logic board information: Bit(s) Description (Table 00174) 0-1 video RAM size 00 256K 01 512K 10 1M 11 2M 2 ??? 3 slot size??? =0 8-bit slot =1 16-bit slot 4 unused 5 set on ALG2228/AL2301 6-7 unusedTop
INT 10 - ATI M64VBE.COM - GET RESIDENT SEGMENT AX = 4FDDh Return: AX = CS of resident code Program: M64VBE is a VESA VBE 2.0 driver TSR for ATI's Mach64 video chip SeeAlso: AX=4FFFh/BX=364Dh"M64VBE",INT 60"M64VBE"Top
INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - Everex - TURN VESA ON/OFF AX = 4FFFh DL = new state (00h off, 01h on) Return: AX = 0000h if successfulTop
INT 10 - Diamond Stealth 24 - SET/RESET DUAL DISPLAY MODE AX = 4FFFh BX = dual display mode 00h reset 01h set dual display, 32KB VGA test 02h set dual display, 64KB VGA test Return: AX = 4F00h if successful BX = number of scanlines off screen for test modeTop
INT 10 - ATI M64VBE.COM - UNINSTALL AX = 4FFFh BX = 364Dh ('6M') CX = 5634h ('V4') Return: AX,DX,DS,ES destroyed Program: M64VBE is a VESA VBE 2.0 driver TSR for ATI's Mach64 video chip SeeAlso: AX=4FDDh"M64VBE",INT 60"M64VBE"Top
INT 10 - SCROLOCK.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 50h Return: BX = 1954h if installed AL = 00h if inactive, nonzero if active Program: SCROLOCK is a utility supplied with System Enhancement Associates' ARC archiver SeeAlso: AH=51hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - AX PC - SET SCREEN COUNTRY CODE AX = 5000h BX = country code 0001h USA (English), 0051h Japan Return: AL = status 00h successful 01h bad country code 02h other error Note: This function is called with BX=0051h by Japanese versions of MS-DOS/PC DOS/DR DOS IO.SYS/IBMBIO.COM at initialization time. SeeAlso: AX=5001h,INT 16/AX=5000hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - AX PC - GET SCREEN COUNTRY CODE AX = 5001h Return: AL = status 00h successful BX = country code 02h error SeeAlso: AH=00h,AX=5000h,INT 16/AX=5001h,INT 21/AH=38hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - SCREENR v1.55+ - API AX = 5049h ('PI') BX = function 0000h installation check 0001h lock mode 0002h unlock mode 0003h lock palette 0004h unlock palette Return: AX = 0000h if installed BX = TSR version (BH=major,BL=minor) CL = mode locking status 00h mode not locked 01h mode locked: INT 10/AH=00h disabled CH = palette locking status 00h palette not locked 01h palette locked, the following functions are disabled: AX=1000h, AX=1001h, AX=1002h, AX=1010h, AX=1012h Program: SCREENR is a TSR supplied with Patrick Ibbetson's SCREEN display utility. Index: installation check;SCREENRTop
INT 10 - SCROLOCK.COM - ENABLE/DISABLE AH = 51h AL = state 00h disable nonzero enable Return: nothing Program: SCROLOCK is a utility supplied with System Enhancement Associates' ARC file archiver SeeAlso: AH=50h"SCROLOCK"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - AX PC - REGISTER EXTERNAL CHARACTER AX = 5100h BH = character width in bits (10h) BL = character height (10h) DX = character code (DH = F0h-F3h, DL=40h-7Eh,80h-FCh) ES:BP -> character bitmap Return: AL = status (00h successful, 01h failed) SeeAlso: AX=5101h,INT 1F"SYSTEM DATA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - AX PC - READ CHARACTER AX = 5101h BH = character width in bits BL = character height DX = character code (DH = 00h if 8-bit character) ES:BP -> buffer for character bitmap Return: AL = status (00h successful, 01h failed) SeeAlso: AH=09h,AX=5100hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - AX PC - SET VIRTUAL TEXT RAM BUFFER AX = 5200h BX = segment of buffer Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=5201hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - AX PC - GET VIRTUAL TEXT RAM BUFFER AX = 5201h Return: BX = segment of buffer or 0000h if failed SeeAlso: AX=8300h,AH=FEhTop
INT 10 - Show Partner F/X v3.6 - START PRESENTATION AH = 53h DS:DX -> ASCIZ name of presentation file (no path, extension forced to .PR2) Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=55hTop
INT 10 - Show Partner F/X v3.6 - UNINSTALL AH = 55h Return: FXSHOW.EXE removed from memory SeeAlso: AH=53hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - ATI EGA/VGA Wonder Super Switch - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 5555h Return: AX = AAAAh if installed BX:CX -> ??? routine in SMS.COM resident portion -> data area (see #00175) in VCONFIG Program: Super Switch (SMS.COM) is a video mode switch program supplied with ATI EGA Wonder. It also maps video mode 08h to 27h or 23h. SeeAlso: INT 10/AH=00h,INT 14/AX=AA01h,INT 2F/AX=6400h Index: screen saver;ATI Wonder SMS.COM Format of ATI Super Switch data area: Offset Size Description (Table 00175) 00h DWORD original INT 09 vector 04h DWORD original INT 10 vector 08h DWORD original INT 1C vector 0Ch WORD screen saver state, 0=off, 1=on 0Eh WORD blanking interval in clock ticksTop
INT 10 - LIR - SET CONFIGURATION AX = 5555h BX = AAAAh CL = new configuration flags (see #04118) CH > 0 new video adapter configuration (see #04121) = 0 do not update video adapter configuration DL = new keyboard layout flags (see #04119) DH = new alphabet flags (see #04120) Return: AX = A55Ah if installed Program: LIR is a DOS/Windows 3.xx codepage support package develoved by LABAS u.a.b. It supports several screen and printer codepages as well as various keyboard layouts used in Lithuania. Download at: SeeAlso: AX=5555h/BX=BBBBh,INT 17/AX=5555h/BX=AAAAh Bitfields for LIR configuration flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 04118) 7 program is active 6 ??? 5-3 code page 2 Lithuanian??? 1 Russian??? 0 enable beeps SeeAlso: #04119 Bitfields for LIR keyboard layout flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 04119) 7-5 keyboard layout 100 QWERTY 010 Lithuanian AZERTY 001 Lithuanian ergonomic FZVPUJ 4-3 reserved (0) 2 Lithuanian keyboard??? 1 Russian keyboard??? 0 ??? SeeAlso: #04118,#04120 Bitfields for LIR Alphabet flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 04120) 7-3 reserved (0) 2 Lithuanian alphabetic symbol table??? 1 Russian alphabetic symbol table??? 0 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #04118,#04119,#04121 Bitfields for LIR video adapter configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table 04121) 7 Hercules Graphics Card (HGC) 6-5 reserved (0) 4 VGA 3 MCGA 2 EGA 1 CGA 0 reserved (0) Note: multiple bits may be set if more than one video adapter is installed SeeAlso: #04118Top
INT 10 - LIR - GET CONFIGURATION AX = 5555h BX = BBBBh Return: AX = magic signature A55Ah BX = version number (BH = major version, BL = minor version), e.g. BX = 0410h for LIR v4.10, or BX = 0422h for LIR v4.22) CL = configuration flags (see #04118) CH = video adapter configuration (see #04121) DL = keyboard layout flags(see #04119) DH = alphabet flags (see #04120) SeeAlso: AX=5555h/BX=AAAAh,INT 17/AX=5555h/BX=BBBBhTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - RETURN CHIP INFORMATION AX = 5F00h Return: AL = 5Fh function supported BL = chip type (see #00176) BH = video memory size (see #00177) CX = miscellaneous information (see #00178) SeeAlso: AX=5F01h Bitfields for Chips&Technologies chip type: Bit(s) Description (Table 00176) 7-4 chip type 0000: 82c451 0001: 82c452 / 82c452A 0010: 82c455 0011: 82c453 0100: 82c450 0101: 82c456 0110: 82c457 0111: F65520 1000: F65530 / F65525 1001: F66510 1010: ??? 1011: F64300 "Wingine DGX" 1100: F65535/F65545 ??? 1101: F65540 1110: ??? 1111: ??? 3-0 revision number SeeAlso: #00177 (Table 00177) Values for Chips&Technologies video memory size: 00h 256KB 01h 512KB 02h 1MB 03h 2MB SeeAlso: #00176 Bitfields for Chips&Technologies miscellaneous information: Bit(s) Description (Table 00178) 0 DAC size (0=6-bit, 1=8-bit) 1 system type (0=PC/AT, 1=PS/2) 2 extended text modes supported by BIOS 3 reserved 4 extended graphics modes supported by BIOS 5 reserved 6 BIOS supports graphics cursor 7 BIOS supports anti-aliased font 8 BIOS supports pre-programmed emulation 9 BIOS supports auto emulation 10 BIOS supports variable mode set at cold boot 11 BIOS supports variable mode set on warm boot 12 BIOS supports emulation mode set at cold boot 13 BIOS supports emulation mode set on warm boot 14-15 reservedTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Realtek RTVGA - RETURN CHIP VERSION AX = 5F00h Return: AH = 00h, if successful AL = chip version (the same value that VTEST.EXE reads) 00h RTG3103??? 01h RTG31030/RTG3105 02h RTG3106??? 3Fh non-Realtek chip BUG: in v3.C10, AX=5F00h on return due to improper stack restoration code SeeAlso: AX=5F01h"RTVGA"Top
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET PREPROGRAMMED EMULATION AX = 5F01h BL = emulation type (see #00179) Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F00h,AX=5F02h,AH=FFh"Oak" (Table 00179) Values for Chips&Technologies emulation type: 00h,01h reserved 02h CGA 03h MDA 04h Hercules 05h EGA 06h VGA (disable emulation)Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Realtek RTVGA - WRITE RTVGA BIOS STRING TO DESTINATION AX = 5F01h ES:DI -> zero-filled buffer for BIOS ID string Return: AH = 00h if successful ES:DI -> ASCII signature "REALTEK VGA BIOS Version 3C.10" BUG: in v3.C10, AX=5F01h on return due to improper stack restoration code SeeAlso: AX=5F00h"RTVGA",AX=5F02h"RTVGA"Top
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - AUTO EMULATION CONTROL AX = 5F02h BL = new state of autmatic emulation (00h enabled, 01h disabled) Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F01h,AX=5F03hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - SET CLOCK AX = 5F02h BH = what to set 02h dot clock BL = speed in MHz (12-99) 03h memory clock BL = speed in MHz (12-99) FFh default dot and memory clocks Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F00h"Chips",AX=5F03h"64300",AX=5F02h"65530"Top
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '65530' BIOS - SET CLOCK AX = 5F02h BH = what to set 02h dot clock BL = new clock speed (see #00180) 03h memory clock BL = new clock speed (see #00180) 04h set power-down register BL = new value for power-down register (bits 3-0 only) 06h (404 clock chip) set control register BL = new vlaue for control register (bits 5-0 only) 06h (404A/B/B-ES clock chips) set control register PWRDN1 BL = new value for control register 07h (404A/B/B-ES clock chips) set control register PWRDN1 BL = new value for control register FFh default dot and memory clocks Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F01h,AX=5F02h"64300",AX=5FA0h,#00184 (Table 00180) Values for C&T '65530' BIOS clock speed: 00h 12 MHz 01h 14 MHz 02h 16 MHz 03h 18 MHz 04h 20 MHz 05h 25 MHz 06h 28 MHz 07h 32 MHz 08h 36 MHz 09h 40 MHz 0Ah 45 MHz 0Bh 50 MHz 0Ch 56 MHz 0Dh 60 MHz 0Eh 65 MHz 0Fh 66 MHz 15h 34 MHzTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Realtek RTVGA - RETURN RTVGA ON-BOARD MEMORY SIZE AX = 5F02h Return: AH = 00h, if successful AL = on-board memory size (00h = 256K, 01h = 512K, 02h = 768K, 03h = 1024K) BUG: in v3.C10, AX=5F02h on return due to improper stack restoration code SeeAlso: AX=5F01h"RTVGA",AX=5F03h"RTVGA"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Realtek RTVGA - SET ??? AX = 5F03h BL = 0-3 (???) Return: AH = 00h if successful BUG: in v3.C10, AX=5F03h on return due to improper stack restoration code SeeAlso: AX=5F02h"RTVGA"Top
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET POWER-ON DISPLAY MODE AX = 5F03h BL = 00h CL = display mode CH = mode (see #00181) Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F02h,AX=5F03h/BL=01h"Chips",AX=5F90h Bitfields for Chips&Technologies display mode: Bit(s) Description (Table 00181) 1-0 scanlines (00 = 200, 01 = 350, 10 = 400) 7 persistence (0 reset on next boot, 1 until changed)Top
