Interrupt List Release 61 Last change 16jul00
Copyright (c) 1989-1999,2000 Ralf Brown
Index for interrupt INT 00

Table of Contents by Order
00 - INT 00 C - CPU-generated - DIVIDE ERROR
00 - INT 00 - Zenith - ROM DEBUGGER

00 - INT 00 C - CPU-generated - DIVIDE ERROR
INT 00 C - CPU-generated - DIVIDE ERROR
Desc:	generated if the divisor of a DIV or IDIV instruction is zero or the
	  quotient overflows the result register; DX and AX will be unchanged.
Notes:	on an 8086/8088, the return address points to the following instruction
	on an 80286+, the return address points to the divide instruction
	an 8086/8088 will generate this interrupt if the result of a division
	  is 80h (byte) or 8000h (word)
SeeAlso: INT 04,OPCODE "AAD"

00 - INT 00 - Zenith - ROM DEBUGGER
INT 00 - Zenith - ROM DEBUGGER
Desc:	invokes the ROM Debugger when at the BIOS level; equivalent to
	  pressing Ctrl-Alt-Ins on booting.
Note:	since DOS revectors INT 00, it is necessary to restore this vector to
	  its original ROM BIOS value in order to invoke the debugger once DOS
SeeAlso: INT 03"Columbia"

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