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - GET CLOCK SPEED AX = 5F03h BH = 00h (get default memory clock) Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful BL = clock speed in MHz SeeAlso: AX=5F02h"64300",AX=5F04h"64300"Top
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET POWER-ON EMULATION MODE AX = 5F03h BL = 01h CL = emulation mode (see #00181) CH = permanence bit 7 persistence (0 reset on next boot, 1 until changed) Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F02h,AX=5F03h/BL=00h"Chips",AX=5F90hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - GET REFRESH RATE AX = 5F04h BL = video mode number Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful BH = available refresh rates (see #00182) BL = currently-set refresh rate (see #00182) SeeAlso: AX=5F03h"64300",AX=5F05h"64300" Bitfields for C&T 64300 refresh rates: Bit(s) Description (Table 00182) 5 75 Hz 4 72 Hz 3 70 Hz 2 60 Hz 1 56 Hz 0 interlacedTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - SET REFRESH RATE AX = 5F05h BL = video mode number BH = refresh rate to set (see #00182) bit 7: =0 program new clock and CRT parametes =1 keep current parameters Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F04h"64300"Top
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - GET XRAM INFORMATION AX = 5F06h Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful BL = XRAM presence (00h no XRAM, 01h present) SeeAlso: AX=5F05h,AX=5F08hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300' BIOS - SET LINEAR MEMORY START ADDRESS AX = 5F08h BX = desired start address in megabytes Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F06hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '64300'/'65530' BIOS - GET LINEAR MEMORY INFO AX = 5F10h Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful BX:CX = linear memory base address DX = virtual screen width offset (bytes) SI;DI = linear memory size SeeAlso: AX=5F08h,AX=5FA0hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - GET LAPTOP DISPLAY STATUS AX = 5F50h Return: DL = display status (see #00183) Note: this call can be used on Toshiba laptops since ~1995 instead of INT 42/AX=7503h which is no longer supported with the F655xx chips SeeAlso: INT 42/AX=7503h Bitfields for display status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00183) 7-4 always 0 ??? 3 1: both displays active (bit 1 also set) 2 1: normal (monochrome display only), 0: inverse or color 1 1: internal display active, 0: external only 0 always set ???Top
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies '65530' BIOS - GET 655xx INFORMATION AX = 5F50h Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful BX = width of flat panel in pixels CX = height of flat panel in pixels DX = F65520/525/530 status (see #00184) SeeAlso: AX=5F51h,INT 15/AX=5F31h Bitfields for C&T F65520/525/530 status: Bit(s) Description (Table 00184) 15-0 reserved 6-5 type of clock chip 00 = 404 01 = 404A 10 = 404B ES 11 = 404B 4 accelerator enabled 3 both displays active 2 video polarity (1 = inverted) 1 output device 0 CRT 1 flat panel (LCD) 0 reservedTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SWITCH DISPLAY DEVICE AX = 5F51h BL = new active display 00h CRT 01h flat panel (LCD) 02h both simultaneously BH = 01h to allow reprogramming the DAC Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F50h,AX=5F53hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - EN/DISABLE ACCELERATOR SUPPORT AX = 5F53h BL = new support state 00h disable buffer/accelerator 01h enable buffer/acelerator Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F50h,AX=5F51h,AX=5F54hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - TURN FLAT PANEL ON/OFF AX = 5F54h BL = new state 00h on 01h off Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F50h,AX=5F51h,AX=5F53h,AX=5F5AhTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET FLAT-PANEL VIDEO POLARITY AX = 5F5Ah BL = new video polarity 00h normal 01h inverted Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F50h,AX=5F54hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET VERTICAL COMPENSATION AX = 5F5Ch BL = type of vertical compensation to use 00h no compensation 01h automatic centering 02h set centering register DX = centering value (bits 9-0 only) 03h non-automatic centering 04h set vertical line insertion register DL = vertical line insertion (bits 3-0 only) 05h set alternate maximum scanline register DL = alternate maximum scanline (bits 4-0 only) 06h enable text stretching, type 0 07h enable text stretching, type 1 08h enable text stretching, type 2 09h enable text stretching, type 3 0Ah disable text stretching 0Bh set vertical line replication register DL = vertical line replication (bits 3-0 only) 0Ch enable graphics stretching, type 0 0Dh enable graphics stretching, type 1 0Eh disable vertical graphics stretching 0Fh disable all horizontal and vertical compensation 10h enable optimal compensation 11h disable optimal compensation Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F50h,AX=5F5Eh,AX=5F5FhTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - EN/DISABLE TALL FONT LOADING AX = 5F5Eh BL = new state of tall-font loading 00h enable loading of 8x19/30/32 fonts 01h disable loading of 8x19/30/32 fonts Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful Note: when tall fonts are enabled, the fonts are stretched by duplicating scan lines as appropriate to convert an 8x16 font to the proper height (scan lines 1/9/12 [8x19] or 2-15 [8x30] or all [8x32]) SeeAlso: AX=5F5Ch,AX=5F5FhTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - HORIZONTAL COMPENSATION AX = 5F5Fh BL = horizontal compensation type 00h none 01h automatic centering 02h set centering register DL = centering value 03h non-automatic centering 04h enable text compression (force 8xN fonts) 05h disable text compression (allow 9xN fonts) 06h enable auto doubling 07h disable auto doubling 0Fh disable all horizontal and vertical compensation Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AX=5F50h,AX=5FA0hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - GET SUPERVGA STATE BUFFER SIZE AX = 5F90h CX = state mask (see #00185) Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported BX = number of 64-byte blocks required SeeAlso: AH=1Ch,AX=5F03h,AX=5F91h,AX=5F92h,AX=5FA0h Bitfields for Chips&Technologies state mask: Bit(s) Description (Table 00185) 0 video hardware 1 BIOS data state 2 DAC state 15 type (0 all state info, 1 SuperVGA state only)Top
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SAVE SUPERVGA STATE AX = 5F91h CX = state mask (see #00185) ES:BX -> save buffer Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported buffer at ES:BX filled SeeAlso: AH=1Ch,AX=5F03h,AX=5F90h,AX=5F92h,AX=5FA1hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - RESTORE SUPERVGA STATE AX = 5F92h CX = state mask (see #00185) ES:BX -> previously-filled save buffer Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported SeeAlso: AH=1Ch,AX=5F03h,AX=5F90h,AX=5F92h,AX=5FA2hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Wingine DGX - GET EXTENDED BIOS SAVE BUFFER SIZE AX = 5FA0h CX = state(s) to be saved (see #00186) Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful BX = number of 64-byte blocks required for state SeeAlso: AH=1Ch,AX=5FA1h,AX=5FA2h,AX=5F90h,AX=4F04h Bitfields for C&T BIOS save/restore state type: Bit(s) Description (Table 00186) 0 video hardware 1 BIOS data 2 DAC and color registers 14 (65530 BIOS with AL=A1h only) clear emulation state 15 extended registers SeeAlso: #00048,#00085Top
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Wingine DGX - SAVE VIDEO STATE AX = 5FA1h CX = state(s) to be saved (see #00186) ES:BX -> buffer for state information Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful ES:BX buffer filled SeeAlso: AH=1Ch,AX=5FA0h,AX=5FA2h,AX=5F91hTop
INT 10 - Chips & Technologies Wingine DGX - RESTORE VIDEO STATE AX = 5FA2h CX = state(s) to be restored (see #00186) ES:BX -> buffer containing previously-saved state information Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful SeeAlso: AH=1Ch,AX=5FA0h,AX=5FA1h,AX=5F92hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SET GRAPHICS FONT AH = 60h AL = new font bit 7 output characters in reverse video bits 0-6 font number (see #00200 at AH=77h) Return: BH = cell width BL = cell height Desc: select the font to use for output in mode 6; this can be used to mix fonts on the screen Note: the Husky Hunter 16 is an 8088-based ruggedized laptop. Other family members are the Husky Hunter, Husky Hunter 16/80, and Husky Hawk. SeeAlso: AH=04h"HUNTER",AH=73h"HUNTER",AH=77h"HUNTER"Top
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - MOVE CURSOR TO GRAPHICS CO-ORDINATES AH = 61h CX = column DX = row Return: nothing Note: this function is only valid in graphics modes SeeAlso: AH=62hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - GET CURSOR POSITION IN GRAPHICS CO-ORDINATES AH = 62h Return: CX = column DX = row Note: this function is only valid in graphics modes SeeAlso: AH=61hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SET CONTRAST AH = 63h AL = contrast (0..127) Return: nothing Desc: set the LCD screen contrast to improve visibility SeeAlso: AH=64h,AH=75hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SET BACKLIGHT LEVEL AH = 64h AL = level (0..15) Return: nothing Desc: set the LCD backlight level to improve visibility in bad lighting SeeAlso: AH=63h,AH=65h,AH=74h,AH=78h"HUNTER",INT 15/AH=74hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - GET BACKLIGHT TIMEOUT AX = 6500h Return: BX = timeout in seconds (0-300) Desc: returns the time after which the backlight will turn off SeeAlso: AH=63h,AH=64h,AX=6501h,INT 15/AH=74hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SET BACKLIGHT TIMEOUT AX = 6501h BX = timeout in seconds (0-300) Return: nothing Desc: set the idle time after which the backlight will turn off SeeAlso: AH=64h,AX=6500hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SPLIT DISPLAY AH = 66h AL = control bits (see #00187) BH = top row of lower section of LCD (0..7) BL = top row of lower section of the virtual screen (0..24) Return: nothing Desc: split the LCD screen horizontally into two parts; each part may be individually scrollable or fixed. Note: the Hunter 16 has a 240x64 LCD display which serves as a window into a 640x200 virtual screen Bitfields for HUNTER 16 control bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00187) 0-1 01: no split, 10: allow split 2 allow scrolling the upper part 3 allow scrolling the lower partTop
INT 10 - Direct Graphics Interface Standard (DGIS) - INQUIRE AVAILABLE DEVICES AX = 6A00h BX = 0000h CX = 0000h DX = buffer length (may be 0) ES:DI -> buffer Return: BX = number of bytes stored in buffer CX = bytes required for all descriptions (0 if no DGIS) Note: buffer contains descriptions and addresses of DGIS-compatible display(s) and printer(s) SeeAlso: AX=6A02hTop
INT 10 - Direct Graphics Interface Standard (DGIS) - REDIRECT CHARACTER OUTPUT AX = 6A01h CX = 0000h ES:DI = address of device to send INT 10 output to Return: CX = 0000h output could not be redirected else INT 10h output now routed to requested display SeeAlso: AX=6A02hTop
INT 10 - DGIS - INQUIRE INT 10 OUTPUT DEVICE AX = 6A02h ES:DI = 0000h:0000h Return: ES:DI = 0000h:0000h if current display is non-DGIS else address of the current DGIS INT 10 display SeeAlso: AX=6A00h,AX=6A01hTop
INT 10 - MTRFONTS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 6D74h ('mt') DS:0104h = signature "MtRfOnTs" Return: AX = 4D54h ('MT') if installed ES = PSP segment of resident code Program: MTRFONTS is a shareware TSR (part of the MTR package) by Mechon Mamre which provides Hebrew screen fonts SeeAlso: INT 16/AX=6D74h"MTRTSR"Top
INT 10 - Paradise VGA internal - GET ??? AX = 6E00h Return: BX = 5744h ('WD') if supported DH:AH:AL = last three ASCII digits of ROM serial number CL = ??? CH = ??? SeeAlso: AX=6E04h,AX=6E05hTop
INT 10 - Paradise VGA internal - GET SCREEN SIZE AND ??? AX = 6E04h Return: BX = screen width (columns) CX = screen height (lines) AH = ??? (05h or FFh) AL = ??? (04h or video mode) SeeAlso: AX=6E00h,AX=6E05hTop
INT 10 - Paradise VGA internal - SET MODE AX = 6E05h BL = mode Return: nothing Note: like AH=00h, AL=BL. SeeAlso: AH=00h,AX=6E00h,AX=6E04h,AX=6F05hTop
INT 10 - HP Vectra EX-BIOS - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 6F00h BX <> 4850h (usually set to 0000h for simplicity) Return: BX = 4850h ('HP') indicates HP Extended BIOS video functions present AX destroyed SeeAlso: AX=6F00h"Video7",AX=6F01h,AX=6F02h,AX=6F03h,AX=6F04h,AX=6F05h SeeAlso: INT 14/AX=6F00h,INT 16/AX=6F00h,INT 17/AX=6F00h,INT 33/AX=6F00hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Video7 VGA,VEGA VGA - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 6F00h BX = 0000h Return: BX = 5637h ('V7') indicates Video7 VGA/VEGA VGA extensions are present SeeAlso: AX=6F01h,AX=6F02h,AX=6F03h,AX=6F04h,AX=6F05hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Video7 VGA,VEGA VGA,HP EX-BIOS - GET MONITOR INFO AX = 6F01h Return: AL = monitor type code (HP,VEGA VGA only) (see #00188) AH = status register information (see #00189) CL = current value of Extended Control register (HP Ext BIOS, and only if AL=41h) (see #00190) Notes: bits 0-3 are the same as the EGA/VGA status register bits 0-3 supported by original HP Vectra AT and by ES/QS/RS series Vectras (Table 00188) Values for monitor type code (HP Extended BIOS): 00h non-HP card with ROM and possibly its own INT 10h driver 41h MultiMode video display adapter 42h-44h reserved 45h industry standard monochrome display adapter 46h industry standard color display adapter 51h reserved Bitfields for status register information: Bit(s) Description (Table 00189) 0 display enable 0 = display enabled 1 = vertical or horizontal retrace in progress 1 light pen flip flop set 2 light pen switch activated 3 vertical sync 4 monitor resolution 0 = high resolution (>200 lines) 1 = low resolution (<=200 lines) 5 display type (0 = color, 1 = monochrome) 6,7 diagnostic bits Note: bits 0-3 are the same as the EGA/VGA status register bits 0-3Top
INT 10 - HP Vectra EX-BIOS - SET MONITOR INFO AX = 6F02h BL = new value for extended control register (see #00190) Return: AX,BL destroyed Notes: this function is only valid when an HP MultiMode Video Display Adapter is installed the Extended Control register is at I/O address 3DDh SeeAlso: AX=6F01h,AX=6F03h Bitfields for HP Vectra extended control register: Bit(s) Description (Table 00190) 0 screen resolution (0 = 200 lines, 1 = 400 lines) 1 underline enable (if set, 'blue' of fg color = underline) 2 font (0 = Standard-8, 1 = HP-Roman-8) 3 memory disabled for CPU access 4 allow access to full 32K memory instead of wrapping at 16K 5 select second 16K page instead of first 6,7 unusedTop
INT 10 - HP Vectra EX-BIOS - MODIFY MONITOR INFO AX = 6F03h BH = exclude mask (set bits are not modified) BL = new values for bits indicated by BH (see #00190) Return: AX destroyed Notes: this function is only valid when an HP MultiMode Video Display Adapter is installed supported by original HP Vectra AT and by ES/QS/RS series Vectras SeeAlso: AX=6F01h,AX=6F02hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Video7 VGA,VEGA VGA,HP Vectra - GET MODE AND SCREEN RESOLUTION AX = 6F04h Return: AL = current video mode (see #00191) BX = horizontal columns (text) or pixels (graphics) CX = vertical columns (text) or pixels (graphics) SeeAlso: AX=6F05hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Video7 VGA,VEGA EXTENDED EGA/VGA,HP Vectra - SET VIDEO MODE AX = 6F05h BL = mode (see #00191) Return: AX,BL destroyed Notes: also supported by the HP Vectra Extended BIOS on the original HP Vectra AT and by ES/QS/RS series Vectras on the HP Vectra, this function rather than AH=00h must be used to return to an IBM-standard mode after setting an HP-specified mode from 08h to 0Fh. SeeAlso: AH=00h,AX=0070h,AX=007Eh,AX=6F04h (Table 00191) Values for Video7/VEGA video mode: text/ text pixel pixel colors disply scrn system grph resol box resolution pages addr 00h-13h = standard IBM modes (see #00010 at AH=00h) 08h = T 80x27 . . mono . . HP MultiMode Video 09h = T 80x27 . . . . . HP MultiMode Video 0Ah = T 40x27 . . mono . . HP MultiMode Video 0Bh = T 40x27 . . . . . HP MultiMode Video 0Ch = reserved HP MultiMode Video 0Dh = G . . 640x400 . . . HP MultiMode Video 0Eh = G . . 320x400 . . . HP MultiMode Video 0Fh = G . . 320x400 . . . HP MultiMode Video 40h = T 80x43 8x8 . . . . Video7/VEGA VGA 41h = T 132x25 8x14 . . . . Video7/VEGA VGA 42h = T 132x43 8x8 . . . . Video7/VEGA VGA 43h = T 80x60 8x8 . . . . Video7/VEGA VGA 44h = T 100x60 8x8 . . . . Video7/VEGA VGA 45h = T 132x28 8x8 . . . . Video7/VEGA VGA 60h = G . . 752x410 16 . . Video7 VGA, VEGA VGA 61h = G . . 720x540 16 . . Video7 VGA, VEGA VGA = G . . 720x540 16 . . Northgate, Headland 1024i 62h = G . . 800x600 16 . . Video7 VGA, VEGA Ext EGA = G . . 800x600 16 . . Headland 1024i 63h = G . . 1024x768 2 . . Video7 VGA 64h = G . . 1024x768 4 . . Video7 VGA 65h = G . . 1024x768 16 . . Video7 VGA, VEGA Ext EGA = G . . 1024x768 16 . . Headland 1024i 66h = G . . 640x400 256 . . Video7 VGA, VEGA Ext VGA = G . . 640x400 256 . . Northgate, Headland 1024i 67h = G . . 640x480 256 . . Video7 VGA, VEGA Ext VGA = G . . 640x480 256 . . Headland 1024i 68h = G . . 720x540 256 . . Video7 VGA, VEGA Ext VGA = G . . 720x540 256 . . Headland 1024i 69h = G . . 800x600 256 . . Video7 VGA, VEGA Ext VGA = G . . 800x600 256 . . Headland 1024i 70h = G . . 752x410 16gray . . Video7 VGA, VEGA VGA 71h = G . . 720x540 16gray . . Video7 VGA, VEGA VGA 72h = G . . 800x600 16gray . . Video7 VGA 73h = G . . 1024x768 2gray . . Video7 VGA 74h = G . . 1024x768 4gray . . Video7 VGA 75h = G . . 1024x768 16gray . . Video7 VGA 76h = G . . 640x400 256gray . . Video7 VGA 77h = G . . 640x480 256gray . . Video7 VGA 78h = G . . 720x540 256gray . . Video7 VGA 79h = G . . 800x600 256gray . . (future) SeeAlso: AH=00h,#00010,AX=0070h,#00011,AX=007Eh,AX=6F04h,#00083 Index: video modes;Video 7|video modes;VEGA|video modes;HeadlandTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Video7 VGA,VEGA VGA - SELECT AUTOSWITCH MODE AX = 6F06h BL = Autoswitch mode select 00h select EGA/VGA-only modes 01h select Autoswitched VGA/EGA/CGA/MGA modes 02h select 'bootup' CGA/MGA modes BH = enable/disable (00h enable, 01h = disable selection) Return: nothingTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Video7 VGA,VEGA VGA - GET VIDEO MEMORY CONFIGURATION AX = 6F07h Return: AL = 6Fh AH = memory configuration bits 0-6 = number of 256K blocks of video memory bit 7 = DRAM/VRAM (0: DRAM, 1: VRAM) BH = chip revision (SR8F) (S/C Chip in VEGA VGA) BL = chip revision (SR8E) (G/A Chip in VEGA VGA) CX = 0000h SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=10hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TANDY 2000 only - GET ADDRESS OF VIDEO RAM AH = 70h Return: AX:BX -> WORD containing green plane's offset AX:CX -> WORD containing green plane's segment AX:DX -> WORD containing segment of red (offset 0) and blue (offset 4000) planes SeeAlso: AH=71hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - DRAW ELLIPSE/CIRCLE AH = 70h DS:BX -> control block (see #00192) Return: nothing Desc: Draws a circle or ellipse. Only valid in graphics modes. Note: the Husky Hunter 16 is an 8088-based ruggedized laptop. Other family members are the Husky Hunter, Husky Hunter 16/80, and Husky Hawk. SeeAlso: AH=71h"HUNTER" Format of HUNTER 16 control block: Offset Size Description (Table 00192) 00h WORD center X co-ordinate 02h BYTE center Y co-ordinate 03h WORD radius in pixels 05h BYTE color (00h white, 01h black, FFh invert) 06h BYTE aspect ratio x:x (1-127) 07h BYTE aspect ratio y:y (1-127)Top
INT 10 - Everex Extended Video BIOS - RETURN EMULATION STATUS AX = 7000h BX = 0000h Return: AL = 70h if Trident-based Everex card CL = monitor type (see #00193) CH = feature bits (see #00194) DX = video board info bits 4-15: board ID model (see #00195) bits 0-3: board ID revision DI = BCD BIOS version number SeeAlso: AX=5F01h,AH=FFh"Oak" (Table 00193) Values for Everex monitor type: 00h mono 01h CGA 02h EGA 03h digital multifrequency 04h IBM PS/2 05h IBM 8514 06h SuperVGA 07h analog multifrequency 08h super multifrequency Bitfields for Everex feature bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00194) 7-6 memory size 00 = 256K 01 = 512K 10 = 1024K 11 = 2048K 5 special oscillator present 4 VGA protect enabled 0 6845 emulation (Table 00195) Values for board model for Trident-based Everex cards: 0236h Ultragraphics II 0620h Vision VGA 0673h EVGA 0678h ViewpointTop
INT 10 - Everex Extended Video BIOS - GET PAGING FUNCTION POINTER FOR CURR MODE AX = 7000h BX = 0004h Return: ES:DI -> FAR paging function (call with DL = page to set) Note: the word preceding ES:DI is the length of the function in bytes, and the last byte of the function is a FAR return instruction. SeeAlso: AX=4F05h,AX=7000h/BX=0000h,AX=7000h/BX=0005hTop
INT 10 - Everex Extended Video BIOS - GET SUPPORTED MODE INFO AX = 7000h BX = 0005h CL = maximum number of modes to get info for CH = mode type to get info for (see #00196) DL = monitor type to get info for ES:DI -> buffer for mode info (see #00197) Return: CL = total number of modes fitting criteria CH = size of each info record SeeAlso: AX=7000h/BX=0000h,AX=7000h/BX=0004h (Table 00196) Values for Everex mode type: 00h all modes 01h monochrome text modes 02h color text modes 03h four-color CGA graphics modes 04h two-color CGA graphics modes 05h 16-color graphics modes 06h 256-color graphics modes Format of Everex mode information record: Offset Size Description (Table 00197) 00h BYTE mode number (bit 7 set if extended mode) 01h BYTE mode type (see #00196) 02h BYTE info bits (see #00198) 03h BYTE font height 04h BYTE text columns on screen 05h BYTE text rows on screen 06h WORD number of scan lines 08h BYTE color information bits 7-4 reserved 3-0 bits per pixel Bitfields for Everex info bits: Bit(s) Description (Table 00198) 7,6 reserved 5 monochrome mode 4 interlaced display 3 requires special oscillator 2,1 memory required (00 = 256K, 01 = 512K, 10 = 1024K, 11 = 2048K) 0 reservedTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TANDY 2000 only - GET ADDRESS OF INCRAM AH = 71h Return: AX:BX -> WORD containing segment address of INCRAM AX:CX -> WORD containing offset of INCRAM SeeAlso: AH=70h"TANDY"Top
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - DRAW LINE/BOX AH = 71h DS:BX -> control block (see #00199) Return: nothing Desc: Draws a line or box. Only valid in graphics modes. SeeAlso: AH=70h"HUNTER" Format of HUNTER 16 control block: Offset Size Description (Table 00199) 00h WORD left edge X co-ordinate 02h BYTE lower edge Y co-ordinate 03h WORD right edge X co-ordinate 05h BYTE upper edge Y co-ordinate 06h BYTE color (00h white, 01h black, FFh invert) 07h BYTE type (00h line, 01h box) 08h BYTE if non-zero (and type is BOX) fill with colorTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - TANDY 2000 only - SCROLL RIGHT PART OR ALL OF SCREEN AH = 72h AL = number of columns to shift scroll area, 00h to clear entire area BH = new attributes for blanked columns at left CH,CL = row, column of upper left corner of scroll area DH,DL = row, column of lower right corner of scroll area Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=06h,AH=07h,AH=73h"TANDY",INT 15/AH=12h/BH=05hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SELECT TEXT-MODE INVERSE VIDEO MECHANISM AH = 72h AL = mechanism to use 00h do not use inverse video 01h emulate MDA. Display attribute 07h is normal video and 70h is inverse video. 02h use inverse video if background is non-black. 03h use inverse video for high intensity text. 04h use inverse video for text with background intensity greater than foreground intensity. 05h use inverse video for text with background color other than black or high intensity foreground. Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=70h"HUNTER",AH=71h"HUNTER"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - TANDY 2000 only - SCROLL LEFT PART OR ALL OF SCREEN AH = 73h AL = number of columns to shift scroll area, 00h to clear entire area BH = new attributes for blanked columns at right CH,CL = row, column of upper left corner of scroll area DH,DL = row, column of lower right corner of scroll area Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=06h,AH=07h,AH=72h"TANDY",INT 15/AH=12h/BH=05hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SELECT TEXT FONT AH = 73h AL = new font 00h 7x7 in a 8x8 cell 01h 5x7 in a 6x8 cell 06h 3x5 in a 4x6 cell Return: BH = cell width BL = cell height SeeAlso: AH=60h"HUNTER",AH=77h"HUNTER"Top
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SET LCD WINDOWS POSITION AH = 74h DH = row (0..24) DL = column (0..79) Return: nothing Desc: set the position in the virtual screen being displayed in the LCD screen. If Split Screen (INT 10/AH=66h) is used, this call sets the position for the window which has the cursor. SeeAlso: AH=66h"HUNTER",AH=75h,AH=76hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - SET ZOOM AH = 75h AL = new Zoom state (00h off, nonzero on) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=74h,AH=76hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - LOOKING KEYS AH = 76h AL = action 00h home the window 01h move up one line 02h move down one line 03h move left one character 04h move right one character 05h flip window to other side of virtual screen Return: nothing Desc: moves the displayed screen around the virtual screen SeeAlso: AH=74h,AH=75hTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - GET GRAPHICS FONT AH = 77h Return: AL = font number (see #00200) SeeAlso: AH=60h"HUNTER",AH=73h"HUNTER" (Table 00200) Values for HUNTER 16 graphics font number: 00h 7x7 in a 8x8 cell 01h 5x7 in a 6x8 cell 02h 7x9 in a 8x10 cell 03h 14x9 in a 16x10 cell 04h 7x18 in a 8x20 cell 05h 14x18 in a 16x20 cell 06h 3x5 in a 4x6 cell Note: size is X * YTop
INT 10 - HUNTER 16 - TURN BACKLIGHT ON/OFF AH = 78h AL = new state of backlight (00h on, 01h off) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=64h,INT 15/AH=74hTop
INT 10 - Paradise SVGA - WD90C24 INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 7Fh Return: AX = 1234h if WD90C24 chip installedTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - GET EXTENSIONS INFO AX = 7F00h Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful ES:DI -> info structure (see #00201) 01h failed Program: the SOLLEX (Smos videO controLLer EXtensions) SuperVGA functions are an extension to the VESA SuperVGA BIOS Extensions (see AX=4F00h) by Seiko Epson Corporation intended to provided a standardized interface to SuperVGA functionality not addressed by the VESA standard SeeAlso: AX=4F00h Format of SOLLEX SuperVGA info structure: Offset Size Description (Table 00201) 00h DWORD pointer to VESA function dispatch table 04h DWORD pointer to SOLLEX function dispatch table 08h DWORD pointer to VESA SuperVGA info (see #00077 at AX=4F00h) 0Ch DWORD pointer to mode info structure table, consisting of alternating ResInfo (see #00202) and VESA mode information (see #00079 at AX=4F01h) blocks, terminated with an FFFFh word 10h DWORD pointer to font info structure table (see #00203) 14h WORD high resolution crystal frequency in Hz (0000h = not present) 16h DWORD pointer to ASCIZ ID string 1Ah DWORD pointer to timeout reset table array of bytes, each a multiple of the minimum time increment 1Eh WORD minimum time increment in timer ticks 20h BYTE inverse options supported bit 0: inverse supported bits 1-7: reserved 21h BYTE normal color value 22h BYTE inverse color value 23h WORD port to be accessed for normal/inverse settings 25h WORD type of interface chip (currently undefined) 27h WORD program operational mode bits 1-0: 00 no preference 01 terse (minimum detail in program messages) 10 verbose 11 use menus if supported, verbose mode otherwise bits 7-2: reserved 29h WORD SOLLEX specification version 2Bh WORD version of VESA/SOLLEX implementation 2Dh DWORD offset to relocatable portion of SOLLEX extensions (for CONFIG) 2Eh DWORD offset to unused section of the extensions ROM 31h 16 BYTEs reserved Note: all DWORD pointers initially require segment fixups; if the segment is 0000h, it should be changed to the returned ES, otherwise it may be assumed to be correct Format of SOLLEX SuperVGA ResInfo: Offset Size Description (Table 00202) 00h WORD 16-bit mode number 02h WORD adapter type (00h VGA, 01h EGA, 02h CGA, 03h MDA) 04h WORD display info (see #00206) 06h DWORD pointer to video parameter table 0Ah BYTE replacement entry in master Video Parameter 0Bh BYTE mode requested for mode set by BIOS 0Ch DWORD pointer to LoadReg table 10h BYTE index into table of clock values (see #00204) SeeAlso: #00201 Format of SOLLEX SuperVGA font info table [array] entry: Offset Size Description (Table 00203) 00h BYTE required font height 01h BYTE parameter to load text mode font 02h BYTE parameter to load graphics mode font SeeAlso: #00201 (Table 00204) Values for SOLLEX SuperVGA clock value index: 00h 25 MHz 01h 28 MHz 02h PCLK 03h 31.5 MHz (VESA 640x480) 04h reserved 05h 16 MHz (EGA) 06h PCLK 07h 24 MHz (EGA) 08h 25 MHz 09h 28 MHz 0Ah 36 MHz 0Bh 45 MHz (for 1024x768) 0Ch 80 MHz 0Dh 40 MHz 0Eh 65 MHz 0Fh 1 MHz (for powerdown) SeeAlso: #00201Top
INT 10 - Diamond Stealth 24 - GET S3 INFORMATION BLOCK AX = 7F00h BX = 4000h Return: AX = 007Fh if supported DX:BX -> DAC set mode routine SeeAlso: AX=7F00h/BX=4001h,AX=7F00h/BX=4002h,#00732 at INT 1A/AX=B102hTop
INT 10 - Diamond Stealth 24 - GET LINEAR ADDRESS AX = 7F00h BX = 4001h Return: AX = 007Fh if supported CX = current linear address base (high word) SeeAlso: AX=7F00h/BX=4000h,AX=7F00h/BX=4002hTop
INT 10 - Diamond Stealth 24 - SET LINEAR ADDRESS AX = 7F00h BX = 4002h CX = new linear address base (high word) Return: AX = 007Fh if supported SeeAlso: AX=7F00h/BX=4000h,AX=7F00h/BX=4001hTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - ADAPTER CONTROL - SET ADAPTER AX = 7F01h BL = 00h CX = adapter request (see #00205) Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Note: initializes video hardware to a particular standard SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=7F01h/BL=01h,AX=7F01h/BL=02h Bitfields for SOLLEX SuperVGA adapter request: Bit(s) Description (Table 00205) 1-0 adapter type (00 VGA, 01 EGA, 10 CGA, 11 MDA) 2 reserved 4-3 change displays (00 none, 01 analog 10 digital 11 panel) 6-5 desired monitor sense (01 color, 10 mono, 11=8514) 7 lock override 8 alternate adapter mode 15-9 reservedTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - ADAPTER CONTROL - GET ADAPTER AX = 7F01h BL = 01h Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed BX = adapter type (see #00205) DX = display type (see #00206) SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=7F01h/BL=00h,AX=7F01h/BL=02h Bitfields for SOLLEX SuperVGA display type: Bit(s) Description (Table 00206) 15-9 reserved 8 alternate display active 7 Enhanced Color Display monitor active 6 multi-frequency digital monitor active 5 PS/2-type monitor active 4 plasma/electroluminescent panel active 3 LCD panel active 2 multi-frequency analog monitor active 1-0 monitor sense (00 none, 01 color, 10 mono, 11=8514)Top
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - ADAPTER CONTROL - DETERMINE ADAPTER SUPPORT AX = 7F01h BL = 02h CX = adapter request (see #00205) Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h requested setting can successfully be made 01h requested setting not available in this configuration SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=7F01h/BL=00hTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - DISPLAY OUTPUT CONTROL - SET DISPLAY OUTPUT AX = 7F02h BL = 00h CX = display output setting (see #00207) Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=7F02h/BL=00h Bitfields for SOLLEX SuperVGA display output setting: Bit(s) Description (Table 00207) 0 CRTC control in 2,1 valid 1 enable digital output 2 enable analog output 3 panel control in 5,4 valid 4 enable LCD output 5 enable plasma/EL output 6 inverse control in 7 valid 7 0=normal, 1=inverse 15-8 reservedTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - DISPLAY OUTPUT CONTROL - GET DISPLAY OUTPUT AX = 7F02h BL = 01h Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful BX = display output setting (see #00207) CX = displays attached (see #00208) 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=7F02h/BL=00h Bitfields for SOLLEX SuperVGA displays attached: Bit(s) Description (Table 00208) 0 PS/2 display on analog output 1 multi-frequency monitor on analog output 2 LCD panel attached 3 plasma/electroluminescent panel attached 4 multi-frequency monitor on digital output 5 Enhanced Color Display attached to digital outpt 6 alternate display 15-7 reservedTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - VIDEO SUPPORT CONTROL - GET SUPPORT INFO AX = 7F03h BL = 00h CX = support type 0000h VGA, 0001h EGA, 0002h CGA, 0003h MDA, 0004h extensions, 0005h-0012h reserved for SOLLEX, 0013h Hercules, 0014h-001Fh reserved for SOLLEX, 0020h-00FFh reserved for OEM Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful CX = size of video support code DX = segment of physical video support (0000h if no ROM) ES = segment of active video support ES:DI -> information block (DI = 0000h if none available) 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=7F03h/BL=01hTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - VIDEO SUPPORT CONTROL - INITIALIZE VIDEO SUPPORT AX = 7F03h BL = 01h CX = support request ES = segment of support code Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Note: initializes the indicated video support by calling ES:0003h; this function may be used to switch the active video support back to ROM after AX=7F03h/BL=02h SeeAlso: AX=7F03h/BL=00hTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - VIDEO SUPPORT CONTROL - GO RAM RESIDENT AX = 7F03h BL = 02h CX = support request ES = destination segment Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=7F03h/BL=01hTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - POWER CONTROL - SET POWER STATE AX = 7F04h BL = 00h CX = new power state Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Note: higher values progressively reduce the operations available on the video adapter while yielding increasing power savings SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=7F04h/BL=01hTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - POWER CONTROL - GET POWER STATE AX = 7F04h BL = 01h Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful CX = current power state DX = maximum state 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=7F04h/BL=00hTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - POWER CONTROL - SET TIMEOUT RESET AX = 7F04h BL = 02h CX = timeout reset Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=7F04h/BL=03hTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - POWER CONTROL - GET TIMEOUT RESET AX = 7F04h BL = 03h Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful BX = time increment CX = current timeout reset DX = maximum timeout reset ES:DI -> timeout reset table (array of bytes) 01h failed Note: the timeout period is computed as (BYTE ES:[DI+CX]) * BX timer ticks SeeAlso: AX=7F00h"SOLLEX",AX=7F04h/BL=02hTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - LOAD REGISTER AX = 7F05h ES:DI -> register value table (see #00209) Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AH=F1h,AH=F3h,AH=F5h Format of SOLLEX SuperVGA register value table: Offset Size Description (Table 00209) 00h WORD base I/O register (FFFFh = end of list) 02h 2N BYTEs pairs of values to be written to the base I/O register as an index value and the following register as a data byte 2N+2 WORD FFFFh (end of data list) ... (repeats until FFFFh base address)Top
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - MULTIPLE FONT CONTROL AX = 7F06h BL = subfunction 00h set multiple font state CX = new state (00h off, 01h on) 01h get multiple font state Return: BL = current state (00h off, 01h on) Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1103hTop
INT 10 - SOLLEX SuperVGA - FILL VIDEO RAM AX = 7F07h BL = how much to fill 00h regen size 01h all video memory CX = pattern to write (normally 0720h for text modes and 0000h for gr) Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported AL = 7Fh if supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AH=06hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - GET OPTION AH = 80h AL = desired option Return: ??? Program: CU Writer is a public-domain Thai-English word processor from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok SeeAlso: AH=81h"CU Writer"Top
INT 10 U - VIDEO - DESQview 2.0x only - internal - SET ??? HANDLER AH = 80h DX = 4456h ('DV') ES:DI -> FAR subroutine to be called on ??? Return: DS = segment of DESQview data structure for video buffer Note: this function is probably meant for internal use only, due to the magic value required in DX the subroutine seems to be called when the DESQview menu is accessed; on entry, AL = 03h or 04hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - SET OPTION AH = 81h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=80h"CU Writer"Top
INT 10 U - VIDEO - DESQview 2.0x only - internal - GET ??? AH = 81h DX = 4456h ('DV') Return: ES = segment of DESQview data structure for video buffer BYTE ES:[0] = current window number in DV 2.0x Note: this function is probably meant for internal use only, due to the magic value required in DX SeeAlso: AH=82h"DESQview"Top
INT 10 U - VIDEO - DESQview 2.0x only - internal - GET CURRENT WINDOW INFO AH = 82h DX = 4456h ('DV') Return: DS = segment in DESQview for data structure in DV 2.00, BYTE DS:[0] = window number WORD DS:[1] = segment of other data structure WORD DS:[3] = segment of window's object handle ES = segment of DESQview data structure for video buffer AL = current window number AH = ??? BL = direct screen writes 00h program does not do direct writes 01h program does direct writes, so shadow buffer not usable BH = ??? CL = current video mode CH = ??? Note: this function is probably meant for internal use only, due to the magic value required in DX SeeAlso: AH=81h"DESQview"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - AX PC - GET/SET SCROLL MODE AX = 8200h BL = new scroll mode or FFh to get current mode 00h dynamic, 01h software Return: AL = scroll mode (current mode if BL=FFh, previous mode otherwise) SeeAlso: AH=06h,AH=07hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - AX PC - GET VIDEO RAM ADDRESS AX = 8300h Return: AX = offset of video RAM ES:BX -> virtual text RAM buffer SeeAlso: AX=5201hTop
INT 10 - ??? AH = 86h Note: called by Diamond Stealth64 Video STLTH64.VXD SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=4021hTop
INT 10 - Alloy MW386 - FORCE WORKSTATION SCREEN UPDATE AH = 8Bh Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=92h,AH=93hTop
INT 10 - Alloy MW386 - GET PHYSICAL WORKSTATION DISPLAY MODE AH = 90h Return: AL = current video mode (see #00010 at AH=00h) SeeAlso: AH=91hTop
INT 10 - Alloy MW386 - GET PHYSICAL WORKSTATION ADAPTER TYPE AH = 91h Return: AL = video adapter type (see #00210) Note: types less than 80h do not imply that the current user is on the host SeeAlso: AH=90h (Table 00210) Values for Alloy MW386 video adapter type: 00h monochrome 01h Hercules monochrome graphics 02h CGA 03h EGA 04h VGA 80h monochrome text terminal 81h Hercules graphics terminal 82h color graphics terminalTop
INT 10 - Alloy MW386 - INHIBIT WORKSTATION SCREEN UPDATES AH = 92h Return: nothing Note: the terminal will be updated even when screen updates are inhibited if TTY output is used SeeAlso: AH=8BhTop
INT 10 - Alloy MW386 - REDRAW SCREEN AH = 93h Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=8Bh,AH=FFhTop
INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - ??? AX = 9508h Return: ??? Program: VHRBIOS.SYS is a driver for the Micro Display Systems "TheGenius" black&white A4/portrait monitor SeeAlso: AH=96h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F0h"VHRBIOS.SYS"Top
INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - GET OTHER DISPLAY INFO AH = 96h Return: AL = display type (see AH=1Ah) AH = ??? (possibly related to Micro Channel support) Program: VHRBIOS.SYS is a driver for the Micro Display Systems "TheGenius" black&white A4/portrait monitor Desc: returns info on any non-Genius video adapter in the system SeeAlso: AX=9508h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F0h"VHRBIOS.SYS"Top
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - SET PIXEL WRITE MODE AH = A0h ??? Return: ??? Program: CU Writer is a public-domain Thai-English word processor from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok SeeAlso: AH=80h"CU Writer",AH=B0hTop
INT 10 - ATI BIOS Extensions - ??? AX = A000h CL = ??? (bits 2-0 may not be 000) CH = ??? (81h or ???) DX = segment of ??? (if CH=81h) ??? Return: AX = ??? Program: the ATI BIOS extensions are supported by ATI graphics cards containing the Mach64 or newer graphics chips (Rage Pro, Rage 128, etc.) SeeAlso: AX=4F10h/BL=00h,AX=A001hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ??? AX = A001h CL = ??? flags ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ??? AX = A002h CL = ??? (bits 2-0 may not be 000) CH = ??? (81h or ???) DX = segment of ??? (if CH=81h) ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? Note: executes AX=A000h, then AX=A001h if A000h was successful SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A001hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ??? AX = A003h BX = ??? ??? Return: AH = status (00h successful) ??? SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - PhoenixVIEW/LC - VIDEO DISPLAY TYPE AX = A004h ??? Return: ??? Desc: configure display parameters SeeAlso: AX=A01Bh"PhoenixVIEW/LC"Top
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ??? AX = A004h BX = video mode??? (0000-00FFh) DX = ??? (sent to some port [66ECh???] one bit at a time, high to low) ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ??? AX = A005h CL = ??? flags (bits 0,2, others?) ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ??? AX = A006h ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ??? AX = A007h Return: AH = 00h (successful) AL = ??? (00h) BX = ??? (15A0h in examined BIOS) DX = segment of BIOS SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ??? SIZE AX = A008h CL = ??? flags ??? Return: AH = 00h (successful) BX = size of ??? (0046h if CL bit 0 clear on entry) SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A009hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ??? AX = A009h DX:BX -> buffer for ??? CL = ??? flags ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful DX:BX buffer filled 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A008hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ??? AX = A00Ah Return: AH = 00h (successful) AL = ??? (01h) BX = ??? (5938h) CX = ??? (595Eh) DX = segment of BIOS SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ??? AX = A00Bh BX = ??? CL = ??? flags ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - SET SLEEP MODE AX = A00Ch CL = new state 00h normal operation 01h standby 02h suspend 03h off Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Note: CL bit 2 affects values written to video card's ports SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A00Dh,AX=4F00h,AX=4F10h/BL=01hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET SLEEP MODE AX = A00Dh Return: AH = 00h (successful) CL = current power mode 00h normal operation 01h standby 02h suspend 03h off SeeAlso: AX=A00Ch,AX=4F10h/BL=02h SeeAlso: AX=A00Ch,AX=A00Dh"Rage128"AX=4F10h/BL=02hTop
INT 10 - ATI Rage128 BIOS - GET ??? AX = A00Dh BL = subfunction 00h ??? 01h ??? 02h ??? 03h ??? DX:DI -> buffer for results ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A00Dh"Mach64",AX=A015hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - SET ??? AX = A00Eh CL = ??? (00h-03h) Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Notes: CL zero/nonzero are treated differently NOP in All-in-Wonder 128 BIOS SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A00FhTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ??? AX = A00Fh Return: AH = 00h (successful) CL = ??? (00h-03h, read from PORT 42ECh) Note: NOP in All-in-Wonder 128 BIOS SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A00EhTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ??? AX = A010h CL = ??? (80h/other) ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? Note: NOP in All-in-Wonder 128 BIOS SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ??? AX = A011h Return: AH = 00h (successful) BL = ??? (1Fh) BH = ??? (0Fh) CL = ??? (00h) CH = ??? (0Fh) DX = ??? (00FFh) Note: NOP in All-in-Wonder 128 BIOS SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A010hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - GET ??? AX = A012h Return: AH = 00h (successful) AL = ??? (00h) BX = ??? (0000h) CX = ??? (0000h) DX = ??? (02ECh) Note: NOP in All-in-Wonder 128 BIOS SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS - ??? AX = A013h ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? Note: not implemented in examined Mach64 BIOS, always returns AH=01h; NOP in examined All-in-Wonder 128 BIOS SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A002hTop
INT 10 - ATI Rage128 BIOS - ??? AX = A014h CH = ??? (bits 0,1,4) ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A015hTop
INT 10 - ATI Rage128 BIOS - GET/SET ??? AX = A015h CH = subfunction 00h get ??? 01h set ??? CL = ??? (only bits 0,1 used on All-in-Wonder 128) other NOP Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=A014h,AX=A017hTop
INT 10 - ATI Rage128 BIOS - NOP AX = A016h Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A017hTop
INT 10 - ATI Rage128 BIOS - ??? AX = A017h ??? Return: AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ??? SeeAlso: AX=A014h,AX=A015hTop
INT 10 - PhoenixVIEW/LC - CRT MONITOR DETECTION AX = A01Bh ??? Return: ??? Desc: determine whether an external display is currently attached SeeAlso: AX=A004h"PhoenixVIEW/LC"Top
INT 10 OU - Player's Tool 3.0 - UNINSTALL AH = AAh Return: ??? Note: this call has been removed in PT 3.996b Program: Player's Tool is a game cheater by Dmitry Yakunin & Andy Robinson SeeAlso: AH=ABh,INT 2F/AH=AAhTop
INT 10 OU - Player's Tool 3.0 - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = ABh Return: BH = FFh ??? Note: this call has been removed in PT 3.996b SeeAlso: AH=AAh,INT 2F/AH=ABhTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - PUT PIXEL AH = B0h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=A0h"CU Writer",AH=B1h,AH=B2h,AH=B3h,AH=B4h,AH=B5h,AH=D0hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - MOVE TO AH = B1h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=B0h,AH=B2h,AH=C0h"CU Writer"Top
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - DRAW LINE TO AH = B2h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=B0h,AH=B1h,AH=B3h,AH=B4h,AH=B5hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - FLOOD FILL AH = B3h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=B2h,AH=B5hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - DRAW RECTANGLE AH = B4h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=B0h,AH=B2h,AH=B3h,AH=B5hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - DRAW FILLED RECTANGLE AH = B5h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=B0h,AH=B2h,AH=B3h,AH=B4hTop
INT 10 U - Doorway - SET BIOS/DIRECT REDIRECTION AH = BBh AL = new redirection mode 00h BIOS (hook and redirect INT 10h,etc.) 01h DIRECT (scan video memory for changes) Return: ??? SeeAlso: INT 16/AH=67h"Doorway"Top
INT 10 U - Compaq QVision - ??? AX = BD44h ??? Return: ??? Note: called by Compaq's MTX132.COM, which places the QVision in 132-column modeTop
INT 10 - Athena Digital HGCIBM.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = BFh CX = 0000h (???) Return: CX = 0202h DL = ??? (internal data, possibly version number)Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SELECT EXTERNAL MONITOR AX = BF00h Return: nothing Desc: specify that the external monitor become the active monitor Note: all registers preserved and the internal monitor is blanked SeeAlso: AX=BF01h,AX=BF12h,AH=12h/BL=35hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SELECT INTERNAL MONITOR AX = BF01h Return: nothing Desc: specify that the internal monitor become the active monitor Note: all registers preserved and the external monitor is blanked SeeAlso: AX=BF00h,AX=BF12h,AH=12h/BL=35hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SET MASTER MODE OF CURRENT CONTROLLER AX = BF02h BH = master mode 04h CGA 05h EGA 07h MDA Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=BF03hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - GET ENVIRONMENT AX = BF03h BX = 0000h Return: BH = active monitor (00h = external, 01h = internal, 03h both, 04h neither) BL = master mode (see #00211) CH = ASIC type and version 00h (reserved, very early Compaq VGCs) 31h if QVision VGA CL = switchable VDU modes supported (see #00212) DH = internal monitor type (see #00213) DL = external monitor type (see #00213) SeeAlso: AX=1A00h,AX=BF00h,AX=BF01h,AX=BF02h,AX=BF11h (Table 00211) Values for Compaq video master mode: 00h switchable VDU not present 04h CGA 05h EGA 07h MDA 08h switchable LCD controller present 09h plasma VGA 0Ah TFT (active-matrix) VGA Bitfields for Compaq switchable VDU modes support: Bit(s) Description (Table 00212) 0 CGA supported 1,2 reserved (1) 3 MDA supported 4 BitBLT engine available 5 132-column support availble 6 640x480x256 mode available 7 8-bit DAC mode available (Table 00213) Values for Compaq monitor type: 00h none 01h dual-mode monitor 02h 5153 RGB monitor (RGBI 16-color) 03h Compaq Color monitor 04h 640x400 flat panel (Plasma CGA) 05h VGC monochrome 06h VGC color 07h 8-level mono LCD VGA (internal) 1024x768 mono VGA (external) 08h 16-level mono plasma VGA (internal) 1024x768 color VGA (external) 09h 4-level mono LCD CGA 0Ah 16-level mono LCD VGA 0Bh active-matrix color VGA 0Ch active-matrix mono VGA 0Dh STN color VGATop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SET MODE SWITCH DELAY AX = BF04h BH = new state of delay (00h enabled, 01h disabled) Return: nothing Note: the 1993/04/08 sytem ROM appears to use BL instead of BH; a future version of the list will provide more definite information SeeAlso: AX=BF05hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - ENABLE/DISABLE DISPLAY AX = BF05h BH = new state of video 00h off 01h on Return: nothing Note: the 1993/04/08 sytem ROM appears to use BL instead of BH; a future version of the list will provide more definite information SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=36h,AX=BF04hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq SLT/286 - READ GRAY SCALE TABLE AX = BF06h CL = address to be read from gray scale table Return: AL = bit 3-0 - Value read from gray scale table CL = address to be read from gray scale table SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=33h,AX=BF07hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq SLT/286 - WRITE GRAY SCALE TABLE AX = BF07h CH = value to write to gray scale table CL = address to be written to gray scale table Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=BF06h,AX=BF08hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq SLT/286 - WRITE COLOR MIX REGISTERS AX = BF08h CH = bits 7-4 green weight bits 3-0 blue weight CL = bits 7-4 unused bits 3-0 red weight Return: nothing SeeAlso: AH=12h/BL=33h,AX=BF07hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - TURN ON REVERSE VIDEO AX = BF09h Return: CF clear Notes: sets bit 6 of port 03CEh index 81h; in some cases also sets index 84h to 6Fh and index 83h to 04h supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite ROM BIOS SeeAlso: AX=BF0Ah,AX=BF0BhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - TURN OFF REVERSE VIDEO AX = BF0Ah Return: CF clear Notes: clears bit 6 of port 03CEh index 81h; in some cases also sets index 84h to 80h and index 83h to FBh supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite ROM BIOS SeeAlso: AX=BF09h,AX=BF0BhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - CHECK WHETHER VIDEO REVERSED AX = BF0Bh Return: CF clear AX = state (0000h normal video, 0001h reverse video) Note: supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite ROM BIOS SeeAlso: AX=BF09h,AX=BF0AhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SET DAC 6-BIT MODE AX = BF0Ch Return: CF clear Desc: specify that video DAC registers use only six bits of color info Note: supported by at least the QVision board and the SystemPro XL ROM BIOS SeeAlso: AX=BF0Dh,AX=BF0EhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SET DAC 8-BIT MODE AX = BF0Dh Return: CF clear Desc: specify that video DAC registers use all eight bits of color info Note: supported by at least the QVision board and the SystemPro XL ROM BIOS SeeAlso: AX=BF0Ch,AX=BF0EhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - CHECK DAC 6-BIT/8-BIT mode AX = BF0Eh Return: CF clear AL = DAC mode 00h in 6-bit mode 01h in 8-bit mode Note: supported by at least the QVision board and the SystemPro XL ROM BIOS SeeAlso: AX=BF0Ch,AX=BF0DhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - SET HIGH ADRESS MAP REGISTER AX = BF0Fh BX = high address map location in megabytes, or 0000h to disable high address map, or FFFFh to let ROM configure high address map Return: CF clear AX = previous value of high address map register Notes: supported by at least the QVision board and the SystemPro XL and LTE Lite ROM BIOSes SeeAlso: AX=BF10hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - GET HIGH ADDRESS MAP REGISTER AX = BF10h Return: CF clear AX = current value of high address map register Notes: supported by at least the QVision board and the SystemPro XL and LTE Lite ROM BIOSes the Compaq QVision documentation (October 1993) says the value is returned in BX, but this appears to be one of many typos SeeAlso: AX=BF0FhTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - GET EXTENDED ENVIRONMENT AX = BF11h Return: AL = BFh if supported CF clear ES:DI -> ASCII signature "COMPAQ" ES:SI -> advanced functionality table (see #00214) Note: supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite and ProSignia ROM BIOSes SeeAlso: AX=1A00h,AX=BF03h Bitfields for Compaq advanced video functionality: Bit(s) Description (Table 00214) 31 future graphics extensions (reserved, set to 0) 30-16 reserved 15-12 available video memory in 256K blocks, less one (0000 = 256K, etc.) 11-8 reserved 7 QVision modes supported 6 Advanced VGA modes supported 5 Accelerated VGA modes supported 4 standard VGA modes supported 3-2 reserved 1 132-column modes supported 0 reservedTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - NEW ACTIVE MONITOR AX = BF12h BH reserved BL = function mask (see #00215) Return: CF clear Notes: this function is a NOP if the VGA subsystem is inactive or the current Display Combination Code is 10h or higher supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite and ProSignia ROM BIOSes SeeAlso: AX=BF01h,AX=BF02h,#00733 Bitfields for function mask: Bit(s) Description (Table 00215) 7 command mode if set, bits 1 and 0 make the monitor active when set if clear, bits 1 and 0 toggle the monitor's state when set 6-2 reserved 1 internal monitor 0 external monitorTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq QVision - GAMMA CORRECTION AX = BF13h BL = subfunction 00h load gamma correction table for true-color mode DS = BIOS data segment 01h set palette RAM bypass BH = 00h Return: nothing Note: these functions must be called after a video mode set, and are in effect only for the current video mode SeeAlso: #00733Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq ADAPT.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = BFA0h BX = ADADh Return: AX = BDBDh if newer ADAPT.COM installed BX = BCD version (BH = major, BL = minor) CL = ??? CH = ??? DL = ??? AX = ADADh if older version of ADAPT.COM installed Program: ADAPT is Compaq's Advanced Display Attribute Programming Tool, an optionally-resident utility for setting display colors and cursor size; when resident, it also includes a screen blanker SeeAlso: AX=BFA1h,AX=BFA2h,AX=DFA5h Index: screen saver;ADAPTTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq ADAPT.COM - GET ??? AX = BFA1h Return: AX = BDBEh if supported CH = current value of ??? DL = current value of ??? SeeAlso: AX=BFA0h,AX=BFA2hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - Compaq ADAPT.COM - SET ??? AX = BFA2h CH = new value for ??? DL = new value for ??? Return: AX = BDBEh if supported SeeAlso: AX=BFA0h,AX=BFA1hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - GO TO TEXT ROW AND COLUMN AH = C0h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=B1h,AH=C1h,AH=C2h,AH=C3h,AH=C4hTop
INT 10 - S3 SpeedUp v3.00+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = C000h Return: AX = FFFFh if installed DX = version number (binary, DH=major, DL=minor) BX = resident code segment Program: S3SPDUP is a freeware TSR by Dietmar Meschede to improve the speed of chained video modes (both VESA and VGA Mode 13) on S3-chipset video cards SeeAlso: AX=C001h,AX=C002h,AX=C003h,AX=D000h"S3VBE"Top
INT 10 - S3 SpeedUp v3.00+ - GET ACTIVE OPTIONS AX = C001h Return: AX = FFFFh if function supported BX = currently active options (see #00216) SeeAlso: AX=C000h,AX=C002h,AX=C003h Bitfields for S3SpeedUp options: Bit(s) Description (Table 00216) 0 speed up banked VESA modes 1 speed up 320x200 VGA mode 13 SeeAlso: #00222Top
INT 10 - S3 SpeedUp v3.00+ - SET ACTIVE OPTIONS AX = C002h BX = new value for active options (see #00216) Return: AX = FFFFh if function supported SeeAlso: AX=C000h,AX=C001h,AX=C003h,AX=D003h"S3VBE"Top
INT 10 - S3 SpeedUp v3.10+ - GET FLAGS AX = C003h Return: AX = FFFFh if function supported BX = flags bit 0: SpeedUp is active bit 1: Windows run after SpeedUp SeeAlso: AX=C000h,AX=C001h,AX=C002h,AX=D005h"S3VBE"Top
INT 10 - S3 SpeedUp v3.10+ - RESERVED FUNCTIONS AX = C004h-C0FFh Return: AX = 5555h SeeAlso: AX=C000hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - OUTPUT TEXT AH = C1h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=C0h,AH=C2h,AH=C3h,AH=C4hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - REVERSE TEXT AH = C2h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=C0h,AH=C1h,AH=C3h,AH=C4hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - TEXT BAR AH = C3h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=C0h,AH=C1h,AH=C4hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - TEXT MENU AH = C4h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=C0h,AH=C1h,AH=C3h,AH=D0hTop
INT 10 - UNCHAIN - SAVE CURRENT VGA REGISTERS AX = CB00h Note: combined with AX=CB06h, this function permits the use of video mode 13h together with the VGA's unchained mode SeeAlso: AX=CB06h,AX=CBFFhTop
INT 10 - UNCHAIN - UPDATE PAGE 1 OFFSET AX = CB01h BX = offset of page 1 Return: nothing Desc: inform UNCHAIN of the location of video page 1 in video memory; the default is 0000h SeeAlso: AX=CB02h,AX=CB03h,AX=CB04h,AX=CBFFhTop
INT 10 - UNCHAIN - UPDATE PAGE 2 OFFSET AX = CB02h BX = offset of page 2 Return: nothing Desc: inform UNCHAIN of the location of video page 2 in video memory; the default is 3E80h (16000, for 320x200) SeeAlso: AX=CB00h,AX=CB01h,AX=CB03h,AX=CB04hTop
INT 10 - UNCHAIN - UPDATE PAGE 3 OFFSET AX = CB03h BX = offset of page 3 Return: nothing Desc: inform UNCHAIN of the location of video page 3 in video memory; the default is 7D00h (32000, for 320x200) SeeAlso: AX=CB01h,AX=CB02h,AX=CB04hTop
INT 10 - UNCHAIN - UPDATE PAGE 4 OFFSET AX = CB04h BX = offset of page 4 Return: nothing Desc: inform UNCHAIN of the location of video page 4 in video memory; the default is BB80h (48000, for 320x200) SeeAlso: AX=CB01h,AX=CB02h,AX=CB03h,AX=CB05hTop
INT 10 - UNCHAIN - SAVE PALETTE AX = CB05h Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=CB00h,AX=CB06hTop
INT 10 - UNCHAIN - RESTORE VGA REGISTERS AX = CB06h Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=CB00h,AX=CB05h,AX=CBFFhTop
INT 10 - UNCHAIN - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CBFFh Return: AX = CCBBh if installed Program: UNCHAIN is a TSR by Colin Buckley which permits use of Borland development tools with Mode X video in the absence of a second monitor SeeAlso: AX=CB00h,AX=CB01h,AX=CB06hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - GET STATUS (INSTALLATION CHECK) AX = CC00h SI = magic value 0000h (if checking version) Return: CX = product signature ABCDh UltraVision 5546h ('UF') UltraFont AL = Ultravision extensions 00h enabled FFh disabled AH = card designator BX:00F0h -> palette values (for compatibility with NEWFONT) DX = support for high resolution modes 00h not active 01h active SI = UltraVision version number (v1.2+), high byte=major,low byte=minor unchanged for versions <1.2 Note: UltraFont is a simplified version of UltraVision for Toshiba; only the signature in CX and the status in AL will be returned SeeAlso: AX=CC01h,AX=CC02hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - DISABLE EXTENSIONS AX = CC01h Return: nothing Notes: subsequent BIOS calls will be passed through to previous handler should be followed immediately by mode set to restore normal EGA/VGA state SeeAlso: AX=CC02hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - ENABLE EXTENSIONS AX = CC02h Return: nothing Note: should be followed immediately by mode set to restore previous UltraVision state SeeAlso: AX=CC01hTop
INT 10 - HiFont - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = CCABh Return: AX = ABCCh Program: HiFont is a 8x19 font driver for standard VGA by Solar DesignerTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - LOAD ULTRAVISION PALETTE (color EGA,VGA) AX = CD00h CL = palette table number (01h-07h for v1.x, 01h-0Fh for v2+) DS:DX -> 16-byte palette register list (colors for registers 00h-0Fh) Return: nothing Notes: if palette locking is in effect for the current mode, the new colors will be displayed immediately; otherwise, the system reverts to the default palette palette table 0 is reserved for the default palette and cannot be set UltraVision always sets the border color to black SeeAlso: AX=CD01h,AX=CD02hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - SET PALETTE LOCKING STATUS (color EGA,VGA) AX = CD01h CL = palette locking value 00h none 01h text modes only (02h,03h) FFh all modes (all standard color text and graphics modes) Return: nothing Notes: intended for video modes with 16 or fewer colors SeeAlso: AX=1000h,AX=1002h,AX=CD00h,AX=CD03hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - GET ULTRAVISION PALETTE (EGA,VGA) AX = CD02h Return: CL = palette table number DS:DX -> 17-byte palette register list (see #00217) DS:SI -> current font names table (see #00218,#00219) Note: only the font names are valid on monochrome EGA systems SeeAlso: AX=1009h,AX=CD00h Format of UltraVision palette register list: Offset Size Description (Table 00217) 00h 16 BYTEs colors for palette registers 00h through 0Fh 10h BYTE border color Format of UltraVision v2+ current font names table: Offset Size standard EGA HiRes EGA VGA (Table 00218) 00h 8 BYTEs N/A F19 font F20 font 08h 8 BYTEs F14 font F14 font F14 font 10h 8 BYTEs N/A F11 font F10 font 18h 8 BYTEs F8 font F8 font F8 font Format of UltraVision v1.x current font names table: Offset Size HiRes EGA (Table 00219) 00h 8 BYTEs F19/F14 font 08h 8 BYTEs F11/F8 fontTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - GET PALETTE LOCKING STATUS (color EGA,VGA) AX = CD03h Return: CL = palette locking value 00h none 01h text modes only FFh all modes SeeAlso: AX=CD01hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - GET UltraVision TEXT MODE (EGA,VGA) AX = CD04h Return: AL = mode number (see #00220) SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AX=CC00h,AH=CDh (Table 00220) Values for UltraVision video mode number: 11h 80x25 12h 80x43, 80x50 13h 80x34, 80x36 14h 80x60, 80x63 19h 94x25 1Ah 94x43, 94x50 1Bh 94x36 1Ch 94x63 21h 108x25 22h 108x43, 108x50 23h 107x34, 108x36 24h 108x60, 108x63 31h 120x25 32h 120x43, 120x50 33h 132x25 34h 132x44, 132x50 39h 120x36 3Ah 120x63 3Bh 132x36 3Ch 132x60 Index: video modes;UltraVisionTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - SET CURSOR TYPE (EGA,VGA) AX = CD05h CL = type 00h line cursor FFh box cursor Return: nothing Note: sets default cursor type for text-based programs SeeAlso: AH=01h,AX=CD06hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - GET CURSOR TYPE (EGA,VGA) AX = CD06h Return: CL = type 00h line cursor FFh box cursor SeeAlso: AH=03h,AX=CD05hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision v1.2+ - SET UNDERLINE STATUS (EGA,VGA) AX = CD07h CL = hardware underline status (see #00221) BL = foreground color for normal text (FFh = current) BH = foreground color for bright text (FFh = current) Return: CL = hardware underline status BL = current foreground color for normal text BH = current foreground color for bright text Notes: when underline or strikeout is enabled in color text modes, the specified colors will be assigned temporarily to colors 01h and 09h, allowing affected text to match non-underlined text. The color remapping uses values from the current onscreen palette regardless of the palette locking status (see AX=CD01h) specify the standard colors (BL=01h,BH=09h) to enable underline or strikeout without color remapping SeeAlso: AX=CD08h (Table 00221) Values for hardware underline status: 00h off (color systems only) 01h underline below characters 02h strike through charactersTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision v1.2+ - GET UNDERLINE STATUS (EGA,VGA) AX = CD08h Return: CL = hardware underline status (see #00221) BL = foreground color for normal text BH = foreground color for bright text Note: only CL is valid on monochrome EGA systems SeeAlso: AX=CD07hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - GET POINTER TO ??? (EGA,VGA) AX = CD0Fh Return: DS:DI -> pointer to ??? Note: This gets called by DR DOS "Panther" SECURITY. SECURITY also issues a number of calls to the other UltraVision functions in the AH=CCh and AH=CDh range, and carefully checks signatures. SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1103hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - LOAD USER FONT (EGA,VGA) AX = CD10h BH = bytes per character (08h,0Ah,0Bh,0Eh,13h,14h) CX = ABCDh load 9xN alternate font (v2+) else number of characters to load DX = character offset into font table DS:SI -> 8-byte ASCII font name ES:BP -> font definitions Return: AX = FFFFh if invalid font parameters Notes: loads the designated characters into UltraVision's resident font area should be followed by a video mode set to reload character generator SeeAlso: AX=1100h,AX=1103hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - UltraVision - SET ULTRAVISION TEXT MODE (EGA,VGA) AH = CDh AL = text mode number (see #00220) Return: AX = CDCDh if invalid mode SeeAlso: AX=CD04hTop
INT 10 - CU Writer v1.4 - LOAD PICTURE AH = D0h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=B0h"CU Writer",AH=C4hTop
INT 10 U - VIDEO - HP 100LX/200LX - SET ZOOM MODE AH = D0h AL = zoom mode 02h 80x25 mono 03h 80x25 color 80h 64x18 mono 81h 64x18 color 82h 40x25 mono 83h 40x25 color 84h 40x16 mono 85h 40x16 color Return: nothing Note: zoom mode can only be changed within zoom modes of the same color scheme; if needed, set to mono/color with AH=00h,AL=02h/03h; with mono video modes AL=07h or AL=21h only 80x25 and 40x16 will work the current zoom mode is stored in the BIOS data area at 0040h:009Fh SeeAlso: AH=D1h,AH=D4hTop
INT 10 - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.00+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = D000h Return: AX = FFFFh if installed BX = resident code segment DX = version (binary, DH = major, DL = minor) Program: S3VBE/Core2.0 is a freeware TSR by Dietmar Meschede to provide VESA 2.0 services on S3-based video cards with VESA 1.2 BIOS SeeAlso: AX=D001h"S3VBE",AX=D002h"S3VBE",AX=D003h"S3VBE",AX=D005h"S3VBE"Top
INT 10 - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.00+ - GET ACTIVE OPTIONS AX = D001h Return: AX = FFFFh if supported BX = currently active options (see #00222) SeeAlso: AX=D000h"S3VBE",AX=D002h"S3VBE" Bitfields for S3VBE options: Bit(s) Description (Table 00222) 0 VESA VBE v2.0 extensions enabled 1 linear frame buffer enabled 2 low-resolution video mode support enabled 8 never clear video memory during VBE mode set (v3.10+) ---debug options--- 12 report VBE version 1.2 (v3.10+) 13 always fail AX=4F0Ah (v3.10+) 14 don't copy video mode list (v3.12+) SeeAlso: #00216Top
INT 10 - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.00+ - SET ACTIVE OPTIONS AX = D002h BX = new active options (see #00222) Return: AX = FFFFh if supported SeeAlso: AX=D000h"S3VBE",AX=D001h"S3VBE"Top
INT 10 U - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.10+ - GET VBE/Core CAPABILITIES AX = D003h Return: AX = FFFFh if supported BX = capabilities bit 0: SpeedUp = activate/deactivate linear addressing at A0000h for VBE functions 04h/05h SeeAlso: AX=D000h"S3VBE",AX=D001h"S3VBE",AX=D004h"S3VBE",AX=D005h"S3VBE"Top
INT 10 U - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.10+ - ACTIVATE SPEED-UP AX = D004h Return: AX = FFFFh if supported BX = status 0000h SpeedUp activated 0001h SpeedUp not possible (wrong memory organization for mode) 0002h SpeedUp not possible (linear frame buffer active) Note: called by S3 SpeedUp (see AX=C000h) SeeAlso: AX=C000h"SpeedUp",AX=D000h"S3VBE",AX=D003h"S3VBE",AX=D005h"S3VBE"Top
INT 10 U - S3VBE/Core2.0 v3.10+ - DEACTIVATE SPEED-UP AX = D005h Return: AX = FFFFh if supported BX = status 0000h SpeedUp deactivated 0001h SpeedUp not possible (wrong memory organization for mode) 0002h SpeedUp not possible (linear frame buffer active) Notes: called by S3 SpeedUp (see AX=C000h) functions 06h-FFh (e.g. AX=D006h-D0FFh) are considered reserved by v3.10+ and return AX=5555h SeeAlso: AX=C000h"SpeedUp",AX=D000h"S3VBE",AX=D003h"S3VBE",AX=D004h"S3VBE"Top
INT 10 U - VIDEO - HP 100LX/200LX - INTERNAL - ??? AH = D1h AL = 01h Return: ??? Note: called by AH=D0h SeeAlso: AH=D0h,AH=D4hTop
INT 10 U - VIDEO - HP 100LX/200LX - INTERNAL - ??? AH = D4h AL = 29h Return: ??? Note: called by AH=D0h SeeAlso: AH=D0h,AH=D1hTop
INT 10 - Netroom SCRNCLK - ??? AH = D5h ??? Return: ??? Program: SCRNCLK is a "cloaked" screen accelerator included with NetroomTop
INT 10 - TSRUNIT v1.10 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = DAADh BX = check signature (different for each TSR) CX = 0000h Return: CX = return signature (nonzero) if installed ES = program segment prefix Program: TSRUNIT is a Turbo Pascal unit for creating TSRs by Nir SoferTop
INT 10 U - VIDEO - Compaq ADAPT.COM - GET ??? DATA AREA AX = DFA5h Return: AX = BDBFh if supported ES:DI -> ??? data area BX = ES SeeAlso: AX=BFA0hTop
INT 10 - VIDEO - IBM "Private" Function AH = EEh SeeAlso: INT 13/AH=FFh"IBM"Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - MSHERC.COM - GET VIDEO ADAPTER TYPE AND MODE AH = EFh Return: DL = video adapter type 00h original Hercules 01h Hercules Plus (port 03BAh reads x001xxxxx) 02h Hercules InColor (port 03BAh reads x101xxxxx) FFh not a Hercules-compatible card (port 03BAh bit 7 not pulsing) DH = memory mode byte 00h "half" mode 01h "full" mode FFh not a Hercules-compatible card Program: MSHERC.COM/QBHERC.COM is a support program for the Microsoft Quick languages which makes their graphics libraries compatible with a Hercules card by adding video modes 08h and 88h, and supporting text in the new graphics modes. Notes: while in mode 08h or 88h, INT 10 supports the Hercules card much like a CGA. MSHERC performs an installation check by setting DL=FFh and testing whether it has been changed on return, which causes it to reinstall itself when no HGC is present (or HGC emulation has temporarily been disabled); a better installation check would be to use DX=80FFh and check whether DX has been changed reportedly returns DH=00h on some not-entirely-Hercules-compatible cards Index: installation check;MSHERCTop
INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - READ ONE REGISTER AH = F0h BL = register number BH = 00h DX = group index (see #00223) Return: BL = data Note: the RIL is provided by EGA.SYS, the Microsoft Mouse driver, the OS/2 compatibility box, and others; it is used for software virtualization of write-only registers on an EGA video adapter, so that multiple programs may peacefully coexist without clobbering each other's display settings SeeAlso: AH=F1h"EGA",AH=F2h"EGA",AH=FAh"EGA",INT 2F/AX=BC00h (Table 00223) Values for group index: Pointer/data chips 00h CRT Controller (25 reg) 3B4h mono modes, 3D4h color modes 08h Sequencer (5 registers) 3C4h 10h Graphics Controller (9 registers) 3CEh 18h Attribute Controller (20 registers) 3C0h Single registers 20h Miscellaneous Output register 3C2h 28h Feature Control register (3BAh mono modes, 3DAh color modes) 30h Graphics 1 Position register 3CCh 38h Graphics 2 Position register 3CAhTop
INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = F0h Return: BX = 4F4Bh ('OK') Program: VHRBIOS.SYS is a driver for the Micro Display Systems "TheGenius" black&white A4/portrait monitor SeeAlso: AH=F1h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F2h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F4h"VHRBIOS.SYS" SeeAlso: AH=96h"VHRBIOS.SYS"Top
INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - WRITE ONE REGISTER AH = F1h DX = group index (see #00223) if single register: BL = value to write otherwise BL = register number BH = value to write Return: BL = data Note: the RIL is provided by EGA.SYS, the Microsoft Mouse driver, the OS/2 compatibility box, and others SeeAlso: AX=7F05h,AH=F0h"EGA",AH=F3h"EGA",AH=FAh"EGA"Top
INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - SET REVERSE VIDEO AH = F1h AL = new video state (bit 5 set for black text on white, clear for white on black) Return: ??? Program: VHRBIOS.SYS is a driver for the Micro Display Systems "TheGenius" black&white A4/portrait monitor SeeAlso: AH=F0h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F3h"VHRBIOS.SYS"Top
INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - READ REGISTER RANGE AH = F2h CH = starting register number CL = number of registers (>1) DX = group index (00h,08h,10h,18h) (see #00223) ES:BX -> buffer, CL bytes Return: nothing Note: the RIL is provided by EGA.SYS, the Microsoft Mouse driver, the OS/2 compatibility box, and others SeeAlso: AH=F0h"EGA",AH=F3h"EGA",AH=FAh"EGA"Top
INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - ??? AH = F2h Return: ??? Program: VHRBIOS.SYS is a driver for the Micro Display Systems "TheGenius" black&white A4/portrait monitor SeeAlso: AH=F0h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F4h"VHRBIOS.SYS"Top
INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - WRITE REGISTER RANGE AH = F3h CH = starting register CL = number of registers (>1) DX = group index (00h,08h,10h,18h) (see #00223) ES:BX -> buffer, CL bytes Return: nothing Note: the RIL is provided by EGA.SYS, the Microsoft Mouse driver, the OS/2 compatibility box, and others SeeAlso: AX=7F05h,AH=F1h"EGA",AH=F2h"EGA",AH=F4h"EGA"Top
INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - SWITCH BETWEEN DUAL MONITORS??? AH = F3h Return: ??? Program: VHRBIOS.SYS is a driver for the Micro Display Systems "TheGenius" black&white A4/portrait monitor SeeAlso: AH=F0h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F4h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F6h"VHRBIOS.SYS"Top
INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - READ REGISTER SET AH = F4h CX = number of registers to read (>1) ES:BX -> table of register records (see #00224) Return: register values in table filled in Note: the RIL is provided by EGA.SYS, the Microsoft Mouse driver, the OS/2 compatibility box, and others SeeAlso: AH=F0h"EGA",AH=F2h"EGA",AH=F5h"EGA" Format of EGA RIL entries in table of register records: Offset Size Description (Table 00224) 00h WORD group index Pointer/data chips 00h CRTC (3B4h mono modes, 3D4h color modes) 08h Sequencer 3C4h 10h Graphics Controller 3CEh 18h Attribute Controller 3C0h Single registers 20h Miscellaneous Output register 3C2h 28h Feature Control register (3BAh mono modes, 3DAh color) 30h Graphics 1 Position register 3CCh 38h Graphics 2 Position register 3CAh 02h BYTE register number (0 for single registers) 03h BYTE register valueTop
INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - GET VERSION AH = F4h Return: AX = driver version (AH = major, AL = minor) Program: VHRBIOS.SYS is a driver for the Micro Display Systems "TheGenius" black&white A4/portrait monitor SeeAlso: AH=F0h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F5h"VHRBIOS.SYS"Top
INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - WRITE REGISTER SET AH = F5h CX = number of registers to write (>1) ES:BX -> table of records (see #00224) Return: nothing Note: the RIL is provided by EGA.SYS, the Microsoft Mouse driver, the OS/2 compatibility box, and others SeeAlso: AX=7F05h,AH=F1h"EGA",AH=F3h"EGA",AH=F4h"EGA"Top
INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - GET VENDOR ID AH = F5h Return: AXBX = vendor ID (4D44h:5349h = 'MDSI' for Micro Display Systems Inc.) Program: VHRBIOS.SYS is a driver for the Micro Display Systems "TheGenius" black&white A4/portrait monitor SeeAlso: AH=F0h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F4h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F6h"VHRBIOS.SYS"Top
INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - REVERT TO DEFAULT REGISTERS AH = F6h Return: nothing Note: provided by the Microsoft Mouse driver, OS/2 compatibility box, and others SeeAlso: AH=F5h"EGA",AH=F7h"EGA"Top
INT 10 - VHRBIOS.SYS - GET INFO AH = F6h AL = what to get 00h device driver state Return: AX = device driver state 01h video mode info Return: AL = video mode DH = screen height in rows DL = screen width in columns Program: VHRBIOS.SYS is a driver for the Micro Display Systems "TheGenius" black&white A4/portrait monitor SeeAlso: AH=F0h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=F4h"VHRBIOS.SYS",AH=96h"VHRBIOS.SYSTop
INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - DEFINE DEFAULT REGISTER TABLE AH = F7h DX = port number Pointer/data chips 00h CRTC (3B4h mono modes, 3D4h color modes) 08h Sequencer 3C4h 10h Graphics Controller 3CEh 18h Attribute Controller 3C0h Single registers 20h Miscellaneous Output register 3C2h 28h Feature Control register (3BAh mono modes, 3DAh color modes) 30h Graphics 1 Position register 3CCh 38h Graphics 2 Position register 3CAh ES:BX -> table of one-byte entries, one byte to be written to each register Return: nothing Note: the RIL is provided by EGA.SYS, the Microsoft Mouse driver, the OS/2 compatibility box, and others SeeAlso: AH=F0h"EGA",AH=F6h"EGA"Top
INT 10 - EGA Register Interface Library - INTERROGATE DRIVER AH = FAh BX = 0000h Return: BX = 0000h if RIL driver not present ES:BX -> EGA Register Interface version number, if present: byte 0 = major release number byte 1 = minor release number Note: the RIL is provided by EGA.SYS, the Microsoft Mouse driver, the OS/2 compatibility box, and others SeeAlso: AH=F0h"EGA",AH=F6h"EGA",INT 2F/AX=BC00hTop
INT 10 - FASTBUFF.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = FAh Return: AX = 00FAh if installed ES = segment of resident code Program: FASTBUFF.COM is a keyboard speedup/screen blanking utility by David Steiner Index: screen saver;FASTBUFFTop
INT 10 - TopView - GET SHADOW BUFFER AH = FEh ES:DI -> assumed video buffer B800h:0000h color text/CGA graphics, B000h:0000h mono text, or A000h:0000h EGA/VGA graphics (RSIS environments only) Return: ES:DI -> actual video buffer for calling process Desc: Determine the address of the virtual screen to which the program should write instead of the actual video memory; this permits programs to be multitasked without interfering with each other's output, and allows memory managers to move the video memory to permit larger programs to be loaded. Notes: if no multitasker or RSIS-compliant environment is installed, ES:DI is returned unchanged; RSIS is the Relocated Screen Interface Specification for display pages other than 0, use AH=05h and AH=0Fh to determine whether a particular page exists TopView requires a call to AH=FFh to notify it that the screen has changed; DESQview will check for changes itself until the first call to AH=FFh SeeAlso: AH=05h,AX=5201h,AH=FFh,INT 15/AX=1024h,INT 21/AH=2Bh"DESQview" SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=ECh"DoubleDOS"Top
INT 10 - TopView - UPDATE SCREEN FROM SHADOW BUFFER AH = FFh CX = number of consecutive changed characters ES:DI -> first changed character in shadow buffer Return: nothing Notes: avoid CX=0000h DESQview will discontinue the automatic screen updating initiated by AH=FEh after this call not supported (ignored) by DESQview/X 1.0x SeeAlso: AH=93h,AH=FEhTop
INT 10 - DJ GO32.EXE 80386+ DOS extender - VIDEO EXTENSIONS AH = FFh AL = video mode (see #00225) Program: GO32.EXE is a DOS extender included as part of the 80386 port of the GNU C/C++ compiler by DJ Delorie and distributed as DJGPP SeeAlso: AH=00h,INT 21/AH=FFh"GO32" (Table 00225) Values for GO32 video mode number: 00h 80x25 text 01h default text 02h CXxDX text 03h biggest text 04h 320x200 graphics 05h default graphics 06h CXxDX graphics 07h biggest non-interlaced graphics 08h biggest graphics Index: video modes;GO32Top
INT 10 - VIDEO - Oak VGA BIOS v1.02+ - SET EMULATION AH = FFh AL = emulation 43h ('C') CGA emulation 45h ('E') EGA emulation 4Dh ('M') Hercules emulation 56h ('V') VGA emulation ES:DI -> signature string "Calamity" Return: VGA switched to suggested mode SeeAlso: AH=00h,AX=007Fh/BH=00h,AX=007Fh/BH=02h,AX=5F01hTop
INT 10 - CARBON COPY PLUS v5.0 - CHECK IF CC CONNECTED TO CCHELP AX = FF00h Return: BL = state 00h not connected 01h connected SeeAlso: AX=FF01h,AX=FF02hTop
INT 10 - CARBON COPY PLUS v5.0 - DISCONNECT AND RESET LINE AX = FF01h Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=FF00h,AX=FF02hTop
INT 10 - CARBON COPY PLUS v5.0 - GET LAST PHONE NUMBER DIALED AX = FF02h Return: ES:DI -> ASCIZ phone number SeeAlso: AX=FF00h,AX=FF01hTop